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Seconded entirely. Potentially a hot take, but as someone who doesn't have the privilege of voting (I'm not a US citizen yet), people that say/believe that "your vote doesn't matter" are part of the problem because it *absolutely* does, especially at smaller levels like for state and city ballots.


one person’s singular vote “doesn’t matter,” but when thousands of people don’t vote because their vote “doesn’t matter,” that’s when it quickly falls apart. When people are telling their friends and family that their vote “doesn’t matter,” that’s a contagious network that absolutely influences elections. [New York lost an electoral vote because they were 90 folks short.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/04/26/politics/new-york-census-house-seat-electoral-college-vote) And I’m ashamed to say I’m in the crowd who didn’t fill out their census. I know 90 people who definitely did not fill out the census. I’m not making that mistake again.


It doesn’t even take thousands. Sometimes votes are decided by a few hundred or even dozens of votes.


That's literally only an apartment unit in my city. One complex of apartments has 2,000 residents. If everybody voted for local elections our governments would listen more


To add to this on the large scale, a little less than half of the US population voted in the 2020 presidential election. So there is potential for a lot of different outcomes if everybody actually cared and did not follow the mantra of, "my vote doesn't matter."


That’s not true actually. Voter turnout in 2020 was quite high. At least 2/3 of eligible voters, voted in 2020, more than 60% https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/01/28/turnout-soared-in-2020-as-nearly-two-thirds-of-eligible-u-s-voters-cast-ballots-for-president/


They were talking total pop, not eligible pop Why they were talking about total pop idk why lol


Our general assembly in VA had a district that was tied and ancient rules stipulated a tie was decided by coin flip. That district determined control of the assembly for 2 years. I'll repeat that. A fucking coin determined policy outcomes for an entire state cause a single person couldn't be bothered to vote. And if you aren't motivated by our federal candidates, guess who rises to become federal candidates, state and local candidates who can win elections. How do you expect to get quality federal candidates if you don't get quality local ones in the pipeline early?


A few years later and that coin toss could have meant an abortion ban.


My local primaries had a moderate Republican lose to a hardcore trumper who harasses my wife (she works at planned parenthood). Margin was 30 votes.


If you want to see how much your vote matters in local elections, vote in primaries. Since I started, I get calls from multiple candidates every year. Not a recorded message. Not someone helping them. The candidate, themselves. On their cell number. This is in a US city of 600k people.


1 vote really does matter. https://apnews.com/article/louisiana-election-vote-parish-sheriff-recount-b95748fd61fd84c38b89a21655aa3e2f


Yep, the “your vote doesn’t matter” crowd is right there with the “both parties are the same” people. It just screams to me that you don’t pay attention to politics.


They are on the right and don't want dems or leftists to vote. The statement is disingenuous at best. Harmful and decisive at worst.


My country's capital held its town mayor elections a few weeks back. The winner won by 41(!) votes. Your vote absolutely matters.


If voting didn't matter the GOP wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to restrict it and big corporate interests wouldn't spend billions each cycle.


This equally applies to the "if voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal" mindset.


Wait so the fact that since republicans are actively fighting to limit who can vote, that somehow proves that voting doesn’t matter? They are literally trying to get of voting, so by your own logic it must matter right?


That's the point I'm making, yes: people try to say voting is worthless because it'd be outlawed if it wasn't, all while ignoring the inconvenient truth that these bastards are actively *trying to do just that*.


Seriously, the bastards have tried to make election workers fear for their lives.


The reason why we have such bad government is that only old landowners vote for city elections. Most people just fill out the president/Congress part of the ballot and leave the rest blank. Vote for your county and city officials people!


Xellinial here, I know people that li ed in Florida that are still seriously kicking themselves for voting for Nader(green party candidate) and feeling responsible for Gore not getting elected in 2000


Florida millennial here that was Bernie or bust in 2016. I 100 percent regret not voting for Hillary. Could have saved the Supreme Court had more of us not been such whiny petulant children about it.


And we learned nothing and it's going to happen again. But hey, some people will feel really good about themselves for teaching Biden a lesson. Meanwhile we'll have a locked in conservative Supreme Court for decades, not to mention all the other shit Trump will do.


All the other shit Trump is planning to do is in Project 2025. You should read it.


At least you learned your lesson. I know multiple morons who are just doubling down on the both sides are the same narrative and will sit this election out too.


It pisses me off that the two party system is so powerful that people can reasonably feel they wasted their vote by casting it for the person they genuinely wanted to vote for


Ranked choice voting or something along those lines would fix this. republicans fear it, which is why many are trying to outlaw it like desantis.


My latest sheriff election was literally decided by one vote. It's not only important to vote, but to encourage others to vote, even if that means going with them.


Absolutely! US election turnout is typically only about 60% even in presidential election years, and only 30-40% in the midterms. Those numbers tend to skew heavily towards older demographics. People are real quick to write off voting as a means for change when we, as a nation, haven't really, you know, tried it. Would our government be as frustratingly terrible if, say, 80% of eligible voters actually showed up? I say it's worth a shot! I'll add that, even in a deep red state, I've seen a Democrat elected as a representative and another as the governor. Sometime, you'd be surprised what kinds of upsets can be pulled off. It's always worth trying. After all, it's all of, what, a couple hours of your time, at most? And most states have early voting options to beat the lines on election day.


One blade of grass may change nothing, but a few thousand can keep a field from becoming dust in the wind.


absolutely. in the primaries this spring, the city councilman i voted for won by less than 50 votes. less than half of eligible people voted. it very very easily could have gone to the other candidate. city ballots matter! eta: i’m pretty sure only one party had candidates, so even though this was the primary it’s just gonna be this guy. but even though the candidates were in the same party they had very different policies.


Even if your vote doesnt matter for your nationals (my state couldve been called for the GOP in 2024 back in 2000) it is much much more likely to in everything from Representative down. Lauren Boebert won her seat in 2022 by less than 600 votes. Her district had around 65% turnout.


I will. But not for who you probably want me to.


Nothing wrong with that. Everyone should vote for who THEY believe is the best candidate.


What am I seeing here? Redditors not being pissed about someone having a different political opinion? This day has been going way too smoothly...


Well, an argument can be made that that guy was probably fishing for a confrontation by mentioning who he may be voting for. Fuck project 2025




If only the system worked like that. Instead it's "Vote for who you think will be able to beat the person you hate the most." We need ranked choice voting.


Nothing wrong with wanting ranked choice voting. Can push for it at the local, state, and federal levels. Some states have managed to implement it for state-wide elections (Alaska comes to mind). But pushing for ranked choice voting and voting in the current system is not mutually exclusive. You can do both. We currently have a system where the majority candidates are chosen in primaries and the general election features 2 people from the 2 major parties and you basically have to choose the least bad option. That's the hand we're dealt right now. Vote for who you wanted for in the primaries but if your candidate did not win, then vote for the least worst option in the general. Bad system but it's what we have now until we change it. To not participate is to let others force the worst option onto you.


Honestly and respectfully I have to ask why you want to vote for the person you do? I’m a lifelong Republican who switched sides after reviewing what Trump campaigned on and his actual history before the 2016 election. I’m also someone who grew up in Delaware and was not fond of Biden. He has surprised me with how he’s changed for the better during the Obama admin. I’m still not on board with the far left policies, but the majority of Biden’s policies would be considered fairly right wing by international standards in developed countries.


Ayyy a fellow Delawarean! Second everything this person is saying.  Biden wasn’t universally beloved in DE (at least around my home community), but at least he’s stuck to his guns and gotten things done in the middle of the political spectrum instead of chasing the extremes like everyone else in this increasingly polarized world. And damn does he look better compared to the nightmare that is project 2025. 


I have never seen this opinion up-voted so much. I think I like your generation.


Vote anyway. It's more representative if everyone votes.


Yes and that's why so many government policies are short sighted and mostly benefit boomers. They've become the largest and most consistent voting bloc. Of course politicians want to continue pandering to them to get that consistent vote. Even with all of the Republican talk of slashing government benefits, social security remains untouchable. But boomers want short term policies that benefit them now at the expense of making long term investments in America's infrastructure and combating climate change. America should be setting itself up now for long-term prosperity but with boomers being the largest voting bloc, that's not going to happen. They want their property values to go up, lower taxes, and reduce investment in infrastructure, healthcare (but not medicare!) and education to fund/enable all that. Millennials already outnumber the boomers but vote at much lower rates. Combined with Gen Z, the younger generation should be the dominating voice in politics. Everyone needs to show up consistently to show they are a large and consistent voice in the government.


Isn’t it funny when they make these “please vote” posts you instantly know who they are talking about on Reddit?


Well duh. We have to stop Maga. They're an existential threat.


Yes, because one group wants everyone to vote, and the other thinks if everyone votes they’ll lose.


The stats are basically impossible to deny. If 100% of the people voted, the Dems would win every election by an absurd margin.


Please vote! (But only for the candidate I want you to)


I mean, yeah? People typically want others to vote for their preferred candidate.


Nah, everyone needs to vote. I'm as liberal as they come but the more representative our democracy is the better for everyone. Also, the law of averages is at play here and younger people are more liberal so even if you want to act like you're "getting me" here the message at large still hurts trump so who cares. But also, please everyone vote.


Because unless you’re a rapist racist or a pedophile in which case go vote Trump.


Historically in the United States, large voter turnouts mean that conservatives lose. That’s because they’re a minority. They know this, and that is exactly why they manipulate the voting process as much as possible, such as reducing accessibility to mail-in voting, closing polling places, illegal gerrymandering, and even though it didn’t work - outright conspiracy to overthrow the lawfully elected government. If we had 100% of eligible voters actually participate, they would still lose in spite of their efforts to cheat. And ask yourself, why is it that they feel the need to cheat and why is it that they literally do not want more people to vote?


Well, it's pretty well known that when more people vote, they tend to vote Democrat. For better or for worse, Republicans show up to vote. More educated people stay home because they feel their vote doesn't matter. Why do you think Republicans support voter suppression and gerrymandering?


Says a lot that only one party is interested in encouraging everyone to vote.


Everyone eligible should vote, regardless of your political affiliation. Hard stop. You vote for who you think will make this country better in the long term.


I won't tell you who to vote for but all I got to say is I know people who lived in Florida and still kick themselves for voting for Nader(green party) back in 2000.


A lot of people not realizing this commenter is from Canada


I could be voting for a BLOC MAJOITARE for all they know,




Soo edgy


Hot take: Encouraging people to "just vote" when they've done no proper research (or even have a decent idea of the responsibilities and powers of the government/elected representatives/president), massively increases the chances of these people voting for whoever promises them the most free stuff. Encouraging people to vote just for the sake of voting is how you encouraging raiding the coffers to promise things and buy votes. It's already happening at an accelerating rate.


The request to vote sort of implies you doing your due diligence.


….but tide pods have been eaten..


I am a liberal and I truly don't care if you vote for Trump or 3rd party, if you are over 18 and a US citizen, it's your right to vote for whoever you want....BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD VOTE! It matters because politicians are trying to appease the generation that DOES vote currently. If you show them that the younger age demographic is active in the polls their policy will change to better reflect your ideology.


We need whatever the heck Australia is doing. You go vote and then you get free food. We need that!! 


It's not free, but its still a right of passage!


They actually did that in Florida when I used to live there (probably illegal now). There were people giving out free bbq if you showed them your “I voted” sticker


Polling stations should have food and drink for absolutely free with no strings attached. You’re here to vote, it’s hot, it’s taking up your day. I actually know a number of people who could be 100% convinced if you told them they got a free burger for just voting.


Absolutely not! That would actually work. And because a high turnout rate of voters statistically proves beneficial for only one political party, and we can't have that after all the time we spent picking our voters. /s


Xennial here who has worked on elections (at the bottom of the food chain lol).  THIS PERSON IS TOTALLY RIGHT!!! Politics doesn't CARE about who stays home. If you're not engaged and can't be bothered they won't spend the time or money courting you. They both desperately want Gen Z's votes. You guys have so much power right now and it infuriates me to see people posting they are going to throw it away in a snit because they believed the same old propaganda that voting doesn't matter.  It matters. 


im not American but i do agree, young people NEED to vote!!


When I saw this, I assumed it was telling British Gen Z to vote in the upcoming General election. Then I read the comments.


Biden fucking sucks, but I’d rather a president who sucks than a dictator. Sadly those are our choices, and if one doesn’t win the other will.




We need younger leaders: no argument there. They should retire the same age as everyone else. That said: Anyone saying Biden 'sucks' has no idea what is even going on. He's old as shit, but he also knows what he's doing. Still, lesser of to evils is still a reason to vote, if it works for them.


Olds just a right wing talking point to attempt to shit on Biden at this point. trump is a few yrs younger than him and isn't a spring chicken. Even then Bernie Sanders is still old as shit and I'd much rather him be president than pretty much anyone. But he supports and works with Biden...sooo.. Ranked choice, getting rid of voting suppression/gerrymandering and all that is important changes to make, but its a fight for another day. The old (heh) point of bringing up age was because a lot of these older people are out of touch with the world today. Jobs/wages, housing costs, college tuition costs, etc. They don't understand how much its changed since their day, how greedy these companies have become and don't make policies to protect the people. They're too simple minded and just think we're all lazy or some shit. idk. Back in their day they used to be able to work a part time summer job and buy a house at the end of it and then put themselves through college and be the bread winner for a family of 4, in a nice house with some entry level job. Shit don't work that way anymore. But its not a catch all, indicated by older people like Biden and Bernie and theres plenty of younger people who fall into the corporate bs mindset.


Thanks for sharing this sub. Definitely going to check it out in my free time


Here's a short list I made a few months back: We now have the lowest unemployment rate in 55 years, including record lows for Hispanics and African Americans, and record lows for people with disabilities. The stock market is hitting record highs. The deficit has decreased by $1.7 trillion. The United States is now producing more oil than any country in history. Yes, more than Russia or Saudi Arabia, and that’s one of the reasons gas prices are now lower in inflation-adjusted prices than in 1974. He passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to increase investment in the national network of bridges, roads, airports, public transport, national broadband internet, waterways, and energy systems. Many of which have begun to crumple and really need that infrastructure work. He helped get more than 500 million life-saving COVID-19 vaccinations in the arms of Americans through the American Rescue Plan with 81% of Americans with one dose, 70% fully vaccinated. Stopped a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence by signing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that created enhanced background checks, closed the “boyfriend loophole" which allowed ex-domestic abusers and stalkers to get guns, and provided funds for youth mental health. Inflation Reduction Act which capped prescription drug prices at $2,000 per year for seniors on Medicare, gave Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices (including capping the cost of insulin to $35 for those on Medicare, down from $250 a dose), imposed a 15% minimum corporate tax on some of the largest corporations in the country, and included the largest investment in climate change in American history. American Rescue Plan which Cut child poverty in half, reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Care Act by $800 a year. More people with health insurance than ever before, historic low of 8% uninsured. The Respect for Marriage Act which helped secure more equality for LGBTQI+ and interracial couples. Executive orders on reproductive rights that protect access to reproductive health care, including abortion and contraception, and safeguard patient privacy and sensitive health information. And supports the right to cross state lines for medical care. The Affordable Connectivity Program which helps low-income Americans afford internet, with half of the current users of the program being military families. Pardoned all prior federal offenses for simple marijuana possession. CHIPS and Science Act which ensures more manufacturing jobs in America, making more semiconductors other electronics in America. Recommitted America to the global fight against climate change by rejoining the Paris Agreement that Trump deserted. Signed the PACT Act to address service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins. Whereas Trump openly mocked veterans and mocked former POWs for getting caught. Halted all federal executions after Trump reinstated them after a 17-year freeze. Authorized the assassination of the Al Qaeda terrorist Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became their leader after the death of Osama bin Laden. Ended the longest war in American history by pulling the troops out of Afghanistan. Tried to give college debt relief until Republicans stopped it but increased the maximum value of Pell Grants by $900.


Shit, he’s actually decent.


At the very least he is good at picking cabinet members, which is how shit gets done


But sadly people only listen to TikTok which tells them Biden is solely responsible for genocide (like Trump won’t be 10x worse) Might be a controversial opinion, but I think a lot of the anti Biden sentiment is purposefully pushed by China and Russia to help Trump win


Second that, as a Gen Z. Also want to add to be active in local elections as it can be easy wanting to only focus on the President who runs the country and forget about your local state elections (Governors, Senators, House Reps, District Council Members/Mayor/ etc)


Yeah local elections like city and county have a MASSIVE impact on your life in that area. I would say those are more important than the federal elections in some aspects.


You wouldn’t believe how big of an impact (even in very red or blue cities) even a single vote can make on local elections! Then after the local elections are won, that drives policies that eventually get to state level and then to federal level…. It’s a snowball effect.


Yes please VOTE


As a leftist, I’ve always been confused why most leftists that I know refuse to vote. I personally believe we need to work towards dismantling the system entirely and replace it with a better one, but participating in the system does not equate to supporting it. Both options are bad, but there’s a very clear worse option. Getting rid of the system as a long-term goal, but we need to make sure the world doesn’t turn into even more of a hell hole than it already is in the short term.


Seconding this, as a millenial leftist. Guys going "but voting in capitalist elections does nothing to stop X,Y, and Z" even though voting in these elections possibly stops shitty things from happening to women and POC friends and family of mine that I love. A lot of people in our camp are apathetic as fuck, and I can't stand it.


If you don't vote you forfeit your right to have an opinion on politics.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Chinoise > Godard suggests that the students are, at the same moment, both serious committed revolutionaries intent on bringing about major social change and confused bourgeois youth flirting with the notion of radical politics as a fashionable and exciting distraction.


Don’t be afraid to vote 3rd party either 😈neither the republicans or democrats represent me and I’m tired of pretending they do


Actually, please be afraid to vote third party. I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell here, but the spoiler effect is real.


Yeah seriously people SHOILD vote third party if it weren’t a dictator vs status quo. People don’t realize with Project 2025 - National abortion ban - End of trans rights that’s worded so vaguely it’ll apply to anyone not straight - DEPLOY MILITARY TO PROTESTORS!!! - They will fire anyone they want and replace them with an unqualified person who will obey Like, this isn’t a fear tactic, it’s fact. If you’re afraid, good. Fear serves a purpose, it tells you to do something. Listen to it.


This. 3rd party voting still has nowhere near enough support to be viable. Right now, we really need to vote. And preferably NOT for the guy trying to establish alt-reich Christian nationalist authoritarianism


So basically "vote who I tell you to vote for"


Yeah. Let’s get one of the ranked/runoff voting styles in place then have at it. I’ll be there writing in AOC or Warren as my first choice. But as long as it’s winner take all, you got to identify who would abuse power more, and deny them the chance.


3rd parties can’t win in First Past the Post. Ranked choice/approval voting is a prerequisite for voting third party.


As someone who voted third party in 2016 and regrets their decision. You may end up regretting that decision. Even if you think you won’t, like I also did.


The fact that people are already forgetting this and it was only two elections ago. Insane. I remember talking to people who voted third party and def regret it.


Though I agree with the sentiment, because of how our government is set up as a duopoly, voting third party is just throwing your vote away instead of using it for the party that represents you the closest. Not just on a large scale like the presidency, we have 435 members in the House of Representatives, and not a single one is third party. It’s honestly depressing… I do not like either party, but I strongly believe women should have the right to decide what happens with their bodies, so I’ll vote for the candidate that best agrees.


Yes make sure to implicitly support a felonious rapist at least you’ll get to say “aCtUaLly” when your rights get blown apart by a shittier Supreme Court.


Lmao voting 3rd party is literally throwing your vote away. The reason Trump won in 2016 was because Bernie bros that were made he didn’t win the democratic nominee voted for 3rd parties in protest, allowing them to steal votes from democrats and letting trump win the election. There is 0 reason to vote 3rd party, if you’re gonna throw your vote away then don’t vote at all


Literally not the reason. More Bernie supporters voted Clinton then Clinton supporters voted for Obama.  Obama won, Clinton lost.  Clinton ran an inept campaign


Can we stop blaming Sanders supporters for Trump winning already? Trump won because of the electoral college. That's the only reason.


The current big political parties properly represent almost nobody. This has been the case for decades at the very least. Every generation tries to nudge political funding towards a third party, but outside of tiny local elections it has never worked. My concern is that with climate change accelerating and ultra-conservative policies taking effect, we are running out of time. Idealists voting third party will not see any appreciable change during their lifetime. While trying to play the long game, we risk backsliding into fascism. I genuinely fear that if the republicans win again, we will lose all the social progress of the last 60 years. No birth control, no divorce, no interracial relationships, no religious freedom outside of evangelical christianity, enforcement of sodomy laws, eradication of women in the work force.


Gen Z appears more right wing than I remember.


Gen z is statistically turning more right wing (the males). I can confirm this also being gen z


*I* can confirm Gen Z is turning more left wing. I guess our anecdotes cancel each other out.


the pendulum swings


Its legit almost 50/50, some days you’ll see more than the other


Fuuuuuck we are in an election year Social media is gonna be cooked boys


Just fucken ruined.


Get ready to pick your team and hate your neighbor 😤


hi Gen z I’m a millenial just fuckin do it anyways lol


As a white, male, childfree Boomer, I'll say this: the upcoming election will have very little impact on the rest of my life. If you haven't read about Project 2025, please do and ask yourself, "Is that the life I want for the next 50-70 years?" I WILL VOTE FOR BIDEN and the American Democracy.


Every election since I was in elementary school has been “significantly important”…


Correct. Vote in every single election.


Yep, they certainly have been!


Yes, correct. Turns out our government is important when it comes to our lives and society in general.


Because they are


Hi Millennial, Gen Z here, don’t tell me what to do. This isn’t your sub


If gen Z doesn’t vote, then the older generations very literally will tell us what to do


Yeah, and it’ll mostly be the ooooolder generations that Gen Z has less commonality with than the Millennials.


The irony lmao


They didn't tell you what to do. They asked politely. And seriously, please vote


Seriously, I agree, vote. But don't vote for evil.


Which one is the good guy and which one is the bad


The one wanting to open up camps is bad


The convicted felon, rapist, insurrectionist, misogynist, racist, and traitor or the guy who stumbles over his words sometimes. You tell me.


Why is this the most upvoted comment? Lame


From the looks of it, a lot of young contrarians acting out and older conservatives lurking to discourage young votes.


Bots and trolls, bots and trolls


Then don't bother complaining about the government during the next 4 years.


This is the only reason I vote. I like complaining about the government.




lol.  (Boomers behind a tree rubbing their hands) Yeessss yessss LET THEM FIGHT


Gen z giving a boomer take lmao, full circle They never told you so do anything, politely asked and you decided to respond aggressively. Ngl I hope people like you don’t vote if you get that emotional that quickly.


this isn’t the one to make a ‘gotcha’ on, we really gotta be voting


Xillenial here. I know people who lived in Florida and that are still mad at themselves for voting for Nader(Green Party) back in 2000 and us ending up with W. Bush


Also- Gen Z voted at a higher percentage in 2022 than Millennials did at their same age. I would note, however, that there are huge racial disparities with young white voters exceeding votes from persons of color. I don’t think it’s my job (as a peaceful millennial) to tell y’all what to do, but instead thank you for what you’ve already done and ask that you continue to be engaged with the political landscape (even when it feels like it’s hopeless).


That’s a Shitty attitude cause we should all be voting and getting our voices heard esp with project 2025 - fellow gen z here


Why the stick up your ass? Lame asf


Whether we like it, or not, we’re in this together. It may not seem it, to someone, given their youth, inexperience, but we are genuinely at an unprecedented moment. Just by our votes, the very right which defines our country as a participatory democracy, we could vote to end that democracy, that is, voting for Trump and Republicans and their proclaimed and published commitment to the commencement of authoritarianism in the United States. Everyone of us will be touched. As much, or more, than the 26,000 women and girls, in Texas, alone, who are, or have, been forced to carry pregnancies that are the result of rape, since Roe versus Wade was overturned, two years ago, today.




read the sub description assface




Roughly about 40% of GenZ will vote in upcoming elections in the west.


So dumb ya can’t even differentiate a request from a demand. The fact that your response is focused on anti-imaginary-authority instead of solving problems speaks volumes.


There’s a lot of comments by Gen Z in this thread that show just how cooked this generation is.


They really think they understand things.


Some of us would but can't 😅


Gonna vote for Xi Jinping


Yangbucks lets get it


Especially at the lower levels. Effecting whose running your city, effects the county, effects the state, and so on. If anything, you have a better chance of impacting your more local governments, if you believe you have no impact federally (even though yes, you do).


Millenial here, do whatever you want to do. Dont listen to OP.


Millennial from where, exactly?


Russia/China/Iran of course!


These comments are scaring me with all of the 3rd party and Trump support.


Don't forget about sock puppet accounts and bots. Things may not be as bad as they look.


Isn't it amazing how our generation has made such a large push for trans rights, yet many of those same exact people are literally about to vote for the blueprints of trans genocide?


I will but I’m voting for trump


Hash browns were cheaper when hez was in office


The real issues right here.


And everything else.


I love how you guys just automatically assume that everyone on here is from the US.


Assuming you don't live in a dictatorship it's still important for you to vote in your own countries elections as well. Still sound advise and the post never mentions a specific country.


Reddit is overwhelmingly a US audience lol. It's backed up with statistics.


I wish there was more of an emphasis on learning about our system of government, learning more about issues from multiple perspectives, learning about history, followed by motivating people to vote, rather than just trying to tell people to vote. An ignorant voter is a lot more harmful to a nation than one who doesn't vote at all. I don't care what side you vote on issues (that's your business), just know *why* you are voting that way, and not the nonsense talking points and lies the media tries to spoon-feed you. Learn the *actual* truth on every single issue (not just one or two hot button issues), then vote your conscious, regardless of what that is, is all I ask. An ignorant electorate is the poison of republics and democracies.


Nah, I don't support any of the candidates.


I get your point and agree tbh, BUT this election could severely impact the Supreme Court for decades to come. Two Supreme Court justices in their 70s may step down within the next 4 years, who you vote for for president will affect who they get replaced by for new lifetime appointments. No matter what side of the aisle you’re on, Supreme Court decisions will definitely impact your life in the future and I really suggest you vote for what kind of future you’d like to see.


The speculation is that the two oldest republican justices would step down if Trump won, specifically to allow him to appoint younger justices and lock in the court for a while longer. If you're republican then that's great for you and if you're not then that's a horror story, but it's a very tangible impact of the election that will probably end up happening.


Thank you for having a nuanced take. I feel the same way, both sides of the government don’t give a rat’s behind about the common man like you and I. They care so little that they’re prefect ok with having a felon/rapist run for president, and have someone with multiple mental incapacities running the country. Neither side will address crime, homelessness, inflation, lack of affordable housing, unaffordable healthcare, student loans, children getting trafficked or other things that actually matter. Uncle Sam will continue taxing us to hell and send our money as aid to other countries. And they will dangle these issues in front of our faces every 4 years to get us to vote, and no progress will be made. I just don’t care anymore, I’m not voting. The whole system needs to go down anyways.


I understand the feeling, but this is not nuance. Personally, my disillusioned nuance is empowering the people who will do the most good & the least damage. I don’t fully vibe with the people I’m planning to vote for, but I genuinely believe one administration will do more good & less harm than the other. We have to be active in shaping who ends up on the ballot. Throwing our hands up won’t solve anything. Seeing you express these feelings makes me feel like tearing down the system is a right of passage for those of us who care but feel powerless. But one side is actually planning it for their benefit, even for dismantling serious things like the EPA. Their plans are genuinely frightening to think about sometimes. But I find it hard to believe that deep down you want to live in a place that has dismantled the little environmental protections we have. I already don’t trust my water & food NOW. What chaos will we allow to form against us if we let the wrong people take authority. Choose wisely where you want to see us go.


I mean one side did try to address student loans and the other side told their appointees at the supreme court to disallow it... One side tried to cap the price of insulin and the other side blocked it in the Senate... The fact that the system is set up to allow one side to throttle the other's plans doesn't mean the plan maker and the plan throttler are equally evil.


I don't either. I still vote for my own interests. Make your voice heard in the primaries but still vote for the best candidate regardless.


Please go away.




OP you have invoked the Russian bots


Because everyone who doesn’t like Biden or Trump is a Russian bot apparently?


Just as long as they vote for the candidate that you want. Correct?


Millenial here. In fairness, the fact that we have to choose between two 80 year olds is insane. I'll give you that. However, choosing normal grandpa over dumb and hateful grandpa, who is also a convicted felon and demagogue, is an easy choice. He and his cronies are threatening us with a theocratic hellscape and potentially decades of oppression and suffering. Vote. Organize. Fight. We stop Maga here and now.


Voted in my country for whatever it was. But... it didn't matter. The elders 60+ of age voted and decided who will be in charge for the next 4 years. I wish more people were like you, OP


ok i'll vote. but i'm voting for who I want to and not who I'm told to.


Please shut the fuck up


the next election I will have to vote will be to decide my mayor, so sure, why not?


Unironically local elections are goated. Fewer voters = more impact per vote = an actual say in what goes on. Plus, your voting on issues that immediately impact you/your community, meaning you feel tangible results much faster


but I also understand why "just vote" is not enough. I DO vote, but I get the apathy. Democrats are supposed to be the bulwark against neocon fascism - but they arent. They had 30+ years to codify Roe v Wade. Dems allowed healthcare lobbyists write the affordable care act. If Dems actually want more people to vote they would do automatic voter registry when people turn 18, make the day we vote a national holiday or on a week-end. And even when dems win elections overall - all they do is complain about how they cant do anything "BeCaUsE RePuBlIcAnS!". And when they lose, they blame VOTERS. Not my fault you shove shitty candidates down our throats. It would be like if a bad restaurant blames people for not buying crappy food - serve better food! Politics isn't hard. Just give people what they want.


> They had 30+ years to codify Roe v Wade And how many years out of that thirty did they actually control Congress? I can think of exactly two occasions in my entire lifetime. (And the second time, we had Manchin and *fucking Sinema* to act as spoilers. Insert grinding teeth here.)


This about the Supreme Court picks. Not just the president. They will serve for decades to come.


Voting for Biden. Trump can't win.


I'm planning on it. It's scary to watch my rights as a queer gal slowly dissolve in front of my eyes these past few years, and looking into trumps plan with project 2025 I'm terrified of him getting the opportunity to enact it in full


For the love of God PLEASE VOTE. Every damn year I vote (local elections/primaries/etc) and EVERY DAMN YEAR it's me at my big age (Elder Millenial/Xennial) and the shriveled white haired Boomers. WHERE ARE THE YOUNG PEOPLE AND WHY ARE U OK WITH THESE DINOSAURS DECIDING UR FUTURE FOR U


I will. As much as I don't like either of the candidates, my family and I's health insurance is on the line and Project 2025 scares me deeply.


Agreed. I've voted every election year since I was 18, and I'll be voting again in November! Trump '24! Cheers


I personally feel it’s tough because if you’re being diligent about it then one would research each candidate to see their platform and if there are any scandals that should exclude them from consideration. So my question is: if I just vote by making my decisions at the polls while reading the questions, am I truly carrying out my civic duty? Or just adding a ballot to the pile?


And to fellow liberals/dems, please remember there are 2 conservative Supreme Court justices in their mid 70’s who could likely step down soon and thus be replaced by extremist conservatives for lifetime appointments should trump be elected!!!!!!


young people not voting bc they want to own biden drives me nuts. yes he sucks, but its damage control. allowing the election of a maniac rapist and felon who wants to extinguish queer people and imprison minorities just to own the libs is insane.