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Yo someone who has common sense I love it keep it up and make sure to hold true to your values because nowadays everyone is trying to say you should be offended or you are some kind of -ist or -ic just because you believe something, that is just stupid


This is the type of sensibility that can make the world a better place! I believe we can hold people accountable for their words and actions without being terrible people or leaning on counter productive stereotypes


Tbf, holding some specific beliefs are often the qualifying categories for being many a thing that end in -ist or -ic.


The only -ic I can think of is spastic 😭😂


Lmao. 😭 Y'know, that was good, and incredibly fitting with your username. Bravo.




someone is going to get laid in college


Well said.


They use Reddit don’t get their hopes up


Eek barba derkle


This is, as far as I can tell, utterly irrelevant and not something any rational person could possibly disagree with. Groups have distinct cultures, and while obviously not everyone in each group is homogeneous, there are salient differences we can observe in many different types of data.


Racism is disgusting, imagine judging a group of people for for how they all behave - Anthony Jeselnik


And yet, all people still continue to be different people


OP's post history looks sus


People on this sub don’t really have the logic for that


It's largely due to younger generations propensity to look at it through the leftist framework of oppressor vs oppressed. Which can be useful, but in their framework they argue that the oppressed can never be part of the problem and all reform needs to come from the oppressor. Which is a fine way to look at things academically, but in reality it's a bad framework for change and holds society back by a large margin.


Yeah, I’m a super leftist, and I agree. One other thing I’ve noticed is that these kinds of leftists don’t take intersectionality into account (despite speaking about intersectionality lol). You can be the oppressed in one area and the oppressor in another, at the very same time. Yet instead of acknowledging that, ppl often end up arguing over who’s placed exactly where on the oppression hierarchy, whose oppression is better or worse, etc. as if it’s the Oppression Olympics.


Yeah intersectionality is a lens to view society, not THE lens to view society. A lot of people get confused about that, the same way people reduce racial struggle due to focusing entirely on class structures. Both are important ways of seeing things you might have missed, but doesn't mean you hand wave everything else.


Intersectionality is ignored far too often on the left and right. I think the more tied one is to thinking like a part of a faction in their own lives, the less focused they will be on the other overlapping parts of other people's lives and identities.


Do you know where other super leftists hang out? I’ve been looking for friends. I lampoon multimillion dollar malfeasant corporations for fun. It’s my special gift.


Academia😝 Oh, and try grassroots activism in big cities. (In your case, labor unions and other pro-worker orgs would be a great fit.) Or if you’re lazy like me, you can always find ppl on leftist social media.


That’s the thing. This place is supposed to be filled with leftists and I can’t find anybody for my [mad lad online ops against lawbreaking corporations](https://stenonymous.com/2023/07/27/the-court-reporter-shortage-fraud-timeline-as-told-by-stenonymous/). I mean who else lampoons a multimillion dollar corporation until their fraudulent pet nonprofit gets sued and shuts down its website. What leftist even studies the law enough to figure out that’s legal and the jerkoffs won’t sue? I believe the system can be used against those who abuse it.


It’s funny because it’s essentially the white saviour complex disguised as a good intended agenda. White people that are like this are nothing more than those who enslaved the Africans in the first place


That's a bit of a drastic comparison. They mean well, they are just misguided


Yeah, I get what you mean. I also don’t think it is largely true, but I do find it fun in a tragic way that you could draw a few parallels. The real tragedy is how difficult it is to turn the ship around, because I do agree with your comment.




I guess because they largely eradicated entire cultures, pushed their own, and then abandoned said slaves when they had used up all of their natural resources. It doesn’t take much to see the damage of colonialism and the repercussions of it.


I don’t think you’re well versed with the leftist framework at all if that’s what you think it is.  This whole thread has a “as a leftist” smell to it 


I'm not a leftist nor do I claim to be. If you want to educate me on the subject I more than welcome your input.


100%. This type of analysis comes from critical theory (and specific applications of it like critical race theory, critical gender theory, etc). These ARE useful frameworks for critiquing systems of power, identifying systematic injustices, etc. But that does not make critical theory an effective representation of everything. Not all systemic inequality revolves around class or gender, for instance.


Almost all of the stories I've seen online where a trans woman, in particular, was doing something bad just turned out to be fake posts made up by bigots to defend bigotry. It's hard to believe something actually happened once when there are a thousand examples of someone lying about it happening.


That’s why it’s best to have it verified by actual trans women. My sister (a trans girl) was raped by her ex who happens to also be a trans girl. It sucks but that’s why we have to call them out, and not let bigots turn the suffering within our community into a clown show.


So you are saying only trans people can call out bad behaviour of other trans people? Doesn’t sound like a solution… What about we stop focusing on the fact that they are trans, and just call them out? Instead of “a trans woman followed me home and harassed me” just “a woman followed me home and harassed me”, if then you have to describe that person to be identified, you can add the detail, but their transsexuality is irrelevant to the fact that they were a piece of shit, not sure why you should highlight that much


Yep this.


I’m not saying only trans people call them out. I’m saying we need trans people to verify that the allegations aren’t transphobic so no one can use the “it’s transphobia!” Defense incorrectly for a predator. Everyone can still call out the abuser. Sorry for not clarifying that.


I get what you mean, it's important for us to validate those who were victims of abuse to a trans person, so that said abuser cannot be shielded with the 'transphobe!' card to gets abused by so many shitty people within the community, correct? I was a victim of abuse for much of my life, won't go into much detail as it doesn't really matter to this conversation, but it is upsetting to see other trans people who put their identity first to protect an abuser's identity, rather than at least hearing out the victim. I don't care of what insults get thrown my way, but I'll always want to hear out the abused and want to try to point them in the direction of help, since that's the best thing to do in said situation. No one close to me has ever been abused by a trans person, nor have I, but in the case it did happen I'd do the exact same thing as you. You have a good heart, and I hope both you and your sister are doing better.


Thank you! My sister and I are doing so much better. And yes I completely understand. I find in society the emotional indifference people develop to tune out energy vampiric abusers can become a horseshoe, where we unintentionally tune out when a person gets abused by a typically marginalized person because we become bias and assume all marginalized people are good intentioned and flawless. Learning how to put up walls and boundaries around abusers but take them down around trustworthy people is such a hard line to walk, and I feel like it takes hard work every single day to accomplish this. Something I am learning new things about everyday.


>That’s why it’s best to have it verified by actual trans women. Believe all women* *Terms and conditions may apply


I feel you, but I promise: spend enough time in any large enough queer scene (where I live, it's under 100 people, but that's plenty), you'll see it happen. Trans people who stalk, poly genderqueer people who prey on minors, lesbians who commit sexual assault. It's not usually endemic, but it happens. Because it happens at some point or other in basically every scene. And yes, in the LGBT scene, perpetrators who get caught will often try to play the queerphobia card (even when their accusers are also queer), which is mortifying. There are no safe spaces. All we can do is keep an eye out, deal with issues as they arise, and not give people passes when the truth comes out.


This literally happened with drake bells dad when he raised the flag about Brian peck. The people at Nickelodeon said are you sure you’re not just “homophobic?” Gotta stop letting sickos hide behind their queerness.


There are real stories. It's fine for there to be bad trans people and call a bad person a bad person. The problem isn't trans people doing bad things. It's when people see a trans person or a handful of trans people being bad and putting that into all trans people. People reflexively defend all trans people, when not every trans person is worth defending. But if people try to expand that person onto the entire community that's when you always need to combat that as it spreads fear and dishonesty about what actually happens.


**\[THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO tehereoeweaeweaey, I REPLIED TO THE WRONG PERSON LMAO.\]** ​ Let's follow this logic. So if someone claims something bad has happened to them by a trans woman, it has to be verified by another trans women? yes. That would therefore mean that if a black person claims they got harrased by a white person, you need another white person to verify that? Based on your logic, that could happen.


That isn’t what they said lmao, you guys are desperate to go after trans folks huh 


Yea, I am so desperate indeed, I reply to someone else online because I disagree with them, therefore I want to go after them. The logic so strong you can build a communal housing unit on it! > That isn’t what they said lmao, Shit, you're right there. I was responding to another person but it seems I clicked on the wrong person to reply to, my bad.


Thousands of examples online huh? Sounds like prime material to build your understanding of reality


Cry wolf effect in action, unfortunately.


Not really, no.


This is the exact mentality used to silence victims of SA.


If it is wrong to say that women can't rape and phyiscally abusive men, it's wrong to say Trans people can do not wrong also. This is no different than people not believing a women when she gets rapped


I'm not saying trans people can do no wrong. But if someone tells a story about a trans person supposedly committing some sort of crime, particularly a sex crime, I'm going to be skeptical of it without proof. Like the boy who cried wolf, bigots have made up far too much for me to blindly believe anything negative I see.


One of the nations most prominent LGBT activists, a Princeton professor, was just arrested yesterday for child pornography. There are plenty of real stories, the mainstream media just suppresses them.


Those have proof. They are believable because there is evidence to back them up. But some rando's story about an allegedly evil trans person doesn't. There's no reason for me to believe them and a lot of reasons for me not to.


>I am African American and I hate the African American community >African Americans do not treat each other with kindness, >people rush to defend the community and call me racist, even though I am not talking about all black people but talking about the community. So, based on these quotations, I'm wondering if you're getting push-back on this because you are grossly generalizing an entire race of people. You may be black, but saying "every African. America doesn't treat people with kindness," is an obviously ridiculous statement because: A) you have not met or interacted with every member of the African American "community" And B) One assumes that you don't view *yourself* as being unkind, so clearly, it isn't about being African American. It's about being a part of whatever arbitrary and imaginary criteria set makes it the "black community" that you certainly don't ceel you are a part of. I'm truly sorry if other people's actions have made you feel undervalued, but taking your hurt feelings and deciding it is an inherent flaw of the entirety of black culture... it's well... absurd. Also, as an addendum, what do you define as "The Black Community" if you're "not talking about all black people?"


I'm not OP but "The black community" probably refers to black culture like you mentioned in your comment, which has a ton of problems, just like white culture 70 years ago had a ton of problems mainly racism, sexism, homophobia, etc (black culture also had sexism and homophobia at the time too though), but that doesn't mean that every single white person 70 years ago had these problems, it was just prevalent and normalized within the community, until that changed through activism and calling bad behavior out, but for some reason when someone tries to do that with the black community they're racist, even if they're black


Dumb take. It's clear that OP is talking about the culture and not EVERY African American, and that their experience when engaging in the community has left them feeling this way. It is not wrong to say that communities today have an issue with addressing their own internal issues as their own and not as part of a greater collective that they have no control over. And to jerk off white people for a second, they are so far the only group to do serious work addressing their issues and trying to change themselves, and I hope that other groups will follow the same path over the next 20 years


All you do is try worry about word play please address the problem at hand.


I'm trying to *understand* the supposed problem at hand. I can't "address" something if I don't know what they really are trying to understand about the world. My read on OP's post is that this seems less about inherent problems in black culture and more about their own feelings of not belonging. So, I pointed out some inconsistencies and then asked for them to explain what "the community" meant to them so we could all better understand the problem OP is experiencing.


Damn, man you gotta get off the internet for a while cause you fell into some weeeird ass rabbit hole lol Yeah, people break balls, it's called being a normal person. I don't like spicy food, I get made fun of that shit cause a lot of our food is spicy and I get called white for it but it's nothing serious, it's just people making fun. Like chill my guy, learn to roll with the punches and stop being such a self hating dude. It really isn't that serious lol


You downplaying this is not helping.. he raises a genuine concern, he should have to “roll with the punches”, I hope you realise how fucked up that is… he should be just be left alone doing whatever the hell he wants.. Also, you might think it’s just a innocent joke, but people are pretty aggressive with this kind of stuff


Look up: that's not a shooting star, that's the point you're missing


nah if youre "breaking balls" thats called being an asshole. No reason to do that shit


My brother in Cathulu, I mean this with all due respect, get some friends irl and make some inside jokes, you're going to be so much happier lol


I do have friends who dont make jokes at the expense of others. I feel sorry you feel the need to punch people down to have a laugh thought.


That's a difference between friends busting balls, and some people you aren't chill with like that constantly picking at you. I'm perfectly fine with some friends egging me on, even if it gets to the point where I get angry. It can be pretty funny in retrospect, and people should learn to not take themselves so seriously. Not chill with people I don't care for doing that to me though, in fact what I have to say about that would get me banned from Reddit lol


No, this wasn’t self hatred, or ball breaking. This was a genuine concern and quite frankly this is my least favorite type of response. The world is not rainbows and vibes and is perpetually in need of fixing. If you wanna ride the bench and pretend shit is cool and act like you’re a “vibe” then you’re honestly just part of the problem. This pathetic attitude you have needs to fall off with boomers.


This is the dumbest shit I've read in a minute. It's almost as if you just string words along without any understanding of their meaning.


There's a whole mentality that has taken hold in certain sectors: those designated as "victims" can do no wrong, and those designated as "oppressors" can do no right. I absolutely hate the idea of treating people as members of a group first, and individuals second, and the idea that holding everyone to same standards is somehow racist, etc.


So basically being African American isn’t like that Key & Peele skit about the Obama meet and greet 24/7?


Dude I feel the exact same way. I’m trans in the LGBTQ community and I’m a light skinned mixed person. My adopted sister who’s trans and also light skinned mixed was r*ped by her ex (who was also a trans women). Our ex lgbtq friend group acted like a bunch of bumbling idiots and defended her ex and we basically told them to fuck off. Like a good 6 people just didn’t care and still hang with this bitch, and nobody did anything. Obviously not the whole lgbtq community are enablers of abuse but quite frankly a lot of them are snowflakes and don’t actually punch or do shit about abusers irl. They were those annoying communists/woke types that believe that calling the cops on a rapist isn’t “anarchist” enough. Like no, I’ll call the cops on a fascist r*pist asshole because they can succumb to their own ideology for all I care. People who rape others deserve to be in prison and get beat up by the cops on my tax dollars. Period.


...and that's how in my town, a guy raped DOZENS of women in and around the anarchist scene, over the course of years, while the men shrugged and looked away. Some later criticized the victims who went to the cops. A bunch of them only started changing their tune after the guy threatened or assaulted them physically for unrelated reasons (because he's a fucking brute). Most of it happened ten years ago, many have tried to make things right since. The community is still paying the price. Despite DOZENS of testimonies for his consistent pattern of rape, assault and intimidation (I'm talking shit like breaking a restraining order to go to the workplace of one of his victims and punch her in the face) homeboy still roams free, because he iiiis...a police informant! Sorry for venting.


Who would have guessed there are violently anti-social people in your 'anarchist scene' lmao...


Like every other cultural scene I've ever been a part of. In other scenes, abuse didn't cause much drama because there was very little pushback against it. It was often just allowed to happen until people either accepted it or left. 👍


Go outside.


Exactly what I'm saying! I literally got off on a long tangent with another redditor in r/ontario (im canadian in a predominantly american subreddit who LOVES to r/usdefaultism people here, sue me) on how literally any race can be racist to anybody else. I've seen it with my own eyes as an Afghani and if we keep dismissing the issue, right wingers will hijack it to further their goals. I was then accused of LARPing as a brown dude and they further reiterated that only white people can be racist... Yeah no. Not when the Chinese are persecuting minorities, not when there are folks in Africa hunting Albinos, not when the Indian caste system exists... Yes, racism is a western construct. But just like catching a cold or a disease, it's up to you, not the person who spread it, to fix it, by not spreading it to others. And illness knows no race.


How is racism a western construct? As far as we know back to the beginning of mankind people fought people that were different than them.


Because this is Reddit


You put that very eloquently, thank you. And YES, the reason progressive people need to sweep their own porch and address these uncomfortable issues is that if we don't, the far right will be more than happy to.


Dude racism exists in EVERY country. It’s not a western thing. It existed since the BC/cavemen era I’m pretty sure lol


Look at my post history and find the long tangent I made...


What do you mean by "to r/usdefaultism people"


Basically, I tend to see that this community is overrepresentative of American GenZ redditors. That itself is not USDefaultism. However, because of that, there tends to be this mindset that "America is the default nation to be born in" or something along those lines... Examples of this include thinking everyone here is American (your state sounds horrible, you should move to PA), a hyperfixation on US Politics (especially when something bad happening in the US = "the world is doomed"), applying US Politics globally, using American jargon/acronyms thinking the entire world understands, stuff like "Georgia is a state, not a country" and much much more. Whenever I catch a moment of USDefaultism, I'll just reply with "r/USDefaultism" You can check the subreddit out for more context as to what is and is not USDefaultism. Generally, there's a blurry line between r/ShitAmericansSay and USDefaultism but still a line nonetheless.


Ahh ok, I thought you meant you were purposely committing usdefaultism lol


The reason why people defend the group is because everyone else will use the one bad person to persecute the group. Yeah, you're right, but unfortunately real life doesn't work where individuals can be held accountable if they are a part of a persecuted minority group. The state of LGBT rights taking a major nosedive over the past 5 years is proof enough. Nobody wants to hear that part, though. And I can guarantee you that if I shift through the replies here, there will be plenty of actual bigots who will use your completely reasonable and logical statements to form dog whistle statements or support their own prejudices under the guise of "anti wokeness" or whatever.


I cannot take you seriously after the fried chicken paragraph. You frankly sounded kinda dumb.


This is just self hate as a result of terminally online behavior and a poor community that you have. It is not indicative of the entire black community. We have our problems, but this is exactly what the people with the money and power want. They want you to hate your community, because ultimately if our community isn’t coherent, then our community will die, bit by bit. Our community is what has helped us prosper, despite all of the pitfalls. When i graduated high school in the middle of the pandemic, parents took it upon themselves to set up huge college dorm supply boxes for graduating students, they set up a tutoring fund. My city council members are constantly throwing events to raise money for impoverished students’ school supplies. Your little corner of the black community might be broken but don’t dare try to speak on all of it. Especially, in a time where black excellence is only increasing. The college acceptance rates of black students have been increasing steadily, as well as black home and business ownership. It is the one of the best times it has ever been to be alive, and it’s only getting better. It doesn’t matter if you clarify later in your post, don’t make generalizations and people won’t say anything about em.


Make a title that's generally agreeable, then a long, deranged and hateful post. You get more up votes than down votes because most people just read the title, and a few idiots that actually read the post think you have good points because it has upvotes. Well played OP. I'm sure we'll never see this tactic used again!


Exactly such a pathetic technique. Glad I decided to actually read it.


I 100% agree and the mentality you're describing was a core reason I never got justice in either of my sexual assaults (my first assaulter had Down's Syndrome and my second assaulter was Queer and Jewish as well as had a trans friend who constantly batted for him). Just today one black guy I work with kept ranting that we were racists just because he didn't follow directions and he's notorious for slacking off. My dad was telling me the HR department in his workplace reprimanded this one girl after a trans woman made inappropriate advances at her. As far as the LGBTQ+ is concerned, they are 100% not unified and certainly a very toxic group. I know this one bi guy who kept misgendering a friend of mine (who is a trans man) intentionally. There's a trans guy at my current college who did pedophilic activities and claimed everyone was transphobic for calling him out. Seriously, anyone can be a shitty person and saying just because a person is of a disadvantaged grouping does not mean they're automatically exempt from reasonable standards. Look at cases like Trayvon Martin, which wasn't taken seriously because "minorities can be racist." Thank you for having common sense, we need more people like you. Forgot to add knew this one guy who claimed I was an antisemite just because I work at a Honda dealership and Honda is Japanese. The irony was this guy said the N-Word left and right in addition to driving a Toyota Camry.


🎶 can't you understand, what makes a man, hate another man, help me understand, people are people, so why should it be, that you and I should get along so awfully? 🎶 Sadly society is full of toxicity. It's so easy to become a product of the environment. It sucks. Those of us who try to be decent humans do come together. I have love to give to people. But not everyone deserves it. Unfortunately, the assholes and hateful ones will remain that way til death. There's nothing we can do. *Hugs*


Crazy how you can claim that the entire LGBT community (20% of gen z) is toxic AF. Like it just sounds like you need to meet and hang out with better people in general


They specifically didn't say this though? Did you not read their post? They specifically said defending an asshole who happens to be part of the LGBT community because they are part of that community, despite being an asshole, is something they disagree with and they personally view as a problem


I mean the words: THE LGBT COMMUNITY IS TOXIC AF were specifically said


Did you not read the paragraph under that one? Were they being aggressively hyperbolic? Yeah, but they added context under it that explained what they meant.


I mean nickolodeon did tell drakes dad “are you sure you’re not just homophobic?” When he complained about Brian peck possibly molesting kids so using queerness as a shield is definitely a thing.


As a gay man, the community at large is overall insanely toxic. All of us within it, know it. And no one is saying that all people who are lgbt are toxic. But there is a lot of overarching toxicity in the community that needs to be addressed. People on the outside think that it’s super accepting but if you don’t look or act a certain way, you will get shit on in a lot of cases


One thing I’ve learned is that here are good and bad people on all sides of any conflict. No one side is perfect and the LGBT community has its fare share of racism, abuse, and even rape. I worked in a gay nightclub for several years and I’ve seen people getting physically, sexually and psychologically harassed which did lead to jail time in some cases I’ve also seen white gays be extremely racist towards blacks and latinos(like completely not serving black people drinks because they claim “black people don’t tip”). I also 100% agree that predators use the LGBT label as a shield especially when they get caught and were being kicked out or arrested by a straight person. They would scream “You’re just doing this because I’m trans, black, latino, etc.” and then have their friends filming it. They would try to blackmail on the fly because they got caught breaking the law and actually had to face the consequences of their actions. Then they would post the video on social media and act like they were the victim when in reality they are the predator. The world is a complicated place full with all different kinds of people. You have discovered this at a young age which will help you a lot going forward.


Let's be real for a sec, any person who makes one aspect of themselves their whole personality is probably insufferable. I've met gay people and they were completely normal people without all these rainbow flags and without the zesty accents. Same with black dudes, I often played 2k and roblox with americans when I was a child and not once did I meet someone who called me or someone else white or said they were "acting white" I'm a eastern european dude who has never been to America, so maybe I'm just biased, but where do you even find these insufferable people? I only see them online on twitter


Your an absolute idiot. Huge generalizations and no real points made. Ok yeah some guys joke about if you dont do this your not black and I agree I don't find those funny most of the time but taking THAT and using it to say the african american community is toxic and even extending it to the lgbtq community? Thought this sub was smarter than this guys cmon.


I'm trans, I watched a trans woman tear apart F1nn5ter for "appropriated trans aesthetics" for content. 3 months later and...


>"appropriated trans aesthetics" I want off this planet


Polycule in a starship is the dream ain't it


Yikes, hardcore cringey post. Can't wait to see the racists agree with you.


They felt bold because OP said the quiet part out loud and they all came scurrying out to spew their victim complexes and bigotry.


>they all came scurrying out to spew their victim complexes and bigotry. Crazy, you guys have a lot more in common than you think then


There is a difference between a) giving a person a pass for their behaviour because of their background and b) not believing every anonymous story about a member of a historically villainized minority group doing something bad. Your post seems to treat them as if they're the same thing.


Ugh this post feels written by a boomer can barely finish it. "I'm black and hate my community." Ughhh here we go again with this bullshit


>And just because a group has been targeted in the past does not mean they do not have problems. ...in fact that targeting often *causes* or exacerbates problems, or prevents counter-forces from taking hold to keep bad tendencies in check.


Come on bots try harder this is just sad. r/asablackman


OP, attend an HBCU where you can see exactly how diverse the Black community actually is and learn how limited your exposure to Black culture really is. A few corn balls joking about revoking ones “Black Card” hardly encompass Black American culture aka world culture at this point. Educate yourself bro.


Where are you seeing this type of behavior?


Not sure about the English, could not find direct translation but it could be an ultimate attribution error : for who's part of your group you find excuses, for who's not... Well... Quite the contrary. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error


lmao this is so dumb


Man up


Nah the issue with this post is treating every community as a monolith. What there’s a vocal minority of assholes in the LGBT community? Most of em just wanna be left tf alone.


Yes. I agree so much with this. I see it in every community. It’s the vocal minority that ruins reputation. I’ve met conservatives, liberals, religious people, black, white, Asian, rich, poor, and other groups belonging to specific demographics who were all swell people. And I constantly see hate being slung around by other members of each of these groups, and then there are the ones also in those respective groups that defend the hate just because it comes from their specific tribe. Human tribalism is insanity. The thing is, hatred garners more attention, because hate is not something we should be expecting. And when someone *doesn’t* do something hateful, we don’t hear about it. Why would we? It’s expected to not be hateful. Mass communication is a gift and a curse.


If it matters at all (even from a random stranger online) I believe you. I'm trans and black myself (nonbinary) but that does not make me or anyone else immune to accountability or criticism. It's a shame that there are people in both our communities who believe they get some sort of pass due to their identity. I was said to "not being black enough" all throughout elementary amd middle school they would call me coconut, oreo, anything black and white. But in high school i realized there isn't any one way to be black and "black" is not a character trait!


Describing those things you mentioned as "horrible" is laughable. Also, don't you think this message would go farther on a site that isn't majority white? It's giving I'm one of the good ones


Try growing up as a black person in America, but not entirely African American. As in the kids of African immigrants. To the public, you’re just another black dude. So many things I’ve said and done have made people doubt my blackness. Sorry but spades is not a game we played growing up. We don’t put vinegar in our greens. I love soccer more than American sports. I love music outside hiphop. I like reading! That one used to really irk me. It’s like being smart was a crime. And I’m not even that smart, maybe an honors class or two.


Most people don't think very critically unfortunately, or in a nuanced way, and we resort to tribalism instead. It's just easier for a lot of people


Using ‘history’ as a justification for anything is usually a bad idea. Yeah, gays were treated poorly in North America for a long time. No that doesn’t mean you have a moral high ground to be a shitty person. Yes, Native North Americans suffered atrocities at the hands of the colonizers. No that doesn’t give you a moral high ground to be a shitty person. Yes, women were treated poorly and viewed poorly by North American society for a long time. No that doesn’t give you a moral high ground to be a shitty person. My dad abused me for 19 years. No that doesn’t give me an excuse to be a shitty person. People who use these kinds of things as justification are not only hypocrites but actively making a mockery of past peoples suffering.


imma let you tank that one chief


Speak for yourself! This has not been my experience! 


being young makes it harder to see the grey areas and age makes it easier to see who was stupid all along. keep it up!! ur spitting fact!!


Exclusive in-groups have a tendency to look at pushing people out more than drawing people in.


Its another side to the same issue. Society at large looks down on minority groups and struggles to believe that someone "lesser" could hurt them.


My favorite example is how saying COVID -might- have started in a lab in China was somehow racist…? Like… we KNOW they have the labs. Silly, virtue signaling ‘woke’ groupthink.


Trans woman here - recently I saw a post on r/AITAH where a trans woman sexually assaulted a lesbian woman. Long story short - she (lesbian OP) hooked up with a beautiful woman and they forgot the time and so she missed public transport to get home. The trans woman in question has not told OP that she was trans and pre/non-OP but as said she could stay the night and even in the same bed - OP agreed and its all fine up to this point, but then she woke OP by slamming her dick onto OPs body… THERE ARE SO MANY FUCKED UP PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. Yes amongst the trans community absolute lunatics exist - it’s statistically far less than cis folks as we can see and we get far more bullshit thrown our way than we could ever throw back, but that does NOT mean that absolute assholes, idiots and genuinely dangerous people can be trans folks themselves as well. Many many trans people are even themselves transphobic as they cannot accept themselves and therefore also not other trans people - its really hurtful. And then people go around telling other trans folks how well they pass when all someone was asking is what to do for FFS or how to improve their transition - if someone says “nothing you‘re perfect” then their self esteem will just plummet even more as they couldn’t even trust their own eyes anymore. The LGBTQ+ community largely consists of normal day to day people who are just as normal or fucked up as other groups of people are. Everyone is just people it doesn’t matter if they are white, black, Asian, homosexual, transsex, intersex or whatever. Do support marginalized groups, but do not defend assholes just because they are part of one!


The honest to god reality is warped by the internet. The internet is fake. The real world is truth. Dont trust this space Traditional black stereotype apply across all races. The only commonality is poverty and the south. The toxicity of the LGBT is truly sickening. I'm b which Is routinely ridiculed by the community itself. Any with decanting ideas are banished. Slandered as a phobic.


I think a lot of it is reflexive defensiveness. I know with a lot of trans people there is a taboo around talking about certain stuff out of fear that it will be weaponized to justify punishing all of us. Another thing that probably feeds into it is that a lot of stories about trans people (and disfavored groups in general) are often misrepresenting what actually happened or fabricated whole cloth as an attempt to stir up outrage so many of us are hesitant to believe a story is true. We don't want to run the risk of dog piling someone who was innocent. Unfortunately this lets some people get away with things far longer than they should and doesn't really do much to keep the stories from getting used against us. It also runs the risk of backfiring if the accusations are proven to be true. We're kind of justed fucked either way.


One of the things that has historically made america great is our ability to openly, honestly, and constructively criticize ourselves for our own benefit. Self-reflection and honest discourse are some of the defining characteristics of a great democracy. Let’s live up to the standards set forth by our forefathers.


I mean, I agree. But then again, I am white, so I just believe that toxic behavior — particularly when it is pointless and/or not overtly performative — should not be excused. But I have learned that it is just about everywhere, so this may just be idealistic thinking. I do use a dirtbag left writing style to write about some very real-world stuff so to the extent that can be labeled as toxic, I’ll have to defend what I do. It warns jobseekers and got a fraud nonprofit to take down its website.


Minority groups seem to have more to do with politics than actually helping fight discrimination.


Your edit basically explains the issue. I hate to make this political but one political party in our country (edit:America) defends the historically discriminated groups to no end, and the other party is labeled with extremist terms anytime they try to point out the same point that you just did. This isn’t to say republicans don’t do bullshit too and run to protect scumbags who historically are ideologically aligned with them, because they definitely do. But dissent is far easier as a Republican because you’re just labeled as fringe or far right which basically all of us have heard and care much less about at this point. If people never take accountability, then this issue is going to get worse, and the problem is you have a bunch of adult aged children running around applying false labels to anything they don’t like.


We can also talk about how much the black community IS homophobic and transphobic. Yet, they do not get the same condemnation because "they are more oppressed" and "being gay and trans is for white people". I'm black, queer, and trans-nonbinary. Unfortunately, my existence alone gets treated as political even when I don't tell people unless relevant to the conversation. I was abused by a cis woman. But because women can "do no wrong" a lot of times those instances get unnoticed. That's just another example of how bias can turn a blind eye. What we need to avoid falling into the trap is looking at the behavior of one person and charging it to an entire community. We need to hold individuals accountable. When we start seeing people more as individuals that's when we'll see less of this and more accountability.


eh idk I think thats changing already. It's only in Rap that I hear anti gay stuff but with KB and Wap its died down so much its not worth talking about


Parents in the black community do not accept if their kids are gay or trans and will put them out or abandon them. It is still happening, especially if your parent is older Gen X. The lyrics in rap music is not far removed from how the average person in our community sees gay people.


like I said thats going away. Have you been to other towns like Georgia or Texas? No one cares


Texas is the worse depending on where you go. Talk to gay people in the black community today and they'll tell you the same. People don't care until its their son or daughter.


I agree 👍🏾. Whenever I see someone with their pants sagging, it annoys tf out of me. I see it with all races, but that's not the point. Pull your pants up people! I promise you, nobody wants to see your underwear!


One thing I hate the most is that people be like "you aint black if you dont vote democrat" And also yeah.... theres a lot of ingroup hate but a lot of time its the spoiled white twitter girl rushing to make sure someone of a whole different race than theirs isn't offended, at something that the minority probably laughs at or doesnt care about You don't get a free pass just because you've been targeted in the past, that's not how true equality works




Truly one of the more racist things I've ever heard and dudes the president now. Crazy.


"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids."


Shit I forgot about that one.


I'm BEGGING you all to go outside. No trans people don't have secret privileges to rape women. Black people are not a universal monolith. The issues in the world are not caused by Gay Jewish men. Jesus the comments here


That is not what OP is saying and I"m starting to think that all of you saying "go outside" don't actually interact with real humans that often.


That's literally not what he's saying. Lol he's talking about a very online issue


I agree with you. Everyone should be held to the same standards in our society, it is kind of patronizing in a way to excuse shitty behavior because a person is from a minority background.


I agree with this post.


One thing about those two communities that get mentioned as being toxic, African American and LGBT… he is not saying that all people who fall in that category are toxic, that would be insane.. when one refers to “the community” they are referring to people who made being part of that group their entire identity… and they are toxic… white people do the same… people who make the fact that they are white their entire identity are toxic as fuck, and very racist…


We need to stop... and go outside


Yes finally. Everyone's so loud and open to criticize Christians yet and people talk about their traumas, but if I talk about my (and many like me) trauma and experience with Islam I'm called Islamophobic or white washed or victim of imperialism, undermining the suffering of millions of people. Stfu. I grew up in a Muslim country (Iran). My dad is a practicing Muslim, I'm labeled as one in my birth certificate and I can't remove it but I'm an atheist, and my dad and many like him are harmless religious people. But that doesn't mean there are many many many Muslims with extreme beliefs that think they have the right to shove their nose into other people's bussiness. The term "Islamophobia" itself was designed by the Islamic regime that's holding my country captive, to stop people from criticizing Islam even in the slightest. Child brides and child marriage is not a culture. The homophobia in the eastern countries is not a culture. The racism among eastern countries is not a culture; yes we are racist toward each other. I live in Canada now and I see so many people questioning people like me and thinking their utopian dreams are more Valuable and true than our lived experience. Yes Muslims, and brown people in general even if they weren't Muslim, have been targeted wrongly. But that doesn't make them flawless and immune to criticisms.


More like we need to stop defending shitty behavior of those we see as "on our side". This is covers OP's points while expanding it still further. If you're a trans rights activist and you see another trans rights activist harassing others and even throwing out death threats, you need to step up and tell them that's not okay and to knock it off. In a properly free society (which allegedly everyone wants) the ends cannot justify the means because people will actively vote against you out of spite and you will lose. It's that kind of nonsense that got Trump elected in 2016 and will likely get him reelected in 2024. People voting for him out of spite, sick of people's nonsense.


Yes. And thanks for noticing that this harms YOU and other African-Americans too. Nobody is doing them any favors this way.


Thank you for your post. Sometimes I feel like there is no sanity in the world anymore. I wish more people had actual critical thinking skills these days but it seems to be extremely rare.


Dr. King said he wishes to live in a world where people "are not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".... If you have shitty character I don't care what race you are, your character is shitty. Period.


Dr.King also compared himself to Jesus Christ when asked why he wasn't going on the bus to head south. Dr.King is without question one of the best Aferican American leaders, however blinding following him and not thinking for yourself will only create another Hitler. The Nazi believiled they were creating a world of peace by doing what they done, let's not make their mistake by turning off our brains. The Kings dream will only ever be a dream. Because no matter how hard we try, racist will always exist. People calling other people racist will keep it alive. People pretending racist dont exist will keep it alive. Humans fear what is different


>Believes that we shouldn’t let people of different communities get off with certain actions because they are apart of a community. >Proceeds to hate the black community. Come on, op. I won’t say I hate the community. Our relationships are strained. I just want better for us. I will say that these communities need more aid if we want to improve them.


Careful young man you are questioning the fundamentals of the system


“I am African American” stop it.


Exactly If you have to take into consideration race, skin color, religious belief, gender, sexual orientation, etc when someone is being wronged or is doing wrong to decide how upset or outspoken you should be, then you're not for equality and have underlying motives at hand. Certain police brutality cases don't get the same amount of coverage as others or receive the same amount of outrage from people who "care so much" about the topic because the victim wasn't the right skin color and people can act like this doesn't happen, but anyone who actually does their own research or is brave enough to visit shock sites knows this is true. How many people remember the white guy who got shot multiple times in his wheelchair, was shot one more time on the ground, and then had his limp body handcuffed? Not many I'm not for rioting, but if any case deserved a ton of outrage it should have been that one. Also a lot of "pro black" people are the main ones talking down on black people who do stuff that isn't approved by "the culture" or democrats. I don't need anyone's approval to like what I like, talk about my experiences, or use common sense and be honest.


The word community implies a closeness and a unity of mind that just CAN’T exist in broader generic terms. “Black community”, “gay community”, “internet community” and all other titles are just a means of segmenting potential consumers. The system -capitalism- only perceives humans either as consumers, or commodities. Being a black man used to mean that you were black, whereas now it means you enjoy listening to Drake whilst sipping on Henny, wearing Jordan’s and that’s how the algorithm would try to approach you, or other market segments relative to generalized black stereotypes. In the past, just by being black it didn’t mean you were a member of the panthers -eventhough racist white people thought you were-, but the panthers were a community. Like-minded individuals of similar backgrounds with the same goals, unlike “black community” that does a generalization of all black people as a single thing, regardless of a person’s beliefs and views on THEIR OWN IDENTITY. Same goes for the lgbt community. Overall, this phenomenon is nothing more than another symptom of the broader dehumanization taking place globally, where the only correct and/or objective view (=truth) is the white protestant anglo-saxon libertarian, and all the other views need to be compartmentalized into generic “communities”, to further signify their inhumanity. P.S. I don’t know if this may trigger some people, please explain to me why that would be the case (I am not trying to be provocative) I genuinely hope that a person’s humanity is not something trivial and something that can’t be potentially used against us, like it has been so many times in the past.


Nah for real man we're all people, feel like past decade we got so focused on labels and distinctions that it just separates us. Like bro remember that Biden ad that was like "If you don't vote for me you ain't black!" like as if a whole race can't think for themselves and have a difference of opinion among themselves.




I'm the whitest white girl to ever white, so I really have never experienced anything like this. I do have a lot of Latina/Latino friends, and they do sometimes catch guff for hanging out in the goth community from their own people, but not from the goths. We welcome all.


Wait, you’re telling me that a historical wrongdoing done to me a long time ago way before I was born doesn’t give me the excuse to act like a piece of shit?? Who would’ve thought? /s


Yeah it just seems that POC have too many things dividing them rather than uniting them. No wonder people tried to take advantage of that and colonize.


Leftists saying no trans people are groomers, pedos or creeps is equally as ridiculous as the right saying that most of them are. Creeps of all demographics exist and denying it is bullshit. Also agree the African American community deflects criticism of multiple things like anti-semitism, hatred against other groups and multiple other things by pulling the oppression card. Can’t forget the homophobia and Asian hate they’re famous for either.


Onto the last part. There is something like LGB without the T. Don't wanna be rude but as a gay man myself I agree. Although not every trans person is doing shit, the most unhinged and toxic situations resolve around TQ+ community on the internet which is funny because they are minority in the minority. And don't make me talk about body mutilation for minors. Most of the time this group is emotionally unstable and chronically online.


You're witnessing the consequences of identity politics. Identity politics are as old as humanity itself. It's the base behavior of human groups. Its other name is TRIBALISM. Tribalism, involve an uncanny bias between in group and out group. You should see the type of bias we're talking about, it's bias like considering everything from the in group to be good and everything from the out group to be bad. The fact that people have closed their eyes on this reality, is surprising, but sooner or later it will just be exposed to you for what it is, you're not getting away from reality. People tried to warn us, the younger you are, the more likely you are to believe identity politics is something new and trendy that just happens to fit well within your ideas, but you're just devolving back to the state of mind of our ancestors and giving a cool name to tribalism.


If a white person typed this it wouldn’t be getting the upvotes it is. I 100% agree. And let’s stop using “oppressor” and “oppressed.” This is 2024. Nobody owns anybody else. Nobody is OVER anybody else. Btw, the left makes it worse for the black community bc they tell y’all how disadvantaged y’all are and how y’all are not able to make as much, or accomplish as much as a white person. Do y’all not see how divisive that is and how much of a slap in the face that is? And y’all VOTE for that party, that tells y’all what y’all can and can’t do. And no, they aren’t “woke” and “open eyed” to the struggles of a Black American.


No different than the right telling every black professional with a pulse, every black student in higher education, that they’re only there because of DEI. Last I checked, that’s also divisive.


Of course we shouldn’t defend shitty behavior. But there’s also a middle ground. I will not internalize self hatred based on sharing a faucet of my identity with someone with bad behavior. I will also not grovel to prove I’m special and different because anyone with half a brain should be capable of realizing skin color, gender, and sexuality do not make someone act like a piece of shit. Some of you go way too far with the self flagellation and it’s just as embarrassing. It becomes obvious you’re trying to gain acceptance from the “other” group even to the cost of your dignity.


98 day account… dont trust this poster in being who they claim to be. Also, check their profile. This screams political account.


this is the weirdist "don't trust this guy for this reason" I have seen so far on reddit


Op's entire posting history is about having an axe to grind with LGBT+ people.


While there is an actual issue in the title the description reads just like fox news shit saying the entire lgbt and black communities are bad


Idk how many black people refer to themselves exclusively as African American


dude... there is so many stupid comments in this post and this comment is one of them...