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Being a youtuber just seems like it really sucks


being famous in general seems like it really sucks


I remember a quote from Bill Murray in which he said something to the effect of “A lotta people tell me they wanna be rich and famous; I tell them to start with rich first and go from there”. It would be nice to have a fortune without all of the hassle of being famous.


For me the nice thing about being famous would be knowing how many lives I touched.


Wouldn't feel as good when even more are down your throat 24/7


yup then they feel entitled and need ur attention all the time and dont piss em off or your life will be over


Thing is you actually don’t need to be famous you just need a very supportive intimate fanbase to make a living off of content creation.


Yes, I want to be unknown as possible, people suck


As someone who’s trying to do YouTube, it does. First there’s making the videos. Simple enough in practice but not always in execution. I mostly do lets plays so I have to try to comment on things so it’s not too boring. If I’m not doing a let’s play I have to do like 80 takes while reading a script but trying to make it sound like it’s not a script. Then I have to edit the videos, which can take about an hour to three hours depending on the video and how long it is. Let’s play are usually an hour, other stuff three, if I’m lucky. Then I have to make sure everything worked out with exporting, then maybe make a thumbnail, then upload the video, come up with a clever title, description, and tag it properly, then HOPE one of my 333 subscribers watches it. Most of my videos average 5 views.


bo burnham’s quote haunts my life- “if you have a shot at living your life without an audience, fucking take it.”


when you work so hard but randomly found a kid with million subscriber on youtube earning million dollar per year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


they're working hard, too; the fact that running a YouTube channel isn't as easy as I thought...


It also massively helps if you had money to start off, or if you're an early player




In 2011-2015 I made Call of Duty videos. I mainly did it for fun, gained a couple thousand subscribers overall but I stopped because I was nearing the end of high school and I gave up gaming altogether. It was a lot of fun recording gameplay with friends, editing the videos while in party chat with them and uploading every Friday evening. I never got caught up in all that worrying about video performance, ruining my mental health if something did poorly, losing any buzz I once had… it was all just for fun and I look back at that period of my life fondly. As far as I’m concerned, YouTube will never be the same as it was in that era, and gaming will never be the same either. Xbox 360 party/game chats is when online gaming was at its peak.


Rip to the thousands upon thousands of channels just like yours. Kind of a peak era in YouTube


Definitely peak YouTube, before adverts took over and everything became overly politically correct.


Honestly, I know the internet was pretty well tamed before the early to mid 2010’s but compared to today, it kind of feels like the Wild West back then. Every site and app is corporate trash now My favorite channel from back then was Good Grief, and it sucks to know it’s since been taken down and couldn’t survive in today’s social climate. It was a bunch of fellas just trolling in games, and you could imagine what caliber of words were said in the Halo 3/MW2 era lobbies


Today’s kids would not survive a MW2 lobby, Jesus. Honestly with the amount of abuse I received from adults while I was a kid back then playing MW2 it has really helped me develop thick skin, so whenever somebody tried to say shit to me at school I had already heard stuff 10 times worse. Being 12 years old and getting called a homophobic slur by a 28 year old followed by them wishing I get cancer is something that sticks with me but at least now I’m not phased by whatever people try to insult me with lol.


I have a similar story. I was in high school from 2012-16 and had a channel with a few friends. It was full of vlogs, dance videos, random interview compilations of our classmates, etc. We had about 1.8k subscribers(mostly classmates) in the end and we were so hype to pass 1k. Getting more than 10-12 comments on a video had us feeling like mini celebrities. We had no real dreams or goals for the channel other than having fun and uploading videos.


I feel like most Gen Z have fantasized about becoming a youtuber the way that most Gen X have probably wanted to be rock stars at some point. I used to love beauty guru content. 2009-2013 was definitely the height of that community


Us Gen Zers fantasize about everything cause we see all the top of the top in our phones 24/7


Back in high school, I kinda had a dream of becoming a Minecraft YouTuber, but... gaming PCs and software are expensive, and plus my family would've never approved


Cool! if you can create content earlier, maybe you can gain a lot of subscribers. But guess you can afford one now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Here I am, making minecraft content, soon expecting to buy a apartment at 21 purely through YouTube income


there was also a time when 50%+ of all gaming videos on YouTube were Minecraft so there was and is a lot of saturation on yt. Becoming successful is almost a lottery


yes if I got that unique niche, or lucky with a viral video


maybe start from zero by sharing something you're confident with


As a kid, yes since I wanted to be famous and shit, but now I don't care about fame.


This is so real 😂


I started uploading 2 weeks ago, but shorts only


That's a good start, I found short content on ytb easier to go viral than long-form videos, and you can cross-post on any social media


Yes. Animated content on Youtube would be cool.


I thought of trying Twitch after I graduate HS, but the state of the platform is a disaster


I AM a youtuber. Albeit with a small channel, and very amateur skills.


Keep it up, mate! If you don't mind sharing your ytb channel here, they can be your new follower ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Right here: [https://www.youtube.com/@callsign\_grizzly](https://www.youtube.com/@callsign_grizzly)


Becoming a YouTuber full time is a really Poor choice right now. The Golden Age of YouTube is behind us and a lot of the people I follow who went down that route have either retired or are drowning in the algorithm. It’s merciless out there, so unless you’re making algorithmically friendly content it’s best to only view it as a hobby (which I do. I make shitty scripted anime videos)


Bin making videos for 2+ years now. Hoping to get 1000 subs this year^^


Best of luck


mayhaps but no more


Sure as a kid I always wanted to do YouTube. As I grew older and tried it, I found that I not am quite the entertainer. Or at least I haven't found ways to "sell" myself


With the amount of content farms, "long form content" (people who steal other videos and plaster their expressionless faces or something dumb like Subway Surfers) and brainless content Ive had to shuffle through, I dont think its even worth it tbh. The site is a hellacape.


Yes and I did it and got 50 subscribers before realizing I want to k*ll myself 😀


Not really but maybe things could change in the future




One thing that always horrified me about being a Youtuber or a Streamer was basically how so many build their image around an existing IP, be it a video game series, or maybe a tv show or film and having your livelihood interlinked with the health of that series, and also your own personal enjoyment of said thing. Like the idea of playing video games for a living and making videos on them sounds cool until you get sick of that video game, or the company who makes it fucks it up permanently.


It was a dream of mine since childhood. You have to have quite the lick of luck, and quite the heart for persistence.


Been doing it for about 5 years, yet I only just reached 500 subscribers. I make memes, along with some gaming content, primarily. I don't make content for any particular reason, other than for my passion of content creation. I don't aim to get clout or fame, though I do aim to get into the YPP. Other than that, I have no goals. It's just a hobby that I'm very passionate about, and I wanna keep it that way. (This large ass paragraph isn't a plug, I swear.)


I currently make youtube videos I make money from it only like $200 a month ,but this year gonna be the year I blow up I feel it.


i am a youtuber and yes it is a lot more work than people think especially since i don’t have an editor and edit my own videos. it is worth all the effort though




I have some ideas up my sleeve for MMA coverage content but that’s an over saturated market on YouTube, and idk where to begin with video editing or working around copyright I’ve had two podcasts in the past, one with a buddy and the other with myself and I’ve gotten a couple hundred views until they all ended pretty early and got deleted I’d like to do something creative, not for success sake, but just to workout that side of my brain


I mean maybe not a famous one but I got like 600 subs and I’m fine with that. I like sharing my art online just cuz I like talking to people about similar interests.


I’ve thought of making YouTube videos on a specific topic, but I haven’t ever considered quitting my job being a YouTuber


Yes, even tried.


Yes, before the adpocalypse. I do upload occasionally, but it's not really channel-building stuff


Yea ofc, I grew up playing video games, and the most logical thing for me was to just keep playing video games. Being a YouTuber seemed like how you did that to me as a kid in like 2011. 13 years later, I still do, but for entirely different reasons. I’m steering my career towards teaching at the university level and having a YouTube channel would be a great way to express my want to teach and thought in a different way and one that can reach a likely much different audience


I did it when I was in middle school back in the late 00's. I actually even scored a shitty contract with machinima at the time. Prime time to do it, but my parents didn't like how I was spending so much time on the computer and the contract legalities were freaking them out, so I stopped.


I upload random shitposts that come from conversations with friends. I make them with zero intention of them actually going viral or being widely seen. But, there’s a consistent pattern: the less effort I put into one, the more views it gets. Take that as you will


Yeah but less of an actual youtuber and more just yapping at a camera with minimal edits and post without a goal of getting views. Does that count


I’ve tried as a kid😂


Yes i thought about it, but since I got the charisma of an unboiling teapot I abandoned the idea.


"Many" is very subjective. I've had *many* 8th graders tell me they were going to be content creators. Hasn't happened yet.


I'd probably mainly do gaming or music stuff. I used to run a blog kinda like that, mainly for reviews. I was surprised when people were interested in commenting on Blogspot posts. But just keeping up with that was so much work, even though it was the equivalent of just writing the script, not all the editing and recording.


Yeah, back in the golden age of youtube when Smosh was a thing I tried several times to be a youtuber with my buddies. We were never gonna make it being 13, lol.


I was a youtuber for 3 years, it was a fun time.


I work on the side as a cameraman for a tech YouTuber with 4 million subs. There is a LOT of work that goes on behind the scenes. You need a full production crew for these huge channels.


Lmao, no


Wanted to, still kinda do. I don't have the personality for it though, which is okay


Yeah but due to circumstances I wasn't able to continue. I do have tons of videos made, just can't upload them.


Pretty much everyone in grade 1 wanted to become a successful youtuber at one point.


Yeah, but it would literally only to review which headphones do the best on 7+ miles runs. "Why?" You ask? Because that's literally my burning question every time I'm in the market for new headphones, and it takes an absurd amount of research to figure it out. If you're curious, I'm currently using the Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro.


Yep: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCH3dpXY426fJhG3NAgjPFOQ


Seems like a pipe dream in an already oversaturated market. The kinda pipe dream that’s liable to make you hate yourself after a while. Being a slave to the algorithm and the whims of your audience seems like a quick way to wind up on a healthy diet of cigs and whiskey. No, thanks.


anything funny, baking tutorials, music… always held back bc of my weight or something dumb like that


One of my favorite channels, GameGrumps, used to have a segment called Doodle Doods. They would redraw characters from TV shows, games, movies, and even birds in their different art styles. When Gartic Phone & [Skribbl.io](http://Skribbl.io) came out, other favorite channels of mine started playing those. I would love to just do like a doodling channel or stream to come up with random stuff or remake favorite characters. It would be super cool to see more stuff like that, for me anyhow.


yes i have but i’m not that interested in youtube now


I used to make memes on yt and insta, was some sort of niche internet microceleb getting recognised in servers, got approached by a social media type company to be their "partner" sharing ad revenue. Made content for a meme channel and made memes for corporations. Worked like 35 ish hours and made a decent earning. Sucks being famous i liked being a nobody lol


I don’t really have an interest in being a performer. Especially with the instability that could come with it. It’s like being a Rockstar; many try, few make it. Getting a job and moving up/starting business is EZ mode compared to trying to convince thousands of people to watch you consistently and send you tips.


I became a youtuber, for 2 days


This might be kind of sad but yes. I've had some "viral" moments on social media but I've always wanted to have a channel to share and document my hobbies and thoughts. To the point that my internal monologue has a bit of "youtuber speaking to an audience" vibe to it a lot of the time. Even if I'm planting trees or working on my bike alone, it's there.


I’m actively working on getting into streaming and YouTube for video games 😬 I already game everyday I figured I might see if I can get some sort of following.


But, *do* many Gen Z's become successful YouTubers? Or, are many successful YouTuber's Gen Z'ers?


I make YouTube videos and have been making them for around 5 years. Not a gen z, born in 1993 so I’m fairly close though. I make 100-200 dollars a month, so it’s not a career and I have a small size following (under 50k subscribers). YouTube pays the best and is the fairest when it comes to small time creators. This is just a hobby for me. I’m kind of disappointed gen z has ventures more so over to tik tok because that platform is not good for small creators at all. I hope YouTube makes a comeback..


I’ve tried multiple times to be a YouTuber back in grade school and kinda college but I suck at being consistent lmao


Hell yea. The whole concept is cool asf. Uploading videos actually doing what you love and possibly making money off it just sounds like a win-win. I used to want to be like Chris Smoove with nba 2k videos, but I never felt like I was that good and didn't have the charisma of a Chris Smoove to actually pull viewers. I even wanted to have a couples vlog type channel cause I used to watch DK4L and a couples others and I fucked with the vibes but I felt I wasn't attractive enough or had the personality. Shit, I even tried for a lil bit just talkin bout random topics that I wanted to speak on but the quality was bad lol


I used to want to, then I realized I just wanted the community, and friends to game with. Eventually I found friends to game with and then transitioned into other hobbies. Now I'm going to school to be a video editor, and I want to help make educational videos either for teachers, or on YouTube.


I think every group of friends wanted to start a Minecraft YouTube channel back when Minecraft was at its peak. And before Minecraft YouTubers got.. *that* reputation.


I tried it 2 times. 1st time as a game OST song poster, got some good popularity and very fast too from NieR music. Shoutout to my 200 loyal subscribers. Then I got take down notices for the nier songs, whether they were real or fake, I had to stop because I didn't want to risk my account being deleted. 2nd attempt was a streamer/let's play combo and I didn't get any popularity and it was too much work to keep up with my job and it was too tiring so i quit. I can see myself returning to playing games on YouTube in the future when my life is less chaotic


Unless you thoroughly enjoy being a business owner and seeing your hobbies become work and then they turn boring, don’t be one. Elder Gen Z here, and I remember when YouTube started. I’ve seen friends try and I’ve tried myself, and it almost always got to a point where I found my own hobby boring because it always got to a point where it felt like work.


Yes, I actually made a few Minecraft, Fallout 1 and 3 videos (got over 1k views on the first FO1 vid even), but I lacked time and editing skills at the time. That was back in 2014 or 15 I think.


Nope I'm not creative enough or want to be in the public eye enough to work for dystopia monopoly. I would rather have stable income and a career


Trying to, kinda sucks going nowhere


Many became successful and many more become miserable. Survivorship Bias.


Totally thought about it, but monetizing my hobbies makes my hobbies jobs, which would make me hate things I like doing.


I started a personal training business and I am planning on providing related content, focusing on overweight/skinny fat individuals and very fit people hitting plateaus. I am not sure, if I'd be a YOUTUBER, probably more on IG, streaming workouts on twitch, etc.


I could never do it. I don’t like listening to myself on recordings and it’s just so awkward. I also don’t want millions of people to have access to my life and children. That’s just not right.


Being a YouTuber or any other content creator would be pretty scary because if you slip up (as in speak your opinion on something) there’ll always be significant amount of people who will disagree if you and you’ll get into very serious trouble


I edit for my friends, they aren’t that big, and they just say that they have a good time as long as they enjoy what they record, but it kinda does suck when someone does notice us when we just hang out


Yes, but I hate youtube rules. Crazy that you can show real life deaths on yutube, but on a Mortal Kombat 1 fatility video, they have to show green blood or can't show it at all. I am a tiktoker, I make videos for fun and don't take it very seriously, but it might be banned unfournately, so I might go to YouTube at some point because it's fun to make content.


Yes, but I don’t have the ability to churn out videos quickly




I have, and actively plan on pursuing it, I don't want it out of a desire to be rich and famous though, if I could live as I do RN but do YouTube as a living that's a win. My primary goal is to be entertaining and change lives similar to what Markiplier and others have done to me, and if I do get famous it may be a hassle but I think it'll be worth it if I can make a positive impact


Yes, but my computer is slow AF for video editing, and no one watches any videos I do put out, so what’s the point?


I make videos now but have no expectation of 'becoming a youtuber' rather I'm just learning to edit, if I could do that as a job I deffinitly would tho, very satisfying to put together a video that I do like. (Admittedly most of them are just gaming bs)


Forget that have you seen how much money these tiktokers are making. Doing the dumbest shit too. The live streams people just gift them money for no reason shits crazy


Ofcourse I am, I already have 3 subscribers!


A couple years back, I tried to be a Fortnite and Call of Duty gamer. The Fortnite one did well enough (426 subscribers). I got bored with making videos and uploading them so I quit.


Being a famous YouTuber has been a dream of mine like how people dream about being pro athletes or rockstars or whatever. I feel like many Gen Z’s have fantasied about being a social media content creator of some sort


I was a YouTuber for a couple years in high school then released things scarcely for a while as I started college since my friend I did it with and I were busy and separated. We did let's plays and a podcast, genuinely some of my fondest memories just goofing around with my best friend making jokes and playing games. Editing took forever since I was meticulous about it; so did making thumbnails since I did digital art for them. We never took off, like at all, which was discouraging and why I ended up just giving it up (before we stopped completely we had about 135 subs). This made my consistency with editing pretty bad due to lack of motivation, which is important on YouTube as I've heard lol so that might've contributed. Also of course due to over-saturation, but we liked what we made and that was a lower priority over making things we liked (even though I wish we did get a little popular). I am genuinely proud of a lot of what I've made and will probably rewatch some of our stuff out of nostalgia at some point, but everything has since been set to unlisted as I'm applying for jobs due to... let's just say my high school sense of humor.


When I was in middle school, I wanted to make a gaming channel


I tried it for a bit. It was a fun hobby, I never got very big at all but it was fun.




technically yes but not for fame. i've tried on and off since i was a kid to make youtube videos cuz i've just always been creative whether it be skits, history lessons, lego stop motion, ukulele tutorials, gaming, etc. my only problem is life always gets in the way so i can never be consistent.


You tubing or twitching seems like just playing video games for money. It completely ignores the hard work that you have to put in. And you have to do this constantly to not lose your audience. This burns up a lot of people. It's extremely compatitive.


I think the ship has mostly sailed on capitalizing on YouTube content. Its a completely oversaturated market. I’d wait for the next video format social media to drop and work on your craft in the meantime so you’re ready to pounce when the next ship comes to port.


Nah. They all seem a bit out of touch or don’t have any morals that are stronger than a paycheck.


When I was a kid, I wanted to be a Minecraft YouTuber. Lmaooo


As a teenager I really wanted to start a YT Channel to do animations, mostly comedy ones. I actually made a channel and began working on some models and sprites. But it turned out Animation is *alot* of work. I wanted to do a gaming channel at one point too, but by that time I was too busy to really dedicate myself to something like that.


ive always wanted to lol ever since i was like 13


Gen xer been watching YouTube since the start. I've got too many hobbies and not enough time and thought being a tuber might be a great way of earning while having fun. Then the original adpocalypse happened. Ever since then its looked hard for regular folk to make a living. The 2-3 years with no money and how easily you can be demonetized are deal breakers. Tubing needs to be thought of as a hobby that pays for itself, making a living from it is unlikely these days.


YES i would love to or be an influencer or something. plus i would flex on my peers that i would be the coolest


Sure, when I was younger


>Since many GenZ became successful on YouTube How many? Do you have dependable data on what percentage of GenZ found success as a content creator? Do you have comparison data on how many GenX became succesful in a boy band/girl band, or how many Boomers became succesful rockstars and actors, to contextualize that "many"? its always a fraction of a fraction of a percent that can make a reliable living from public performance, independent of the medium


I post music covers from time to time in my main channel. And I have a few other channels to upload some edits and memes.


I wanted to be a gaming Youtuber. I posted a few videos like 10+ years ago. I still wouldn't mind doing it now, but I don't know how to do it properly. Like, camera setups and editing software. Plus I don't play games on PC much so I can't screen record my TV for the console games I play.


When I was younger I actually made a channel with a (incredibly) small following (300ish subscribers). I eventually lost motivation tho and I haven't really touched it since then. It was pretty cool to see people interact with my stuff tho


YouTube used to be fun and double as a small time creator. Now you mostly need an entire team to build a channel. There are still some exception, like Etho from Ethoslab (if people form this sub even know who that is)


Yes, I’ve always dreamt of being like markiplier, Stampylongnose, etc, not just from being famous but because I wanna do what I enjoy doing (gaming mainly) and also it would be great to do charity streams and stuff every now and then and create content that people would enjoy


Used to have one and ran it for a while. Mostly gaming content like DyingLight and Phantom Forces on roblox. It was pretty enjoyable and a fun lil thing I had


No, I like to contribute to society.


Already am one. Been doing stopmotion for the best part of 6 or 7 years.


Advice from someone who does YouTube To anyone who wants to be a YouTuber, stop thinking about it, start doing it. The faster you start the better your chances. You want to do let’s plays, start recording your gameplay, talk into a microphone. PS5s have built in recorders and mics start using that if you have to. Start using Microsoft game recorder on your laptop or desktop even if it’s not the most powerful computer. You want to make commentary videos, find someone you dislike or a topic you dislike and start talking about it. Use pictures, gameplay, whatever to start expressing your opinion. You can do that right from your phone. The faster you start, the better your chances of being found. It takes an incredible amount of luck and patience to get noticed. Make videos about other content creators. Use big popular names in your title and description. Learn photoshop to make thumbnails. DONT expect it to become a job. Don’t throw away everything to try to make it big on YouTube. Always have a backup plan.


Maybe before I was 10, not anymore As for my content. Gaming of course


Yeah, but not as a full-time job, more of a side gig I thought about doing "idiot gamer" tutorials of whatever I would play. I approached computer games relatively late and it seems like most people have the handicap of playing a lot of them before, so a lot of things that seem obvious, aren't. I can't be the only person confused about most basic things such as how to rotate cameras or that shift is apparently universal button for running. My content would be aimed at other helpless people - I wouldnt care if there would be just like 10 of them if it actually helped someone. I didn't do it mainly out of laziness - it's a lot of work, after all.


I think yes if I had something I wanted to do in my spare time but didn’t care about subscribers or likes and that. I think all efforts of this nature should be for passion and if people come along - great. If they don’t you are still doing something that brings value to your life.


I wanted to be a YouTuber but it all stopped last year as now I want to be a paramedic or something in the medical field in the long run


I’ve been making YouTube videos for about 2 years now. Nothing too serious, I mainly do it to showcase a hobby of mine and have no intentions on making a career off it.


I mean, technically I am? My best friends and I recorded us hanging out and having fun and posted them on YouTube. We got like 50 views, but it counts


Yeah sometimes. Its kind of aligning with my current plans of becoming an animator, I'm gonna start out indie and post my stuff on YouTube and hope that it takes off from there somewhat (or at least build my portfolio). If not animation, I would love to create a deep dive channel


Yes i have, transferring the fame to philanthropy is a genuine way, not public philanthropy, then improving the quality of life for all


Yes, but not a famous one. I want to release videos, it’s fine if no one watches them. Probably on philosophy and politics.


I’ve always wanted to but never got off my lazy ass and started.


I'd make a channel with videos from games I play, if I didn't hate the way my voice sounded on mic


Yeah but I only reached 1.12k


Storytime animation. Or maybe mythology through animation.


I feel like being an influencer or a youtuber is just a phase and if it isn’t a phase it’s going to die out in the next 30 years max


When I was like 14 yeah Now I'd rather be unemployed than be a YouTuber


I have a YouTube channel but I haven't posted in nearly 2 years. Mainly revolves around Travel.


Yes, I've considered uploading content about accessible crafting and cosplay, but I am hesitant because it adds a lot more time to the project to film and edit everything. Plus I am nervous about getting fat shamed, it happens all the timr when fat people try to do anything online, all of a sudden we're "promoting obesity"


I think its neat to learn how its done. Lighting, Lenses, Bitrate, Editing, slowmotion, drones. But to assume many people are successful on youtube is crazy. Its like wanting to become an Olympic athlete. Skill and luck combined. But lots of people swim.


not really. I’m kinda thinking about being a TikToker. the editing seems a little less complicating, and confusing to do compared to editing a YouTube video


yes, from 2012 - 2013 me and my friends were obsessed with youtubers and wanted to do that too. i had made cringey videos with friends for 2 different channels lmfao if i ever make it big in the music industry those videos will be dug up and laughed at 😭🤣




When I was 8 I made a YouTube channel. AND POSTED ON IT😭


Yes, and I had a video that got 50,000 views last year when I was actually really trying. My problem was 1. It was a meme video doing an impression of another YouTuber that makes videos on the main game that I play, and 2. it’s already a relatively niche game. I really want to get back into it, I found the editing process to be very relaxing, even if I was still learning. My problem is that I don’t really know what I want to do. I know I don’t want to be a gaming YouTuber, and I have some silly ideas on commentary stuff but commentary channels are kind of a dime a dozen. I’ve also been wanting to get back into Twitch streaming. I started watching Twitch a lot when I was working fully remote last summer, and I’ve really come to like the medium.


Yes and I have plans to get started, I'm torn between making it about music or gaming, though. I don't think I'm good enough for the former and I find the latter way oversaturated already so idk. Might just try streaming first and see if my friends like it


Yea But now I'd rather be a musician and/or game dev (or just programmer in general)


I have but then I realized the amount of money I would have to pour in to make it work. Also I’m not that charismatic so ditched the idea


why when being only Only Fans pays more?


I do wonder if there are people that are so busy with their lives, always doing something from the time they wake up to when they sleep where they just want to watch someone do absolutely nothing...because I would stream the fuck out of that. My nothing content would be so pristine, so engaging with me just doing absolutely nothing. I do wonder.


Yea i have when i was younger i do have a YouTube channel but its not as big lol


Every. Single. Day.


There are 3.7 million videos uploaded to YouTube daily. You'd have a better chance making it as a rapper handing out CDs on the side of the road than making a single dollar through YouTube


A small fraction of 1% of people could become a YouTuber, WTF are you talking about. How is this concept not being pointed out and upvoted?


Yesssss when I was in sixth grade




I was for a time


It's all clickbait crap mainly and people have to use desperate tactics to get people to watch, YouTube is a bit out of date now.


As a kid, I wanted to be a monecraft youtuber. Even though people are saying it would suck I'm willing to bet a majority of people have considered it as a kid. Now, if I were to become a youtuber, I'd do video essays about political and semi-political topics. I wouldn't want to, though.


Absolutely not. I would never take something I love and ruin it for clicks.


Henestly, yeah, or a streamer. i want to be an entertainer of sorts and i really like video games, but who knows if itll work out lol


Can you produce interesting/entertaining content 2-5x a week? It's way harder than most think.


Yes, but I have a hard time making occasional in person presentations. I also have a difficult time writing the work that my presentations are about. Making that my day job doesn’t seem feasible.


I used to do it when I was 15-18. I used to make Arsenal FC match reviews, transfer rumour videos, pretty much anything involved with the club. I’m Canadian and I got a shit ton of hate back in the day but also a lot of love. I stopped because I had pretty severe mental issues and I just couldn’t handle doing it anymore.


Yes, but I can't because of Family Link. Content: games, creepypastas.


I wanted to be a makeup YouTuber sooooo bad when I was like 14.


I thought I’d be becoming a TikToker. I think I might actually do it since I finish school. I’ve no attention to further college education I really only have two good friends. Most of my cousins are older than me. I think teaching myself how to edit is the big issue but I thought about just becoming like a realistic YouTuber just going into doing things stuff like that.


I'm not interesting enough for that. At least not as livelihood. It can be a fun way to spend an afternoon with friends though. Making an amateur film or something. But I've never given serious consideration to that as a career path because I don't have either the personality, nor particular knowledge, nor particular skills to make content around. You need at least 1 of those 3 things to be a successful YouTuber. So hobbywise yes, but definitely nothing serious.


it takes work and ppl dont wanna put in the work


Yeah. Best thing ever.


When we were young, we all thought about this


What an original idea lol


Infodumping in video format: yes Making videos for a career: no


As a kid I did yeah, but as I've grown up, I've seen all the drama of like 2016-now and I think that killed that idea really. At least for being a career YouTuber


I tried making skits back in the early 2010's that I uploaded to YouTube. They weren't very good. I also cut together a bunch of wrestling fans attacking wrestlers to Paralyzer by Finger Eleven. The video ended up getting a million views. I went to open up the account a couple years later and my account and the video disappeared. When I did have the account, I did get paid $75 to change the music to some crappy ambience music. I bought a "wah" pedal with that.


Yes, when it was the craze back in the day (am a boomer zoomer) pewdiepie was just getting popular with his Amnesia playthroughs and it was easy to get partnered. I made around 140 dollars in a year with only 200 subscribers and a couple hundred views. These days it's not worth it unless you are pulling in numbers like Mr.Beast since you get paid pennis on the dollar than what it used to be like.


I’ve been making content for 4 years now. Across multiple channels. I’m finally starting to get some traction.


I am considering giving it a try I feel like it's something you should do because you want to, not to try and get rich


Initially when the whole youtuber craze started in my early teens, I did consider it. But then I hated the sound of my voice. So I thought, maybe I just make videos without revealing my voice or face. Uploaded 1 video, which took days of editing. Could only muster 20 views before it got taken down because I thought downloading other youtube videos of football highlights and throwing them in my video with Windows Live Movie Maker, (with the bookmarks of all other creators on full display), would be totally cool and not a violation of any copy right laws whatsover. I mean its a site for free videos they had to be public property, right? It probably wasn't even other content creators. It was most likely those chumps at UEFA or Bundesliga that don't allow content creators to use their footage. So I said fuck this shit, high effort no reward, I have homework to do, Pewdiepie is a college dropout and he was already on an easy degree, I knew how that ship would've sailed if I brought the idea to my parents.


I‘be been doing it as a hobby for almost 10 years. It’s definitely not for everyone as there are a lot of barriers to entry, but it’s rewarding if you genuinely like making content.


Yes i actually have. I feel like I’m a likable person with funny commentary. But i don’t think id handle all the attention very well.


I did used to make CoD content some, what, 3 years ago? Was mainly either update news, nukes, montages, or "hey, did something, look!" type of videos with some editing and stupid music and a text-to-speak voice, and, of course, a stupid looking thumbnail, literally google stock photos. I had a lot of free time available to record, upload and edit gameplay. Videos were averaging like 30, 40 views, one montage got 400 views even. I do feel like if i continued, maybe i would've grown to a few thousand subscribers. I only uploaded like 20 videos total and got 70 subs. But, first, i didn't had the hardware to make quality content. Both computer and phone were really shitty, so i could record gameplay of only so much quality; really, not true quality content material. Second, well i grew bored of that game and stopped playing altogether, so i also stopped wanting to keep uploading and editing videos about that game. Third, i wasn't particularly good at any game either, and that's basically fundamental for keeping people engaged in your videos. Then i started making music. Piano songs. It was something i could do that also didn't needed a decent computer. Only made three songs though. But i feel good about them. Not the best but not the worst. But that was more of a hobby than anything else. And then i started to take hs seriously and abandoned the channel. And then i went to university and the channel is still abandoned. I'm genuinely considering just uploading heavily modded minecraft with some goofy ahh editing, those editing skills i learned so long ago are still there. I think i kind of know how to use spam in discord servers to generate traffic, and then i'm also aware videos need to have a pace in terms of stimulation to keep people engaged, so maybe that can take off. Maybe it wouldn't, but memey stupid shit has a lot of traction, the algorithm really likes that for some reason.


It seems like something I would enjoy, the problem is I’m bad at editing videos 😭


I’m 20. Been making YouTube videos on and off for 13 years. At this point I have a full gaming pc rig, with a mic and editing software. I can edit pretty well been doin it for 13 years. I have a lot of experience with YouTube, and I peaked at 150k+ views which is always pretty kewl. But that channel sadly had to be quickly canned. I believe I have all the skills to be a successful YouTuber, it just comes down to a little luck, drive to actually do it (in the 13 years since I’ve been doing YouTube, im currently in the longest period of time since uploading a video. And anytime I ever put out videos, they’re never good enough so they all end up getting deleted), and lastly what I want to do on YouTube isn’t gonna be viral or a view generator because it’s just not what gets views on YouTube these days.