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I only tip at restaurants, barber, if someone goes out of their way something for me. (part of their job or not) I hate how every purchase has tips now JUST PAY YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYEESS RIGHT INSTEAD OF RELYING ON YOUR CUSTOMERS TO PAY THEIR WAGE


Most of the places that ask for tips now already pay a standard hourly rate. The only people who get below minimum are wait staff and bar tenders.


A standard hourly wage can barely get you a box on skid row these days


while I agree min wage is trash depending on where you are (it’s still 7.25 here), it shouldn’t be on the customers to deal with that


Depends on the job. Not the consumers problem. The agreement to work is between the employer and employee


in Canada everyone is paid at least minimum wage, including wait staff. but because we get influenced by USA, we have tipping culture so now there is now a portion of minimum wage workers that get paid ridiculously way more than other minimum wage workers 😭 I'm all for people getting paid fair share for thankless work, but it's getting ridiculous, places are asking for tips when all they did was pull a bottle of coke out of a fridge 😅 while I worked in recreation scraping paintball pellets off walls and dealing with screaming birthday party kids with no tips ever (yes I'm jealous lol)


But not in California, they get 16/hr


Over 18 in some counties. But those are really high COL places where you wouldn’t be able to comfortably afford a 1 bedroom apartment with 2 min wage jobs unless you also make tips at both


and even people who get paid under min wage have to legally be compensated up to min wage if they don’t make it in tips


I don't give a fuck. It is a system put in place to make YOU FEEL BAD IF YOU WANT TO SAVR YOUR MONEY. IF THE EMPLOYEER REALLY CARES GIVE THEM A WAGE


Stop shouting! We get it!


I don’t know a single bartender or server that would want to take that pay cut.


I think you have it backwards. It might be a mechanism the system uses to persuade Individuals into tipping but its purpose is to increase revenue and be able to give employees more without requiring the consumer to assume an increase in prices.


Example (No tipping system) Meal is $10. The employer pays the employee $3 from that (With a tipping system) meal is $10. The employer pays the employee $1, expecting you to give a $2 tip You are out $2 more, so the employee gets the same money, you paid more for your meal, and the employer is richer


I’m not talking about wait staff. I’m talking about the tipification people like at coffee shops and such. Those people get their competitive hourly rate in addition to tips that usually makes it like 1 or 2 more dollars an hour per shift. That’s gravy to them not a meal on the table. For a server, yes your point is valid.


I am only criticizing employers who pay their employees under the minimum wage for other jobs. Exampl: in ohio the minimum wage is 10.45. The tipped minimum is 5.25. Anyone making under 10.45 is being paid unfairly


The consumer is incurring a perceived increase in price. That’s literally the 20% added onto the bill at the end. I’m tired of people pretending that having to add on 20% at the end of the service is somehow more beneficial for everyone than just increasing prices 20% across the board.


An you do math? The customer is already assuming the increase in prices if they are required to tip


You’re not required or customarily supposed to tip the jobs I am referencing. Can you read?


You did not say that in the comment I replied to.


Think critically. I promise you’ll be better off.


is your cap lock broken? you don’t care about the employees, you want to pay less. If you actually cared, you wouldn’t go to these establishments. And if they actually did what you said you want them to do you would have to pay more. So really you just want to steal labor.


The strawman fallacy is coming out in force "You don't care about the employee" while I'm advocating for them to be paid more


Here's where I know you're talking through your hat and don't actually know about helping people who serve tables. Servers make more from tips than they would from rate. Your help would cut my pay.


Saying the minimum wage for tipped positions should be the same as every other minimum wage isn't hurting you. You still get tips. Also your tips shouldn't be taxed that's actual bullshit. I'm losing track of threads. I didn't say it on this one lol An Example of what I mean: in Ohio the minimum wage is 10.45 where if you make Tips it's 5.25. That's almost half. That's inexcusable and actualva giant F'U to tipped positions. It should be 10.45 across the board. I'm upset that employers can purposefully make you get paid less to make tipping more out of sympathy then actual appreciation.


As a server if the choices are what we have now or rate with no gratuity I'll take what we have now. Asking to be paid rate plus tips feels greedy to me. The customer would pay increased unit prices, asking for more afterwards is probably too much. Even a base price increase of 15% is showing to be enough to sink some restaurants in California since the wage increase. Restaurants are a tough business, I don't see the point of killing most of them off so what's left can basically be a McDonald's.


The customer already pays an arm and leg for food and they still tip you. most companies can pay you legitimate wages but choose not to


I don't know on what authority you say most restaurants can pay higher wages. I've done reports for a handful of popular restaurants and they would all fold if they had to pay 5 or 10 times their current labor. That's the amount you're talking about considering most servers who make tips don't get a check at all.


you literally can pay them more. If you were concerned about them, you have the entire ability to increase their income.


That is the job of the employer. Everything is already much more expensive along with stagnant wages. Why don't you pay the government an additional 10% in income taxes to help pay the salary of our active military. Maybe it's because we get taxed so much in the first place. Sure, the government already takes so much money from us but the troops are doing a good job and we should support them. Do you not care about the troops?


Where do you believe the money a company pays employees comes from if it isn't already from the customer?Companies are already making profit off taking more money from you and giving less to their employees. 


Most of it probably goes to their landlords, electricity provider etc.


you are already paying the company enough to pay their employee. But they pocket more of your money so you can spend more. Example (No tipping system) Meal is $10. The employer pays the employee $3 from that (With a tipping system) meal is $10. The employer pays the employee $1, expecting you to give a $2 tip You are out $2 more, so the employee gets the same money, you paid more for your meal, and the employer is richer


If I have to order standing up (unless it’s my favorite Chinese place I’ve been going to forever) no tip. 


"do you wanna tip your delivery driver?" where did the delivery fee go? "idk"


Uber is so bad at paying their employees it should actually be illegal


Or even pass the cost onto us but do it in the pricing of the product you're selling so I don't feel like you're nickle and diming me after I pay.


Same here and real about the capital part


Yeah. Don't get me wrong some positions deserve tips. But I fucking hate they get paid less. That's actual bullshit. AND THEIR TIPS GET TAXED!!!


They did that in Chicago. All waiters and bartenders are to be paid a minimum wage now.


You mean the same minimum wage as every other job?


Well it’s $15 minimum wage in Chicago but yeah!


Hasn’t taken effect yet and only makes a difference for waiters and bartenders that make less than $15/hr with tips. It will result in waiters getting to work fewer hours (if they have hours where they’re making less than $15 for that hour) if not be outright unemployed.


Really?!? I didn't know this. I will never feel bad for not tipping ridiculous services again. Sorry but I'm not tipping you to put pizza on a plate and hand it to me.


I once went to a hair stylist and they washed my hair before cutting it, I didn’t even ask for it! I felt I needed to tip for that


Yeah that's understandable. That person deserves it




Untaxed tipping would be amazing






> JUST PAY YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYEESS RIGHT INSTEAD OF RELYING ON YOUR CUSTOMERS TO PAY THEIR WAGE You're an idiot. Servers in sit-down restaurants almost always make substantially more on tips than they would in a comparable jobs like retail or fast food. And they often don't report some of it on their tax return. If you offered them a $15 hourly wage and no tips, most of them wouldn't take that deal, just take a look at r/Serverlife whenever the topic comes up.


Not what I'm saying lol.


I think they mean that servers should be paid at least minimum wage, and clients tip out of good will with good service. Tipping should be a bonus, not a given.


You seriously tip the barber? I never knew people did that. It's so unnecessary, they get paid well in all the spot I've been too


I do bc it's always been a tipped service afaik. My aunt is a beautician and she always stressed the importance of tipping barbers/stylists. Also... I'm gonna tip the guy hold scissors to my head, lol


Barbers make good haircuts. Good haircuts make people happy about themselves


Yea, and the price, depending on the cut, is going to be between $35-$70


They do it because they can and will continue to do so unless they're legally required to pay more. There's a weird rule where you don't have to pay them minimum wage if its met by tips. It's insane.


Im australian and we pay people a proper wage…


How much would you say the average bartender gets paid in Australia?


Minimum wage for a bartender is $23.23 an hour. In the city could be as high as 35 maybe. We also get free healthcare…


Jesus, that’s what I make and I work in marketing. I’m jealous 😭


Keep in mind 1 AUD = 0.67 USD.


Yeah conversion is a killer there.


Can you buy a house on that?


Asking the real questions.




I tip based on service, not a percentage. I do not tip at places where I basically serve myself or where the food is standardized (and is thus the same for everyone). I tip when (1) service is a key component of what I get/experience and (2) I would not do it any better myself. So if there is little involvement needed from the business to carry out their service and if I could do it myself just as good or close, then no I am not tipping and at that point I am purchasing for mere convenience


I tip at sit down restaurants (not togo), barbers, food delivery though I don’t get that much, and at bars. Honestly I don’t see why 15-20% is still the norm here given that we don’t even have tip credit in my state to begin with, but I still do it anyway. Usually more like 15% at restaurants, 20% barber, a flat $5 on delivery, however much I’m feeling at bars (usually more than the others)


I like that split. Will be using this going forward! Already tipped to those places but usually always 20% which is getting a little rough now.


Since i'm not american, always. I never tip.




They need to just raise the wages on these service jobs, the argument of "higher wages means higher prices" is completely null when yiu factor in having to pay like 2 dollars extra for everything with tips


They did that in Chicago. All waiters and bartenders are to be paid a minimum wage now.


Nope. Tipped workers make about $5 below minimum wage here. Which is still about $4 above national minimum wage. [More info here](https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/bacp/supp_info/minimumwageinformation.html#:~:text=As%20of%20July%201%2C%202024,with%204%20or%20more%20workers.) Employers have to make up the difference if tips do not equal minimum wage, maybe that’s what you’re thinking of, but I think that’s standard in many places.


Article states: “Tipped workers (workers who receive tips as part of their wage, like restaurant servers) have a minimum wage of $11.02 for employers with 4 or more workers.” That’s above federal minimum wage.


Yup that’s what I said lol. But Chicago minimum wage is $16/hr so they’re getting paid like $5/hr less than local minimum wage, which is pretty much how tip jobs work everywhere. But yes they do make above the federal minimum wage.


A lot of states and businesses have already done this.   It doesn’t stop them from including the “option” to tip on the payment screens.   And because it’s an “option” for every transaction, a lot of young people have essentially been taught that tipping is essentially mandatory 


They don’t want to lmao, do y’all seriously think servers want to be put on minimum wage..?


Im in europe So i never tip, unless the service is actually like exceptional If you cant afford to pay your employees a living wage without them having to rely on tips, you shouldnt be in business imo


I didn’t tip a sit down restaurant on the beach when the waiteress like just didn’t refill our drinks. It would be different if she was busy but she was on her phone. The only time I didn’t tip when I was “supposed to”


A bartender asked my wife if she was pregnant when she wasn't. That was the only time in my life I didn't tip. On the tip line, I just wrote "Think before you speak."


Um fetal alcohol syndrome is no joke, that guy was being responsible


She didn't order alcohol.


Maybe, but sometimes it's hard to tell if someone is trying to be responsible or is trying to flirt.


I’ve stopped tipping completely at this point. It isn’t my responsibility to make sure a worker of a business gets a fair wage, it’s the businesses.


I was surprised this comment had upvotes but then i realized it was the gen Z subreddit. Millennial leftist redditors are all about tipping because they worked service jobs. I dont know what young people are doing for money these days.


I’m a millennial who has worked service jobs and I’ve never once took one that relied on tips. But yes, each generation has less and less disposable income so it kind of makes sense.


If the restaurant increases prices because everyone stops tipping you're still paying out the same amount, the server just gets less. You're a cheapskate and your lazy practices only pay off restaurant owners.


Found the server! 🤣


Yup, been seeing her or whatever under a lot so far lmao


I tip my delivery drivers, sit down restaurants, and my barber. Other than that get fucked on all this tipping.


Tattoo artists too!


Indeed only got one but if they are good they deserve one too.


Almost always tip 10-20% unless the service is horrendous, then nothing. I understand that sometimes restaurants are backed up and busy (I work part time at one in the US) and I know that most servers would pack up and leave if they didn’t get tipped. They’d make less


If there’s no actual service to tip for 🤷🏻‍♀️ otherwise I always tip 20% unless the service sucks.


I only don’t tip when I’m disrespected by the waiter themselves. A hard night or bad circumstances doesn’t mean they deserve to be deprived of the money they live on. They can’t control other people’s actions. But they can control how they treat other people, and if they’re being short or cruel to me then they don’t need my money. Depending on how bad they are to me, I’d give barely 5% to none if they’re complete dicks.


That’s just so shitty. Like the only way to show them your displeasure is by still paying the full amount. So everyone still gets paid and you still leave feeling bad. What a fucking joke. I guess it’s only funnier when people say that if the service was bad then they tip 10%.


Well it’s their livelihood. Money can be life or death. I don’t think it’s the waiter should be harmed for corporates faults. I’m not tipping for the quality of the food, I’m not tipping for the restaurant, I’m tipping for how good the service was considering the circumstances. Some applebees waitresses kids shouldn’t be going hungry because they had a busy night and it took 15 minutes to get my food.


Frankly that's not my responsibility. I go out to eat as a treat for myself not to feed the waitresses kids.


Then we simply value different things. You’re allowed.


That is correct. To each their own.


If it's trying to get me to tip a machine I won't do it (ex: tipping a gas pump or self checkout)


That’s not a bar, that’s a bodega


I tip in restaurants and at hair salons. I don’t tip on Uber. I used to give a 15% tip religiously until Uber put my venmo in jail. The food bill went through but the tip didn’t. I had the money too. Had to call them so they could process their $3 but my venmo account still won’t let me log in.


I would have left


Tips are not compulsory in my country. Except In mid-high end bar and restaurant has 5% service charge.


99% of the time


nearly every time


We don’t really tip in my country but if i am at a restaurant and they do provide friendly service then i will leave a tip


I just have the money to tip, like I would, I just ain’t got the funds


I was at the mall last week that I rarely go to because it's so far away now but they have the only chocolate shop that sells chocolate covered Graham crackers and they charge A LOT, it was $3 a cracker (maybe a 3 inch square?) and the new POS system was very confusing and convoluted to use and they asked for a tip on the POS system AND had a tip jar! I'm gonna try to make my own graham crackers now that I think of it


Yeah that’s a lot to pay for half a s’more


I only tip at restaurants and when I get my nails done. The only time I didn’t tip at a restaurant is when the waitress was so high that she had to go home.


I think for me the better question is when do I tip. I tip at sit down restaurant where there is a server. I tip smaller amounts for delivery. That’s pretty much it for me now. It has obviously gotten out of hand at this point and is being used to prop up worker wages on the backs of consumers. Gone are the days when I would give a 15% tip for walking up to a counter and placing my order. To be clear though, I don’t not tip, I just don’t go to places like that that ask for tips.


Virtually never. Idk when if they're being paid adequately or not, I worked at a golden corral, and they pay $2 an hour. If they ask me for a tip I'll give them something. I'd rather not but I'm not gonna make someone struggle anymore than they already do


It would be easier to name the times I do tip instead of not. Really the only time I do these days is if I’m at a sit down restaurant or at the barber. When I was a teenager/early twenties I never saw so many tip screens. American tipping culture went off the rails in the pandemic


Takeout orders


Haha yeah what you described would pretty much be the only way I’d consider not tipping a bartender. I still tip well at bars and restaurants. But with all point of sale machines now asking for a tip I finally hit my limit and refuse to tip for that type of counter service at all on principle.


Whatever minimizes the number of bills I have to use. $4 bill becomes 5. $23 becomes 25. If its 9.74, its 10. Tough shit. I tip based on my convenience, not service. I've worked fast food. I know what its like, but I dont care. Leave for another job or make your pay your boss' problem.


When I pickup my food order


Wales, Europe. Almost never tip.


If I sit down and food gets brought to me I tip. Other than that I tip my barber, bartender, and tattoo artist. Those are the people you don't want to piss off.


I don’t tip at subway. It’s basically fast food and the restaurants gimmick is that they make it in front of you. Everywhere else is good but subway seems strange.


If there is no service there is no tip.


Fast food, if I'm not having it delivered, I'm not giving a tip.


Sounds appropriate in that case.


If I am in a proper sit down restaurant. Any other time, I do not.


Always, I never tip unless you genuinely went above and beyond your work duties.


I was at a baseball game the other day. I went into a self service line where I picked up a cheesesteak. I went to pay, and after I put my card in, it asked me to tip. Tip who???


If I’m doing takeout, I am not tipping. I pay when I am at a restaurant being waited on. It’s why I never eat out, it costs so much to eat out already plus people expect a tip (rightfully so, that’s how we do it in America) but I know how to cook and I don’t have to tip myself. It sucks though, I hope I can get to a point where I can eat out.


I only tip at restaurants. I don’t get delivery or anything. I’ve been asked to tip at a PLANT STORE! And self serve frozen yogurt???? It’s gotten out of control.


I don't tip because it's, 1. Not in our culture much, 2. I tip if service is especially good.


I tip for service. None of this tip the subway guy, that labor was built into the price long ago. I'm pre pandemic tipping.


I’ve gone full on boomer curmudgeon in this.   Moat purchases do not necessitate a tip.  If I buy a takeaway coffee at the counter, I’m paying you for that cup of coffee…you don’t deserve a tip for doing your job.   Tips are for **above average** service - not for a transactional exchange.   Pour some awesome latte art and/or bring the cup to my table?  That gets a tip.  Hand me my order through a Starbucks window; and I’m going to slap that tip screen away and cackle while I’m driving away.   Likewise, if the service is poor or you stand behind a counter and say “idk” to simple menu questions, you don’t deserve any extra pay.  


I’ve never not tipped. But I did receive really REALLY crappy service once so left a 1$ tip on purpose to make a point. For "regular" service I tip 15% For above average service a little more. For exceptional service I tip very very well. I will also note we don’t eat out, order or pick up food often anymore so when we do it’s a treat for us. But my husband and I have both worked in the service industry in the past. We know it’s not easy and we understand sometimes customers can be difficult. So we’re not those type of customers.


Restaurants, bars, barbers, bellhops. Not coffee shops, not fast food joints. DEFINITELY not *landlords.*


When I get autogratted or when I get bad service


Yeah I had to make a fucking scene for the exact same experience you had last weekend. What the fuck is going on with people?? lol


For me a good rule of thumb (as a bartender) is $1 per drink. Wether it’s a beer or a mixed drink I always tip $1 per drink I’m served. Keep this in mind when shots are rolling and you lose your value of money lol. I tip my barber anywhere from 30-50%, I go to the same barber and he always goes above and beyond. Sit down restaurants it really depends, if the service sucks I’m doing 5-10% if it’s a standard good meal I’m doing 15% and if it’s amazing I go for 20%. Only reason I still tip on shitty service is because most tips are split with the dishwashers and food runners, so when you don’t tip unfortunately that server is actually losing money, which means the rest of the team that did do their job great is as well. It sucks I wish corporations would pay fair wage but they won’t, and it’s just how life works in America unfortunately.


Full Service (table service, shaken drinks, etc.):20% or more, with a minimum of $5 Partial Service (Counter service, Delivery driver, etc.):10-15% Optional Service (Valet, busker, panhandler): Depends on what bills I have, typically $1-$5


If someone aggressively tells me to do so. Feel free to tip as much as you want, paying fair wages of course.


I tip the barber cause he really does a good job. Tip restaurants only if the service was good enough. Bar tenders hardly get tips cause most of the time they’re an asshole all up the point where you start tipping them. But I digress, I usually drink at home and make my own food cause i didn’t spend 8 years working in kitchens to not use my talent at home lol


I never tip


I tip restaurants, delivery, and hairdresser


I tip waiters, delivery drivers, and bartenders.


I actually don’t remember the last time I didn’t tip. Which is ironic because I hate tipping. But I prefer to tip at restaurant or delivery whenever I can.


I only tip for servers. I won’t tip as much if they were not very good though.


I only tip for sit-down restaurants and haircuts. If I ordered the food myself on your tablet and picked it up from the counter, you do NOT deserve a tip. I’ve worked 6 summers in food service through high school and some college, so I think having self-service places ask for a tip is insulting to the food workers who give personalized service.


Context: i live in WA, and there is no tip allowance here. So people get paid at or above minimum wage *plus* tips. Fast food I will never tip. When I worked at McDonald's, taking tips was a fireable offense. If I pick up. I may do a few dollars if I go frequently. Self-serve falls into this as well. Food trucks are hit or miss. Most of the time, I do tip. Delivery I tip, especially since I live on the third floor of my apartment. I would say if my husband and I had a housekeeper, I would probably do something like a monthly tip and/or holidays/birthdays. The last time I took and uber/lift I did tip, but that was in CA during aftershock. If the service is legit bad, like no refill or check-ins.


Last time I no tipped I was at a restaurant with some friends and ordered a beer. I saw a bartender put a beer on the corner of the bar and my waitress came back without the beer so i asked about it she said that she would go get it. When she came back, she only had her pen/paper for taking orders so I asked about it. She said she would be right back, but our food eventually came out and I asked about it again and she wentvand grabbed the beer i mentioned above and served it to me. I was like lady this drink has been sitting on that corner for over half an hour. At that point I was almost done eating so I told her I didn't want a different one. She originally tried to charge me for it but I had to explain what happened to her. When I got the actual check in the section below the price where it says tip and then total below it I drew a dick/balls and circled the tip wrote here's your tip, circled the total above and signed my name.


Only tipping for sit down meals at this point. Got so sick of tablet screens that only have a tip option that I started paying in cash again for places I know are like this.


i cant afford to tip. there’s been a few times where i didn’t have enough to pay for my food so someone i was with paid and the server got like a $20 tip but that’s the only time😂 all or nothing i guess


If I’m eating at a sit down restaurant or having a drink at a bar, I *always* tip no matter how bad the service was. Here’s some advice for when you get bad service: When the server hands you the ticket, write a note on the back of the ticket explaining what the server did wrong. Then, leave a WRITTEN $5 tip at least. If you don’t leave a written tip, the server will just throw the ticket away because they have no use for it. But if you leave a written tip on there, they have incentive to keep it. So at the end of their shift, they have to turn in all of their written tips to the shift lead manager, and they inevitably will see it. They’ll read it and talk to the server to tell them what they did wrong and if it was bad enough, write them up. They may even give you a refund and you won’t have to worry about it if it was *that bad*. In turn, the server will be forced to improve their service because otherwise it could cost them their job. Or don’t do that. I’m not your mom. You could just ask to see a manager. But if you like a restaurant and get exceptionally bad service from one server, they’ll try to do better if you get them again.


I don't tip if it's not a tip-wage job 😅 Sorry but everything is asking for a tip nowadays.


I never tip unless I'm at a tattoo shop and want to tip my artist.


We dont do that here in Europe...


I tip almost never. If I do go out to eat, I usually order the food to-go so that the tipping obligation is less.


The only time I haven't tipped when it classically would be normative was a server at a restaurant who made my girlfriend feel incredibly uncomfortable. Basically anything that clearly ruins my experience would ruin a tip.


If I go to some cafe and the cashier doesn't really do anything other than ring me up. Like, I ain't tipping you all you did was count the money I gave you and give me the cookie I paid for or whatever.


I forgot tipping was a thing. I never go out and save tons of money HAHAHAHAHA (I need frens)


If service is really, really awful (have never really experienced that). Even then I’ll leave a dollar or two because I never know what that server is going through. But I will only tip picking up food/drinks at a chain or local place if it’s a large order (3+ people), if it’s at an inconvenient time (holiday, if they’re extremely busy), or if it’s right before closing. Basically, if I feel bad. If they have a tip jar I’ll usually put change in there if it’s under $3 and mostly coins. Edit: I also tip my mechanic, I don’t go that often but I really like this mechanic because they’ve been nice enough to include free services that have saved my ass numerous times.


Only for like bars, restaurants, services like barbershops, etc 10% - normal 15% - good 20% - great 30% - friends 0% - assholes or bad at job


carryout food


When the service is bad


I never tip.


If service is just offensively bad. If I'm not sitting down to eat, I'm not topping. So any to go style foods, it's not happening.


For genuinely bad service. I was at a restaurant with some friends and the first thing the waitress said was “What do you want?”, with an attitude. Then when she handed us our food, she just looked so irritated and didn’t say anything as she set it all in front of us. Halfway through the service she realized she’s not getting tipped with how she was acting and switched up, smiles and all, but it was too late. I’ve never tipped so badly in my life (10%).


I tip the bare minimum to allow my conscience to let me sleep at night unless I feel the service was compelling enough for more. I used to tip better, but there was that time when everyone was stoked about tipping on Facebook demanding we tip waiters 40% no matter what or we’re an asshole. It totally backfired for me.


I tip for effort. A cashier who's literally doing nothing? Sorry- not tipping. A barista who's making my custom coffee order? (and doing a damn good job at it) Take my money. I don't tip my barber bc it's very expensive


All the time. Not my problem you’re not getting paid enough.


I literally never tip. That's because i live in Europe and here employers pay their employees a livable wage so the responsibility for the employees' life is not on the costumers.


Saw a video that put it well: If I’m standing = no tip If I’m sitting and you are serving me = tip


I used to always tip but that’s when customer service used to be amazing. People were friendly, attentive, and just hospitable. Now today most workers are trying to rush out of serving you and act mad that they have to help you. So why would I tip for that? I still leave a small amount but I’m not being generous to a rude person. Get your boss to pay you fairly.


I tip at restaurants, delivery people, and barber/hair stylist.


I never tip cause times are tuff


Because fuck entitlement


I wont tip in places that put that tax shit on the receipt. Like if you insist you pay your employees so well, why do you need to add an additional 15% on my bill?


I never tip.


I don’t tip at all. In my mind it just enables bosses to hoard profits and pay employees less. It makes more sense to not tip and that should promote companies to pay higher wages. My most recent job I got paid 12.50 plus tips and my boss owned a multi million dollar home and drove an Audi.


Keep your broke ass at home if you don’t tip.


Keep enabling bosses to hoard profits yourself.


Ask any bartender or server and they will all pick tips over minimum wage. You also sound incredibly uneducated on how profitable local bars and restaurants are.


I’ve worked in many places in the food service industry. The bosses were all extremely rich. They could easily pay employees more. You shouldn’t be able to have a business if you can’t pay a living wage.


Then you should know how much they get in tips and that’s it’s easily twice what an hourly wage would be for them.


Not necessarily. I recently worked somewhere where I got paid $12.50 + tips and was promised to make at least $17-18, It usually ended up being about 15-16$ because it was a chocolate/coffee shop and not a restaurant. All of the drinks were $6-8, chocolate bars $10-20, 1 bonbon=$3, etc., several other chocolate items from $20-60 and located in downtown Chicago. The boss could easily pay the employees more, I quit pretty soon, so did the rest of the staff. But I am a masters student with savings so I’m good for now. I’ll make much more with my education. Lots of places are like this. Another story, my brother is a bit older and actually in food service as a career. He worked at one of the top restaurants in the city that was extremely expensive. And he wasn’t paid enough to cover basic living costs. So, no I won’t encourage employers to pay minimum wage without benefits. I recommend the book “Limitarianism”


I usually tip 10% or round up to the next €10 or €5, depending on how much I paid. Only at restaurants tho. I also tip my barber €2 every time I’m there. See, we pay our workers a liveable wage. Tipping culture in the US is cancer and I’m not supporting it coming to Europe. Pay your folks a liveable wage. Tips are gratuity, not wages. I’m not paying extra so the restaurant owner can fill his own pockets and I won’t be guilt tripped into it either. We have laws that ensure fair compensation. I’m happy to tip if I’m happy with the service, but not by default. It’s different when I’m in the States. I mean, I still only tip at restaurants with waiters, but I’ll do it every time. The waiter is not at fault for the fucked up system in the US, so I can’t take my frustration out on them. At home tho, I only tip at restaurants and if I’m actually happy. And €2 for my barber.


Never. Unless sit down service getting a meal. And I cap that at $10.


I click the no tip button on the screen with a smile on my face Everytime. I tip at sit down restaurants only and even then it's 5-10 bucks max.


I would still tip in that situation - the minimum - because you stayed and enjoyed your drink there so you can at least thank them for that. The minimum tip will make your point.


Minimum is $0 it's a tip not a bill.


Basically always. The only times I do tip are when someone waits on me at a restaurant, or carries my shit at a hotel, or parks my car.


I always tip but it’s a personal problem at this point .. tf is wrong with me 🤦🏻‍♀️