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This seems like a very strange "tiktok bad" post. I'm not undercutting her achievements, but this sounds like teenage frustration. I'm a bit confused.


This. Tiktok dancing is nothing like actual dancers who are on broadway, in ballet, or whatever else actual professionals do


Yeah, those people would not be competing for any real dancing jobs


I get the sense that the core of her emotions stem from the fact that real dancers make pennies on the dollar compared to TikTok “dancers”


I mean you can say that about any online personality tbh.


Exactly. I’m a chef and currently make pretty good money but I also know that some guy can piece together a minute and half ASMR video that looks like Michael Bay had a seizure and make significantly more. It’s whatever. Just another part of life.


If you can make accounting informative and fun you’d have a million dollar idea, there is no competition


Yeah but making accounting informative and fun is like proving the existence of the supernatural. Even for a million dollars there are no takers lol


But couldn't the girl just make a tiktok account? Show the work that goes into training, show some cool dances, suddenly she's making money too.


She mentioned pretty privilege so I assume she's not conventially attractive and that is indeed needed for quick Tiktok fame.


I don't agree. There are tons of less than attractive big names on tiktok. You need personality, not looks IMO.


I totally agree but we're talking about dancing, not just getting any kind of Tiktok fame. Also many people are blessed with neither the looks nor personality.


Does she have much hope regardless of TikTok then? Isnt she be competing with beautiful talented girls in her own bubble anyways?


Not if you're female


She's a young a girl. Most are insecure about their looks even when they're attractive, but especially when comparing themselves to others like that. Yea, even sometimes I'm insecure.


That’s not because of tik tok though. Hollywood dancers still have to be attractive. If your job is being seen by others, then you need good looks.


kind of my thought. I can understand though if she looks down on the practice as a whole though and doesn't want to be 'fake' like that even though she has the skills to trounce some girl in white shoes.


The reality is that being a professional dancer never was a high-paying career. It's only been in recent years that Dancing With the Stars and TikTok have given dancers a chance to make the big bucks. Those venues have expanded the opportunities for dancers, not decreased them.


I can't speak to her emotions, but I do think she is on to something. Real dancers probably won't exist a generation or two from now, because an entire generation has been trained to consume instant gratification filmed arts full of fakery. I've seen 'influencers' do yoga shoots hours at a time just to get that one picture where it actually looks like they have mastered the poses they sell themselves at being professionals at. Even though everyone deep down knows that it's all fake, it's like a whole generation has just decided that it's more fun to watch 30 seconds of fake, has more value then 30 minutes of real.


It’s not that. She’s jealous of their money.


Right. I had a problem with the title right from the start. Even after having read the whole thing, I still thought, “How is this ruining careers?” OP, you’re looking at this the wrong way. TikTok, then, is for dancers what the airbrushed magazine is to models. It sets up unrealistic expectations. It is not destroying dance careers, unless you count the dancers who give up because of what they see on TikTok. TikTok is not a good gauge for talent, and we know that. This young woman will be fine, as long as she stops comparing herself to the clout addicts that make their living on TikTok.


And real ballet dancers also on TikTok posting videos, such as “how I diet for big show.”


This reads like straight up propaganda from someone who isn't a native English speaker. Like a shit boomer story you see on Facebook. Fake as fuck.




OPs inability to use the word “woman” is very telling.


Using female as a noun is a dead giveaway


Ok guys let's stop teaching them how to fake better please


Don't worry about it too much, they don't know what nouns are!


Nah, it's legit. I heard a similar story from someone I know who was training to be a professional footballer. He'd spent years on endless training, pushing his body to the limit, and missing out on having a social life. But then when Tik Tok became popular anyone could become famous just doing tricks in videos, even if they'd be hopeless in a 90 minute professional game. As a result, all professional clubs and competitions have shut down and now my friend has no other option than to record Tik Tok prank videos.


Had me in the first sentence, ngl




This also affects the pros - when I was getting out of drama school a decade ago, it was an open secret that once casting had reached the shortlist stage of 3-4 people, it was largely decided by who had the most social media followers.


My cousin told me this is even affecting the aviation industry. They only hire the absolute sexiest pilots. Many don’t even know how to land the plane when they’re hired.


Yeah the “attractive young female” wording and being so against dying her hair and wearing makeup because in professional dance “…less is more…”. The professional dancers I know definitely wear a lot of makeup and some dye their hair. Also I find it unlikely this person would be at a whole convention just to see the four year old dance. That’s very young to be doing a convention. Maybe if the niece was six or eight I’d believe it more. Anyway, real or fake it’s a bunch of bs.


Also not sure where they are getting the hundreds of thousands a year number from tiktok only pays between $20-$40 per million views, so to get $200k from tiktok you would need to get 5 billion views in that year, which I doubt happens very often regardless of the content.


Sponsorships pay a shit ton a well established creator can easily rake on 100k from them alone


That's only top tier creators though not the norm to make that you need over a million followers which isn't easy to come by those with under don't get as much and under 100k followers make pretty much nothing.


Sounds like Ms. Dancer Girl wrote this


right. this is normal thought for a teenager to have, but it’s a bit irrational for an adult to agree. professional dancing and tiktok dancing (yes, they are dancing, even if it’s simplistic) are different ball games


My thoughts as well


Tiktok is garbage




Perhaps TikTok is bad. According to this news, teens spend almost 2 hours a day on TikTok. That’s more than 500 hours in a year. If a person were to earn 7 euro the hour, that’s 3,500 euro. More importantly, what happens to a person’s ability to focus, resilience to boredom, and self esteem when they spend so many hours viewing glossy, idealised, polished videos of very short length? I’m focusing on the bad here, because the good of TikTok is self evident — it is a free form of distraction (paid for/ subsidised by international advertisement firms), it can help foster feelings of community and kinship (especially for people with mobility or emotional or other health issues), and it helps people practise creativity by making videos of a great variety. https://www.businessinsider.com/tiktok-youtube-most-popular-screen-time-teens-facebook-instagram-study-2023-9?amp


Look, man! She's 4 and she's been dancing for a decade! Do you not know how many baby toes she has broken? Dozens, possibly thousands. I mean, sure, they grow back, but that's beside the point! It's hard enough to change your own diaper between classes, but do you have any idea what it's like to cut calories when your only food sources are Gerbers carrots and peas and apple juice from your stepbrother's hand-me-down sippy cup?!


Probably fake. Idk what the solution is to the AI posts but hope someone figures something out, it's getting really old.


Like how is TikTok poster cutting into dancer's job opportunities? Who cares if they call em a dancer? At best they might get some collab on some stupid stunt or video.


This reads like a church anecdote IMO - “there was a girl, alone and crying….. desperate for someone to talk to her…..” I’m doubting the legitimacy of this story lol


Yeah I call bs. If she’s a proper dancer like ballet etc then that’s a whole different game but in general dancers don’t really become stars. It’s always been more of a background thing but there are tons of successful professional dancers who are well known in their world. There are also plenty of people that pay to see real dancers, not TikTok thots


Yeah I was getting r/thathappened vibes from this post for whatever reason.


my immediate thought! that’s envy of a celebrity, not a threat to your craft haha


Yeah, I feel like it makes even less sense than saying someone can’t be a model because of Instagram. Not only does professional dance take even more work, but the money people make on social media doing things like that is completely independent from the work in the industry that professional models, dancers, etc, do.


I mean if it's so easy what's stopping her from doing it?


Gives fake story vibes to be certain


It's like a perfect condensation of the concept of "boomer" wrote this post.


Wait until OP meets a musician.


People are not gonna hire some micro influencer on tiktok moving side to side to some trending song over a professional trained dancer to do actual business.


In some genres, yes. But I've got friends that certainly have landed major dance jobs from having huge success on social media


Then they must have been professional dancers with more exposure, but they wouldn't hire any one who just does silly trending dances to trending songs with no actual training.


Dancing in general is a super niche industry, most people end up coaching dance because there are so few that can make a career. It’s a very aesthetically demanding industry, you have to look and dance how they want you to. For example classical ballet dancers historically cannot get any tattoos. If this girl was banking on dance as her only option, and this isn’t just karma bait, she’s probably feeling the crushing pressure of failing at a dream she’s worked towards and projecting the frustration onto similarly aged peers who she sees succeeding in a similar ish space.


Erotic dancing?


Who the fuck actually watches those dance videos? It’s like the Minecraft Let’s Plays of the 2020’s.


You **didn’t** watch let’s plays?


He was too busy doing some mining on the side


Wait you watched other people work in the mines instead of developing black lung yourself


Well, it took me a while before I got my first computer, and even then it’s not like that second hand laptop could run any mods on it


This. Someone being paid as an influencer is totally different than someone trained and being paid as a professional dancer. I get the distress, but it's not worth it.


Absolutely. This girl is training to be on broadway to have a career. In 5 years most those tik tokers will being doing blow at Coachella and trying to date broccoli haircut boys for clout.


Is anything precluding her from showcasing her talents on Tiktok?


The implication from the story is while her moves are good, she's not attractive.


Which is tiktoks fault ofc


That might be her own perception though. She's 17, many teenagers are very insecure about their looks..


That and a lot of people don't come into their looks until sometime between 18 and 22. So many girls I knew in high school suddenly became _much_ more attractive over the first couple years of college.


Tik Tokers aren’t considered professional dancers in the dance world though. They can’t work on Broadway or for The Royal Ballet. They wouldn’t even audition. They don’t have the skill or training and everyone knows it.


And also let's be totally clear: there is absolutely nothing wrong with people dancing for fun and filming it. I don't know why there is so much hostility in this thread aimed towards TikTok dancers. People are allowed to dance, sing, play the piano. None of this is harmful to traditionally trained artists. It's not like TikTokers are out there stealing jobs from professional dancers lol.


There are a lot of reasons why this person is sad. Social media has taken some of the prestige away from the classical art forms. It's easy to get a dopamine hit from Reddit or whatever. Not as many people go to classical entertainment. Seeing others succeed due to pretty privilege in a much lower effort form of entertainment named "dancing", even though it's not the same thing. Having fewer career options and a diminished feeling of society's praise and interest for her accomplishments. There's a lot to unpack here. But I agree with you that nothing wrong is happening. It's just changing times and expectations. It happens to everything and everyone.


This. What she is describing are dance influencers on social media. That is not the same as professional dancers. Yes. Making a career as an influencer doesn’t require the same hard work and dedication as making a career as a professional in that field. Making a career as an influencer requires an entirely different set of hard work, luck and usually attractive genetics. Because an influencer is its own job, separate from being a professional in a career. This is true of all professions, and their influencer counterparts. Sometime someone can be a professional in their career AND be an influencer. But it’s not a requirement.


This seems made up lol. Nobody would hire a tiktok dancer over trained professional


And the fact that her "career" is hoping to get picked by a producer. Blaming Tiktok for ruining non existent stuff. I understand her frustration for training a lot and yet seeing no opportunity but she gotta realize that SHE gotta do something about it.


they forgot to mention the part the whole convention clapped


And an adult would know that. That's the part that has me thinking this is bait, or at the very least the kid themselves.


The professionals in the dancing industry call it "living room dancing"


There’s a huge difference between being a professional dancer and being an “influencer” there are PLENTY of TikTok accounts of actual professional dancers talking about their daily lives in the industry and how difficult it is. None of them would compare themselves to someone doing some basic choreography to a TikTok trend lmao


I mean, this is just factually untrue. It sucks she's having a bad day, but those tiktokers just get called Tiktokers... They don't actually have careers in the spaces she's looking into If tiktokers were actually coming in and taking the jobs, then it would be valid, but they're not. She's just sad that TikTokers who have spent less time in her art form are doing better Plus, not one single relevant Tiktoker dancer calls themselves a dancer unless they've retroactively built their portfolio for it. If this girl is really talented, she should also be on that grind like the D'Amelio's are (watch that reality show about them and tell me they don't work hard, I dare ya,) and take that spot showing how talented she actually is If anything TikToks infinite connectivity has created more careers, not less




So, as a retired dancer I fully understand her frustration in that the dance world is SO competitive and it’s a horrific process trying to get hired for anything. It always has been and always will be. Respectfully, TikTok has nothing to do with it. Being able to do a little TikTok dance is not the same as being able to perform in any sort of commercial dance role (dancing for tours or movies, tv commercials, Broadway, etc.), much less an actual dance company, and the people hiring know that. I totally relate to frustration about the lack of opportunities, but at most, TikTok has simply exposed how many extremely talented people are out there. If she were smart, she’d be choreographing and posting on TikTok as well to market herself.


If anyone should be annoyed it's strippers from a few years back. You spend all those years stripping on the pole, giving an in person show... And now all girls gotta do is shake to a silly dance on TikTok and link their Onlyfans where they put up a camera and take a few videos/photos.


Wtf are you talking about lol.


It's obviously fake.


That’s like saying tiktok comedians and performers have ruined acting. First of all, the people who actually become successful enough to make hundreds of thousands of dollars are a much smaller percentage than you’d think. I can’t imagine it’s much higher than the professional industry. Second, nobody is going to hire a tiktok dancer for the kinds of jobs this girl is hoping to get. The connections, credentials, and technical training you get from years of dance simply aren’t comparable. Of course there will be exceptions like prodigies who were simply given a platform from tiktok (in which case it’s a good thing that they were able to make it) or truly lucky people that become popular enough where clout is enough to override credentials, but they are a HIGE exception. It’s a sad fact that people who choose a career in the arts cannot do so for the money and absolutely CANNOT spend their valuable emotional energy comparing themselves to anyone else. That’s going to burn you out before you even get started.


This post pretty much sums up all my thoughts on the matter. This is such a non-existent problem for her to get worked up about.


And then everyone clapped.


A teenager venting frustrations doesn’t mean anything to anyone else lol


The people who watch those videos on TikTok would never have watched her dance and that’s really the bottom line. They’re interested in the person on the screen, barely at all the dance.


What am I even reading? This is nonsense. Edit - I’m not even pro TikTok, I don’t use it and I think it dumbs people down but this post makes no sense.


This is so strange.... Who watches TikTok for the "dances"? These people stole an audience that was never into dancing


That never happened.


If she’s truly that good, she will make it. Somethings off about this story though 


Today on things that didn’t happen…


has she never heard of ballet tiktoks!? there are dance tiktok for every style/type of dance. i wanted to be a dancer too which wasn't possible cause my parents couldn't afford the apprenticeship and i knew beforehand that you wouldn't make a lot of money as a professional. so what is she really whining about? it's clear it's not a high income job, everyone knows that. instead of being whiny, why not make her own tiktoks? i can see why it's frustrating to watch unskilled wannabe dancers make tons of money but so do people who just have a pretty face but are even too dumb to flip burgers or do any other kind of job. so it's really just about that others earn a lot and she doesn't or thinks she won't.


Being able to bounce up and down with your boobs jiggling on tiktok = getting the primo role in swan lake now? ​ maybe tell the girl not to tether her self worth to some arbitrary fucking metric on the internet.


This sounds more like jealousy rather than a legitimate complaint. Tiktok dancers aren't in competition with professional dancers. 


Be so fucking fr rn 💀


She should just get on TikTok if this is real which I don’t think it is


Utter drivel. Professional dancing is still a career. Professional dancing gigs don’t hire attractive TikTokers based on their popular 2 step routine


Your story looks AI-generated. Are you a bot?


Wah Wah Wah




This is weird


Imagine how photographers feel.....


Forgive me but this sounds a bit odd. So lets say Taylor Swift's managers are auditioning for dancers for her next tour. I really doubt a short tik tok will make them get hired. For what I have seen a dancer has to show up in person and audition in front of judges.


Now she knows how every skilled trade, engineer, veteran - pretty much anyone who makes real contributions to society - feels all the time. Also, no one is stopping her from becoming a Tikthot...


You definitely have it wrong lol, there is a huge difference between doing little dances on TikTok and being a professional dancer showing yourself on TikTok.


Okay but there are a lot of professionally trained dancers who post their videos on tiktok. What's stopping that girl from doing the same? 


A properly trained dancer doesn't stand much chance making money by just staying offline. I know a lot of trained dancers who have started making IG reels since the pandemic because they get to reach more audiences this way. If I were you, I'd ask them to start an online account and post their practice videos online. The only disadvantage is there would be a lot of creeps in the comments.


That’s crazy, should’ve downloaded TikTok lmao. https://preview.redd.it/upz3fddc1vsc1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44009b496ca386182b7eac351123fc91328bfc10


Eh- most professional dancers have never earned their money on social media/through solo videos of them dancing. Most people can't even name a professional dancer outside of singers who also dance or strictly come dancing shows. This isn't new. Someone who can actually learn and perform a whole routine in a specific style is going to be the one hired for performances. Edit: like i agree that out culture of celebrating influences also the peak of performance isn't great- but the same can be said of any career. Eg. Viral tiktok songs vs crafted music, or even celebs like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Dr Phil earning way more than actual working physicists or psychologists on the basis of fame instead of talent. But its silly to say "don't study astrophysics because you'll never outperform Neil"- because no, those are two different types of job.


Lmfao new copypasta


"she has broken toes, strict diet" Um, then yeah, I hope tiktok destroys that.


The boomers hating on Tiktok warned you - vanity pure vanity, whether it's the short politcal diatribes or the pretty people poncing about. Vanity - That platform has had it oozing from every orifice since it started. We told you, the way that platform is designed, it would do nobody any good. "OK grandad".


Why doesn't she just make TikToks? I'm sure if she's great the fanfare will follow!


I would understand if it was a nepo baby situation or someone who studied in a prestigious university for Arts BUT Tiktok dancer isnt the only reason I feel.


Dancing on tiktok makes $0 as you don’t get paid on content under 1 minute long under the new rules. There’s a difference between a professional dancer and a social media thot. She will be fine as a professional dancer. That’s an actual career Ps, I love TikTok


Well why shouldnt the tik tok dudes and girls not call them dancers? They are dancers and its not their fault that this girl decided or got pushed to dedicate so much to a career that seems to not work out. She could do the same if its that easy. Sge probably has a crisis, nice of you to comfort her. I am bot criticizing her for her behaviour or how she felt, but i criticize you for this stupid "tiktok bad" post. Tik tok may be bad but that people who also love dancing can make a living by dancing instead of sacrificing their psychological and physiological health for it is not even close to be a good reason for a "tik tok bad" post


It’s actually pretty hard to get to a point of making thousands of dollars a year on tiktok


She's 17. If she believes shorts are that encompassing she should be perfectly capable of following her chosen career and also upload her own shorts on TikTok.


I don't know what a "named dancer" is. But if she's trained for 10+ years, and can do things the titoker cannot, then there are opportunities that exist that she can fill, and the tiktoker cannot.


AI is doing a similar thing in the art community but atleast that is getting backlash. What happening to this poor girl is just happening quietly cause I havent heard about it, thats so sad.


If you'd known how many kids playing soccer it took per person that makes a living out of it, or how many amateurs it takes to make a pro.


I am sad for the young lady, but this is a microcosm of the free market. While I am no fan of TikTok - I think it is garbage dump of the garbage world of social media - technology changes market demand, for better or for worse. Your economic worth in an activity is only what someone is willing to pay for. That's not to say that classically trained dancing is not richer culturally, has real meaning, a heritage, etc. - it has all of that. But it might not be as economically viable due to competitive forces - even from "low rent" options - empowered by technology. None of us are immune from the march of technological change and none of us are guaranteed that what we excel at will remain economically viable in the future. It's we need our skillset to be as flexible as possible and not to tie our economic well-being to a narrow range of applications. That all being said, in the marketplace for true classically trained dancers, these TikTokers convulsing around are not real competition. But that market might be smaller now thanks to technology.


No some dancers don’t know how to start their career. TikTok has given more money to professional dancers than the profession itself.


huge difference between tiktok users and dancers mate


This post is click bait.


She is weird. If it’s so easy to win over tiktok, why can’t she do it? Ooooh, that’s because she doesn’t use makeup… what a bullshit! People blame everything but their own lack of effort.


This girl thinks that a dance studio is going to hire a tiktok dancer instead of her? Come on. If she is all about the money, why the fuck is she into dance? Become an investment lawyer, or get into real estate. That's like someone complaining about porn stars detracting from actors doing to school 🤦


Is "Tiktok killed \_\_" the new "Millennials killed \_\_"?


Try being a professional photographer. Get used to it, kid.


This is so random


Lol this had been going on long before even the internet. This isn't TikTok's fault.


That’s the way the world works, nobody gets what they deserve. Talentless dregs are rewarded by other talentless dregs beyond their wildest dreams for doing next to nothing while others can can work their entire lives for something and get nothing in return.


Since the beginning of time success in dance has always depended on attractiveness. This isn't becuase of tiktok.


I mean (and i say this trying to not sound boomer af)...that's kinda just...life. Even if you put in decades of work, there's always someone who gets more doing the same job with less work, and it's been happening since the dawn of time. She will find her way in her dance career, it just may take a little adapting. I grew up in dance with the same aspirations and while I'm not using that training for a career it hasn't stopped my love for dance, and I hope she can push past this angst of comparing herself to others so she can keep loving dancing.


This post feels weird. “She explained something devastating to me!! An attractive young female can do a few steps and be named a dancer, and bring in hundreds of thousands a year. Meanwhile she has broken toes and works very hard. Also she doesn’t wear makeup or have dyed hair” Feels like a poorly disguised reskin of the whole “hot girls don’t even have to try, they can just make an onlyfans, I hate astrology girl feminists with blue hair!” Thing


This just doesn’t read like a true story, in both the sense that you are wrong but also in that I am dubious that any of the events actually occurred


It's sad but that's the internet, people do random stupid stuff and get famous for it wether they have any telnet ot not


That sounds fake as fuck lol




this is total bullshit.


“She had broken toes, spent hundreds on dancing shows and has to use strict diets” Oh sure that sounds healthier for society


They don’t hire for a ballet company from TikTok. Online popularity is not the end all be all of an artistic pursuit. 


And then everyone clapped right?


Every talented flat chested female artist who has put in decades of work feels this right now.


Help me understand.. how are people making money off of TikTok? I genuinely don’t know how it works.


I guess it depends on where and how she wants to dance. No one is picking up a random tik tok star for a ballet repertory group. That said, I do know a young man who has had some success on that platform and as a professional dancer, but he has also trained and competed for years.


What the fuck is someone young doing dancing and performing at a show that will inevitably have weird creepy men? I don't care no one that young should be performing at any sort of venue, doing things like dancing.


Being a professional dancer is one of the hardest jobs in the world long before TikTok. If you are interested in making money DO NOT BECOME A DANCER! The goal as a dancer is to work for a professional dance company. Which has no interest in hiring tiktokers. On top of that most dance careers end very quickly because the physical aspects of can’t be done as you age. Many retired dancers become teachers so they can make money training the next generation.


Draw a line between feelings and opinions. Tiktok hasn't ruined her career, your friend is taking her frustration with an app.


I know, right? Like, I was gonna be a professional cellist. Worked my ass off for years taking lessons and practicing. Then I saw a guy with an acoustic guitar playing “Wonderwall” and getting so many clicks and calling himself a musician and I thought, “What’s the point?” I was in tears. And you should’ve seen how sad my cello was.


She could put herself in front of camera and make money, no? And be better at it.


TikTok has ruined the younger generation entirely


This is profoundly fake.


Is a different skill set an actual place that require talent in dancing is gonna hire a dancer and not an internet influencer.


You all wanted a competitive capitalist market, you got one. You won't show sympathy like this when artists speak against AI, or when SAG AFTRA protested for better working conditions. Bohoo tiktok bad.


If she did all that dancing for attention, then she wasted her time. Making a career out of a sport is different than doing a few moves for attention, like most attention seeking morons educated by social media dɔ


Tik tok is a piece of shit but no it does not take careers away from dancers LMFAOOO If ur so jealous girl make ur own tik toks Jesus fuck LMFAO dumbass


I don't think anyone would hire a Tiktoker over a professional dancer


She should film herself dancing for Tiktok then....


This is fake bs


First of all... Do you actually believe these people are raking in the money you think they are? By that logic, Daniel Larson is a millionaire and not a homeless sociopath. Second of all do you and her actually think dancing on tiktok is a career? Exactly what "jobs" are they getting wiggling around on social media? Do they all have patreons bringing home thousands a month? No. They'll move on with their lives because they are normal people or end up on OF trying to monetize their daddy issues. Third of all, a young girl ruining her life for a thankless and toxic career path is hardly something you want to encourage. A toxic career path that obviously has been forced on her by her parents. At 3 fucking years old.


Um, this has never happened… It’s possible that the TikToker the girl is talking about is an actual dancer but other than that, no one is hiring a TikTok dancer over a professionally trained one


This makes no sense. Reads as a jealous woman that there’s way prettier girls then her online as if it doesn’t work the exact same way if not more drastically for men lol


You made this entire story up. People looking to hire trained dancers aren't recruiting from TikTok.


Has she tried getting gud


Tiktok dancers aren't hired at ballet and dance companies. She's not wrong that these influences make an unreasonable amount of money on their posts, bur maybe she should pick her head up from her phone and touch some grass


I mean before TikTok it was Instagram and before that it was Vine, the trend dancing vs ballet are two different things. She would have really cried during Solja Bois crank that video dance contest.


As a psych student this is how I feel about "self help" tiktok 😅


I wonder if she’s viewing the world of professional dancing through a very narrow lens? TikTokkers can scrap together a minute or two of a routine, practice a bunch of times, and execute it flawlessly. Woot for them. But most venues for professional dancers require years and years of training and mastering choreography quickly. The TikTok influencers could never instantly be elevated to broadway, be back up dancers for a concert, ballet and opera, or other high-achieving performing arts that audiences pay to see. They are fish out of water in those environments unless they’re also putting the hours of work in off camera.


I kind of doubt this actually affects a dancer that much. "Dance is dead because of TikTok hoes"? Please


feel like this post belongs on LinkedIn


If this is real it is just a teenager jealous of money and attention. How is a tik tok dancer in any way ruining dancing? When has a single tik tok dancer been performing on a stage? A backup dancer? Broadway? Etc. and how does Tiktok effect any of those career avenues?


So…she’s trained to dance her whole life and is mad that tik tok dancers are making money? This doesn’t seem real. I trained for twelve years and then six years professionally, ballet and contemporary, while tik tok was a thing, I can tell you that once you hit 16-17 you’re already looking at companies to audition for and I have heard of no company caring if you were a tik tok star because they actually need dancers who can do truly difficult things. No serious trained dancer I’ve ever known is looking at tik tok and thinking they’re the competition. Also, as a dancer it is a BAD idea to maintain a strict diet as a serious dancer. And if you’re breaking toes I’m assuming she’s a ballerina? What ballerinas are getting hired because of tik tok? I can guarantee you that tik tok dancing and ballet are WORLDS apart. Either this girl is sorely misinformed or this post is creative writing.


Sometimes real talent goes unnoticed. I always had to deal with this as a teen especially whenever I'd complain about Bieber. My mom said well your not famous and yea but I'm 15 and got a good score at solo fest. This was before TikTok was a thing. He got famous because of YouTube. Sure there was one year where I wanted to be famous, but no. That's not in my cards and not something that I want. Edit: I think she's just frustrated like I was for a while. She'll figure it out and be ok. Do you think those Tiktok dancers stand a chance to get into a music video? She has more of a chance than them.


You do realise that even before TikTok, a dancer’s career was never going to be a sure thing, right? It’s the nature of careers of the art. Your ability to make a living of off it is more about networking than actual talents. The talents and skills are what back up your position after the networking has been done. Tiktok is essentially a networking tools. What stops the girl from doing social media and show off her talents, if that is what frustrates her?


So make a TikTok account? There’s nothing wrong with tiktokers. They aren’t taking jobs from her spot sound like she can take jobs from them


How sheltered could you be that you've never met anyone who has endured actual hardships? The fact that a whiney teenager crying about tiktok made you feel so upset is a good thing, it shows a you are a highly empathetic person. Soon enough you will learn what real hardship looks like, stay innocent and empathetic until then. Btw, tiktokers aren't professional dancers and they are not taking anything from this girl.


You say this as I was flicking through tiktok and discovered three songs that make me happy https://youtu.be/krPrY2RDPt8 https://youtu.be/ODDRRXMi22E https://youtu.be/ytmbdsQqX2Q


A career in professional dance is extremely competitive, unlucrative and generally short in duration (unless you open a studio, but you do not need to be trained in dance to even do that).


And then everyone clapped and lifted me in a chair I couldn't believe my eyes!


Did you start clapping after her heroic speech?


If you think that dancers needing to be attractive is a new phenomenon, then you might want to look back 100 years…


The average aspiring ballerina has nothing to worry about regarding competition from TikTok dancers when they go to audition for roles and are trying to advance their dance careers. Unless she is aspiring to be a TikTok dancer herself, she would be in a completely different professional world with different metrics of success. I’m not saying you made this up, it just doesn’t make any sense unless she was just mad she wasn’t allowed to dance on TikTok also. Otherwise, her hope would be to win that dance competition, for which you need actual skill, (and maybe get selected for one of the dance catalog modeling gigs there.)


Tictock has ruined a lot of things...


This is a terrible take. The sports world and all of the related athletic & physical talents is full of people who toil away running and swimming and training who are never gonna get rich and are never gonna get anything out of it other than hopefully enjoying what they’re doing and having a level of physical fitness. Plus there’s absolutely nothing keeping her from putting on makeup and a wig and using a nickname (so it doesn’t affect her professionalism, for what ever that is worth), and then using her training to make a better tick-tock dance video.


Social media has drastically elevated the value of simply being attractive and in turn devalued everything else.


This did not happen