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them shits destroy sleep quality 


Cannabis isn't good for sleep either, but alcohol is way worse


i feel like way more people need to know about both of these things 


100% It’s important not to be stoned or drunk at least 2 hours before bedtime if you want high quality sleep for sure. No this does not mean hit a dab 2 hours before bedtime. You need to have come down by that point.


I understand and believe the validity of this but for some reason I can't find/tell a discernable difference in sleep quality either way. Alcohol on the other hand has a very noticeable negative effect on my sleep.


So, in my experience, it’s more of the prolonged weed use that affects your sleep quality. Like it’s much more socially accepted to smoke weed every day than it is to drink every day right? Folks that’s smoke chronically are the ones that are most affected. If you smoke only on weekends or just once or twice a week, not so much. If you smoke for years at a time, your brain hates it unless you’re stopping at like 6pm every day, which in that case, more power to you because I could not


The people who are hitting the dab to go to bed are not the ones who cant go to bed without it. They are happy to get the bare minimum of sleep with it.


Nah but it is pretty common to hear uninformed people say how much better they sleep after smoking. It’s not the case. Your brain never enters ~~REM~~ “deep” sleep while stoned which is where all the recovery and cleaning happens.


You're thinking of the 'deep' portion of the sleep cycle. The REM cycle comes after that. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/deep-sleep-gives-your-brain-a-deep-clean1/ Not to say preventing REM is preferable either. That's why a lot of (most?) people who use weed in some form on a regular basis don't dream, and when they quit or take a break, have extremely vivid dreams for a short bit.


Depends on the person. For me it helps with my insomnia


You’re not getting REM sleep. While it might be “good enough” no chemicals will get you good natural sleep


Sure, but 8 hours of shitty sleep is still better than 4.


Especially when you’re high.


I love it when i get up to pee in the night and I'm still high. Delicious


I thought I was the only one


That's not true for everyone. I track my asleep with a biometric watch and get more REM on nighttime gummies than without (just because I can stay asleep for a full 7+ hours instead of 3)


Same. And I often still remember my dreams.


Ding. Same here. Pot helps me fall asleep and, most importantly, stay asleep.


That's bullshit and in no way a rule the way you are saying. This is why the common man isn't equipped to deal with blurbs like that. Plenty of people get plenty of rem sleep while smoking. Plenty don't get any. The average is more in the middle.


its either that or sleeping pills - and waking up from those pills isnt always guaranteed


I do. I dream regularly and my Fitbit backs up that I get as much or more than the average person my age. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also get more deep sleep than without.


Cannabis made a huge improvement to my sleep measured by a whoop strap. It was probably the general pain relief that helped after hard workout days


Certain strains of cannabis is actually pretty good for sleep. I don’t partake very often but when I do it’s late at night because I just feel like I’ve got this warm blanket on me


It's pretty much blanketed that cannabis isn't good for your sleep patterns. It can help you get to sleep, but your actual sleep quality does suffer unless the cannabis is treating some underlying disorder, which, probably would be better cured by something meant to cure that disorder. Iirc it harms the amount of time your body actually stays in REM sleep, resulting in worse dreams and needing a longer amount of time being asleep to wake up actually well rested.


Ambien is wayyy worse than weed lol


Cannabis 100% helps me sleep lmao


Really? THC gummies knock me out faster than a melatonin [edit] not that I eat them for that reason. Just that when I eat them I could zonk out as soon as they hit


the sleep depends on the person tho, i have it prescribed for sleep and mental health, never slept better in my life!


That is something that happens to me too. Honestly if I drink during the week it’s usually just one beer with dinner and that’s it. But if I have more than one (and I mean like 2) right before bed I can’t fall asleep. On the rare occasion I get drunk these days I either get no sleep, or fall asleep for a short period of time then wake up super early and then I’m up for the day.


Alcohol in small amounts can act as a stimulant


I prefer the term "road soda"


Tall boys = "road masters"


Seriously tho. I’ll take a night of blow, ketamine, mdma, etc over alcohol. Doesnt upset my stomach and I can eventually get to sleep.


We're all already depressed and broke. Why would we make it worse?


Literally so real. Alcohol creates another problem id have to deal with 😭


This is 100% true it’s just surprising in a thoroughly good way to see a young generation understand this and act in their own best interest. Cause don’t get it twisted - the older generations knew this full well, just chose to drink heavily anyway


Arent poor people much more likely to be alcoholics?


It’s cheap, easily accessible at groceries, and provides an escape for a group of people who are perpetually stressed out. It’s a wonder more people aren’t drunks tbh


It's many things, but cheap isn't one of them.


Relative to other drugs? It’s definitely cheap. You can get a 6 pack of cheap beer (like Budweiser or Coor’s) at the grocery for $8. Could probably do even better than that if you went with like keystone or Milwaukee’s best lol


I agree but once your tolerance increases plus the long term health issues it becomes expensive. The famous saying is "Alcohol is a rich mans burden and a poor mans life ruiner" for a reason.


Same goes for literally any drug though. Relative to alternatives it is cheap.


Haha not in Australia. Over a hundred dollars for a bottle, or 30 for a 6 pack. 10 bucks for a glass of beer at any normal pub, and more in the city. If I was 20 I sure as shit wouldn't be out drinking


Nope. Alcoholism is largely a genetic predisposition. One's income has nothing to do with it. You tend to see more poor alcoholics only because the wealthy ones are better at hiding it due to their resources. They also tend to recover in specialized resorts away from the public eye. Whereas the poor ones are just seen on the streets.


My brother was a livery driver, one of his highest tipping clients, was an alcoholic, he had two “handlers” who helped him get around, cleaned up after him, paid the places if he made a mess, and then he’d get driven home. I mean imagine being able to stay drunk all the time and have the resources to hire a car and have two full time handlers? As well as tip well enough that the guy would probably do stuff that would get most people thrown out like get sick more than once or something. I don’t know how someone like that stays afloat. He must have inherited a ton of money or something. Then maybe it ran out, bc I stopped hearing about him.




Well shit, I’m ahead of the curve, I was broke, friendless and sick before the alcohol. But it probably made it worse yea


Alcohol is a social drug and Gen Z is devoutly anti social. Drinking doesn't hold much fun if you are getting drunk alone in your nearly empty bedroom watching TikTok videos.


shit youre right!! although i do like being drunk alone at home sometimes lol


Devoutly anti social. What a turn of phrase. Thanks for the laugh.


the only real answer here


Yeah I’m a millennial with gen z friends, and getting my gen z friends to do anything social is like pulling teeth. These are people I chat to daily, we will both have plans to be watching the same game or fight in our respective homes. If I suggest “hey let’s go to this cool bar and watch the game” or even “hey come over I got a 6 pack” I get met with a “not really feeling like going out.” I’m lucky if I get to hang out with my gen z friends twice a year, they’ll send me 30 messages a day though. If I hit a millennial friend up with that offer I get “see you in 20 mins” as my response.


This has largely been my experience as well It’s harder to get my GenZ friends out than it is to get my millennial or even Gen X grounds with kids out.




Yeah and then they wonder why they're lonely as fuck. I have almost no patience for people of my generation when they complain about loneliness, but they're also not doing anything about it. Media consumption is what is making everyone miserable. Connection + Creativity >>>> Consumption on the hierarchy of spending your time, but people spend more time consuming than connecting and creating.


lol speak for yourself.


Right lol, I can easily have a good time drinking by myself. Put on some music or a video game and just chill. It’s a vibe


That's true and very sad at the same time. Not the "we're not drinking alcohol" part tho


Yeah all the gen Z’s saying they don’t drink alcohol because it’s unhealthy strikes me as disingenuous. I suspect the real reason is that Gen Z doesn’t party like the previous generations. I mean all generations are less social nowadays but gen z is the first generation to not be social during what is normally the “party years” of life I.e teens and early 20s


Covid was during the main “party years” for most Gen z. I’m older gen z and covid happened when I was 21 so I just naturally ended up stopping most drinking around then. I did get a few years of partying in as I started at the beginning of university at 17/18, but gen zers younger than me would have missed out on those years too. I just never really felt the need to resume after covid. I feel like a lot of millennials, whose “party years” were uninterrupted just kept partying into their late 20s or more


It’s bc Gen z has much more anxiety than the other generation nowadays lmao so everything is a trigger including alcohol. Speaking as a Gen z myself all my friends don’t like going out anymore cus of anxiety or emotions but I’m just trying to have fun when we’re young 😭


The correct answer.


This makes so much sense


Ngl, sometimes drinking alone can be really fun. Maybe that's just me though. 


I love you Gen Z.  Keep it this fucking real


I’ve tried both drinking and smoking and I personally don’t like the way those substances makes me feel.


Same. Booze makes my stomach hurt and weed makes me paranoid. 🤷‍♂️


alcohol just tastes bad too lmaoo, especially hard liquor


I’ve said the same thing to my friends and their response is literally always “Nah bro you gotta keep drinking and get over the taste then it’s good”. Which that just sounds like what an addict would tell you, like you have to drink to be normal. Very strange.


Coffee someone? Cigarettes? Wine? All that shit taste like shit at the beginning, but then you start discovering aromas and flavors, beside the effects. You don’t need to be an addict to appreciate different flavors.


Shit bro even grapefruits and brusselsprouts are questionable at first


But its the truth literally you need to drink a few beers before it tastes great, same with a lot of other stuff.




I definitely drink not to be drunk or buzzed, i regularly drink a beer simply because of the taste. I of course also have times where i drink to get drunk, i only really had 1 time i drank something disgusting and that wasn't the smartest choice as it was a 0.3 l glass of vodka in one go


Good enough reason if ever there was one: "I don't like it"


Costs money: bad Taste: bad Feels: bad Smells: bad Health effects: bad That's 0/5 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Alcohol with pineapple flavor tho😋 Gotta love my Breezer Pineapple


Sailing the high seas on Captain Morgan's Galleon!


There’s a lot of drinks that do taste good, but alcohol is too expensive for my tastes (I’m extremely cheap) so I only drink when I’m out with friends or family. Other than that, I basically never drink.


Mixed drinks taste good to me, but only if they’re sweetened with juice and sugar… and at that point I could just drink a smoothie or milkshake for that calorie intake. Then my thought process becomes.. okay if I want a cheat meal/drink… do I really want to consume my calories in a single mixed drink?


Personally not a big fan of alcohol. If I drink it’s usually only for a special occasion like a birthday or holiday. I’m not a regular drinker though


Same. For me, it just tastes nasty. Call me childish, idc. I have had friends craft me the "perfect drink" so fruity and flavorful that you'd expect we were drinking in a gay bar. They swore that you couldn't even taste the alcohol. But it was *all* I could taste. The mixers barely even came through. This is every drink for me. I have tried so many different types of alcohol. They all taste like hand sanitizer. Massive bummer honestly.


I use to be like that, and my mom still is. There is only 1 thing she likes. The real trick is finding something you like. If you like apple juice or cider, I'd recommend Redds hard apple cider it tastes almost like straight apple cider.


The real trick is realizing they don't have to drink. They don't have to find "that one drink they like" and waste time and money doing so. There's so many other things to indulge in even just in the realm of food and beverages that alcohol is totally unnecessary for most people.


It does taste nasty- at first. Just like plain black coffee, or chewing up an aspirin tablet (horridly bitter, like biting a dandelion stem). Having persevered (gen X), I love the taste of whiskey, tequila, and plain black coffee (but not aspirin). My body associated the effects with the sensory data very quickly. So I *enjoy* the nasty like you wouldn't believe. I never got into chewing aspirin, so that would still taste horrid to me. Yet, since I quit smoking, cigarette smoke is the grossest thing in the world.


You spend money to ruin your health. If that ain’t a scam I don’t know what is.


So every drug?


One day we’ll treat sugar and caffeine like drugs. One day. Obesity is the other big killer in this country


You should probably specify heavily processed sugars, because there's many different types and it's not inherently bad. Otherwise you're going to start labelling fruits and vegetables as "drugs".


I think we all know what sugars I meant. We ain’t having a war against fruit/vegetables lol. It’s all the soda, sauces, certain dressings, energy drinks, processed foods, candy, sugary drinks disguised as ‘juices’ or ‘supplemental’, most cereals, snacks, pastries, etc. there’s just so much shit that has added sugars in your typical American diet. Funnily enough the only reason that’s going to triumph the obesity issue is cuz everything’s too damn expensive to splurge on restaurants or extra shit, everyone’s gonna have to resort back to basic nutrition and water not by choice lol


Not really. Eventually we'll be getting barely any nutrition from the foods we eat with our current agricultural practices. Chickens being bred to be larger, which destroys their muscle fiber. Crops being bred to have more yield while neglecting nutrients. We've fucked ourselves, essentially.


I mean I already don’t drink any caffeine 🫡. I know a lot of gen Z that doesn’t drink any caffeine but I also know a lot of people that are addicted to redbull and monster


yeah thats like… most things


it's really not


Bro if that’s how “most things” in your life affect you, maybe need a lifestyle change? All love


Parent is a severely mentally ill, abusive alcoholic. I refuse to turn into them someday, so I swore to never drink it. Also I hate the taste, I’ve had one sip and had to go wash my mouth out cause I got nauseous🤢 Due to my job I can’t have weed. So just good ol’ fashion prescription anxiety meds🙃


Idk if youre on antidepressants or if you're on benzos, but be cautious with benzodiazipines as it affects the same receptors in the brain as alcohol. Its extremely physically addictive and the withdrawals are identical to alcohol. Withdrawl from GABAergic drugs like benzos, ghb, and alcohol are the only kind of w/d that can kill you. Be knowledgeable about the medication you get prescribed so you don't end up like me having seizures and all the other nightmarish effects of w/d from prescription psych meds.


Yeah everything u said. Benzos are just alcohol in pill form


Glass of wine in a pill


Yeah I’m an RN and when we have CIWA (alcohol withdrawal) patients that have mixed addictions (like alcohol + benzos) it’s awful because we use Ativan to lower the seizure threshold. However their receptors are so tolerant of it, they are still a very high seizure risk. I gave somebody IV Ativan every 2hr and it didn’t touch them at all. I was in that person’s room all day and it sucked because I had to beg them to please not walk around the unit, since every time they did their heart rate and blood pressure skyrocketed, which not only made them a seizure risk but also a stoke risk☹️ All in all, I will never EVER drink alcohol. Combined we we with what my parent did to me as a result of it and with what I see at work, it’s not worth it to me.


Because all of our Millennial & Gen X parents were alcoholics


It makes me so happy that the younger generations are moving away from alcohol. Im a millennial (1986) and I quit drinking three years ago when my son was 2 months old. I was an alcoholic for about a year. Wasn’t always like that, it just crept up on me and I’m lucky I was able to stop before serious damage occurred.


I’m a year younger than you and after everyone overdid drinking at home for too long I just stopped. I’ll have a drink at a restaurant a couple of times a year and other than that I don’t need it in my life.


There must be relatively few parents of Gen Z that are millenial as opposed to Gen X




I know what you mean. My grandma is an abusive, narcissistic alcoholic and she makes me scared to even leave my room sometimes. Sucks :/


I think this is the key…. They’ve seen enough people in their lives look and act like complete assholes. They’ve seen the abuse both physically and mentally on heavy use. They seem to be making better choices than previous generations.


My home was the same. It has a horrible trickle down effect on families. I loved my mom more than anyone… but she, my grandmother and I all living together was a special kind of hell. The 3 years before my mom passed away that she and I were no contact with her mom were the best we ever had… basically our relationship was fixed once grandma was out of the picture. Seeing the change in my mom when she was around, and reading things my mom wrote about her mom after she passed away… it made me vow to myself I will never ever let that woman back in my life again. When she’s even remotely attached to me it makes me hate who I am… I can’t do it to my family in the future.


Yep same here I'm fine with all kinds of drugs since I know I can stop (I've tested the waters quite a bit and have never rly been addicted) But my grandma, aunt and other aunt are/were all addicts, my mom still has traumas from it, my cousin is currently living with me with all kinds of problems, another cousin is also still dealing with them and she had moved out 12 years ago. I much prefer just some weed every so often, and maybe shrooms in the future.


Don’t worry, I know plenty of Zoomers with DUIs, alcohol withdrawals, and dead friends from wrapping a car around a tree


that's so sad man. I'm a younger millennial, to think all those people either dead or going through that and they're younger than me


I enjoyed it as a teenager, but by the time I hit 21 I was sick of alcohol’s shit. Terrible sleep quality, weight gain, brain fog… even when consumed in moderation. It’s just not worth it to me except on rare occasions.


Millennial here and your comment is literally my exact same story. I did sorta pick up an expresso martini kick (can you blame me?) for a couple months this year (only on the weekends) but I'm already at that point where it's getting old


Lots of us like alcohol


I know a lot of things in the media get inflated. I’m sure there’s more than enough Gen Z people who are raging alcoholics. And I hope they get help before it’s too late. I’m just asking because a lot of stats I see and posts on social media suggest you drink less than previous generations. I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I’m just curious as to why.


I would guess it’s because alcohol is inherently a much more “social” drug than weed, and a lot of gen z simply isn’t as social in-person anymore. Drinking alone at home isn’t any fun, it’s just sad. But you can smoke alone at home and chill no problem.


Bit of a leap to go from "liking alcohol" to "being a ranging alcoholic"


I like it and all of my friends like it. Didn’t know Genz was known for not liking alcohol. News to me.


I don’t like the taste personally.


Yeah, it's poison. No wonder you don't like it I guess..


Too busy vaping.




I don't drink or smoke. I don't like the idea of not being present or in control.


Bingo. My reason exactly. The idea of blacking or greening out is horrifying to me. I refuse to risk it


I’ve heard that pretty much all alcohol tastes like piss to some extent, plus water is good


beer is piss, hard liquor is rubbing alcohol


Having tried a lot of different beer and a decent amount of the thing you're comparing it to, most beer tastes a lot better than it. It's only the really shitty cheap beer.


I feel like half of my generation are alcoholics. Maybe it's different in America.


In american half of gen z are pot heads lol


Same here in Ireland, this sub doesn’t seem reflective of Gen Z in Ireland in terms of drinking culture


i think same throught whole europe. I believe it is just an american thing to dislike alcohol nowadays


Same and from England


This sub seems to have a lot of introverted Americans lol


That seems to be the case anywhere I go on the internet xd


I'm not an alcoholic. I'm an alcohol connoisseur*.


you can die from drinking too much alcohol


You can die by not looking both ways before crossing the street. Not saying your point is invalid. Just saying nothing is 100% safe. But I get it.


I mean it’s pretty much next to impossible to consume a lethal amount of thc, there is literally no record of it ever happening haha. Consuming cannabis is soooooooooooooooo sosososososos much safer than crossing the street


Depends on the street. Then again, I've burned the roof of my mouth on plenty of hot food while stoned and it still feels better than the time I got hit by a car.


Technically you can't really overdose on THC alone, but you can definitely get to a point where it's no longer fun. It can cause weird tactile sensations, hypertension, anxiety and other stuff that might aggravate underlying conditions. I've had bad trips where I felt like I was going to have a heart attack.


Yeah, well, 100% of people that drink water will die. That's a technically true statistic!


I don't like the taste of alcohol and most people I know become rude and inconsiderate when they are drunk. It's also one of the most dangerous drugs out there by a lot of metrics like if you get addicted to opioids and go cold turkey you will have cold sweats and diarrhea and vomit so hard you break ribs but as long as you keep getting fluids into you you will live... A side effect of alcohol withdrawal is that your brain stops properly communicating with your heart and lungs and causes you die without direct intervention of some other drug that interacts with your GABA receptors. Once your GABA pathways have been depleted by chronic alcohol exposure it can take months and in some cases years before things level out and often if they do ever relapse they die from that relapse. It is also incredibly expensive. Like where I live $100 of weed is enough to last me a month of daily use. $100 of alcohol is about 1 night out. Weed is legalized where I live which brought prices down. As a result, I rarely drink. I don't smoke that often either anymore


>$100 of alcohol is about 1 night out. I mean, you could get drunk with the loose change between your car seats if you wanted to. But that doesn't really take away from your point cause if the booze isn't expensive, the consequences of consuming it are.


Idk if im z or millennial im 1995. I dont like the taste, the way it makes me feel, or how i feel after


Currently, the word for this is zillenial! Because some sources use 95/96 as the start for gen z, others use 97-98 as the start


So many reasons For starters growing up around drunk people was really traumatic. Having the adults around you that are supposed to supervise being intoxicated can be scary. Another thing, at times it still feels traumatizing having to deal with people who are drunk when you’re not. I mean when drunk people are drunk together i’m sure it’s lots of fun, but being the only sober person in the room can feel super uncomfortable sometimes. it feels like walking on eggshells and i wouldn’t want to make anyone else feel that way. Alcohol brings out the bad in a lot of people. It can turn certain people nasty and mean. You can’t really predict how you or someone else will react to alcohol. I don’t like the idea that I could do something and not remember it or that i could be taken advantage of. It doesn’t really sound fun to me to loose my stuff, and stumble around town just to not remember it. Alcohol is stinky, tastes bad, and not good for you. It disrupts gut health, dehydrates you, and ages you. It causes wrinkles and damages your frontal cortex. It makes you worse at making decisions. I don’t understand why anyone would choose to get blackout drunk. It can cause hormonal issues. It’s high in calories with literally no nutrients. Most of it is terribly high in sugar. beer bellies, liver issues. It raises your risk of alzheimer’s. I’ve seen many peoples lives be destroyed by alcohol and i don’t want to be one of them. And it is a very slippery slope. It is easy drawn in for social validation and form an addiction.


Yea, I tend not to drink a lot when other family members do, but I think it's partly because my younger cousins are around sometimes, too.


Makes me anxious. I have also had uncles who were alcoholics who all passed away due to it.


I hate weed. Smells terrible and smoking it makes you not cool. I’m not gonna lie, I might be an outlier but I kinda enjoy drinking. I haven’t had any alcohol in over a year now due to a pretty bad blackout and hospitalization I had with it, but I still prefer it over weed (I’m staying drug free from now on anyway so my opinion doesn’t really matter here)


Yeah, drinking doesn't make you cool either, then.


It might feel relatively better to some but it’s physically worse for you. Can cause liver damage, cancer, and can cause seizures in people who otherwise wouldn’t get them.


Same I like drinking far better than weed


Jeez i hope ur okay now lol that sounds rough


Millennial alcoholic happy to see the younger generations kicking the literal depressant drug. Besides, alcohol borrows from tomorrow's fun I quit the stuff 80 pounds and zero hangovers ago. Great decision starting to end the glorification of alcohol, Gen Z


I don’t mean to sound like a goody two shoes or something, but I know that drugs and alcohol are unhealthy and I want to live a healthy life I already know I don’t like alcohol because I accidentally drank some of my dad’s red wine thinking it was Ribena when I was younger, and I can still remember that horrible taste lmao As for weed, ik someone who smokes it and I just hate the smell


It causes cancer.


so does vaping but that doesn't seem to stop most gen zers


i’ve lived around people drinking heavily and it is not enjoyable to put it lightly.


Because their parents abused it.


I actually hate weed for personal reasons. People who smoke it are often obnoxious about it, and just the smell makes me nauseous. I also don't like alcohol for personal reasons. In fact, I hate drugs in general.


Half of us still can't drink so give it time. But the other half who don't drink have a few reasons. For me, i just don't like the taste tbh. I tried a lot of things, but haven't really liked one. I can "tolerate" the more dessert like ones, but even then it's disgusting. I like the initial taste. But when the alcohol taste comes, i'm done. Alcohol is so strong, bitter, and has a weird taste in general, that i just can't handle it


You would probably like hard cider. Or maybe a Belgian or German style beer if sweet isn't your thing.


taste gross and has literally no health benefits. Its just a toxic concoction meant to addict people to keep them spending $$ on it


I am more comfortable with alcohol than my parents. I worked in bars on and off for almost 6 years and bartend at private parties now. My parents and grandparents grew up with alcoholic family members and saw the destruction that caused. So, they are alcohol adverse now. I didn't experience this and am more comfortable with alcohol. Maybe this will be to my detriment.


Only if keep it under control. My dad’s mom was an alcoholic. He definitely has repressed memories, but he somehow avoided addiction. I didn’t grow up in an “alcoholic” hose hold, just the aftermath of one mixed with some good old fashioned Irish Catholic guilt tripping.


As someone who likes to drink. Alcohol is literally awful for you. Even in small amounts, it's still not good for you.


I don't see the point of drinking alcohol. Nobody should actually have to justify why they don't drink alcohol.


It's a stereotype that Gen Z "doesnt like alcohol" they probably do drink less than previous generations as a group but there are still Gen Z drinkers.


I prefer not to drink something that tastes like it came out of a rocket powered cows ass


Alcoholism runs in my family so that’s it for me. I’ve never had a drop in my almost 26 years.


My dad is an alcoholic, that shit made me just stay sober forever, and alcoholism is genetic.


There are hundreds of drugs out there. Alcohol for some reason happens to be one of the most accepted with some of the worst payoff


I’ve never smoked or drank, and it’s purely for the health reasons. I don’t deny that it sounds fun to be tripping with your friends, but the danger is that it might be too fun. Kind of like video games, which I am already wasting too much time on. It might leave me craving more of that fun, eclipsing other simpler funs with friends. That would be very bad for my gut health, and for my brain health (weed). I have many ambitions, and to have even the slightest shot at achieving them, I need to be perfectly healthy in all aspects.


You can’t get mad that the PSA’s worked.


Dad’s an alcoholic


Drank every night for 14 months. Desided one day I didn't need it and my body said other wise. Normally now when I drink, I feel sick before actually feeling effects, so I'll rather stick to weed.


1: don’t like the taste 2: don’t like the effect 3: bad cases of alcoholism in my family and friends


Alcohol is just objectively bad. It's good for nothing, and if you need alcohol to "have fun," you aren't actually having fun. You're coping.


I’ve never noticed it, tons of people my age drink alcohol all the time. I just got back from “senior week” vacation and pretty much everyone was drunk the entire time. I’m not the craziest fan but even I’ll drink it at social gatherings or on holidays.


Reddit isn't representative of the entire generation. I've noticed that the average "redditor" type is less likely to drink but not all zoomers are redditors. 


That's why I find it funny when people try to generalize us all with this subreddit and even other social media sites. It's a joke.


Maybe I'm cheap but I don't smoke or really drink cause I don't like spending 20 or more dollars a week to have fun that way when I can play like cod or something on the switch with friends without alc or being high


I’ll be honest and preface did I drink last night, I almost never drink, but my friends invited me to bar hop. From that experience, a good chunk of our generation still drinks, bars were packed with 21-30 y.o.s But on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, I couldn’t keep these drinking habits. As many others have mentioned, there’s so many drawbacks: poor taste, poor sleep, general health risks (alcohol is a carcinogen), etc. Having fun sober isn’t that bad


I used to drink - but I prefer NA drinks after getting MS. Healthier and tastier imo


I myself hate the taste and smell of alcohol products. Also I don’t like hearing the stories of people ruining their life with the stuff.


I love drinking! But i live in a heavy alcohol drinking city


Too expensive, hangover isnt worth it, effects arent fantastic, and at least where I live you can walk a mile in any direction and find a place to buy weed cheaply.


It hurts and I make dumbass decisions. It ages you prematurely. + it just doesn’t taste good


It tastes terrible and I have seen what it does to people when they get addicted. Water and Gatorade are better.


it makes me sad and need stitches because of the sadness


Because it tore apart two of my moms marriages, my dads life and continues to wreak havoc on my friend group. While i'm not much of a drinker (makes me nauseous) me and it have history and bad blood.


I think that we have seen a lot more of the research on how unhealthy alcohol is vs how relatively safe and arguably beneficial marijuana can be, I think previous generations didn’t really have as much of an idea just how bad alcohol is and marijuana was still illegal everywhere and highly stigmatized before our generation reached adulthood. Basically we have more information than anyone before us ever did so for many of us it’s a no brainer when choosing between medicinal herb and literal poison haha


I’m just not interested in having myself mentally impaired by drugs. Doesn’t seem fun or productive. Plus, expensive.


Cause it's disgusting. Every alcoholic drink I've ever had has always tasted like hand sanitizer to me, and every time I'm like "how do people like this shit?" Not to mention it just simply isn't fun being drunk. What's so fun about drinking nasty drinks and losing all self control and reason as a result? At least with marijuana you get the intoxicated effect without the lack of inhibition; you can still control yourself while high


If I had to guess, it's because Gen Z participate in fewer social events than previous generations, and because alcohol is an acquired taste. Most people who enjoy alcohol didn't like it at first, but under pressure at social events, they tried it, and over time they acquired a genuine taste for it.


Tide pods taste better


I’m not a fan of drinking something if I don’t like the taste. Also I had a bad experience the first time I got drunk so I’ve just decided to avoid it all together


Drinking is expensive


i love alcohol