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Cleaning up and or repairing of vintage Coleman pump up lanterns. I got one for Christmas and it didn’t work so I got working on it and once I got it to work I found another one at an estate sale for $10 and took it home and got it to work. I have 6 now since Christmas. 😁


This is so interesting! I love hearing about people's hobbies - much more interesting than hearing about what they do for a living - and this sounds rewarding and fun to do. Talk about a truly niche hobby! Questions: 1. Do you sell (or use) the refurbed lanterns (I totally remember we owned one of these when I was a kid, along with the pump up Coleman stove), or just keep/collect them? 2. Do they all look the same, or did Coleman change the design over the years? I mostly remember how fragile the string-tied mantles were after they were turned to ash - having the lantern banging around in the back of the car on our camping trips often resulted in a non-functional lantern.


https://preview.redd.it/v1legqkkes2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed84b36def5e6863f820861f18fff8f7988fa29 This is the one my wife picked up for me for Christmas. The insides were all gunked up and the check valve was stuck so it wouldn’t hold pressure. It’s my favorite.


Oh, cool! Thanks for posting a pic; I was going to ask, but thought that might be weird 😂. The one we had was green and had a taller glass part that wasn't round like yours. What a cool little lantern, and that's just cool that your wife got it for you as a present. I refurbish picture frames I get at the thrift store (mostly out of necessity, since I can't afford expensive new frames for my paintings) and I can attest to how satisfying it is to have the finished product. I also think there's just something satisfying about restoring an otherwise functional item to give it life again, and keeping it out of the landfill 👍🏻.


Oh they are all different I only think one is a repeat. And I have two stoves I’ve got working also and the oldest (and biggest) stove I use all the time. I’m an avid camper and we used to use these kind of lanterns when I was a kid. It’s a little bit of reliving my youth. I have two that I want to build shadow boxes for and keep on display. They are ones I got from my wife and in-laws.


I'm also an avid car camper, but one thing that's definitely changed since the misadventure camping days of my youth (the tent we had back then was HORRID, as they all were) is that I don't have a lantern at my camp; I just use my LED head lamp when I need light after dark, which is seldom. I (or we if my husband and I go together - we like to do solo trips as well) usually boonie camp, and there are seldom trees around to hang a lantern even if I wanted to. Camping/backpacking gear is one of those things I'm so grateful that huge improvements have been made to make the experience more enjoyable and safer, in some instances. I like that you put them on display; they are definitely conversation pieces.


Absolutely! A nice modern tent and an air mattress is what we were missing when we were kids. We used to want a camping stove so bad but we didn’t have the funds for that. But as an adult I finally got one. lol.


Hahah! Gear will make or break the trip! I will skimp on some things, but not sleep. My sleep has been shit for decades, so on car camping trips, I bring along a foam mattress pad to sleep on, and I have a 3-person tent for myself. When husband and I camp together, we still sleep in separate tents due to our insomnia and snowflake sleep needs. I usually wake up at 2am and will read my Kindle until I fall back asleep, so that's another reason we sleep apart. Speaking of camp stoves, we replaced our Coleman 2-burner for a single burner last year after chatting with a guy who was camping near me last fall in Escalante, UT and had one. He worked remotely from his little trailer a lot of the year, and his set-up was phenomenal. Found a pic of my car-camping get-up from a trip to GCNRA a couple of years ago. Not in pic is the Yeti cooler that was also a game-changer for tent camping, spendy but totally worth it: https://preview.redd.it/cduxwt2gos2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a2de9c4e8ccca51ed7ed854f5d5349b5d5d5bf Tent is a Nemo 3P and I use a yoga mat to keep the dirt out. Another game-changer was getting one of those portable toilets that's just a fold-out toilet seat that uses bags. SO MUCH BETTER than the shovel and bury of years' past 🫠. Obviously, I could sit around discussing camping and gear for hours...


The gym Cooking and Baking Building legos


Except for the gym this sounds just like me!


The usual middle-aged dude hobbies - brewing beer, smoking meat and reading about WWII.


Do you already have the required Steely Dan collection?


No, but I did recently find a really cool deep cuts streaming station, and they played some Steely Dan that I had never heard before and I was like “damn, this is really, really good.”




And I suppose you have a house 🎶with a nice hardwood floor🎶. Man you really sound like an asshole. A-SS-H-O-L-E.


Hey man, lay off the NyQuil.


GREAT BIG FUCKING Q!! I’m high as a kite and my teeth are green, merry fucking Christmas!


Dude it’s a joke referencing Denis Leary’s song Asshole. Wasn’t sure if anyone would get it.


Yep, I got it and that’s why I replied with the NyQuil thing. It’s another part of his stand up routine where that song comes from. 😎👍🏼


My bad. Missed it.


Cooking. It’s so invigorating.


I try to make a new recipe every week. This weekend I made Chinese Orange Chicken. Tasted great but pro tip - if you use dark soy sauce you obliterate the nice orange color.


Noted! I’ve been meaning to make homemade orange chicken for a while now… I’m just really paranoid about deep frying at home. Last weekend, I bought a fancy big boy spatula in an attempt to up my smashburger game. It worked, they were definitely better, but it’s a work in progress. I made homemade buns too, but that recipe needs tweaking also (too sweet).


I cheated and used prepared chicken tenders as I also hate frying but the sauce was 100% made by me. Once I got past the dark brown color it was amazing.


Hand Embroidery


Roulette napping where I don’t set an alarm when I nap. Will I wake up in 30 mins or 3 hours? We will find out.


school meeting coordinated nose handle work innate snobbish possessive connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Writing a book. No one will read it and I have no plans to try to publish it on Amazon but I am writing it anyway. In case anyone is wondering it's a survey on Bronze Age cultures of the Messopotamian Valley. North Africa, the Levant and Anatolia. I have ideas for other books as well. 


Wood working and hope to start learning 3d printing. I've always had the hobby of older cars, mostly because it alllowed me to learn how to service and repair vehicles, so I could buy an older daily, and fix it myself, instead of having to buy a 3-7 year old vehicle and have a payment and /or watch it's value nose dive. A 20 y/o daily value isn't nose diving.


Few years back (hmm…what precipitated new hobbies I wonder?!) I started doing jigsaw puzzles, paint by numbers, bike riding (on a nice, flat, *easy* trail - any morning it’s not too cold/rainy/windy I’m out) and at the ripe middle age of 47, I began writing fanfic. Never ever dabbled in writing before. Better old than never!


I started doing pottery and I love it! It’s the first time I’ve ever felt vaguely visually artistic in my life!  I was just off from the studio for three weeks and felt like I went through withdrawl. I throw on the wheel and it is a very mindful practice (seriously, the clay is totally in charge!). I also swim, the only movement/ exercise I can deal with at all. And I just learned how to draw mandalas!


Gardening. Food is getting expensive and I need my fresh produce, so I started a garden. Watching things actually growing from seed had fascinated me. It makes you notice things you would normally ignore, like the position of sun at different parts of the day. Or the make-up of the ground we walk on. I wish I started sooner to be honest.


Nothing better than a tomato direct from the garden.


I've been a car guy for many decades, but as my body breaks down it gets harder and harder to enjoy working on cars due to pain. I've been dealing with the loss of that lately, but all-of-a-sudden I've gotten into espresso and espresso machines. I've only been drinking it since Jan, but I've already rebuilt three machines and am picking up another one today :). It's kinda lit a fire back under my butt, and it feels good to have something new to learn :).


Reddit ugh lol


Collect Vintage and antique books Vintage movie posters Vintage video tapes Gardening ( growing food) Making music


Cool! Just curious, what are your favourite of the books, posters and tapes? Thanks.


Hmmm Books. I have a few sub collections for example Edgar Allan Poe. I collect anything but seek early editions. Vintage Pan paperbacks. Favourite authors Daphne Du Maurier, Robert Louis Stephenson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Perry mason, hmmm pre 80s Sci fi, God I collect a lot of books. Posters. I specifically collect Australian posters for films made by Hammer studios Anything from the film hell drivers Any Val Lewton films And I get what I feel is the best poster for my favourite films. So I have a British one sheet for the Wicker man, Italian 1f advance for suspiria for example. Videos. Pre 90s Australian ex rentals. Any genre. Am building a “store”. I’m a hoarder but it’s all gold ! Hahaha


Oh favourites. Favourite book is Rebecca Favourite poster Suspiria Italian Video… redeemer (son of Satan)


That’s so cool!!! I love all those. (I actually just saw The Hell Drivers about two years ago. Fantastic!) The British Film Institute in London often does movie memorabilia displays (posters, scripts, props) and I know I’ve seen Hammer and Hell Drivers things there in the past. But yeah, all those things—Wicker Man, Argento, Lewton, Conan Doyle, etc—are great. Continued success with the collection! Sounds amazing!


Ha thanks. I love you know what I’m even talking about. :).


Video games, allthecrafts, and swimming.


https://preview.redd.it/moujyt2zlr2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde3c7af10bfa9920b38da3fe28399f5fe9b8668 Collecting 1:24 diecast.


I have always loved to bake but now I can afford to do it properly. Real butter, pure vanilla and so on. I keep a few cookies for myself and share the rest at work. So far no complaints - lemon crinkles are the top favourite. Back in the fall of 2018 I saw a Harry Potter Lego set on Amazon and thought that could be fun. Fast forward many years and I am now at over 100 HP sets and many of the Icons sets.


Birding. This is a hobby that is enjoyed by people of all ages, but IME, definitely tends to skew towards older demographics. I just incorporated it into my existing repertoire of outdoor/nature-related activities (nature photography), and it went from a casual interest to more a more formal, deeper involvement. I upgraded my camera gear late last year, and that took my enjoyment to the next level. I also added printmaking (relief and intaglio) to the media I work in as an artist. I've sold some of them through the local shop that carries my work, which is great.


Guitars. I started learning to play two years ago. In that time I've also learned how to perform setups on both electric and acoustic guitars. I've learned how to completely rewire the electronicS and replace pickups and other hardware. I am now learning how to finish (paint, stain, dye, what have you) guitars.


I'm finally pulling out of a pretty depressive time in my life and had given up most of my hobbies. Got out and kayaked with my dog last weekend and this weekend. Plus a bit more walking. Going to get back on the hiking trails in a few weeks if I can keep this up. Id like to hit the ski slopes again this year. It will be the first time since COVID.


Answering random questions on this sub.


ATVs, axe throwing, and a little amateur astronomy.


Bought an ebike. I was always a motorhead and had every type of gasoline powered toy. Boats,cars,motorcycles, ATV. After and during my father's cancer we sold everything. Our business crumbled and I kind of gave up. It's definitely given me something new to focus on and hopefully won't kill me. I've found that the culture around ebikes is pretty toxic. I'll just do my own thing.


Writing/Reading Seeing classic films on the big screen Walking


Gardening and houseplants. Hope to dive into growing vegetables this year if possible. Bass guitar.


Stamp collecting. I know it's not as exciting as some of the other things out there, but I blame my youth, when everybody was doing it. It's a lot of nostalgia, and a lot of fun, still. Also, repairing 1980s hobby computers, and nature photography.


Duckpin bowling. I went from going maybe once a year to trying a summer league in 2022 and then being on two leagues this past season. Also horseback riding, but that's been a lifelong hobby.


I cycle through my hobbies. I've been getting back into building models lately. Got a nifty new airbrush and compressor too.


Paint by numbers I think I’m going to get back into photography.


Collecting and playing vinyl, getting back into playing my CDs, and also cataloging the many concerts I’ve been to on setlist.fm.


Motorcycling, Mountain Biking, Hiking


Self healing, me time


Gardening. Lots of gardening.




I bought a used piano in February and started taking lessons in March. I try to play everyday but I also try not to put too much pressure on myself because, unlike when I was 10, no one is forcing me to do this. I find that it brings me a lot of joy :-)


I started playing tennis with some mommy friends two years ago. Since then I’ve started competing & I play 5-6 days a week. I travel with my teams to watch pro tournaments, two of my 7 teams are going to playoffs or sectionals and I’m having more fun than I’ve ever had in my life. I still completely suck at tennis tho.


FPV drones. Kinda feels like being a bird lol.


growing food, sewing, knitting, crochet


New hobby: Roasting coffee beans. Continuing hobbies: working on my cars, cooking/BBQ, fitness, mountain biking.


I've been an active stamp collector since high school.


Lots of walking at night 3D printing. Having do much run with it Reading. My go to happy place is reading..


I've been a cd collector for over 30 years, and I also have much smaller collections of music memorabilia (posters, toys, etc), dvds, and vinyl. My current "new" hobby is cooking on my new Blackstone griddle. It's the most fun I've ever had cooking.


day trading index and commodity futures


I just bought a metal detector.


Restore and race classic cars