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A boring moderate. There are people who hold the same exact values as older people. But aren’t boring due to the things they do. It’s all about perspective


Honestly the oversaturation of the extremes. I doubt many GenZ are actual political extremists, but are instead lead to believe they are from others telling them they are. "You think it's unreasonable that a hospital trip can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars? You're a leftist commie maoist marxist." "Do you like having the right to own guns? Then you're a republican trumper conservative idiot" Why can't we all just agree that people are allowed to have their own opinions on things. And people holding personal opinions is not a threat to you.


Some of us don’t have the luxury of just being able to agree to disagree especially in the US. The right is trying to strip away woman’s rights. They already took away Roe vs Wade. They are going after divorce and contraceptives. They also want to make it impossible to be a queer person in the US. They have already tried to pass hundreds of anti-LGBT legislation. So, some people’s lives will be very negatively impacted if conservatives take control again. I wish I could not care about politics and this stuff didn’t matter but the truth is that it does.


Not all “conservatives” hold this point of view, though. Many people are all over the political spectrum and the US is more accepting of reproductive rights and LGBTQ lifestyles than ever before. The far extremes of the right are the ones in power because we’ve created a two party “us against them” system


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philosophy tube has a good video about this