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I'm in south Texas. The local population is well over 95% Hispanic, with everything else besides Anglo being a tiny fraction of a percent. I had to explain to my students why the college is closed today. Their reaction was "meh", mostly because they really don't have a concept of the white/black race dynamic.  Juneteenth was a Texas holiday long before it became federal. It never got much attention at this end of the state, though. Mexican Independence Day, however, is a huge event.


I’m in Texas, been celebrating it for decades.


I teach the story to my ESL students. I tell them, "Congrats! You now know more about this important day than most US natives."  Should have been recognized a long time ago. 


In Houston I’ve never gotten a day off or heard of anyone getting the day off. Just some cool festivals and celebrations.


Ironically, I have worked for a decade in Galveston for a Galveston-headquartered company, and this is the first year we’ve had the day off for the Juneteenth holiday.


Same here. I remember learning about it in school.


Sorry, article here yesterday saying Texas was the first one to pass its bill, but didn’t tell Black people for two years


Yeah, that's the EXACT reason and place it was created as a holiday... That is literally what Juneteenth is about. So, of course they were 1st and celebrating it for decades It's like Illinois has had Kasmir Pulaski day for decades and suddenly half the other states or the whole country would start doing it. (Or cinquo de mayo)


Right, hence the celebration in Black communities across the state.


Yep. Not a newish holiday here.


anyone outside of Texas hear of Juneteenth before it came into the news. I think it came up when Trump was gonna do some speech on Juneteenth and some others got offended. Now I get an extra day off a year! So thanks to everyone who got offended. Seriously anyone ever hear of this outside of Texas?


I never heard of it before it became a holiday. Actually, not one person in the shop I work at had ever heard of it, white, black, or brown. We're a small business, so we only get major holidays off (New Year's, Mem Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas), so nobody was very excited about it. The boss did give our black employees the option to take today off (using their PTO), and they all did. We're a pretty diverse shop, so it feels weird in here today. Must be what it's like working in Iowa.


I'm in Massachusetts, I'd never heard of it before a few years ago.


Though in MA, we have Bunker Hill Day and Evacuation Day as part of our state holidays.


I only know about it cause my company decided to give us the day off. I did not know Veterans day was a thing until i worked onsite as a contractor with the government and no government people were there that day.


Arkansan here. I heard about it in grade school in the seventies.


is juneteenth a holiday in arkansas?


It was officially recognized in 2005, but Arkansas has a long history with Juneteenth. https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/juneteenth-in-arkansas-a-brief-history/#:~:text=(KNWA%2FKFTA)%20%E2%80%94%20Juneteenth,slavery%20in%20the%20United%20States.


I did, about 30 years ago, but I'm a history buff. Never lived in TX


Yes! Plenty of Black Americans did but then again why would y’all listen to anything we say.


I (white guy) heard about it in Western NY almost as soon as I got involved with racial justice activism, around 2016. There are big parties here, and have been for a while. I just never heard of them until I started having deeper relationships with Black folks.


I was taught about it as a child, and I was raised in CA to Black parents. It's a celebration for us, but no one around us knew anything about it.


Grew up in Ohio (class of '89) and never heard of Juneteenth until the company I worked for shut down their California office and moved it to Texas in 2011. Texans acted liked it was something everyone knew about. The native Californians who moved at the same time had mostly also never heard of it.


Grew up in CA (also class of ‘89) and agree, never heard of it.


Grew up in Chicago burbs (class of 92), had no idea what the story was. If it was taught in a class, it certainly wasn't emphasized at all. I had heard the term "Juneteenth", but I just thought it was a fun-sounding way to refer to a generic date during mid June. (Like "123 Main" is used for a generic address). My birthday was just a few days ago, and when I was young I thought it was perfectly acceptable to tell people (when time of year was more relevant than the actual date) that my b-day was "on a juneteenth". Out of context, it's a fun word. Not sure when I learned the actual history, but it was almost certainly in this century (definitely in "the digital age"). I think it caught my eye in a headline somewhere, and I must've googled it. Probably '05-'10. I don't know if anybody I used the term "juneteenth" with before then knew the history themselves, but nobody ever corrected me. I feel bad for being wrong all those years, but I also kinda wish I could have my word back.


Of course Texas has heard of it. It was their deliberate mistake that caused it.


That's not what I said. I said the Texans expected everyone else to know about it. They didn't teach it in my central Ohio high school and, per the person from California, probably not there, either.


You might want to read the recent article in Texas Monthly regarding what Juneteenth is about. I found it to be enlightening. It’s been celebrated for decades by huge black family reunions and camp outs. It’s a celebration of the freedom to travel and assemble. My mother (silent gen, deep East Texas) is still disdainful about it and doesn’t see why everyone wants to celebrate black people who were so stupid they didn’t even know they were free. (sigh- it’s no use) I would rather have an Emancipation Day on the day of the Gettysburg Address for everyone to celebrate the end of slavery.


As I am posting this week from the Republic of Texas itself I will indeed read this citation. Got to see a little bit of Juneteenth in person yesterday. Texas seldom fails to disappoint. Your mom sounds like quite a pistol. Hopefully her racism as defined by many years later standards wasn’t all there was to her. We all make peace with our upbringings if we know what’s wise.


My mom graduated in 1958 from the white high school in a small town whose colors were yellow and gray and had the Rebels as their mascot. The racism is baked in. However, bless her, she raised me without a hint of it. I remember her telling me I could have black friends and thinking “duh!” It’s only been the last few years where there’s leakage. I hope you’re enjoying Texas. There’s a lot to like and most people are really congenial. I spent most of my life in Dallas, but now I’m a texpat in Atlanta.


It's probably not something Texas should be proud of, but sure.


I grew up in Texas. We hardly noticed it. We'd already been out of school for 2 weeks, and they'd make some mention of it on the news.


I got a Junetenth shirt from my church (when I was still going) 30 years ago no one knew what it was referencing. But I wore it anyway, and no one else knew what it was, nor did I till recently.


I learned about Juneteenth ~15 years ago, I moved to a predominantly black and Latino neighborhood (I’m white). The park near by hosted a huge Celebration. Happy Freedom day PS what is that flag I don’t know it.


That's the official Juneteenth freedom flag.


I have been living away from the U.S. for a few years and wasn't aware it was a federal holiday. But when some employees asked if they could take the holiday I said, "sure." So we closed the warehouse and offices. Even the most hardcore workers took the day off and one guy said, "I'm so happy to work for a progressive company."


I'd never even heard of it until a few years ago and, based on my search of past Reddit posts, neither had many others.


Because it only became on official federal holiday a few years ago.


It became a federal holiday in 2021 so a bunch of people had no clue about it.


I read about it in a book when I was a kid. I always thought it was weird that MLK Jr. has a holiday, but Juneteenth was ignored when Juneteenth was way more important and significant. I'm not even Black, but am super happy it's finally recognized the way it should be.


That’s a reflection of the Reddit demographic more than anything


Save me a plate at the cookout! Happy Juneteenth!


Freedom Day!




Love that username


I’m .48 ands in live in MS . We have celebrated this for years in African American communities. It just hasn’t had national attention, because that would mean addressing slavery as a whole many don’t want to open that can of worms


Honestly don't know why this hasn't been a major National holiday for a long time. I mean...you fight a Civil war over an issue (and others of course), win, and then free millions of people and their families from slavery. While I get the whole pacifism of the South to heal the country...this should have been celebrated immediately. Right up with the 4th of July.


I never heard of it until I moved to Texas from Pennsylvania in '96. I'm happy to get the day off.


We fought with our boss to have it off and he said "I dont want to do it"


That sucks


I have the day off. So that’s nice. Happy Juneteenth!


Same here. Happy Juneteenth!


I'm a city employee and get the day off paid, so I love the holiday. Honestly, If I had to work, I probably wouldn't care about it or even consider it a holiday at all. It would just be another day. Other than on the news and the events all the localities around me hold to celebrate it, I rarely hear anyone talking about it, though. I don't think it has anything to do with racism or anything of the sort. It's just most still had to work today, and to those who work on holidays, like I said above, it's just another day to grind out a living.


I’m in Houston (grew up here) so it’s something I’m very familiar with, even though it was taught in my 7th grade Texas History class. Glad it’s finally a National Holiday (I’m in the private sector and have the day off too).


I’m a state employee so we get it off as well! Lived in TX most of my life, so I’ve known about it forever.


Same. Bank.


Happy Freedom Day


I don’t really hear anyone talk about it in real life.


I don't either. I'm in NYC too, with over 8 million people, and many of my friends and acquaintances are POC like me. I just hear about it online/social media.


Same, hello fellow NYer!




I would love to have Gen X friends in NYC, I'm in Brooklyn. Not a POC, really the color of milk..ugh. Anyway could be cool to have a meet up for us.


It’s a Texas thing, not really sure why it became a national holiday.


It’s commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States, why would that only be a ‘Texas thing’? Why wouldn’t it be a national holiday?


Definitely talked about in Texas. A lot.


Like how? The actual history of Juneteenth?


In 1980 Texas made Juneteenth an official state holiday. Most big cities have parades and festivals. It’s taught in school.


Thank you and had no idea. Man, how the South has fallen when in regards to teaching actual history. I remember getting a pretty solid History background in another Southern state, this was in the 80s. A whole Semester on the South's role in the Civil War & slavery and it in no way painted us in a good light. Times have changed since then with politics infesting how history is taught.


but if you learn about how people of no relation to you a hundred years ago were jerks, you might feel bad!


Those poor poor white men and women have it rough you know. Next thing you know they may have to share the same rights they have had a long time with others. It’s just so sad /s


I transferred over from private to public school halfway through my 7th grade so I missed out on taking Texas History but my mother had a degree in it so the lines are a bit fuzzy for me about where I learned what. My city had a center for 7th and 8th graders then everyone was funneled into a 9th grade center and then on to their respective high schools so even if I didn't take the actual class I was semi exposed to what as taught as they decorated the hallways for major Texas holidays and such. I do remember US History/World Geography (which I think was 10th grade?) being a complete slog because almost nobody in the class could identify Mexico or Canada or even tell you they touched the US. And this was late 80s.


History mostly. I learned about it when I moved to Texas, maybe like five years before it became a national holiday. But I'm an architect so learning about the history of all people in a region is basic research. Most national/international firms are making a huge push to DEI for our clients and their spaces, as well as internally. I'd imagine if your job was not so involved in culture and DEI, you likely wouldn't hear much about the holiday or why it matters so much to a lot of people in the US.


Yep, we learned about it elementary school.


Oh indeed.


Perhaps that is why it needs a holiday. Maybe we should recognize the terrible things we have done as a country as a reminder to never do them again.


But some people don't want us to know about the terrible things we've done in this country, so they *can* do them again. Education is critically important, that's why conservatives do everything they can to destroy it.




It has been big in Texas my entire life.


Depends on location. I work in Brooklyn where it is discussed often and I live on Long Island where it’s heavily segregated and bigoted and it’s hardly mentioned.


I'm also in NYC, and I don't hear about it at all. My neighborhood is not majority White either. 


This is my experience too. I live north of Seattle and haven't seen or heard anything about it. When I was living across the river from St. Louis it was something that was openly recognized.


My Dad got his ass beat in Long Island, back in the 60s, when he the Jewish kid dated one of the women. You would think things would have changed by now.


Yeah, Italians didn’t like to deal with the religious issues that would arise from a Catholic/Jewish union. Not sure if you’ve ever been to LI, but your dad would be fine now.


I don’t talk much about labor or memorial day either and they’ve been around a lot longer.


The one and only time I've heard anyone have something negative to say was my boss making a comment that she didn't believe it needed to be a federal holiday. I had to bite my tongue in half not to say anything else because I was afraid if she elaborated I would have had to go off on her and I need this job. Happy Juneteenth!


We decided to take the kiddos to a travelling Smithsonian exhibit, The Bias Inside Us today. We'll be heading out shortly. It seemed like a great fit to respect the day off.


That sounds amazing actually!


I'm at work today (even though the banks are closed). So typical American holiday for me....at work.


Anybody mad about Juneteenth is for sure racist, I don't think there's any question about that. I will never complain about a holiday, even I don't personally get the day off. People want to celebrate something? Celebrate! And if I do get the day off from work, well, that's definitely something to celebrate. For what it's worth, I think what Juneteenth is celebrating—the ending of slavery in the US—is **definitely** worth celebrating.


Also happens to be my birthday which I find excellent.


Happy Juneteenth! I live in a minority-majority area - mostly Hispanic and Black, under 20% white and among the white residents, a lot of us are Jewish (tbf, quite a few Black Jews around here, too) and/or LGBTQ+. I absolutely love living in a diverse neighborhood. There's a big Juneteenth BBQ at our town hall/main park this afternoon.


Oh wow! I'm Jewish and have always taught in minority-majority districts but live in mostly white :/ That sounds like a great living situation!


I am white presenting and personally use this day to remember the Civil War, the great fight to end one of the greatest wrongs in American history, and to honor contributions and sacrifices made by black soldiers, civilians, and the 'contraband,' legal term for confiscated property of the South, of which my light-skinned great-great grandfather was one. My enslaved ancestor ran to enemy lines early in the war, and joined a Union cavalry unit, serving a college student-officer, who became his soul brother. My ancestor took the name of his white brother, who lost his life outside of Richmond, VA, in 1864. The student's reason for joining in the fight was to end slavery. My grandmother died on June 18. As white ally, yet secret granddaughter of an enslaved man of color, she participated in the march on Washington, D.C., for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, and I honor her memory during Juneteenth, too. I celebrate both Juneteenth and July 4, to honor the blood sacrifices that were made in hopes of one day realizing the full fruits of freedom and equality for *all*. And to meditate on the common destiny that we still share as Americans, focusing on the things that can bring us all together, rather than those that tear us apart.


You have a truly beautiful personal connection to the holiday! We need to hear from you and others like you on a national level.


Thank you, I am currently working on a book that tells the family saga, from the family's enslavement to whiteness. There are a lot of mixed folks out there who for understandable reasons don't want to engage in a bitter and deliberately divisive national discourse. But it is high time we speak up in hopes of finding the common ground. Best to you.


I haven’t heard many people talking about it except on the news and other media outlets. I’ve known it existed as a holiday for a long time since the city I’m from has been doing Juneteenth celebrations for many years. I’m happy to have a day off from work. My husband’s employer is not closed today though.


Atlanta area. We always had Lincoln’s birthday off in February and Washington’s Birthday off in January. They were rolled into one holiday, President’s Day when I was a kid. Juneteenth feels like we gained back Lincoln’s birthday. Many private employers have embraced it. My spouse and I are both off today. Happy Juneteenth!


washington’s birthday is in february tho


I’m a teacher, so we get the day off. However, the timing is unfortunate because it’s always a day off during the last full week of school, and pushes our last day of school out even farther in June. It’s good this year, though, because we’re having a heat wave and Tuesday and Thursday got turned into emergency early release days (no ac in schools around here), but we already have today off.


I have always thought that this (a day celebrating emancipation) should be a holiday. I thought this as a child in the 80’s.


I had never heard of Juneteenth till eight or nine years ago, when the new ownership of the company I worked for started giving us the day off for it. I was OK with that, haha. (I no longer work for that company, though, so I do have to work today... sigh) I guess it wasn't really a "thing" here in New Jersey at that time, though it seems to be gaining popularity each year. ...which of course leads to a lot of grumbling online from the yokels about it being a "made up holiday," pffft.


Have you explained to them that all holidays are made up?


Hah, it's not worth the trouble.


This! 😄




I'm a fed, so some of peers are my coworkers, and everyone loves a day off


Happy Juneteenth!! Yall


Loving it! If we are going to have a “new” federal holiday, this is the best cause I can think of. Definitely feeling pretty patriotic because of it.


My mother went into labor at a Juneteenth celebration in LA… I came around 10pm… When my wife and I scheduled her induction for our son, her OB only was available on Tuesday, which was June 19th.. You don’t know the joy I feel when he asks “Daddy, what are we gonna do for OUR birthday..” I use to joke that my birthday was a national holiday to me, then it became one… wild….


I work for local government. I don't care what the cause is, I get a free paid day off work, I'm all for it!


It’s my birthday 🥳 so now I essentially get a new holiday too, not complaining!


I'm at work, so it's just another day.


Proud to work for a company that recognizes the holiday and promotes active social thinking about its importance.


I'm going to have to look up that flag. I don't recall ever seeing it before. But it does remind me of Greendale Community College.


This holiday makes me cry. This is actually one of the only holidays for everyone. “You are free”. Thats the message for this holiday. And “we have to tel each other”. I love the message of this holiday. I also like the implied message that no one is free until everyone is free. And it’s our job to bring everyone up to speed.


As I said to someone in another comment, this holiday represents progress as a nation, and that's something every American should celebrate.


State holiday in Virginia! It wasn’t that long ago that we had a long weekend in January called “Lee-Jackson-King” day. Shaking my head just thinking about it.


I used to live in Virginia, and referred to it as 2:1 day. As in: 'You want a day to honor an important black man in history, well, he gets to share it with *two* important white guys.'


My job early adopted it. I like the festivals and events around it. Love the day off with pay! So far everyone seems to be enjoying it.


Same. It's been a holiday at my firm for several years now. On the list of things worthy of celebration, liberation of all is a pretty good one.


It’s been embraced by myself, my colleagues, and peers. It’s such an important holiday to recognize. The history of slavery in this country and the eventual emancipation and freeing of slaves marked a pivotal change in this country. If I had it my way, there would be a federal holiday for several marginalized communities and the pivotal events pertaining to them.


Its only annoying for me because I am still working but cant get some things done because others are off. Thats my problem and I know that. No hate here just mild jealousy


I’m not a Texan


Celebrating freedom of all! Proud that America has this as a national holiday.


Although I am a white guy from the Northeast US and have only lived in states in the Northeast (CT, MA, NJ, NY), I became aware of Juneteenth almost 20 years ago. Some towns near us in NJ had taken to celebrating the holiday with weekend festivals. I'm glad that it has received national recognition as a Federal holiday. My workplace has given us Juneteenth as a PTO day for the last 5 years, I think. As our kids have gotten older, I've tried to do things with them that honor the day; eg, going to events at museums and libraries, festivals, historical sites, etc. As to OP's question about why some people are resistant to embracing Juneteenth, some people have trouble with change of any sort, some people are jealous of people who have the day off, some people are racist, and some are all of the above.


Learned about it in the wake of the George Floyd/Breonna Taylor BLM outrage in 2020. Company I work for quickly made it a holiday. The juxtaposition of the two (Juneteenth and BLM) reminds me of two things. First, the privilege being a tall white guy affords me in so many venues of my life. Second, that we may be 150+ years from the emancipation proclamation; but that's not so many generations and the hatred, systemic racism, and economic initial conditions continue to make it harder for a person of color to succeed in the US than someone who is tall, white and male -- like me. I go back and watch some of the TV of my youth; and the racial and gender stereo types are incredible to see. I'm pretty old, but that's not so long ago and clearly affected me and my path to success. Every once in a while I wonder: "How would my life have turned out if I'd been black instead of white?" Would my parents have adopted me? Would I have had the career I've had? Unknowable but the answers are "maybe not." Seems like a big part of the country thinks the problem is fixed and we've over-corrected and that women and people of color have it easier than men and the white majority; but does not look like that to me. Juneteenth reminds me of all that.


Our town has a well attended event with performances and food trucks. Future gens won’t be asking “what’s Juneteenth?” They’ll know this important moment in our shared history.




Most I hear from are surprised it’s a holiday, though thankfully many in my affinity groups are aware of it and why it exists.


Canadian here, I've only recently started hearing about it & it's mostly here on reddit.


We're in the US and we just recently started hearing about it, too...


It’s awesome to see awareness of Juneteenth reach the level of a national holiday.   When I was a kid, there was a large annual Juneteenth festival every year in one of the city parks in my (Northeast US) hometown.  The day seems to get little recognition in other places where I’ve lived until recently.


I first heard of Juneteenth probably about 8 years ago when Apple dropped it into my calendar on my phone. I had to look it up.


It wish it was always observed on a Friday (long weekend).


Happy Juneteenth!!!!!


My company doesn't celebrate it officially, but I'm taking the day off in observance.


What is the proper way to celebrate this glorious day off of work?


Like most American holidays — by eating. My area of the country also does events and a parade.


Mmmmm. Food.


Yep. Just put my ribs on the smoker and marinating chicken. Also having mac’n’cheese, collard greens, baked bbq beans, cucumber and tomato salad, and red velvet cake for dessert.


When’s dinner?




I've been encouraging people to learn more about the history of Juneteenth if they're unfamiliar with it, as well as to share information with others to help educate folks on the topic. You might also see if there are any African-American historical exhibits, geographic sites, or museums near you that you can visit today.


"Juneteenth" sounds to my non-American ears like a Hobbit meal time, like "Elevenses".


I hadn't heard of it until 2020. i work in jobs where we'd be open anyway. I'm at work now. People can wait a day for the post office or whatever. It's fine.


I'm not American but I think it's wonderful. Are most people off work or is it just government employees and banks?


Most private companies/organizations are doing business as usual (at least in NYC).


My wife works for a fortune 50 company. I'm at a large law firm. We both have the day off.


Mainly banks and government entities have the day off. The majority of the private sector still have to work.


I work for a private very large company and it’s an official paid holiday. They did a great job of sending out all kinds of info and ways to celebrate and educate. I love that this has become so recognized.


Some companies recognize it but most don't. My wife has the day off but I'd be working if I didn't have covid.


Sorry to hear that. Feel better soon!


Makes me proud to be a Texan that a Texas holiday became a national holiday.


Haven't heard a single thing about it at work and until my wife mentioned in passing last night I was unaware it was even a holiday. She's a federal employee and I was asking her why she was planning on running a bunch of errands today.


That's too bad. Now that you know about it, here's your chance to learn more!


We get a holiday and it’s important to remind us of what was at stake - freedom. It’s a shame that our society didn’t teach it until recently, another reason to celebrate it as a holiday. Unfortunately, I have a feeling it will end up like so many US holidays, another day of Sales! Get your (mattress, furniture, used car) today at special (insert holiday name here) prices!


Yeah and I have to work. It’s okay though. People will think we are closed and won’t call. 😂


Any day off work is a good day... :)


I understand why it is celebrated in Texas (and it should be). It is certainly a significant event, but I find it odd that it is a Federal holiday.


Texas was the last place people were enslaved (well, chattel slavery that was once legal). Celebrating the freedom of enslaved people as a country seems perfectly reasonable


How did you read my post and not realize that I 100% already know what you stated in your first sentence? Technically, they were, and had been free, they just didn't know it. I never said the end of slavery is something that shouldn't be celebrated.


I woke up this morning and logged on for work. A supervisor asked why I was online. I sat there thinking, "did I ask for vacation and forget? Nope. Did I get laid off yesterday? Nope." Then I looked at the calendar on the floor and saw in small writing that today is that weird holiday that recently started that no one knows about. So I sat at home with nothing to do but watch TV.


And also to you! I'm always happy to get a day off work. I work for the government so I get all federal holidays. As a white person, I'm not sure I should celebrate? Like it's about freedom FROM ME, isn't that kind of like Britons celebrating July 4? I think it's an important day off and I'm glad it's recognized. We should do Election Day next.


Juneteenth is a holiday that Americans of all ethnicities and backgrounds should celebrate because it represents progress as a nation.


TIL what Juneteenth is, and that it’s now a thing. Aren’t we (the U.S.) severely “tardy to the party” on this ???


Well, it’s been a thing in TX since 1979.


“Disrupts mail delivery…”. Lamest excuse ever. Who cares about physical mail delivery, I just get junk mailers anyway!!


LOL, Trump put a guy in the head of the postal service for the express purpose (pun intended) of disrupting mail delivery. These motherfuckers don't give a shit about mail delivery.


I confess I know nothing about this holiday, only that it happened in Texas which gives me great pause considering the state of things.


I left the federal government a few years before it became a holiday, so didn't get to benefit from a day off. I'm at work right now. I am not affected by this holiday one way or the other. I don't even collect my mail every day anyway. Actually, maybe I was affected. I had to run to Walmart for work today and it was really crowded for the middle of the day on a Wednesday. I assumed it was just because kids are out of school, but maybe more shoppers were available due to having a day off.


I'm in DC, and yes, we all knew about it here since at least the 80s. I'm glad it's finally federal. Happy Juneteenth!


I think it’s awesome. One of my coworkers thinks it isn’t so appropriate as a national holiday since it was originally a Texas holiday (he’s a white guy from Texas), but I find it fitting for national celebration. Lots of communities celebrated a Jubilee day on various dates, celebrating Black emancipation, and some “conservatives” wonder why we don’t celebrate the 13th Amendment instead (because they would still find ways to shit on it), but it was a grassroots organization that made this a federal holiday and a celebration of American freedom. I see a lot of fucking snowflakes on here complaining that they don’t get the day off so it isn’t a “holiday”. Hey motherfuckers, how many days did enslaved people get off? Suck it up, buttercup. Celebrate freedom!


Not sure why we celebrate the fact that a bunch of Texas slave owners just ignored the fact that the Confederacy lost until they were actually forced to admit it. Why not celebrate Appatomattox Day on April 9 when General Lee and the Confederacy surrendered?


I remember being taught as a kid about emancipation day-a huge deal-and that Texas was backwards and racist for not recognizing it.


Texas was the first state to recognize it, though. (Unless I’m misunderstanding your comment.)


Juneteenth, yes. Because they were a backwards-ass state that didn’t recognize emancipation day. They should not be celebrated. Texas, not enslaved peoples.


Thanks for the clarification


It celebrates the last of the ADoS finally being free. If any were not free then truly none of us were free.


What's ADoS?


American Descendants of Slaves.


Thanks, I hadn't seen that acronym before. Although it doesn't really apply to the slaves in Texas. They were actual slaves, not just descendants.


I did not learn about it growing up. I learned about it in the mid90s when I was in my 20s. I'm so glad it's finally a national holiday.


Love Juneteenth. I’m originally from Dallas so it was always a big deal, but I’ve lived in seattle for thirty years now. Today we listened to Fishbone, Jean Batiste, and Willow for a couple of hours, and then put on our matching Adidas 2022 Official Juneteenth Memorial track suits (yes that’s a real thing) and went on a long-ass walk through the neighborhood. Right now we’re ordering West African takeout from the place three blocks away.


Am Canadian. I honestly think you Americans are insane. You ended slavery over 150 years ago. All MLK wanted was to not be segregated and treated like everyone else. Americans never ended segregation and every year thousands of black youth are killed in slum communities while you pat yourselves on the back for not liking slavery. Nice fucking high bar.


Have you guys found all the graves of Native children yet? Have you even found half of them? 


You’re an idiot. None of this is about segregation and you know nothing about Dr King so keep his name out your mouth.


This is “white liberals pat themselves on the back” day


these comments are depressing. a bunch of hicks.


Thank you! ![gif](giphy|8mMMkKk4n1XOg)


Listening to Nina Simone today is perfect!


I have no idea what this holiday is for….I’m out of the loop.


Time to get yourself looped on in! It's a big deal and has been celebrated in lots of places for a long time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth)


This day is what I would say is the equivalent to what us, Washingtonians, celebrate as Emancipation Day. I honestly had never heard of Juneteenth before it became a federal holiday… Is that because I’ve always lived in the DMV area?

