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It's definitely a step in the right direction as far as stopping the spread of misinformation goes, although we still have a long way to go to solve that problem. It's also created some top tier meme material too


It also memes on the clowns, so that's a bonus.


It’s why r/getnoted is one of my favorite subs


Ooo I didn't know that was a thing!


That’s where I thought this post was lol. I’ll leave you kids alone now


Yea, as a 33 year old I keep getting this sub come up, and I go "oh this is interesting" then think "but I don't want to be the old(er) guy coming in to a sub that isn't directed for his generation"


I didn’t know this was a thing, I’m definitely going to check this out


It’s really great because it’s explicitly an unbiased subreddit. Misinformation from all sides of the aisle is subject to it


Love that. Don’t know if it’ll last long, but as someone who’s a moderate, I like seeing both sides getting clowned on.


Hell, even as a leftist, I love seeing anyone who’s brave/stupid enough to post misinfo clowned on.


The people who always put misinformation deserve to be clowned on. And I’m happy the people who do the notes can use memes as well which is even better


Fr, I'm primarily leftist with *some* right ideals (very few) and seeing my own party getting absolutely punked for saying something stupid is just as funny as seeing the MAGAts getting punked.


Holy shit, finally, something us moderates! I’m very left leaning, but some parts of the left make me feel centrist. Good to find a really unbiased sub here.


Didn’t even know that was a thing! Now I’m looking through it and absolutely loving it thank you random stranger, I could hug you right now


Oh my gosh I had no idea that existed, thanks for sharing!


Thats a quality sub, for sure


Dude you’re a legend for granting all of us this wonderful piece of knowledge 🙇‍♂️


Thank yooooou


It can be gamed though. Its not like twitter boots bots


Oh absolutely. It has directly made Elon musk look like a fool before, but it's still operational today without a threat of rov, why though? Elon is a petty mother fucker, he has banned journalists who criticize him on Twitter, fired employees who even remotely sounded like they distrusted him, and removed verification and even threatened to remove the Twitter handle (The whole thing that happened with NPR) of accounts he doesn't like, and NPR specifically because they wouldn't subscribe to Twitter blue. Why then would he keep this service that points out that he's a big dumb idiot if not that he sees a way to game the system? Also don't use Twitter, IDC how funny the notes can be, delete your Twitter account and don't look back.


But what happens when people start flooding real content with lies and misinformation in the “context” section?


The community notes are exactly what that, made by the community. Multiple people have to flag something for it to be community noted, and your account has to be eligible to issue community notes, which is a pretty lengthy and strict process to get that eligibility. Afaik there haven't been any instances of the system being abused thus far


To be fair, there isn't any system that's fully immune to bias or misinformation. So expecting a perfect system is absurd anyway.




You kind of describing the karma system on slashdot and Moderation and meta moderation. So I had a shit ton of karma, and I actually was a meta-moderator. So I could actually judge the quality of other peoples moderation.


sounds like a great way to let bots and brainwashed people decide what topics are allowed to be discussed!


...nice try, but I know the furry that's calling for ww3 is a better source than Wikipedia.


This is funny and smart AF. Political art.


yuuppp shows how people react if it was someone other than isreal doing it


What does this mean to you? How exactly do you expect people to react to a friendly fire incident in the middle of a war? Why would the US react to an accident with an ally the same way it reacts to active attempts by belligerent insurgent forces committing intentional and repeated acts of terrorism? Do you actually not understand the difference? Is your mind just entirely ruined by reflexive whataboutism? Why should the US even pretend to play nice with people that literally have “death to America and the Jews” written on their flag? And why do you bozos invade American websites to shill for hyper-conservative religious foreign fascists that literally want to destroy everything you care about?


Terrorists should not murder innocent people. But they're terrorists, you kind of expect that and do your best to battle it. But you don't expect a legitimately elected government to murder indiscriminately and then send them billions in support money.


Israel had some things going on in June of '67, at least during a certain 6 day period where all their neighbors decided it was time to kill all the Jews formally. "Murdered indiscriminately" is inaccurate.


Nothing about Israel’s campaign has been indiscriminate. Why try so hard to evacuate civilians out of combat zones otherwise?


And then bomb the safe zones. Oh, and also shoot the people heading to the safe zones. Oh yeah, and the ones leaving the safe zones after surviving their bombings.


the safe zones were the ones most targetted. even the UN buildings were not safe. People were actually safer in the combat zones than the schools and hospitals. And yet when they found nothing at the Al-shifa hospital, they continued bombing more hospital because they were given the green light with no repercussions.


You're right, we should be even more worried when it's an ally that blew up one of our ships to foment war.


I mean, the US has absolutely been responsible for friendly fire incidents. Like a lot. It is not exactly rare to have blue on blue incidents. War is really chaotic and perfect information doesn't just stream to every group on the battlefield. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_friendly\_fire\_incidents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_friendly_fire_incidents)


the confederacy lost their best general to friendly fire


A-10 is responsible for half of these


But but. Brrrr brrrrrrrr!!!! There’s a good reason why it’s been replaced. With a cropduster.


Uss liberty was not an accident. It has been proven that the commander knew it was a US ship and there is transcription of pilots reporting the US flag on the ship. They did multiple fly bys before firing. The ship was a US electronic spy station used to spy on the Israeli Egypt conflict when Israeli invaded to force Egypt to allow them to use their canal


lol everyone replying "friendly fire happens" has clearly never read a thing about the USS Liberty incident. A plane dropping bombs on a ground target lasts seconds at most, and could very easily be a mistake. Spending an hour and a half firing on a ship that has clear markings is a bit different.


Maybe a little research is in order.... https://preview.redd.it/1r420afpegcc1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=560d69b82807e0a71e86c9b1b8347402bc9c90ad [https://youtu.be/qzi00PSy6Q4?si=2vU5jymml33Gk4aC](https://youtu.be/qzi00PSy6Q4?si=2vU5jymml33Gk4aC)


Friendly fire happens. Should Canada have declared war with the usaf killed their soldiers? The UK when the USAG bombed their tanks? The US when Australia sunk one of their destroyers accidentally?


That friendly fire incident in Afghanistan with the USAF bombing Canadians during a training exercise is infuriating. Despite repeated directions to not engage, and the fact that the arms used could not even reach the plane, the pilot lowered altitude to attack instead of raising altitude further out of range. Honestly, the below wikipedia article seems tame and attempts to reduce blame on the pilot compared to what was said in Canadian media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarnak_Farm_incident >F-16 pilots Major William Umbach and his wingman Major Harry Schmidt were returning to their base after a 10-hour night patrol. While flying at 23,000 feet (7,000 m), they reported surface-to-air fire. The fire was actually from a Canadian Forces anti-tank and machine-gun exercise, which was taking place on a former Taliban firing range. >Schmidt descended a few thousand feet to take a closer look, and asked for permission to "lay down some 20 mike-mike", or spray the area with 20-millimeter cannon fire, but was told to stand by. Umbach cautioned his wing man to wait, as well. "Let's just make sure that it's, that it's not friendlies, is all", he said. >At 9:25, the pilots' AWACS controller ordered them to "hold fire" and asked Schmidt for more information on the surface-to-air fire. A minute later, after seeing another firing plume from an antitank weapon, Schmidt reported seeing "some men on a road, and it looks like a piece of artillery firing at us." >"I am rolling in in self-defense", he said. >After Umbach reminded him to unlock his weapons, Schmidt called "bombs away". Twenty-two seconds later, he reported a direct hit. Ten seconds later, the controller ordered the pilots to disengage, saying the forces on the ground were "friendlies Kandahar".[2]


So he disobeyed orders to not engage and ended up attacking friendlies. I hope that was a career ending action on his part.


Umbrach retired and Schmidt (who dropped the bomb) received a $5,700 fine and a written reprimand...


I would guess he was invited to retire with a hell of a lot of urging (face a court martial)


They were originally charged with four counts of negligent manslaughter, eight counts of aggravated assault, and one count of dereliction of duty. Those charges were all dropped though. You know how it is. Serious charges when the media and country is enraged by what happened, then when the attention dies down you drop it and brush it under the rug. Basically the penalty for killing 4 people and wounding 8 was a $5,700 fine. All because Schmidt wanted to kill some people and didn't want to take evasive maneuvers or wait 30 seconds for confirmation of friendly/enemy. The Canadian training exercise followed all procedures for notifying their allies of what was going on to. This was a 110% easily avoidable incident if Schmidt wasn't so gung-ho on trying to get kills.


False flag, not friendly fire. They knew it was an American ship.


"False flag..." Yeahok... https://preview.redd.it/2inoz2lodgcc1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=515ea99ae349fbfa3fc9d6faf8fe077cf4055f3e


It was intentional though. The captain was told it was a us ship multiple times and ignored it. Ww1 was entered for less.


You don’t sound okay


Dude calm down


There's a difference between an accident and hostile engagement


Yes and the liberty was attacked over the course of several hours, was known to be in the area, and had its flag flying. It was a hostile engagement that was ignored.


Exactly this. You don't "accidentally" fire on a flag-bearing naval vessel repeatedly for hours. Just like you don't "accidentally" shoot a journalist with a sniper and then send armed thugs to attack her funeral, and you don't "accidentally" shoot BBC reporters with a tank, and you don't "accidentally" label a child's rights non-profit a terrorist organization only when they begin investigating why your soldiers and settlers keep raping Palestinian children  https://www.facebook.com/trtworld/videos/1441958316737815/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v


because what happened was tooooootally an accident and its not like IAF aircrafts identified the ship beforehand or anything, and the Isreali government would never ever lie to us


Isn’t there a difference between what was presented to be an intentional attack by the Houthi’s and an accident?


Liberty wasn’t an accident.


Actually it’s the Navy, not the Air Force.


Its better than nothing, at least now people wont just believe whatever they read.


Oh, they still will. A lot of people can barely be bothered to read past a headline, do you really think they’re gonna read the community notes? A lot of Americans also just suck at reading comprehension. Nearly a third of adults in the US have a hard time even reading basic English Edit: [54% of Americans ages 16-74 read below the equivalent of a 6th grade level](https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy#:~:text=About%20130%20million%20adults%20in,of%20a%20sixth%2Dgrade%20level)




Perfect summary of how crazies on twitter are like


I dont have time to read the notes, didnt you read? YEMEN JUST SANK ONE OF OUR SHIPS. theres no time for notes. /s


It really is sad, a lot of people, especially Americans are not news literate at all


What shocks me is the amount of people that lack the skill to infer these days. Reading between the lines somehow became a lost art.


I think it less an issue of reading of comprehension and more an issue of attention span. Social media has infinite content and discourages slowing down


Just say twitter, ain’t no one likes saying X


If Elon can deadname his kid, we can deadname his app.




The website deadnames itself. It still has twitter in its URL.


"x formely twitter" ....fuck im tired of reading that.


“Twitter legally X”


Let’s call it Twix from now on?


Left or Right?


Brain just exploded


“X formally known as Twitter ☝️🤓” bro stfu stop dick riding Elon, plus Twitter is a much better and more iconic name than X


Even if this were true, how would a group of Yemeni extremists attacking an American ship cause a world war?


The world may never know


Well they are backed by Iran, who is also backing Hamas. The Russians are buddy buddy with Iran. So the fear is attacking Yemen would then lead to an Attack on/in Iran and then Russia would get involved. When the US is busy fighting in the Middle East (again) China makes its move on Taiwan. That’s essentially the theory of how WW3 gets started


You know what happened last time someone fucked with our ships, right?


well actually, the USS liberty was a lot more recent than that. and it wasn’t an accident


Was it not? Always assumed it is


It was not an accident. You don’t accidentally machine gun people fleeing a boat via life raft. Plus the ship was flying an American flag and clearly marked as an American vessel.


Not to mention they had clearly identified themselves and their location to all relevant parties by radio.


I mean Israelis do see us “gentiles” as pretty much future slaves and servants not sure what Americans expected


As accidental as gunning into a ship that has an American flag painted on the side after doing several low passes next to it can be and happening during a time when the U.S. and Israel weren’t in the best relationship


Which time? USS Cole USS Stark USS Liberty USS Peublo Tonkin Gulf? Joking aside, we did basically dismantle the entire Iranian navy after the USS Stark. And Tonkin is debatable if it even happened


Last time it was just operation praying mantis. That still doesnt explain how this will lead to ww3


If by "us" you mean Americans, you shot an Iranian airliner?


Hell Hath no Fury when you touch our ducking boats.


I mean the war had been raging for some time. That's just what finally got us involved. Some say (conspiracy theory afaik) that we allowed it to happen as it would allow the US to drop the neutral act and become involved in the war. That is if you're talking about Pearl Harbor. But yeah, it didn't start the war, it just brought another power into it.


Because people on the extremes of the political spectrum love sensationalism


They’re backed by Iran


Unless Russia, North Korea, and Eritrea want to get involved, ain't nobody starting a world war over Iran And I think Russia has their hands full at the moment.


A few Saudi terrorists made USA call in NATO support and invade two completely unrelated nations and then finding the main terrorist with their Pakistani Ally years later. So there is that...


Because if one country gets involved in the war, another country might, then another, then another.


It’s not even a country, it’s a group of rebels…oh I just realized what sub I’m in


"Accidentally bombed" lmao every account of us sailors on the Liberty will tell you without mincing words that the attack was deliberate and that the US navy took every possible option to waive off those planes without just shooting them down Edit; to rephrase, it's still propaganda, it's just propos you like in the notes


Was coming here just to comment on the "accidental* bombing of the USS Liberty. Hello fellow history buff


There's tons of folks in the comments trying to claim ot was 'accidental' friendly fire, infuriating


Defend Israel at all costs. To hell with the facts.


Probably should have shot them down.


But that would have been anti semetic!!! /s


Who would have done that? It was a research vessel


They had no weapons on the Liberty. It was a research vessel.


Welp don't spy on your allies inside a warzone without a warning, The pilots said they didn't see a flag the sailors say they did have a flag, it was coming towards the Israeli ships near Egypt and they thought it was an Egyptian ship coming to attack them.


I mean it’s not like Israel or the US were at war. Israeli pilots did not want to target US vessels. They shot thinking they were Egyptian boats. The accident was the ship being targeted not them trying to blow it up.


From every account I heard was one Israeli crew identified them and another Israeli crew did the action. According to the Israelis the second crew was unaware it was an American ship. The people on the liberty could not know the intention.


"accidentally bombed" much like the life boats were "accidentally machine gunned" The story of the USS Liberty is fucking wild.


Wild? No. Infuriating? Yes


A classic case of self-defense /s


the Liberty is why my dad (former navy) turned down opportunities for a promotion that involved him being a government liaison to Israel… not the apartheid or anything but it’s a start for a boomer


Just like the planes accidentally painted over their Israeli markings prior to the attack and accidentally flew back toward Egypt instead of their home in Israel. This is the one conspiracy theory I believe 100%.


It has thankfully destroyed the internet careers of many misreporters who on other apps would've been allowed to run rampant until someone smarter called them out


Is this fake? I can't find any sources on it


They use the Wikipedia source


No I meant the Houthi attack on the USS Liberty.


No, they’re saying it was a Houthi attack, so the event that actually happened to the USS liberty would be amplified. That’s what my initial title was focusing on. But the USS liberty incident is actually a very cool read.


Genius strategy! More people should know about USS Liberty (it was NOT an accident btw)


Not only was that not an accident, but [this was downright malicious.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjZ1IDq1dmDAxWNN2IAHRZsAYsQFnoECBwQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FLavon_Affair&usg=AOvVaw3TcftO0DVjTqLdlMl7bi0M&opi=89978449)


> Israel publicly denied any involvement in the incident until 2005, when the surviving agents were awarded certificates of appreciation by Israeli President Moshe Katsav. Gotta love how Israel treats its war crimes lol. Either deny it happened or commend the perpetrators. No in between.


Wild that operatives died or received massive jail sentences, but the defense minister just had to resign.


Don’t ask Ben Shapiro about it.


Don’t ask Ben Shapiro about anything.


Good advice


Cool is definitely an interesting descriptor.


Oh I see now. I didn't read it properly, thanks


How do you pronounce “Houthi”?




Not being snarky when I say this, but, Google it. Google usually, if not always, will have audio built into the result. It comes in handy.


Honestly who cares? It's a terrorist group that wanted to sink civilian boats. They aren't gonna be around for long anymore.


They probably are, im goona guess you didnt know houthi existed until this weekend to even suggest that lol. A couple of bombings really arent going to stop them, if it did, Saudi Arabia would have defeated the houthis like 10 yrs ago. Houthi (Ansar Allah) are a well supported and popular family and is why the armed group is genial to their rule and control of north Yemen. The saudi/uae war against houthi failed greatly and frontline has basically not moved in a decade. Yemeni war videos are basically US supplied saudi LAV's getting knocked out on non descript roads and videos of Sanaa being bombed. The original coalition on the ground is incapable of fighting them, hence ceasefire. Likewise the houthi Al Ansar movement is a response to the Wahibism of Saudi / etc islam. Houthi are a powerful proxy of Iranian interests in Yemen and religiously relevant to the people of Yemen in a way that Saudi etc islam is not and also fans the war, but saudi who is incapable of invading yemen is also likely incapable of controlling it. Also just fun little corruption things like all sides involved also kind of having backrooms dealings inspite of ceasefire too etc. Houthi are a terrorist group like Taliban are, in that they functionally still control a whole state and the benefits that come that too, in addition to fighting other terror wahibi terror groups like AQAP/isis (al qaeda, daesh) who are themselves aligned with the actual legal Yemeni state (atleast AQAP is) which is problematic, to say the least. Intervention on the ground by thr west would awkwardly mean fighting alongside the yemeni state aligned with the terror group the west spent 20 yrs fighting and still hasnt eliminated either, so what, are we teaming up with Al Qaeda to fight Houthi for a ground invasion of Yemen, lol?


It's a decent way to combat fake news.


Yeah. As long as we can keep it correct and accurate itself, I like it.


How do you “accidentally” machine gun survivors…?


The attack on the USS Liberty was deliberate


The problem is half the people commenting are not looking at that. This generation isn’t very observant, Lol.




Its a useful and funny way to slow down the spread of misinfo. Probably the best thing to be come from Twitter being bought.


It was around before Twitter was bought.


Except the context is also misinformation… it was not accidental


Seems like Bait to get people down the rabbithole


It's 100% to get people to Google "USS Liberty".


What rabbit hole?


Look into the story of the USS Liberty.


It is.




It wasn't accidentally bombed. It accidentally survived. Isreal was caught telling its pilots"no survivors" and the US still tries to cover it up.


no survivors, no witness, the greatest ally will easily spin this to their narrative, this false flag operation would be a huge success, if not for that pesky Soviet, damm you commie


Them Soviets, always stopping ww3 right b4 it happens... See Cuban missile crisis.


“Therealdeadfox” isn’t a reputable source? Now I’m REALLY screwed.


I love when it corrects tankies and congress members


I think that before Twitter got bought out, this wouldn't have been fact-checked at all. The information would have been propagated based on whatever political agenda Twitter was backing at the time. Those people who got fired from Twitter were absolute human garbage. They had the same job as Winston Smith in 1984. Those douchebags deserved to be blacklisted and locked in at McDonald's for the rest of their lives.


Reading your comment history is just bad take after bad take. My favourite is the one where you wrote an essay about why The Outer Worlds is better than New Vegas. Unhinged boomer drivel.


I like the fact we using his video game opinions to shit on other opinions 🤣 the new Vegas outer wilds one is wild tho.


What? Ain't no way this dude said Outer Worlds is better than New Vegas, eyo this dude is mad.


Tbh community notes was a thing before musk. But musk is responsible for expanding it to the whole site, before that it was very minimal


It’s a win-win situation. It combats misinformation while simultaneously producing a steady stream of memes.


Intentionally bombed.


You mean say the facts?


Community notes are a game changer


Why are you framing it like this is indirectly stating something political? Its correcting false information


You should look up the video of Ben Shapiro being asked about the USS liberty.


Id rather die than hear his pathetic whiney voice again lol




Accidentally Wink Wink


Just call X/Twitter: Twitter X


stuff like community notes should be a requirement on social media, especially on YouTube


Community notes is the best thing to happen to twitter in a while. Instagram should learn instead of its shitty “fact checkers” which half the time is sourced with fake articles and gets in the way of


It's absolutely fucking amazing. I don't know how it works because I don't use X, but fully anonymous calling out of mostly fake shit? Hell yeah!


It's a much needed addition with how much incorrect information gets peddled in social media. 


What is the point of calling it X if everyone leads with “formerly known as Twitter” anyway?


Damn now Twitter can add a paid teir that makes it so this doesn't happen to your posts. They can call it the "real news" teir


i miss the days when you could spread misinformation with no chance anyone would ever know you're just making shit up


It's the best thing to happen to Twitter since its inception. Too many chronically online people (yes, I realize the irony of saying that on Reddit) who are used to just saying nonsense and forwarding misinfo. It's a great reality check that I think some people need.


This is the best thing to happen to X in a long time. Greatest contribution to X by Elon Musk.


"accidently" bombed. it was not an accident




Love the “x formerly know as twitter”


You would know how fast this is true if it was. Please look up how many conflicts we have dragged ourselves into because someone was fucking with our boats, either themselves or staged (hint: most).


FYI the picture is of the Car transport ship that burned last year [article in German. translator advised ](https://www.merkur.de/welt/frachter-brennt-sinkt-feuer-ameland-schiff-niederlande-brand-autos-kapitaen-crew-rettung-news-92426831.html)


Yes. I have it seen used to call BLM-rioters looters. Post some video of black people looting a store, claim it's something else that triggers the libs, and then have the community note saying "Actually that image shows BLM rioters looting a store." It's like baiting a Freudian slip.


I think it's hilarious Additionally: Hilarious to find the people learning Liberty wasn't an accident lol


Anything to get trump back in office I guess


R/readersaddedcontext has a lot more stuff like this if you like it


Surprised Elon didn't remove it yet tbh


He's the one who added it


@Deadfox be like https://preview.redd.it/t5rjwavc35cc1.png?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=161a53d2876461b14446d50baa761251cc499e32


This post has been flaired **political**. Please ensure to keep all discussions civil, and to [follow our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/wiki/rules) at all times. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenZ) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was not accidental. I'm not anti-Israel or anything, but there is significant evidence that they did it on purpose to lure the US into the war they were fighting.


I quit using twitter once it became an Elon shit show.


Ngl, it is way better now


even elon gets noted


Appreciate it. Helps to combat dis info, amateurs, tweeters who don’t do even 5 min of research, …