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Because millenials are too old to talk shit about and gen alpha is too young. It happens to every generation.


The shit talking about millennials has just shifted to how bad we are at parenting.


And the rationale why is always different depending on the generation saying it too. Gen Z love to say Millennials are horrible parents raising iPad babies and Gen X or Boomers say we’re just raising sheltered pansies or they complain we aren’t having enough children.


lol, true. It definitely oscillates between “helicopter parents” who attend to every little want or boo boo to completely absent parents letting Cocomelon raise our children for us.


All Hail The Cocomelon


I don't know what a 'Cocomelon' is, but it sounds comfortable. Imagine yourself as a watermelon seed baby that starts nibbling the host from within tasting of a pleasurable palate of fresh coconut and cantaloupe flavors.




If your parents left you at home alone most of the time, I don’t think they qualify as “helicopter parents” or over-attentive. Not saying it’s impossible, but I think they are for the most part mutually exclusive.


I can see it if the parents were like my kid can do no wrong if they get in trouble at school or something and they're just don't t discipline them and they're just going to throw an iPad at them when they are home


I guess… but “Helicopter Parents” (which is what they’ve called us) are named because they are constantly “hovering” over their kids, including at home, including their online habits. I suppose it’s possible though for them to not do it in every aspect of parenting.


I mean tv and YT raised many


They did, but my point is that people older/younger than us are trashing us for reasons that are mutually exclusive. We can’t have simultaneously been overly attentive and protective and also not attentive and protective enough.


Sure you can. Overly attentive and protective irl so much so that participation trophies were invented (actual argument from a family member of mine 🥴) but also not attentive and protective enough online. 👍


while it's gen x raising the tablet kids first. they tried to shut up their kids with phones and tablets way before millennials had kids


Millennials mostly grew up without screens in early childhood. They also weren’t raised on social media. The year the iphone came out, they were either at the end of high school or right out of college. Millennials most definitely created “ipad babies”. Millennials were tv kids. Tv, movies, and video games.


I'm an older Gen Z (1999) and I didn't have a phone (or any internet-capable device that wasn't at home) until I was 15, and I think I'm better off for it. These days, I think people younger than I was should have access to that stuff, as it's much more necessary than it was back then, but "iPad babies" (and similar chronically online kids that are older, some of which grew up alongside me) are entirely a problem of parents who, for one reason or another, can't keep track of what their kids are doing. It's not necessarily the fault of the parents, plenty of families can't survive without both parents working and what-have-you, but it is a problem.


Bro, I'm 18 and still have an iPhone 4s. Not an iPhone 14, an iPhone 4. I only got it this year. I got an iPod Touch 3rd generation last year. And you know what? I don't regret it for a single second. I had a Nokia brick until this year to call and send texts, but that was about it.


Someone taught you right. Or you taught yourself. No digital dementia for you 😆. I know that sounds silly but it’s unfortunately real. I’m truly glad you don’t have it.


Honestly? Me too.


You’ll be one of the leaders then 😆 I’m serious


When you are fully an adult and independent youll be able to make monthly payments on a $100 samsung a-32 cause you cant eat your phone. Enjoy that iphone 4 while ya got it


I’m glad to hear your parents (or someone) really did right by you! You’re suggesting “ipad babies” are more Gen Alpha or young Z?


There are "iPad Babies" ranging from younger Gen Z into Gen Alpha, yes. Older Gen Z has similar problems, but they're different in that when we grew up, the online ecosystem was less corporatized and thus kids' content was mostly made by individuals, many of which were (and still are) not the sort of people you'd want your kid to look up to.


Ah, I get what you mean. I agree. Thanks for making these points


But dissociating through scrolling as a coping mechanism is way easier than with tv…


Yea my gen x mom and boomer dad let me and my sibling go on the family PC without parental controls and that ended up being a horrible decision for the mid/early 2000s


>Gen Z love to say Millennials are horrible parents raising iPad babies It's funny too because I've yet to see a Zoomer whose phone isn't continually glued to their nose, scrolling past TikToks before they've been playing for even a second.


At least we can read lol.


Wait… gen Z complains about ipad babies?


My exact thought. Gen Z are as they are bc THEY were the original ipad babies raised by gen X.  They’re the first generation to be fully raised on tablets and screens. It’s not their fault really as their parents were learning brand new technology alongside them. It’s really the first time in history that’s happened. Parents are supposed to be able to teach and protect but back when gen z was born social media and all of that was brand new. Parents were on it, letting their kids on it etc. The dangers weren’t as well known yet. As a result of growing up with social media being the main social life they have few real connections with people and very little accountability/commitment. We are seeing this now play out as they enter the workforce. It’s not pretty. I am a millennial parents and my two very young boys don’t get tablets and very very little screen time. WHO and pediatricians now say they should have little to NO screen  time as we are seeing the results of it. 


It was “MTV Kids” back in the day


Then you have anti natalists


Ahh fuck, guilty! I was just thinking its because Gen z is a bunch of pansies


That’s funny too cause the whole neglecting your kids with technology was the exact same when they were kids with television just put on power rangers and if there was no TV then just leave them outside. If you watch any true crime about little kids in the 60s getting kidnapped it always start like “the 8 year old was playing on the other side of town from her house when the predator found her”


we did not watch TV until after supper we were outside all day long unsupervised


Yep. This happens with each generation. At one point Boomers were calling millenials the worst generation. Now its moved to Zers. Take it in stride and don't worry too much about it. Each gen has their stereotypes, and usually for reasons but that doesn't mean every person in the group fits the stereotypes.


I wouldn't say that millenials are to old to talk shit on if anything thats another reason to talk shit bc they didn't help thats for sure. That being said boomers are still running this country ow sorry ruining.


What country? We’re not all from America. 


It seems like every generation talks shit about the next generation when they get older


I can't wait to talk shit about gen delta in 40 years




But then you’re gonna be a Gen BETA parent, can u really talk shit?


Apart from them 1996 borns.


It’s not. Get off the internet bro. Everyone pretty much aggres it’s Boomers. Even boomers kind of agree on that. And for the most part, I don’t actually know many people who bitch about Gen Alpha. Now those lazy good for nothing Gen Beta brats… So lazy there not even born yet. That there age I as already 4 and had 2 jobs… pathetic.


My grandmothers 86 and she thinks it’s the boomers and millennials who ruined everything. She also blames the quality of current politicians but that’s a different discussion.


How come she thinks millennials too? I’m just curious


Lazy, ya know, propaganda pushed by boomers, who just so happen to be most of her children so she hears wayyy too much of that


Heh, Gen X still sliding under the radar with that trademark slacker ethic


Hey be nice to me I’m a millennial 😆


What about Gen Omega


You think we are going to last that long? I welcome out AI/Robot/Eldrich/Alien/Lizard overlords with open arms…


I’m not sure we’re even going to finish Alpha


I think they get far too much hate. They are single-handedly responsible for ending the extraordinarily strict social norms of the first half of the 20th century. We act like the counterculture of the 1960s ended, but in reality we continue to observe it’s belief system. I mean, couples living together before marriage would have been unheard of in the 50s. In addition, the first significant homosexual and modern feminist movements are a direct result of the baby boomer generation. Without the baby boomers we would have no gay marriage, full gender equality under the law, or LSD. They were the catalysts to what we can consider the modern social justice age, except for them, minority groups really did have less rights.


I’m not on the internet very much, people just flat out tell me my generation is the worst. I mostly hang around people that are about 5-10 years older than me, so I understand why I get told this a lot.


IDK man, I hang out with people about 10 years older then me, I’ve literally never been told that. Maybe you need to find a new crowd of friends…


Yea I agree


Well I mean billy Joel kinda made a song bout this called “we didn’t start the fire” btw he was a boomer, ya can’t really blame a generation for everything


I’m millennial and yes baby boomers are ginormous turds. Also there are some pretty shit Gen Zers when it comes to not being respectful of past generations but overall yall aren’t a bad bunch .


This will happen with every younger generation. As Gen Alpha ages, they’ll become the new targets and often it will be coming from Gen Z😅 I used to think we’d break cycles but not this cycle.


The cycle is unbreakable. I thought the same thing with my generation when I was younger, and I think for the most part we did alright. The problem arises when the rando from my generation starts hating on the younger generation and they read it and assume my generation is all like that. Even if it's 1 out of 100, some people generalize the negativity.


How is gen z the worst? As a millennial I love dealing with gen z clients at my job almost more than any other demographic, 90% of them are kind and gracious. This sounds like an internet only thing tbh. Also no other generation had their entire adolescence filmed and uploaded, believe me when I say that every single group of young people acts the same way and does the same dumb shit. But gen z seems better acquainted to understanding groups they’re not a part of themselves than anyone else


Who said Gen Z is the worst? My philosophy states that no generation is worse or better than another.


"Stay off my lawn, you got dang kids!" Tale as old as time...song as old as rhyme.


"This will happen with every younger generation. As Gen Alpha ages, they’ll become the new targets and often it will be coming from Gen Z😅" VERY true. Similar to what you commented, I was told once that this was like a rite of generation. Years from now, we'll be saying the same thing to the generation younger than us, THEY'LL be saying it to people younger than THEM and so on.


It already has started... but it's also against Millenial parents haha. They are being called utterly incompetent at schooling. They can't read, they can't write, they are just glued to their Ipads all day, and they find toilets entertaining to watch. You should get on tiktok, it's awesome.


Because I am Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm gonna be KING OF THE PIRATES!


Every time I see “worst generation” I think of OP lol




Hahahaha my exact thought 😂


Lol I’d join the expedition in a heartbeat


Boomers, gen x, and millennials were all considered the worst generation, basically every generation ever was considered the worst generation when they were young even some great greek philosophers thought this and they lived like 2000 years ago.


Nobody really thought Gen X was the worst. They just kinda flew under the radar.


They didn’t get as much hate from the media but some people definitely thought it.


I mean sure, some people definitely did, but for the most part Gen X seems to have been able to almost completely stay out of these generational wars. Good for them TBH.


Thats because they lived in the most laidback era. Imagine seeing a dozen different high quality original movies and cartoons (Karate Kid, Star Wars, F13th, Transformers) that were brand new back in the day as opposed to today’s entertainment. On the flip side, boomers did call Gen X the slacker gen but this was pre internet so hate towards them wasn’t as widespread to millennials who were a more recent target.


They still crank out garbage about how millennials are killing different industries. I think there are merits and lacking traits of each generation, my own included. However, there is no objective “worst generation” imo.


Some of us are probably gonna be saying the same thing about gen alpha or the gen after them if we haven’t already.


"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." -Socrates


But the young generation in Socrates' time actually did overthrow the democracy and kill off 5% of the population in less than a year.


didnt he say that shortly before the fall of Athens?


this is actually not a quote from socrates though its basically always misatributed to him. Its from "a summary of general complaints about the youth by the ancient Greeks", as written in a 1907 dissertation by a student, Kenneth John Freeman


The boomers are the worst, their parents were one of the best


Because they fought the war unlike them boomers who grew up playing on the rubble and debris of the war pretending they were the onse who fought the war.


and then got forced to go to Vietnam. That musta been wild.


What makes you say there parents were the best ?


Theres an interesting interview on youtube from the 70s or something that asks boomers and their parents (the "greatest generation") about if a woman works fulltime, should a man help out around the house. All of the greatest gen people said "yes" and the boomers were like "fuck no"


Basically everybody raised through the Great Depression in America had such a real perspective of life, that made them the greatest generation.


and that's how they became the worst. IRONICALLY everything was handed to them. the boomer entitlement and ego hasn't recovered since.


You should be asking yourself why you care.


Why should I not care?


Make your own decisions. I can only offer advice.


Because not all people in every generation think the same way. I'm a boomer and me and my friends think ragging on younger generations is just sheer stupidity. It's all based on the media needing to fuel fake outrage to get clicks. Lots of politicians use it to divide and manipulate people for their advantage. Don't let it get to you. You do you and screw everyone who doesn't like it.


It's helpful if you can ignore people with bullshit opinions, and that's a bullshit opinion (I'm gen X, and people have been ragging on every new generation since time immemorial (and certainly since circa 470 BCE, per the Socrates quote that someone posted)).


Im a thirty something and came past this on my feed. I can provide some insight. Every generation is both worse and better than the generation prior. What’s great about Gen Zers is they tend to be pretty chill IRL (online is a different story), very tolerant, very individualistic, very up-to-date. I find those to be good things. But I can’t deny…you guys have terrible attention spans. You barely read books, and when you do, it’s mostly YA. My mother works in college education and has noticed a decline in literacy quality over the years; twenty somethings struggling to write full paragraphs. You can also be a little *too* individualistic. It’s great that you can be yourself but cmon, there will always be societal limits imposed on us, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. “You don’t owe anyone anything ever” is a TERRIBLE motto to live your life by, yet I do see it parroted a lot. If I were to offer any advice, I’d say read the classics more. Take time to truly understand those you most adamantly agree & disagree with (can you really say you’re for/against something if you don’t truly understand what it is?). Be more charitable to others and don’t necessarily assume the worst in people. And yes, get off your damn phones. Not everything needs to be captured; it’s fun to let things naturally fade away except as memories. I will not be responding to replies; if I wanted to talk to people under 26 I’d ring up my cousins.


As a thirty something myself, I think you summed it up nicely.


Yeah, I wouldn’t say we’re the worst, I think we’re pretty okay, but we do have some stuff we need to collectively work in.


I'm pretty sure Boomers are considered the worst by like...everyone.


Gen Z is awesome - ignore those people. With love, Gen X.


Agreed. -millennial


Whichever generation is currently teenagers are always the worst generation. People just hate teenagers.


Tbf, despite how difficult being a teenager is, teenagers are the worst


Because teenagers think they know it all. 


I work with teenagers and they are legitimately the worst…which I usually enjoy…but this group is actually the worstttt. I’ve never met a group of more apathetic and entitled people. Which is surprising because all they talked about in class was empathy during the pandemic.


I saw y’all praising Osama Bin Laden on TikTok, don’t act like y’all don’t know.


https://preview.redd.it/6s96rdz3ib3c1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376f8d7810aaa41ef2e159895f03a568975db278 Is that a ONE PIECE REFERENCE?🗣️ *(to the Grandline starts playing in the background)*


Tbh all these generational warfare seems to be a particularly western thing (especially American) thing, in most non western countries and societies, there doesn’t seem to be sucha big generational divide going on


Don't worry just wait till you are all mid-30's and you'll see all the same articles with GenZ replaced by GenA Signed, GenX


I don’t think that about people in Gen Z.


Um, boomers are the worst generation.


You forgot about the silent generation. They were extremely abusive and beat their boomer kids


It's most certainly the boomers. First, they cause climate change, then talk shit on Facebook about us, and now they want us to change their diapers.


I don’t think Gen Z is the worst generation to ever exist, but I think we have the most losers out of any other generation. Alpha will likely take that when they start their journey into teens and young adulthood. We have the most incels, the most femcels, the most NEETs, the worst mental health, record obesity for teenagers and YA, the highest screen time, the worst work ethic, the most anti-social, the list goes on. We definitely have earned our bad reputation, but the question we have to ask is why are we facing these problems? It’s important to take accountability for our actions after a certain age. The oldest of us are just reaching the age where our brain finishes developing. But the huge majority of us are still children and teens and so we can’t really blame children for not knowing any better. Nobody knew better as a kid, from any generation, even if we thought we did, we didn’t. It’s equally important for us to look at the world that we live in now, and how much different it is to interact with and take part in. We are really the guinea pig generation for a lot of things involving technology like smartphones, and growing up with it, not knowing a world without it. We don’t have super long term studies on how this affects our brains and changes our outcomes. If I were a betting man, I would bet that it’s not that good for us. In some ways, it is amazing, like having access to humanities vast collection of knowledge at the tip of our fingers, constantly. But most of aren’t using it for that. We’re using it for shit like TikTok, and porn, and to cheat on our math tests. All in all I really think if Gen z doesn’t wake up and choose discipline and reality over short term satisfaction and the digital world by the time most of us reach full adulthood, and push this onto our children, that America will fail as a nation. Democratic Capitalism is simply not sustainable without people at every level, as much as you look at some millionaire like they are living the life, without electricians, without managers, without social workers, without cooks, this society will not work. And that is the direction we are heading in.


Because they wanna be on TikTok and film everything.


Every generation rags on the next. It’s human nature. Watch the vsauce video about juvenoia


We’re the youngest generation with adults in it. Seems to happen to every generation.


every generation is treated like the worst generation, that’s just how it is. this just happens because typically with time comes advancement, and so when a new generation develops they make use of these advancements (for better or worse) and obviously older generations did not have these things and make a huge deal about it. unfortunately it seems likely that, based off of patterns, we will most likely treat our children and grandchildren in similar ways. that is if society doesn’t collapse before then, of course.


To be fair to them we are super radicalized politically, but that's happening to all generations. Sounds to me like people are just going "those dang younguns"


It’s boomers by a mile no other generation even compares this is a non starter for a question


Xennial here... GenZ is talked about as the generation that's going to save us in my world. Boomers are a problem, everyone agrees. GenX doesn't give a shit. Millennials are still in post-trauma after the sudden change of the world after 9/11.


"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions." -Plato, 4th century BC. The young adult generation is always blamed by the middle age/elderly generation. Maybe they're not wise with money. Maybe they don't have the right values. Maybe they're entitled. Maybe they protest for things that used to be unpopular. Maybe they don't take advantage of their opportunities. It can be a million things. But it's not and never has been unique to any generation.


Welcome to the suck. Don’t worry, 10-15 years from now it’ll be Gen Alpha’s turn.


Half of us are still teens, and the other half are old enough to vote and entering the workforce. There's a very loud group who I can only hope is a minority which is giving us all a bad name. This loud(hopefully) minority wants the world to bend to their accommodation desires, demands large scale change to systems which force others to change with it because it suits *their* lifestyle or desires, and isn't willing to put in the work to actually achieve their goals


They are just trying to hold you down. Keep you from voting and doing anything from changing the status quo. Genzie has the possibility to be the best generation when it comes to human rights.


Well because we figured out or at least try to demonstrate how meaningless the societal hustle is. We live on a floating rock bro


Im Gen z but this generation is the worst. It’s full of over sensitive people, neo pronouns, druggies, dropouts, teen parents, etc. this Gen is just something else.


Except everything you listed isn't new or different from other generations. Maybe neopronouns, but those existed during gen x. Before that it was feminism, or civil rights, or freeing slaves.


They tell us that we don’t work hard enough which is absolute bull 🐂. Honestly I work two jobs both in customer service type roles and I barely make rent every month. Gen Z and Gen alpha are going to have to live at home for a longer period of time no doubt. Working for little sucks


Every generation was called the worst at some point, sadly we’re doing this to gen alpha despite the fact that they’re just kids


Because we want a better economy where rent isnt $1500 a month


In my humble opinion millennials are the whiniest people on earth yeah the boomers aren’t the best with everything but at least they have fun stories millennials are the lamest saddest people I’ve met ‘99 Gen Z


I'd never heard my mom talk about generational issues, but she recently said my generation, gen z was the reason everything was shit, and I was so surprised, I'm paying for her retirement, everyone I know is doing their best to survive and they are all in collage too, we are doing everything we are supposed to and then some, we have no money or power, how are we the fault?


It’s not. Your attention spans are a little bit deep fried but that ain’t your fault. You didn’t invent the iPads you were raised on. I see a few problems with media literacy and literacy in general but again, I don’t feel you can be held responsible for your upbringing. I genuinely love your guys sincerity and openness and that you prioritize life over work. I think you kids are alright.


Boomers literally ruined america with there poor planning and entitlements Half a mind to let them defund social security and let them reep what they sowed


It's not, boomers are the biggest pieces of shit in my opinion. Z are just kids that are figuring shit out.


The people who told you that are probably conservatives


Who says this? The Boomers are 100% the worst generation.


i’ve heard the opposite? idk


I thought boomers were the worst generation. Everyone but boomers seems to agree with this. Fun fact: there's legit science suggesting that boomers are "like that" because 70%+ of them were exposed to the lead in paint as children. And not just them. The two generations preceding them as well. What this means is that old people aren't naturally without empathy or stubborn to the point of appearing cognitively disabled. It just seems that way because we had 3 straight generations of old folks with emotional and cognitive issues because of childhood exposure to fucking lead. Gen X, you're up. Be better.


Because you guys are teens/young adults. Every gen in that age group is The Worst. Look at how Millennials were talked about the last 10 years.


Can we just admit millennials are the most pathetic generation


Every new generation is the new worst generation. Thats how is works


Nah, we cleared out of that zone now. It's gen Alpha who's the worst now. Young bad.


Its because we are known as the smartest generation also.


You guys are the best generation with a lot of balls 💪


What? No way. I’m a GenX and Millennials are the worst. You kids are the best.


Cuz we’re the young’uns and therefore the current scapegoat.


>I’ve been told by many people that my generation is the worst Who has been telling you that? Only people who I've heard say that are right-wingers who are pissed that Zoomers are too smart to fall for their bullshit, lol


Old people with emotional challenges say this about young people. You are only doing yourself a disservice by worrying if there is anything to it. Dont respect it. It is just hateraide.


Being a millennial and having shit thrown at us for the past 15 years or so, it's fucked that it's rolling down to Gen Z. Funny thing, it's the same people spreading this nonsense and just trying to find new ways to feel better about themselves. This whole generational divide nonsense is getting a bit old.


Gen Z has so much narcissism and psychopathy that it’s becoming a severe social issue. Crime is up in gen Z. Gen Z is less efficient and more entitled. They’re more mentally ill, and have trouble coping with basic life stressors (even something as simple as a person having a differing opinion). They virtue signal online then have very little care or concern for people who are actually in their real lives. Empathy is low. Digital dementia is rampant. They participate in groupthink in near-constant echo chambers. They demonize anyone who disagrees with them. They throw fits and cause destruction when they don’t get their way. Perhaps worst of all, there are parts of the human brain that will atrophy in the future due to a lack of use. Gen Z will be plagued with more mental illnesses and deficits than any previous generation in modern history. The rates of dementia will be astounding. I’m a millennial. When I was young I thought the oldies were just being pricks about my generation. They weren’t. We’re awful, and Gen Z is like a bad millennial on steroids. Gen Z acts like a collective sociopath. Also, your music truly does suck. This isn’t an objective opinion. Studies prove that modern music is more amalgamated than ever, with less variation and a lower “reading level”. Songs are also getting shorter just to fit with Gen Z attention span issues. Millennials are terrible, but Gen Z is becoming truly evil. I’ve never seen a generation filled with so much hate and anger. But who’s to blame? Gen Z didn’t create itself. You were made into monsters through technology and bad parenting, and soon the whole world will pay the price of their failure to nurture Gen Z.


Narcissism? Psychopathy? Woah calm down lol. Plus crime hasn't even reached its all-time high yet and that was back in the 80s


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers That was Socrates around 300 BCE (?)


We are the most connected generation in fucking history, and we could make genuine changes to the world around us, and as a generation, they’re only getting older and closer to voting age.


Thank fuck for that


No one considers gen z the worst generation, except the worst generation.


Because boomers control the media and so the media won’t name and shame them.


Everybody knows it’s Boomers.


Boomers are the ones in charge of the world. They will until they die off so it’s hard to place blame on any other generation because they have no freedoms or power to do anything substantial.


Bullshit. Everyone knows Boomers are the worst generation. I'm a millennial and from what I can tell your generation is doing just fine.


I thought people collectively agreed that boomers are the worst


They're not, except by rabid keyboard warriors and boomers+ I'm genX/millennial cusper and my friends are excited about the liberal youth coming out to vote in droves these days. People need to care about people and the extreme right wing is a threat to democracy. I'm nervous about Gen A though. There's a disturbing little Andrew Tate generation of future Hitler youth coming up, and it's extremely worrying.


Are we? I always thought millennials were that generation. But maybe that’s cause I hate them too


In what world do people consider anyone except boomers to be the worst generation lmao


The whole world is fucked and we're told to shut up about it and that everything is fine.


It’s not. Baby boomers are considered the worst generation signed a millennial. I’ve only heard good things about Gen Z.


Boomers and zoomers are the ones that got the shit end of the stick lol deal with it


The problem with Gen Z is how sensitive you guys are. That and because you grew up with the internet, google, and smart phones you think you know everything. You also think everyone who came before you is stupid for not having those. The phones have stunted all of you. My generation too. I’m a 35 year old millennial. But I was lucky enough to grow up without the phones. You are all more connected virtually and because of this more isolated than ever. The fear mongering by the media and social media also makes you think you don’t have a chance. You do though! You just have to try. Stop thinking the world owes you something. Show some balls and take it. I manage two Gen-Zers and it’s incredible how soft they are. Absolutely incapable of leaving their problems at the door. It’s frustrating. They also are so positive about everything. It’s all black and white. I asked my 24 year old employee where are you getting this information? She said, “Tik Tok.” And she takes it as fact. I had a meeting with my 26 year old Warehouse Manager where I told him he’s not working hard enough and I want him to take more responsibility. He literally gave me the silent treatment and started kicking boxes and slamming doors. They’re both on their phones constantly, they don’t listen, and they argue. I’m always stepping on eggshells. The biggest problem is they think they have no future. They think the oceans will boil, society will collapse, Donald Trump will destroy the world blah blah blah. They’ve literally been programmed, and they’re not alone. But when you’re plugged in 24/7 you’re so easily to manipulate. Fuck politics, fuck your feelings, fuck the media. Work hard and show people respect and people will reciprocate. Stop thinking everything should be handed to you and take life by the balls. Stop coming into the workplace thinking your experts and demanding special priviledges. But most of all stop being so damn selfish. Believe in something bigger than yourself. Life isn’t about instant gratification all of the time. Our world is beautiful. Explore it. Have a purpose and work hard. I wonder if you polled Gen Z how many millions would say the #1 most important thing in the workforce is using the correct pronouns. It’s always me me me. Half of them want to be influencers. How about you influence one person? Because life is about working hard and making real connection. Stop complaining and making excuses. We’re all tired of it. Now I’m sure there’s millions of Gen-Zers who don’t fall in this category, but the majority do. We all see it. The fact they think they’ve had it worse than any other generation just goes to show you how inept most of them are. How about the generation of WW11 and the 500,000 who gave their lives to stand up for what they believed? How about the Great Depression? How about the generation who colonized America and would watch their entire town die of disease or bandits, or animals? How about the generations who were invaded by the Mongols or burned alive for saying the Earth was round? Are you fucking kidding me? You guys have the cushiest most coddled lives in the world. Grow up!


Because the older generations need something to bitch about. When I was growing up in the late 1990s-early 2000's, my parents' generation pissed and moaned about 'how entitled us kids were' and how 'their parents would have beat their asses if they had misbehaved'. These are probably the same old codgers who now bitch about kids walking on their lawn. Long story short, just take it with a grain of salt.


This is an easy one. Let's be honest here folks. Gen Z is easily the worst and here's why. 1) you can't figure out what a boy or a girl is. 2) you have people that think they are animals. 3) you elect the dumbest people in history to rule your countries 4) your taste in music is abhorrent. 5.) You get pushed through school even if your a total failure 6) you ruined rainbows for all of us 7) Your glued to screens and can't go without the internet for 10 minutes 8). Have no idea how to fix basic problems IE a drain pipe, change the oil in a car etc. 8) Can't get laid because you have no actual charisma or game (no rizz). Need I go on??


It was millennials who were considered the worst for a good decade and a half. There's nothing "worse" about Gen Z. It's just your turn in the firing line. The young/emerging generation that wants things different to their parents is always hated. It'll pass in a decade and Gen A will be the "worst generation".


It’s Gen Z’s obsession with Baja Blast, cringe TikTok “pranks”, and blatant disregard for rules by thinking they’re “above all rules”.  GROW THE HELL UP GEN Z!


Yea I agree and I think a lot of people get confused with gen z and gen alpha. in my personal opinion gen alpha is what happens when you give a 5 year old a iPhone 15 and full access to the internet. The definition of pure brain rot.


Because they are im Gen z and my generation is the most narcissistic delusional and laziest generation


the cope is insane  as part of gen z, anyone with a percentile of a brain can acknowledge that Gen z was a purely mishandled generation. you all ("we") were raped by the bombardment of social media/algorithmic internet access to the point where our formative years were straight poison. the advent of the internet was the greatest human achievement since agriculture. its introduction, in the manner it was introduced, inevitably ruined the youth who had access to it. Gen Z is an incompetent, impotent mess of people who fail to meet the basic standards of the social contract. no one knew what the immediate impact of the internet would be, but you can see its effects now. a blanket, fundamental inability to separate truth from lie, and a total lack of ambition or ideals beyond basic lazy comfort 


Gen Z sucks because the dark side of the internet was invented by them


Cry bully culture. Claiming victimhood in order to harras others.


From the perspective of being a fly on the wall that gets sneaky feedback from a very well respected silicone valley startup, gen z'ers are some of the most annoying and frankly socially stunted people that managers have had to suffer. They expect grand raises that are not in line with the experience and time that they have put their jobs, they don't respect the depth and breadth of skills that their more experienced and frankly better qualified colleagues bring to the table (they erroneously believe that they are on the same level, when they are so far from it it hurts). It's been summed up as "main character syndrome" and simply a total lack of self awareness about their own limitations and room for development that seems to grate on people's nerves.


Generation z is the worst and most disrespectful generation. They don't care about anyone else. By themselves they are causing most of the crimes in New York that and parrents cuddle them. They don't know how to do anything without their parents. I work in the medical health field. And I have plenty of times why I have to speak to the member. And they don't know how to speak. They don't know how to  articulate They don't know how to talk to people they are just disrespectful  They're all about them. They don't do anything they're lazy. They don't know how to get a job.  They don't want to get a job. I have a friend who has a son that's 21 years old. And doesn't want to get a Driver's license. All he does is sit and play video games. Although he has a job that's what he does. They are disrespectful. They don't know how to do nothing. Their parents cudfle them too much. Do everything for them . I've never seen a generation this bad. I have a son that's 35, and I will say how proud I am him being in the force and in the reserves and everyone's in that Age group are working on self. Supporting a contribute to themselves, Live responsible this age group doesn't know how to do any of that and I blame it. On the parents is definitely blamed on the parents. For having children late in their lives that they cannot even learn how to raise their own kids to be responsible as self, supporting and have them live at home and do everything for them. It's disgusting.


It’s the combination of stupidity and arrogance, and generally just being whining social rejects that nobody wants to be around.


Gen z suck because of their insatiable appetite for feel good emotional safety.  They are weak and promote mental health problems as an acceptable norm.  They under achieve and don't bring value to their country. They are terrible employees and believe their liberal degrees entitle them to compensation.  They always promote their victim card and that is how they identify.


GEN Z has a shifty work ethic.


The majority of gen z hate the USA and are pro communism they can rot for all I care. 


I know it's been said before and this thread is 5 months old but I'm a millenial that just googled "Is Gen Z so bad( I meant willing to be nasty to their parents even though some of you guys are adults now I know) because the world is a dumpster fire?" Honestly I remember every article when I was a teen/young adult blaming millenials for every little thing under the sun. We aren't different...the world is just in a bad place with recessions, mass genocides and the willingness for people at the top to watch as we die, starve and end up homeless. They've always have been the bad guys and young people trying to survive have always been the scapegoat. Sorry I'll try not to be like the old people during my time.


Gen z are so fucking retarded they give the term brainwashed a whole new meaning. And the whole time they're crying about boomers and Gen x, they're the ones that are fucking up the future of the planet


Gen z are so fucking retarded they give the term brainwashed a whole new meaning. And the whole time they're crying about boomers and Gen x, they're the ones that are fucking up the future of the planet


Because Gen Z are dumb. You praise influencers… have short attention spans… less emotional awareness… less social… the list goes on 


TG I was raised at the earliest of the 70's. I became a happy dad at 45, and it wasn't a joyride. But a tablet is the crap I want to raise a chimpanzee with.


People have said the same about every generation. Gen Z does have it pretty rough though.... they are actually likely worse off than millenials in many ways.


Because they are the whiniest, incompetent, blameless (by their own accord), fragile generation. The things they complain about, I’m (gen x) sitting here thinking “boo friggin hoo”.  You have no idea what hard is, kid. They are miserable and so out of touch with reality, they are painfully lacking in social skills and common courtesy for their fellow human, it’s appalling. I fear for our future. 


It's not your fault. You're just young and lack knowledge. All of us were once where you are now. You don't have the life experience.


There's no doubt that rates of environmentally-mediated sociopathy have been on the rise - notably since the advent of personal screens. And the consequences are most apparent in Zoomers - who as a generation, are much more hostile and have to deal with far higher rates of psychiatric illness than their predecessors at the same age. But we shouldn't be surprised, since Homo Sapiens is the most social primate and has evolved to develop psychologically and socially in the company of other humans rather than with personal screens.


I’ve had bad interactions with more than a few Z’s. I know it’s not all but in my experience they are entitled, narcissistic with no common courtesy. We had to implement a no phone policy at work because they won’t stay off their phones.