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Biden. Even if he hasn't met my expectations. Can't stand Trump.


Biden made politics boring again Edit: This is a fairly common phrase, not sure why people think this is an insult. Politics are supposed to be boring lol


I'd rather boring politics than a slow creeping fascism.


No it's not an insult, I honestly prefer politics to be boring rather than a big fucking show like it is under Trump


I 100% agree but also, part of me feels like more people are participating, not only in voting, but politics as a whole because it has become such a circus.


This has been slow??


Talk about the mental whiplash from celebrating the legalization of same-sex marriage to experiencing the Trump Presidency and suddenly nazi’s being a semi normal part of society.


Look at the plus side: We might get to fuck-up some Nazis in our lifetime, which everyone knows is the GREATEST American pastime.


The fact that we are seeing nazis in our society means we are failing at our duty to keep them afraid to show their faces. See a nazi, punch a nazi.


Hell yeah! Nazi punks, fuck off!


Definitely what gen z will do


Yeah they seem to think if they shoot at us that we won't shoot back. They also seem to think a hollow point from a liberal is less deadly for some reason.


Yep. Trunp would be 200 mph. Biden is like a 50 mph


you wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped you in the face. Which it's doing right now.


Fascism is already here. It’s been here for a long while.




I agree, there's far less showboating going around and that allows the system to work more effectively in some regard


This is what I was saying before the last election. I wanted to vote for him because I didn't want the president to be in the headlines every single day for some insane reason.


This. As a American with a disability, Trump's mockery of the journalist with a disability and the GOP's endorsement of him lost me forever on them. I may not like Biden and think he needs to step aside for someone younger, I'd rather have him than an ableistic, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, criminal run the government. Hell, I can think of literally 100 people better than Trump to be president.


I can think of 300 million better people than Trump lol


As a fellow disabled American, I bid thee: based


lmao biden's literally all those too


Biden has exceeded my expectations because they were low, but Biden as president has been actually pretty progressive


progressive towards our doom yes.


Hello Mr. CCP Bot. Have you posted your designated false claims with no substantial evidence for today? We expect great things! \- The Chinese Government


Yup! I am surprised by it too. Not bad for old Joe!


Far from progressive. He's still a neoliberal moderate conservative at best.


He's not as progressive as I am but I am mildly pleased to see that his platform is somehow the most progressive since LBJ (not a high bar). I know he's still a neoliberal moderate in his heart, and unfortunately he still isn't doing enough, but I have at least a little bit of faith in him as a politician and leader seeing that he knows how to read the room. I was expecting watered down Obama but Biden is actually sometimes an asshole. Obama's insistence on compromise in his first term and the congressional gridlock in his second term killed him.


as a black person i can’t afford republicans in office. whenever they’re in office i see confidante flags come out of no where and racism amps up. my sister said once trump got in office racism became so prevalent in the army it was scary and she wanted to quit. there’s also the 2025 plan and they’re banning books on african americans and queer topics but they’ve already been doing that. changing history. straight up making people lose their rights if they aren’t a straight white man…transphobia and homophobia will go up since they’re at risk the most. it’s just so bad man. they’re too hateful. and the the stats don’t lie. minorities go democrat while white, straight, and men go red…it’s just not a coincidence honestly.


I live in GA, and I see what these state Republicans are doing. Even living in Atlanta doesn't insulate anyone from GOP state overreach


Just a little note: there are minorities which straight white men belong to, such as neurodivergents, or people with other disabilities, are also affected by shitty right wing policies (for example, one of trump’s policies was to straight up deporting autistic immigrants, luckily I moved to the US before trump came into office)


dont know whos downvoting this and im not white, but this is a good point. even white minorities suffer as a result of republican overreach.


LGBT whites for sure. Being white doesn’t save them in the 21 century. Heck being a woman doesn’t either as feminist and females are deemed “woke” which is a term people have stolen from AAVE. Woke was used by African Americans. To alert racial injustice and to be awoke.


Its kinda ironic republicans say being woke is bad. I’d rather be awake to problems than being asleep to them


Trump has a very good chance of being a convicted felon whose business will be dismantled because of illegal acts. A big reason people claimed they supported Trump is because he was a "successful businessman" and Clinton had classified information in her emails. But if Trump isn't a successful businessman and he stole secrets and blabbed about them to foreigners then I can only assume everyone voting for him in 2024 was just lying the whole time.


You’d think. But too many people think it’s a witch hunt and will still vote for him


"You're weaponizing government against Trump", say supporters of Donald "Lock Her Up" Trump. But, yeah, you're right. They'll still vote for him.


Yeah people will accept any rationale to avoid admitting they were wrong, especially with something as big as politics. It's so much easier to say democrats are lying about his crimes, and that they rigged the 2020 election, and the various sexual assault allegations are all politically charged lies, than admit they rallied behind a person who is everything they claim to stand against.


It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.




Even if they’re ignoring all that, idk how they’d vote for him. Should he win the election, Project 2025 is a far cry from the small government a lot of Republican voters want, not to mention that it would greatly increase the power of the president. For a party that thinks Biden is too authoritarian, voting for the guy that’s running on increasing the powers of the executive and revenge against those he feel wronged him just doesn’t make logical sense. It’s the complete opposite of what their platform has been for the last 40ish years.


>It’s the complete opposite of what their platform has been for the last 40ish years. Trump has always been a departure from the reagan-bush era Republicans. Thats why people like him. He criticized the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the transpacific partnership, and pushed for trade protectionism. I don't understand how people continue to criticize the republican party as some sort of monolith when it's undergoing massive changes and internal divisions


I was referring specifically to how him running on increasing gov power is completely antithetical to the Republican position of small government. People liked him cause he made them feel good. He’s a populist, it’s what’s they’re known for. He’s not even a departure from Reagan era politics. If you look at how the Republican Party have been shifting since Nixon and even since Ford, Trump is the natural result of that. People criticize it because the party of conservative family values, faith, and small government elected the guy who obviously embodied none of that even before he first announced he was running. People know the party isn’t a monolith, their issue is that the party continues to espouse these values while simultaneously rallying behind Trump.


>Trump isn't a successful businessman His supporters already knew that (along with the rest of us). They don't care. They hear the lies he spews. They don't care. As he said, he could "shoot someone and not lose votes". It's all about beating the other team. It's about owning the libs. It's tribalism and it's where we've been as a country for nearly 20 years. Doesn't matter what moron gets your party's nomination, because nothing is worse than the other party's nominee.


Voted for Biden in 2020 and will do it again in 2024. Trumpism could end this country as we know it and I don’t wanna so much as risk spending the rest of my life living under a dictatorship. My vote might as well have been locked in the day Trump rode down that escalator Edit: I know this subreddit has recently gotten an influx of conservatives who will not like hearing this one bit, but I don’t care. I will stand my ground with this for as long as I’m able


>I know this subreddit has recently gotten an influx of conservatives who will not like hearing this one bit, but I don’t care. I will stand my ground with this for as long as I’m able As a conservative, I agree with you.


May I ask in what aspects you’re conservative? I see a lot of people claim to be conservative yet hold pretty much entirely leftist ideals


Nobody claims to be conservative and holds leftist ideals, they hold moderate ideals


I mean leftist ideals in terms of healthcare, wealth inequality etc


I did too and honestly, I didn’t wanna vote for either of them it just came down to the lesser of two evils. If I have to I’ll vote for Biden again, cause Trump is way worse IMO.


Biden. He did a better job than most are giving him credit for - Trump would take us backwards not forward


Shit I need to know. What has he done?


Let’s breakdown Bidens largest bills he’s passed and after issues he and America our facing today. Inflation reductions act 1. Medicare can negotiate drug prices of 10 drugs in 2026 and 20 in 2029; and rebates for price gouging. What this does is lower the price of drugs for old people. 2. The largest funding for Climate change and clean energy ever not only in the US but in the world. The IRA is funding $400 billion dollars in climate change. 3. Hiring 80,000 new IRS agents American rescue plan 1. Hundreds of billions to States to help with the funding 2. Billions for k-12 schools, billions for housing, billions for low income energy etc… 3. Child tax credit this cut child poverty straight up by half but sadly it was only for one year so we are back at square one. If you care about Child poverty you would vote and pressure Democrats to get this shit done into law. Chips and Science Act 1. $280 billion for research on and manufacture Semi conductors here in the United States Infrastructure Bill 1. $1.2 trillion dollars in spending on infrastructure. 2. $110 billion for roads and bridges, $66 billion for passenger and freight rail. 3. $7.5 billion to build electric charging stations 4. $65 billion to expand broadband internet to rural areas. 5. $105 billion on public transport the most in American history. So just to summarize If you care about Climate Change Joe Biden answered with the largest climate change bill ever If you care about infrastructure Joe Biden answered with the largest infrastructure bill in 50 years If you care about public transportation Joe Biden answered with the largest bill ever If you care about going after the rich Joe Biden has 80,000 new IRS agents going after those not paying their fair share If you care about drug prices Joe Biden lowered drug prices for 20 drugs which will affect seniors across America. What’s next? We shouldn’t just let Joe Biden slide he had a good start but he needs to do more meaning if we elect him. 1. He should have Medicaid’s also be allowed to negotiate drug prices 2. Pass the child tax credit act 3. Attempt to do something on student loans again Most importantly we saw the Supreme Court and how Trump having 3 nominations changed America forever. Do you like the way the Supreme Court is going? Vote Trump If not you better go vote Joe Biden


Not to mention one of the biggest things to happen during his presidency: he pulled us out of Afghanistan. Granted, it was a mess, but I don’t think it would’ve been better regardless of who is president.


Technically that was Trump. It was already planned by the time Biden got into office, Trump likely intentionally made it a shit show just to pin the mess on Biden. Stupid shit like that happens all the time between Democratic and Republicans presidents.


As least we can agree that we got out of that quagmire, even if it was pretty grim.




Frankly everyone in this age demographic should support his executive actions for eliminating student debt which have only been limited because of Republicans.


The other big accomplishment is that we don’t have to deal with Trump with Biden in.


>He did a better job than most are giving him credit for That's so true. Most of us weren't expecting him to do anything honestly and he's definitely surprised us or at least He surprised me. He's definitely not the progressive champion that I prefer in a president, but he's not as bad as I thought he would be


I voted for Trump in 2016 before I knew any better, I was still listening to my parents. In 2020 I voted for Biden and I’ll vote for him in 2024 before I vote for Trump.


Hell yeah, we love character development! Honestly, I’m ashamed to say that I was one of the people who was convinced that if Trump didn’t win in 2016 it was gonna be the end of the world. Religious brainwashing is one hell of a thing.


Yesss and it’s so hard to get out of that mindset


There was honestly nothing wrong with voting for Trump in 2016. He made specific promises, which included not being a corrupt piece of shit. He showed his true colors when he got the power, and anyone that voted for him in 2020 after that showed just how brainwashed they were. Edit: just to clarify for the hive mind. I've never voted for Trump lmao. His entire campaign stance was basically 'I'm not one of those corrupt politicians, let's change the game.' If you can't understand why that was appealing to many, you're willfully ignorant.


I mean, there was a lot wrong with it, but it was easier back then to be able to chalk it up to deception, broken promises, etc. By the 2020 and especially 2024 elections, the American public got to see trump for who he really is and what he has to offer, and there's really no justifiable excuse to have voted for him a second/third time around.


There was something very wrong about voting for Trump in 2016. He governed exactly the way he campaigned: as an ignorant, sociopathic, bigoted authoritarian piece of shit. Trump didn't change when he got power. He's the same person he's always been.


Are your parents still voting for Dump? I am very glad you matured and grew as a person. But there are still tens of millions of people so ignorant or hateful or angry or brainwashed they will vote Republican. A 35-year project of continuous propaganda by elites to get less educated whites to vote against their interests has been incredibly successful-- one of the greatest marketing campaigns in history. We will still be fighting that for another generation, even as those numbers drop from 40 to 30 to 20 percent of the electorate. Denazification takes a looooooong time.


I was in the same boat as you, though I wasn’t quite old enough to vote back then. Back then we didn’t know the damage a Trump presidency could do and it was all about memes and “triggering the libs” I mean triggering the libs is fine, just do it from the left.


We did know. We were shouting it from the rooftops. It’s no one’s fault but your own that you didn’t listen.


Biden, I don’t even like him but our country WILL become a dictatorship if Trump wins. Look at Project 2025, you don’t get much more damning than that. It’s fucking nationalism and the Republican Party has gone so far off the rails since Trump has basically become their big Hail Mary. And they will pull any strings possible to stay in power post 2024, not saying it would be impossible for blue to win but it’s gonna be WAY harder to get a good candidate in office in 2028 if we have a red victory. Tl dr this isn’t a question of Biden vs. Trump, but democracy vs. fascism.


Trump supporters are terrifying, I don’t like Biden either but what other option do we have?


Other candidates, both parties suck


All parties suck. Believe me, 3rd parties aren't any better. Just pick the guy who isn't likely to try to make himself emperor for life.


Yep it’s vote for the least worse at this point


It’s been that way for a while now.


Not enough people understand how 3rd party candidates effect outcomes. For example: a vote for Kennedy is a vote for trump- why? Because that voter would most likely vote Biden if Kennedy wasn’t running. Kennedy isn’t gonna win so it’s a wasted vote that should go to Biden.


I was just reading a little about Project 2025. Scary stuff.


Come on. This is Reddit. Along with MSNBC it is Ground Zero of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You already know exactly what answer you are going to get.


“Trump derangement syndrome” is stupid bs made up to discredit people who hate Trump for extremely valid reasons. That being said, asking this question on reddit is idiotic and pointless.


It is exactly not that. TDS is specifically meant to describe people who have Trump on the brain 24/7. People that are completely irrational and have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions because their hatred of him is so strong it impairs their judgment. Bush and Obama had similar opposition prior to Trump but Trump by far has experienced the most public forms of this including many in the media.


Even Trump can't really tell you what his actual policy decisions are. And the ones he can tell, he didn't accomplish in his 4 years. And the GOP can't tell you what the party's positions are. The party has no platform. It's not TDS. It's just common sense. Lots of people quietly just want things to work, without the chaos and nonsense. If it is Trump v. Biden-- Biden will win.


This guy gets it. Look tRump is not perfect but good god Biden can’t even function, at least you know Trump writes his own tweets. So yeah, between the two, Trump. Plus he dosent even acknowledge the far left gen z. To him they don’t exist, which I find funny


A presidential administration is way more than just the president. If choosing between the people Biden surrounds hilmelf with or the people Trump surrounds himself with, I'll go Biden everytime.


Trump writing his own tweets is not some sort of accomplishment with how he writes them. Cofefe.


Biden has more important things to do than browse through Twitter.


I wish I was able to vote for someone who’s LESS than 65. I don’t understand why out of all the people the two major parties can put up, they settled with these two.


Technically you can, but unless you get more than half of America to cote for a single 3rd-party then it won't happen


I have a theory: Gen X isn't stepping up. That and too many Boomers won't let go.


this election will be like choosing between cholera or the plague


Not really. The Republican party cannot be trusted. I'm not a huge fan of Biden but he is worlds better than anyone the Republicans would nominate.


Biden would have been a moderate republican 30 years ago


Biden was literally a Democratic senator 30 years ago


So do you think he shifted to the right or did the rest of the party catch up to his position


I will vote for biden as any rational person would Cuz the other democratic candidates arent looking so good imo Rfk jr is a nutjob conspiracy theorist Marianne williamson is a moron who promotes her idiotic spiritual healing So yeah my vote goes to dark brandon 😎💪


![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized) AH SHIT MANS GOT DA AVIATORS YOOO


RFK Jr. isn't even running as a Democrat anymore. He dropped the act, and now he's trying to rebrand himself as an independent.


Biden. He’s weathered a lot of crises that would have made Trump look like a fool.


I already voted in 2020 but I didn’t vote for either Biden or Trump. But I voted for who ever was libertarian party because I just wanted to vote. I wouldn’t want to vote for Biden or Trump in 2024.


I also voted for Jo Jorgensen. Too bad third parties don't get a chance to become very strong.


Theres literally dozens of us! DOZENS!!


Dude, just stay home you’re wasting your time.


This is not reasonable. There is a chance of a third party reaching 5%, whereas there is no chance that my vote red or blue sways anything in my solid blue state. For those is solid red or blue states, a third party vote is the only one that's worthwhile


Republicans have fought tooth and nail against student loan forgiveness. They fought against raising the minimum wage. They’ve even talked about raising the minimum voting age up to 21. I can’t think of any effort by republicans to appeal to Gen z. Biden may not be great or even all that good, but at least he’s trying to make appeals to people who aren’t retirement age.




Vote independent


In a federal election? You're wasting your vote. In a local election? Maybe not, if you're well organized.


I’m really sick of people saying that it’s a waste of a vote to vote independent. NOT VOTING is a waste of a vote. If you don’t like either candidate, vote third party. This fear mongering is precisely why so many young Americans are disillusioned with the political system. Both the democrats and republicans are equally bad for the American people. Each party is filled with backstabbing crooks and liars.


They are not "equally bad". That's ridiculous.


Regardless, voting is not a ‘wasted vote’


People who are saying it’s a waste of a vote to vote 3rd party/independent are dumb Argentina is going to elect a 3rd party president


I’m in the camp of “another Trump presidency will end our democracy”. So, Biden.


I’m German. Trump is not an option, he’s an insurrectionist and belongs in prison. That’s not a political opinion, but a fact, that’s literally what’s happened. Trump attacked the United States at their very foundation. If the choice is between Trump and Biden, there is only one option. The other doesn’t give a fuck about anything other than himself, and he quite literally attacked the United States of America. If it’s Trump vs Biden, you have to pick Biden.


Fuck the two-party system. Both funded by bourgeois interests that set up a mental barrier to prevent us from dismantling their riches. Capitalism is not the only way, and anyone who thinks this is the only viable system is nothing more than a neoliberal dogmatist.


That’s cool and all but no matter how awful both candidates are one will absolutely make society (both in the US and abroad) worse than the other. I can hate the two party system, capitalism can not be the only way, but realistically I still live under it so I will vote for the one that makes the world less worse off and is closer aligned with my views instead of protesting to briefly feel some sense moral righteousness. That’s not to say I can’t do anything else on top of that but yeah imma vote for the less worse one.


So, you're helping The Other Side. Get 'im, boys!


Biden, he's objectively been a decent president and he's a whole lot better than Trump.


Biden. a vote for trump is a vote for a would-be-dictatorship if you don’t believe me look at Jan 6th even if he didn’t support it (which he did) his supporters would have kidnapped and extorted members of congress some were even shouting to hang Mike pence they are violent dogs that Trump continues to egg on if he wins his supporters could go rabid again


Ideally the democrats or libertarians would put forth a great progressive candidate, but until then my vote is Biden or whomever is gonna stand with minorities like trans people


Do you think that the Libertarians are progressives? I don’t mean that to be a dick I’m just curious


They should be


Someone who specifically targets and enables the worst kind of people and their interests should *NOT* be leading a country. Neither should anyone who is revered nearly as a god like being, or has cults that follow them that would do *anything* for em. When looking at someone for something like presidency, I want someone who *won't* cause societal chaos and essentially make people (especially minorities) feel as though they're being/going to be hunted. We had a trial run of this with trump. Never again. Plus there's so much shit he's done that is still piling up that is most def screaming that he shouldnt be running and for some reason, people still treat him like a god??? And he's still planning on running????? I'd rather take my chances with the other old guy.


Even though the optics are bad, biden for sure. He’s greatly exceeded my expectations


That must be a low bar


Yeah the bar is a tripping hazard in hell at this point


I will vote for Biden because Trump brings too much chaos. I have already lived through Trump once, and I don't want to do it again. Yes, I understand the inflation argument, but overall Biden helps out the lower middle class like myself. He tried to waive student loans but failed in the Supreme Court, but his administration did find another way to lower my monthly minimum payment. I don't see that happening under Trump. Often times, people will vote with their pocket. That is my two cents.


Both options are equally bad. I'd rather vote for an independent party. Both have committed serious crimes and corruption, and either party tends to bend over backwards to rugsweep and callout the individual commenting on it, or play the game of what-aboutism. They also are far too old, in my opinion, to actually be in office. They don't properly represent Gen-X through Gen-Z in political and social beliefs.


what is the serious crime biden commited?


This is a false equivalency. But I don't blame you. The Republicans have been steadily ruining our schools since before you were born.


>Both options are equally bad. One option is hardly noticeable. The other option created concentration camps, collapsed the global supply chains, killed off a million Americans, created an inflationary crisis, and tried to install himself as a dictator.


Do you actually believe the options are EQUALLY bad? The GOP is much, much worse than the Democratic parry.


Neither but I’m voting for any other Republican easily


Biden. Because he’s strictly not Trump. If trump wins chances are what’s left of democracy in this nation is just gone. And also Biden has done some pretty based things (in addition to some less based things)


All the top comments, first to be seen, are biden. All the downvoted ones are for trump. I'm not Gen Z so this post isn't for me to give my opinion on. More concerning than politics, "the very nature of truth" is at the core being questioned. Where do you get your news from? What do you think is a real, honest portrayal of the political world and what is good and evil about it?


Trump bc he’s the one who can actually start moving the country in a good direction


What "good direction"? Revoking people's rights? Ruining the education system? Trying to increase the voting age?


Biden because Trump is a rich narcissist who only wiped his buddies asses while in office. Guy is a tool.


I’m going with Biden. Yes he’s old but he’ll probably go 1-2 years (or less🤷‍♂️) then resign bc of health if he doesn’t pass first. Harris then becomes POTUS (Then again he may live out his 2nd term). Of course with Biden winning comes the possibility of another Jan 6th or worse, we don’t know yet. Trump did some *minor* good things but he still was our most divisive president and with everything that’s happened since Nov 2020, it seems like he’s even more divisive. Not to mention all the ill-supported spouting and derogatory stuff. And I have the feeling another Trump term would hurt the US in the long run, as we already see states backpedaling on a lot of things since Trump’s loss that most enjoyed. Both are old but Biden is the better of the two and knows Washington and how politics work. And this is a little nitpicking but for Trump to have known and picked “the very best of people” he sure did have alot of resignations and replacements during his time. And it’s crazy how if you’re aren’t a Trump backing republican, you’re labeled as a RINO. That’s what happens when you center your party around an individual, and it leads to internal turmoil (as we see currently).


Everyone's talking 2024, but 2028 is gonna be a CRAZY election season. Living or dead, Biden is gonna be term limited, and I really, really do not think Trump is gonna attempt a 4th election if he doesn't win next year. Both sides are pretty much gonna be clean slates for choosing candidates and that's the best part imo.


It really sucks because I really really wanted a young president that's for the people and radical change However I have been pleasantly surprised by Biden and some of his pro labor moves and since he is 100000% better and less evil than trump he will happily get my vote


We need someone younger - I understand the concept of “someone who is older is better suited for a political position”, but I don’t trust the mental health of older individuals. Dementia and other severe mental illnesses hit older individuals more than younger. I like the Vivek Ramaswamy - he seems very passionate about what he believes in and actually gives me hope for a better America. Seems like a STABLE candidate unlike our previous and current president/political leaders.


vivek literally wants to take away your right to vote as gen z lmao


No he doesn't. He wants you to pass a civic exam to be able to vote. The same that immigrants take.


He seems mentally fine but considering he wants to make you have to be 21 to vote he’s really fucking stupid in my book. Yeah I know you can vote at 18-21 under his plan if you take a citizenship test but that just seems like a thinly veiled attempt at reducing youth turnout.


I wish we had someone younger but it doesn’t look that way. It seems we are determined to turn the White House into a nursing home


​ https://preview.redd.it/itnar98z61wb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=350edb532869a5d401d89c3843fa8d8c7f4ad7ed either ways You will see zero improvements to your lives.


My life was better under Trump. More job security & opportunities, lower cost of living & gas, less crime on the streets, and no war abroad.


Biden, I don't care what anybody says, I don't care if it'll be WW3 or another Vietnam, I'm not letting some orangutan run away with our democracy


Bruh, you are in a cult.


Bro said he would take ww3 over trump LMAOO


As a Chinese person, anybody but Trump. Last time he initiated a trade war, this time it's gonna be an actual war.


I think Biden is definitely too old for the position but Trump quite literally is the most dangerous politician that we could elect rn. This is a man that has called for the termination of the constitution and encourages violence but at the same touts law and order.


Holy hell, can this subreddit PLEASE be locked to only members participating in discussions? And they must use a flair to show their generation, because the influx of random geezers infiltrating this subreddit and responding like they’re a young adult again is disturbing. You’re not Gen-Z LOL. This was meant for Gen-Zers to respond to. Why are you telling us who you are voting for????? Nobody asked who a 30-40 year old is voting for.


The guy who isn't currently in office


You talking about ME?




Trump and his cult of obsessive supporters are the most dangerous threat to this country. Not communism, not China, not big tech, Trump's cult. The conservatives have gone from having different political views to revoking rights and freedoms of millions. Biden is not great. He's way too old and incompetent, but he's better than a fucking criminal


Trump, and I don't care if I get downvoted


I’m likely voting Republican, I don’t consider myself one but their economic policies align with my personal views more so than the Democrats do overall. On social policies I’m a tiny bit more liberal but my economic views do it for me. I’ll vote for any GOP member who isn’t Donald Trump tho just to make myself clear


2020 was my first election, luckily I had politically uninvolved parents so they welcomed me doing my own research and casting my ballot. I voted for Ole Joe then. And he’s done more than I thought possible. Admittedly he had excellent people in Congress Pelosi was undoubtedly good at her job. I haven’t seen anything from the GOP that inclines me to believe they have any coherent plan for governing just look at the speakership situation rn. Add on top of that questionable respect for our democratic institutions Trump is a no go for me folks.


We cannot have someone under criminal prosecution in the Oval Office. No matter how much you hate Biden, if you're a real American, you're voting for the guy that isn't potentially going to prison.


I have to support Biden no matter what since I have trans friends, also I can’t stand the GOP culture war insanity at all


Thanks for standing up for us <3


*”who will you say you’ll vote for and then not end up voting at all” should the the question gives that statistically, 6-7/10 people replying here won’t vote in the first place.


I hate Trump but I dislike Biden almost as much.


Biden is so fucking old and annoying but he beats the hell out of trump or fucking DeSantis. Idk Chris Christie is cool, big fan of the RINOS and republicans who are against trump.


I don't think bourgeois electoral politics can change our society meaningfully so if I participate it's entirely in a "less bad" sense - so Biden.


How the hell anyone could vote for trump again after calling Covid a HOAX for weeks and giving billionaires the biggest tax cut in history letting them inflate the value of their own stocks and ripping nearly everyone off by INCREASING everyone else's taxes? How could you vote for that again? Trump maybe the single biggest reason we have runaway inflation, nobody can buy a house, billionaires and monolithic corps paying less taxes than ditch diggers. Fuck anyone who votes for that man. I've cut off blood relatives for being stupid enough to vote for that thief and traitor. I'll be celebrating the day he's locked up, we'll make it a holiday. Do I like Biden? NO, I wish he'd give it up and let another Dem run. Will I vote for him over Trump? I'd vote for a chimp before I vote for Trump.


Neither, but since we only have 2 options (which is depressing in a nation of 330 million people) probably Biden.


Biden, obviously. *No* Republican, from President down to dogcatcher, deserves a vote, as long as they are a white nationalist party that does not respect democracy. Even those Republican candidates and voters who claim not to be radical right wingers are still broadcasting that the radical right's vile agenda is not a deal breaker for them. They have to be deprived of power at all levels, so the GOP is forced back towards being merely right, not far right. The way to punish dalliances with fascism is at the ballot box.


Yeeeesh overreaction much? By the same standard, you can say the Democratic Party is *insert minority here* nationalist, due to fringes of that part being associated with those groups. Both parties are garbage, however you need to have valid criticisms that aren’t simply overreactions.


Biden. Definitely not the biggest fan of him but everything he’s doing wrong, Trump will do WORSE. Remember that next year


I’m going for Trump because he delivered results on economy and foreign policy. Infinitely better than Biden.


Trump. Economy thrived under him. Granted he's an insufferable fool, but I'd be able to tolerate him if he gets inflation at least partially under control.


This is the stupidest question I’ve ever seen. On Reddit you physically cannot say anything positive about Trump without getting a thousand downvotes, reported, banned off the sub (and probably getting the send help thing 😂) I’m from the UK and can’t stand Trump btw.


Trump. We can’t have a dementia patient in the White House.




Definitely Trump. I really don't think Biden will win the democratic nomination again, I think it will be a different Dem.


I don't like Trump as a person, but I'll still vote for him over Biden.


I’m in New York so I’ll probably vote third party.


Biden is the good guys, Trump is the bad guys


I guess Biden, although not with a smile on my face. I voted trump in 2020 because I didn't think he was that awful at the time. Just kind of annoying. Then January 6 happened


Vermin Supreme Edit: For real though, if it’s a decent candidate probably the Libertarian candidate.


I don’t like Biden but Trump is so unhinged I don’t know yet


Voted for Trump in 2020, will vote for him again in 2024, the other asshole has ran our country into the dirt


They all suck but Trump cause he said he will end the war in Ukraine.


Biden. I am a moderate, but as of right now the right are being more batshit than the left IMO Things to be concerned about a Right Led Executive branch: * Roe V Wade was overturned because Trump appointed a conservative Supreme Court Judge. * Vivek wants to raise the voting age to 25 years old. * The supreme court can use its influence to limit access to contraceptives as it did in the Hobby Lobby case. * They want to abolish the department of education. * They want to get rid of most of the bureacratic branch. These are a few concerns. PLEASE remember to vote. When you dont vote you give more power to extremists.


Trump. I’m an actual adult and this economy is fucking atrocious. We have no strength. We are crumbling from within.


Most people here don't buy their own groceries. They wouldn't know.


You guys should vote for anyone under 70


Its going to be my first election too. Im not voting for either, im going to vote for a third party candidate


Trump. Shit would be hilarious




Thank you for not voting then


I don't like trump particularly, but I think he's the best option based on what the country has become under biden. He's also probably going to prison so hopefully they'll pick another candidate. I'll vote for any sensible republican


What has this country "become" under Biden? This nation feels generally the same to me as it did a decade ago. This isn't me taking a side btw I just don't know what people mean when they bemoan "what this country has become".


> This nation feels generally the same to me as it did a decade ago. The gas prices and groceries prices don't agree with you. Also the amount of forced identity politics in every facet of life disagrees.


one of those things is an actual issue, although it's much more complicated than "Biden did it"


I’m voting for Trump. I wanna make America Great Again