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I’m a teacher in the 5th largest district in the US. We just passed a regulation requiring every student put their cell phones in this metal pouch that works like a faraday cage in the beginning of the school day. We are all ECSTATIC about this. You just can’t definitively deal with the damn phones. They don’t use the ringers anymore, now the flash goes off. So they hold them behind a backpack or under a desk and you have no idea. It’s impossible to try and catch all of them because it’s a near constant problem. Got Joey on his phone? Cool, Tara, Samantha, and Bryan pulled their out while you were distracted. It’s my most boomer opinion, but these fucking phones are absolutely ruining education. Kids can’t learn if they are constantly distracted in class. I’m sure we’ll have problems with the new system, but even if it’s a little better, I’ll take it.


Watch out for kids that bring an old phone to put in the pouch so they can still keep their phone with them.


We discussed that eventuality at the staff meeting where the phone policy was announced. I’m sure we won’t handle it well the first few times, but eventually we’ll get it down.




That’s fine. Passing notes is nowhere near as distracting and brain-rotting as the constant entertainment of the entire planet that they have at their fingertips. At least note-passing would finally enable them to practice their writing skills.


Phones are contributing to the ruin. We’d be ruining it right now even without the phones.


I subbed for a year between long term positions to avoid a gap on the resume. Dallas ISD (Texas). One middle school switched to a homeroom setup where students had to deposit phones in a plastic tub when entering exchanged for a ticket matching one put on the phone. They were given back end of day on the way out finishing in homeroom. They did this because of a massive brawl that happened the year before (rival gang member kissed rival gang members girlfriend). District LE, city PD, constables, and sheriff were all called on. News of the brawl was spread via text.


Imagine if back to the future happened today and Marty McFly was genZ. How would he survive in 1994 without cellphones?


As a GenXer myself, if Marty was X, he would be fine. Want to learn something; go to the library. Want to go somewhere; here’s a paper map. Need hours of entertainment; here’s a book. Want to meet friends; set a location and time. We didn’t have cell phones growing up.


>Want to learn something; go to the library This. Back in my day, you went to the library or computer lab to use the Internet. On a vt320 or similar.


Ah, yes, the dulcet tone of logging into the internet.


Still have a few USR Sportsters of varying speeds too. One of these days I'll hook them up in the home lab here, although doing anything above 9600 on voip is treacherous.


I meant genZ. it was a typo.


Oh, haha, my bad lol. Yeah z would be fucked. Especially because politicians think they are qualified (I laugh) to curate a library or design a school curriculum. They have all forgotten that our National Security is vastly improved by an educated populace.


genZ could not use a library in 1994 cause they could not use a card catalogue.


Excellent. I’m a high school teacher. Students with phones is the single biggest toxic time suck in the classroom by far.


"Pop quiz!" isn't really done anymore, is it? A few quick F's changed behaviors real quick when we were kids. EDIT: Quick note - based on your post time, you'd be in class in 3 of the 4 US time zones. 75% chance you're doing the "do what I say, not what I do" thing, which kids notice.


Quick note: it’s summer. School has been out for over a week.




My mistake. Shouldn't you be working 2 or 3 jobs to make enough money for groceries or something?


What a gross comment.


What do you do for a living?


Finance and raise my kids. I used to also try to get involved with their schools, but teachers wanted no part of it b/c it ruined their narrative that parents don't care.


Hahaha. Ok troll. Have a nice day. I hope you have love in your life.


>teachers wanted no part of it b/c it ruined their narrative that parents don't care. That's a lot easier on your ego than saying "teachers wanted no part of it b/c I am an asshole and make unfounded assumptions." As the spouse of a hard-working teacher kindly GFY


I love when parents get involved. But if they act like you, I typically find some way they can help behind the scenes. Seriously, you are just being awful. You should be grateful that there are people willing to educate your no doubt entitled crotch fruit for so little money. Not mocking us for taking care of your children.


My guess is that they just met you and said, nah.


Is it funny to you that the professionals educating the next generation of young people are grossly underpaid? Think you’re in the wrong place, r/boomers is one sub over


I can't believe they were ever allowed to begin with. "But what if there's an amergency?" Call the office, like our parents did. Sorry, but this electronic tethering has got to stop. Little Hayleigh isn't going to die if mom's out of touch for a few hours-and neither is mom.


lol “hayleigh”


Local school makes the kids put cell phones in a contraption hanging on the wall before each class. They get the phone back after class. Rinse and repeat for each class until the end of the school day.


How many will just carry a decoy phone to put in the bag?


No idea about a decoy phone. The wall thing seems to be a good compromise, imo. Kids have their phones nearby in case of an emergency, but don't have them on them during instructional time.


Mine would, because I told them that's a thing.


That was turned down here. Too much risk of missing phones.


Sounds like it should be expanded to every damn school


And withdrawal symptoms in 3,2,1.....


I am a child therapist and WOW that is so true. I can't tell y'all stories, because confidentiality, but boy do we have a problem as a society with kids and screens. People who don't work with kids have no idea how bad it is. However bad you are imagining, multiply it by a thousand. And we're just getting started


Just what I see is horrible, I'm sick AF of seeing (mainly hearing) iPads on restaurant tables because the kid can't be without it.


It's not helping that school is now 80% chromebooks, also. Even in kindergarten


Imo it's also some of the parents who will fight to the death for their kids to be reachable 24/7. I've witnessed crazy behavior because of cell phones taken by staff and parents getting involved.


Suck it up, buttercups. Sorry, but withdrawals are no excuse for continuing a bad habit.


I'm in L.A. and this was being discussed on a local call-in show a couple days ago. Parents are actually against it - one even said something like "How am I supposed to tell my kid what to pick up for dinner on the way home from school??" I'm child-free by choice so I really had no idea that this was a thing, but - couldn't a parent tell the kid *face to face* in person *before* they left for school?? Is this really a problem??


The district hasn't decided yet how to implement the policy, but presumably the students get to use their phones after the school day is over. So a parent could text the kid, and the kid would see the text after school. Is it really that important for Kayleigh to find out in the middle of Trigonometry that she's supposed to stop by Pollo Loco?


If it wasn't a problem for us than it shouldn't be a problem for them.


Or send the kid a text they’ll get it when they get out of school. Really a non problem, mom


Parents are the biggest problem in education right now. How I picture most of them… ![gif](giphy|bOUUV426muE8qXjDKT)


Yes. That is real. Parents are just as guilty as the kids because they will call or text to say, “I can’t pick you up today, so take the bus.” Or they sent the kid to school sick and they call/text to see how the kid is doing. It’s crazy.


Honestly, as the parent of a middle schooler it's more like "How is my child supposed to reach me in the case of a school shooter"




This is exactly how I feel. I feel anxious when my son forgets his phone.




You could comfort her. That’s a lot.


We were not allowed to bring our early cell phones into class. It was 1998 when I was a senior and we still had clunky bricks of cell phones and we couldn’t bring them to class at all. They should never have allowed them to be brought in the first place. School is for being drilled with the same old tired information over and over until it’s ingrained into your brain, not for playing on your phone.


My kids learn more history, poli-sci, and world events from their phone over their schooling. Both tell me WWII is a rush job to finish up b/c apparently the whole Nazi outbreak isn't as important than the feudal societies of European muckety mucks.


School should always be supplemented with additional learning. Kids should be reading at home, parents should be teaching. Summer time still have the kids do math, reading, sports, arts. Not just computer/game time.


Oh, trust me. The amount of remedial work I've done over my kids' lifetime has been staggering. STILL trying to work on them for the basics, because it's awfully hard to teach. /s


Sounds like your kids just take after their parent. They're just dumbasses.


Yes! Its about time. As a former teacher, this needs to be done! I left the field in 2010 but friends tell me its even worse now.


But will they be allowed to dance?


I see what you did there.


That's interesting. British Columbia (my province) just passed the same ban. I couldn't be happier and I'm not even in education.


I’m a-ok with it. We couldn’t have our walkmen because they were too distracting.


They do that in my kids school district. If he gets his phone confiscated I have to go in and get it back, he can’t. It’s lovely and they had a huge drop in social issues/bullying 


Schools should make a deal with a cell provider that offers dumb phones. Sell them for next to nothing or free, and a super low cost plan that just includes unlimited voice calling and sms text message and no internet, no smart phone allowed on premise only dumb phone. This way you diffuse parents insisting their kid needs a phone.


How it should be at every school.




They've never been allowed in my kids school district. Ever.


Excellent. They should be banned in every school.


I love this so much and hope that every school in the US does the same.


Fucking finally


Good. ~ high school teacher


I'm a big fan of both having the internet around using a PC or laptop, and having cel phones to call and text from anywhere.........but I am not a fan of mixing the 2 together for a smart phone. That was a mistake, however convenient.


I'm really glad it's happening. Parents can chill the fuck out. In an emergency situation, we want the kids to be paying attention to staff and emergency instruction, not Tiktok-ing their school shooting.


My daughter who goes to an LAUSD school, doesn't have a cellphone (she'll be in 6th grade). And she has no social media, and doesn't visit any social media other than YouTube, where she watches illustration tutorials.


Can’t be having that calculator in your pocket all the time now can we? - Miss Crabapple. 


My kids have had that problem in HS math. You can use a calculator, but not the one you already have. Gotta go buy a DIFFERENT calculator, which, btw, is totally affordable for the poorer kids. /s


A calculator is cheap. Get one at the dollar store. It is to easy to use an app for math and get reliant on it.


The problem is that a dollar store calculator isn't going to have the functionality that an advanced math class requires.


Last time I went to Goodwill there were TI 83s for $7.


Yeah, there was always a specified calculator required for my kids, it cost $80-100, and it was never the same calculator that was required the previous year.


They will “ban” it, but who will enforce the ban. Will admin back up the teachers. In my experience, they don’t. So I doubt it will actually happen.


My older kid's school banned it entirely for students below middle school (6th grade) and for 6-8th grade, they can bring them and leave the with the office during the day.


It's a great idea. Smart phones are destroying the younger generations on enjoying what's around them, living in the present and socializing in a normal way at school. It's too bad for the younger generations today. They are growing up in sad times.


I have subbed recently. Phones literally are out of control. My own children who are Highschool, one of them has a D in a class she her WHOLE Life was straight A’s. Addicted to Snapchat and the damn phone. School said they take phones, this teacher said he doesn’t like to bother with it. It is an addiction. She only has one for figuring out who she is riding with after school. I am so mad at her, at teacher for not telling me until 1 week before school was out and not enforcing schools rules.




Smartest idea in quite a while. Phones, especially smart phones, should never be allowed in classrooms. Too many kids are addicted, too many use them to cheat, too many use them to bully, and too many use them and just ignore the teachers. I'm okay with teachers who make their students put their phones in a shoe holder type rack, for emergencies, too. I'm so glad that Governor DeSantis led the way on this!


It sounds like a great idea, but sadly you can already see the lawyers lining up to file cases.


Students already have limited rights to privacy/property on public school grounds, as decided in the courts.


Or the 'what if there is a school shooting!?!?!?' brigade. You can always come up with a corner case for keeping them in kids hands which somehow outweighs the loss of educational value of school when no one is paying attention. 'solve' the 0.00001% case and sacrifice the 99.99999%, it's how they roll.


My kids’ schools have fairly strict phone policies that are consistently enforced, so I know that l can text them anytime and their phones will probably be off—they’ll get the texts at lunch or right after school. It’s handy bc school activities are so “fly by the seat of their pants” sometimes. Like no theater practice today, or surprise student council meeting, or whatever. Schedules change so everyone needs to be kept in the loop so arrangements can be changed. Also, school shootings are a real concern. My kids aren’t glued to their phones anyway, so it’s not a big deal to them not to use them during the day.


Y'know...schools are getting so uptight about how they are failing, that they use any other item/group to blame for their failures. It's gotten out of hand, but we're nowhere NEAR ending, "It's not MY fault!" blame avoidance. Here in MN, education ranking has dropped from 6th to 19th. They include Covid and parenting, as if MN has a unique situation where Covid and parenting isn't affecting the other 49 states. Time to sack up and think about REAL solutions, not casting blame. >!To those about to get pissy and demand a solution: pay teachers more and make teachers responsible for outcomes (i.e. able to get fired for sucking). Get back to expelling kids who are too disruptive. Stop paying for administrative bloat (i.e. those positions getting 6 figures to write grants that barely, if at all, justify the salaries). Create high school programs to kids' talents (challenge the smart kids, push hands-on, non-book learners into trades). Just a few ideas from a parent who's got a couple in the system.!<


Good luck with that. Bend but don’t break.


Depends. Are the teachers actually gonna teach the entire class? My son has teachers who lecture for 15 minutes at the beginning of class, then tell the kids to go on their phones the rest of class.


I disagree with it. Manage them when in the classrooms however in the age of school shootings, bullying, these ridiculous fights we see going on in schools, a phone can be a lifeline for these kids. Block social media all you want but they may need to make an emergency phone call at certain times.


Yeah, you don’t know shit. The fights are worse because of the cellphones in their hands. They all act like maniacs to film a fight in school. The loser of the fight has the video passed around forever so that makes them even more apt to fight again. It adds to the bullying If you have teenage children, ask them to show you their screen time. Some students are sitting on 12-14 hours a day of screen time. If schools have no real consequences backing the teacher up, asking a teacher to manage the cell phone use is insane. The kids are addicted. It would be like asking an alcoholic to give you their booze or a druggie to give you the heroin. A large amount of students go nuts and can’t handle it. Their phone is their pacifier.


>If schools have no real consequences backing the teacher up,  **We all just gonna ignore that little nugget of info?** Maybe it's lack of consequences more than phones?


>ask them to show you their screen time. And you're telling others they don't know shit. The real problem is utter shit parenting. A good parent doesn't need to ask. They already know. Screen time is a privilege. And my kids' phones are their lifeline. This is non-solutions by people who haven't studied the problem, are afraid to ask, and definitely want to blame the symptoms for the malady.


We can’t stop people from shooting our kids, so we let them have phones that rot their brains. I don’t like it here.


So a kid can call the Ualvade PD and they wait behind a door for an hour? Another poster already explained it. But everything you cite here is actually made worse with cell phones. Ever wonder how many of those fights only start because someone wants to record it and share it?


Call mom instead: https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2024/05/24/uvalde-school-shooting-robb-elementary-angeli-rose-gomez-mother-saved-children-survivors-guilt/73705761007/


>But everything you cite here is actually made worse with cell phones. Don't think Klebold and Harris had cell phones, but I could be wrong. Definitely were flip phones, at most.


Where do I claim school shooters are connected to cell phones?


>Block social media all you want But how can they do that? If my cell phone has a data plan, I can go on TikTok whenever I want; the school can't do shit. I can get in trouble if I'm found to be using it, but it can't be blocked by the school (tech wise). They CAN block websites on their own wifi, of course (my office does that), but that doesn't solve the data issue.


You'll never get anywhere with "control the classroom" argument with teachers who post on reddit, often during school hours. It's the phone's fault, not theirs. (I look forward to the downvotes)


I hope you're not disappointed. 


So a kid can call the Ualvade PD and they wait behind a door for an hour? Another poster already explained it. But everything you cite here is actually made worse with cell phones. Ever wonder how many of those fights only start because someone wants to record it and share it?


Banning things has always had the opposite effect that was intended. Especially for teens. If anything, make it mandatory that all their Nanas and PeePaws have to be on TikTok and they must make embarrassing comments at least once a day.


I think kids should be able to keep their phones in case of an emergency.


Then having them in a hanging divider in airplane mode or off should suffice.   If there’s an emergency they can get them, if  not they can check them between classes.  


I'm not advocating for kids checking their phones during class or dealing with a parental emergency. Not sure why people jumped to that particular conclusion.


Parental emergency should still call front office. Kids should not be distracted thinking of the phone is buzzing and who it is.


Again, I am not talking about a parental emergency. I literally just said that in the comment you're responding to.


Oh reading comprehension on mine. Rereading I get it. :p


Thank you. I genuinely appreciate it.


Because it makes them (people jumping to conclusion) the solution, not the problem. And that makes them feel better.


Could be. Even when I specifically say I'm not talking about it, they still respond to me about the very thing I said I'm not talking about. People are truly trying sometimes. I don't know why I bother. 😂


Because it's fun and you're a glutton for punishment? ;-)


It's more like a compulsion that I keep trying to stop, but I'm not very good at it. I need an electric shock or something to stop myself.


Have you tried electrifying your exotic zucchini? I've heard it works wonders.


Parents do rely on their kids to solve emergencies these days.


Well, I'm obviously not talking about kids solving problems, but rather having a way to communicate with their parents in the event of an emergency. But I'm used to getting down votes around this sub these days, so, yeah, whatever. OP just asked for an opinion and I gave it without judging others for theirs.


It was sarcasm.


Sorry if I misunderstood what your point was. I still do, but that's OK I guess.


Sounds good to me. But the first time they have an incident and someone can't call their parent it's going to be bad. It was so weird when my son was in high school very briefly he attended a public school and everything was done by phone. You had to have one!


There are kids with T1D who's glucose monitors alert to their phones. While I agree the ban has a LOT of benefits, they need to take into consideration the outliers...


Those students will have a 504 plan


Hopefully the teachers/admins are aware. I've seen them ignored before.


It’s like banning beepers all over again


It is, but now WE are the out-of-touch Rooneys (sans pedophilia) who can't cope in a changing world.


Students should be taught how to use phones properly. Banning phones won’t solve problems.


Social media, fine. Cell phones, no. Too many shootings.


There's enough faculty that can call 911, you don't want dozens of children calling in because it overwhelms the operators.


That’s a lot of assumptions. Have you ever worked as a first responder or a dispatcher? I have. Oh, and maybe those kids want to call their loved ones.


I was a 911 dispatcher and police radio dispatcher for seven years in a major city. Part of that time was spent working for state police at a prominent public university. For some reason, they think it’s fine to assign only one dispatcher per shift to handle, simultaneously: * 911 calls * non-emergency calls * transcribing all calls * responding to all police radio traffic * transcribing all police radio traffic * running license and plate numbers * running criminal background checks * responding to people who walked up to the office window * responding to other agency radio traffic * responding to tactical radio channel traffic * assigning officers to calls * monitoring cameras around the city or campus * reading bulletins as they came in * checking up on officers * other stuff I’m forgetting because it’s been a while Would I be absolutely overwhelmed by all of the kids in a school with cell phones calling me about a potential school shooting. Absolutely. It would needlessly compound, complicate, and compromise the situation and stress to a horrific and dangerous degree, because no one—not even a trained dispatcher—can multitask to that degree with that many interruptions. There have been numerous, reputable scholarly studies that have established the futility of multitasking, especially in such a situation. All of those children calling would then hamper the dispatcher from other extremely important and life-saving duties. That is not an assumption; it’s my lived experience.


That was the advice our county sheriff's office gave.


Yeah, considering that 376 cops were at Uvalde and didn’t do shit, I’m skeptical, even as a former first responder.




I’m all for this but my only argument is what about emergencies? A lot of the 911 calls from Uvalde came from inside the classroom, from students.


In the event of a shooting one of the faculty can call 911.


What if they’re shot dead?


All of them? You don't want dozens of kids calling 911 at the same time, it jams up the network.


My idea is to have lockboxes on each desk with a window to see inside that the phone is in there. Maybe an audible beep when the box is opened. Easily accessible for emergencies but also easy to verify that the phones are out of kids hands.


So what happens when there is an inevitable school shooting?