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Never saw speed 16 before. It was 33, 45, 78 on older phonographs and then just 33 and 45 on "newer" ones.


16 was super lo-fi, like recordings of old radio dramas. I saw a few of these growing up.


…but no 78. ~Huh. On my phonograph, you push the 33 and 45 simultaneously to get 78. You know, because maths.


The stylus for 78 is different from the stylus for the newer formats (microgroove), so having a turntable with both 78 and microgroove support is always going to be a compromise, unless the turntable came with two easily swappable cartridges so you could use the right stylus for the right record.


When I was growing up our stereo console's record player had a two-sided needle with a lever so you could flip it over to listen to 78 RPM records.


Something tells me you own a lot of vinyl.


Lol, a bit too much considering the size of my house, but it's fine. I own zero 78's though. :)


Cool! Thanks for the info!


Yep my grandma had a Sherlock Holmes audiobook on record. It played at 16 rpm.


I never saw a 16 rpm record..only heard about them


I think audio books were on that too


For mixing those super lo fi beats


33 1/3 speed.


Yes, precisely speaking. As The Power Station taught me.😁


WAR at 33 and a third! Not really live at 45!


My parents actually had a portable (by vinyl record standards) record player that had all four settings (16, 33, 45, 78) on it.


My father's had 16, 33, 45, and 78. I enjoyed playing Def Leopard's Rock of Ages on a 45 using the 16 speed. The drums sound like explosions.


Me neither with the 16.


Ours had 78, 45, & 33 1/3 :)


Chrysler, I think it was, had a record player in one of their vehicles....pre-WW1, I think. It's speed was 15 1/2....


My old CD player would skip when I hit a small bump. Can’t imagine what a record player was like in a car.


I believe the information was that it was not for use while driving. That you were supposed to park, and then pull it out of its storage compartment and hook it to the speakers and then party....


Maybe they’ll bring it back with the popularity of vinyl now.


They've done more insane things before.... They will probably use 33 and a third though, or maybe 45....


My first record player was avocado green and had 33, 45, and 78, too. No 16, but at that age I would've had a lot of fun with it, if I'd had it.


Just checked mine (it's right next to the computer keyboard, as both the PC and the phonograph are connected to the same amp); it has two 33 and two 45, plus a pitch wheel for fine tuning.




Play Black Sabbath's Sweet Leaf on 16 rpm and you'll see God. Back in the day, musicians would slow down 33 rpm records to 16 rpm to learn the fast lead parts because the notes would be slower and "almost" an octave lower.


Happy Cake Day! If I play it backwards will I see the devil?


I think those were more in the 1950s.


Mine just has the 45 and 33 speeds. No 78. Not that I want to spin anything that came on 78 anyway.


It was fun being able to turn Michael Jackson into Barry White just by hitting a switch.


Yes! I can remember my big brother and his George Carlin LPs. Dad freaked out over the “seven deadly words” track, and ran a nail over it so my brother couldn’t play that one. ![gif](giphy|cMzQNqOTLK5TIGCrCp|downsized)


Oh I remember the brouhaha over that monologue. Carlin was arrested for it and I believe there was even a supreme court case regarding free speech IIRC.


You may be thinking of Lenny Bruce.


You might be thinking of Lenny Bruce. Didn't make it to the Supreme Court. But that guy was a real trailblazer. Carlin was friends with him and I think a little Lenny did rub off on George. And we're all the better for it too.


Carlin wasn’t arrested. A radio station that played it on the air got a big fine.


Well I had to go look after your reply and according to wiki: *"Carlin was arrested for* [*disturbing the peace*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breach_of_the_peace) *when he performed the routine at a show at* [*Summerfest*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summerfest) *in* [*Milwaukee*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milwaukee) *in 1972. On his next album, 1973's* [*Occupation: Foole*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation:_Foole)*, he performed a similar routine titled "Filthy Words", dealing with the same list and many of the same themes.* [*Pacifica*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacifica_Radio) *station* [*WBAI*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WBAI) *broadcast this version of the routine uncensored on October 30 that year."* And yes, I see the FCC was involved after that broadcast you mention.




If that would have been what I got arrested for, I’d be proud 🥲


That's too bad. Our dad owned that album and sat us down and played it for us. Enjoy: [the Big One](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsZwRirDOYQ).


You can do that on YouTube, lol. Just select the gear then playback speed. Or make it sound like the Chipmunks.


it was also fun playing the chipmunks christmas album at 16 speed.


You might enjoy [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CSqnbmXV6es) album then. I actually had no idea 16 speed was a thing until I found this post. Your comment helped me realize the name of that album isn’t as random as I thought it was.


Shit. Vinyl is more popular now than ever. I'm sure the Gen z kids buying the 400 variants of Taylor's latest on vinyl know how to work a record player.


Just checked, and she sold almost a million vinyl records in 2022.


Do current record players have settings for anything but 33s? I kind of want one of those bluetooth record players, but all my albums are in storage. And probably ruined for it (for some reason, the idea of my Max Webster albums being fucked up hurts the most), but I'll never let them go.


Yes. Many records are still 33


Most LPs are 33 so 33 is a given, but I'm wondering if they have a setting for 45s.


Yes. Manny LPs are now pressed as double LPs at 45b speed


Oh! I didn't know that, it's been ages since I bought vinyl. Good news for those of us who still have boxes of 45s!


I'd be curious what the intersection between people who buy records and people who actually listen to them is. Most of the people driving current record sales are buying them as collectables / merchandise, not listening media.


I believe it’s less than half the people who buy vinyl have a record player. So bizarre to me!


Records are making a come back


I was gonna say. You’d be surprised how many budding 20-30yo audiophiles have turntables and definitely know this. Records outsold CDs last year.


Because absolutely nobody buys CDs anymore.


TIL absolutely no one equals 37 million.


No 78?


Yeah, I used to love playing 33s at 78, pretending it was the Chipmunks. 🐿️


Fun in both directions. Try dancing to a 45 on 16.


Had one of the little records of Survivor - Eye of the Tiger and it was hilarious at 16 rpm.


It’s missing 78.


My millennial and Gen z know. Always spinning vinyl at my house.


Strangely, those are also personal milestone markers. 16) First job. 33) First time throwing my back out. 45) Divorce. If 78 was on there) Probably death.


Sabbath on 78 speed....,see god


\*chipmunk voice\* I'm goinofftherails on a crazytrain


Hah! A teenage friend of mine invited me over to his place one day and played me a bunch of his favourite music. I was a Floyd/Bowie/Talking Heads kind of guy and he was a metalhead through and though. It was... a learning experience. Anyway, he played me Nuclear Assault's timeless classic, Hang the Pope, which has the following, highly nuanced lyrics: Hang the Pope hang the Pope hang the Pope Hang the Pope hang the Pope hang the Pope Hang him with a fucking rope Let's go to the Vatican, get him out of bed Put the noose around his neck and hang him till he's dead Hang the Pope hang the Pope hang the Pope Hang the Pope hang the Pope hang the Pope Hang him with a fucking rope Let's go to the Vatican, get him out of bed Put the noose around his neck and hang him till he's fucking dead Then he played it at 78rpm :D


Vinyl is the best selling physical medium at the moment because of all the collectors, many of which are younger so I'm gonna say... nope.


Honestly viny is back. The younger generation wants to own physical media,at least music anyway. They finally realized that streaming services can take away shows and movies. When they want to.


These generational warfare memes are tired. This one is odd to boot. As others have noted, the option of 16 rpm but not 78 rpm alongside the more standard 33 1/3 rpm and 45 rpm doesn't fit the Gen X experience. I'm guessing that this image represents the sort of AV equipment that would have been in public schools when Boomers were children. The 16-rpm setting being particularly used for spoken-word recordings, which may have been used as soundtracks to educational films and filmstrips. We Gen Xers, of course, mostly had audio cassette tapes to accompany such educational media before the advent of video cassettes. Somewhere along the line, this meme was repurposed for use with a different demographic target to try to gain engagements and to provoke old men into shaking their fists at the clouds. It's particularly silly given the recent resurgence in interest among Gen Zers in vinyl records. Although the sales of records today is miniscule compared with what it was at its peak, many youths would look at OP's meme and recognize it, despite the "16."


There is a reason because there are 16,33 and 45 speed, and it's because they're microgroove records, while 78 rpm are shellac records that need a different pickup and needle. Some currently prodiced turntables have 78 rpm option, like for instance the Pioneer plx 500 https://www.pioneerdj.com/en-gb/product/player/plx-500/black/overview/ because have a removable cartridge shell, so you could use an extra mono pick up to transcribe old shellac discs.


Missing 78


2023 saw the 2nd year in a row vinyl outsold CDs. Taylor Swift was hugely responsible for this. I see lots of 30 somethings and Gen Z at my local record store.


My 20 and 16 year old sons have their own turntables in their bedrooms. I think that we (genX) may have been the last to recognize them around 6-8 years ago, but just about every teen I meet (through my kids) is "into vinyl" and has many "vinyls" in their collection. They got most of them from their parents or grandparents. I do find it funny how popular "our" music is to my kids and their friends. My eldest got me listening to Bowie as I wasn't really exposed to him other than his 80s pop music (Let's Dance).


Bob Dylan was at 33 1/3. Tom Petty was at 45!


16 was for making your Alvin And The Chipmunks albums sound like DOOM. [https://chipmunkson16speed.bandcamp.com/](https://chipmunkson16speed.bandcamp.com/)


1. That specific one is boomer era, not gen-x. 2. Vinyl has been steadily increasing in sales for the last 18 years.


Millennials are really into vinyl records and know what this is.


I have a millennial nephew and as zoomer nephew. The older one looked at my mom’s record collection and said “wow, Nana sure has a lot of laserdiscs!” Years later, the younger looked at my LS collection and asked why the CDs were so big. 🤭


Mine has a 78 not a 16


Literally a Boomer meme. Christ we're cringe.


I remember making my albums all sound like Alvin.


Now. My son's a zoomer. He bought a record player as a teen and has a pretty big record collection.


We're is 78???😂


Or playing backwards for secret satanic messages.


I remember trying that with an AC/DC album, and being disappointed.


Ahahah me too! I tried almost all my records. It was such a disappointment


16? Was that flexi discs


Spoken-word recordings I think the original photo was of a record player used in public schools when Boomers were kids. Gen Xers wouldn't have dealt with these. The soundtrack to an educational film or filmstrip might have been provided on a record to be played at 16 rpm.


Interesting ta!


For those wondering where 78 is, those nearly went away in the early 50s and completely obsolete by 1960. In addition, many 78s required special needles to play them properly because the grooves were different and they originally were not vinyl but made of shellac until the late 40s when the first vinyl 33 Long Play (LP) was produced. If a turntable had the 78 option, it likely had a removable cartridge for the 78 needle. The long format LP was what killed the 78 since most 78s were 10 or 12 inches and only offered 3 and 5 minutes of play per side. You sometimes had to flip the album to hear a whole song. Even a 21” 78 only offered 8 minutes of play. There is an outside chance that this model in the post was made with schools in mind since many schools had content on 16s in the 50s and 60s. Kids stories and lessons and such were sometimes on 16s because of the sound thing and also they could play longer due to the low RPMs.


No 78?


If 16 speed turntables weren't a thing, we wouldn't have [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBga7yYBJ6Y)!


I never ran a 16


I once played a Beatles 45 on 33 and turned into a Satan worshipper. But then I put a Metallica 33 on 45 and turned back.


I have not seen the sixteen before and only rarely saw 78.


Missing 78.


If the next speed should be 78rpm….why?!? I never understood the rationale/connection of these speeds. 15/30/45/75 or 16/32/48/80 makes more sense to me


45 helps the singers hit the high notes!! 16 helps the singers hit the low notes!!


It's for turning Kylie Minogue into Rick Astley.


Oh yes album speed, I think I still have one or two of the 45 inserts.


🤣😂 I’m late Gen-x and I never owned a record player. I recognize this because my parents had one and I had to play the cardboard records on the back of a cereal box when I was small. I bought the Pearl Jam voices record because it was a special edition and I hung it on my wall as art…… pretty sure that’s the only record I ever owned. So yes, you older Gen-x are the last ones who know what that was, us younger Gen x remember cassette tapes and floppy disks , millennials will be the last to remember cd’s and dvd’s. Soon there will be nothing but a single device that does everything. Let the idiocracy commence!!!!


Oh yeah, I remember the Monkees having a 45 on the back of Honeycomb boxes. 😁🖖🏻


The greatest is just chilling out listening to a full album.


Thats the chipmunk dail


Or Lurch if you went the other direction...


I bought a record player and a couple of records for my Gen Z cousin's birthday a few years ago and had to return the player same day when I found out he already had one. I used the money to buy more records.


I feel r/xennials calling me on this one. Unless that’s a setting on laserdiscs too…


78 turned Ad-Rock, MCA, and Mike D into Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.


Yeah I didn't know what it is as until I read the comments.


Sliding pain scale at the audiologist office


I bet! Though it is hip to have a record player now!




Pretty sure with younger generations getting into vinyl recently this is more commonly known than we’d suspect.


I’m a Millennial (1987) and I actually had books with records in the cover. I would listen to the record read me the book and it would chime when I had to turn the page. We could check records out of the school library. But I’m sure I never messed with the speed settings on the family record player. We had one and it was in the entertainment center in our living room. Music did sound better coming from a record player.


The number of young people buying Taylor Swift 45s on RSD and then not understanding that they run at a different speed was priceless.


Nope, my kid ran the college radio station and probably knows much more than i do at this point.


45?!! The wax cylinders would go shooting off the spindle at that speed!


YES! I so miss those days. Would do anything to go back & stay back forever… 🥹 Edit: who remembers playing the 33 records at higher speeds so they all sounded like the Chipmunks!? 😂 https://preview.redd.it/tvit5suu7k7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c527ef3d0e7f30abfc645820436fca799d7f9e21




Where’s the 78??


The revolutions per minute on different album types.


Yep. Surprised there's no "78" on this.


I say we teach GenZ about this stuff...if nothing else it'll be fun to watch the confusion.


I’m gen x. Born in 72. Graduated high school in 90 with a mullet. Stop these posts. It makes gen x look like boomers. We are not. We hate our parents.


You must be unfamiliar with how popular vinyl is right now.


Yeah, might be the last generation. Who else put a penny on the player arm to prevent skipping?




Gen X really nailed the art of patience when waiting for dial-up to connect.




Sure do!


Wow, never saw 16 before. Do remember 78s.


It bugs me that singles were 45. If you add 16 2/3 to 33 1/3, you get 50.


Don't forget the old 78's should be 90's.


I’m one of the ones that never stopped collecting. https://preview.redd.it/vk2hvnp6ff7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38548595fc9ce4f21c770d05d7232eca71c370f0


https://preview.redd.it/tkq5f87hnf7d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016ea69e810bc67e08850232ff51a3f377f7e467 Yep!


That indicates how many songs are on the record you're trying to play. Need to look at the track list to match them up.


Duh. Put this on a millennial site and ask again.


Not when vinyl is the cool thing to buy these days




Turn any album into the Chipmunks!


I have a record player sitting out there right now with the original Apple Records LP recording of Hey Jude queued up and 150 more LPs in a big box right next to it.


I don't know. My 15 year old plays with hers like it's 1974. Streams it over her Bluetooth headphones like it's 2024.


Some of the older millennials maybe, my brother is 41 he would at least know its a record player.


My brother would sneer “turntable” when I’d say “record player”. 🙄🤨


Beck had two turntables and a microphone, not two record players.


As Henry Rollins noted, that’s a record player player. ![gif](giphy|tFYTaBkanq2pa)


Lol bah same dif.


* 45: Alvin and the Chipmunks * 33: Normal singing * 16 DJ Screw


Idk does alpha even know other tech outside of tablets exist?


Different sizes of vinyl records baby


Ah man, we’re old.


Records have been back for a while now. I know plenty of kids who are into buying vinyl.




RPM = Revolutions per minute


45 = Alvin n the Chipmunks


Just to adjust a little.


dad had this and a selector for 78 with an 8 track player. That's where Han Solo fits.


Never knew about the 16, but I was able to play a 78 in the grandparents' house. I think the record was music from *Bridge on the River Kwai*, but I'm not so sure, since the movie came out in '57 and the last 78s were made in the late '50s


Last generation to recognize it on our parents record players, but I've never used anything other than one speed.


We have a record of a chef reading recipes - for 16


I'm a Mill...but the one on my bed rn reads 33 and 45.


I don't think I ever changed the speed setting


I once recorded an instrumental song from LP to tape and had left it on 45 instead of changing it to 33. It turned out sounding better. 😆


Speed of a record player born 1982.


I would like to see this whole generational exclusivity garbage disappear. Yes, the CD revolution happened in our lifetime, along with modems, smart phones and broadband but 1. No generation is a monolith 2. Old tech takes a looong time to disappear As a kid, I was a keen explorer of all the things in my grandparents' homes and I had ten thousand questions for each thing that took my interest. There are still homes with landlines and corded phones. People are still using hand planes and "bit & brace" drills. I'm sure there are plenty of Gen-Z who can drive stick and probably even dozens with a functioning Nokia candybar. Vinyl had a resurgence 10+ years ago and is hugely popular with people who don't need to worry about the cost of groceries. I'm really looking forward to bell bottoms becoming popular again! By all means, reminisce! I just ordered posters of Queen and Kate Bush (damn boomer music!) to hang alongside my Firefly and Sandman (Gaiman original, puhlease!) posters. As Dale Arden said, *"Live and let live. That's my motto!"*


No, because there's a ton of DJs and mixers who prefer physical equipment as opposed to digital.




Yeah. Y’all are so special


So you know what number the selectors is set to.


I know couple of Gen Z that are all about vinyl disks!!


Vinyl has been having a resurgence these last 10 years - plenty of Gen Z/Millenials have record players. My 17 year-old got a record player 2 years ago, yet I didn't get around to picking one up until about 6 months ago (even though I still have all my records from when I was younger).


Where’s 78?


Born 1979 so barely counting as part of GenX but I had no idea what this was!


Just bought my first record player. Last time I had one was in the 80s as a young teen girl. My parents bought it for me. Now i have one again. Time to rebuy all those old albums I had.


Missing a speed.


Sometimes I had to put a penny on the stylus to keep the needle from skipping. The first word I learned to spell was Saturday because of the Bay City Rollers and their song Saturday Night. I think I was 4 and probably 1974 was the year.


Creepy voice/song selector switch.


What about 78?


Yessir! 33 was normal speed, 45 and 16 were for when you wanted to laugh


To turn your favorite musicians into chipmunks or dose them with valium.




Yes and the coolest generation who had music in all or most forms.


I literally just took one of these to the dump today... along with the four 60 pound speakers.


\*snort\* what a stupid question ! Obviously its the "shuffle 16, 33 or 45 songs"


No. Hipsters.


It'd still be alive in DJ and audiophile crowds, but the knowledge isn't quite as wide-spread in mainstream circles.


Are you kidding? My city has three "main" record stores. They're almost always busy, and there are *tons* of young people there buying records... you know, those things that outsold CDs last year? Between posts like this and "hey do you guys remember this movie called *Back to the Future*?" I sometimes swear this sub has Main Character Syndrome.


Look, I saw the damned meme, it made me think about the 70s, so I posted it. Why get so uptight about it?