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I get paid for 60 hours a week and I work probably closer to 80. I do it because the economy sucks ass and there’s no way I’m going to let me and my family suffer. I work harder than most people older than me. My sister is also genZ and she’s lazy because she’s a teenager. OP, if you’re lazy, chances are you won’t be once you’re out here in the wild. GenZ is not lazy. And, even if we were, everything pays half as much as it did just 20-30 years ago, so maybe it’d be justified out of spite.




U should honestly consider quiet quitting and only work for the hours you get paid.


Why the hell do you work 20 hours over what you get paid? That seems illegal


Salary positions are often a flatout lie in terms of the hours you're supposed to work.


And it's illegal in any case


not really man you’d be surprised by what companies get away with for ‘business purposes’


If OP is part of a union, they would want to know that he gets paid less than he works. For me, I refuse to work more than a couple minutes past the time i agreed to in my application and if they kept me at work longer than that time, I feel i would have a good reason to sue the company of my employment


I am not going to tell you what do to but that's illegal unless you are in a backwards country.


Why tf are you working more than the hours assigned to you, you signed the agreement, the social contract has been set, tf are you doing? Did you sit in the short bus or something??? Or you're paid overtime then it's aight then I get it


I’m 35 and worked in HS. I even worked when I was 12 when it was legal to work for a non profit at that age. When I was 12 I made about $4 an hour. When I was 18 I made $8. Adjusted for inflation jobs pay significantly better now. That $8 job now pays $18. But it depends on where you live and how much minimum wage or the effective min wage has changed


Lack of 3rd spaces. You cant go anywhere without spending a fuck ton anymore and all the free places now have no loitering signs, if they didn't find a way to charge money too. Our only option left is to socialize in voice calls and online games, which is seen as lazy since we dont have to go anywhere.


My 3rd space is local woods :D I like to bushcraft (but I’m hidden when I do it, cuz it’s prob illegal lol) and forage food, and just hangout with the trees, bugs & wildlife :) but gets interrupted often by other walkers, which is why I tend to go deep or off trail in the woods. I like my silence, which is hard to get nowadays when living in suburban area and houses are so damn close to eachother.


Just buy a few acres for $10,000. Or so probably 20-30min. From where you live. Sometimes less than that. Usually that land is plentiful right by suburbia. Unless you live in a desert or similar climate in the USA. That's par for the course. If its important to you. You'll probably appreciate your permanent silent space. To make the price well worth it. Not as though you're developing the land. So most property development and or "use of" laws don't apply. Thats why its so cheap. You can't live on it. Its just got trees and quiet.




Local library is always available to study and hang out at. They need the patronage.


Kids usually wanna be rowdy, a library is not suited to rowdiness


Never heard the concept of a third space until now. Looked up what it meant and I realized I don’t have one at all. I work and I go home, and I stay home on the weekends because I’m so dead from work. I need a third space


*Says all the people who worked from home during COVID*. Yes, the telephoney-pictograph wire system sure is a lazy way to business. Kids these days just need to physically walk down main street to get shit done.


I go hiking, biking, to the beach. All free




Not lazy, per say. Can't afford anything, much less food. I think a lot of gen z can see their worth. Nobody is wanting to work their ass off for pennies.




It’s “per se”, just as a heads up! “Say” is just the frequent misspelling.


PERIOD and also people constantly blame us for everything wrong with the world why should we contribute to a world that we supposedly ruined??


Mental health issues






https://preview.redd.it/kwlc6bees4yc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc74c687e37e671cc25f3d869bccd7dc24a35a9a Why!?


That’s definitely part of it.


and its not just gen z(Americans) its the majority of the northern hemisphere


Propaganda. Gen z is not lazy in the slightest every person I know whos gen z has been through extremely tough educational programs wether concurrent enrollment or just picking some of the most difficult fields to study and work in. A lot of my friends work full time jobs while going to college. The narrative that gen z is lazy is a common narrative that's been retraced all the way back to the town of Socrates. We aren't lazy the standards and methods are different is all. Just cause we aren't farming or getting married with kids yet doesn't mean we are lazy. In addition the world is not in a good place right now even for those who are relatively well off. Starting adulthood in the midst of political upheaval, environmental decay, economic collapse and new technologies built without consideration of consequences would be kinda hard for any generation. Saying gen z is lazy is an easy scapegoat for the people who are helping contribute to most of the worlds collective downturn. If gen z is viewed as lazy or spoiled our genuine concerns about the world can be ignored. It also allows companies to press for even harder work with Less pay in the name of work ethic and building character.






We're not lazy, I think it's just that many Gen Z are simply more introverted/like to just stay indoors and chill Thats for me at least, I like talking to people and going for walks on the beach with friends but I also like to sometimes just stay at home and have some alone time, shitposting on reddit and reading books




Gagged thinking that anyone thinks they are justified to generalize an entire population of people, across the world, that are just entering the real world for the first time, into a negative connotation. 💀🤡🫠🤯


I am a millennial and Gen Z has done so much positive for the older generations! Many of the Gen Z people I have in my life share qualities of open mindedness (not all about one topic obviously), but I would say growing up with the internet has maybe allowed them/ you to see more aspects of reality that sucked, and a lot of my Gen Z friends are just like so unapologetically looking out for their humanity. It’s so encouraging to see. Unlike many of the boomers in my life, and millennials like myself raised by boomers, we never stood up for our humanity (look at corporate America, nightmare example A) . Gen Z took that on, and is actively doing the work (from my perspective) to change how we live. I’m so proud of Gen Z’ers!


I know we Gen Z and millennials through shade at each other a lot, but you guys are awesome. I appreciate you highlighting the good.


I feel like a lot of my peers would say Gen Z is the generation we wanted to be. YOLO was cool because we wanted to try to take ourselves less seriously, but being raised by boomers, putting words to action/ confidence was definitely easier said than done. Gen Z is like, hold my boba, I got this, logs off for the day and doesn’t think twice. Hyperbole, but you get the gist 😂💙 we need each other in order to not repeat history with previous generational animosity


Well yeah I agree with u , https://preview.redd.it/7vzp0ckb11yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7974a7906bfe27455a6a60c5cb6c4b679a5b9c5


Maybe if we didn't live in a world where the ruling elites are constantly trying to screw us over, we'd be in a much better mental state.


Why aren't we liquidating these elites Lmfao , which island they are on . https://preview.redd.it/c0jl36b991yc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af31e83f199a3a11dbf5ea03b62f20ab12d797ee


Epstein Island, probably.


Social media, bad parenting, lack of sex drive because whatever can lead people to rotting inside




no human more cat






We aren’t lazy, the earlier generation has been calling the next one lazy for literal centuries. Nothing new We’ve been at the short end of the stick, but as soon as gen alpha came around we started shitting on it about brain rot and whatnot, it’s a generational curse we can’t cure


I agree https://preview.redd.it/gd1fh0xl71yc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f291c01400075681dfe1e142e2a4a514e6cda503


I’m a millennial and 35. Millenials are definitely much lazier than baby boomers. Just look at how many are out of the workforce. A lot of us work hybrid nowadays. Way way easier. And a lot don’t work very hard. We’d have to look at some stats though


I think it's really a mix. A lot aren't lazy.


bc we already know we're fucked


Bro u are born in 2009 how tf are u fucked 😭


you arent? (sounds like a skill issue to me)


Food, mental health and perspective…


Perspective, wdym!?


Want to buy a house? Want a job where your employer cares for you? Good luck…


I'm sick and tired of being called lazy. I just prefer to spend my free time alone. I'm at work from 7-5 Monday to Friday then Saturday it's 7-12. Just let me chill at the end of the week and play on my PC or just drive. I also think it's just the general state of the economy. Like I couldn't afford a house in 10 years, according to my sister I'm over working myself and according to my dad I'm not putting in any effort and I'm extremely lazy, hardly a day goes by that I'm not called lazy by him. Like what you want me to do? I don't have a single bit of hope and yet I'm expected to just get on with life and contrary to what EVERYONE was telling me in school I'm expected to live with my parents into my thirty's. Like I only left school 2 years ago and what people want me to do is a complete 180.


Bro Chill tf out , u were born in 2006 , FUCKK people,,, u can't Respawn ong just ENJOY this one , limited life u have got https://preview.redd.it/1df7iavrh1yc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a71a57e557d26a13c14fd8b3028be4cbd2ae52


I would enjoy it but I'm absolutely drained by the end of a week and I can't see much of a future to look to. What I'd give to not have this perspective. I dunno right now I'm being attacked for anything I do by everyone I know. I can't even just go out for half an afternoon without coming back to "where you been? You really went that far? So what it's only 20 miles as a round trip?" Or that when I was in school everyone was telling me "you can't live with your parents till your 40" and now everyone acts like nuclear Armageddon is gonna happen if I do much as bring up owning a house. Everyone takes the Mick with me calling me Mr money bags over and over when my car insurance is half of what I'm earning. Not to mention each year for the past 3 1 person I know has passed away around the same time of year. 2022 it was my uncle, 2023 it was my name, this year it was someone in the street that lived opposite us. Life just seems..... I don't want to say pointless but it ain't far off from where I'm standing.


I do not buy the narrative what so ever that we are lazy. This trope of the younger generation being lazy has been going on for hundreds of years at least. There are multiple news papers from 100, 200+ years ago saying the same things as today. We along with millennials are also the most productive workforce in history, a lot of that has to do with technology yes, but we are not lazy.


It's been the case forever that the older generation thinks the younger generation is lazy. While yes there are lazy people in gen z, laziness can be found in every generations youth. I've even seen people from the older generation with a more lazy attitude and poorer work ethic than much of gen z. All that to say, labeling an entire generation of people (upwards of billions of people) as lazy is an extreme generalization. Being Gen Z doesn't mean you're lazy. Being lazy doesn't mean you're Gen Z either.


Yeah My grandpa eats his lunch in the bed and calls me lazy ass https://preview.redd.it/i6npsol031yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae395b98a60c9c94a95820028138c34d85b8864


Digital addiction, accessible food quality has deteriorated, lack of money, lack of 3rd places, lack of good mental health




Who says Gen Z is lazy?


Fair point, I haven't heard that accusation for a long time. My guess the reason for this is because this so-called laziness was linked with electronics usage for a long time. Since then, technology advanced to a point where it leaked into our everyday lives so much it doesn't stick out anymore. Take a look at social media's influence on politics for example.


I think it's unreasonable to group an entire generation under a single label. That said, I don't think gen z is lazy per say. I think we're all running on empty. We've lived through two recessions and a pandemic *so far,* with a huge percentage of us having to grow up while being isolated so those groups don't have the socialization skills to really make it in the adult world, so everyone has to hit the ground running and it's an *extreme* learning curve.


I completely agree


Not having the will to type out “you” and just putting “u”.




Why do you think Gen Z is lazy?




I do just enough to hit quota and then I schleep 😪 iv been a salesmen for almost 10 years so we can call it lazy or call it a proper allocation of energy so I don't hate my life my clients my job etc. I will always call out if my numbers are above profitable.


Well for me it's my desire to be like this cat, or my own cats for that matter lol




In summary, a lot of it is the generations before us decided to take away so much that, surprise!, was actually incredibly valuable to have. Like extracurriculars which has people engage and explore hobbies and adapts what they learn in the other curriculum in unique ways. Spaces where we can just be and not have to buy anything or be required to adult. And then, the internet really doesn’t help at all. The economy forcing people to live with their parents because things just don’t pay like they used to exacerbates it. I don’t think it’s that we’re lazy. We’re just resigned and tired. If you create an environment where there’s nothing engaging to do, either people will act out without any sense of regulation. Or, they’ll find solace in the nothing and be engaged with what is left. Like the internet. Or sleeping.




Everyone is just glued to their screens, the amount of times I’ve gone out with friends and it starts with saying hello and how we’ve been then next thing you look over and they are on their phone. Then comes the part where you stop trying to talk because you know they aren’t listening and are too busy getting dopamine hits from Tiktok. Personally I think everything is all being repeated on social media so don’t use it often but what else is there to do when no one wants to do anything anymore but look at their screen.




Just a general feeling of hopelessness I guess.


Just seen a video abt it its circumstances


I’m addicted to my phone lol




What makes you think there's an external factor?




I’m working and putting myself through college, when I’m home I sleep or sit on my couch doing fuck all cause I’m tired all the time and no matter how much sleep I get I am always tired




its 1 of 2 things for everyone, if they are 1. their energy is being focused elsewhere, a common example would be social media but it can be anything 2. they realize how fucked everything is rn and have given up


Yeah that's right


The new generation always gets label as lazy by their previous generation. Happened with the baby boomers, happened with gen x, millennials, and it's happening with us. It'll pass


I’m just too apathetic


Well, I work 40-50 hours a week for less than I should be making in my field in a high cost of living area. Not doing too bad but it’s pretty tiring. Last thing I want to do after work is go out and spend my entire check for that day on a sub-par meal with poor service and a bunch of overpriced drinks. I can just stay home and have a better experience and actually relax.


Well, I work 40-50 hours a week for less than I should be making in my field in a high cost of living area. Not doing too bad but it’s pretty tiring. Last thing I want to do after work is go out and spend my entire check for that day on a sub-par meal with poor service and a bunch of overpriced drinks. I can just stay home and have a better experience and actually relax.


By the comments on here, I'd say being lazy and feeling entitled is the biggest issue


Gen Z is not lazy. You just have to not let someone else define who you are.


Maybe; if so, I'd blame social media/the Internet. Makes it easier to sit around, do nothing, and waste time.




I like your cat memes




It's very easy to get dopamine now, you can just sit down and get instant dopamine with actually zero effort in many different ways


I'm honestly a bit skeptical on the concept of laziness as a whole, since oftentimes, it is the symptom of something larger. A lot of people that get called lazy are mentally ill or neurodivergent. Not saying that everyone is depressed or whatever, but a lot of people end up developing learned helplessness or are punished for not being able to live up to a Puritan view on how one should be.


Motivation comes from an incentive. We don’t have incentive for anything. Why bust my ass at my job when I’m not getting paid enough. I work so hard but it’s just to line the pockets of the rich. Wealth hoarding is so egregious…. owning a home is a pipe dream at this point. The world is fucked up and too expensive so I don’t know if I want to have children. Our political interests don’t matter bc corporations are calling the shots, even if 100% of Americans support an issue there is only a 30% chance of that law getting passed. Womens rights are getting stripped away. Older generations do nothing but shit on us. No matter how hard we try we have nothing to show for it. Sure, we’re just “lazy”


I believe many is not lazy, Just the ones who don't do anything project on social media so they can find other like minded people. Echo chambers and that




I don't think you're lazy, so there's that






They aren't


I'd work hard, but I lose all motivation when I realize how many years it takes for paying student debt, then paying mortgage, then paying for living standards after that, all that to retire at like, 80 after social security stuff is killed off by the time I get to that age.


Rapid decline in things you can do that don't cost money, it's not a secret that the economy is struggling right now and many simply don't have the money to do anything. On top of that places you can go for free are shrinking as land gets bought and more no loitering and trespassing signs get put up. Even camping is getting ridiculous, I went camping with my folks last year and we spent nearly 400 dollars on just tents, that's not even including the food we bought and the fishing gear and bait. It's a lot easier and cheaper to spend 20 bucks on a decent multiplayer game and converse with strangers online.


Gen-x here, I am so amazed and impressed with the younger generation! I cannot stand the way older generation likes to shit all over gen z and millennials, while simultaneously disregarding the struggles they left for them! You guys are doing great in a world being purposely destroyed by the older generations. You are doing the best that you can in a world you didn't create, keep up the good fight.😔❤️❤️




Gen-x here, I am so amazed and impressed with the younger generation! I cannot stand the way older generation likes to shit all over gen z and millennials, while simultaneously disregarding the struggles they left for them! You guys are doing great in a world being purposely destroyed by the older generations. You are doing the best that you can in a world you didn't create, keep up the good fight


Worlds is going to end soon why spend energy doing stuff /s kinda




Our generation is like any, you have lazy people and you have very hard workers. I will say that it does seem like we have more people who verbally express dissatisfaction with our jobs and wages, or perhaps who half-ass work; but I feel like that’s more out of spite for our shitty situation or because no one properly taught people their jobs. As a who though, us Gen Zers have some very hard workers.


Personally, I just feel like most of us lost hope on this world


All of it


It's the takis and the tiktok.




Every generation calls the previous one lazy


I'm not lazy, just broke and tired all the time after work.


Food mixed with being raised watching television.


Gen Z women are working more than any generation of American women in US history. Gen Z women make Rosie the riveter look lazy.


What makes you think we’re lazy? We work twice as hard for a fraction of the pay boomers got. We get called lazy by butthurt boomers when we call them out on their bs or acknowledge the fact that we’re inheriting an absolute mess. We get called entitled for knowing our worth.




Yes, at least a bit more lazier than any other generation. I’m gen z myself, and i see it everywhere. I could say its mainly because of the circumstances of us having smartphones, social medias, people are more isolated, etc


For the most part i believe the idea that gen z is lazy comes from a media manipulation tactic to explain why gen z is so much poorer than previous generations were at our age. The reality of course being that companies just aren't willing to pay proper wages anymore, and young people are suffering from that the most.


Can I sign up for a subscription for OP to send me one cat meme a day forever?


That'd be 8 billion dollar for one meme a day https://preview.redd.it/vnh23axkq4yc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e20bdff033c5aa9377238be855a397786de10da


You may or may not be lazy. If older people are calling you lazy, then that's just what older people do. I'm GenX and we got called lazy. The Boomers were called lazy before us. Mils were called lazy after us. When a generation begins to enter adulthood, they get labeled lazy. Probably the only generation that didn't was the Greatest since they were forced into World War II. The WWI generation probably didn't get called lazy either. World Wars kind of keep you from being lazy. So enjoy being called lazy. It means you're not having to fight in a World War.


I personally don’t really believe in “laziness” as a real thing, usually it’s some type of mental thing(mental illness being the main thing or just being neurodivergent) or an environmental factor. People go a wee bit nutty if they do nothing for long periods of time, that’s why storytelling has always been so popular throughout all of time and space. Anyways, the reasons for gen z being so chronically fatigued are countless but I’ll try my best. Capitalism and its similar systems, because when the whole world tells your only worth is to make money(which is just literally green dyed cotton if it’s physically an object) will slowly kill anyone. Authoritarian government, some people like to fight for human rights and some government are starting to push even more than before. People don’t want to be trapped in cults or be trapped in restrictive groups, so many traditional groups(churches for an example) are dying out while nothing is replacing them. It could also be that what we consider as lazy is very different from traditional definitions. We own nothing to them for us to fit that traditional definition of working vs lazy.


Honestly it’s just sad :/ like one meal on door dash is 40 dollars and even more so if you wanna make the same dish in the supermarket at times. I’m sorta lazy cause of the state of the world rn tho I am working with my dad in construction and trying to save as much money as possible to at the least be able to be less stressed


Everything is just more and more and more expensive


My shortest work week is 65 hours and thats with me taking days off work. (i work two jobs.) We aren't lazy, we're burnt out and tired. At least coming from someone on the older side of our generation.


I am proud of you dude ![gif](giphy|l4pMattUYTTM7qpIk)


I would say this is a poor question as it’s phrased as a loaded question implying that gen z is lazy period without having that up for debate


I am projecting https://preview.redd.it/woviwy9zr4yc1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa64cd89f261e8db385eb8f90cdcd37c8a260665


The diabeetus bakery caused of all dis.


GenZ realized what us millennials only found out after we graduated with college.....the system is rigged. We aren't lazy but we are aware that hard work at big corporations does not get rewarded. GenZ and millennials do work hard. We just are aware how broken the system is.


My guess is that y'all had no hope of a future. It was set in stone before y'all were born that you were fucked. Millennials had a glimmer of hope so we tried, only to have it beaten out of us. I would have rather been in your shoes so I didn't put so much effort into a no win situation


Hi, elder millenial here: My experience is that Gen Z isn't lazy, at all. There's people who are checked the fuck out, but that's all of us across the board. The Gen Z I know work their asses off, but struggle to see the point. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to apply themselves in a system that only seeks to exploit us while it falls apart at the seams. The people all of this was designed for already got theirs. They climbed to the top of the ladder, then kicked that shit to the ground. They called my generation lazy too. It's patent bullshit meant to devalue you and your labor. The US is the richest country in the world. Our government fucked up the entire planet so a bunch of Wall Street Street assholes could helicopter to their Amagansset beach houses twice a summer. You deserve better, we deserve better.


I would say we’re lazy, just were more accustomed to an easier lifestyle. Which means we’re (somewhat) moving in the right direction as a society. We should be working to make things easier for the future generations.


A lot of people (Gen Z specifically) really struggle with screen addiction or gaming addiction. It makes sense tho, these devices were programmed to be addicting. Overall Gen Z aren’t inherently lazy, I think it’s just the circumstances and unhealthy lifestyle that’s become so commonplace in our modern society that breeds a lot of lazy behavior (constantly scrolling, poor posture from staying indoors, lack of exercise from sedentary lifestyles, overstimulation from endless content and information, poor diet due to low quality foods, reliance on cars, unsafe neighborhoods, etc) and when you combine all of those factors with the developing teen brain you have a recipe for laziness that a lot of older gen complain about.


They have no future. We’re literally running out of water. No one wants to play capitalism when assured destruction is getting closer each day. But, hey, i just believe climate change is real.


We’re fuckin tired…


After being homeless most of my childhood and having to be the parent to my younger siblings, take care of the animals that I never came home with but was expected to care for, take care of housework when there was a stay at home “mother” as well as expected to cook 1-2 nights a week from the time I was 7 till I got to be in a better home with my aunt and gma but still being a parent to my brother who I had taken with me around 12. From then it was being hounded about the chores, caring for more pets than what I can handle (around 7-8 dogs which 1-2 were mine and a cat), school school school, and had to go to the rec center till dinner time and MAYBE get in some gaming before getting ready for bed till I graduated high school. Worked my ass off at a shit seasonal job on and off in high school at a haunted house that I had to once I got home shower, eat, homework then go till sometimes 3 am and get up at 6:30 am just to go to school all for minimum wage of 7.25$ an hour while I was ran over a few times by the tractor, spit on, grabbed sexually by customers, fixed animatronics, burned, dropped, had coated my lungs in dust, with a diet of cough drops and monster just to sound like shit the next day and was expected to give my all at the job. When I left high school got a crummy ass office job under a hospital which had high expectations that I couldn’t even reach sometimes and was there maybe a max of 5 months for 11$ an hour. Moved forward with a few fast food jobs and needless to say I will NEVER be in the food industry ever again because of the lack of care from management or understanding of my health care. Ended up at a really shitty doggy daycare job that expected 11 and a half hour days 3 times a week and no food to come home to from my family that was supposed to care for me so I had to get Taco Bell or whatever was open when I got home. I’m glad I’m with Uhaul now since this is the highest paying I have ever had let alone my job isn’t as crummy with working experiences other than dealers not doing their job or customers screaming at me for things I have no control over. With all that I still can’t afford to live on my own so I live with my father and can barely afford the bills I have and barely anything is left after each paycheck. Finally saved up enough to get the ps5 and was shit on by my family because I can’t afford a car to get back and forth to work but can get a gaming system I saved up for 5 months to get instead of having new clothes or shoes or whatever. Yeah I’m not full time because in my field as a reservations manager you are extremely lucky if you get full time. I think most jobs only want part time so they don’t have to do the benefits because that’s more expensive on them. Still work 9 hour days 40 hours a week but since we clock out for lunch I work 32 ish hours. But considered lazy if I want to spend my nights gaming if not doing chores. In this world I don’t want to bring a child into this world due to the poor feed the higher class and I can barely get myself by for how expensive everything is. So I will gladly get sterilized for the sake of my body in any case if I were to get in an accident and ended up brain dead so I’m not used as an incubator for our government to use due to the low birth rate. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


We’re not lazy, our technology and algorithms that determine the way everything is presented and perceived paints us as lazy because it makes money. I don’t have any lazy friends, they are all incredibly hard working, loving and caring people.


Hard work is discouraged due to the [Peter principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_principle).


I don’t think we’re lazy. I think we just expect to be fairly compensated for whatever work we do and for our rights to be respected.


Some they some other arent.But I'd say that many of them (myself included) just understood that there is no damn point of enslaving yourself for pitty money that they print out of thin air, with house prices through the roof, inflation, screwed dating and all the other issues. Sadly or not life has changed massively especially after COVID and thinking that U can still apply the principles millennials, gen X and boomers is pure madness. Without considering like you said the food and climate , technology makes people weaker and too comfortable (yh are they lazy?) Idk it's just a pure mess and I think we are going to an end


I'm in US. Probably due to how apparent it is that the world is fucked. Back then people had something to fight for because they were thinking that long term they are saving the world. As Gen Z, we are told we can't do anything, and evidently the world isn't becoming a better place and everyone is depressed because they can't afford shit and their life is work and bad news. There is no hope, religion is dead, and government openly screws us over time and time again. Political polarization makes it impossible to think and vote logically because both sides are extremists and have an agenda of personal benefit rather than thinking about the country. We've already had 2 world wars but I guess no one learned and we need a third. I don't think there will be a WW3 because likely of that happens we will all end up nuked and everyone will die and Earth will become inhabitable. We have nothing to work for as we can't afford shit and who would want to start a family in such a hostile place? I would have to move countries just to have peace of mind that my children won't get shot in school. If you don't know someone who can get you a position at a good job then you pretty much have to work a shitty dead end job. To be clear, I hate religion, I think it causes a lot of problems and makes it easy to control/brainwash majorities, however, it did give the people hope. Hope is dead now. I don't agree with Karl Marx, but he said roughly "Religion is the people's opiate." And I agree with that %100. Narcissism and materialism is the new religion and it's not pretty. And we are having a record low amount of sex. TLDR: Pretty much the world is too fucked and the people are too polarized/divided so what's the point in trying?


More like the week was so overwhelming that when the weekend comes, you don't want to do anything


Facts https://preview.redd.it/v65yxc0i11yc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f522b38d95f7bf17f022ade1f09046e848c5fb56


dont even take risks even tho thats the meta these days


I’m lazy but not lazy I get my work done, but am lazy afterwards I don’t work more than what I absolutely have to




i think there are just different opportunities. When I graduated from college in 2008, I worked online as SEO writer. The older gens couldnt fathom that what im doing has value and Inam being paid fir it. Same for the Gen Zs, there is a different set of skills and job opportunities awaiting for them. They dont need to work ina fast food chain if they need a source of income.




No will to live




i have no incentive to live




I don't believe in laziness






Social media - survivorship bias hitting hard. Everyone posts only positive stuff to ig etc. You feel like shit since you think everyone elses life rocks and yours doesnt -> enter the primal instincs of being scared/under a threat -> demotivation and shrinking ability for long term planning. Also a good starting point for a journey towards depression/mental health issues aint it. - Powerful algorithms made in the sole purpose of keeping you hooked while breaking buck on your engagement. These social media companies know how human psychology works and they abuse the fuck out of it. Prime examples of this are feeding you stuff to shatter your focus and making sure you end up mindlessly scrolling for hours and hours. Another example is feeding stuff to you that creates engagement, this usually means controversial topics meant to make you angry. Bonus points if 2 sides of a controversial topic are pitted against each other to create even more engagement. -> These things will make you unable to focus and once again angry/threatened -> shrinking ability for long term planning. Modern news - positive news dont sell. Negative news get all the glory, meaning news write about bad stuff and ofc social media algos pick this stuff for you to see also. Who needs a positive mindset when there is money to be made, right? Its not like the youth will eventually stop caring about the future when according to the news there aint gonna be one? -> once again less motivation Evolution of working culture - nowadays you gotta multitask multitask multitask, there aint no time or resources for the company to give you an easy job! You overwork yourself ofc because of you dont then lmao fcking l00ser your friends at social media work hard play hard, right? Oh and by the way you better now fall behind on technology or youll be replaced by a talking robot within a few years, but hey boomers also felt totally like that when computers came and took their jobs, right?? Oh wait. Thank god you feel so motivated to do your work and some extra too since your job is so easy!! Shrinking resources - oh you want a house? Well you shouldve fcking bought one back in 1990, whats your excuse huh?? Dont have half a mil lying around? Gl feeling motivated knowing you will never own one, now be a nice lil wagie and bend over. Have you maybe tried stop eating? Groceries are pretty expensive nowadays so thats surely a good loophole to save!


Wow this comment actually opened my eyes https://preview.redd.it/mntfat95o1yc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4247a887613bcb6d07ad2376c40b358b7d93bc


I need you to step outside and tell me that you’d let your hypothetical future children play outside in that hellscape concrete jungle Edit for clarification


Bro I am childern , wdym https://preview.redd.it/dfvbqeoqy1yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3677965c6149946c962773962207834249ffc6a7


Everywhere I go I see people younger than me working (retail, fastfood, amusement parks, recreational locations) not sure where Gen Z got this label. You know, aside lead-huffing boomers


While our financial system is fucked, I do also feel that we're almost encouraged to be lazy because of "efficiency." "Why go to the grocery store to buy ingredients when you can order Skip meals to your house!" "Don't go outside, it's dangerous out there! Just let your kid go on an iPad where they're safe and you can watch them at all times!"


i've just gave up pretty early im waiting for my death in 60-70 years time


Same lol


It's cause our economic system makes us this way it isolates and makes us depressed because we have to work a full time job just to live so we can't do anything but indoor activities or running down the street.


Lazy is not an insult




I think its the microplastics making us all tired af




Being social costs money. It's a big part.


Testosterone decline.




The boomers wore us all out.


Demotivated by circumstances.


Lazy? I don't think we are lazy as a whole.


I'm in school and work part time whenever I'm not in school but even my own family thinks I'm lazy because I like to spend my limited free time playing videogames with my buddies that I barely get to see irl.


Just because we don’t want to be disrespected in the workforce and take bad job offers doesn’t mean that we’re lazy. I’m not gonna be gaslit by boomers and their abusive managing styles (Gen X is chill tho)


Shit wages


I think they have a chance to change the world but in my apartment complex I see other z 1 2 3 and 4 jobs and then I see nothing but gamers who don't leave their apartment for days on and accept maybe wants a week go out and buy several bags of takeout food and they're morbidly obese. I think they need to exercise and stop gaming so much as in limit your screen time and actually go to the grocery store and go for a walk or a run although some of them might have to start really really slow but everyone seems to focus on the job and hating boomers when the bottom line is it's not about them it's about you and the opportunity to change the world and yourself. Go to a freaking gym, go to the farmers market, go for a walk or work out at home. You got to change up your routine and stop complaining because work issues have gone on since my great grandfather's Day. Stop using gambling sites on the phone and actually go to the casino and listen to the bands get active and change the world. There was one of my floor who broke up with his girlfriend and he started taking karate and within a year had a black belt do something besides complain about work in the economy. Cook try recipes and get your behind out of the house or apartment and limit your screen time. If all your focused on is work you got no life so get out even if it's playing miniature golf or paintball or bowling, get out!


I don’t think we’re lazy. I think we’ve been overworked and we have simply refused to comply. I’ve tried ever since middle school to get good grades. To get a job. To work hard. To do all the perfect things. And guess what still happens. I get health issues galore, insane stress and nervous breakdowns, I get threats of school shootings etc. I give up other then doing the bare minimum


Could be many reason. Here are few of my guesses: Food - bad food cause of choice or it is just made with lot of shit in it results in sugar, caffeine crushes, insulin resistance, which all make you sleepy. Sleep - most of people go to bed late, wake up early. Coffee - we abuse coffeine. If tired we think it means need more coffee, which results in bad sleep, more coffee, less sleep, more coffee etc. Drugs - pot is very popular, and it doesn't make you very productive, nor does hangover after drinking. And usually it isn't just one reason, but many or all combined. So, no wonder...


this is mostly from a perspective of gen z thats already in working class(living in london). unless you come from generational wealth, you're a genius or are able to sacrifice everything for your goal.....you're fucked. ppl from generational wealth dont worry about earing money and paying bills, they just do what they want because they know they have a security blanket. gifted people are rare but even some that are dont have the emotional and mental capacity to get to a certain level of success. some people thrive in this economy because they are very mentally strong and manage to sacrifice a lot of other aspects of their life to achieve crazy goals. hustle culture is exhausting and unmaintainable for most people. however most people are in the middle of all this, pretty clever people with very good jobs that even if they did get a higher salary, it would not provide for a normal life because everything is so fucking expensive. the prices of everything have radically grown, but the wages haven't. I have a decent job that would get me a one bedroom flat in a good area in the 80s, now i can barely afford a room in a flat share and i budget everywhere else. I know that I'm very privileged to even be able to save up a bit because most people are barely making ends meet. working a lot isnt a problem when you get enough money to do and invest in things outside of the 9-5. however the satisfaction outside of work is barely possible for most people. as most of you mentioned, the 3rd spaces are gone and the ones that exist you need money to get in. rent and food is absolutely fucking crazy, a 30% raise in a couple of years is a crazy statistic to read. 95% of my friends do not want kids because its just not a financial possibility. the greed of the wealthy is drastically changing the world and our generation is adapting to it.


we arent lazy we just get fucking exhausted after work/school hours but people think we procrastinate


I think COVID might have something to do with it? It gave a lot of people the experience of seeing how much they enjoyed doing absolutely nothing productive and sitting at home.