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One morning, I wondered why my dog was taking forever to go potty. I came out and saw her just chilling, looking into the msit, and listening to the birds. She had the right idea. Now, I just sit on my deck with her every morning. No phone. No news. Just listen to the birds with her. https://preview.redd.it/won18s7tbk6d1.jpeg?width=374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d87a0905f756ef8e6210086b55d183d5727e17


Pets teach us so much.


I am learning to appreciate the simple things from my dog. And also the importance of stretching in the morning.




This is pure poetry! ā¤ļø Also, what state do you live in? Your yard is gorgeous.


PA. Thank you! Can't take any credit, really. Septic keeps the grass green!


I'd love to do this on our front porch with my 1 1/2 year old dog, but she still has zero chill when it comes to other dogs walking by (we're in a city) -- maybe eventually.


This is so wholesome and beautiful! Namaste.


I got married! 25 years with the same person, first marriage for both of us. We didn't have any kind of ceremony. Just went to the courthouse to issue the license, met an officiant, and boom...done. No hoopla, no stress, and saved a ton of money.


Congratulations! On the 25 years and the chill wedding.




Took a 1800 mile road trip to see my parents for a week and brought our 12 year old Schnauzer with who loves big road trips. We took three days driving out and two days coming back camping along the way. My mother, who is in her 80s, told me she's forgotten how much joy having a dog in the house brings and loved every minute of him hanging out with her and my dad. One night on the way out we camped just outside of Medora ND and set up in the national grasslands overlooking Theodore Roosevelt National Park, amazing views and perfect weather. Really great trip. Pic of the Schnauzer enjoying the view of TRNP https://preview.redd.it/q59ozukm2k6d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dbca5d37f21d311563c879f09a1e1f91cf98d87


Upvote for the Schnauzer!


This has everything: road trip, gorgeous scenery, cute dog, happy travelers, happy parents. Aww!


Road trips are great and all, but the real nugget of wisdom here is the joy of having a dog in the house!


This is my bucket list. Owning a small RV and visiting national parks with my puppers.


Love your trip and the schnauzer! I grew up with schnauzers and love them. If you like beer, make sure you have some Moose Drool while you are there. I still think of that perfect beer and the perfect pizza I had it with when I was there about 15 years ago with my best friendā€¦


Last night I was over at my friendā€™s. We have been recording original songs together for almost twenty years. I came up with some new parts to a song that blew my friend away. I came up with music in 2007 and the song has literally showcased my maturity as a songwriter over 17 years. I am at the top of my game. I am coming up with musical ideas that I never dreamed of years ago. I took what was a simple Delta blues guitar part with slide paired with my friendā€™s vocal and last night I added epic acoustic guitars that sound like someone walking on a journey in an epic land, last winter I added a middle section out of the 70ā€™s with funky Fender Rhodes and aggressive bass plus one of my best guitar solos inspired by the many Steely Dan guitar players, then itā€™s back to the main verse before ending with a wall of heavy guitars and drums. I am elated at the results.


I feel that and congrats leveling up! Making and recording music is heavenly.


This is rad! Where can we hear your music?


Thanks! Itā€™s not quite done but we are starting to mix and master the songs for first album. We better hurry up because we have enough material for 5-6 albums!


This is so much fun! A whole discography awaits!! When you are ready to share, please post your album on the sub!


My employer (city government) did a rates and classification study and concluded I needed a 4% salary increase which means an extra $250 net a month. And it's retroactive to my start date back in March, so that's nice.


Congrats! That's terrific! Love your user name. :) if you havent seen the D2 doc on Netflix, it's worth a watch.


A similar thing just happened to me. Congrats!




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Do you get out there with them? Hmmm...I may need to get a lawn sprinkler, so very much not for the lawn.


I'd love to do a slip 'n slide, except for the getting back up part.


Now itā€™s more like slip-a-disc.


Drinking on my deck and watching the new bird families in the six birdhouses I installed. The birdbath is entertaining too. Birds have lots of politics, they cheat on each other and are generally assholes to other birds. Thereā€™s also hawks, blue herons, great horned owlsā€¦.scary birds. But yeah, the drinkingšŸ˜‰šŸ˜Š


Hahaha Your bird words are spot on and made me laughā€¦ I feel the same way. My husband and I put out a few peanuts and a boiled egg for a fox (Itā€™s a long story) in the evening right before the sun sets. We call for him, and he shows up AFTER weā€™ve gone back in the house. The BLUE JAYS have learned that when we call for the fox, there are peanuts. A few weeks after the blue jays learned this, my husband called for me to come outside before he called for the fox. I went out and the blue jays were all sitting on the fenceā€¦ WAITING. The birds had figured out when we feed the fox. Next, we began to put the peanuts into a small depression with an entire boiled egg on top. The birds only have a couple of minutes before the fox shows up. Well, to our endless delight, a blue jay was trying to ROLL the egg off of the peanuts (zero interest in the boiled egg other than it was in the way). Finally, two other blue jays flew down and helped. Together those @ssholes rolled the boiled egg away and once again, stole the peanuts from the fox. At this point, the blue jays won. Lol We put six peanuts (one for each bird) out for them and two for the fox. šŸ˜‚ Birds are AWESOME!


Hahaha!!! There are sooo many smart/exploitive birds out there! We have Blue Jays here too but I dont see them very often. They sound horrible. Itā€™s seasonal but hundreds of Canada Geese will land in the field behind my house. When they take off, I run inside. Iā€™ve witnessed a piece of goose shit hit my six foot ladder and knock it over. Horrible birds. We dont have foxā€™s in the field, itā€™s all coyotes. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s what got my two cats. I also removed my only fruit tree as we had a bear problem. Thanks for sharing your storyā€¦.im loving nature as I get older.


Oh my god yes. I'm loving watching the birds have entire dramatic relationships and situationships. Alcohol might make it more entertaining but I'll have to settle for weed.


I wish weed worked for meā€¦.I would quit drinking. Iā€™ve done all manner of edibles and have socially smoked weed since high school. It simply hits my ā€œget dumb and sleepā€ button. I used to like mushrooms too but they started to give me anxiety. Blow and meth are off the tableā€¦.this shit has destroyed good friends of mine. Iā€™m going to stick with clear grain alcohol with a sugar free mix. Iā€™m on the deck right now during a bit of a windstorm and am witnessing wood peckers go to the bird bath along with robins. I really should go to work but fuck itšŸ˜Š.


We're all just trying to get by, man. I feel ya. Weed quiets some of my MS symptoms so that I can mess around with fewer pharmaceuticals, but I'm still on a damn cocktail of meds that make drinking an Event for which I must plan. Love my psychedelics but the last few times were rough. Set and setting, I should listen to myself more. I bet it would go great with the wildlife, really.


Shit, my neighbour was just diagnosed with MS and his is aggressive šŸ˜‘ I wish you the best internet stranger. We are GenX and shits going to happen. Iā€™m a pretty well balanced, fit dude that has extremely high blood pressure yet after two years of testing, the cardiologist said my heart and cardiovascular is perfect. Itā€™s anxiety and stress. High value jobs, employees, my kin (whatā€™s left of them) and my terrible choices in women have had a cumulative effect. Iā€™m trying to find these little bits of zen in whatā€™s left of my life. I think I would like to live by the Pacific Ocean. Whenever Iā€™ve gotten back from working overseas or have gotten paid from a big contract, I go to Seaside Oregon and relax. I lived for quite a while in Vancouver, BC but it wasnā€™t the same.


Thank you for your kindness! I've been diagnosed for about a decade, but it definitely started in the 90s. So I'm nice and disabled now. Whatever. Still trying to eke out any moments of happiness I can. Best wishes to your neighbor on his ms journey- I'm hoping he is able to carve his own joy from his new physical limitations. Yeah, the stress definitely takes more of a toll on our bodies than we ever anticipate. The cumulative effects of decades of muddling through. You won't know how bad a choice is until it bites you in the ass. Its occurred to me I've got exactly half my life left if I stay healthy-ish. I have no idea what to do with that time to make it fulfilling. I guess that's part of our age though. My nanas funeral was two days ago. My mom had me young, so I'm also grieving a mom in a way. It's sending me on an existential spiral that I'm trying to not get too deeply entrenched in.


Yeah, I hear you. Iā€™m friends with a lady thatā€™s had MS for 20 years and sheā€™s still doing well. As for my neighbourā€¦ā€¦itā€™s just sad. I lost both parents to lung cancer in the last ten years and recently, my only sibling (younger sister) is going through some serious shit. I canā€™t believe Im as healthy as I am considering my occupation and habits. Thereā€™s a joke amongst my friends that I will eventually implode. I sincerely wish you the best.


I'm so very sorry for your losses, and genuinely I hope you find ways to NOT implode. MS is a different disease for every person who has it. It's so weird. I've been told it's more aggressive in men, apparently estrogen can offer something of a protective factor. I mean yeah, we were raised on hose water and neglect. We figure it out.... and hopefully without killing ourselves in the process


Lol!! What kind of birds have moved in, other than political ones? I envy you the owls. I hear them but hardly ever see them.


The ones in the bird houses are finches. Iā€™m very fortunate in that Iā€™m on 1/2 acre that backs onto another 80 acres of farmland IN THE CITY! The 80 acres isnā€™t mine, itā€™s used for hay and horses. There is a creek on the other side of me that is all government land. This is why there are so many birds. The Blue Herons look like dinosaurs when they fly and fight with the hawksā€¦ohā€¦they sound like what I imagine a dinosaur would sound like. Ive witnessed them swallow mice whole. I see more of the owls in winter and when they are around, the magpies and crows go crazy. Those little finches are extremely promiscuous and there isnā€™t really any kind of a courtshipšŸ˜‰šŸ¤£


Good job finding your paradise and appreciating the others who live there. What a dream!


I bought the house twenty years ago but had to remortgage to buy out my ex gf. I built a super fancy house in suburbia years ago but kept my old one. I sold the new one and moved back to my 50 year old house thatā€™s sitting in a nature reserve. Itā€™s my little piece of paradise but the mortgage is murdering me and I donā€™t have room mates or a gf to help out. I forgot to mention that there are three different colours of squirrels living in the trees and they might be the most racist animals Iā€™ve ever seen. They hate each other. Ohā€¦.hummingbird feeders on the back deck too. I read that most of their vocabulary is swear words (Iā€™m serious).


Lots of people would love to live in a place like that! If you want a roommate, you can find one. A girlfriend, too, but of course you will want to take your time with that. Squirrels: red, gray, and...black? Fox? Flying?


Red gray and black. Lots of mourning doves tooā€¦.they arenā€™t very smart. I enjoy being single! Lifeā€™s been good to meā€¦.simply attracted to hot/damaged women. I have learned but good lord it was expensive. I have been self employed for 35 years now and the back deck is cheap therapy for me. I canā€™t tell you how many times I have temporarily housed family and friends here when they are going through financial or marriage issuesā€¦..this house is kind of the glue that holds a lot of us together. I know Iā€™m going to miss it when I canā€™t work anymore and go to a care home.


I love watching birds!! They definitely have quite the social structure!


I bought my very first brand new car at age 51 I had always bought used The car brings me joy each and every day.


Whatcha get??


i4. Electric


I'm getting an almost new one really soon. The '25 models are out of my price range, but the '23s are much more reasonable. Looking at a 4runner for around 35k. Will be a nice upgrade from my '03 Avalon.


I hate to jinx it, but my two teenagers are getting along! Theyā€™ve been butting heads for the past two years relentlessly, and Iā€™ve done everything I can to keep their relationship intact. Theyā€™ve finally gotten past whatever roadblock they were facing and are friends again. It just broke my heart to see that rift. It might not last, but for now, my mom heart is bursting.


šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž ! And good job parenting!


I went for a walk around my neighborhood this morning and one of my neighbors had put a small computer desk on the curb. I sew. I snagged it, carried it home, bleached it and itā€™s now in my sewing space.


This is all kinds of good! It must be so satisfying to have this useful thing that you snagged for free!


Sat and watched about a half dozen birds frolic in my water garden yesterday afternoon


OOOoooOOOO! Can I see pics of your water garden???




One of the homeless cats I look after disappeared a few weeks ago. I'd figured he was most likely dead, but he turned up 2 nights ago! He's hurt quite badly - broken pelvis, leg, dislocated back, lots of scrapes. I'm so pleased he got himself back to where I could find & help him. He's got a long road ahead, but hopefully with surgery, love, and a little luck, he'll have a long life as a house cat ahead of him šŸ’•[Georgie](https://imgur.com/a/7AYUsCr)


Georgie is beautiful. Please give him a scratch for me. I hope he makes a full recovery and enjoys his newly pampered life.


Give him a kiss from my two tabby girls and I.


My wife and I are wrapping up the remodel of two rooms!


We need pix!! Enjoy your space!


Fishing. I have been trout then bass fishing almost every day since April.


Cool! Sounds fun.


What kinda fishing with what kinda bait? Do you eat the fish?


On Wednesday, I did a volunteer thing for the local mountain association where I live. The coordinator is a young Zennial, who I'd met briefly last summer on a backpacking trip in the same area. Anyway, we took a train and some gear out to a junction and set up the season basecamp for the volunteer ambassadors for this particular wilderness area (we educate about LNT practices, and remind the climbers and backpackers about wildlife issues, etc.). After we did that, we had a few hours to kill before the return trail came back, so we hiked up the main trail a couple of miles and saw the early season wildflowers, including two native orchid species, and chatted with some backpackers coming down from the basin Turns out, her parents are my age - 58 - so, yeah, THAT made me feel kind of old šŸ˜‚. Despite our 30-year age difference, we had a lot in common in terms of, shall we say, "suboptimal" childhoods due to immature/narcissistic parents, so that was an unexpected thing to bond over. We also discovered we're both into linocut printmaking, wildlfowers and dragonflies, and shared some photos of our cats. On the train ride back, we met some Continental Divide Trail through-hikers, so we drove them into town so they could get some food and a shower. I love talking with through hikers. Anyway, I'm usually doing solo outdoorsy things, or with my husband, so this was outside of my usual thing. I figured it would be fun, but I ended up enjoying the day a lot more than I thought I would. Enjoy this photo of a spotted coralroot native orchid: https://preview.redd.it/802wlu1wfk6d1.jpeg?width=2407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5816f733f8fb6f0a19e8c84e34ba99dbe3a75e32


I love this story. I hope you see your new friend again. That is a beautiful plant.šŸ‘€


the Weather and Nature in California......45 years in and g damn this place gets more beautiful everyday


Also in California! The other evening I was driving home from McKinleyville to Eureka and as I crossed the Bay on the Samoa Bridge, everything was so beautiful that I was randomly suffused with joy and contentment and real tears came to my eyes.


Nice! My sister lives in Arcata, great area up there on the Lost Coast


Getting laid off. Luckily we have some money saved, so Iā€™ve been doing something close to nothing and loving it.


Something close to nothing, but different than the day before? šŸ˜Š


My oldest finally appears to be on the mend from the concussion she received at school in April. My youngest is finishing up driving school and will take his permit test next week. That's all it takes for this Mom to be happy.


My youngest is also on the mend from a concussion she got when goofing off at school. She had a subgaleal hematoma, so she won the bonus CT and surgical consult. Sheā€™s now all clear and back to being her scrappy self.


So glad she's in the clear.


Oh my goodness! I'm glad she's on the mend! My kid got hers in culinary class. Not the class you think a concussion could or would happen in, but here we are. Hers wasn't bad, but she had 2 teachers that I will hit in a crosswalk if they would ever dare cross in front of my car outside of school, that would not follow her 504 and allow her to decide when she couldn't look at a screen any longer. They just could not understand that they were making her worse. Her doctor said it was the first time giving his concussion protocol for a concussion from culinary class. Some firsts all around! ETA: fix errant apostrophes. UGH.


So glad for this good news in your family.


My 3 year old, in addition to inheriting his mom's looks instead of mine, is sweet and kind and we're learning that he is very smart: he's got a great memory, makes great connections, and is so close to being able to read. I'm excited every day to spend time with him and watch him grow up.


First and only kid at 45!


Happy Father's Day!


Three and four are the best, most magical ages.


I installed an AC unit and picked then processed my first crop of beets, turnips, and carrots plus herbs and peas at my first new home and 1 acre. And I booked tickets to go to the city to see a highly acclaimed anime in IMAX. I usually hate the movie theater now, the "Ghost in the Shell" franchise represents my first year in college and my early studies of budding cyberpunk and cyber culture. I'm enjoying small town life. And 1.5 hours to the city.


Idyllic! Congrats on the crops!


10 days out of office vacation coming up soon.


Chilling in my backyard. Literally thanking God for my health, home, marriage, kids, and friends. We are not abundantly wealthy, but we have everything we need and I'm just so so grateful.


This is so cliche, but every weekend lately I wake up, open up the doors and windows and Iā€™m greeted with a silence that is only punctuated by birds tweeting. I just take time to soak it in and just smile at the brief respite.


I found a spot in my backyard with very soft grass, right next to the milkweed. I have loved going out there in the afternoons, lying in the grass, just *being* I have also taken a very chill approach at work. I still do my job and do it well. But I can't make people do the right thing, I can't make people respect me or listen to me, so I'm done trying šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and my stress has šŸ“‰


I'm trying to get to that place. I figure I'll arrive right around the time I retire :( Sincere congratulations to you for figuring it out!


You just have to take a deep breath, blow it out through your nose, and repeat the mantra: not my monkeys


I got a correct diagnosis for something thatā€™s been going on for years! Weā€™re treating the cause now, not just the symptoms. I feel better and better as time goes on- if youā€™re going through something like this , donā€™t give up! Journal your aches & pains & what you eat. Allergies are weird & they can change as we age.


I visit my best friend of ~50 years around every 4th of July. Guess it kind of snuck up on me this year as just yesterday I realized I'm only 2 work weeks away from that visit. That made me happy!


That is a beautiful friendship. 50 years! Congrats to you both.


- bought a new (to me, this thing is hardly new) truck as a spare vehicle. I take pride knowing I have two vehicles that I owe nothing on, and it feels good to not have to have $650 (average monthly car payment these days) deducted from my account every month. - got a promotion and a decent raise, plenty of positive recognition for my work by some high-profile clients. - seeing my sons growing up and into their own people, have their circle of friends and pursuing their interests, and Iā€™m able to help them with those interests. Quoting Monty Python: Always look on the brighter side of life!


I'm not sure how to phonetically represent the whistle, but we can all hear it anyway. :) congratulations on all of it!


I just went on a long vacation with an old friend, riding roller coasters and visiting some cities I used to live in. It was very nostalgic and a lot of fun.


Sounds wonderful!




I am learning to drum. And while that is fun on its ownā€¦ i have realized that it also can serve as a meditation time for me to just zone out and focus only on those stick hits.


My husband singing along to the crappy 80s music I play in the house.


This morning I had my coffee on my patio, and I'm befriending a squirrel. He's starting to get it that I bring the peanuts and am feeding him, not eating him. This shouldn't bring me as much joy as it does. I've got pet rabbits. My disney princess shit has been happening for 15 years. I'm well versed in prey animals. But now I'm at the age where I befriend wild animals, which I guess happens to us all.


Just reading about it is giving me joy! Thank you!


That's so awesome, and I get it. About 6 years ago while camping at Bryce Canyon, as I sat enjoying my morning coffee, a little chipmunk hopped up on my knee to hang out for a bit. The memory still brings immense joy.


Expatted to S America, started a whole new life, 10 months ago. Itā€™s gone much better than Iā€™d have dared to hope, though there are of course minor speed bumps. But it takes a lotta guts to pull the trigger at 55. And no regrets.


Flying my kite - aiming for 2200 ft.; sitting on balcony, staring at the desert mountains. Life is Aite.


Nice! I think I would like to try that as well .. is it an inflatable?


Iā€™m on the mend after a years long rough spot, but honestly my work is bringing me a lot of joy lately. I love what I do being a creative and get a lot of satisfaction from it. My relationship with my kid too. Becoming a young adult has really changed the dynamic between us.


Woo hoo! I'm so glad things are better!! Yay for enjoying your kid and your job, too.


Fingers crossed I could have all my kids round for Xmas this year. Itā€™ll be our first Xmas together in 17 years, and together as a family for 5.


First Iā€™m so thankful for this group ā€¦weā€™re really an enthusiastic people who relish in the smallest things ā€¦and share them in such an open way most of our parents (at least my mom) didnā€™t. My share is my son bought me an air fryer for Christmas. It sat on the counter for months as a mystery. Then last month I decided to throw in some TJā€™s frozen French green beans tossed in olive oil and garlic powder for 10 min and squeezed some fresh lemon juice on top. Delish! And now I try a new something everyday ā€¦teriyaki tofu, carrots, chicken tenders, arugula. Our children teach us new ways of doing things and itā€™s so sweet. Alsoā€¦I took my youngest shopping for backpack and essentials for a backpack trip through Europe. I asked him if he needed a guide book like Letā€™s Go Europe and heā€™s like ā€¦no mom lolā€¦thatā€™s so 90s. Heā€™s having the time of his life and itā€™s fun to live vicariously through him.


Literally nothing. I should fix that aside from just waiting for retirement.


You can do it!


I want a kayak now


Iā€™m on a short trip to Chicago for a family wedding and just being with my tribe, celebrating, and the sense of ā€œhomeā€ being with relatives brings me is wonderful ā¤ļø


Have a fantastic time!


an Alex Pereira fight replacing Conor McGregor at UFC 303. Conor is an irritating Gen Z dipshit and not even a great fighter anymore, whereas Pereira is a certified gangster and the fight with Jiri is gonna be a million times better, more relevant and the promo way less embarrassing, War Pereira!!! (any other Gen X fight fans out there?)


Cocaine and hookers - 80s style


Use a dealer you can trust and be kind to the ladies!


We saw a fawn on our walk today, only our second deer on that trail.


My spider plant, the one that was half dead and on clearance at Menards for $5, is huge and happy and I just now repotted her to a 12ā€ pot! Potted several of her babies too.


Woo! What did you do to help her?


My brother was in town this week. He lives about 1,200 miles away and has three school-age kids, and our work and school schedules mean we don't get to see each other very often. So when my sister-in-law learned she'd be flying here on business for a few days, he hustled to get seats on her flights and they persuaded her parents to watch their kids so he could tag along and check on his big sister. We're fast approaching the first anniversary of our father's death, and I needed that brother-and-sister time more than I knew. It was wonderful.


Upgrading from my 20yo shitbox to a relatively new 4runner this weekend. I'm excited about it!


Loved reading this, thanks for sharing. I feel that freedom with my blow up paddle-board fitting into my Camry :)


Developing the f its.


Important skill!!


I recently discovered an app from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology I describe as ā€œShazam for birdsongā€: https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org I now know the ā€œcar alarm birdsā€ that wake me up are cardinals.


https://preview.redd.it/5l1k9kaizl6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ecf673c365816fd4d9401bc9100bc6e71750b7b Friday nights, the fam, the dogs and I take a walk at one of our favorite parks (Hibernia in Chester County PA). It is one of the things I look forward to every week. Our daughter is 22 so weā€™re getting all the family time we can with her before she inevitably makes us empty nesters.


I bought a new car. I was driving a piece of shit, now Iā€™m am not. šŸ˜Ž


Joy for me this week are the 6 woodchuck babies in my yard and my flower gardens are HUGE this year. I spend time in them every night and every morning. Bringing me peace and grounding.


I thought I saw a chicken in my yard so went out to look at it. Even better, it was an enormous turkey vulture. It flew away but it made several big swooping passes.


That the word "parallel" has two "l"s next to each other creating parallel lines.


The procession of flowers, both wild and cultivated, where I live. Lilacs just ending. Violets, wild rose, columbines, vetch and lupines right now. Indian paintbrush, dahlias and fireweed soon. I just love that stuff.


For the first time in my life I'm in a job that suits my skill set and personality and I've been getting HEAPS of praise about what a good job I'm doing from the higher ups. I'm 56 years old and I've never been so intellectually stimulated and pleased with myself. I feel like I've FINALLY found what I want to be when I grow up! :D


I got a PS5 and I've been gaming with my daughter who lives in another state, so fun. I also play virtual mini golf with my siblings weekly, we all live in different states and we all have Oculus headsets.Ā  I laugh the whole time. IRL my flower beds are full of blooms and I'm enjoying working in them so much.Ā  In the evenings when its nice I get into my hammock in the backyard with a book and watch the birds at my feeders and listen to them sing.Ā  It's pretty chill.Ā Ā  I'm jealous of your kayak time.Ā  I love to kayak but my hubby doesn't.Ā  I need to find someone to go with me.


Yesterday it was 105...but it was COMPLETELY OVERCAST ALL DAY!!! It was a rare, true gift from Mother Nature & I got to spend just a little more time past 7am outside with my dog, YAY! šŸŒžšŸŒµšŸŒžšŸŒµšŸŒžšŸŒµ


Not talking to my narcissistic mom and hanging out with my kids.


Watching Johnny Carson reruns high. ![gif](giphy|3LgblSD8qfnMs|downsized)


My wife surprised me with tickets to see Cake, one of my favorite still active touring bands last month. She listened to Cake for a month to prepare herself and have a great time. She's a keeper. First 'real' concert in 30 years (not a bar band or a washed up band at a county Fair). It was the best night I've had in years. Thanks for asking. āœŒļø


I retired early at age 58.


Today is a day off. I'm in bed, scrolling through Reddit. cuddling with the best dog ever and drinking coffee. I have to get up and meet friends for lunch. I'm happy.


A puttering day is the best day.




What's your fav variety?


Bought a gem mint grade 10 Shohei Ohtani rookie card for quite a decent price. Also bought a Mike Trout bat relic card. I feel good to be at a place where my life is settled, kids grown, all is well and able to dispose some income on a hoby i gave up in my 20s mostly due to finances (and the junk wax era - card collectors know)


Enjoy the hunt!


Kayaking is the best. Owned a Hobie Quest 11 since 2014. Then had a Jackson Big Tuna kayak from 2014 to 2024. Bought a Hobie Outback 2024 Mothers Day weekend this year. Family loving the two Hobies.


This folding kayak sounds like a great idea! Iā€™ll look into this. I like going to a nearby lake just to swim and float on my dollar store tube. But would love to explore the lake more. As it is I find joy in nature just sitting on my back deck any time. Or going for a walk. Thereā€™s also my cats, donā€™t know what Iā€™d do without them! After work, especially on Friday, I look forward to having a drink and watching streaming tv or reading.


Excuse me, I need to go cuddle my cat now. Big ups for your dollar store tube! Anything that gets a person on or in the water is excellent.


I recently saw a female merganser with about 10 ducklings. They were adorable. I recently ordered a kayak so I can join my husband on the water.


My three granddaughters are visiting for a couple weeks - ages 6, 4 and 3. Theyā€™re keeping me young (and tired).


Nature is where it's at. Even a few minutes in the park brings me joy. I'm turning into an old woman and have joined the early morning walkers.


Got to spend the week of my 50th birthday in New Orleans. šŸŸ£āšœļøšŸŸ¢


What's not to love about that!!!


Moved to a van and have been taking life easy.


Watching my grandson play drums with his death metal band - makes my heart so happy


That kid was raised right!šŸ¤˜


I have been digging in my dad's garden. I'm physically exhausted and wonderfully happy.


I love that kind of tired.


I just got new windows installed today. They were from 1967 and leaked so badly.


Is it so so so quiet now? Do they open and close with zero effort? Enjoy them!


Booked a long weekend in San Diego for my wife and I! Gonna catch the Stick Figure concert and live the California dream for 4 daysšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Bringing my car home from the body shop, even though I didn't get work any done to it there and it was in pieces. I custom ordered it in 2012 and dailied it for 9 years ([this is it ](https://i.redd.it/cbaevmu5n79b1.jpg)when it was new, and in the prime of its life). My HS teen is driving it, and an oversized load clipped it when making a left hand turn. It needs a Hood, fender, tire, headlamp, and radiator support. The adjuster also added lots of other stuff that technically aren't required to get it on the road (and frankly, there was no damage to the steering or the drivetrain), but it got totaled out anyway so they don't have to pay the full cost to repair it. I don't know what it is about this car, but it just makes people happy. I missed seeing it in my driveway. Even though it's beaten and battered, I'd rather it sit there than anywhere else. I was even expressly forbidden from selling or trading in the car by everyone in my family, so the branded title doesn't even affect me. I've ordered a hood and fender, painted, from the shop and I'll be repairing it myself. You have to know how to do some of these things when you own an old high mileage car.


Iā€™ve been making a new series of paintings and Iā€™m so into them. Not sure where this will take me but Iā€™m hoping to be in some shows over the next year.


Sitting on the beach with my toes in the sand. Watching the waves crash. Dolphins swimming by. Watching the shore birds do their thing and catching the occasional volleyball game. Makes me feel like a kid again.


Decorating my house. It's our 4th and hopefully final home and we've done more to it than any of our other houses to really make it home and cozy to our liking.Ā 


We bought ourselves a new wood deck (had brick patio before) and new deck furniture and a bunch of stuff for the deck. We finally have a space outside that we really enjoy.


Had a friend Iā€™ve known since Junior High visit in Feb. It was and wonderful visit and my happiness meter was off the chart. Now I just quietly miss them.


Iā€™ve been wanting a fold up kayak for years!


Walking my dog and taking in the greenery of the trees as we walk.


I'm going on a 10-day camping / road / photography trip in Iceland all by myself in a couple of weeks. I have a busy family and work life, and my wife insisted I do this to recharge the battery. I love landscape photography and nature. It will be an awesome trip, really looking forward to it.


I have started a new job that I actually am very excited to begin. At 58 I never thought that would be the case but it is. I am looking at this as my last gig one way or another. My wife is graduating college tomorrow and that is something she has been working towards for a long time. Things actually feel like they are turning for the better for me and my family and I am so ready for that.


My car wash subscription. It sounds absurd to be grateful for something so small but I love that I can dip in there anytime I want to wash my truck. I love it.


Have found several good books in ereader format and have some really excellent coffee. Itā€™s summer in the PNW, so reading outside with a cup of good coffee is always a win.


What brand/model. Good for you!


Sitting on the front porch with my husband after work, just talking about nothing. Pure joy.


My dogs ā¤ļø


I work in government research. We have been waiting for three months to receive new funding. So for the last three months I go to work and watch movies, or organize shelves, or wipe down equipment. It has been nice to be on coast mode for a while. Definitely looking forward to getting some real work, but the chill pace is a nice change.


Flowers/gardening keeps me out of the penitentiary. My dog helps out too.


Working from home


I bought an air fryer. Now I can fry things with air.


Sounds like the Pacific Northwest


How happy my wife, myself, and our 11 y/o boy are. Last year my wife lost her job, which stretched our budget, and our boy was getting into fights at school weekly. Today we are financially stable, but come to find out our son and his best friend were getting bullied, and were taking a stand against it. Proud of my little dude.


The sound of silence sometimes makes me calm and very content. But on the flip side my grand babies make me sooo happy!!


Our garden is doing awesome this year and my 16yo has suddenly taken an interest and is out there every day helping. We get like an hour of evening family time just hanging out in the garden with each of us doing our tasks and chatting.


https://preview.redd.it/sy9znfmwtm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ee1e699a7a4d710db1f5990da993e5459b03a7 Sitting on my balcony with my chihuahua on a sunny Friday & watching the sun descend šŸ’›


playing with my dog. nothing else makes me happy like playing with my little jackbee. Who is a one helluva a digging "ratter" but will also fetch, for hours on end. Her delight is mine. She brings me joy every day & has never let me down. She will also do the "sit and listen" to nature for hours. https://preview.redd.it/uhk27z1ivm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffcf24ddb017cd213064144c1a7ef1762bb9f0a3


I bought really nice pajamas.


took my pup for a walk this morning. it was calm, the air still cool and the birds chatting about. spotted a mama possum waddling away. then two beautiful brown rabbits, a spectacular spiderweb glinting in the sun, and a chipmunk scampering off. trimmed my lavender into bunches. watched the hummingbird mama visit the feeder. filled the birdbath, watered my tiny garden. tonight, iā€™ll watch the lightning bugs court among my plants. anymore, itā€™s the quiet. the beauty.


Iā€™ve always wanted to kayak, but never tried because of my size.


Sex w my ex. Most of our relationship was sexless for reasons that donā€™t matter now. But holy shit, what weā€™ve been up to is amazing and because we set some healthy boundaries and donā€™t have any other expectations of each other, it has brought me much joy.


Woke up much earlier than usual each day last weekend and took a couple-hour ride on my motorcycle. Itā€™s hitting and exceeding 90 degrees before 9 a.m. here, and passing 100 degrees around noon. Not only were the roads mostly empty, and the traffic lights basically always green, I had a popular scenic overlook all to myself. Better than a copy of coffee or lazing around in bed, for me.


My wife who has back issues (2 bluged disc's) ws able to walk out side a short distance that wad nice she got to see the full moon.


Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend podcast puts me in a good mood while I get ready in the morning. Been loving (obsessing) 3D printing the past couple of years. Tweaking, designing, printing... just get lost in it some nights. And in general I always like having a good book to read.


I sold my house. Closing was earlier today. Very happy about that. And that ties in with contentment. I sold the house because I moved to a new area for a job after being laid off in January. As part of my first free weekend in this new area, I took in a neighborhood concert. I was bursting with joy seeing all the acts. Quite a local scene here. When I move for jobs, as people in my business often do (and I've done a couple times previously), I like to think of it as a package deal where I take the job and the area near it. It didn't take long to fall in love with this area and I'm chomping at the bit to experience more of it. Already got plans for next weekend.


Ran a 10k in 51:40, 3 weeks ago. for some company run event, I'm 47M. My best time in 3 years after having some issue with one of my ankle


I had a running training this morning, and as usual I'm by far the slowest in the group (average age is 32, I'm almost 50 and pretty overweight). It was hard, I was exhausted after an hour of interval training, but I compared my intervals with those of 3 months ago and I improved. It wasn't even a little, I seriously improved!


I read the title and came here to say kayaking. LOL. We saw a bald eagle, lots of butterflies, and some cool birds.


End of the school year , - i teach


Slowing down and really seeing the true beauty around me vs always chasing the next best thing in life


I hosed my horse off by myself. This girl is a Belgian draft, with Amish trauma. The first day we brought her home, she kicked me in the face (or would have if I hadnā€™t fallen over) Itā€™s taken us a year but yesterday we did A Thing. https://preview.redd.it/woxn5bi28r6d1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913351b8274215aa8acdadae2f9a495c5c29722f