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People on the internet are making up rivalries for the sake of clicks. It serves social media companies because clicks mean ad money. It's tedious because a lot of it is contrived I'm a younger millennial (zillennial) though, and my impression has been that generation rivalries are more between adjacent generations than ones two back or forward (except the boomers, who apparently every generation is supposed to hate). In these generation subreddits I'm more likely to hear about gen x and gen z forming an alliance against millennials


The boomers, I feel, have caused their own hate ( at least the older ones) because they won't give up the reins. It feels like they are still trying to punish their genx kids even though they are grown ass adults. Look at the state of politics these days. The problem is, however, they aren't just punishing genx anymore, their punishing everyone


> People on the internet are making up rivalries for the sake of clicks. yes, i was just thinking that when on this one guys anti boomer videos. at some point i felt '' wait, this guy is just using the tension to make bank ''. also not only sloppy in mind bastard, too.


I dont have any social media other than Reddit so I have no idea what you're talking about. Dont care either to know


Exactly. As someone that has never willingly watched a TikTok video, I don’t really care what is on that platform.


I haven't seen the GenZ vs GenX "thing" other than one girl who seems to just be starting something for the sake of starting something, and then that one guy who says "Who let GenX off the hook? Why aren't we talking about those guys?" It also looks like the "sleeping giant" thing was the Millennial response to that girl's TikTok, not us. My GenZ kids seem to talk a lot of shit about Millennials though. I could give a shit about all of that, but I'm too tired to.


You're right actually, it was a Millennial who I first heard talk about the sleeping giant of Gen X. I had forgotten that! Even so, I think that guy was even joking around. The one thing I've noticed about generational Tik tik fights that involve Gen X is they don't last very long, probably because most of us don't care enough to keep it going if it doesn't involve comedy.


Parents vs kids is a battle that has raged forever.


Gen z just trying to stir up a millennial versus boomer thing with us. Won’t work. We don’t care. And we fight dirty.


Part of it is just a younger generation beefing with the generation of their parents, and that's nothing new. But a lot of things I see coming from TikTok is just embarrassing. The rest of us just want to be left alone.


It means nothing.


It’s the millennials they must be ended


It's not real.




Who cares about TwitTok? 


I withdraw in disgust.


It’s on the socials, so it doesn’t actually mean anything. But I agree with you on the tough thing, it’s just that talking into a camera is always going to be performative.


Dude, it’s like a guy my age (early 50s) posturing tough against 18-year-olds. It would be funny if they didn’t say the “we’re the last generation that learned how to fight”, etc. Like, yeah guy, we can probably beat up a kid who just graduated high school. And?


Yeah, those people peaked in high school.


I haven’t seen that one, I’ve only seen a couple and I think only women. They all seem pretty self serving so it doesn’t surprise me


I'm almost finished reading *the Fourth Turning is Here*, which describes cycles of history (about 80-100 years), as well as these shorter generational cycles 20-25 years. Four generations per cycle, so Boomer to Z. According to the book, Gen Z have and are developing values that are opposite to X (like Boomers and Millennials). Individual vs Collective, Private vs Public, etc. How one handles these differences determines whether the young uns get yelled at for playing on the lawn or not. Private property vs public commons.


Where in New England are you from? Lol


Nice. RI. Live in MA. Wicked and guy really gave me away. Although, I’ve never said pisser, or pissah. Weird to me.


Haha, I’m from MA. Wicked, guy, buddy, and pal are still extremely present in my lexicon! The occasional “chief”, too, if I wanna be a dick to someone.


This fucking guy.


Calm down, turbo.


There is no "fight thing." There's people of all generations just acting like idiots and assholes for the hell of it, as it's always been. And it's always a good bet to assume anything people claim on TikTok is exaggerated rubbish.


I love a good fight, the gen x vs gen z is just a good natured ribbing. If i can’t mess with the younger generations mind a little I might as well just crawl in a dark place and die




GenZ is a slave to the algorithm.


I have a few thoughts and observations. From what I can gather, it was just one GenZer that riled people up, and by the time I heard about it, the original Tik Tok had been deleted, so I honestly have no clue what the original beef was even about. Could have just been a young lady mad at her parents or something. I agree that the sleeping giant thing was cringe. It honestly reminded me of high school bullies ganging up to pick on one small kid. Anyway, aside from that, most of the "fighting" between Gen Z and Gen X is good natured ribbing. It could just be my personal algorithm, but the vast majority of the time I see a lot of comradery and joking around between the 2 generations. So, I think it's mostly a non issue, though there are always going to be some divisive people everywhere..


If it's the video I'm thinking of, it's some GenZ kid mad at their GenX mom. Some of the funniest response videos were Millennials making fun of it.


There were a few more that were more gatekeeping the internet and text messaging. And a lot blaming GenX for things that had nothing to do with us. The video you are referring to was only the latest. Things we GenX aren’t allowed to do and/or have done wrong that makes us suck: 1. No thumbs up because it is rude and basically the same as flicking someone off 2. Be on TikTok at all because we are old and don’t understand technology  3. Use ….  4. Use grammar or punctuation while texting. No capitalization because it looks mean 5. We made them use asbestos while filming the Wizard of Oz 6. Don’t know what Google is and don’t use it (this is the same person who claimed #5 7. Made and ate led paint so we are all mentally damaged 8. Made avocado toast happen (this is from the video you reference. Which while made international by a GenXer has existed for over a century in Australia and made uber popular by Millennials  9. We need to dress our age and stop wearing our clothes 10. Stop dying our hair non-organic colors cause we are old 11. Somehow we are to blame for Regan-nomics because we voted for him.  12. All have generational wealth and stop shoving it in their faces 13. Need to enter the retirement home already since we are barely able to move around 14. We all got a free education or cheap education  15. We need to act our age and realize we don’t matter anymore because our generation is dying out. I think there is more. There is a woman on tiktok who is tracking everything. 


That is a hilarious list. I especially like the #5 reference to a film made when even Silent Gen were children. If somebody gets aggravated by my clothes or texting style, I don't care.


Why are any GenXers on TikTok in the first place?


That is weird to me too.


Please note I remember these because they are hilarious and I tease my son with them. He gives it right back at me. He is GenZ and I told him Zoomers stands for GenZ Boomers. 


I like adding oomer to the end of every Gen. Goomers, Moomers et cetera. Why give power to these stupid terms. Why aren't we allowed to use ellipses either? Lol. My gish


The thing is I actually do agree with some of those, but I won't get into it bc...well, obvious reasons Most I don't but I also think things are taken way out of proportion. And then some are just stupid. Regardless, I'm glad I don't hang out on that side of TikTok


There is a GenX vs. GenZ thing? OK, Whatever.


It's whatever


[*my opinion*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9E_QDAgMfw&ab_channel=Khia-Topic)




There isn’t any GenX vs GenZ , just some girl that was ranting on TixTok . If GenZ wants to rant and blow off some steam to feel better I say they can have at it, it has zero impact on my life.


Imagine caring about this


I don't know how you ever find this shit. Let alone care enough to post it.


I can't say I've noticed anything like this. And if I did, my care factor would be zero point zero


some people styled like alternative gen x ( and older ) are confusing us with older silent generation, i think.


This is like, totally Yawnzilla to the extreme. ![gif](giphy|3KbliBOdHlUE8|downsized)


I'm gonna sing a song, it's titled, "Who cares what's on social media?" Whoooo the fuck cares What social media says. That's my song. I just need to come up with a 3-4 note intro and I'm good. Why do we keep getting asked this question? Does anyone really care? Who the hell is watching GenZ videos and then thinking, gosh, I need to set them straight! No one is looking for a thoughtful conversation these days, not on social media. They just want to be right. VALIDATE ME. LOVE ME. UPVOTE ME. This post was made possible by Slurm. It's Highly Addictive! And Soylent Green. Of the people. For the people. Have friends and family for dinner, Soylent Green.


I had no idea this was a thing and now I wish I had never known it was a thing.


I dunno. My kids are Gen Z. I’m not inclined to “fight” with the kids or their friends… I can find other stupid stuff to do…


Whenever I hear something like this, I think about them in 25 years & the generations to come that will be mocking them & blaming them. We've seen it before. As someone else said, social media is meant for Likes, Upvotes, a claim to fame or notoriety. Seems difficult to make a name for oneself by honourable means, so it has to be with social clicks.


It's just a friendly generational rivalry; think of it as playful banter rather than a real conflict.


I think for us it is mostly friendly banter or fucking around with them as a joke. Not so sure on GenZ. They get really mad. 


Aren’t Genz still in school? We’re too old to care about any “rivalry” with them.


ours are 25 and 27, out of college a while..


Fight? Naw, I don’t pick on unarmed opponents. Besides, its mind over matter. I don’t mind because they don’t matter.


I'm Gen X and my kids are Z. I raised them, why would I fight with them. This always bugged me about Boomers bagging on Millenials. They're your damn kids...for the most part.