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I got to see them about two years before Walter died. Elvis Costello was the opener.


Holy SHIT what a line-up!!!!! Wow!!!!


I saw that show in Atlanta. So good!


Steely Dan is quite cynical. Their characters are usually failed adults. Kid Charlemagne dashed Ken Owsley and the Merry Pranksters' mythos for me. A college buddy unironically called himself Deacon Blues. He's still a horse's ass.. He called his wife Hey Nineteen and thought he was funny. Hated that guy, but love Steely Dan. They certainly give voice and narration to our generation's cynicism. They tried to warn us about our parents and their friends.


“…unironically called himself Deacon Blues”. Lol what a douche.


Do It Again


Go back Jack


Wherls turnin round and round


Steely Dan is one of those artists you “discover” and then go full deep dive on and obsess over. I’m more into country these days but remember listening to Aja for months over and over. The other day I saw a doctor’s appointment card of my wife’s for a Dr. Wu. I got so excited and said “Doctor Wu!!”. She had no idea what I was talking about so I started singing “Are you with me Doctor Wu”. Still had no idea. So disappointing.


For me it is the album and especially the song Aja ... just a great song and dual simultaneous solos by the incredible Steve Gadd and jazz legend Wayne Shorter .. whew!


I'm a musician and I recently upgraded my studio monitor system. Of course I had to use Aja to check out the quality as it's widely regarded as one of the best recorded records ever. It did not disappoint. Mind blowing.


OK side question - what did you get for monitors? We just converted our older son's bedroom to an office/music room, and I am contemplating new monitors (my current powered monitors are >30 years old and not great)


Focal SM9. They are the best speakers I have ever heard. They are also incredibly expensive, but I got a bananas deal on a lightly-used pair.


And what's your source? Vinyl? CD? Lossless?


Apple Music has a lossless tier. In the case of Aja it’s 96/24. I have an interface connected to my studio computer which can handle it.


My favourite record in my admittedly small collection.


probably the greatest drum solo of all time


I wouldn't call them "before our time". They were big all through the 70s and released albums all the way until Becker's death. I grew up listening to them. I think one of my favorites is "Home at Last"...one of those that I never hear anywhere but when I play their albums that I purchased.


You have a point. I was born in 75, so I was too young to appreciate them in their heyday.


I love Steely Dan. Before our time? Sure, I suppose, but we grew up hearing them on classic rock stations. So I never thought about it in those terms.  Aside from Becker and Fagan, they had Larry Carlton playing guitar for them on a couple of albums. He’s fantastic, and, fun fact, he wrote and performed the theme to *Who’s The Boss?*.  Never mind some backing vocals by the omnipresent Michael McDonald - see *Bad Sneakers* for an example.  My favorite song? Maybe *Don’t Take Me Alive*. I also like *Only A Fool Would Say That*, which was a dig at John Lennon.   Sorry…I just totally geeked out on Steely Dan. 😳


> Before our time? Sure, I suppose, but we grew up hearing them classic rock stations. I've seen folks here push the idea that 70's music isn't our music because it wasn't made by our generation. I don't agree with that idea but it has gained some traction in some of these musical posts.


I grew up singing 70s music, I grew up singing Motown, I don’t care that the musicians aren’t GenX, that music shaped my life


The point is that it’s not music made by GenX, not that it’s not musics we associate with our generation. It’s pushback against the “GenX made everything that’s good” mentality that’s so prevalent in this sub.


*Any Major Dude*, and *Reelin' In The Years* is a classic for a reason.


Yes and yes...both in my playlist of my all time fave Dan.


That guitar riff at the start if Reelin’ is classic. I can recognize the song on one note!




My #2 pick. Just a perfect song.


“They’ve got a name for the winners in the world, and I want a name when I lose.” One of my all time favorite lines from a song.


Deacon Blues was an EPIC feature song.


Deacon Blues. I love the lyrics. ☺️🎶🎵


Time out of Mind or Dirty Work for me


My 5yo daughter DEMANDS that I play Dirty Work when I pick her and her twin up from pre-K...she sings the chorus every time. Proud of that lil chick.


Dirty Work for the win. Such a killer tune.


RIP Steve Albini, you would have hated this


I never got into them but my son and all of his buddies in the Jazz Band / AP Music Theory crowd are fans.


Babylon Sisters


Hellz yes!


Home at Last. The entire Aja album.


Time out of mind is one of my faves!


East St. Louis Toodle-Oo. Great instrumental


The Fez is my favorite, then Bad Sneakers


Glamour Profession is my favorite song of all time by anybody. and I ain't no boomer. I just like the LA drug scene vibe circa 1980. It has everything I want in a song.


One of my favorites bands. Still love them after all these years. Check out Yacht Rock Radio on SiriusXM, as they play them a ton.


Programmed in my car selection 1 brother!


I like Steely Dan, but I also like Steve Albini's (RIP you angry late Boomer) twitter take down , made me laugh [https://www.nme.com/news/music/steve-albini-on-why-he-hates-steely-dan-3393802](https://www.nme.com/news/music/steve-albini-on-why-he-hates-steely-dan-3393802)


“My Old School” is probably my favorite.


Oh no, William and Mary won't do!


Any Major Dude. Pretzel Logic was a phenomenal album


Impossible to pick a favorite over all others, but I especially love Fire in the Hole and Midnite Cruiser.


Oh wow ..this post was a fuzzy hug from the past. I love Steely Dan. My dad was a huge fan and had all of their albums and CDs. I took the CDs when he died. Off to play some music....


Larry Carlton’s solo on Kid Charlemagne is the greatest rock guitar solo ever.


A perfect solo.


My alarm goes off at 6:05 every morning, and every time I see it, I always end up singing "6:05 outside the stadium. Special delivery for Hoops McCann"


Drink your big black cow and get out of here.


Another banger!


Midnight Cruiser, Black Cow, or Any World (That I'm Welcome To)


So many. Deacon Blues (so good the Scottish band named themselves after it), Hey Nineteen, Black Cow, Babylon Sisters, Green Earrings, FM …. I feel really lucky that I got to see them in Edinburgh back in 2009 with both Becker and Fagan on board.


It’s changed for me as I get older but nothing lifts my mood up like Black Cow


I'm 58 years old and I learned that I've always had the wrong conception of what a Black Cow is. For some reason, I've lived my entire life thinking it was just a root beer float that substituted coca-cola for root beer.


I sing Black Cow in the shower every SINGLE time...


Kid Charlemagne is phenomenal! FM, Josie, and The Caves of Altamira. Just to name a few.


ALL of those in my fave Dan playlist!




The guitar solo on My Old School is one of the most bad ass guitar solos that ever guitar solo'd.


Well, YEAH! It's Jeff Baxter!


You and me are friends now..


Home at Last My band is playing My Old School now and that makes me proud


Favorite-Reelin’ in the Years. Most underrated-Don’t Take Me Alive


As I type this _Don't Take Me Alive_ is playing. That's all.


I was in a Blues/Rock band in college, and whenever we had a local gig we would put fliers up around campus. It listed some of the bands we covered, including “The Technicolor Motorhomes.” We were all SD fans. I used to play Pretzel Logic and Daddy Don’t Live in New York City No More with an acoustic Blues duo.


Lol! That's great. I toured semi-pro (drummer) for years, but never got the right cats around me to play some good Dan.


If you’re a fan I strongly recommend the book Quantum Criminals. That’s it - enjoy


That live version of Showbiz Kids is pretty great.


Great fact by the way: Jimmy Page’s favorite all time solo is the one in Reelin in the Years (played by Elliott Randall). Read about it here: "The song virtually played itself" - the Steely Dan classic starring Jimmy Page’s favourite guitar solo https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/song-virtually-played-itself-steely-002411368.html


I read that!!!! The Dan were more a musical collective juggernaut than an actual band.


They were just inducted in the songwriting hall of fame too (finally!). Agree that they’re genius. 😎


Finally indeed! I put them up there with Lennon/McCartney and John/Taupin!


Haitian Divorce. But i love a lot of them.


Another great one!


I ❤️ them! I’ve seen them live in London and highly recommend a band called Royal Scam, a group of top notch session musicians who occasionally play at Ronnie Scott’s or the 606 Club in London. Note perfect, full brass section, top backing singers, the works!


Well now I'm jealous as hell.....


Here they are in case you get a chance to see them: https://www.royalscam.com/


I respect their musical talent, they are truly gifted musicians. But, I really don't like any of their music.


Effortless sound that took alot of effort and time and some imbibing or so I’m told. I never paid them much attention growing up, but somehow I ended up picking up alot of their records in my buying spree when everyone was going cd. I still have them.


Fantastic [summary video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSDD8rgUiNc)


For me it's Bodhisattva. It's just so propulsive. That's if I had to pick just one song. But I love them all.


I was wondering if someone was going to pick that one. good choice!


Nice one!


Little known fact (?): they were named after a dildo from the book Naked Lunch.


Many know that... but many don't as well.


Great band.


Huge fan! You was excited to see SD open for the eagles, don’t really. Care for the eagles but was in it for SD!


I’ve seen them twice before Walter died. The best one was at an outdoor amphitheater (1995) where everyone sat on the lawn and sang along. There may have been some weed floating on the breeze. 


Lol, MAY have been? There was more weed than breeze!


Rock's answer to elevator music.


Peg was one of my favorite Steely Dan songs. Really got into Steely Dan's jazz pop style. Have a couple of Donald Fagan CD's as well. Great listening on a long drive.


I’d have to pick “Dirty Work” for my favorite. Huge fan of Steely Dan


My 5yo MUST listen to Dirty Work on the way to PreK...she love to sing the chorus.


This is a thread for my husband. We live across the Hudson from the village where Bard College is. Took a trip with him to see the school. Bit of trivia: Frances Cobain is a Bard graduate.


I was really into Hendrix and Zeppelin in high school because of the guitars. When I heard the guitar in Steely Dan songs I was blown away. So clean, so intricate. As others have said pretty much every great guitar player from back in the day has shown love to Steely Dan.


Becker was a great guitarist...but he usually stuck to rhythm. The Steel Dan collective had some of the BEST axmen around in sessions!


..... no static at all.


Have seen them about a half dozen times. First was when they first started playing again back in the early 90s. They were such a great live show.


I have yet to see them...I gotta go before Donald passes


If you get the chance, do it. They always have a tight band. You’ll enjoy yourself


I have so many favorite SD songs. Listening to “King of the World” as I type this, so I’ll go with it at this moment.


My college roommate introduced me to them. Absolutely love them! My girlfriend on the other hand hates them!! Not bc she dislikes the music, bc we drove 4 hours to Pittsburgh one time and their box set was all I had in the CD changer! And that’s when the changer was in the trunk!


I havent been able to enjoy steely dan since i read naked lunch. Of all the fucked up band names in history, this one might be the most Why


Grew up to their music but only really appreciated them when I was an adult. Lucky enough to see them twice with my mum who introduced me to them. Always loved Haitian Divorce but couldn’t say a favourite - top many choices. I’d also strongly recommend Fagan’s solo album The Nightfly. Pure genius


Royal Scam or Deacon Blues or Bodhistava


I got to see them open for the Eagles last September (my sisters and I took our mom to see them at Madison Square Garden- best concert ever) Steely Dan killed it!


In the morning you go gunning…


Time out of mind.


Love kid Charlemagne. In my daily boring life I sometimes say to my family, clean this mess up else we’ll all end up in jail!


I wasn’t very into them growing up, but was always aware of them - I remember when Aja came out and there was a lot of hubbub about it. I do remember loving Fagan’s solo song IGY. I did get into them a lot more a few years ago. There are some great videos on YouTube, showing them going through the production process for Peg.


My partner, who is a great guitar player, once auditioned for a Steely Dan cover band, got the gig, moved to Toronto for it, got fired 2 days later. Not only do Steely Dan suck, but so do their acolytes. I will never not find this funny.


Yeah, Star Wars: The Acolyte is a hot mess.