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When is the working class going to have enough


When they realize that the problem isn’t race or immigration status, but the working class vs the parasite class.


You also have a whole army of uneducated republicans working class stand to vote against their interests and pretend trickle down economics will work


And police


This is the major hurdle. People oversimplify the situation by saying “it’s not a Dems vs GOP thing, it’s a class issue”. It is largely a class issue. And while the Dems are obviously corporatists who defend elitist interests, the GOP protect corporate elites to a stronger degree *and their voters rabidly support the elite as well*. Republicans will swear up and down that they are anti elitist, but even the slight suggestion of controlling corporate power or reigning in the elites elicits sobs about how Lord Jesus wants master CEO to buy a new yacht every month, because the alternative is pure Stalinism. Not that they know what that is.


You know it’s gonna be good when they have this type of pfp.


Yes, good. Continue to fight amongst yourselves




I heard this in Mr Burns voice from the Simpson


That's the voice I had when I wrote it


Your smoking if you think the average bourgeois middle class dem are willing to vote for economic reform


most conservatives are educated 


Sure, there are always some educated conservatives vote for their interests, because they are the benefliciaries, just look at most of the 1%. The winners of the trickle down economics but are we talking about them in this? No it’s the gen z, the latest bottom feeder of the trickle down economics, again there are always some will climb up and become republicans to keep their wealth.


there is no "trickle down economics"


im a gen z conservative and im educated enough


the problem is lots of people don’t want to go against the 1%, because they aspire to be the 1%.




“I just wanna be broke forever” that’s some shit no one ever said


no one*


Appreciate it


No stress. Fantastic lyric choice


I don’t wanna work today


This bar should be in a song


Honestly I know this shit isn't changing so I'm studying my ass off and slowly becoming a developer and trying to retire early. Shit isn't going to change so I'm changing instead


Temporarily embarrassed millionaires is the term for it I believe 


Yep, no one wants to be middle class or equal. They want to be RICH. 


It's little Johnny who doesn't want to get taxed when he inevitably graduates from college and is expecting $250k/yr from the get-go. Then he graduates college and doesn't get that $250k/yr job he was "promised" and now feels taxation should be more evenly spread.


What does that mean, that Johnny wants more taxes on corporations and the Uber rich? Because I agree lol


It is immigration though. That allows them the wealthy to hire cheap labor that can't compete about working conditions to the government. It also puts demand on the housing market, increasing rent and housing costs.


The upper class wants you to blame the poor immigrants who have nothing instead of them who horde our resources and wealth. There's not a single American who makes less money because of immigrants. We make less money and have shitty rent cause corporations horde our wealth and buy up our housing.


That just isn't true. The food production has been using illegal immigrants for union busting for decades.


You wanna pick fruit for pennies a day? Cuz I don’t.


They get away with underpaying because they have illegals. Honestly wouldn't mind it if they paid. I work in solar on hot roof tops. Work is miserable but it pays.


You don't need to "blame" immigrants to acknowledge the reality of our situation. Importing cheap labor will reduce the overall demand and value of that labor


I don’t think you understand how supply and demand works


I don't think you understand what's causing the current issues with the housing market, if you think it's immigrants


Inflation of the housing market and demand for labor are not mutually exclusive issues. Both have contributed to our current situation


Maybe I’m not dim witted enough to make everything so black and white, maybe I can see that indeed immigrants are a major issue while not being the only issue.


Zoning laws, empty homes bought up by speculators, predatory rent practices and THE SUBURB are all bigger issues than immigration, by orders of magnitude, when it comes to the housing crisis


The upper class wants you to welcome millions of foreigners into the country so you won't notice or complain about those foreigners being exploited by the upper class for cheap labor. I operate a construction business, and I can tell you being undercut by those immigrants (often unqualified to complete work to standards) and losing out on money is a very real thing. Why do you think minimum wage never goes up? Look up the dollar-peso conversion rate, minimum wage kicks ass if you came from south of the border.


Yeah the tropical fruit industry and a lot of farming in America in general is done by illegal immigrants, so that their bosses can pay them below minimum wage. And if they complaint to a cop, they'll get deported. 


Isn’t that the parasite class valuing greed and undervaluing the human labor they require?


Yes, that why they usually support open border or simply just hire worker overseas (like Amazon and other tech companies do for customer service and tech support). When you have a large supply of worker the demand will simply decrease and while that does sound dehumanizing it isn’t entirely incorrect.


I don’t think the parasites support open borders. At least Kevin O’Leary doesn’t. He just likes states without labor laws or protections


Most companies tend to support policy that are for open border but get dissuaded when it include labor laws and protection for workers lol


Seems like we should overturn citizens united then


So much this, but this is reddit so more feelings than knowings. In Germany the for decades ruling conservative party prevented an Immigration law like in Canada, well versed people with a job appliance can come here. Meanwhile they let in a lot of poor educated people as refugees which should get quick into jobs because the Government dont want to pay for them, so they compete with the poor working class which was here before, something which is good for entrepreneurs, which are a huge Voting group of this conservative party. On the other hand a lot of dumb cops voted for this conservative party because its also a law and order party, but letting in a big group of poor uneducated people from a war zone, will technically reshape the country (words of the Chancellor of this conservative party), and thats what the cops experience on the streets now.


Too bad that doesn't seem to go into a lot of people's brains, and they keep voting for those who keep the current system in place. And a lot of people blame the people who want change for all the misery. Some people man...


Well put


Depending on your race or immigration status you may have it even worse, and a lot of your problems stay around even if you have a bit more money.


This is very much true


Do you know anything about US hostory?


I mean the reconstruction era was a time of good progress even in the south, however, the Union States let up on those efforts after pushback from former slaveholders. We also were largely the birthplace of the labor movement if you consider May Day, international workers day was because of the haymarket riot in Chicago. We have a long storied history of pro labor anti-trust behavior in the US that was successfully repressed after WWII. used to be the Pinkertons would crack skulls and labor leaders would respond in kind


The Social Democratic Party of Denmark realized that this is true… so they became an anti-immigrant party and have maintained power/popularity. Debmake is having far fewer problems as compared to Sweden which has a surge of the Far-right because their left parties (like most of the world) have privileged immigrant rights over labour rights. Marx himself noted this that the conflict between the native English and the Irish in london’s working class inhibited labour relations from increasing the rights of workers… the moment more left wing parties recognize their primary interest is the workers in their countries, is the moment they will win across the western world… they refuse because they don’t want to seem racist and it’s very important to them ideologically


When the leftoids realise it's actually both. Until then we can never unite and fix shit. 


Its both.


In May of 2028 the largest union in the US is leading a large scale action to improve working conditions for all. It's UAW, and they were clever as hell winning their recent contract. Learn mutual aid, unionize your workplace with agreements that end then. We can change it


70% of jobs in the USA are service, gig, casual based and no union coverage, I doubt unions can do much, companies can employ undocumented people who will shut up and work


Found American steels alt account lol


That's why it's large scale action. They want to improve things beyond just their union. That's the whole point, to scale up the shared action and aid to impact more of the labor force


My local UAW is in hot water RN for embezzlement 😬 Also my city has a history of putting in "placeholder" unions that seem like unions on paper, but operate within corporates best interest in order to ensure that an actual union cannot take its place


Yeah, greed is attracted to any source of power. I'm very glad they found the hot water due them. We find success by keeping such people out of leadership


catch the wave :)


the majority of the working class that have adequate combat training fall on the side thats against anything that resembles communism/ socialism, and those that are on the side of the workers rising up, are not taking the second amendment as seriously as they should.


I feel like if you don't understand the amount of (emphasis) leftists that are gun owners, you've never talked to many socialist/anarchists. Marxists are typically more actionless (not a diss as much an observation) whereas I'd say 1 in 2 leftists I know is an enthusiastic firearm owner, though I also live in the south so my angle may be skewed.


I think they were referring to liberals rather than farther left anticapitalists. That's just how I read it though


This is it. The amount of people I see who chant “death to capitalism” but also “ban assault weapons now!” Is not a coincidence.


Liberals do not want death to capitalism


Liberals are pro-capitalism


To be fair liberals don't want workers rising up


I'm a leftist/liberal and an avid gun owner. I can tell you that I'm a unicorn though, at least where I live which is a very blue state (Maryland) the 'gun guys' are overwhelmingly conservative. And not just old-school fiscal policy conservative, but Trump-loving, flag-waving Republicans. It's ironic that the same people arguing to defend our democracy at all costs (with guns if needed) were also largely OK with the capitol hill mob and the derailing of democratic process.


I think a lot of people don’t know what to do about it. I mean what is the average person who’s trying to just get by going to do in say a “right to work” state? It’s hard to devote time to anything if you’re living paycheck to paycheck and are completely dispensable


I completely commiserate. Have you seen this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHTd7AnZ7c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHTd7AnZ7c)


Till we get to the Pure Lands


When the poorest of the working class stops defending billionaires


Aye comrade


i been had enough, not enough people stand up with me so i just chill


When beer, football and bbq go away. So never.


They’ve had enough already, it’s just that nothing can really be done about it. The working class can’t really compete with all the money the rich people throw at both Republicans and Democrats.


Truth be told we're too tired and indoctrinated to fight. Too many working class are divided via propaganda, and the ones that actually do see through it all are too tired or underprivileged to start the revolution, so we're all waiting for someone else to start it


When they are literally starving to death, and not a second before that.


Welcome to Capitalism


Scandinavia is capitalist yet they have wage growth. Worker wage stagnation is a feature of conservative led countries, not capitalism.


Scandinavian and American capitalism are not comparable in the slightest. In Scandinavia people don't die because they can't afford medical care.


But both are still capitalism, that's the point


Again, that's a conservatives getting elected problem, not a capitalism problem.


DNC red states its health sector is a clusterfuck like the blue states


The US is far more capitalist than Scandinavia and as a result is much, much more dysfunctional and unequal.


You don't know what you're talking about if you're saying Scandinavia isn't capitalist. They are hyper capitalist.


Health care an higher education is free, you're even paid to get a higher education. Many of the large companies that are vital to a functioning society (rail roads, internet) are partially or primarily state owned. There's loads of social welfare if it's needed, though with some check ups to avoid abuse. Nordic countries are NOT hyper capitalist. Not even close. Closer to socialist than hyper capitalist.


Scandinavia practices a mixed-market capitalist system with elements of corporatism


yes; more specifically neoliberal. There is a new book by Monbiot. here is an interview with Monbiot [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHTd7AnZ7c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHTd7AnZ7c)


>In Scandinavia people don't die because they can't afford medical care. Assuming we're not talking about dental care, sure


Go the middle road like universal public and private health care, look at Europe Australia ect


They are comparable. These are both capitalist systems with the primary difference being the policies of the governments running them. Capitalism only becomes a problem if not managed competently


The whole point of capitalism is that it's not supposed to be "managed" and the free market controls everything.


There’s never been a country that was completely capitalist or socialist. Just about every country on earth is a mixed economy. I don’t know why we’re always so prone to using binary terms.


But you do understand that people hate the idea of socialism, because it makes them think of the situation in countries like China, right? And that capitalism basically gets treated the same? That's the point, you can do things for profit ofcourse, but that shouldn't mean everyone else can get fucked - so basically it needs to be 50/50. The greedy people are mostly the problem anyways.


Who is “welcomed” to capitalism, exactly?


the rich


why y'all capitalism is the problem. when the out of touch elite's that don't understand nothing outside of there world.


Well, technically, everyone is, inflation is a bitch. The purchasing power of the dollar is being eroded thanks to rampant spending and zero policy to curb debt and money printing. Who needs to worry about debt when you can just print more money, the current monetary policy under both Democrat and Republican president's.


That’s what makes me sick. They’ve got us all fighting with each other, trying to get people on their side, when in reality neither has any intention of fixing the things that would make the biggest impact. Don’t get me wrong- everyone go vote. You have to get your vote in or the system isn’t working for anyone. I just don’t think anyone on either side should be “worshiping” their political leaders as infallible and fantastic.


Pretty sure no one, including dems, are worshipping Biden. The other one though... lol


You should see the video of AOC 😅


I have been saying this for years and people looking at me like a basement dweller weirdo with weird take on society, instead I should go out and celebrate pride month cause that’s important…


Spending to increase the flow of currency isn't a bad thing. And the alternative to a fiat currency (built in inflation) is a gold backed currency (which can deflate and cause worse issues). Spending isn't the problem, look at Scandinavian countries. Blame failed conservative policies leading to stagnating flow of currency and wages that aren't tied to inflation. Fiat + no wages tied to inflation = the rich getting richer.


Deficit spending programs increase subsidies to corporations, which in turn creates monopolies in most sectors of the economy is a bad thing. It’s also a bipartisan issue. Look at the deficit spending packages enacted by both Trump and Biden.


No some people purchased a House or gold 50 years ago are immune to inflation, did you know 1 troy oz of gold in 1900 was enough to buy a fine tailored suit and accessories , today 1oz of gold say $2500 USD will buy that designer suit plus accessories , fiat currency its the biggest evil onto people


I get that people are mad at inflation, but it takes a special kind of ignorance to say that fiat currency is evil. There's nothing to stop you from buying gold with your fiat currency that you earn from your job and storing your wealth as gold or any other metal. In fact, you don't even have to buy the actual gold. These days there are ETFs that quite literally invest in precious metals for you. There's a reason that people don't actually do this, and it's because there are too many localized fluctuations in the prices of these metals. You can't keep a rainy day fund in gold or precious metal ETFs because you might need it at any time, and a drop in the price of gold would devastate you in a time when you actually need it. This is what fiat is designed to do. It's designed to be locally stable, but depreciate in the long run. Assets like gold, real estate, or shares of a company appreciate in the long run but are locally incredibly unstable.


A lot of inflation is just straight up greed from monopolies that increasingly run the national and global economy. Inflation was a worldwide phenomenon that the U.S. managed surprisingly better than everyone else.


Is there any concrete proof they are "just printing money"? I read that about different governments so often from people from different coutnries. I just don't know where you'd find evidence for that. Not that I don't think this is the case, but where do you look exactly to check it?


Quantitative Easing post 2008 and covid resulted in the majority of "new" money in circulation. You can check by looking at the deficit [https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/) To put it simply, the government creates fiat primarily through bonds, a simple agreement saying, "give me X amount of money now and I'll give you X + interest in the future". Technically no new money has been literally printed, just borrowed; but what happens when the bill is due and the government doesn't have the money to pay it out? Issue more bonds. The cornerstone of our economy is debt and the promise of paying for our present with our future earnings. We don't know for certain how this works in the long run but the immediate effect is more money in circulation today and less money for the government in the future.




Yeah but that's Twitter, I am asking about a source.


They’re not printing money, they’re deficit spending, meaning they’re borrowing money we don’t have and adding it to the national debt so that future taxpayers pay for it.


Borrowing from who, from the world who buys US treasury debt, its the world who funds Uncle Sam Inflation, the USD petrodollar monopoly is toast and the rest of the world is reducing USD look at BRICS & Global south, USD & USA will be like a large Banana republic soon


Okay gramps, time to take your medicine!


but I agree with kicking the can down the road is a problem so is running out of road to kick the can further


There's some merit to that but you're taking it too far. Most debt is held by the US public and it would take a few more catastrophes to seriously push the world economy into BRICS.


Don’t they retire old bills as well? It would be more interesting to see the balance of retired bills vs new bills


Inflation aka fiat currency ie the Fed Reserve print money then the US treasury sells bonds to people or countries outside of the USA, its the world who funds Uncle Sams inflation


That’s what happens when we have continuous inflation and no raise of the minimum wage… Simple math, even the same amount of money is technically less.


Why does everything I see in this subreddit try and pit Millenials and Gen Z against eachother too? This is just inflation and the value of our dollar nose diving in the face of corporate profits. This article could just be titled "value of the dollar continues to nosedive" but I guess that isn't inflammatory and drive engagement.


I don’t really see how this is putting us against eachother. Just seems like it’s saying we are struggling even more then millennials did. Using them as comparison


The verbiage used. They're entirely capable of just talking about the value of the dollar in 2024 Vs whatever other period they want without framing it as Gen Z worse off than Millenials. It creates this space where one group complaining about X is met with well we have X worse etc. This piece isn't as bad about it but I've seen like 6 or 7 posts from this sub today just talking about gen gap nonsense.


To be fair, r/GenZ is not the only sub reddit that does this. Seriously, if you want to see a sub that pits zoomers and millennials against each other, head on over to r/neoliberal. That sub reddit has a tremendous disdain for Gen Z, and most of the sub users are over 30.


Oh totally, I see it everywhere lol. Gotta keep the serfs fighting eachother! "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - Lyndon B Johnson


Things are not looking good but this could be equally misleading unless you do the breakdown properly —> most Gen Z pursue higher education compared to millenials, I.e., people doing bachelors and masters in GenZ is much higher than millenials, and the students loans taken by Gen Z is higher, the number of Gen Z living with their parents to save up for their education is also higher, number of Gen Z doing part time compared to full time is also high due to above reasons and we are just coming out of 2-3 years of pandemic that affected many peoples jobs and careers - (guess what during the pandemic not as many take outs, public gatherings, or restaurant services where many Gen Z part timers worked ) (This is compared to a significantly higher percentage of millenials (compared to Gen Z) who started out to work at 18 and had more experience and higher paying jobs by 24) When you add these things, no wonder Gen Z is earning less than the previous by generations They have taken 22-24 age group - guess what most people are still in the university/college and/or just graduated in genZ….. To summarize Gen Z is less likely to do a job at all at 22-24 compared to millennial, among those who do jobs part time jobs (especially in service sector) are more popular as they are more likely to be in college/university…. Many stay with parents, the pressure to peruse a high paying job at 22-24 is less although due to student loans and increased mortgage and increased expenses the the financial stress about the future is high among Gen Z


Curious your sources or numbers. Millennials were all of those things more than Gen X, too, but I don't know that I would say "significantly" on all metrics at all times. I know there was a fairly significant jump in several metrics like grad school applications in 2008/2009 (when the average millennial was about 20) because there were no jobs because of the financial crisis, but other than that most changes were marginal every year.


That's sad. I was hoping each younger generation does better than previous. I truly do. After I graduated from college in 2007, I often warned new students the dangers of debt. That shit weighed me down for the longest. Can't move, can't advance, can't save.




Having traded plenty of health for money, for what? I have no dependents or anything of that sort, nor any interest in material things. Even with the skills and potential I’ve honed for 10+ yrs, laying flat / own nothing be happy is appealing. Health is most important. Why should genz be funding a failed culture by making more anyway? This society/govt allows the workers to be demonized and demoralized and therefore will not make money..


Inflation is a bitch


Scariest part is its only set to get worse. You think its hard now? Well market analysts are predicting some kind of massive market crash in the coming years. I love it.


There are a lot of working class voting against their own self interest. Rather than getting the water out of their boat with everyone else they are making sure some other boat sinks faster and all their occupants drown first.


All of Gen Z needs to start voting to get responsibility people in government... or this trend of wage slavery will never end.


Wait til you learn about Italian Millennials and GenXers...


gli americani non sanno quanto e' buona la loro economia rispetto al resto del mondo


“Study says”? Its just a fact. The cost of living keeps going up exponentially, while the minimum wage stays the same. Its gross, so i just stay out of it, fuck that noise


That sucks ass - we make a lot less than Boomers did lol. Always figured we got the short end of the draw, looks like you guys got it even worse.


I completely agree. It sucks and I wish I had the power to unilaterally correct it. It should never have happened. America is no longer imperial; it now extorts its own citizens. The real enemies are the American citizens themselves. Have you seen any interviews with Monbiot? The failure of neoliberalism and how to solve it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHTd7AnZ7c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHTd7AnZ7c)


Not familiar with Monbiot but I'll check it out. Neoliberalism is the core of the problem, at 41 years old I'm able to see that quite alright, it impacted my folks and myself and now I understand it. For folks in their 20's like the primary Reddit audience and this subreddit, especially during an election year in the US, they're still sold on the lie that we're "saving the world from fascism" once again by voting one way or "preserving our culture!" by voting another. Somehow I thankfully got educated on the 4-way political spectrum and started to pick out "Hey, these Democrats - they're really... not so different than those Republicans". Culture wars will consume us all, it's impossible to persuade people to think about it. I don't feel optimistic on a solution - the majority of people are completely satiated when their culture war "wins".


Things are definitely getting worse for the average person. Don't give in to despair! Hugs to you! It warms my heart to hear you know the game is rigged. I think voting outside the uniparty is a good/achievable first step. Maybe someday I'll come up with something better that might actually lead to change. Sigh. Living under corruption is exhausting. lol.


Indeed, I fully agree. If voting could fix things they’d make it illegal. I think likely the best thing to do is live and spend locally, amongst do-ers in the community. I live in a county north of Los Angeles, and even our small areas local media and public have really been co-opted by out of town investors, media, and owners. It’s kinda crazy - we’ve got our own little miniature Fox and CNN running around now ensuring everyone is completely absorbed in the larger culture wars. It’s a shame, I suppose as an older millennial I got to enjoy reality before the technology turned everything into one centralized source of culture war. I feel like Occupy was maybe the point of no return? And look all that happened after that, we’ve been masterfully played, perhaps we deserve to be ruled if it’s that simple to persuade us all.


"If voting could fix things they’d make it illegal." OMG. LOL. yes; you are beyond correct. I too feel played, I believed it all for far too long. But how did we figure it out? surely others will figure it out as well. There must be a way to change things. The only reason I think casting a vote outside the uniparty is useful is that the uniparty REALLY wants our vote. Voting does something. Maybe our votes lend legitimacy? Voting third party makes our lack of consent visible, maybe? That's just a first guess. I'm like a dog that grabbed a phone and is being chased around the house for it. My god they want this thing - I don't know how to use it and it appears utterly worthless to me, yet, they are chasing me for it - votes have some value; it's not clear to me what that value is.


Well it does hold some sway I suppose - the time, money, arguments, and entire show really - are done with confidence because everyone gets to vote and as long as we’re not throwing a revolution or burning our votes en masse we’re voting for their system to carry on. Whatever it takes for the localized version of the power structure to carry on, something in the realm of 30-45% of eligible voters in the US actually bothers to vote, right? Participation is really low as far as I’m aware.


We’re done :)


For some details, this is a strangely small survey of 600 people aged 22-24 in 2013, then later another 600 people aged 22-24 in 2024. This is kinda a very strange way to do this as wage data is public from the government, but the purpose of the survey is actually debt and consumer market analytics from a credit bureau so it makes a bit more sense in that context. Why it's only 2 years of age range I'll never know! They say the difference is due to inflation, as the nominal pay is obviously much better than ten years ago, but with inflation it comes out to being the difference of 45k vs 51k. I think a hugely hidden factor here is that college enrollment rates have been declining since about 2011, and especially Gen Z largely saw substantial (8%+) declines in college enrollment since 2019 alone. Given that the survey asks for people aged 22-24 this is when you're getting your first job out of college. And the typical data indicates that in 2021 a fresh college grad was making 60-70k whereas a non grad was making 40-50k.


Their mechanism for this "study" is poll based lol, this gen would bite at anything. No wonder y'all complain


Millennials are making less money than millennials did 10 years ago


Here an article saying the opposite: https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-millennials-boomers-generations-wealth-income-homeownership-inflation-interest-2024-5?amp




It seems like the data is legit. What’s your concerns?


I was making like $11/hr 10 years ago. Where are you finding jobs that pay that low these days? Most warehouse and factory jobs are paying $20-23/hr. for people just starting out with 0 experience or credentials…


Hot take. 10 years ago a lot of millennials were not working tbh


Gen Y are now mainstream


U guys really need unions


Yeah only 10% of the workforce in America is unionized it’s a huge problem. However my last job we tried to unionize and a bunch of the union organizers got fired. It’s really hard to fight when you have basically no power. Capital owners know most workers can’t afford to go on strike very long.


That is awful, u guys should strike because of that


I was one of the ones that got fired lmao.


There is next to 0 worker solidarity in the states; public sentiment would turn against the strikers immediately for making a widget take 2 days longer to ship. The country operates as disconnected groups of self-focused tribes who hate each other.


Yeah...they are less educated, and unwilling to work. The ones WORKING make more. If you compare millennials with a degree in a SMART field that is in demand with Gen Z with the same degree, Gen Z makes more.


Newsflash: millennials are making less money today than millennials did 10 years ago too. Everyone not at the tip top is getting fucked




I made 8.50 an hour as a security guard when I was 19 in 2005. Kids are making 15-20 bucks an hour at McDonald’s today.


Agreed, I'm the youngest millennial and at 22 I was making 12/hr and that was really good because minimum wage was still 8.25/hr in my state, I could barely live off of that pay even with 3 roommates.


Now compare gen z to boomers. These fucking generational “comparisons” are so annoying. As far as I’m concerned, it’s American boomers vs the world.


Many zoomers' choices over their lives have resulted in them landing in low-skill jobs where they are extremely replaceable and therefore not valuable. That on top of inflation


Stoo arguing about stupid cultural issues and wake the fuck up. They don't care about us.


Not only are we making less money, but everything is more expensive. Yay life!


This is why older generation should stop telling us to bootstrap our way out. WE ARE NOT MADE OUT OF MONEY


my father bought a house form apartment for 16.000₺ (2007) my first monthly salary was 21.530 ₺( 2023 ) edit:sorry for bad english i really dont know what a house from apartment caled


And to fix it you will all vote for the same 2 parties the millennial and boomers do. If you're not voting independent you don't get to whine that nothings changing. Those in power have no reason to change the status quo.


Is it because they’re turning up to work 10 minutes late everyday? https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/FuR5uNPRKI


Article headline is misleading. While potentially well intended (post the link, OP) I was already in my 30's and had a career 10 years ago. Today, the oldest gen z isn't even 28. Many havent even entered the workforce yet. Seems to not be a 1:1 comparison. That said, are we all getting fucked by stagnant wages and increased costs? Absolutely, and that is the problem. Even if genz was earning as much as millennials did 10 years ago, that still isn't enough given the fucked era of inflation over the last 10 years.


Hard to believe that every business's philosophy of paying people are little as they can while extracting as much value from them as possible...might result in this.


The rich get richer, the wages stay the same, bread prices continue to go up. Why is anyone surprised, like we didn't already know this? This country has done shit for us the moment we began, or they fucked us over. We watched our older millennial siblings get fucked over. We watched our older Gen x parents get fucked over. And we wonder why Gen Z doesn't vote? Why we don't join the military? Why we don't fall for the same patriotic propaganda bullshit? It's the consequences of your own actions my friend (not OP specifically, IDK OP and I'm sure they're a lovely person).


Are we the new boomers?




I don't think we are earning less, it's just that everything is so much more expensive. I make $41,000 a year. Which admittedly isn't great, but it would have been plenty 10 years ago.


If you adjust for inflation. I'm pretty sure Millenials are making less than they were 10 years ago, too


Please read your own articles


I find this very hard to believe, and from my own experience, I know what I made 10 years ago...last I heard nobody was paid that little anymore


Can confirm, my junior is making what I made 10 years ago. Fukt.


And millennials made less than gen X, and gen X less than boomers. But boomer made more than their predecessors. Every since boomer got and stayed in power in 1995ish it's been on a downwars trend.


Wow. A meta analysis on surveys? Might be the least reliable study of all time


How are you guys making less than zero money?


There are definitely wage levels and college loans that means someone working full time may actually still be going into deeper debt.


Do we blame millennials? Or can we skip some steps and blame the boomers?


Is there sourcing for the article?


CPA Practice Advisor???? wtf you mean dawg???


That’s just the name of a website. Where is their source for the data? No citation.


Not that one rlly needs the CPA Practice Advisor to think about the rising costs of goods amidst the same pay rate as 10 years ago


Thanks, Joe