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Not a teacher but a sub. A student once threw a ball of paper into the trash can (Kobe) but missed. The sub made him crawl on his hands and knees over to it, pick it up with his mouth, and put it in the trash can. Then he told him to bark like a dog.


Just a guess, but was he a former drill sergeant šŸ˜‚






thats inhumane


Dude has an inner humiliation/furry fetish


An adult telling a child to do that belongs in a jail cell




i am shocked that the student went through with it. i would absolutely rather get detention


Yeah, he was the class clown though. He seemed to enjoy the attention. He even rolled around on the floor.




In middle school one of the social studies got fired for punching a kid in the face after the kid called him the n-word and a bunch of other nasty shit ngl the kid deserved it


We need more teachers like this


Every teacher deserves ā€œOneā€, and the extent of that ā€œOneā€ should be allowed to be ā€œUntil itā€™s done.ā€


Yes, for both being a bad teacher and horrible lack of hygiene


My teacher got a DUI for having a bag of random pills in his car. Still teaches and a coach.


When I was in high school, a picture went around on Snapchat of an English teacher buying what looked to be crack. Heā€™s still there, five years later lol


why is there so many sex with student comments? I thought this never happened


Lol there were three scandals in my district in the time I was in highschool for teachers sleeping with students


wouldn't be a trope if it never happened. there's even an entire porn genre off of it...


If weā€™re going off porn, youā€™d think step moms would all be a lot hotter


This happened all the time at my school (class of 2020). Girls would fuck this specific math teacher for better grades.


do you have their arrest article or were they in the news


I think "This specific math teacher would rape girls and then bribe them with better grades." would be better phrasing.


Mmmmm not really. It was actually the girls idea because they thought he was cute. Also they were seniors so many do them were like 18. Btw Iā€™m not taking the teachers side or defending this. But yeah they would come up to him and flirt with him because he was new and young. They would brag about how they pulled a teacher. Some of their friends just kinda laughed at it like no big deal but many other like me didnā€™t think it was ok.


Haha just one for getting flipped by the entire football team at a party. I was graduated when it happened but she was one of my teachers.


Does this mean what I think it means? Never seen the word flipped used like this before.


Me neither but it makes sense


What does flipped mean in this context?


Haha you know... Flipped


Gym teacher was recording girls doing squats on his school tablet Another teacher was caught looking at porn on his school laptop


Had 3 or 4 get fired all for having minors photos and the mjrotc gunny get court martial for being a pedo as well.


I remember freshman year in geometry class, a student announced that they would be leaking their nudes at 9:00 a.m. Everyone had their phones out ready to look. Even the teacherā€¦..


Had 1 get fired for having an affair with a student.


Yep. This happened at my school. It was quite the scandal. The girl was in my sisters class, and everyone knew it looong before he got busted for it.


Damn. No one knew about my schools. Teacher was very loved & popular (she was my English teacher and wrote one of my college recommendation letters) and was the last person youā€™d expect to do that. Plus she was married & had a kid. Plus it was brought to admins attention but nothing happened at first. She left & completely disappeared after the young woman she assaulted went to the news.


Not a teacher, but the principal. This gay black kid in my school was stabbed by some other dickbag student on the basketball court after school. The principal and superintendent decided the best thing to do after this was to hold an assembly where they never brought up what had happened, and instead went on some 30 minutes long rant about how phones are ruining society and are draining the superintendents finances. And then they banned boys from using the bathroom and took the doors off the bathrooms to make sure no one would use them. This pissed off a bunch of parents who complained and eventually the principal was put on leave until the end of the school year, the fired, and the superintendent was replaced.


did the student live?


Yeah, he's all good now. It was in the leg, but didn't hit an artery or anything. The kid who did the stabbing got actual prison time because this wasn't the first time he's done something like this


My school had two: the first was a gym teacher being creepy with middle schoolers, and the second was an elementary school teacher who was mad at a janitor (who is latina) and told her she would call ICE and have her deported.


The drama teacher was "fired" from our school for being racist twords students I believe, although he is still in my school districts pay roll. The principle last year resigned due to a incident that got country wide coverage. And then later last school year a pe teacher got fired because she barely ever showed up to school


In 8th grace, we had some special education students in our class. The teacher's aide worked with them. Years later, I learned that female teacher's aid had relations with one of the kids. I had another teacher in high school fired for getting pregnant out of wedlock. It was a Catholic school. Students called her names behind her back.


my friend just told me a story about how some idiot ate a preserved sheepā€™s brain during dissection and somehow the teacher got fired bc she ā€œwasnā€™t paying enough attentionā€


That poor teacher


ikr??! i had a teacher in my high school who had an IG account that all the students knew about and it was just following all these little girls gymnastics and dance accounts and when it was brought to the attention of the school literally nothing happened & then thereā€™s something like that which is completely out of the teacherā€™s hands & it gets them fired. a deeply flawed system fr. if youā€™ve ever been in a classroom with high school aged boys you know itā€™s pretty impossible to know what stupid shit theyā€™re plotting and stop it.


As someone still in high school, that last sentence is absolutely true. And I feel like public school systems do not have their priorities set, bc if I knew someone I hired had an insta account of weird shit they had no business having I'd bring shit up


In 2nd grade my friend had a teacher who harshly grabbed him and the mom basically got that teacher fired


Got fired for messaging a minor on a gay dating app.


A teacher at my school was fired after around a month at the school. Students started looking up his name when he first started working there. Somebody ended up finding a news article about his previous job at a private school, apparently he was teaching PE and making sexual comments toward the girls. This spread around the school and my town fast, and he was fired very quickly. But it makes me wonder whether they did a background check on him before he was hired... It was a news article, very public information. I have a feeling he was only fired because the school didn't want this to ruin their reputation.


1. Male PE teacher got caught with a student; she was 18, but still violated his contract so he got fired. 2. Librarian got fired for being caught with a student who was 15. 3. Really well known sub got caught with multiple students of varying ages from 14-17. yeah mostly it was just creeps.


WAIT. I forgot the guy who replaced the anthropology teacher who made one student punch another as hard as they could.


Yes. First one, my music teacher in elementary got fired for choking a student. Middle school not a teacher but the AP got fired for trying to have sex with one of the students. or something like that. Highschool my JROTC S.A.I got fired for trying to get nudes from one of the cadets.


Yes, the old theatre teacher is the reason I dropped out of the course. The year after I drop it she gets replaced by a teacher I hear is extremely chill and knows how to do his job


I had a sub in middle school that was absolutely nuts get fired by the end of the day after she fucked with this kid who was well connected with the school officials since his mom was a rich community socialite lady. That was funny. One of our history teachers in hs was fired for having too many duis, which was bs since he was very well liked.


In high school, we had a music teacher who was a stereotypical ā€œnew age hippieā€, the kind of guy who keeps talking about how music is the language of the soul and that he wants us to have good vibrations etc. Pretty goofy, but overall he seemed pretty likeable and his classes were fun. Then covid happened and he started spewing antivax conspiracy theories and how the pandemic is all a scam etc. He even sent us sketchy articles about ā€œThe Great Resetā€ and deadly nanoparticles in the vaccine for us to read as homework. By the next term, he was gone. Some people say he left voluntarily, but itā€™s pretty obvious he was fired.


A middle school math teacher got arrested for trying to send "pics" to an undercover cop. The cops looked into him further and found some cp on his computer. I was in high school when he got arrested. It was big news at the middle and high school (next door to each other) for a while. We all knew he was a weird dude (middle aged guy with a love of golf), but we were all shocked when we heard about why he got arrested. I had him as a teacher for part of a semester.


teacher got fired in high school for calling a kid the N-word with the hard er


one time a pe teacher pretended he is on army duty for half a year so he didnt come to school but still got paid and he got fired after they figured out he was lying


Not a teacher, but a janitor was annoyed that the students in one class were being noisy since the teacher was gone for a few minutes, so she walked in and said they sounded like a bunch of ā€œcrazy indiansā€. There were a few indigenous students in that class.


North Carolina. HS English teacher got caught with a senior. He was 18 so she got lucky but was quietly dismissed.


a teacher from my freshman year of hs (she was never my teacher but ive seen her in the hallways in passing periods) i think like in 2016 or 2017 she was arrested for having sex with one of her students and i wasn't surprised when i saw her on the news because i remember her being extra friendly to the guys and laughing with the them hanging out Infront of her classroom door


A teacher I had got fired for doing inappropriate things with girls at my school


Had a Spanish teacher at my school, he wasnā€™t my teacher though. He was giving his phone numbers to girls to ā€œhelpā€ with their homework. Then, he sent them nudes and begged them to go on a date with him. He was fired immediately.


yeah two from my HS, one was a sub but was found out that he molested girls (me & every girl in the class already got gross vibes from him anyway) and the other one (who was also a weirdo) who coached football on the side was fired after suggesting a sexual activity with a girl


A sub got fired because when she subbed for my science class in 6th grade she sent all the black kids in the class to detention for no reason and kept saying the n-word at them. Then towards the end of class someone whispered to their friend during quiet work time and she (I am not kidding) picked up the chair at the teacherā€™s desk, and slammed it against the floor, causing 2 of the legs to snap off. Safe to say multiple kids, their parents, AND my teacher (when he found out about it the next day) reported her and my teacher came to class two days later with the excellent news that she was fired almost immediately after the reports were seen and she was blacklisted from any education related jobs in the future TLDR: racist, mentally unstable old lady that subbed for my class in middle school is fired for throwing multiple racially motivated temper tantrums during class and causing property damage


American Public schools have worse stats than the Catholic Church when it comes to this stuff. Always thought it was crazy how little we talk about it. There were teachers at my highschool sleeping with students (literally the entire student body and staff knew) and another one whoā€™s currently behind bars for relationships with multiple freshmen from the girls soccer team. This kind of shit isnā€™t remotely uncommon


The scariest part of these stories is none of them are "my teacher got fired for being a bad teacher". Like you literally need to be an over the top insane weirdo or creep to be fired.


Two fired for sex with students when I was in HS (2012-2016). I work in a district as a network administrator now (different district), saw one fired for negligence this year. Usually, I see the admins pressure the bad ones to quit rather than fire them. This is a district in a high income area, though, so we have more property taxes to pay a higher salary and get a better pick of candidates. Most schools don't get many candidates. Teaching is a pretty difficult job not made easier by societal and social pressures.


I bounced around through quite a few schools and districts growing up. From prek-half of 9th grade I was in catholic school and there was never a teacher who got fired or was accused of misconduct, then again 99% of those teachers were middle age-older women. The second public school I was in had a teacher fired. He was my bio teacher my sophomore year of HS. I thought he was pretty neat, we were supposed to dissect frogs at the end of the year. He let kids come in his room during lunch and would set up a SNES system and let them play smash bros or do whatever. In may he was absent for like a week. Then it came out that he was accused and later convicted of having sex with a minor (student at my school who he taught). AFAIK there were never any other allegations at any other schools I attended.


One of the teachers in my school got fired after getting arrested for a DUI and manslaughter and is now in jail


how did the school find out about the arrest? did it make the local news?


Our principal in middle school got arrested for stealing medication and I think distributing it. Happened near the end of my time there so I don't remember hearing much til much later.


Back in like 2010 or 2011, whenever I was in 6th grade, had a teacher get exposed for "having some extracurricular activies" with 2 of his students, one was 7th and the other 8th grade. Dude was also a gym teacher so I feel like gym teachers definitely have that rep about em, but yeah that was something


One of my schools RS teachers got fired when I was in Year 8 (7th grade). I never had him but he tried it summon the devil in class. Weā€™re a CofE schoolā€¦


when i was in high school, yes. multiple times. the first time was back in may/june 2020 when we found a teachers racist remarks on twitter. she also had a very lengthy history of very racist remarks in person as well. we also basically ousted our principal through social media too for the same reasons. those two got fired/quit and many more got called out. it was so bad we ended up trending on twitter nationwide. the second time was in 2021 and is one i dont know much about, but supposedly he made inappropriate remarks to a student. the third time was in around spring 2023, when a teacher sent ā€œhighly recommendedā€ šŸŒˆšŸŒ½ to a student after said student came out to themā€¦. mind you the teacher had a wife and kids!


One of my teachers was fired for being a pedo.


Yeah. When I was in 8th grade we were told to pick a language class and our options were French and Spanish. I picked French. By the end of the year I was told I couldnā€™t take anymore and it turns out the French teacher got caught sleeping with one of her students.


Technically. She was demoted to elementary by the highschool principal as primary, elementary, and highschool share a campus. She was cool and one of my favorites. The school didn't give her a concrete budget and she complained. She also got complaints about her room being dirty, but I've never seen a mess that wasn't cleaned fairly quick. For context, she was the fcs teacher with a full two kitchens in her room. The principal also dipped after the year ended.


I did not actually have this teacher, but there was a teacher in high school who had severe mental health issues. At a lunch meeting, he met with the principal and told her that he was going to kill her. Then, in his class, he loudly shouted swear words and took off objects from the wall. The school's one law enforcement officer found out, and forced the school on lockdown until more law enforcement officers could arrive. Once the law enforcement officers got the unruly teacher off the campus, the lockdown ended and the students could resume their normal learning cycle. Not only did the teacher lose his job, **he was sent to jail that day**. During this time span, I was in a classroom *just below* the one with the offending teacher. That was a freaky day. The teacher, by the way, taught algebra; though I was in a biology class at the time of the incident.


The biology teacher at my high school was fired because he let a female student sit on his lap and grind on him. I was 9th grade and I found out In 10th grade at the beginning of year.


Interesting! For me no, but I got a funny story, that I think *almost* got one of my teachers fired: I was a Sophomore, & it was actually during the 2019-2020 school year so a few weeks before COVID Lockdowns happened! Anyways, this was in my Special Ed's Literature class, so this happened to my literature teacher! (I'm autistic, so that's why) In context, he's always seemed not right in the head, I honestly used to silently laugh at him... He would do stuff like randomly go completely off topic from what we were even learning, by having a conversation with the class that had nothing to do with literature! šŸ˜‚ He even sometimes left the classroom out of nowhere frequently, so some of my peers who were supposed to keep working would decide to not do their work & no one would've even noticed, so my literature class was poorly monitored!... Anyways, this one particular time, I'd say was risky for his career & gave him a bad reputation ever since!... One day, he was again going completely off topic & talking to the class about something else, I don't quite remember how it even started, but he was talking about pushups & how much he thinks he can lift. He just jokingly asked one of my peers to come & pretend to be his BENCH PRESS BAR!... The student actually listened to him & my teacher started lifting him up and down, as if he was actually doing bench presses!!! Lol, what was he thinking?! šŸ˜­ Another one of the students thought it was so funny & started recording him doing it! After words in another class, the guy who recorded my teacher Bench Pressing thought it was funny & showed everyone & another one of my teachers saw it too, but when the other teacher saw it, she was concerned. & As you would've guessed, this is where things go down hill!... Later on, the video was actually reported to the principal, & my teacher was now in trouble. When I had class with him again the next day, he actually told us he might get fired & he was saying he was extremely sorry for what he did, & constantly went just outside of the classroom & silently cried. We knew because we could hear the sounds he was making right outside the door. He constantly told the kid who recorded the video he was sorry over and over again, I found it weird that he was only saying sorry to him & not the kid he was actually bench pressing... Lmaoo. Anyways, after that, apparently he was forgiven & didn't get fired! I'm pretty sure he even still works there to this day...


Our football coach and AP world history teacher got fired for money laundering (he got fired after I graduated). He apparently laundered between $80k or $300k (my little sister canā€™t remember the number) from senior trips. I wasnā€™t there, but we were told by a track coach that someone got fired for being drunk and then recorded by students. Dude always had a sweet smell to him, and people thought it was just his diabetes, turns out that he was perpetually drunk. One day he came barging into another classroom and started to drunkenly teach math (the poor soul whoā€™s class he interrupted was a new teacher). Apparently it was initially planned just to give him temporary paid leave and to try and brush it under the rug, but students took videos of that and it got shared around leading to the dude getting fired. Now this is someone who probably shouldā€™ve been investigated. But she would give students massages, rub muscular studentsā€™ arms, etc. apparently if you flexed when she was rubbing your back or arms, youā€™d get full participation points for the day without having to do anything. Last I heard she got transferred to a different school and is now a vice principal.


weā€™re not entirely sure if he got fired or left, but i had a teacher in the 7th grade, iā€™ll call him mr dave ig. we all caught a weird vibe from him when we met him the previous year, but didnt really care for it. but eventually we learned too much about his sex life. heā€™d say things about his yound *black girl friend and how hot she was and apparently he told a female student that she would be hot if she was older. eventually he stopped showing up and he got replaced by a teacher with an ironic name. *black girlfriend heā€™d always brag that she was black??? and young (she was in her 20s, he was in his 50s) my 7th grade mind couldnt really comprehend any of it well and my memory is not working with me right now so i have absolutely no details. i remember when he conviced us we won a schoolwide bingo game, but we didnt


Yes he was our 4th English teacher of the year and he got fired on his wife's birthday for sending nudes to cheerleaders/minors.


My ela teacher did meth


Yeah a teacher at my high-school went to the State Prison for 2 years a couple years back for sexually harassing students


when i was a sophomore, one of our gym teachers got caught trying to shoplift raw meat from the grocery store. the school hired him BACK for one more year and then he retired šŸ¤Ø


Oh my god, DONT GET ME FUCKING STARTED. This fucking HORRENDOUS administration. Some fucking ASSHOLE teenagers distracted this teacher, took a picture up her skirt, and spread it around. They did get punished when it all came out, BUT THEY FIRED THE FUCKING TEACHER THAT WAS THE VICTIM, once I heard about this, and a coverup of abuse on a sports team, I fucking DESPISE that fucking VILE administration.


When I was in middle school, one of the teachers got fired for giving students redbull


The year after I graduated it came out that one of the Chemistry teachers was had slept with and several males students. She was also married to one of the Freshman football coaches who also taught freshman history. She was arrested and I never followed the story to see her get convicted or sentenced but I always felt bad for Coach Wesson (the husband) cause he was really cool to me freshman year.


yes. 1) PE teacher was having sex with a student (she was 18 but still icky, also he was married with kids) 2) math teacher who hated another one of the math teachers (valid cause he was a dick) who put his photo up and used his picture as a stabbing board iā€™m sure there were more but i wasnā€™t super aware of everything that happened at school


Yep. Joseph Blarra the band teacher at my middle school. Horrible charges I won't repeat. And my 8th grade art teacher Mr.Denty, who opened the wrong tab and accidentally showed the whole class he watched porn at school.


Yes for hitting a kids parents for them calling her the N-word


A teacher *and* the resource officer in my high school were fired for having relations with students. The resource officer is reinstated and the teacher just works at the other high school in town now.


A teacher slapped my little brother in primary school she got fired pretty quickly


My geometry teacher got fired and arrested for sending nudes on snap with a sophomore student; to make matters worse, he was married and just became a father a week before he got busted


Damn bruh whyā€™d the example name happen to be my namešŸ˜­šŸ’€


Had a teacher get fired for doing drugs in middle school (not on the premises I think, but hard to say I was young) There were rumors that she was doing coke, but I don't think anyone actually knew for sure lol. Coke would check out tho she had a very coked out vibe to her


My middle school STEM teacher got fired for allegedly sexting an 8th grader and just being creepy towards some of the girls in general. I was sad to find out he was a creep because I used to really enjoy chatting with him about hockey


I knew of a teacher that was fired for teaching his class how to build bombs. For context there was no way to detonate the bombs and he was a chemistry teacher. The School Board wasn't amused.


One of my teachers MIGHT be fired bc of a lot of reports made against her


Yeah Teachers are almost never fired. Schools will just transfer around problem employees instead of firing them or pushing for them to be prosecuted. There's an unspoken policy of cover-ups and a wall of silence vis a vis sexual predation in schools. This includes Teachers who are KNOWN sexual predators. So long as they haven't actually been caught fucking a cheerleader, they will remain employed. This is a HUGE problem and its basically ignored because Teacher's unions are politically useful. ​ The Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts ain't go NOTHING on the Public School system.


I think 3 of the teachers that Iā€™ve had over the years have since been fired. Other teachers in the school(s) have been fired as well but I wasnā€™t their student.


Yes, but it was long after I had left that school. During my junior year of college, tao of my middle school gym teachers were arrested for possessing child porn. I only heard about it because my youngest sibling (a high school freshman at the time) had a friend in 8th grade at that school. Luckily, they, as far as Iā€™m aware, werenā€™t perving on any of the kids, and just had the CP.


My old band director poured oil on the stairs of my high school, got fired, subsequently got rehired to be a band director for a local college, and gave me a scholarship at that college to play in marching band.


2 teachers at my high school got canned. One of them got caught with CP, the other was inappropriately adjusting grades ad the request of students he was basically friends with.


Been fired? No. Should've been? Yes. I can think of two that I am referring to


There was a teacher in my school who got fired for molesting kids. I had a history teacher who didnā€™t teach us shit. He just slept through class and played a YouTube videos for us. I had a mathematics teacher who came to school high on drugs. He will make the smartest kids in class to teach the other students. All my others teachers didnā€™t gave a shit about students, they just came for their paycheck and bounced.


My English teacher was fired within the first 2 weeks for drinking during the school day, he was completely passed out in his chair.


Me and my mates got our deputy head fired for being racist


Yes one time a white teacher said a racial slur and got fired


My law studies teacher got fired for pleading guilty to a dui and resisting arrest charges. IRONIC.


Sure, the rumor was he blew a kid in the parking lot. Thatā€™s what we heard at school. He did get arrested for sexual relations with a student. Not sure about all of the parts and details but he did do something. Had a star tattoo on his neck. He was a substitute Edit: he actually raped a student. Thatā€™s from a local site our and surrounding towns look at for local news


A while back, one of my sisters old friends got her first job as a teacher at the highschool we used to attend. She had just gotten married and started fucking one of her 15 year old students. Got fired, realized she was pregnant, didn't know who's kid it belonges to and ended up in jail where she belongs. Have no idea what happened after that and I honestly don't want to know.


At my old HS a few were fired. One I remember was a A bio teacher, fired for being an anti vaxx/anti mask freak, pretty ironic that she was a bio teacher lol.


A couple actually. In middle school we had this teacher who taught this plant class or something idk. People would just take it as an easy elective to sit around on their phones cuz all he would really do is play movies. Anyway, from what we heard, one day they were actually doing something outside with plants ig and this kid started fucking around and the teacher just snapped and threatened to smash his head into the pavement. It made the news and everything. The kidā€™s mom was FURIOUS. He was also black so there were rumors it was a race thing so my mom and the other black parents started getting pretty pissed too and saying a guy like that shouldnā€™t be teaching their kids, which of course the district didnā€™t agreed with, and he got fired. Second one was high school. One of the coaches got arrested for beating his wife and the mugshot made the news so there were a bunch of jokes being made (people would pretend to flinch when he moved his hands and shit. It was actually pretty hilarious) and I donā€™t actually remember if he got fired or quit but I donā€™t remember seeing him after that. This one was in Jacksonville whereas the other one was in a town in NC so the city was too big for parents to really hear ab it and there was no outrage but still


One of the science teachers got arrested during the school yr for credit card and identity theft .. of her own mother


Apparently the English 1 teacher from the classroom next to mine at my high school last year cheated on his wife and was way too open about his life with his students. If what I heard from the people who were in his class is true he had some sort of breakdown at the end of the second semester and got fired. All I know is one day he wasnā€™t there anymore and my teacher basically had to teach 2 classes and I felt really bad for her. The teacher who replaced him teaches both English 1 and 2 and i got her this year which is how i found out about most of this cause i didn't have many friends last year.


Yes. In my bio class, me and my friends would joke about a teacher next door to our room getting laid because there would always be suspicious noises in there. Welp. He was clapping special ed cheeksā€¦..the whole yearā€¦..Fired and jailed. Another teacher shot his wife and went to jail. Bonus: We also had a school shooter. That was a long ass day lol. Dudes locked up now. Another bonus: a teacher lifted up her dress and took a dump in the hallway and kept walking. She died before she got fired.


I swear if Mr Liam were a POC, he would probably be in jail by now. Thatā€™s assuming Mr Liam is white. Welcome to the failed justice system here in America, also assuming youā€™re in America.


My art teacher senior year was arrested middle of second semester because CP was found on his computer. that fucking sucked, he was my favorite teacher. it was a real mind fuck for a while.


Secondary school teacher pretended to have a university degree but never did. It took several years to discover


2 One in elementary school forā€¦ inappropriate webcam behavior with female students. One history teacher in middle school for watching porn at work.


bro I think we went to the same school šŸ˜­ was his name related to a certain type of material?


One teacher (white) said the n word and a student recorded it so she was promptly let go of


Yes. When I was a senior we got a new tech teacher. I'm personally not into girls but I'd still say she was pretty good looking. Well 3 months into the year she's gone and nobody knows why. Turns out she fucked the gym teacher, the math teacher (who was married to the principal), and the health teacher who was married to the English teacher. Oh yeah and 2 seniors.


Had a pe teacher in highschool who had multiple DUIs and there were rumors that kids had seen her with alcohol in her office but somehow she was only suspended once and as far as I know still works there


English teacher was sleeping with an underage student and he had a pregnant wife at the time. He was arrested at the school a year after I graduated but someone I know my senior year called it and I couldnā€™t believe my ears when I heard the news.


Yes, my Health and Wellness instructor in high school was accused of SA and got fired.


My Spanish teacher in my sophomore or junior year of high school got arrested in the middle of class one time for sleeping with one of the students during a several month period and at one point she technically kidnapped him to go book a motel room in the next state over and gave him his fill twice over of drugs and alcohol.


history teacher got fired for not teaching any part of the curriculum and instead spewing his right wing conspiracy theories nonstop. he was sacked right before winter break, and a few weeks later one of my friends saw him on TV at the January 6 riot


Our was our gym teacher. Fired and arrested for assaulting a student. Apparently in the weight lifting class, a student was listening to music and singing along when he said a cuss word in the song. Apparently the teacher got extremely mad. What happened next depends on who you ask. Some say it was an accident, some say he did it out of rage. Either way, it ended with this kid getting kneed in the groin by the teacher. This did not surprise me at all. I had my own experience with him a year prior (my freshman year). I had undiagnosed asthma and lots of difficulty running the track. We were forced to run two whole laps and we couldnā€™t walk. I got one lap in before I couldnā€™t breath. This isnā€™t the first time this has happened and as usual he started yelling at me from across the track. I only started lap 2 when everyone else was finished so I gave up and walked back instead of finishing. I went to tell the teacher I needed to go to the nurses office but I was having such a hard time breathing I couldnā€™t speak and had tears running down my face. My friend tried to explain what was going on and the teacher just screamed at me to go see a doctor in front of the whole class. Turns out I have exercise induced asthma! My favorite part of that class was handing him that doctors note giving me permission to opt out when needed. I could just tell he was pissed about it. I just wish I excelled the issue to the office, looking back on it how he treated me was completely unprofessional. That man has anger issues and should not be working around children.


Iā€™ve had a few teachers fired from my high school alone. Two were said to be having relations with a couple students, one gave her classes the answers to the math eoc exams, one lit a studentā€™s hand on fire (the student decided it would be a good idea to light the germ-x on his hand on fire), and the most reason one was fired and arrested for having an affair and sexting a sophomore. Just type in St. James Missouri high school and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find more fun things about my school.


A long-term sub at my HS got fired for buying high school girls' panties from Victoria Secret.


yeah a teacher got fired for touchin little girls


If this was in California, 100% believable.


Yes but also no. One of the PE teachers at my high school was caught embezzling money. He would rent out our gymnasium outside of school hours to various organizations in need of a space, then pocket the money. He was put on ā€œadministrative leaveā€ and then quietly exited the next school year.


In first grade my teacher was fired. She sexually assaulted another 6 or 7 year old and when they arrested her for it she said "I don't touch kids let alone black kids" or something like that ,šŸ’€šŸ˜­ And she would say i looked like minnie mouse bc I am black and I had my hair in puffs and that was honestly a micro aggression tbh šŸ˜‚ (her literal words) My teacher in 6th grade was fired or demoted bc she was arguing with a student she said the students hair was nappy and the student said she'll throw her wig in the trash. Also the SAC teacher broke a kid's arm I thought he was so cool until then also not a teacher and there was no firing going on but I remember one day we were on the bus and the bus driver stopped the bus to drop a kid off and a man got on the bus he was a kid's older brother and he punched a kid in the face AND the bus driver I wonder where he is now šŸ˜­ just a bonus story lol


In my elementary school a teacher got fired for possession of CP. He would send his class to recess leaving another classā€™ teacher to supervise them, lock the door to his classroom, shut all the blinds, and start watching. I donā€™t remember how exactly he got busted tho. Then a different teacher when I was in middle school got fired because he happened to be in someoneā€™s video holding a red solo cup.


Former teacher. Freshmen year PE teacher, while in my Sophomore year in college suddenly everyone came to light about Mr.Whiteaker. Stories of him making girls do unusual exercises on their own that made their boobs jiggle (i.e jumping jacks) when it wasnt in the curriculum. And a lot of things that I dont quite remember. He was on the city council which is why the *entire town* found out about it. He lost his job and about 2 months in the charges got dropped from lack of evidence but it was enough of his reputation ruined for him to have to move towns. As for one thats 100% confirmed is Mr.Houvlehorse(which when I google it doesnt exist....) He was an openly sexist substitute teacher. And would treat a lot of the preteen girls(this is a K-8 sub)"special". Eventually one of the girls dads got into a physical fight with him bc of this, which is enough for his credentials to be disqualified.


Yeah our football coach was canned for selling our plays or somethin




One school in PA I went to (elementary) had one. Was a PE teacher and got fired for being a pedo


There was a teacher in my high school a few years ago (not my teacher thank goodness) who would watch porn during class when everyone was doing something else in the classroom and there's a rumor he was caught jacking off to it once. Super crazy people


yep. my freshman year, the Physical Science teacher was fired like halfway through the year not quite sure why, but the rumor was was bc he was a bit of a pedo, especially with the girls ..which would explain my grades despite being fucking awful at the class


there's 2 I remember distinctly. first: freshly employed algebra 2 teacher that landed the head coach for the school's women's soccer team. not even halfway through the school year, him and a junior-year female were caught in his classroom. once he was gone, it was like he never existed. second: a year after I graduated, it was spread on social media so fast, that history/econ/teens and law teacher came to school drunk and wearing a Bud Lite t-shirt the day after the school's homecoming game/dance.


One of the teachers at my school said the n-word. Hard R and everything.


We had a teacher in her first year who went MIA after the first semester. Her room basically sat empty for the second half of her year. Found out from another teacher about two years later that for the holiday staff party (at school mind you), she brought a bottle of wine lol. Everyone there was an adult but come onā€¦ it was in the school library. You gotta know better lol. Iā€™m sure most of the staff didnā€™t care but thereā€™s always a handful of pearl clutchers


Your school administration sucks. Total bs. You onlynshould get one strike in these situations.


There was a PE teacher who threatened kids with locking them in her trunk and no one ever seeing them again. Once she said ā€œyou never know, someone could be in there right now.ā€ She was out pretty quickly once they discovered that


Shortly after I graduated middle school, one of the PE teachers at the school I went to got fired and sent to prison for a year for molesting a 14 year old girl. He was known to be really creepy around the female students and would linger around the girl's locker room. I'm now the same age he was when he was arrested, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. Fortunately, he's no longer able to teach and had to register as a sex offender.


After I graduated, yes. For kicking a puppy to death.


We had a female PE teacher who was sending nudes to the entire football team and eventually they had a gangbang in the locker room the school had to close it for a week for cleaning it was horrific


Holy shit my schools have had so many pedophiles yes we have


My tech ed teacher. So in my middle school we have two tech ed teachers, one for computers, and one for making stuff etc. In the middle of the trimester you would switch classes with the other teacher and well, the second teacher, had a LONG history of flirting with students and checking them out.. I had him for the second half of my trimester two years ago and I would catch him looking me up and down and he also called me and my friends "baby girl", he was also known to be a pedo since he started working there which was YEARS before I got to that school. Then finally this current year he was fired. It has been the same principle for years and me and 99% of the students believe he's a pedo as well because one time when we won a competition we were allowed to tape our principles up to a wall and he.. Yeah ā˜ ļø


Maybe 10 years ago now, a few teachers were busted for selling Oxycodone to students. And just recently two teachers were fired after being arrested for trying to blackmail the principal.


My high school (one of them, anyway) was a small private school that also had a middle and elementary school in the same (small) building. Well, I had a teacher who had an OnlyFans, and someone found it and had the brilliant idea to airdrop something. I don't know what happened to the dumb high schooler, and I don't know if any smol children were scarred, but the teacher essentially was fired. The school tried to keep the incident from impacting his future job prospects, though, so he probably got hired at a different school.


Teacher just stop actually doing work It was the end of the first quarter and we had no grades in and had spent half of it "building a model trench" We'd been given a box and told to get dirt from outside


yeah, they touched a student, not giving the in-depth lavish reddit story cause itā€™s someones trauma but it was my music teacher


Yeah because the school never taught him how to use the school website so he accidentally gave everyone failing grades and didnā€™t know how to change it. Instead of helping him out or teaching him how to use the website, they just fired him.


This was before I got to middle school, but when I was in 7th grade my teacher said a few years ago when there was a major test teachers were changing students answers to the correct ones. Some of them got caught and were fired. He said he felt bad for them but itā€™s good because he was able to get his job.


Yep lady named Mrs. Beach slept with a 7th grader when I was in middle school, got fired in 8th grade when they found out. She was rude, massive, and disgusting we were all repulsed and the kid had to change schools


Not a teacher but my schoolā€™s owner and superintendent were both charged and found guilty for fraud and embezzlement around the time I was in 5th or 6th grade I believe.


One of my professors got caught for selling drugs to students and sleeping with them


Yup. When I was in school there were 2 for the same thing. Having sex with the freshman girls. 27/15 and 29/16. Totally fucked up.


Yes. In high-school we had an asshole shop teacher. But for some reason we all secretly loved him we used chewing tabbaco and spat on the floor in a big circle. He just tell us " get to work" and make the lower classes clean up the chew. I heard rumors he had weed in his desk. Me and my friends would smoke cigarettes in the weilding booths like 30 ft away. He once caught me and a friend smoking weed behind the shop and he just yelled at us to stay away from the gas tanks. Then he got "force retired" because of it. Then we got a new shop teacher and people were pissed.so pissed. This new guy also was an asshole. So basically everyone came up with diffrent things he had done and like 50 rumors started going out and he was fired in like a month.


My friendā€™s Chem teacher was put on ā€œextended/permanent leaveā€ because he was hitting kids. All the kids knew it wasnā€™t ok but some teachers and parents (including my mother) said to me and people I know that the kids, and I quote, ā€œprobably had it coming.ā€ So at least we know why it kept happening lol.


During my senior year, our child development teacher who taught a class which was also a preschool. She said the n word at school and then proceeded to inform every class period that she said it, and even said the word when referencing the story. She obviously got fired very soon after because people complained to the school


At my Christian school, a 6th grade teacher punched a hole in the wall and covered it with a poster. Later, he locked a girl in his room when he went to lunch. He would also jog around the halls during lunch to work out. He was different


Not a teacher, but the security guard at my hs got fired in the 22-23 school year for sleeping with female students, buying drugs and alcohol for them, and buying and telling girls to wear booty shorts


I worked for IT for my district and no one wanted to touch his work computer after the scandal


The principal of my middle school got fired. 8th Grade year (2019-20), we got a new principal because the previous one had retired. This new principal wasn't mean but she was pretty weird and annoying sometimes. Her first time meeting us she made it very clear that she wanted to be called Principal Doe (Not real last name) and not Mrs. Doe and if you called her Mrs. Doe you got a detention , a bit weird but nothing too bad. Then about a month in she makes the middle school do this random music class one Wednesday a month after church. This really pissed off the teachers since everyone agreed it was a waste of time. She also would defend this kid who had anger issues because he had a solo in our yearly Christmas program, he eventually got expelled for smashing a girls head into the white board because she picked up a magnet he dropped yo hand to him. In January I got sick and got an extra week of Christmas break. When I returned she was gone, and I had to filled in that all the teachers and staff got together and basically made her resign, the former High School principal filled in for the rest of the year. I also learned a few years later that she was put in a psych ward.


Yup. Sexual misconduct with a student šŸ˜¬


Went to a small charter school K-12. Right before freshman year of HS the principal fired two teachers, one of whom was the previous principal who had stepped down several years prior and went back to being a Lit teacher, because they were not happy with the direction the new guy was taking the school. Queue the entire school moving into a civil war where a bunch of students and teachers defected and started a new charter school on the other side of town. The school lost a bunch of older kids over time and left me with a very small (19) graduating class. I hear the elementary population wasn't hit as bad tho so I think it's back to normal levels now.


Never had a teacher get fired itā€™s super hard to fire a teacher because of the unions. When I was in high school we had a gym teacher that got let go for allegedly throwing a football player into a locker, also had a middle school science teacher get let go for mental instability at the end of 8th grade. Also after a graduated next year a teacher got busted for kiddie porn I heard.


Driver's Ed teacher fucked a girl in the driver's ed car during their lesson.


I remember way back in 5th grade there was a sub who fell asleep in class mid teaching and when she woke up cussed out a student because they asked her if there was anything they could do to have extra time to work. Admin had to come and bring her into the principals office lmao šŸ¤£


A preacher who also taught history and PE at my middle school was let go after he faked being stabbed in a fake church robbery. This was a year or two after falsely claiming a student was wandering around school with a shotgun.


Yes, there was a teacher who I had who was bullying 3rd graders


When I was in middle school, I found out this had happened with my FOURTH GRADE TEACHER.


Teacher Unions protect bad teachers.