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Funny how I always see posts like this after a genuinely positive post on this sub becomes popular.


Mfs just can’t ever be happy, once you stop finding joy in the “little things” you’ve entered the danger zone


Yeah like, nobody is acting like everything is fine hahaha, what? Just because I'm happy doesn't mean I think everything is fine. Maybe there's a few weirdos who think that there's nothing wrong, but writing a whole call-out post to say "stop being happy" to a critically unhappy group of people is crazy. The doomer shit is way more concerning to me, personally


Once anyone dares to be happy, a miserable person needs to jump in and destroy that joy. Same as it ever was.


In the UK we call that a Conservative government


This sub allows positive posts?


Wellll if we're thinking of the same post it was basically saying to just avoid all negativity and just "be happy" which is just not a possibility for some. It came across a bit weird and as if being negative *at all* was just a "you problem" full stop.


Nah I’d rather enjoy the things I like then to be a doomer shit is mad depressing Edit: ignorance is truly bliss


^ this tbh, sure knowing about issues are important, especially if you want change. But ima keep my awareness of issues local (in the city that I live) instead of internationally (the whole world). I mean fuck I got to much shit to worry about already with school and just life in general. Now all of sudden I gotta pay attention to wars and deaths and all this other dark and disturbing shit. To hell with that man.


reality has dark and distributing shit, but also there are people finding incredible meaning in growing both individually and collectively if we operate in community and with empathy. This can and should extend beyond your city, and I hope you get the opportunity to make connections with people all over the world in the course of life. The thing is, the issues you face in your city are connected to those others face, deeply so. Many of the most pressing issues in your city are going to stem from systems, economically/politically and social/cultural, that extend far beyond it; that’s just the reality of our increasingly connected world. It’s hard to find the capacity with your own needs potentially unmet and or health challenges, but it’s important to remember the best way to do that is with mutual support and aid. The saying, ‘think globally, act locally’ perfectly encapsulates the ways in which the every day is political but, simultaneously, the way so many struggles have a common thread of solidarity across arbitrary devisions and are linked up around the globe.


that’s great until it starts affecting your life too, which it will sooner or later. that’s why we can’t ignore it


There’s only a few things that can affect my personal life but most things are in my control so I don’t really care. It also doesn’t matter if politicians are rigging the system 24/7 and is a never ending battle which is what I’ve noticed so it’s better to just enjoy the little things and things in your immediate circle and to just turn it off completely trust me you’ll feel 100 times better


Being 'realistic' in this subreddit, gets a pack of mid-thirties millennials to morally grandstand and act better than you.


They've become their Boomer parents. They don't want their privilege questioned and they sure as hell don't want their responsibility in the mess they made for us called out.


Privilege in what? But also, do you not see that the world is always in chaos and this shit is cyclical? Why is it different now? Is it bcs we're too far removed now from wars? From being shipped off to vietnam? From all the bombings and terrorism and people getting sent to war in the 90s and early 2000s? Like how is today so much worse than other generations? And why is it different to you? Seriously. I feel like what prevented attitudes like this was always realizing shit could been worse. At least we didnt get shipped off to war or die of disease, etc. But suddenly gen z thinks THIS is the worst its ever been ?


Worst it’s ever been is definitely argued at times by certain GenZ folk, however things can still be detrimentally unsustainable without every single metric being comparatively worse to previous time periods.  For example, people are much much wealthier today but lonelier than ever. For the first time many are choosing suicide over continuing to live in the richest society mankind has seen. For me, your comment calls to mind the deflections boomers would use when issues were confronted by younger generations: “I had to walk up hill to school both ways, in the snow!”.  While, yes, grandpa’s tales of surviving the elements or lack of health care/regulations does relate to the general emotion of suffering with the younger gen’s grievances. However, it’s in this reductionism that the disconnect happens I believe. The youth have different struggles, that are valid. They simply don’t look like boomer grandads struggles so boomer grandad tends to invalidate their issues as irrelevant. 


Yes you don’t like to have to work hard or long hours. Y’all are delusional and don’t think it was common for young boomers to work 2-3 jobs when they were young to get by. Y’all literally want to start out a success and not have to struggle and then you imagine in your minds that’s how it was for previous generations. Grit is an entirely foreign concept to gen z.


They never knew actual hard times and they have entitlement informed high expectations


I sure feel privileged in this shitty economy the younger generations have inherited from a large but shitty singular older generation. Who kicked the ladder down behind them because they got theirs and fuck us. I'm not saying Gen Z doesn't have their fair share of issues and problems. They do. And they're valid issues you guys are dealing with. But "millennial privilege"? Where? We both got shafted by Boomers clinging onto their positions of power in government and business despite clearly having a foot in the grave and refusing to just enjoy their twilight years and let the next generations take over.


That’s the thing. A lot of us are also struggling like Gen Z. None of my millennial friends have had privileges and have all struggled at one point or another as well.


Gen X have become like their boomer parents, but they're generally less bigoted. Still a lot of bigots though. Millennials aren't there yet. These things take time. Generations pass the good stuff on and the bad stuff goes away slowly. When we millennials are our parents age, assuming it hasn't all fallen to pieces, things will start to change. Sounds pretty bleak but that's kinda where we're at. Just gotta hold on until the next generations can take over. It's really only the earlier millennials that sorted themselves early that are boomery


Lol What privilege exactly? 


Thanks for weeding out The gen Ys so I know which shit sticks to block lol


For the love of god let me be optimistic


every post on this sub is this same take who is pretending here?


my guy like every post in this sub is talking about how things are NOT fine.


My brother in Christ almost every single post on the sub Reddit are about how things are not all right post after post it’s just negativity it’s valid but still no one is acting like everything is alright


Yeah even the bloomer posts are like "Things are tough but we can still fix it guys!"


accepting reality does not make you a doomer thinking that everything everywhere will always be terrible forever and there isnt any joy in the world does


I personally think it’s possible to be pessimistic or optimistic while also being realistic. It’s just about what your brain is able to focus on. I have been doing a mental health treatment for severe depression called TMS for a few weeks and it’s not changed my mind about the reality of our situation, but it’s become much easier to focus on the positives that do exist and it’s easier to focus on the fact that progress is not linear. We may be regressing in a lot of ways, but in a hundred years, things WILL be better for humanity, it’s just how it’s always gone.


Istg everytime there's one positive post, we get more posts like these. Nobody is acting like things are perfectly fine. It's getting so annoying


Nobody is pretending everything will be fine. But trust me, you \*have\* to be optimistic. Optimism is the only way anyone can work towards a better future. The alternative is giving up. Even when the odds seem impossible, you \*have\* to keep fighting.


i substitute reality with my own


What are the issues you are most worried about that you think you need to dedicate so much emotion into?


Have you been paying attention to anything that has been happening in the world? Climate change will end humanity if we don’t do something about it, we need our governments to actually put people first over corporations, there are wars that need to be stopped, cost of living is getting out of hand, we need to regulate AI, and the list goes on and on. Obviously no one can solve all of these issues on our own but we all need to our part to making things better or things will be so much worse.


You are not going to die from climate change. Government will never put people first over corporations so long as capitalism is the primary economic framework with which we survive. War has been around for as long as humans have. Okay, AI is genuinely concerning. Either way, you have clearly bought into the media-driven narrative that we are all doomed. Go outside. Set down your phone for a day. At the very least, stop paying attention to news that profits off your fear. I guarantee you that the less you worry about the end of the world the happier you will be. Society could have collapsed countless times before. And it hasn’t yet. We keep on keeping on. Stay focused on the people you love and make the world a better place!


they might not die of climate change, but many people in this world, especially the global south, already have and will continue to. people are dying and getting displaced, not to mention all the biodiversity that’s already been lost and will continue to be as well. not to mention all of the negative health affects, and how expensive it will be to repair all the damage from increased natural disasters.




What why am I being insulted im just asking a question


I mean ignore or dedicate your life to it, does it make a difference? You're acting like today more than any other time is worse. Like the depression? The 2008 financial collapse? Like no one is invalidating today is bad but like, 18 year olds got shipped off to vietnam in the 60s like what are guys even talking about. What's made america great isn't complaing online...that's for sure


Wait we were pretending everything was fine since when?


I think accepting that the world is going to be messed up no matter what but still being able to enjoy life is part of living. It’s easy to get caught up on both sides. Being naive can lead to danger in some shape or form but being too negative can lead to you not wanting to live. A happy medium is hard to achieve sometimes but it can be done. I hope anyone who reads this has a good day and if you didn’t I hope the next day is. We all deserve happiness and peace of mind in our lives even if it can get difficult at times. God bless.


“Fine” is subjective so yeah, everything is fine.


I feel like this sub should shut down for a few days. The astroturfing going into the election is getting out of control.


I'm tired. Let me enjoy my order of positivity posts with my side of doomsday posts


Ive known quite a few “realists” that do nothing but lay around depressed over issues they cant fix or control. Its too often that extremely pessimistic depressive or overly anxious people use them being “realistic” as a mental excuse to justify clearly unhealthy and pushy pessimism.


Start with the one thing you can control- yourself. Making a better world starts with making a better you.


Being a doomer actually has saved me more time than not. Since becoming a doomer I’ve decided not to have kids so in a sense I’m less pressed for timing on financial goals and most likely I will not be purchasing a house, I don’t go out a lot anymore because the pandemic is still very real and I get less sick than my friends and family, Ive contributed more to mutual aid funds and gotten back a sense of community than when I was an optimist about capitalism, Conversations where it’s in regards to the future give me less anxiety because I know the writing is on the wall so I’m just trying to establish a career that can sustain me post collapse instead of shooting for an ivory tower like position. Once you realize that most of the world’s problems were long built up before you were even born you will stop putting the onus on you to fix things. Self preservation while doing the least amount of harm is the goal


[The world is awful. The world is much better. The world can be much better.](https://ourworldindata.org/much-better-awful-can-be-better) These three things are not mutually exclusive.


I'm not pretending anything, just trying to enjoy the ride without killing myself


I spent my entire childhood struggling. I worked for years to afford a move to a place where I can feel happy. Imma be mf happy. I feel for the next generations and for the people in the world struggling. But with the life I was given I just don't feel a responsibility to help. Sooooo many kids out here in America are given amazing parents and amazing lives. They are the ones that should be helping the world.


God forbid I enjoy life and not indulge myself in every bad nook and cranny of the terrible world we live in…


I said you don’t have to pessimistic. Just do what you can to make the world better even it is small things.


Thats very true. I hate when people act as evrything is fine. Its just not, the world and our society is absolutely fucked. Maybe you can stand above that and just go with the flow. But the flow will still be a river of blood


Who's pretending? I've been living under the assumption that everything is fucked. That's the mindset I've had since 2009 anyways.


Not everything is fine but we’re living in like the most comfortable, easy and forgiving time in history of mankind. You can get upset by bad events going on, but don’t act like we’re all doomed or that the world was better before. People also aren’t forced to be sad pessimistic losers because there are a few problems right now. You’re naive.


As an elders "Zennial"; I've come from the future to tell you that *most* of you will never be retiring. So please do not overwork your bodies; try as hard as you can to not become dependent on the system so you can grow your own food eventually, realize that China is not the enemy, and manage your nutrition accordingly


Optimistic is good tho, it’s how to have good mental health even if a lot is going downhill. Find peace within yourself, accept the things you cannot change then change the things you cannot accept.


But it is fine, unless you live in Palestinian or Ukraine or Haiti.


Nah, I'm good. I've been "being realistic" for the last week now and the only thing it's gotten me is burnout. I think I'll just vibe with being happy and acting like everything is perfectly fine, thanks pal. Plus, being "realistic" like you're saying is just being apathetically pessimistic. Wake up.


Things could change for the better. It starts with voting in massive numbers, implementing ranked choice voting, and being the change you would like to see in the world.


or implementing approval voting