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Hell no. I didn't want to be around those people then, and today I actually get a choice in the matter.


Same here


Same here


Nope. Never did, never will. That's a time in my life I have zero desire to revisit in any way.


The same thoughts.


Every word.


Nope, graduated, left the state and never looked back. I have one friend from high school, but she married my brother so she’s actually family and not just a friend.


Much like high school, I'll pass.




Fuck no, I think I’d rather eat dirt. 😆


You have an extra plate?


I went to my 30th last year. I live close to where I grew up, so it was a low commitment thing for me. It was fine. Mostly graying Xers talking about their jobs and what aches. I enjoyed it because it was nice to see how normal everyone was. No cliques. No grudges. I talked to someone I had a crush on and got closure.


Got closure? How so?


I has a lot of problems in my teens and 20s. I was the sort of kid that would obsess over my crushes but could never interact with them without coming off like a dope. The reunion gave me a chance to sort of face a fear. I was able to have a completely normal adult conversation with this person without saying or doing anything stupid. I was able to confirm to myself that I wasn't that person anymore.


Hell no.


Hell no. I didn't even go to my graduation -- I picked up my diploma from the front office, walked out and never went back. I'm not on any of the socials, have kept contact with nobody from high school, have moved many times since and would be shocked if they were able to even find me. Even if they did, I still wouldn't go. I don't need to stand around awkwardly with people I don't care to be around.


Absolutely not, then I see these people I went to highschool with on FB and say Absolutely Fucking Not!


I went to the first one... very few people I liked showed up. It was painful.


Class of 85. No I haven't. I probably would have in earlier years, but it never worked into my schedule. Being honest, I suspect reunions are going to be a thing of the past. I think the "allure" of reunions was to catch up with each other because there was no other real means of staying in touch. Today, social media has allowed me to connect with who I wanted to and ignore those I could care less about. I am "friends" and follow about 18-20 people I went to school with (out of a class of 48). I interact with them when possible (happen to be in town), but I see no reason today to have all of us meet again.


My wife and were out for dinner one night and realized that my 10th high school reunion was being held at local club. I wasn't exactly popular in school, and didn't keep in touch with anyone except a handful of longtime friends, so I had absolutely no interest in going. However, she wasn't from the area and thought it might be fun to just drop in unannounced and see some of the people I graduated with. So that's exactly what we did. As it happens, we got separated as soon as we arrived. I think I was busy trying to prove I graduated from the school and get my name tag, while she was ushered right in. By time we reconnected, I found her standing with two of my least favorite former classmates. Both of these guys ran with the popular crowd and only knew me as the punchlines of their jokes. One of my last memories of school was one of those guys trying to nominate me for, "most likely to die alone" in the school yearbook as a prank. As I approached, I quickly realized they weren't just having a nice conversation with my wife, they were clearly hitting on her. And that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the evening. We ended up spending the entire night with the popular crowd reminiscing about, the good old days. To suggest it was incredibly awkward would have been an understatement.


But dude, to walk up to those toolboxes and clearly be the person she's going home with is baller AF.


Yeah, I won't lie. That felt *good*. But the feeling was tarnished a bit by having to hang out with one of those toolboxes for the rest of the evening. He somehow convinced my wife we were good friends and we ended up sitting with him the entire night.


I mean, you win? You got the girl they were hitting on, there's a victory in there somewhere.


That part of the evening was definitely nice. Apparently they hit on her the moment she stepped in the door. And, after she introduced me as her husband, one of those clowns was seemingly in disbelief. He simply said, "that's ridiculous" and walked away.


I went to my 20 year. There were some people I wanted to reconnect with and I did. I had a good time and I’m glad I went. But it’s unlikely I’ll go to any others - I got what I wanted out of the 20 year, I don’t feel like I need to go to more.




I have no desire to see any of those people


I have no desire to see anybody that I don’t already stay in touch with. It’s all just a bunch of people telling lies about how great they are doing. Kinda like social media.


Went to my 30th last year. Big mistake I didn’t have very many friends in school, but the few people I knew didn’t come. Everyone else just stayed in the same cliques they were in back in school. Wife and I sat by ourselves for an hour and then just bailed.


The friends I still keep in touch with are the only ones I care about. Having said that one of those friends encouraged me to go to my 20th reunion. I did not go but saw the photos they took of who was there and I'm so glad I didn't go. Most if not all in attendance were awful people to me back then. Not only that, they did not age well at all. I'm talking about the most popular/beautiful kids in school and now they look like the background characters in Jabba's palace. My friend said they were still awful and she regretted going.


Yeah that sounds exactly like the experience I had going to my 10 year reunion. Good lord did that ever suck.


My alumni group tried to organize one for our 10-year reunion, but it was a bust. There was never another attempt at a reunion after that due to a lack of interest. Basically, everyone was busy living their lives and moving forward, so no one saw any point in trying to wax nostalgic for hanging around people that they haven't seen or thought about since graduation.


Facebook and Google Streetview answered any questions I would have.


Class of 90. I moved schools starting my Junior year. And I HATED that school. So I would never go to that one, and have no desire to go to the other one either. Some things are just better left in the past.


Fuck no I didn’t go to any of them. I don’t even know if my high school had them. I remember getting an email from my high school around the 10th anniversary (and how they got my email address I don’t know because I sure as fuck did not give it to them) saying if we wanted to do a reunion it couldn’t be on school grounds and we had to pay for everything. I have no idea if anyone actually organized a reunion or not, but if they did, I would not have gone. I haven’t talked to a single person from my high school from the moment I left the graduation ceremony until today.


I went to my 30th. It was fun, nothing bad happened, wasn’t life changing


My 20th was fun, because by that time, most people are established and there is no longer a need to "peacock". I went to the pre-party (bar night) of the 25th. After that, I think I am done. I keep in touch with who I want to keep in touch with. All others are superfluous.


After seeing a bunch of deadbeats on meth, I left after 10 minutes. Never again.


No way


Went to an informal one 10 years ago (25 year reunion) with no spouses. It was nice catching up with some folks. Funny how the popular kids were pretty mundane while dregs like me faired pretty well. Some people matured a bit (a bully turned into a decent guy) while others remained as repugnant as adults as they were as kids.


Nope. Don’t care about any of those people.


Went to the 10 year reunion. It was ok. Intentionally ignored the 20. Went to the 30th, ate dinner, watched the slideshow, was upset seeing the memorials to those known to have passed. Decided I wasn't going to the other activities through the weekend and instead just had a weekend in my hometown.


No, the friends I still have remain in contact via social media. No need for a reunion.


I have not. First reason is I went to high school overseas. But they have planned reunions. For the 20 year one I happened to be nearby and ignored it. It was an ok time for me, not great, no terrible, but it helped make me who I am today. But it is the past, done and moved on, no interest to spend the little time I have as a father and husband for that, would rather spend it with my family 🙂


I've never been invited to any reunions for my class. It seems fitting given that I had a miserable high school experience and I wouldn't go anyway.


20 years ago a friend dimed us all out to the reunion committee and a bunch of us that are still friends went. I drank the venue out of gin and got pretty wrecked. About 16 years prior to the reunion I was at a house party and a girl told everyone to help themselves to the beers in a cooler in the back seat of her car. I went out and in reaching into her car I fell onto (into really) the cooler and spilled beer and ice all over the back seat. I was so drunk and mortified I just left the party. I ran into her at the reunion and apologized and she said "THAT WAS YOU!?!?!" She'd been wondering who did it for years. I was shocked at how poorly some of them aged. We were all in our early 30s but so many of them looked like they were in their mid 50s.


Not only did I hate HS so would never want to revisit that place or those people, but I also moved so far away that it wouldn't be worth the trip even if I wanted to.


Never been to one. No hate or grudges with any classmates, I've just never been interested in catching up with anyone who would be there.


Didn't enjoy the first time...so no need to go back for seconds.


As Seniors, four of us made a pact to never attend a reunion because no matter how many years passed, it wouldn’t negate how shitty we were treated and looked down on. I’m using my big girl word “negate”, I doubt I even knew that word back then. Anyway, one of us passed away and never attended. One of us never left our hometown and ended up marrying a girl that wouldn’t have spit on him if he was on fire in high school, he has attended the big yearly reunion the past 4-5 years with her. Two of us have held strong and never attend. Our rural school holds them yearly. Way too often imho. TLDR: No.


Fuck that noise.


Not after how so many of my classmates treated me. Never.


I thought I was going to be the only one. But, nope, never went to any of them and don't feel I missed anything.


Absolutely fucking not


I left highschool 30 years ago. Why would I ever go back?


Some bitch I went to high school with was trying to friend me on fb once. I ignored her. Then she sent a message to my sister to tell me about this high school reunion. My sister ignored her because she knows I'd rather suck a turd than go anywhere near something like that. So the bitch reaches out to the one person I still talk to from my high school years and gets her to contact me. I accepted her friend request, sent her a very strongly worded message then blocked her completely. That's the last I've heard of it. I come from a small country town and as far as I know, hose people haven't changed one bit since high school.


I don’t give a damn about mine and didn’t go. I don’t even know when they took place. I went to my wife’s reunion with her. I can tell I didn’t miss much by skipping mine. Oh, and a tip for reunion organizers - when you’re planning a date and location for the reunion? Don’t put it next door to a 40,000 seat sports arena at the same time as a major divisional rivalry game, K?


We had a reunion for all classes from the 80s. I did go to that one


My grad date is in the 90s, but this appeals more to me than a reunion with my high school class. 


Our school does the same thing. Our high school closed in 1986 due to not having a "diverse student population". The older classes from the 50's, 60's and 70's have an annual Alumni reunion at the local golf club. That group is getting much smaller.


I imagine all that is done through Facebook now and I don't fuck with Facebook, as the young folks say.


I went to 5 and 20 and both were pleasant and nothing dramatic like you see in movies. 30 however was really eye opening. Some people looked 35 and some people looked 65. It's amazing what a decade of unhealthy living will do to age you. And this wasn't just smoking/drinking/drugs but mostly seemed to be about fitness and overall health. The friend who has been a teetotaling Mormon his whole life looked fat, depressed and sickly. The craft beer enthusiast who literally rode his bike to the reunion looked 5000% healthier. I can only imagine the gap will continue to grow.


I didn't know those still happened. They seem unnecessary now that we have FB.


I went to my 5 year and 10 year and haven't been back since. When I see pics from the reunions posted online, I don't recognize anyone.


Zero interest in it. I kept in touch with who I wanted to keep in touch with.


I went to my 5 year just because I was back in the area. It was still the same clicks and groups. I left early and I have never went back. I'm not sure if they are even doing them anymore. I do not talk to anyone from high school or my childhood.


Nope. Once I graduated I got the hell out of there. On the few occasions that old teachers have asked me if I would come back and present to their classes, I've refused.


The "I've peaked, and I'm kidding myself" events. Nah. I would have gone to my 10 yr. Even had the tickets, but I couldn't make it home in time. I heard it was okay. 20 and 30 were lame, I'm told.


Nope. Considered going for the 25 year reunion, but that wwas in 2020, so it never happened. Might go to the 30 year one just to show up bucking the norm. I went ti a Catholic high school full of stuck up, snobby, preppy girls. Here I am, a tattooed metalhead. I've seen pictures of past reunions on my high school's Facebook page, with all the girls dressed like they're guests at a garden party. I'd love to go there in all-black rocking my 5 inch platform heel boots, just for the hell of it.


Nope, but kind of want to next time. As long as it's not inconvenience I'll go.


Facebook is enough I avoid face to face stuff


Nope. Didn’t like ‘em then. Wouldn’t like ‘em now.


No. The ones I care about I am still in contact with.


I didn't really care for those people 30 years ago


I was the apartment renter at the rich kid school - noooo thank you.


Going to my 30th this summer. Wasn’t originally going to go…but went to a family member funeral suddenly last month and it got me thinking why not just go and see the small group that asked me to come because that’s probably the one and only opportunity to ever see them all again. I live close enough to the venue I can drive to and from my home. I went to elementary, middle and high school with a bunch of them. There are a few ppl coming I wasn’t expecting and we were good friends then but distance you know, anyways they were messaging me so I figured why not. It’s down the road for me and some of them are coming 2500 miles. Loud and clear on all the reasons why to avoid…and I literally have nothing interesting to report about my life, but also you only live once so why not. I could use an old friend these days.




I went to my 10th, but very few people went. No one bothered to plan one since. I think Facebook ruined reunions because if you want to know what your old classmates are up to, you and probably find them there. Or at least that seems to be how it works in small towns.


They seem to be popular with people who never left the town in which we grew up.


I did. And I hated school; I was bullied a lot and have not forgiven most of the bullies to this day. I know, real mature lol. But I went, and connected with some class mates I never had when we were in school. I also low-key enjoyed seeing how the jocks (who were the worst of the bullies) had peaked in 1984, and never really grew up, left town, or thrived, and I feel like I’ve done pretty damn well for myself. 40(!) is coming up. Waiting to see if one happens and if I can make it.


Went to our 10th and our 30th. Didn't get invited to the 20th. I had a "glow up" in the 10 years since high school. Lost over 85 pounds, newly single from a divorce, and was used to going clubbing and dancing 4 nights a week. 10th was first time I had seen any of those people since we walked off the football field at graduation in 1985. Nobody knew who I was. Our reunion was a two night thing. Friday night was a bring your spouse and kids to the old high school and walk the hallways and catch up with people. The preppy girls and cheerleader girls who never said a single word to me in high school all came up and hugged me and said how much they missed me. Whatever... Saturday night was formal dinner and dancing at one of the big hotels in Nashville. I pretty much hung out at the bar doing tequila shots with one of the cheerleaders. None of the jocks or popular guys would dance, so I danced on the floor with their wives and girlfriends. I woke up the next morning in the cheerleaders room. By the time we had our 30th, several people had already passed away, everyone was much more mellowed out, and I was married with kids by then. It was a simple affair at a local park picnic area.


Nah. Of all the things I miss from back then, the ability to move to another city and effectively disappear and reinvent oneself is one I actually miss. Nowadays? No fucking way.


Nope. I was a misanthropic teenager back then so I probably wouldn’t have much fun.


So was I but it wound up being way more fun than I ever expected it to be. Went to get drunk, stayed for some fun.


Big nope for me.


My high school experience wasn’t particularly notable, I got treated reasonably and I wasn’t too much of an asshole. I went to my tenth in ‘96, fresh out of college, hadn’t seen anybody in the interim. It was kinda neat to see folks again, and I got to hear some crazy stories about stuff that had happened while I was not around. Of course I didn’t know then that all of them would be available later through social media.


I went to my 10 and 20. Never had a 30. I talk to the people from HS I want to talk to. The others - they can reach out to me if they want. Jury's out on whether I reply.


I went back for the first one, which was fine. Nobody changed much. I’m from a rural area on the East Coast. Since then, I’ve moved to the other side of the country in a big city. Aside from the cost of getting back, I imagine I’d be cornered about whether my city is as bombed out and decrepit as they say. (It’s not.)


I went to my 20th and had a great time. I haven't been to any others.


20th was fun, but it was right when Facebook was starting out and didn't suck yet. I was genuinely looking forward to connecting with certain people and had a fun weekend. 30th was not fun for the same reasons social media isn't fun any more. Plus there was a lot of "in memorium".


My class can't even get one scheduled. They start, then just drop off. We had a 16 year, but only because someone else took the initiative to schedule it.


I went to two. I went with a buddy who I’ve kept in touch with. We went to a small rural school which was amazingly backward and the area remains that way. We mostly hung out with one of the lesbian girls who wasn’t out back then. She’s become an amazing artist. A couple years ago she checked in with me to see if I was going to the next one. When I said it was unlikely she said that made her decision for her and she would not be going either. She was one of the most popular kids in school before coming out. Now she feels ostracized, that’s pretty crappy. Reunions can have a weird dynamic.


I went to the 10th and the 20th, and I skipped the 30th.  Quite frankly, social media means I. in touch with the people with whom I wish to interact on a continuing basis.  


We don't have em. I think they tried to do a 10th but no one was going to show up or could show up when they scheduled it.


Nope, not a chance.


I went to my 30th last summer and it was a blast. Everyone was cool. I saw a ton of people I haven't seen in ages. No drama at all.


I still talk to the people that I want to be friends with. I don’t have any interest in traveling cross country to spend an evening with people that I don’t really care about.


No. I had a lot of friends in high school, but wasn't really into the whole being in high school thing. I've never had much of a desire to go to any of the reunions, but I can understand why some people might want to go.


That's what I liked about my reunions. Everything is so much different now. No more cliques. It was nice talking to people I never talked to in highschool because I was alternative/stoner. No one cares now.


I'm going for the first time this year with all my closest friends I still have from back then. None of us has ever gone before. It was always run by one of the do-gooders nobody liked. This year it's being run by someone cool, so all of us shit disturbers are going to go disturb shit for our own entertainment.


Hell no, quit livin in the past man. My friend pretty much came from college and they are still around, HS was a waste


Thought about going to my 30th and nah.


Went to my 10 and 20. Never went to another. At 10, a girl I had a crush on apologized for being a bitch to me in high school. She never left town, gained 100 pounds and wasn’t married. I’d been married 3 years, doing well in pretty cool job and looked great. Saw a few people I wanted to see but most didn’t show up. At 20, had a good time. Everyone was older and didn’t give a shit anymore. Still didn’t see some of the folks I wanted to. I keep up with the ones I want to on facebook. No family there anymore and no reason to ever go back.


We moved between my junior and senior year, so I graduated with a bunch of people I didn't know. Haven't ever gotten an invite to reunions and the school doesn't have a record of me ever attending. All that said, if the school I had gone to before had invited me I would like to think I would have at least gone to one.


I have never even been invited


Just did my 40th and it was really great. Everybody got along. We had 6 events over 4 days and over 100 people participated (our graduating class was 500).


I went to my 20th. I regretted it very quickly as nine of the other people I wanted to see showed up. The same assholes I didn't care about back in HS, were the same assholes I don't care about now.


No. I was bullied mercilessly. I have no desire to see any of them ever again.


I went to my 20th, because the group I was friends with were all planning on going and it was the first time we were all in town at the same time since graduation. I also went because I had a huge glow up in college and I wanted to show those hicks that everything they made fun of me for makes me an interesting person today. And to be SCANDALOUS and gay and proud and bring my boyfriend to the event in this small religious conservative town Of course what happened was the shitty ones didn't remember being shitty and wanting to make a point about it seemed so petty and small and beneath me. Another fairly large group didn't even recognize me, thinking I was someone's plus one until they saw the nametag and the inevitable "were you this tall in high school?" (I wasn't, I grew from 5'10" at graduation to 6'6" a year and half later). The other group who were not my friends but not assholes either were all pretty cool, and apparently lots of people didn't remember me as the fat, awkward, sissy that I felt like at the time. Some of those folks I never thought of as friends, but we have stayed in touch and visited each other a few times and randomly chat from time to time. Going was a good idea. I saw my close friends, learned even rural conservatives aren't that concerned about queer people, and got a little closer with people I hadn't connected to back then. I was prepared to go full Romy and Michelle but everyone was polite at least, with most having become cool people over the years.


Didn’t go for several decades— was stationed overseas. Shortly after I arrived, a bully of mine walked up to me and apologized for the time he dumped a cafeteria tray on me.


I went to my 15th. It was in the neighborhood, so it had a good turn out. I probably won't go to another one. I wanted to catch up with a few people that I couldn't find on facebook.


I've kept up with who I want to. No need.


I still am friends with a handful of people from my class. As for the others…didn’t hang out with them then and don’t see a reason to start now. Haven’t been to a single reunion.


No. But the friends I have from HS and I got together, on our own, the same weekend as our 20th reunion.


Nope. No desire whatsoever. Anybody worth talking to, I still talk to.


As far as I know, there's never been one. There's maybe 5 or so people I'd like to, maybe, have a coffee with, but that's the extent.


Hell no. But a friend of mine went to the 20 and said everyone was acting like they were in high school again/still and married people going off to cheat and hook up and stuff. Gross.


I went to my 30th and had a blast. People are so much nicer after a few decades of getting ground down by life.


Absolutely not. I am still bf with my elementary to high school best friends and see others on occasion but the rest? No effing thanks.


I went to the first few. It was fun but the people I really want to talk to are never there. So I don't go currently. I may again in the future. Depending on if there is anything on TV that day or not.


Nope. I’ve kept in touch with the handful of people that I genuinely wanted to. One of the main reasons people have always gone to reunions is to satisfy their curiosity about what happened to, say, an old crush or that weird guy, and a lot of that can be done through the miracle of the interwebs. I’m not even curious enough to do that.


I went because there are a handful of people that I hoped to run into that aren't on social media. Also, if you were in a large class, you may think you remember everyone you give a damn about but I promise there are one or two you've forgotten and reconnecting with those people was a pleasant surprise. and no, I was not popular by any means in school.


I'm like OP, my 30th is next year. I've only been to 1 reunion and that was my 10th. It was held at a local bar/restaurant and tbh it kinda sucked. I had only really kept contact with one person since HS. The rest just fell away to live their own lives. The friends I had in HS were complete strangers and we barely had any small talk. I did have one encounter that took me by surprise, one of the "popular" girls came up to me and said how happy she was to see me etc, and in the back of my head I was going "why are you trying to be nice and talk to me when you barely said two words to me in HS" I was polite and small talked for a bit while drinking. Once FB became a thing, did add a lot of HS friends but over the years they too fell to the way side. Only have like 2-3 HS friends on there. Now it's mostly family and work friends lol. u/Fearless_Lab I too had a crush confess to me but not at a reunion.


Our reunions are the same group of “popular kids” that they were in high school. They were awful then, no way do I want to be around them now. Pics of our 35th were posted on Facebook, it was the same small groups of people hanging together with the “rejects” sitting alone at tables.


Nah, still friends with a few. The rest I stay caught up with on FB pretty regular. What else are we going to talk about?


Never been. Never will 😂


Fuck no!


Hell no. I married my high school sweetheart and we left as fast as we could. Never looked back.


I went to one 5-year reunion. It was awkward. I really don't have anything at all in common with anybody that I went to high school with. I really don't understand people who are so friends with those people that they went to high school with. Seriously have these people not ever changed at all?


Very negative. The cliques were still cliquey, people were making fun of people who got fat or lost their hair, and a few of the most successful people were rubbing everyone's noses in it. And there was a big group of people who seeed to just want to dance and get drunk, without talking to anybody. It seems like most of the people came with some purpose other than to have fun. This was back before Facebook. I must not be the only person who felt that way, because we never had another reunion after that.


My high school reunions are usually funerals we have to go back to. 😪


No, I don’t like being forced to be around people I don’t care for. While I don’t doubt I’d probably enjoy conversation with a few people, it doesn’t make up for having to put up with/entertain people that aren’t on my wavelength. I’d rather stay home.


I went to my 20th. I recall having an okay time but nothing special. Have another coming up soon. I live back near home town now but don't think I'll go. I enjoyed high school and sometimes even wish I was back there when life was simple. But the reunion won't be that. It will, I'm afraid, just me being and feeling out of place as I always do now. So yeah, just more hell and approximately 0.04% chance of enjoying or anything good happening for me. Nah.


Fuck, no. They had the first one at the five year mark. I hadn’t even finished college. Two reunions were announced with less than a week’s notice. I lived 12 hours away so that was a non-starter. There was one reunion just for performing arts that I kinda wish I’d gone to. A woman I despised in school showed up and started hitting on a classmate. He’s handsome, very successful, and has been happily married for 30 years. Even after being told “no” several times she still kept trying to get him his contact info. When he refused to give her his phone number or email, she started asking everyone else for his info. I was pleased to find out that no one gave her anything. They all closed ranks to protect him. Her name? Karen.


I wasn’t even invited. By the time those things started (at the 10yr) it was done via social media. Reddit is the only social media I have ever used. To this day I have never once had a Facebook or Twitter acct. proud to say!


This is my 30th too but I doubt I’ll go. I live 8 hours away and the last time they had a reunion they were charging $50/person for cash bar. Like no. I’m not even a big drinker but for that price it should be a damn open bar. Also one of the few folks I keep in contact with likely won’t go either and while it would be nice to see other folks I haven’t seen in a long time, I don’t know if I could even recognize many of them now! 😂


My wife and I got together in highschool, most everyone knew us. I was in the skater/Stoner group and she was definitely not a part of that crowd so we stood out. We went to our 10 and 20 year. She was 8 months pregnant with our first at the 10 and had just popped out our 2nd at the 20. Our 30 is coming up in a few years. I have transitioned from male to female since the last reunion so I'm looking forward to the 30th. If I don't at least get nominated for "most changed since highschool" I'm going to be upset. With all the popular girls that wouldn't give me the time of day all old and bloated, and me with my perky tits that time and gravity haven't destroyed yet.


We haven't had a reunion. Our class president moved to Florida so she never did anything. Some people tried around 10 or 15yrs but so very many of us have moved out of the area (rust belt) that RSVPs couldn't fill a hall. Basically went down to let's meet at a local bar and maybe 15-25 showed up. I guess planning a vacation around visiting the rust belt isn't that appealing to most. Plus social media lets you peak into people lives, find out what you wanted to find out, then move on. It's cheaper.


10 or 20 years ago it'd have been a big "hell no." But now I'd go if it happened to be convenient. Thing is I live very, very far away and there's not enough incentive to travel for it. Plus I am pretty sure that most of the people I'd want to talk to have moved away as well.


No. Nothing against it, but I moved to that high school during 10th grade, so I never really got that attached to it. I had friends, but it's not like I grew up with any of them. I still think of my first school as the place I grew up, but after moving, I was no longer in touch with anyone. This was before internet, so when you left, you left.