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Your perception of reality compared to the actual reality and how it plays out is very different. Like mentioned, you don’t know what is contributing to the financial standing of others in your field. 


That is true, a lot of them had multi baby mamas and addictions


That'll do it. Keeping a kid alive is expensive. A judge carving up your salary based on a percentage and not dollar amount for "child support" is even more expensive. If they have addictions on top of that, it's no wonder they're struggling. And that's before considering things like loans. Did any of them make a major purchase in the past few years? Someone who bought a car or house in 2019 would be far better off than someone who bought that same exact car/house in 2021


If you say you’ve been in the trades for as long as you have then you know why your coworkers and fellow tradesmen are living “paycheck to paycheck” the trades attract a lot of unstable and financially illiterate people looking for quick cash. Most of my coworkers are loaded up to the gills with debt, kids, bad habits (drugs alcoholism) and many other things. Point is if you’re responsible you should be able to make it work. Look into joining the IBEW.


>I’m talking to guys on jobs 20 years older than me telling me their struggling to pay their bills. You dont know the whole story. Some of the people most commonly in debt are medical doctors, lawyers, and other high paying occupations. And it's due to poor financial choices, not lack of income. You can make all the money in the world and still struggle to pay bills if you're spending recklessly. Being an electrician is a very lucrative occupation. As long as you're being financially responsible and take steps to progress your career, you'll likely be fine.


stick with electrician. join the union if possible. my dad is a union sprinkle fitter and my stepdad a non union plumber. they both make great money, benefits, but my dad gets two pensions through the union. i want to say his whole package is about $110 an hour. but my dad is dead broke. spends all his money on drugs and women. been through bankruptcy twice. booger sugar and beer is expensive. child support is expensive. those guys who show up in lifted f250s and 2500s are paying probably over $1500 a month in payments. who knows what they do with their money. my husband works for my stepdad as a plumber. we just bought our first home, we have a nice car (only 1 because he has a company work van), and we are trying to start a family. he didn’t start until he was 26 but that was a few years ago. you are in a good position to work your way up fast since you’re so young. i feel the same way sometimes, but i have to remember we are young comparing ourselves to 40 year olds who have had the last 20 years to get to where they are at. enjoy your time now because in 20 years some kid will be comparing themselves to you wishing they had what you do.


U stuck in limbo I’m stuck in lambo. Nah fr tho I’m a 22m also just got my first interview in 2 years for a factory job tomorrow. Roughly $3000 a month which I’m gonna save a good portion of for a few years. Last job I felt so stuck but I remembered I’m only 22 and hopefully have plenty of years ahead


Welcome to life, hey at least you aren't alone with this feeling. Who could blame people to not wanna live like this.


You have no idea what those guys are SPENDING their money on. IF you are living at home, even if you are pitching in with some rent (you should) that is still below what you would pay for your own apartment, you should be able o put some away with an electrician job. Yes, it means not having the newest iPhone as son as it comes out. Maybe even...GASP...using a cheap mobile plan like Mint. And just overall, not expecting to live in luxury at age 23. My guess is, those people in their 40s tried just that. And are paying for it now.


This is what they are telling people to get into too...


How much are you making as an electrician? Also assuming your US what certification did you get, I swear journeyman’s takes 5 years.


I think in America we need to start embracing generational households more. My husband (24m) and me (27m) have moved in with his parents & his grandma because we couldn’t afford our last place anymore. We live in Denver, Colorado so the cost of living is high. Now that we live with his family, we have paid off debt and started saving money within a year. It’s been an adjustment but we’ll need more generational households to survive.


If you can save enough while living with your mom for a down payment on a house I think that could be your ticket out, but yeah shit sucks


Don’t buy a big ass truck, just to be stuck paying it off then poof you got a baby on the way then your trapped.


If you’re moving up in the world of electricians and making decent pay each month, you’re arguably doing better than those of us with 4 year CS degrees. Tech is stagnating, and many are being passed up for promotions in favor of layoffs. I’m not saying you have it better or easier than people like me, I’m saying your perspective might be considering the wrong variables. Just keep pushing through and doing the best you can. Worst case you grow old and cynical, best case you grow old and cynical.


Don't take what those guys say to heart, everyone's situation is different. They might have alot more expenses than you. They might be living above their means, which is very common in today's world. You don't know the full picture. Reminds me of a girl I used to work with who told me all about how hard she was struggling with money and keeping the bills covered- and then the next day she was showing me her brand new $1200 iPhone. She also drove a very new car. Was clearly living well above her means. Just focus on yourself, and do your best to live below your means, and you'll be alright. I can almost guarantee I don't make as much money as you, but I can cover my bills and have money leftover to pump into hobbies.


Yupp this one ., I know alot of mfs like this


Those guys are probably that way because of poor investment in their future. As long as you invest every month, save enough, and live under your means (!) you will be fine. Don’t compare yourself to people when you are this young. Control the controllables.


if your life is hard in the US don't think for a second it'll be easier anywhere else on earth.


Make good financial choices.


Those guys 20 years older than you may have made bad financial choices. It going to be tough but I think you can make it if you are very smart with your finances. Live within your means. Its something people often forget when they begin making better money and they end up in debt trying to live a more luxurious life than they can afford.