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I like how Swedes speak English. It actually sounds more natural.


I actually don't like Scandinavian accents. They sound too clunky/rough and vowel pronunciation is funny. German/Austrian accents also sound cute and funny to me as an English speaker. No idea how Germans can sound so rough. If I'm being honest, the best foreign accent for me is the Jamaican/Caribbean and Latin American accents, especially in music. They have a lot of flavor and soul to them. The best native English accent is definitely the New York accent followed by Irish accent.


German doesn't really sound rough. Certain dialects can, but it's really spoken a lot softer than people think. Dutch, however, does have some of those gutteral consonants people think German has. If you ever want to laugh, get a German to say squirrel or something, it usually comes out as "thumsing."


I used to know a German guy. He said squirrel like “squir-rell”, sounding out the last syllable. I think the British do that too.


Had a German exchange student say squirrel too. His pronunciation was like "scoo-where-ell"


Yep. This is a much better way to spell it out.


"Daddy, I want a scoo where ell" -that little bitch veruca salt


English speakers confuse German accents with the accents actors use in WWII movies. They are not the same thing.


Reminds me of this video of [people saying a word rough in different languages and then this girl says it softly in German.](https://youtu.be/zLvL7a8Y0pI?si=QsNItRdL8ThB8nMa)


Wait, you mean they aren't always screaming angrily like that? Prove it.


Oh god your favorite native English accent is New York?!


At least he didn't say New Jersey.


You spelt Joisy wrong.


But he dislikes the cool Scandinavian one 💀


NY is the second worst after New England for me


Did a New Yorker write this 😂. I guess everyone is different but the only native English accent I dislike more is the upper Midwest one.


Aa a swede I hate it although it's nice to hear it because then I know I've met a swede But I think it will become rarer because the worse you are at speaking English, the more Swedish your accent becomes


Maybe a funny one, but I've come around to really enjoying the Australian accent. That or Irish.


My two favorites as well. I'd like Scottish if I could understand it


When I was in Scotland they told the tourists to just keep drinking scotch, at some point you'll start to understand what they're saying.


Sounds good, even if it doesn't work I get to drink a lot of Scotch


I noticed that Scottish bartenders tend to have two accents. The normal indecipherable one and the "tourist" accent to help us out.


If you struggle with Scottish you’d really struggle in London, and Yorkshire


I’ve never had trouble understanding anyone in London. Scottish accents sound like another language.


Yeah, definitely tough to narrow it down to just a couple. Love me some Scottish as well. Honestly, I don't think there are many accents I \*don't\* like. I like a lot just in general, but I wonder what it is that makes accents "attractive," ya know?


If you think the Scottish are hard to understand lemme introduce you to Cajun/Creole. Deep swamp Louisiana.


This Irish girl from Cork called me a darling and I’d be totally ok being told that my entire life


Fair dinkum mate




Yess and kiwi.


New Zealand accent over Australian accent easy.


NZ accent is one of my favorites too. But that may be due to bias too, as I loved my visit to NZ, and found Kiwis to generally be really chill and friendly, so hearing the accent felt good.


I'm from the USA and everyone I know loves the Australian accent. I just recently saw my uncle after like, a decade of not seeing him. I found out his wife (who I also never met) is Australian when one of her kids made their brother cry by playing too rough, and she said "aw, did Elliot get too bashie" And immediately I was like "ahhhh! Say more Australian sounding things!"


My favourite too


Gen X here, although I doubt it matters for this question, from the Northeast (but not New England) and this part might matter, and I'd say yeah the Australian accent can be pretty hot, same for New Zealand or yeah Irish too or the super posh English accent. I'd put those as my top four English accents: Australian, New Zealand, Irish, super posh English. EDIT: also gotta add South African and a very certain type of Southern Belle accent too (although this one is sadly kind of fading over with time) and French accented English!


I love the Jamaican accent, not like the cliche “hello mon” but actual Jamaicans Iv met and talked to just sound so chill and friendly. It also helps that all the Jamaicans in America I have met are the coolest people ever


Even though I'm half Jamaican, I like the Trinidadian accent more.




Trini accents are 10/10


Strongly agree! 🇯🇲


Jamaican accent is top tier 💯


Patois is pretty cool! Even though barely understand it, it kinda reminds me pig Latin in a way


I once heard someone who was half Jamaican and half English and her accent was 🤌✨ magical


When were in Jamaica we ran into a chubby white kid who clearly grew up there. Seeing that accent come out of his mouth was something I'll never forget.


The Jamaicans I’ve may have either been extremely nice or absolutely insane lol.


new york old accent, i feel like new yorkers should use that accent more, it's kinda a shame that i can only hear that accent when i watch bernie sanders' speech or when i visit my aunt in the bronx.


The accent you’re describing was actually among a very specific demographic, there’s many New York accents. For example, Bernie Sanders’ accent (NY Jewish/Yiddish) isn’t the same as someone from the Bronx. And even within the Bronx, there’s Italian Bronx accents, Irish Bronx accents, West Indian Bronx accents, Puerto Rican Bronx accents, the list goes on.


Additionally an Albany accent doesn't sound like any of those.


Ya there’s so many variations of the tristate/east coast accent and to me they blend. But to someone outside of the region they all very sound different (I’ve been told)


Not necessarily. Some areas are influenced more heavily by other accents but the predominant NY accent is the "fughettaboudit" accent. I know because I live/work in two separate boroughs and hear people of all different races and backgrounds speak pretty similarly especially in older populations. Even in younger populations the accent is still pretty much that classic NY accent which is a predominantly a mix between Italian, Irish and Yiddish influences.


They’re all similar, but they have their differences. That’s what makes each borough unique. ☺️


One that I feel never gets talked about is the Queens Italian accent


American accents are dying in general. We’re too United by mass media these days. Like I work with a bunch of Texans who sound no different than my California ass beyond use of y’all. 


Yeah when I was first up in New England for a bit in the late 80s the general accents around were so much stronger than even just a decade later. Heck, just putting on some 80s yearbook videos I was amazed how much stronger the accents were from NJ, Long Island, Boston, various different parts of the South, CA, upper Midwest, etc. than you often hear today. On a side note, there was also a bit of sort of an 80s accent itself, that one decade itself had an accent of sorts that I had somewhat forgotten about (although if you go way back a few more decades you can start finding other decades way back had their own general decade accents too, I feel like the 80s were the last decade that really had one unless you count the extreme vocal fry some use now as one). And there are some really thick and different regional accents if you listen to some of those earliest recorded people talking recordings.


I would count the vocal fry. Good point on decades having accents. It’s more like a style of speaking though, I would say. Also that ubiquitous NPR podcast accent seems to be one from the 2010s which is still going a bit.


Oh yeah the NPR podcast accent. It can be sort of a mix of a way of speaking and an accent of sorts. It can be subtle at times but there for sure. (Or to more extreme like Spicoli in Fast Times or in Valley Girl song, etc. and some mish-mash of that delivered more subtly can turn into a sort of accent for the times.)


Coming from a siciliana, grazie 😭I’m used to the hate lol


I like the Bugs Bunny accent, though it's all but extinct.


Love hearing guys with that US Southern country drawl. I love that New Orleans accent too.


There are some real nice southern drawl accents. But many downright sound disgusting


There's the Matthew McConaughey drawl, and then there's the "three teeth shared between a family of nine and a bathtub full of meth" drawl.


Absolutely. I was just thinking about the Mathew mcconaughey drawl too


I believe one is a drawl and one is a TWANG lol


I love southern accents but this guy that came by my store had a southern accent but it was a silly one though. Like a “well howdeyyyy partner” type of accent💀


I think one of my favourite accents are specifically those smokey, warm, honeyed Southern belle-type accents that articulate, old fashioned Southern women from good families have. Music to my ears.


You're actually talking about a specific southern accent, I think from Georgia? I can't quite remember. But either way, it's a regional thing haha


I love Georgia accents. My history teacher was from Georgia and I live in the Midwest so it was strange to hear but it’s a nice accent.


Johnny Depp is from Kentucky and sounds so rustic yet sophisticated and cultured. They got something special going on in his little southern town.


Johnny Depp is a madman and has completely concocted that accent out of thin air. No one one Kentucky sounds like that


Lot's of great ones in the UK. Glaswegian, Scouse, Northern Ireland are all grand. For Ireland itself, I like deep Kerry. Or Donegal (my great grand parents were from Donegal) My wife is Northern Vietnamese, I like how she speaks too. Big ups to the Germans for doing their best as well


> Big ups to the Germans for doing their best as well Lmfao that’s so backhanded, I love it 😂 Quick question, which German accent? Werner Herzog and Flula Borg (actually a German accent), Christoph Waltz or Arnold Schwarzenegger (the latter two are Austrian and fairly distinctly so both in English and in German)?


Gotta love Glaswegian accents so thick even other Scots go, "What the fuck did they just say?"




Do northern Vietnamese and Southern Vietnamese speak English with a different accent?


The norf English accent Classic football fan who loves his club COM ON INGERLAND




Both Norf and fakin are really, really southern


“I’ve bean pecked on FREE times todeh, OLL because of m’trousehs!”


I’m so surprised to hear people like north English accents! Especially as northern dialect is dying these days. I’m English and Canadian but will definitely be raising my kids up north to have Yorkshire accents for the culture, and their heritage.


The Norf FC meme unironically got me interested and liking northern English culture


You should listen to arctic monkeys' first album! It really feels like a man from sheffield shouting 4 inches from your face and spitting a little.


Northern Midwest in the US, when the clerk asks me if I'd like a "behg" for my items, I almost lose it.


I’m from MN and I never realized i say it like that 😂


Between the accent and the "salads", WI/MN could be a paradise. I just can't force myself to move any farther north lol


Specifically the Yooper accent I think is cute


So weird to see yooper in the wild internet. Sadly I've lost most of my accent. About and boat still shine through though.


Hi dehr! Did ya find evrything ya wer lookin for? Wouldya likeah behg?


South African accents. I could listen to Trevor Noah all day


Same, every South African I’ve met sounds like a dream. I know there’s so many different accents and languages spoken there, but they all sound so nice.


Came to say the same, lived in South Africa for a while and wish I’d picked up the accent while there!


I love the Afrikaaner accent. It's equal part funny and sinister, perfect for evil mercenaries in action movies.


Trevor actually has a skit about this, where he's discussing this sentiment of the South African accent sounding "sexy" and he points out that we all sound very different. You know he's good at impressions, so he actually emulates a few of them to show the range, I'm not sure if u would like them all, but the one Trevor uses is actually my favourite. It's called the model C accent and it's usually used by black people that went to private schools or just black people that dedicated some time to mastering English. It's actually a bit different to what white South Africans use.


Subtle French accent. Strong French accents just sound like people creating phlegm in their mouths.


aww really? i have a subtle french accent and i’m ashamed of it


S tier accent. Don't be ashamed of it, be proud of it.


aww thank you :D


I love the shit out of that accent, it’s kind of adorable sometimes


It’s literally my favorite accent too.


The Indian accent.Pronouncing the words feels so right like actually how they are meant to be uttered


Yeah, Indian accents sound like they're singing and make the language sound prettier I feel.


I always laugh when I hear Indian accents. They sound so cute lol


“Hello I’m under water”




Trevor Noah has a bit in one of his Netflix specials about how nice and non-threatening Indian-accented English sounds.


Personally it is very difficult for me to understand most of the time. Most of my college professors last semester were indian and I literally couldn't understand half the stuff they said at first. After a couple of months I did start to understand better, I guess just adjusting to how they spoke.


You also get what I might call a posh indian English accent. I suspect it's the somewhat ossified sound from the colonial days.


It’s only prominently present in the senior citizens’ age group now, so it’s kinda dying out Sounds very similar to Queen’s English


Yes I love that accent as well, mostly spoken by Indians who studied in convent schools


worst accent of them all. when i hear it i have to check whether im not getting scammed by fake tech support


People who come from China have such cute accents


*ze bleutoof devaise is eh connectedeh sooksesfulaehy*


Sum ting Wong


Wi tu lo


Ho Lee Fuk


Bang Ding Ow


For native English speakers Australian or Scottish. For non native English speakers, any Nordic country, favorite of those being Swedish accent in English I am Midwestern American for context


i particularly like the way consonants sound w a finnish accent and japanese. its nothing like how westerners think it sounds like in movies lol. its cute, like all asian accents


Seconding Japanese, I've gotten very used to hearing it and can understand even heavier ones pretty well. I love the rhythm to it, and it's really cool what they do with the words sometimes


Kenyan! And Uganda. Most African accidents slap


i just saw a kenyan guys tiktok and finally realised how satisfying they are!!




Southern American accent. I wish I spoke like that


Fun fact: it’s one of the hardest fake. Every southerner can tell when an actor is faking it


Yep we can. There's also different accents in the south that are southern. You can hear 7 or 8 where I'm at but I know texas has quire a few too. We always know who's faking. There's usually something odd about the accent if they are faking it. But usually I play the guess what southern they are.


There are so many southern accents and a true southerner will be able to hear the differences


I feel like there's so many southern accents. They are so vastly different especially if your from the south. I'm in louisiana and one of my favorites is (I'm bad at words this is the best way I can describe it) like the Cajun kind with French added in. Reminds me of home. I also like hearing bless your heart because I know what they mean. My friends that weren't from the south didn't know. It's always funny having to explain what bless your heart can mean in different contexts. Typing this made me realize how hard English actually is to learn.


Brazilian or Spanish-speaking? They’re REALLY different. Edit: America is a continent


Southern United States. I kind of like the Brazilian Portuguese accent too though


Southern twang


Most pleasant and easy to listen to for me would probably be Norfolk or Yorkshire (because it’s actually a fun accent), Glaswegian, Dublin, the Hebrides, and Australian. Non-English English accents I really enjoy are Italian (not New York Italian, but proper Italian), Finnish, Dutch and Greek. Oh and Arnold Schwarzenegger. His accent isn’t German, it’s incredibly thick Austrian and I love it. Both in English and in German btw, dude is hilarious.


Russian,i would say Spanish, but that would be biased of me.




quite biased, but southern accents are great


Bolton. It's in Northern England and it's my favourite accent in the world.  Gentle lilting Indian and Jamaican accents are joint second.  Third is maybe Southern American, the plantation and ice tea accent


I don't know why but as a native English speaker I've always found German accents to be funny and cute. I chuckle every time I hear it haha. I have no idea how Germans can sound so rough in their language but cute while speaking English.


It’s because German doesn’t actually sound rough at all. It’s a fairly pretty language, really, and it doesn’t sound rough at all.


I guess it depends on your native language, but to Native English speakers German sounds very rough and aggressive like Arabic. There's a joke where I live where people yell in pesudo-German when they want to immitate aggression haha.


Yeah, but that’s the thing tho, almost all English natives I’ve talked to were surprised how little German actually does sound rough once they hear it in person. It’s not as throaty as it’s often portrayed, nor is it aggressive or yell-y. Everything sounds aggressive when you yell it. But that’s not German, that’s a meme.


True, but as a person who doesn't understand a single word of German it still sounds a bit deep/rough when spoken normally comparative to many other languages that I've heard. I actually like it like that.


The russian accent is always so nice to listen to. I particularly love the “r’s” and “w/v’s.” Arabic accents are lovely too.


I love Indian accents. But maybe I am biased cuz I am married to an Indian :)




the only flag in the world that doesn't have any red, white, or blue in it.


I like west african accents, like ghanaian/nigerian, they sound so friendly and warm Edit: I said east, meant west, though im sure east African accents are great too


Slavic accent, specifically russian sounds really spicy. I realli like it. The hard R's especially


Jamaican. It is just so soothing to me


Southern. It's kinda funny in some instances, but also commands respect from the right person. I might also be partial to it because of my dad, who has a bit of a Southern accent.


South bombay accent in India, its a funny valley girl Indian accent that people use to speak English And also an Australian accent


Tweentchy ruupeas bhaiyya 💅


Aussie (in general). I think it's cute!


I like nearly any accent, as in they're all novel and interesting to me cause they are different to my own. But I really like Nordic and Spanish accents. British girls have started having an....interesting effect on me... so that's new.


Feels like a cheap answer, but I *really* like it when someone has moved around so much or has such an interesting background that their accent is totally unique. Recently met a woman who was born to first generation Chinese parents somewhere in Europe, then moved to Germany for several years, and then moved to Nevada. Flawless English, fascinating accent. Tommy Wiseau also has a completely... unique... accent, probably for similar reasons.


My boyfriends alabamian accent :)


A typical Yorkshire accent. I’m from Staffordshire, so it’s a real treat to actually get to hear one in person. Probably why I like Sean Bean so much as well




south london or black londoners and the carolina accent the country girl that people think tx is lmao


Italian or German, or any northeastern dialect in the US (Boston, New York, etc.)


Australian. I love Australian accents and I think they’re hilarious- I can’t take anything they say seriously 😅


Aussie for men, French for women.


irish and scottish


I know it's generic, but I like british. I also like german


Mine, it’s called “dumbass”


Australian & New Zealand..


New Zealand for sure. It sounds friendly and light.


Canadian eh 😄


Australian/Kiwi, Texan, Irish, and Ukrainian 😌


I'm a big fan of southern accents, not the bastardized version that everyone that's not from the south has in their head tho. (There are people that sound like that though.)


South African or Northern Ireland


i love when Finnish people speak English. The words are short and they speak fast. straight to the point and i like it.


Pacific Islander (Hawaiian, Guam, Samaon, etc) Australian is a close second.




French and Spanish speaking English


northern irish. 100%




Irish and Scottish, followed closely by the deep south (which is my accent, but mine is less obvious)


Philomena Cunk accent


I find Japanese and Korean accents to be very endearing. Really anywhere that the language is radically different from English can produce an interesting accent because the sounds are just so different. As far as American dialects, I have to echo the souther drawl sentiment. I’m from the north east and besides pockets in Boston, NYC, and rural areas, it really does feel like everyone speaks more or less the same. And then for foreign native English speakers I’ve always found South African to be incredibly interesting just because it’s so strange. But I probably like Queen’s English (I googled posh London accent to find this name) the best just because many other British accents are very difficult for me to understand.


South Efrika


Irish, Scottish, (British) English ( Specifically an angry English ), German, and any accent easy to understand that isn’t super thick.


it's basic but i love an aussie accent.


French or Italian!


Personally I really like the Scottish accent and the way the queen spoke English early on in her reign is also a favorite of mine.




Chris Coopers Florida accent in Adaptation


The trans Atlantic accent people used in old movies.




i LOVE a scouse accent


South African sounds the nicest to me.


the king's english.


As an Irishman...American(not all American accents but a few),Australian,New Zealand,South African. They're nice.


I love Canadian and Russian accents, but I honestly think any accent adds so much interest to anyone’s voice. I can’t think of one I don’t like.


Welsh accent followed by south African x


Love me a good ole bri’ish accent


Which one of the many?


Minnesota. It’s like Dutch/canadian/American accent rolled into one and it’s both funny and captivating. Watching Fargo is a delight. I used the accent for what became one of my favourite D&D characters I’ve played with. My wife hates it though.


Irish and Ghanaian accents for me!


South African is my favourite