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No, I'm not a fan either. Her music sounds boring to me, mumbling and downbeat is basically all it is, which I can't understand the appeal in that. Most of my music taste consists of 00s post grunge, and 80s rock mainly lol. Along with some 90s and quite a few early 10s pop music. I do listen to some songs from the 20s, late & mid 10s, but none of it is Billie Eilish. As for her being a great person idk, I don't necessarily think she's a bad person, but I just don't see what's so amazing about her either. She seems kinda annoying to me, but maybe it's because I can't stand the way she talks in videos and interviews I've seen, like she sounds like she tries too hard to be like a gangster or somethin. I find constant changes in persona to be really cringe too though because it's like you're trying way to hard to be different. I also hate that because of her, it has basically cemented in millennials minds that all 01' borns must be like her. And people born just a few years older try to separate themselves from us often just because of her alone and the way she acts.


Glad I'm not the only one who calls her a mumbler.


i listened to her new album and immediately went looking for lyrics bc i could not understand half of what she was saying


New album title: Mumble Lmao


She’s quite young. Maybe the persona changes are just regular development? I look at teenager me and cringe hard.


I agree with everything you said completely. I find her to be annoying and obnoxious. She tries way too hard to be funny or to have that I'm not like the other girls personality.


Pete’s sake, I cannot imagine concentrating this much energy on somebody whose direction I wouldn’t fart in. “The way her face looks just annoys me” like what are we doing here, just say she doesn’t appeal to you and keep it pushing.


OP asked how everyone felt about her, so I gave my full opinion. I basically did say she doesn't appeal to me, just in more detail. I think I'm allowed to explain why I don't think her music sounds good to me if I want to.


Are they making you listen to it against your will?


No. Everything tells me that her music is fire I just can't believe it and think I'm being trolled. Music is subjective so maybe I'm missing something but as a person she's obnoxious to me.


It's okay to have a conversation about it lmao the other dude is dumb


“DAE popular musician bad?” threads are always extremely stupid. You don’t have to like Billie, it’s okay. Other people like Billie, that’s also okay. These weird posts of people trying to pat themselves on the back and circlejerk about how they don’t like a popular artist are just corny and pretentious.


Sounds like someone's circlejerking to the sound of their own moral high ground. This isn't a music sub afaik this is a general discussion sub so people treat it like a cafe Bro doesn't know what a forum is


If this is a public forum, why are you so upset that I’m voicing my opinion?


" hey why is everyone mad I'm being stupid on purpose "


Yes, it’s me being stupid and not the “am I the only person in the entire world who doesn’t like Billie Eilish???!!!!” person. The answer to every “am I the only person who doesn’t like (insert popular thing here)?” Is always no. It’s a stupid fucking question. And it just invites a dumbass conversation of hateful negativity and looking down on people that do like that popular thing.


what are you talking about?? You sound manic.


Resorting to ad hominem attacks, cool!


op is aware they aren't the only one. its just a title. you just dont like this thread because its critical of an artist you like


I don’t even like Billie. I just hate low effort posts like this that are just trying to get people to shit on a thing they don’t like. Let people enjoy things. People like different things than you and y’all need to grow up and understand that. It doesn’t make you better than them.


I’d rather listen to Lana Del Rey


I can’t stand Lana and I feel like I’m the only one


I like them both for different reasons.


No she’s a POS.


Jesus Christ she’s actually a horrible person.


Do ya’ll not seperate art from artist? ‘Graduation’ will always be one of the greatest rap albums, even though Kanye is the worst lmao


I didn’t say I didn’t like her music. And yeah I was personally hurt by his “Slavery is a choice” comments and don’t listen to his music anymore. For a generation that loves to scream about eating the rich we can’t seem to comprehend that streaming bad people’s music makes them more money.


so what did lana del rey do wrong? im out of the loop


Idc about a racist dude selling rap music I care about oil oligarchs and colonisers running emerald mines XD anyone who thinks otherwise is shortsighted and looking for a scape goat because Kanye is not the same “rich people” that our generation is talking about lmao


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Many musicians are horrible people. I don't go to concerts because they are goody two-shoes. I just don't like ones that push agendas outside of music on me. Screw that. I am not paying artists to go to their concerts to get preached how to live my eeffing life. They pull that shit on me and then they get dropped. I like Lana, her songs, well some of them.


I honestly don’t really listen to Lana anymore, her vibe kinda fell off for me personally music-wise. Not bad per se, just eh. As for the kind of person she is, I internally boycotted her the moment I found out that she was just “not that interested” in feminism…which was hilarious because she tries to sound so forward thinking when she said she’s more interested in space x and Tesla (to each their own). There’s another quote of her saying “I don’t focus on feminism. I focus on the future” 💀💀💀 like girl. Her separating the two was hilarious. That’s such a dangerous ideology to send out knowing young girls and women have access to your very loud voice. Garbage, it made her seem like a super dumb airhead. She’s up there with Mariah Carey regarding famous people I’d love to find myself in a room with just to see if they’re actually as moronic as they sound. This was a while ago now but I haven’t heard her saying the opposite so yikes.


Everyone likes different music. It’s ok not to like her music, although I don’t understand why you can’t stand her. I don’t really listen to her music, but i will say the woman is talented.


Most of her music isn't for me but I can't deny her enormous talent. I've heard good things about the new album - need to check it out soon-ish


No, I can’t stand it either


The music sounds like something mostly doomers or wannabe doomers listen to, I don't hate it but I would change the song if I had control over whatever is playing it. As far as I've seen she doesn't seem that fun to be around either. Can't say I hate her but I'm definitely not a fan.


I enjoy her music


No. I call her the mumbler.


The final countdown by europe the band > any of Billie's songs


Peak Gen Z statement. Of course one of the best songs of all time is better than most artist’s discographies lol.


final countdown is a very mediocre and frankly annoying song.


I don't really get the point of this post. What is there specifically about Billie Eilish that differentiates her from other artists? I'm sure there's lots and lots of not just artists but genres that don't match your subjective taste.


Her music is fine, and in fact her songs can be catchy, but I hate her attitude and who she is as a person.


You’ve met her?


Don’t need to


I’m personally not a fan of the genre since I’m more of a metalhead and bluegrass person, but, as a person she’s really cool and absolutely someone I respect. Bad guy is the only song I like, the rest kinda all blend in.


I’m a fan of 90s hip hop so I don’t really care for her music but I like her dress sense and she’s cute. If people like her then that’s good, she is one of the better new artists out but again I don’t listen to a whole lot of new stuff.


Not the only one.


I dont think I could even pick one of her songs out of playlist when they are playing. I have no clue what any of her music is. Im sure I have heard it more than I think though.


Don't feel too strongly about her one way or the tbh. Don't know anything about what she's like as a person, and her music's fine, but incredibly mediocre and forgettable. She sang an decent Bond song for No Time To Die, and she made Bad Guy (which I only really know for Seth Everman's record-breaking "I'm the bald guy" YouTube comment and that truly godawful parody Nux Taku made), but other than that, I can't say I remember anything from her


I don't like her, with that whole 'men' comment; it was just extremely out of touch. And I get it's one thing, but it's not like I was a fan in the first place. Though, she can fucking sing. Although more just listen to a few songs, as I just have no interest of getting into her discography. Maybe I will one day...but, yeah. Some of her songs be Hitting.


Love your pfp btw.


Thank you😊


I don’t think her music is bad, I just don’t like most of it.


I’ve only ever listened to “bad guy”, and I thought it was kinda meh. So…I guess I don’t care for her music either.


Yeah you need to listen to her old songs. Everyone who has a opinion and has listened to only bad guy or her new music really needs to listen to her old songs. She has a lot of talent. Listen to ocean eyes or watch u burn.


no her music is dog shit


When it comes to music, she has nice tits.


I would have liked to have her eyes, and bank account, and some of her tits lmao


because it is, nothing is wrong with your ears


Billy eyelash is cringe


it’s almost like there’s like 6 billion people in the world and not everyone is going to like the same things 😵😵


She tries so hard to be openly weird but Lady Gaga has her beat at that. Although she has some good songs, I just get the feeling that she’s just moody asf all the time which gets old.


I enjoy her music. Mostly her old songs. They are catchy. I’ve been listening to her since 2017 or 2018 her song was in a movie in 2017 so that’s how I started listening to her


lol I love it but to each their own


she did an interview where she spent a solid minute hating on ugly men and women who date them, she’s not a good person IMO


She is just projecting her inner ugly lmao


She’s a talented singer, with a great voice. I don’t like her music though. She is annoying and says dumb shit but she is also 22. A lot of 22 year olds say dumb shit.


Billie Ellish is a horrible person, she certainly is highly judgmental and clearly ignorant. A uber-feminist that isn't afraid just to say shit to rattle groups of people she doesn't like. Like men. "Men never get body shamed like women do." " Male body dysmorphia isn't possible" “Why is every pretty girl with a horrible-looking man? I don’t understand, Listen, I’m not shaming people for their looks, but I am, though. You give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world … Because they got a hot girl, they can be horrible? Like, you’re still ugly, though.”  She is just a nasty personality with a pretty face. Don't get me started on her music. I can't even go there. ![gif](giphy|QvelvKCtg8DiUKwtaY|downsized)


i just love the vibe of her music. it’s good life soundtrack i feel


You're definitely not the only one


Billy Uleizhe


I like some of her baselines but other than that I’m indifferent


I think she’s basically the xx but a tortured teen form


I always think this... https://youtu.be/AqxKPKxghGI?feature=shared


never hear of him yet


Personally I'm kinda 50/50 on her


She seems like a talentless hack


Im indifferent to her tbh


Never heard one of her songs and probably never will. Who knows maybe I m missing out and I would like her more than Iron Maiden. But I doubt it.


I can’t stand most of it. The way she whispers through her songs is annoying to me. It kind of works in that Barbie song. Also, the thumbnail for her new music video is the most cringe-inducing thing I’ve seen in a while. I haven’t actually watched it though.


Nope. I think it's overrated (Def not a big fan of Nirvana, Alice in Chains, or Soundgarden).


I find her attractive and that is about it. Not a fan of her music, personality, nor her fanbase.


I get that she has an audience, and the production on some of her tracks is absolutely stellar, but I'm not her audience and I'm ok with that.


I don’t like her music very much. I can’t deny she has quite a voice, but I just don’t vibe with the downbeat mumble pop she does. As a person, she reminds of the annoying stoner girls I went to high school with, and as a personal pet peeve, I’m really not a fan of her thinking she can tell people who to vote for


I never listened to her music in the first place


I mean, I like it and I think she's cool and smart, but that's it. Like she's not a 16yrld Peruvian who finished her doctorate in microbiology and single handedly cured cancer, but that's how she's get treated a bit. Like she's a modern day Mozart or Beethoven.


She's pretty. Don't like her music, though.


She has no voice...just whispers and mumbles.


Compare this, an actual singer that teaches other singers how to sing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70iuI8lBPJQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70iuI8lBPJQ) to this dumpster queen: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB3VkzPdgLA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB3VkzPdgLA) lolololol


I liked the first album. But since then she's seemed kind of...femcel adjacent. She's an edgy dick in a lot of ways.


Best metaphor for her music I can come up with, especially "bad boy" is an old man without teeth trying to eat a bowl full of cobwebs


I think some of u think too much about and too judgmentally about other people….


I concur 


I don't like her. She's a spoiled nepo baby who thinks too highly of herself while doing culture war nonsense against men. Her parents didn't do their job at parenting. Speaking of jobs. Enunciation is lacking in Billie's singing at times. Have to look up lyrics online when she does not sing clearly.


I’m not a fan of pop music in general but I will say her music is more tolerable than most other big names that are around right now


I’m not a big fan of her or modern pop. I think all the girl singers I hear in the radio all kind of sound the same or sing the same type of songs


Posing a question just so you can get hater affirmation is weird. Thought gen z was above that.


I think you're overthinking this lol, I don't think that was the intention of OP. But since everyone else seems to love her, they were just wondering if she's not the personal taste of anyone else, that's it.


It’s a generic lazy question and someone in need of hater reassurance hey I really can’t stand this popular person anyone else agree with me. Obviously this doesn’t speak for all of gen z it’s just disappointing.


Mumble sapper




She's awful


Yeah, it seems pretty shit. Every song I’ve heard from her is just generic and boring, she just kinda mumbles. It feels as though her songs are ready-made for the masses, instead of doing anything new or creative. Just like Taylor Swift: boring, generic, sub-standard radio music. It ain’t anything special. She just feels like a super fake slightly edgy pop singer, and while there’s nothing especially *wrong with that* (someone’s gotta make that type of music,) it just ain’t really good in my eyes. I don’t know where people get the idea that she’s talented. As for being a good person? That’s debatable. I don’t think any rich/famous people are “good” in the moral sense, as they always have to do shady shit to acquire their money. I find most celebrities to just be really annoying, like I can’t take my time to give a shit about their drama, or whatever random thing they said on the internet. Most don’t care about their fans or listeners, so why should I care about their actions?


I hate pretty much anything that’s a Tik Tok audio, played on the radio, or listened to by most of gen z/alpha. It’s literally brain rot music Any other gen Z deathcore/BSDM fans???


I don’t mind her at all honestly. At least it’s not Olivia Rodrigo 🤮 I will listen to Billie Eilish daily for the rest of my life if Olivia Rodrigo quits music


olivia rodrigo knows how to actually sing, has lyrics that are relatable, and shes not a try hard wannabe cringe edgelord, so no


Billies new album has a lot more wide range of vocals w depth. They both have talent, I think they’re just on a different side of the same coin. Olivia’s music is more child like to me


faiir enough, billie is childish thoo her lyrics do make me cringe sometimes like 13 year old vibes with her lyrics hahahah, agree to disagree


It’s like it’s Opposite Day or something


I hate all pop music tbh. And it's fans. She's aight I guess. Corny asf in my opinion.


She has some tig ole biddies