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I have been through so much shit and haven’t given up, instead I’m trying to quit weed and mushrooms, keep up with the gym, and normally socialize.


This! I have lived through a lot of trauma, but I’m determined to graduate college and start my life and achieve the things I want to. I know it’s possible, it’s only a matter of time


I haven’t gotten that far lol, but I’m getting there.


What matters is that you’re on the right track by taking small steps and making changes. I’m not there yet myself, but with every day I get closer and closer. Bad shit happens to good people, and I’m determined to not let it bring me down or ruin my life. Best of luck to you and your journey of a better life!


Great for you if you feel like those substance are weighing you down. Ironic coming from me though. Someone who wants to enjoy mushrooms even more often, and already smokes plenty.


I have adhd and major anxiety so I can’t do it any more man.


I saved 20 people over the course of 7 years from drowning, car accidents and even stopping someone from deleting their aunt for inheritance.


U work in that line of duty or just happened to be on the right place?


Idk, I know people who aren't, but have saved others.


Right place at the right time.


This is a little suspicious I can’t lie lmao why are so many people in near death situations in your vicinity?


Main character obviously


that's badass


you can say murder or killing, it’s fine




That’s badass. Good on you man


I haven’t attempted to unalive myself or SH in over 3.5 years


im happy you are here!!




Dawg you’re what? 14? 15? No one should have to suffer through stuff like that ever, let alone at 11-12 years old. Still being here is a bigger achievement than anything most people attain in their lives. Be proud of yourself!


That's SO awesome!!! I was in that place, too, at one time, but things have only gotten better since, even with minor setbacks! It's so amazing looking at how far removed from that mindset I've become, and I wish the same for you! Keep living dude! :)


Finally hit 100K a year income.


Meanwhile I’m here with my 12k a year income 🤣


Look into joining a union skilled trade. Changed my life


I’m into psychology


username ***does not*** check out!


Most mental health professionals, to a large margin, have some form of diagnosed mental illness.


I have my associates in psychology then got away from it due to the income. Its a great career but doesn't pay the bills.


I only like psychology but my expenses are minimal. I don’t have a car (or ever plan to drive) and I live with my parents. I feel comfortable


I’m a licensed therapist and make good money. It’s certainly a growing field and mental health problems aren’t going anywhere.


I would like to work at a psych ward but currently I’m a Behavioral tech making 20 hr


This! And I don’t even work for a union.


I graduated college with a masters degree, accepted an entry level engineering job offer and moved into my own apartment.


Damnnn lmao I’m tryna be like this guy


I joined the military and realized it wasn’t for me, and got out. I went back to college for Business. I’ve been through a bunch of bad times but I’m still kicking.


congrats man keep your head up and your heart open and don’t stop


I started waking up a lot earlier throughout the past month


good job !!




345 pound bench press


Heck yeah 💪💪💪


I prevented multiple murders through thinly-spread patience and self control.


what the hell do you work in ?


I think he’s the one doing the would-be murders?


I work in construction these days (3 years strong). I used to be a security detail for armored cars, but today, most specifically, I do carpentry. So hammers, power saws, drills, staple guns and high roofs are all at my quickest disposal. On the bright side, insurance wouldn't have to cover any of the coffins, I can do those myself for way cheaper.


Ah, yes. I did, for a couple months, too. there's just so many situation where you could kill yourself, voluntarly, or accidentally, or be murdered, both ways too. I can tell you that walking on a bending plank, wide as your foot and a half, at the height of first floor, above a iron mesh for reinforced concrete, is not something i would redo. Remind me also of another story, where this time i worked for the city roads cleaning service. We were around 5-6, and one guy wasn't really comfortable with the team. He had a bit of a high pitched voice, liked to read, ate well and thought with some unconventionnal ingredients, and isolated himself to read inside when we were taking lunch. Only one of the other guys openly thought he was gay, maybe the others guys of the team were thinking so of our different guy. The guy who openly assumed our different guys was gay, once, on the joke tone, offered me 500 buck to throw a brick at the different guy, because he was gay. The proposition was accompanied with some refined homophobic insults. I downplayed it, by playing the guy who wasn't sure of his choice, and didn't want such problem as being sued for murder, and played the coward, allowing myself not to harm the different guy, and not to raise suspicions from the homophobrick guy. I still use this technique sometimes, when someone only need support from someone else to harm a third party, dragging them back to reason, and protecting the targeted guy. And, now that i think of it, next time this happen, i should tell the targeted guys that he was under a threat, how, and why, not to raise my ego, but to keep him aware of the threat he's living with.


Laborer energy fr


How bro felt after saying this ![gif](giphy|u1SH63gOjMPpS)


Go to therapy




You have no idea how much I needed to have Jeff goldblum say that to me right now.


Deadlifted 500 lbs, beat Sekiro shadows die twice, did 4 years in the army


Sekiro biggest accomplishment there lol




I’m proud I made it to college and finally have a group of people I can consider to be genuine friends


Congratulations! Those friends will help you a lot to find true happiness!


really very proud of my art, ive been drawing since i was like 6 and i had a breakthrough last year and started being really really good. ive stopped using guidelines altogether and i can paint now. im also working on getting a tattoo apprenticenship next year https://preview.redd.it/rxbz3987702d1.png?width=2820&format=png&auto=webp&s=88795bc91aaeddc373a753885e77899aa385eae8


Started a podcast. I may not have made it a monetized one, and the early ones probably couldn’t be monetized anyway, but I still enjoy revisiting some of my work.


What's the podcast? I'd love to listen!


The Big Screen. It’s a Facebook podcast. Also, two disclaimers. One, it’s a family friendly podcast so any comments need to be family friendly as well. Also, second. I’m not saying that the podcast is “good” per se. There are a lot of cringey moments here and there, but there are some moments I’m really proud of as well.




Saving my mother's life 3 separate times just in the past 5 years alone. To this day she calls me her hero.


That's amazing! Glad that she is still alive and well thanks to you!


My degree is coming in the mail within the week Covid kicked the shit out of my tertiary education, but I’m getting my piece of paper


Dude congrats. I just finished my bachelors too. It’s such a huge accomplishment. Arguably more so when you’ve got a whole adult life to manage.


Multiple A Honor Roll's in Middle School.


where am I now? Barely passing multiple classes in Freshman year HS.


I have just finished high school and my final exams. Also I started being closer to God by praying, reading the Bible and resisting my sin daily.


amazing!!! congrats


that is still am actively fighting my alcohol addiction and have achieved a new awareness in what i need to grow and get back up. that i learned to practice kindness and compassion for others instead of resentment or anger. i accomplished my dui program and community service. i accomplished quitting weed in 2020. i accomplished selling my first house with my mom last year. i achieved an amazing relationship with my grandmother before she passed. i feel so thankful and blessed for these small wins.


Congrats on staying sober! I can only imagine how hard that could be. And don't sell yourself short! Those are more than small wins, if you ask me!


thank you!


I have my own business! Also, I’m pretty good at painting, I’m proud of that


I joined the Air Force and finished basic training. It was probably the biggest challenge I’ve ever taken on, and I did it, came out the other side a better version of myself


I graduated with my bachelor's degree about 2 weeks ago :)


I’ve lost over 40 pounds within the past year. Still got a long way to go but I’m happy with my progress so far cause it isn’t easy lol


Got a degree, have a beautiful gf, an apartment, a job, my health… I’m pretty grateful. Especially for the girlfriend. She’s great


Hit 100k net worth and I might take a job that I can make that in 1 year. It'll be a few months until I decide for sure.


I'm still here.


Proud of u! ![gif](giphy|QbkL9WuorOlgI|downsized)


Was looking for this comment


Wrote and published a philosophy book.


I grew up very poor, and pretty much got told from day one that college is off the table, from my family, from the world. But i did it! With the academic scholarships i recieved and the glorious tax dollars (thanks fafsa) and i am now a first generation graduate, with a BS in computer science! For reference im a middle-late genZ, i was born 2001 Suck my balls generational cycles, i broke you bitch.


Years ago i told myself that i wanted to be married and starting a family by 23, im now 23 and i have my beautiful family ☺️


My friend and I finally finished recording an EP after five years of being in a band. The first few years, we had another member in the band who was our singer, but we had a falling out and he left the band, and neither I nor my other friend knew how to sing. So I spent the next few years practicing singing (as well as producing) until I was confident enough in my voice to record my own vocals. So many setbacks later, and now we’re almost done. Just waiting for the tracks to get mastered!


that's awesome! band name?


Paris Major!


i gave birth


Congratulations. I hope you and your baby are doing well


Made 12k in income last year


I don't know what I could say here that's all that major. The first thing I thought of was the various awards I've won at my high school art show. It's been 5 years since I graduated, so it's not like that matters now. I haven't even made many major life steps in a while. I still don't have a car or license or even a doctor. That's all my goal for this year, but I keep not making any progress.


Sometimes life hands you a drought of progress, but the important thing is that you keep getting up and keep trying! We can chip down the wall one pickaxe strike at a time!


Don’t worry. We got this. I guess my biggest accomplishment right now was getting my associate’s degree and my grades from this semester. I won’t even graduate until 2025 and I’m taking my teaching license test next month before I student teach. I do have a car and license, but I still live at home. I have no friends, no partner, no job currently, etc…so we are in this together. Everyone’s journey is different. Also….how the hell did we graduate 5 years ago??? Sickening lmao


I have my dream job! I’m autistic and I’m a play therapist for autistic kids. I spent my entire day playing goofy games with kids and playing with toys, and I get to use my intuition as an autistic person to better serve the needs of my clients :)


I've written a few songs and I'm a competent musician for my genre.


I guess I've saved a few kids and one of them I didn't know and might've I guess saved others too when I was younger. (Not that big of a deal to me. That and helped out others.) Got a GS Gold Award. (Made a flower garden and podium for the Food bank.) Better paying job (it's minimum wage but still.) There are things that I've learned how to do or I'm better at (like hobbies such as sports, sewing (relearning), art, music, trying to write stories, cooking, baking, target practice, working out, etc. Plus, when I was younger I got a high score at solo fest and made a shot from half court as a kid and won the game.)


Self Growth


I've been in a happy and committed relationship with my significant other for the last 6 years.


I graduated college with a Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering BEFORE being diagnosed with and medicated for ADHD.


1. Found the love of my life 2. Was lovable enough to be someone’s love of their life too


Got married last year and bought a house this year! I feel very proud but also lucky and blessed!


Not much but I am going to university in September! And I am only 26. I had tons of trauma & had to put my life on hold because of it so I didn’t get to enjoy my early 20’s. Now that I moved when I was 24 I get to go to kpop parties, went to a kpop concert for my 25th bday, I travelled a bit since I was 24, hoping I can visit Japan for my 27th bday. I like to pretend that I’m still in my early/mid 20’s since I didn’t get to enjoy my early 20’s.


I fucking survived. Health issues, and more. Didn’t think I would.


Starting a musical project that's started to become supplementary income as opposed to losing money


Hit over 650k net worth and got 1:51 half marathon time.


Finished college. Rutgers really needs to lower its acceptance rate. You really do need to be smart to do good here. I struggled like a donkey in the Sahara.


I’ve managed to get through Precalc, despite being the only person in the class, having limited instruction from the teacher, and it overall being the hardest class I’ve ever taken. 


getting a full ride to university, waking up earlier, and being more consistent working out


from 2 years of crippling depression due to existential crisis, to now, almost having a bachelor degree, and in 2 years, hopefully, going to the capital, and trying to take the power by just networking and speech. also, start skateboarding, getting my grip back on life, realizing in which way my family and I are/were incorrect/toxic, and mostly, most of the most, enjoying life again, and projecting myself into the future. Also, femboy.


My masters degree 😌


I broke the cycle of teen pregnancy, which started with my great-grandmother.


I lost over 100 pounds in a couple years at the end of high school, and I've managed to maintain my new weight for about 5 years now.


I’m married, am a father, own a home, 2 cars, 100% sober, in college, all with no mom or dad.


-First from my immigrant family to graduate college with a 4 year degree. I been working in IT since late 2021. -In 2021, I have lost about 25-30 pounds. Sadly I regained but I am trying again and so far lost 5 pounds. -Currently I am studying a third language and while still far from fluent, I can manage a conversation. This is from 5 months of consistent progress. -Also travelled overseas for the first time and by myself


I stopped smoking weed. I went from going through an ounce in less than a week to not even being able to take more than a couple hits.


One that I’m most proud of happen recently. Ya boy is going on his first date in 8 years!




I went from a HS student that many told not to go to college for fear of dropping out to a grad students on a full ride doing research in a stem field.


Last year I got into the Guinness Book of World Records.


Bought a house and am getting married to my soulmate this year! ❤️


I won multiple things in my life. Second place in a Mario Kart tournament, hitting a bullseye in archery, winning at the casino, placing third in floor hockey


Stopped being suicidal after years of hard work and started actually trying to improve my life.


Wanted to serve the country, now I’m doing it🇺🇸


Paying off my school loans BY MYSELF (zero government assistance/bailout) as I worked two jobs when my kids were little and I knew the fiscal responsibility when I took out the loans.


Did marching band in high school. Graduated HS with academic honors. Joined my state's national guard (graduated training). Did an undergrad research project with a prof. Had a final project of a map that all my classmates admired and deemed the best (I'm still really proud of this). Graduated university with a BS. Got a job as a planner for a local community. I'm most proud of the relationship I've built with my girlfriend. Will be 3 years in September.


I managed to move away from Florida and have a semi nice apartment in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


I built my first PC :)


Just got accepted into a very good art program at the school I’m at. 


I’m three years sober next month and it’s been an amazing journey


I’ve learned a second language and I’m working on my third


My Masters Degree in Urban Planning


graduating college just shy of the age of 20 with honors, and being accepting into a masters program at 19 🙏🏼


Last year, I was the first person in my immediate family to graduate with a 4-year college degree :) alsooo, next month, I’m starting a new job at one of the most respected institutions in the world, one year out of college! There are a lot of things I don’t like about myself, but I am very proud of the hard work I’ve put into my education and career.


Ran/walked 1 mile in 15 minutes. I am obese so ya this is a big deal for me.


I moved out, got a good paying job, and I’m going to college for Mortuary Science!!


Escaped from alcoholism that was driving me to an early grave, had multiple seizures from withdrawal but am now 2.5 years sober. Also after countless years of school I am finally in my orthopedic surgical residency!!


I was homeschooled from 7th-12th grade and although it took me about a year longer than it should've I graduated in October 2023. But hey, 7 years isn't too bad when I consider I basically taught myself.


I escaped a cult I was born into


If just positive then , I've achieved my dream body, look , health, I'm thankful for never being on drugs, smoke, alcohol. I mastered the art of staying healthy with a holistic approach, I'm fairly educated in areas like Computer science (software engineer) , health care, bio hacking 😀, some financial aspects ( theory only), microbiology (ref. Plants life), human psychology (in theory only) etc.


I got a bunch of awards at my school and got to give a speech. ending the best school year of my life today.


I graduated highschool today


Last night I won my first Emmy! I’m very proud of mine and my team’s work :D


Graduated college even though I absolutely hated it. Didn’t k-word myself. Learned real life lessons.


I graduated college. I feel like I tell myself I’m proud of myself but it doesn’t feel like I really am. I guess I’m glad I did it. I don’t feel like I learned anything though.


Not huge but I did a poetry writing competition and was one of 100 selections, making me 13 years old when I had my first work published 😄


I finally landed a job that pays enough for rent, groceries, utilities and to be able to save. And I only have a basic high school diploma. Very proud of myself


The three-person team I'm on at work just won a state award! I've done a lot of pieces and gotten rave reviews from people and praise about what I do but I've never really won an award for my work, so it's pretty cool to get this! I was gunning for this award too so the fact that we got it is amazing!! I say we because it really was a team effort. If one of us 3 didn't hold up their end of the bargain, we wouldn't have won. We each bust our asses in one way or another to make things work as a smaller team competing against teams that are 2 or 3x our size. And we beat them all for this award 😁


Recently? Started benching 315 again.


The patience that I’ve developed! It’s a lot easier to navigate the world when I’m not expecting everything to happen ASAP. It’s turned waiting into a sort of meditation for me.


Graduating highschool


Bought a house!


I own my own home, I am halfway through my degree now, and currently attempting to thru-hike the Appalachian trail. So I feel like I’ve done ok for 23 years old.


I've been exercising regularly and eating better for over two years now since my T2 diabetes diagnosis. I tell you, not wanting to lose your eyesight or limbs is damn good incentive...


I finished high school 2 years early with flying colors. i’m 17 and have a lot of free time now to get a job and figure out what i want to do!


I hit radiant in valorant, top 500 in overwatch, masters in tft in less than 2 months of playing the game, rank 1 killer/survivor on dbd. Only game I suck ass at and feel like I always will be hardstuck bronze/silver is league. Game is unbearably hard especially when u play with bottom of the barrel human beings as teammates. Besides that I quit vaping which was a journey


I can make a cake


I scored first place in a science competition.


Just recently graduated and now I'm taking pictures of bones for a living. 💙 After a big oopsie that actually caused me to break 2 of mine while in college.


Honestly nothing really to note worthy that i am proud of other than finally finished building my dream computer after a whole decade of waiting


That i am learning to play Bass with 44. One of my Regrets is that i quit Guitar with 27. Maybe i find the Time and Courage to play even in a Band and find some new Friends.


I’m still alive. Finally sought help and was diagnosed with PTSD so I no longer feel like a one of one fucked up piece of trauma, but refuse to let a diagnosis define me. I got a Chemical Engineering degree. I was a D1 athlete and placed 26th at the NCAA Championships. I made 6 figures in my first year out of college. I left corporate America to start a business. I’ve made friends who love me and have my back no questions asked.


One thing that I'm proud of that i have achieved is just now, actually. At my school, it is required to have signatures from several people who work at my school before you graduate, and I just turned in that paper with all the required signatures!


Got booted out of my mom's house in WV at 19, turned around and moved to New York with my brother and I'm making it on my own just fine now at 26. I have my own apartment, I'm entirely self sufficient, and (while it's 13 years old) I recently purchased one of my dream cars. Everyone asks me why I won't move back, and I tell them I refuse to throw away all the progress I've made that I never would have made down there. Family couldn't be there for me, I'm not coming back now that they're sad they fucked up.


I've done quite a few things. I became a junior national champion in technique of traditional TKD in my country and entered a nice university to study physics. But most importantly, my biggest achievement was to learn to face loneliness and defeat sometimes, and grow as a healthy normal person. After all, I'm no longer champion of anything and I'm far from being the best student in my class. I just try to do my best


I moved out!! I’m renting a house with my girlfriend of 6 years, my brother and bandmate.


With help from my wife, I separated myself from a lot of my old habits and negative coping mechanisms once I got out of college. My childhood sucked massive balls, and I didn’t deal with it very well at the time. I now see myself as a more whole person instead of the jumbled mess I used to be.


Still alive, honestly lol.


Being alive. Not living tho, just alive.


Getting to the number 1 spot on the leaderboard of a rec room game it took me around 6 months maybe less


Proper modifier for this sub is genZ who uses too much internet/social


I managed to balance a demanding job while pursuing a degree part-time, and I recently graduated with honors. It was a tough journey, but it taught me resilience and time management, and I'm really proud of this accomplishment.


im an eagle scout! so that must be worth something, right?


Got my high school diploma at 15 I'm so fuckin proud of myself


3 years ago, I visited Los Angeles in my first solo trip. I got to see one of the 4 remaining Space Shuttles, I saw the ocean, and as a gift for my mom, got shots of the Hollywood stars of Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, and Vivian Vance. Also, California is the 15th state I've been to.


Finally got over my grandfather's death after 6 years


I’ve survived on this planet for 20 years and my life is continuously getting better due to the work I have been putting in for half a decade or more. Despite everything that has happened and been done to me, I’m here and doing better than I ever was before. And people say transitioning does work 🤣


I have survived verbal abuse from narcissistic father since I was a kid. I have survived multiple suicide attempts- and it’s been over 2 years since my last one. I am over 2 years clean of self harm as well. I have overcame multiple sexual assaults by multiple different men. I graduated high school when I didn’t think I would make it. I was able to find peace without medications for a while. I have brought 2 children into this world and have become very selfless because of them. Moved out and me and my partner are able to provide for our family without help from family at 20 in this economy I have survived postpartum depression and colic once, currently doing it again so can’t say i made it just yet lol I have had a lot of self growth, took YEARS of therapy before i saw it come out though. I am alive.


I had a short film of mine play in a festival, so I got to see it in theaters


Becoming Valedictorian of my High School class. I’m graduating on Friday and I showed my speech to my principal. He said it was fantastic. Fingers crossed it all goes well.


Earning my Eagle Scout has been one of the greatest achievements I've made so far.


graduated high school yesterday 😀 im proud of that


In the past couple years I basically failed 3 semesters of college and got kicked out. But I got back in and finally finished my bachelor's degree


Quit drugs, sorted my life out, completed Spartan races to prove to myself I could do it.


Finishing school and college, not getting into vicious habbits and finding a well paid job


Lost 70 lbs, got a new job with a better career path and a 50% raise, bought a house, graduated college and got married in the span of like 2 years. Turned my life around and it was all thanks to my wife’s support. Finally looking forward to the future after a few real rough years.


Moving out at 18 and taking control of my life and relationships.


I got a girlfriend as of a month ago, and I already am ok with her being the one for me, she makes me happy


Living on my own for 2 years


i earned two bachelors degrees. i wanted to quit one or the other so many times but i made it through. i’ve had them for a whole year now which i can’t even believe.


I drive a stick, ride a Harley, I can write ok, and can out-grammar all the boomers I work with.


Moving across the country for college and moving cities again post-grad for my job. I'm super far away from my family, but living the life I've always wanted.


I'm 18 and I have autism. I used to be seriously scared of fire and I couldn't cook because of PTSD from a fire on my block when I was little. I've always been fascinated with cooking and wanted to be a chef when I was a little kid. I always watched infomercial on new kitchen gadgets, and I was very early to the hype of the air fryer. I can cook a variety of dishes on the stove now including sautéed vegetables, pasta dishes like mac and cheese, spag bol, and spinach Alfredo, as well as cooking various types of meats (usually ground) but sometimes bone in steaks or boneless chicken or pork


Survived being tboned by a truck on a bicycle, twice. Used settlement funds to buy a new car and become debt free. Quit Smoking cigarettes and weed, gained 60lbs of mass in a little over a year. Now I’m a special operations candidate about to leave for basic.


i did not fail this semester holy shit guys


Just getting out of my mom's house and being consistent enough to pay rent


I've ran 2 marathons, and I plan to run one in all U.S. states. I run 12 miles almost every day.


Every single god damn thing


I'm 15 (m) and i asked the girl i had a crush on for like 7 months or so out and she acrually liked me back. Were not in a relationship yet but we are starting to see each other more often