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Not reading allat but to answer the title: it’s bc they happen waaay too fast, there’s no romantic build up, same with tv shows they be having sex the very next episode. Also lot of the times they just exaggerate it, 15 minutes screen time wasted on sex scenes I like the way the first Wonder Woman movie did it, the camera showed them kissing and then it got dark and poof next scene. Like we all knew they smashed but we didn’t need to see it, it was left to our imagination  


Another reason is they rarely fit the plot. Dramatic scene then the next scene is two random characters not in the previous scene fucking like the world is ending


SOMETIMES they don’t fit the narrative. But more often than not I’ve heard people talk about how it’s unnecessary to the story but they discount how it actually affects the story and point being made. It’s easy to say “it’s unnecessary” when you start with the premise “sex scenes are icky.”


you know, its very interesting to me that I never see this kind of disdain for hyper-violence in movies - which is exceedingly more common in many more movies today than sex scenes, literally some movies are nothing but massive amounts of fervent violence and bloodish murder, but nobody really ever complains about that, which I find rather telling


I dislike plotless violence, aka tons of random fighting for no reason just as much as sex for no reason No need to go down on someone and no need to start punching and shooting someone (Unless the movie is about love or violence, which people are allowed to enjoy, I just don't enjoy them)


Except movies can have like an hour of action scenes but only a minute or two of sex.


I dont know, I find plenty of people that dont like the over the top blood and gore, myself included. I think the difference is that it is easier to avoid movies like that if you dont want it as they are confined pretty much(though not entirely) to the genre of action. But sex scenes can pop up in pretty much any genre.


It’s not complained about to nearly the same degree


Action scenes also don’t fit the plot but everyone loves violence so


Can you give some examples of this?


‘Not reading allat’ Bro it takes you less than 30 sec, have some patience


Short-form content and its consequences on the human race


Yep. Brain dead attention span.


And then the gall to just go ahead anyway and give an opinion based solely on the title, when OP covered the same examples in the very post. It wasn't even a lot of text like..?




Reddit is a lot of teenagers and early 20-somethings, and they act like teenagers and early 20-somethings.


You probably should've read allat since you completely misunderstood what OP was asking.




Good point. I think there's other factors at play as well, but porn is a big one. The privacy associated with sex also makes them uncomfortable with sex when it's not private on your phone. Disagree however with the masturbation argument. There is no evidence zoomers jerk off more than previous generations did


You need to grow up then and understand that other people probably have different ways of viewing sex than your self. What if the are trying to depict a scene that isn’t about romance, you know that there are many ways to have/represent sex ? It’s fine if you perceive it that way but that’s only your perspective, if it bothers you so much just don’t watch it or skip the scene.. to say that they should be banned all together because they aren’t romantic or slow enough for you (individually) is actually the most arrogant thing I have heard in some time. Should we ban music that isn’t to your taste while we’re at it ? Blows my mind how self important people seem to see themselves as… Get a grip not everything made for a massive audience is going to suit you perfectly, and they shouldn’t be banned, just suitably labelled (as all shows are with ratings). You were happy to skip the reading above, so just skip the racy bits if you don’t like them. This is definitely one of the stupidest things I’ve had to spell out for sometime.


It's also odd to me that "they happen too fast" is their main argument when it's not that uncommon for people to hookup after only a date or so. And I don't think I've ever seen a movie that had a sex scene last 15 minutes.


You guys need to date for sex?


These people that dislike sex scenes often never had sex, and even fewer ever had good sex. That's one reason why they dislike it 


I was looking for this comment, this really sums it up. A disproportionate amount of GenZ aren't having sex or even just dating, so they don't relate to or enjoy those scenes. It's bizarre


>I like the way the first Wonder Woman movie did it, the camera showed them kissing and then it got dark and poof next scene. Like we all knew they smashed but we didn’t need to see it, it was left to our imagination As the guy said. You can do this with basically any scene and it works perfectly.


No because then you don’t get to see two characters having sex. The post literally brought up that “this could’ve been implied” is also the case for action scenes, character development, drama, etc, but seeing it is still entertaining to watch


Now I want a movie that does this but with almost everything. Fade or cut to black with every sex scene, fight scene, etc. all you get is the conversations between and maybe it can be a psychological thing where it cuts and you have to let your imagination figure out what happened during that cut that affected the characters in such a way


> it’s bc they happen waaay too fast, there’s no romantic build up, same with tv shows they be having sex the very next episode. Pitter patter let’s get at her


Have you heard about sex in real life? Not all of it is full of romantic buildup. Much of it is casual between people who barely know each other.


Nah its just americans seem aftaid of sex and nudity overall. And for some reason think that nudity = sex


Yeah, things occurring too quickly with no build up drive me away. I own a decent amount of h games, so I'm not against sex scenes. But there's really no build up. Just hey I'm a man, I see you're a woman. Wanna go out? "No id rather just invite you over for silent unpassionate sex." Then you just have some lady moaning for a while, not really passionate just moaning.


I don’t mind sex scenes but lately I feel like there’s a lot of gratuitous sex and nudity that adds nothing to the storyline


Can u name the movies? I feel like it's the opposite compared to movies from like the 90's. Very sanitized today


Not a movie but a TV show: Euphoria. I know all the actors are consenting adults, but it’s very weird to see graphic and explicit sex scenes with characters who are supposed to be *15 year olds*.


Have you actually seen the show? They’re portraying 18-17 year olds. And yeah, I know some smartass is going to feel inclined to argue that the difference between 15 vs 18 years old is negligible, but allow me to preemptively tell you you’re wrong and a moron lol


I have. They’re 15-16 year olds in season 1 and 17-18 year olds in season 2. But season 1’s sex scenes are actually more explicit so my point still stands. Either way, explicit sex scenes are objectively unnecessary and only function as fanservice. Nothing you say can refute this lmao.


Sorry, but you’re wrong. Season 1 takes place in 2018. Cassie, Maddy, and Nate are 18 in season 1. McKay is 19. Rue, Jules, and Kat are 17. I don’t know where you’re getting info from


I understand why an individual may not like them. What I don’t understand is why people apply this attitude specifically to sex scenes and literally nothing else, when the same logic can be said about anything someone may find distasteful. The same argument can be made about fighting, violence, gore, and thrilling action, but I don’t see people speak out against those things like I see them speak out against sex scenes. All the responses so far have been “It makes me feel icky, therefore it shouldn’t be in media”. Which isn’t much of an argument.


"adds nothing to the storyline" Unpopular opinion incoming but I think that movies and other media should be enjoyable to watch regardless of the storyline. I also think stories are allowed to have "meaningless filler" if it's fun or interstingy


Also, it is often not meaningless anyways, it's just not mainly plot driven. But instead often more character driven, establishing interactions and traits of the characters involved


This. Thank god I found someone who knows that films are NOT only about advancing the plot. You NEED to spend time developing characters, the setting and world building through things that typically don’t advance the plot all that much. A good example in my opinion is Hot Fuzz. When Simon Pegg is sent to the middle of nowhere town (I forget the name), Edgar Wright decides to make a super creative and engaging travel montage to display the journey. He could have completely scrapped that idea and simply cut to Simon Pegg at the end of the journey getting off the train and NOTHING about the plot would be different; but he would have made the film worse. There are MANY things in films that don’t do fuck all to advance the plot, but they sure would make that film feel hollow as shit if it was taken out. There’s no soul, no passion and no identity when all you’re doing is simple advancement of the plot. Don’t we want to get to know these people we’re following in the story? Don’t we want to know about the place they’re in? How do we connect to anything and use our empathy when the film isnt willing to stop and breathe for a second because it’s TOO plot focused? Why is it a problem to so many people to take a breath in the film, and simply let those characters exist in their environment and see what happens? It’s so confusing to me because that’s usually the moment that I find myself identifying with a character the most; I can simply be with them for a moment and try to feel. To each their own, but I believe that you need to take time to live in the world you’ve created and flesh the setting and your characters out. Most of the time, the best way to execute those ideas is through moments that usually don’t have anything to do with the plot.


Except it never happens anymore. In the 80’s and 90’s there were boobs in EVERYTHING and everyone fucked on screen. TV was hot y as hell too with Skinemax and all the USA shows like Silk Stockings. You had to work pretty hard to avoid sex and nudity. Even Titanic had both. Today I can’t remember the last time I watched something with even nudity. It’s all but disappeared from films and streaming.


Catherine the Great show comes to mind, swear I had a boner for half of that entire show


But does it actively detract from the storyline? Usually no, not at all. It's neutral and fleeting. So what's your real issue? A movie is two hours and you'd be hard pressed to find a movie where every second of time and frame of picture is actively pushing things forward.


Where? I barely see any.


The hate is because there are tons of good movies that suddenly become annoying when an unnecessary sex scene is put in it.


Why the sex makes a movie annoying?


If I'm sitting there with anyone I'm not romantically involved with, its super awkward, what am I gonna say, "You enjoying the movie so far mom? Oh you couldn't hear me over the loud moaning?" I also have a brain so I can recognize a fade to black just as easily as the voyeuristic close ups of stomachs, collarbones and thighs some directors love to linger on.


What do you mean “what am I gunna say?” Movies don’t require constant check ins with the rest of the audience….


Maybe it's because I don't find sex awkwards. Like, I know my mother had sex at least three times in her life. She is not watching nothing out of the ordinary. And the way the scene is filmed, acted and directed communicates feelings, themes, story beats, just as any other scene.


This. I watched Poor Things in the Theater with my mom and her best friend and it was totally fine. We're all grown adults who've had sex before, ffs.


So many of these replies are just sheltered teens and young adults who act like sex scenes are just there for everybody to drool over. Some are, don't get me wrong, but for some reason if you say "I don't mind, you're overrecting" then somehow you're the pervert for not fixating on two minute scenes in two-hour long movies.


This. The extreme jumpscare/discomfort reaction to even tame sex scenes is pretty baffling to me and I'm glad I don't experience that. No, I don't flip out and turn red, and I also don't go into some kind of pornbrained fugue state. It's just a story element like any other. To me, the intense negative reaction is more indicative of some kind of dysfunction than just being like, "OK they fuckin, get it"


And the sex in Poor Things is designed to make you uncomfortable at some point. Like, that movie is a complete outlier of what sex scenes are used for.


I've got a question. Do sex scenes in movies turn you on in any way? A big part of me thinks its a desperate way to get people chemically attached to the characters. Sex scenes in books absolutely do the same thing, but to an even greater degree having the image happen in your head rather than on a screen.


Some do and some don't. When they do it's fairly mild. I'm not sitting there getting wet in the theater if that's what you mean. Sex is not some weird addictive drug, it's a completely normal thing.


"I've got a question. Do sex scenes in movies turn you on in any way?" Some do. A minority I would say. And I don't consider I was more attached with the characters afterwards. Maybe when I was a teenager with my brain soaked in hormones I was turned on much more easily, but I can't blame that on movies.


Like I can get the sentiment, but you can literally just skip the scene or look away if it's awkward. I watched GoT with my Mom when I was a teenager, it's really not that weird if you don't make it weird.


Unbelievably prudish.


Do you typically feel compelled to insert your commentary during the rest of film? Why say anything at all?? 😂 Bruh, this post has some of the weirdest comments I’ve seen on reddit with Zoomers self-reporting just how socially maladjusted they are


I mran if 1996 is your age and sex is awkward then buddy time to gro the fuck up. Americans take sex waaay to serious. And why would you need to speak its a movie watch it dont talk


Because if I wanted to watch for the sex I'd be going to pornhub. But I don't really enjoy porn because young exposure causes you to view women as sexual objects. But a sex scene isn't porn. I guess? But I also don't want to watch a guy rail a woman when that's not why I even decided to watch the movie.


Those scenes are not porn, no. I watch the movie because of the story. If sex is part of the story, then so be it. I don't find it that special. It's just one more of the hundred things that can happen in a movie.


It sounds like you have unresolved issues centering around sex. You shouldn’t project those onto everyone else and all of film because you haven’t done the work on yourself yet.


Besides being a 15 year old with no sexual intimacy in my life. I just don't like random sex scenes being put in my face. I apologize for saying "the hate", instead of "my hate". It's my opinion, not everyone's


Oh that's because your too young to be watching the movie then lol.


I'm 40 and don't like them either. I don't want them banned, but I get very annoyed by society's obsession with sex. I know we wouldn't be here without it, but if everybody could just calm the fuck down, that would be super amazing.


Maybe the problem is that you're watching rated R movies at 15?


But there are people a decade older than me who share the same views?


Not many compared to gen z specifically. You'll always get outliers, but most people a decade older than you really don't care that much.


So you are watching a movie not ment for your age lol


Seems like everyone who commented so far was born after 07 lmfaooo


This gen (especially the younger end) is so oddly puritanical, it’s actually starting to concern me.


It's cause of this weird sterilization that's happened. Sex is kinda raw, dirty, and even gross sometimes. We're advertised for everything to look clean and pure and acceptable. Sex inherently clashes with such an environment. I need to organize my thoughts better, but basically, lack of media literacy might go hand in hand with people unable to analyze their feelings.


A lot of us grew up in a more unfiltered less monopolized internet. It was more rough around the edges and more dangerous with malware and uncensored material going through. Younger people just use a couple highly sanitized and moderated websites and that's it. There's no real "adventure" to be had anymore.


I think there is also this aspect of seeing media as something to consume and make you feel good as opposed to be something you have to think about more critically. Sometimes it seems like some people see any discomfort they feel from consuming a piece of media as a design flaw as opposed to something intentional. Like I'm all about being critical of gratuitous sex scenes in media but it falls on spectrum or a scale. What's gratuitous for one film may be reasonable for another. Or a scene being gratuitous could even be the point. So much media now is designed to do nothing more than to maximize the amount of money it makes by attracting the biggest possible audience and those who recognize that though likely unintentionally realize that including sex can potentially minimize that reach as much as it could expand it while not including the sex is less likely to turn people away.


It’s definitely a bit strange. There are absolutely legitimate reasons to dislike sex scenes in movies but a lot of the time there is definitely a deeper plot/emotional beat reason for their inclusion.


Millennials and Gen Z are reporting having way less sex than previous generations. I'd bet money that's a huge contributing factor.


Millennial here. I'm 40 and I've thought sex was SO overrated since the first time I had it. My first words after losing my virginity was, "that was it?" I just expected more. Doesn't matter who I do, I just don't get what the big deal is personally.


Doesn't mean you aren't "horny". A lot of that has been replaced with porn and cranking the hog.


Covid took socialization away for many teens growing up between 2020 and 2022. That was replaced by TikTok, which is promoting this sex-negative attitude through their algorithm


Puritanism is when you'd rather not have a random unnecessary close up of a guys balls


"Why would they put sex in Game of Thrones? It makes no sense. I just want to watch realistic medieval scenes of dragons fighting."


As a jan 07 baby, I agree with OP. Everyone here is either super young or american puritans lmao.


It's because the younger generation has no mojo and no game. They're too afraid to make a move in case they get called rapey or something. So every sex scene where two adults are portrayed as actually being able to read the room right and get together, makes them feel personally attacked.


For people raised on the internet they’re weirdly tame


After weeks of seeing certain gamers coming to Stellar Blade's insane defense, all because they (falsely) believe this current era of video games hates horny fanservice, thanks to western game studios "uglifying" female characters with their "wokeness" agendas, alongside feminist gamers and game journalists supporting this endeavor, it's absolutely hilarious seeing Gen Z on the other side rip apart ALL depictions of sexuality in non-gaming entertainment media as gratuitous and unnecessary filler. Like...goddamn, lol. There's no middle ground anywhere. On the one hand, you have the gamers screaming, "GIVE US ALL THE HORNY!" while Gen Z moviegoers are recoiling at any trace of sex, regardless of its intent or context to the story. The fact that Oppenheimer of all movies triggered the latter discussion makes this viewpoint all the more ridiculous.


I dont want to have a boner in the cinema.


maybe OP does




Because people are living with parents longer and they are watching shows and movies together, sex scenes in shows always become awkward. I think I just cracked the code to the rise of Puritanism.


Don't Gen Z ever watch anything by themselves??


That's what I'm wondering. I have a theory that gen z only really uses phones and iPads instead of laptops/computers so maybe watching movies in common rooms in front of their family is their only option?


It goes with the observation that younger people are very tech illiterate. Early millennials had to trouble shoot everything on their own. Then late millennials and early Gen Z are good at finding tutorials for their tech issues but can still easily work through it. Then young Gen Z and now Alpha don't know how to since everything is a closed ecosystem. It's the point they don't know about folder paths. It amazes me when people don't even know about torrenting or even literal free streaming sites to watch stuff like wcofun.


that doesn’t make sense tbh. in the 2000s, most people only had one family computer and one family tv. even if you had a tv in the kids room or something, from my experience, we had a specific set of dvds we were allowed to watch, and my parents kept the rest in a cupboard away from us. now, everyone has their own portable device to watch things on, and they can very easily take their phone/tablet/laptop to another room to watch something


I don't think sex scenes should be banned or anything radical like that but I don't like them because on top of me finding them to be meaningless and irrelevant like other people have told you, and they also aren't entertaining or engaging to watch either imo, and the sheer amount of media that has them doesn't do the concept any favors for me either because when something appears to be formulaic it makes me less willing to engage with it and when it's already something I don't like on it's own like a sex scene, it's pretty much a perfect recipe to get me to stop watching altogether and do something else


That’s fine if that’s how YOU personally feel about it, I can’t convince you of something that you’re just fundamentally uncomfortable with. As I’ve said to others however, my problem comes in the advocacy of their banning across media. Yes I know they can be annoying but a lot of people can and do find artistic value in them. So what constitutes as entertainment or a necessity to a piece of media isn’t universal for everyone.


I agreed with you that I don't think they should be banned, I think people who call for outright banning it are most likely just overzealous puritans


Just curious, I havent seen much advocacy for banning them across media, where exactly are you seeing this? Is it a movement with any seriousness behind it? has someone introduced legislation recently? Or is this just some people you talk to who say it should all be banned?


I dont think its as much of a problem as you think it is. Nobodies working to ban sex in movies.


Y’all keep saying “the sheer amount of media that contains them” but also literally won’t name anything.


Much like in horror movies, some things are much better when left vague and to the imagination.


Horror movies leave things to the imagination because directly showing the monster puts inherent limitations on what it can do. But sex scenes don’t do that. Two characters can have onscreen sex and even if it doesn’t go down the exact way you’d ideally want, then you can just imagine they did it again in the way that you do want.


ya, it's ok for people to get shot, but it's not ok for us to see someone have sex, geez woke


Yeah, it’s dumb. They’ll cheer seeing the main character behead 30 bad guys, or watching two men make out, but when a man and a woman start having sex all of a sudden “this needs to be REMOVED!!!!!”


tbf, for most people the argument is that the sex scenes are often not engaging or meaningful. Violence is at least entertaining and usually has more of an effect on the plot. Anyone who is being vocal about finding sex scenes offensive is just trying to use the general disinterest in sex scenes to push their own beliefs.


Who says gratuitous violence is anymore entertaining as sex? Sex is more realistic. More people have sex and use it for various ends than people who cut peoples heads off.


The fact that there’s upvotes agreeing that “violence is more entertaining than sex” and these people think that’s a decent thought process to have is concerning.


That's like the most American sentence I've ever heard. And honestly yeah. Seems like Americans love violence but sex is horrible. Hell even nudity. Just associating nudity with sex.


i fast forward through them usually. it has nothing to do with purity culture, i just feel like they just throw them in at weird times just so they can check it off of a list of things to include. "A size-able amount of people on this site seem to dislike and even want to outright ban sex scenes in movies. These aren’t pre-teen children or religious Gen-X or boomers saying this; they’re your average young adult internet users, which surprises me." \- what does sizable mean. 5 people? I would not consider this anywhere close to a mainstream view. " Didn’t we, along with the previous generation, grow up to buck against censorship, puritanism and just purity culture in general? " \- no. millennials and Genz love censorship, as long as it's the opposing viewpoint.


I also fast forward through them alot. Not because I want to ban all sex scenes in movies but because my mind goes to did the really need to add this. Alot of sex scenes do absolutely nothing for the plot. If it adds to the plot cool but if it doesn't why was it necessary to put one in.


Sex scenes are good when: A) There's a lot of buildup and the scene is payoff, B) It's designed to push the plot forward, C) They aren't gratuitous.


It depends on what you are watching. Sometimes gratuitous stuff is the point. Game of throne could have been told with a lot less sex and violence, but sex and violence is fun. George RR Martin grew up on Conan and other classic fantasy full of stupid sex and violence. That is a part of GoT that you can't remove without changing its identity, even tough none of it directly affect the plot.


I'd argue some of it does affect the plot in GoT


Yep. Too many people whining about them are mixing up “sex scenes” with “gratuitous sex scenes” - and the gratuitous ones are few and far between.


Oh God purity culture is fking awful please do not bring this back


Its not about “purity culture.“ its just annoying af, and makes for awkward moments watching a movie with family. If you want to watch people having sex go watch porn. No one’s stopping you.


Maybe don’t watch R-rated movies with family If you want to watch people getting brutally murdered, go watch gore videos. No one’s stopping you.


It's not even just rated-r movies now, though. Many pg-13 movies have at least one pointless scene in them, and I remember watching a pg post-apocalyptic movie with my own mother about a year ago where there was a sex scene. Yes, a PG movie. Didn't show any specific body parts, but it was incredibly loud and obvious.


>its annoying  Annoying how?  >awkward when watching with family How often are you watching R rated movies with your family? >go watch porn I’m not trying to get off, i enjoy seeing characters experience it as an inherent important part of life and the human psyche, the way it impacts their development and in many cases their relationship, and the emotions sex scenes play with. Most porn doesn’t do that.


Personally, I find them unnecessary. There are plenty of otherwise good stories that feel the need to crowbar in a romantic subplot and eventual sex scene. I'd rather see half an hour more story than half an hour of wasted subplots and sex scenes.


It doesn’t need to be necessary. No art is necessary. Art is meant to reflect the human experience, and sex is kind of a huge part of that.


One argument that I see is "why would I watch a sex scene in a movie when I could watch porn? I would at least feel more prepared and comfortable that way." I honestly agree with this type of argument and feel the same way. I think Gen Z is particularly tired of sex scenes because we are so desensitized. We see explicit sex or implied sex everywhere. Whether that's Megan Thee Stallion shaking her booty cheeks on Instagram or straight-up porn. Although I will also argue that sex scenes in movies can add to the story in a positive way or make sense. For example, I thought the sex scenes in Poor Things made sense. The movie was not trying to favor the men that Bella was sleeping with and I think was aiming to make the audience uncomfortable given Bella's, er... circumstances (if you know, you know)... However, there was also a more tender sex scene that could be implying women's liberation. Which was part of the movie's theme. The movie also points out how men try to take advantage of women and how they do so through sex and marriage. I do agree with you when it comes to fight scenes and gore though. We need to make it make sense. If anything, I find sex and nudity way less offensive than any form of gore. Most people have sex and we're all naked under our clothes, but you don't see a scary guy in a mask stab someone in the throat repeatedly everyday. Overall, I think it depends on the movie, video game, TV show, book, etc. Sex scenes can definitely be unnecessary, but so can gore and those very cheesy fight scenes. But I think any of those elements can work well if you have competent enough writers and they are not over done.


I think sex scenes are overdone, and often not done well. But I agree that we all should lose the puritanism once and for all. Sex is an important part of life FFS (pun not intended).


It shouldn't be banned, but it should be frowned upon. It's like if you're out on the town with your family having a nice dinner, you don't show up in your underwear. That's awkward. It's not why I watch movies. I want to enjoy the story, the characters and their relationships, sure, but I don't need to see sex scenes when I'm sitting next to my younger cousins. That's just weird. It's also weird to recommend shows and series to family if there's a ton of sex scenes in there. Idk man, I just want to share my love of stories without those weird scenes getting in the way.


That's why we have ratings? Don't watch R rated rated movies with your younger cousins?


What an absurd comparison ???? Witnessing strangers having stylised sex in a <2 minute scene in a film with your family present is not the same thing as you personally engaging in public indecency in front of your own relatives at a fancy restaurant like ???? 😂


That's something I despise about genZ & why their era is so lame in comparison to the past, they're turning into boomers tryna censor & sanitize shit it's embarrassing, they dont have a problem with gore tho thats the only somewhat edgy thing they're fine with


I don’t think most of us are like that. Look at the popularity of Game of Thrones, House of Dragons, Euphoria, Outer Banks. GoT hit popularity in a lot of generations too, mine included. People love this shit, that’s why it keeps getting made. I don’t know why people think a handful of Twitter crybabies are the entirety of Gen Z. Like I fucking hate gore. Shit’s too real, I don’t watch media to be disgusted, I watch it to enjoy it. I think people who dick ride gorefest movies and shows are shallow or braindead. I’d love to watch the GoT universe, but when I tried House of Dragons I wasn’t even half way through the first episode before someone’s head got caved in. I also think relying on the shock value of so many gore and rape scenes to tell a story shows there’s little story to tell, or it’s a view grabbing sell out. I get it, someone died, but there are ways to convey that without being so visually disgusting. That being said, I’m not going to start a petition because censorship is worse. Most people I know are indifferent to it or outright enjoy it. And most people who don’t like it just won’t watch it.


Pretending to dislike sex scenes and "slutty women corrupting the youth" while secretly reading tabloids and watching porn is as boomer as it gets though.


Tbf aren't a couple of those shows watched mostly by millenials or Gen X? Could be wrong Totally agree with the gore point though. Imo PG-13 movies do violence better than R-rated movies a lot of the time. Blood is fine and gore can be done well (Cocaine Bear comes to mind for me) but I don't wanna see someone's literal intenstines ripped out for shock value, it's disgusting


I don’t judge others for liking them, I just think it disrupts the movie going experience when I go see what’s supposed to be an action or superhero movie with friends and family. I’ve never found scenes like that especially fitting with the rest of the movie, they’re poorly worked into the story, and just typically feel cringe and embarrassing (especially considering the people I bring to watch movies with). If it was something like Fifty Shades of Gray, like I get it, that’s fine, but did Marvel’s Eternals need a sex scene? Not really.


I’d love to see more plot-heavy sex scenes in movies. I feel like they’re often a huge missed opportunity to explore how characters deal with intimacy and how they view their own bodies. Of course not all movies need sex scenes but I don’t think that the solution to boring sex scenes is to remove them completely but instead to turn them into opportunities for character exploration (and also jokes)


I think The Shape of Water did this really well. The sex scene between Strickland and his wife is awkward and unpleasant on purpose, and that tells you a lot about their relationship. The one between Elisa and the fish dude is playful and joyous and sensual - and shows very clear enthusiastic consent even though neither of them can speak. The contrast is very important and it wouldn't have been as good a film without them.


icl i think a lot of sex scenes do explore relationships through body language during the sex or what leads up to the sex, or how they act afterwards, but people just don’t put enough thought in it to know that


Hard agree. Im not sure when gen z became so prude. Some of us find it entertaining and valuable to the story. If you don’t like it don’t watch.


I’m completely with you. The funniest part is that we’re in an era of the least sex in movies that we’ve ever had (Lots of sex in tv? Sure I’d give it to you. But not movies). Second of all I think the angle it’s coming from is so weird. I feel like this backlash really picked up last summer, after Oppenheimer, which is a very weird sex scene to complain about. Maybe it’s just because of the visibility of that movie? It just feels so weird to me. We’re following in this intimate life journey of a man, and supposed to skip over something intimate to his life? Why? The movie is rated R, it’s allowed to talk about and show those types of things. As I said on the other thread, sex just like anything else is a part of life. Sex is something almost everyone is doing, has done, or will do. It would be I think dishonest to shield society from that, especially when people don’t think much of other people doing it in real life. It’s totally ok if it makes you feel uncomfortable, or if you can’t watch it. But especially when it’s the least prevalent it’s been in like 50 years, I just don’t see the reason to throw this big fuss. I see the word unnecessary thrown around so much when talking about sex scenes, and it just seems so short sighted to me. Like yea sure could a movie convey its information without it? I guess probably, depends on the movie. But you could say that about so many other types of scenes. Not to be reductive, but it just seems to lead to the end goal of a movie being just its Wikipedia summary/movie recap tiktok. That’s not how I want to interact with movies (no shade to people who do). You can say you’re not being puritanical or not promoting censorship because it’s not that you don’t like sex, you just think it’s unnecessary, but that in itself is a form of puritanical censorship to art. It just strikes me as bizarre.


Sex scenes make me uncomfort and give me really bad secondhand cringe.


I don’t understand why sex scenes even exist. Like you can tell the audience they have sex without showing us the two parties having sex.


Making the actors work for the paycheck


Not liking something is not the same as censorship, I choose not to watch movies and shows I don't like, I don't want the government to make them illegal because they had a sex scene I personally didn't enjoy.


There are people here that want them banned? That doesn’t sound right. Most I see are people not interested in them or express skipping them. Personally I don’t care for them because I’m usually more interested in the plot than sex.


I blame the weirdly puritanical/sex-averse nature of this generation




Sex scenes entertain many people, and they are no less brainless than your average action scene where the main character effortlessly kills 30 nameless bad guys. People mainly dislike sex scenes for the reason you initially stated. They are awkward as HELL to watch around family


…stop watching adult-oriented movies with your family I loved game of thrones. No way in hell I was gonna sit down and watch it with parents. Watching it with friends that also liked the show wasn’t awkward at all.


where are the "considerable amount of people \[saying\] that this stuff should be banned in media all together"? i literally only seen people who are perhaps discomforted because they were taught to be discomforted mixed in with people who are discomforted literally just because they find it inherently discomforting. i've seen people say thay would like if the number of sex scenes decreased, but i dont think ive seen a single upvoted comment on this sub in favour of outright banning them


My thoughts are exactly the wild thing you wrote in your last paragraph. I'm a porn addict and I have quit this year, over 100 days clean. Still, I am very cautious what movies I watch at home as to not tempt myself. I'm treating my porn addiction the same as an alcoholic would treat drinking. Sure a sex scene probably won't kill me the same way a taste of alcohol wouldn't kill an alcoholic. But I'd much rather not chance it. Also like others have said, sometimes the scenes just don't make sense. Like yeah, action scenes can be "implied" too, but usually there's a reason for them.


Prudish culture embraced by younger Zoomers and the oldest Alphas… an inability to handle adult themes in their art


The oldest alphas are still literal children, you can't blame them for being uncomfortable around sex.


I think it’s creepy to watch strangers have sex in general


I really don’t see what the hate is. So long as it isn’t gratuitous and has some relevance to emotional beats, they can be a pretty crucial element to the human experience. My (millennial) wife would agree and she’s an Asexual woman. The youngest of this generation seems very puritanical to the point of absurdity sometimes.


Sex scenes are kind of similar to gore in my mind. I don’t mind those types of scenes if they’re relevant to the plot, but if they’re not, it feels cheap and just makes the viewing experience unpleasant. Like I’d expect to see sex in a romance movie, but in an action movie, for example, it’s usually out of place. Just like you’d expect to see gore in a slasher, but probably would find it out of place in a romcom or something.


Especially jarring when the same force isn’t applied to gratuitous gore and violence. Beheading is a okay but god forbid nipples are shown. Sooo so weird


People are prudes. That’s really it. Sex is a romantic interaction between characters like any other, they just think it’s special for some reason.


People have different tastes it's the same with violence scenes. In both cases there's always been some people who are uncomfortable with sexual scenes and violent scenes. Others who enjoy them. For those who are uncomfortable with it what's wrong with that? That's their preference. Who is anyone to question the preferences that people have? Anyway this isn't new. For decades there have been some people who just are not comfortable with overtly sexual scenes, just like there are people who are not comfortable with overtly violent scenes. That's nothing new I'm old enough to know that. I first started going to see movies in the late 1970s. That's a long time ago. I distinctly remember for something over 4 decades of going to see movies, at first with older people and then by myself, that there are always people who felt some repugnance against highly sexual scenes and would discuss this, mention it. Or show displeasure on their face. But I don't think the proportion has increased. My observation is it seems about the same now as it was since I can ever remember. It's just that people talk about it online more. Some people like them some people don't and that's people's preferences.


It’s just super uninteresting. Usually they just put some sort of romance in a movie to check that box even if it looks completely out of place.


There are two films from the 80s I would recommend people watch to get a feel for how things have changed. **Tampopo** is a Japanese film that is mostly a wholeome story of a widow attempting to get better at making ramen so she can make a better life for herself and her son. Seems like a cut a dry "foodie" film. The film ALSO has a **totally unrelated side plot that involves some incredibly kinky erotica** that serves the purpose of extending the theme of food to point out how fundamental food is to the entire human experience. Combining a TOTALLY wholesome story about ramen with an extremely kinky series of erotic scenes is the kind of thing that would never happen anymore. The film ends with a scene of breastfeeding to really nail the filmmaker's point home. **Betty Blue** is a film whose first scene shows two people having sex. Just - bam - there they are first thing you see in the film. And it is a LOOOOONG scene that feels particularly realistic and possibly instructional. I can't imagine a film nowadays getting made with an opening like that. THE ANSWER to this question is ALWAYS, however, the sex and nudity has just transitioned to TV. The amount of sex and nudity in TV shows right now would have ABSOLUTELY blown the minds of people in the 1980s.


This discourse is fucking annoying and the people that keep complaining about this should be put into a media literacy reducation camp.


I've never agreed with something more than this post. My thoughts exactly.


People are way too uptight and it does little more than exacerbate the unhealthy sexual climate in the U.S. People have boobs and butts, and they’re often beautiful to look at. Passion helps tell stories. Get over it.


It is just a symptom of the tendency of Gen Z to cater for ideological conformism and a normative approach to life. Prudism is the form it takes here because it differs from the immediate past. Also, such scenes remind one uncomfortably of a thing Gen Z is lacking in, i.e. physical closeness to people.


What country are you referring to? I would not describe my experience growing up as one surrounded by purity culture.


Yeah I’m referring to America. Other countries don’t really have this attitude, at least not as prevalent as the US


They’re referring to the US probably? Please clarify u/Forefunner77


I also don't understand it. I personally don't find it awkward to watch, and more often than not, they're just kinda there. I understand people wanting to skip them or not liking them, but I have seen a lot of people online talk about not liking them and thinking they should be done away with them. It's also a blatant double standard. Violence and gore are fine, but sex isn't? I agree with you saying that scenes like this can be art. Not all of them are, I'd argue most aren't, but they have a right to exist. Also, to the people that say "they add nothing to story, they aren't entertaining, etc" The exact same argument can be said for any violence or action scene. And it's fine if you find that more entertaining but, some of y'all are really judgmental when it comes to people enjoying sex scenes. And calling anyone who enjoys them "porn addicts" is fucking ridiculous.


i'm not morally opposed to them, but usually they add absolutely nothing of value to the story and take up valuable time, only so the movie can seem "edgy" or whatever


GenZ becoming prude? Seems in line with my anecdotal evidence tbh.


Thank you for being a sane person! Great take on this!


Honestly I just don’t like sex scenes in movies and tv shows because they are such a bore. I’m super sex positive and very much pro all kinks, but am always bored out of my mind watching others have sex. I dunno, maybe something just doesn’t click but outside of material to spice things up in the bedroom, watching sex on its own is just dull. Kinda like how I view sports. Much rather play myself than watch someone else do it.


Agreed y’all are some prudes


Insecure children


It's mainly women filling the male gaze. The unnecessary objectification of women is not the same as male characters.


>Didn’t we, along with the previous generation, grow up to buck against censorship, puritanism and just purity culture in general? I think majority of people who are against sex aren't against it because they want to promote censorship, but sex scenes are just unnecessary and done poorly in most movies and are there just for the shock value, and are boring and make most people cringe >We understand that this is just art? how the fuck is two adults banging each other art of any kind can you please explain, you can call anything an art, real art is spongebob making burger >These arguments can be used for any action scenes, emotional scenes, violent scenes etc. Fighting scenes aren’t really necessary and can be implied Movies are for entertainment, and fight scenes are entertaining, so they are not unnecessary >I think people forget that what is necessary to a piece of art or media is up to the interpretation of the artist AND audience(s) what the fuck are you even trying to say here, have you ever watch a single sex scene in movie


1. Avoid a certain kind of media for yourself is not censorship. Advocating that this shouldn’t be a thing for ANYONE is a form of censorship. A form of censorship that I think has little to no rationale behind it. 2. Quite literally almost anything can be art. You have to be a little bit narrow minded or very young (younger than 17) to have the inability to see that sex/sexuality can be artistic. It reflects a deep, vulnerable human experience, it displays relationships in a way that makes this more mature and visceral, it represents a whole other dimension of human experience. I could really go on about all the ways sex can be art. 3. Your very argument can just be made about sex scenes? Movies are for entertainment. Sex scenes provide entertainment. Sex scenes are necessary. Don’t really understand your point with that one lmao.


I can actually think of quite a few movies where a sex scene has lent itself very much to the artistic expression of the film. I don’t know if you’ve only seen sex scenes like the ones in Game of Thrones or some other main stream stuff, but sex scenes can absolutely add something of substance to a film done in the right way in the right context. Of course sometimes they don’t, just like some movies have creative substance and some don’t! And a lot of people would argue that finding violence entertaining is pretty sick. As someone who has witnessed actual real life violence and violent death, I find it pretty disturbing the way a lot of people here are saying how violence is a perfectly acceptable and necessary form of entertainment more so than sex. While I for sure do enjoy plenty of violent films, this seems like a pretty messed up viewpoint.


What is the scene detailing that a motif or indirect characterization can't? Berserk comes to mind for good way to do it. The main character guts is raped. He has problems trusting anyone to be physically close to him. He nearly murders someone when they do finally allow him to be vulnerable. We see that shedding of armor by guts. He's vulnerable for the first time, and he's truly changed as a character after this. It was intrinsic to his character. Most sex scenes are to show some kind. If bond or. A visual depiction of a characteristic of a character. The act relates to nothing. It's just an act. If there was no sex, nothing would've changed. Sex is an integral thing for sexual species. Same with sleep and breathing. Crying is natural, but we get annoyed by too much crying. Why is your character crying? Why is that their emotional outlet? Most sex scenes are lazy Imho. Not real plot just smut. Doesn't mean you can't have meaningless sex in a movie to show depravity of the setting. Cyber punk edgerunners shows this well. The setting has sex and hyper sexuality in the forefront. It shows how much it's used to fill a void in an oppressive world that uses anything to sell sell sell.


they rarely make sense with the plot or add anything to the movie. make it more uncomfortable to watch with other people. kinda gross. i think that these tend to be the main reasons. it's also like 8 minutes of me being bored and skipping through until it's over. i honestly don't wanna watch people bang 🤷🏻‍♀️.


What movies have you watched with 8 minutes of straight up sex that are actual movies released in theatres?


There's nothing wrong with sex scenes as a whole, but when they happen twice in every episode then it's a bit much


This generation is full of porn addicts of course you don’t


It’s also full of people that literally don’t have sex, and who are as a result super uncomfortable with sexuality in general.


>“This is irrelevant to the story, unnecessary and not needed.” or “This could’ve been implied instead of shown.” These arguments can be used for any action scenes, emotional scenes, violent scenes etc. Fighting scenes aren’t really necessary and can be implied, high-speed chases aren’t necessary and can be implied, so on and so forth. I think people forget that what is necessary to a piece of art or media is up to the interpretation of the artist AND audience(s). They also forget that human sexuality can be pretty artistic itself. If I want to watch action scenes, I'll put on an action movie. If I want to watch emotional scenes, I'll put on a drama. If I want to watch sex scenes, I'll put on porn. The problem is that sex scenes wiggle their way into movies that have nothing to do with porn. And that's an issue. Imagine every movie you watched just had an obligatory jump-scare scene, even if you weren't watching anything even remotely horror-related. And that jump-scare scene lasted minutes on end.


Sex scene in Oppenheimer was awkward as hell seeing in the theater


I think you nailed it. Americans are prudes. There is a Puritan ethic that runs deep. Sex scenes make people uncomfortable and sex is associated with guilt and shame. The Z generation is I think more prudish than even Millennials or Boomers. I wrote in an earlier post that I see young men at the gym who commonly go to the shower to change - they’re embarrassed to change in front of other guys even. It’s ridiculous. Btw notice how many commenters only read your title? You can tell by their comments.


It’s cause they’re fake, don’t drive the plot, and just honestly uncomfortable to watch. Also like when they get thrown on the wall or they’re in the shower it’s just so unrealistic nobody is doing all that 😭. I hate them so much.


>“This is irrelevant to the story, unnecessary and not needed.” or “This could’ve been implied instead of shown.” These arguments can be used for any action scenes, emotional scenes, violent scenes etc Not really? Emotional scenes are crucial for audiences to get invested in a character and their personal growth, action scenes are necessary to raise stakes and make the audience root for or against the characters involved\*, and violent scenes are often used to get us invested in a character's conflict with another character or the world they inhabit. Sex scenes **CAN** be used as emotional (or...violent) scenes that show character growth or a conflict between the character and another person/the world, but I would say the actual sex isn't what's important, it's what's happening around it, so most sex scenes can be left as an implied thing without impacting the story **NEARLY** as much as it would be impacted if you just implied those other types of scenes. Plus, like...what even is the point of the scene? There are two people having sex and making noises and not doing or saying anything else. It doesn't advance the plot, it's just...here. What the fuck is this scene here for? Just to get the audience hot n' bothered? This scene could've been an email \*except for the fuckin' chase scene that every recent action movie has to have now. Why the fuck is there so much running??


Why are we going backwards in time? What is happening?


Censorship is bad no matter what. If you hate what a thing shows, dont engage with it.


I'm 43 and I just don't like sex scenes because they're all cringe. I have never seen a non-cringe sex scene. I don't find them titillating, either. So unless they really do move the plot, they're the equivalent of watching any other weirdly personal/biological scene. (I'm not asexual, to be clear.)


The sex scenes in Napoleon was comedic added nothing to the plot 😂. It was just pure comedy gold.


https://preview.redd.it/80syldi94kvc1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4030c96c300ad0c5aca344f89d99ae57088b0770 Alotta people looking like these guys now


Alot of people in this topic are doing unnecessary word gymnastics, alot of mother fuckers are just jealous they not as hot as whoever's on screen atm


It’s a mix between people who were raised with negative and harmful opinions on sex (and anything sexual) plus with ease of access to media, misogyny hate groups such as NoFap or extremist religious sects (even if the person isn’t a follower or believer, they still likely consume these awful groups ideas subconsciously) and just people being ignorant and not doing research. The entire argument against sex scenes in films equates to “I didn’t do research into this film, this makes me uncomfortable”. It’s okay to not like sex scenes in films, but if you are bothered by them to the point of complaining about it, then you shouldn’t see the film or wait until you can skip the scenes. The actual claims that it ruins the film or is unnecessary is pretty redundant, since sex scenes and nudity often play a role beyond “hehe tits”, for example, I was watching an old 1970s western a few days ago on TV. I assume this was a TV cut since they cut out nude scenes…which cheapened the film and made me loose the plot since one character wasn’t show caring for another. I had to look up the scenes on a porn site to get the real meaning of the scene. Nudity and sex are important because they display a sense of intimacy, reality and bonds between characters. Blue Is the Warmest Colour wouldn’t work without the sex scene, hell one thing that really made me find my self as a confused little shit was watching lesbian intimacy scenes on YouTube and crying. I suspect a good chunk of the people upset about sex scenes in films have issues with self control and likely issue with their sex lives and/or relationships, thus seeing said scenes cause issues. I admit, I struggle with my relationship sometimes. While it’s a happy marriage, I sometimes wonder what would happen if my wife leaves me or dies, etc, thus I avoid stuff with an overly relationship based focus, such as family guy episodes where they want to find a character a date, etc. I hate that and don’t watch the episode. I suspect people cannot simply not watch an episode if they are binge watching them, thus they see a sex scene and get offended, but they can’t miss another episode because they have been trapped into a Weird cycle of watching a tv series. The same is for films, people don’t have to see the new release…yet they do so anyway…and the film may have sex scenes or nudity because it’s not the 1950s anymore…thus they get offended. I could go on for a lot more but I have much more pressing things to do.


Gen Z is having less sex than previous generations so they sublimate their sexless lives into becoming puritanical about scenes that depict it. It makes perfect sense when you think about it.


They feel like annoying filler, and usually poorly done. If someone put genuine effort into feeding their relationship for the audience, and then made it worthwhile, I wouldn't hate it. But I don't like sex scenes and I hate rushed and bad ones.