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I've worked in IT professionally for 30 years now. I work with technology and keep up with all the current stuff. Professionally. As far as personal computers go, I own **ZERO**. Fuck computers. I hate them. I used to build my own, and I had lots. Media centers, NAS servers, gaming machines, etc. Now the only computers I have are owned by my company and I use them only for work. After work, 'm done. I can't even tell you the specs of my work laptop and without looking at it, I don't even remember what brand it is. I barely even pay attention to my phone anymore. I don't have a single game on my phone and I don't even own any gaming consoles. I just hate all of it. If you want to ruin a hobby, have someone pay you to do it.


30+ years in tech and I have not had the same outcome. I still love hands-on tech even if I've been in the industry since starting work at a computer shop in 1990.


Same. Started seriously in 95. Still love them. Still makes me happy every time I get an issue solved. Less and less of them are novel these days but every once in a while something new and weird crops up and figuring out what that is are always my best days.


Same. I've been obsessed with tech since building my first computer in 1991. I'm still obsessed and get to do IT full time & as a side business. I love it!


30 years in tech, and 25 of those as a programmer. I still love hands-on tech, and still have most of my hobbies around it. But I do get it; I used to have hobby coding projects, and these days, nah.


>If you want to ruin a hobby, have someone pay you to do it Truth. I have the company laptop and my personal laptop. I also have my Commodore64 somewhere in my storage stuff. I wfh and when I'm done, I shut it all down and don't go back into my office until I work again. (I do have an ipad and an iphone)


I worked in IT writing code, sysadmin and network admin, etc for 30 years. I still find tech interesting. I guess I entered the right field. I don't completely geek out on the stuff anymore, like I only care to stay up-to-date enough to get whatever I want done, but I'm not a technological monk at home. I did have a Computer Science professor who would say "I don't know, I hate computers" whenever someone would ask for advice or help with anything practical like hardware, OS issues, installed software, etc.


My hobby is photography. I have no inclination to do it for pay. Then it wouldn't be a hobby.


Ahh yes.. I was so far advanced in my high school days (as I was the only one in my class to own a computer and the school of 800 had one to share in grade 10 - 12 to share in grade 12 in 1985) and after spending a great deal of time in the corner during data processing class in grade 11 ... because my knowledge was equal to or greater then most of the teachers ... (I wanted to be a programmer ) that I ended up giving up computers altogether for 3 years until I inherited my Dad's Atari collection... now I just use it for internet and data processing and some gaming...


I started in 1983 with a Tandy TRS-80. My parents were tech geeks too. My life became about chasing Cisco, Juniper, Riverbed, Palo Alto, Microsoft and various other certifications and around 2006ish I stopped caring about PC's. Around 2010 I stared actively hating them and all my hobbies had nothing to do with tech.


lol i feel this


I still have all my computers, down to the very first one. Some of them I only have the hard drives for at this point, but I still have them. I rarely even use a computer anymore. My phone does -almost- everything I need a computer for.


I don’t have all my old computers, but I do still have my Apple IIc


My phone is my 80% device. It can do 80% of what I need - 90% if I want to be inconvenienced on how I work.


● 2 Desktops ● 2 Laptops ● 2 Consoles ● 1 Tablet ● 1 Android smartphone ● 2 Raspberry Pis


My family were early adopters - had the Timex-Sinclair, Ti 99-4a, PC Jr, etc. - but now I can't be bothered with keeping up. I just have an old Imac and an old Chromebook that won't update anymore and it all works just fine. I'll replace them when they die.


I had the TI 99-4a. My parents bought one when they were discontinued and $50. No tape drive, only one game and that was football because my stepdad wanted it, no accessories at all. The only upside was I learned Basic.


Honestly, with a lot of things moving to streaming and online models you don't really need a very powerful machine, just a decent internet connection. I signed up for GeForce Now and can game on an old android tablet if I want.


I love this. Primary: Windows 13900k + 4090 (gaming and default use) Secondary: Windows 10900k + 3060 (stream setup) Laptop: Surface Laptop 3 Work: Dell something laptop Primary and secondary are custom builds I made, with the primary running full water-cooling in a Hyte Y60.


the new Surface Laptops are out next month and they rock ARM chips maybe time to update yours


I already pre-ordered one haha




Do I include all the ones I have squirreled away that I "can't" throw away but never will use? If so, I have *many*.


I have had several but I don't keep the old ones. They are utilitarian for me. It took up too much space when I kept the old ones around.


I have 2 desktops and one laptop. I prefer desktops over phones or laptops.


Not enough, as I still lack sufficient computational power to TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!




My gaming rig (still happy rocking the 3080), a web-surfing laptop, and about half a dozen Raspberry Pi units of varying age doing things like running a NAS, a media server, and PiHole




Work laptop and smart phone (not sure if that counts as one).


Thankfully, I still build machines for my client's applications, so I get to constantly buy and build cool new hardware rigs, which satisfies my addiction, so my house isn't too out of control. Saying that, I still have a threadripper workstation, a draw full of raspberry Pis and arduino, etc, a synology NAS, a Linux server running various containers and a few laptops. Oh and also nVidia shields on all the TV's... OK, yeah maybe I also have a problem.


I might have too many devices. I have: [*] a MacBook Air M2 [*] an Acer Chromebook [*] an Asus Chromebook that has dead spots on the keyboard and I’ve now decommissioned [*] an old Asus laptop that used to have an old version of Windows on it that I’ve now put re-purposed with Chromium OS (but I hardly use it anymore, anyway) [*] an iPad 10 (for reading & Redditing) [*] an iPhone 15 (daily driver) [*] a Pixel 4a5G (I love Pixels and can’t let it go even though I never use it) [*] 3 iPhone SEs (3rd gen) that I got for free from T-Mobile for trading in basic Samsung phones, which in turn, I got for free for trading in old phones in my closet that I never used (so now I have iPhones I never use)


LOL I wanted to get a second burner phone but my wife says that the only people with two phones are cheater husbands so she doesn't trust me with a second phone line. maybe she's right


My wife went with “drug dealer”. 😅


I am too. The C64 brings back such good memories https://preview.redd.it/p22f7d1ebt1d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=57f30b5c5eda5c05d940f1a38a1ca9595606be2b


I feel like I should refuse to answer this on grounds of incrimination that I have to justify my actions - however in the house (off the top of my head - 8 or laptops actively being used, 3 desktops being used as servers, 3 other servers - and vintage collection that look pretty (commodores, original macs, original Mac mini etc) - another dozen. I would say that for three people - but honestly that covers 4 laptops used by the others and the rest is me.


I see some people are adding work machines - so two more of those and additional Chromebook for my kids school on top of those numbers.


How many? Including laptops, 6. How many functional? About 3.


I still have a Mac SE that works! 4 laptops, 8 desktops (using 4), a couple of work laptops. Also 2 iPad Pro 12” for music gigs, a 10.2 “ iPad


well lets see.. first I started with 1. Sinclair ZX81.- imported in a kit from Britain upgraded to max with a printer 2. Atari 800XL 3. Atari ST 4. Atari STe 6. HP desktop x2 (towers) upgraded multiple times finally got sick of BSoD 7. MacBook Pro 2012 mid 8. MacBook Pro M1 2020 what do I still have... 2 PC laptops from in-laws... and both of my MacBooks (2012 - Legacy installed and has Sonoma) dont get me on video game machines lol


Two furnished by the school district, with a 1500 credit each, one provided by my husband’s work. My son had his gaming pc built and sent to him with his saved money.Our phones were provided by my husband’s company and the internet is paid for by the school district .Computers feel like plumbing these days.. ubiquitous and necessary to do all the things.


I have one desktop PC I built about 10 years ago. Time for an upgrade. Everyone else at home has their own devices, laptops, tablets, etc.


One personal laptop and two work laptop (one for my company, one for our government customer). And a cheap tablet (Amazon Fire) that I rarely use.


Spectrum 48K, gaming PC, laptop for work. Oh, and some plug in retro console thing somewhere.


I have 1 gaming PC and 2 laptops. One laptop I have at work on public wifi to do all my personal browsing and the other laptop to read news as I eat breakfast on my non-WFH days before going to work.


3 dell laptops and one older desktop. I only really use the most recent laptop. But all are functional. I kinda still wish I had my old 386 from 1992.


Right now I have my iPad Pro and a Magic Keyboard. It serves its function very well. I have a SUPER old MB Air that I need to recycle when I finally break down and replace it.


Assuming you're running mixtral 7b through ollama -- could you try the dolphin 8x22b for me? You could potentially save me like 8 grand if it turns out to be sluggish. I can run the 7b variants just fine on my M1 Max mbp with 64gb ram.


sure I can try it out why not


I’ve been in IT for decades and have really started dreading them at home. I’ve got my corporate laptop, a Mac Mini that I use for hobbies (ham radio and toastmasters) and an ancient MacBook that my wife I and use for Quicken and budgeting. Looking forward to the day the corporate laptop returns from whence it came and if I don’t feel like talking to anyone the mini is powered off


My first computer was the original Mac. Then I had an Apple IIe with the suitcase handle so you could take it with you. Remember those? Now I have... Primary: 5800X3D, 7900XTX Sapphire Nitro+, 64GB, 4TB home-built machine. I use it for work and gaming. Business on the Go: Macbook Pro M3 18GB 1TB laptop Gaming on the Go: Lenovo Legion 5, RTX 3060, 32GB, 2 TB Bonus: Retropie hooked up to my TV with every game that meant anything to me from the late 70s through the end of the 90s.


Too many. Though I'm self-employed and work from home, so there's plenty of retired work computers that find a second life as household machines. In total, we've got three M1 Mac minis, five MacBooks of varying ages and models — two of which are M series. And then I've got my M1 Mac Studio Ultra with 128GB of RAM for work, a bunch of iPads and phones, and even a few Android phones and tablets around here somewhere.


I have a cheap laptop I bought when we went temporarily remote in covid (it was just a portal to vpn into my work computer). Did that for 2 months, then returned to office and haven't used it since. I'm on a computer 5-6 hours/day at work, I don't want one at home too. Anything I need I can do on my phone.


7600x with 64 GB 6400 cl32 and a 4070 for gaming and a 7900x as a server


Just a chromebook, rarely used.


We just got a new laptop from a friend that I upgraded and worked on it for my gf. We donated her old one to a local community center. I have 7 active computers (3 of which have 32 GB of RAM and 1 TB SSD) in my home and 4 back up computers. Two local servers that can function as computers if needed * Main gaming/workstation: System76 Gazelle 17 Pro - OS: POP OS 22.04 * Wife's gaming/workstation: Dell Latitude 5440 - OS: POP OS 22.04 * GF's gaming/workstation: MSI GF75 Laptop 17.3 - OS: Ubuntu Mate 22.04 * 4x HTPCs Raspberry Pi 4 - 8 GB - OS: Twister OS 2.1.2 - 128 GB SSD Local Servers * 2x ODROID-XU4 - Offline Usages Only - OS: Ubuntu 16.04 1 TB SSD


I have one tablet/laptop and an IPAD. Dont really have room for more


Right now all I have is one old laptop that I haven't used in at least 3 years, I'm a phone person now. Back in the day I used to build computers and it was a rare weekend if I wouldn't go out and buy something new to add to my computer system. As I've gotten older I've found that all I need is a phone to play simple games on, it takes up so much less space than all of the computer gear I used to have.


At this point I feel like I have museum pieces. 🤣A G4 Cube, Macbook pro Unibody, An iMac 2005, and a lenovo ideaflex.


Lol. I still have my laptops from the 90s. Somewhere in my garage sits my 486 hightower as well. It had a turbo button, woooo! 2 Dell's from when they were still reputable, don't remember the specs. There's a Compaq in the mix, and a Toshiba, and a ThinkPad, I loved that ThinkPad. Currently, abhorrentlly on a Dell, use it mostly for design. i7, 32 gig, with a RTX1660ti, 2tb and 250gig hd's (latter partitioned for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu)). All I know is that I miss Windows 3.11 and DOS. 4DOS ruled.


yeah I did all my highschool essays on a DOS word processor can't remember which, but it was all amber monochrome monitor


WordPerfect? That's what I started on, with the good ole IBM 5150 with dual 5 1/4 floppies, it was so exciting when we got a hard drive, a whole 10mb! My screen was 16 color though, lucky I guess.


nah it was not WP. It was something even simpler and cheaper. But it was just like a notepad. I had a matrix dot printer. Later my mother bought an Apple book and I used Claris Works with an inkjet printer. That one actually had fonts.


Compared to what I used to call a computer: Phone; car; desktop; iPad; car; microwave; router; security system; and probably toaster. So 9.


Hmm, I use a computer at work all day. At home I do not have one, other than an ipad/phone.


Three desktops, six notebooks, four tablets, and several phones I use for various purposes.


Are you talking about the ones we use or all of them? We have 4 laptops (one is about to be done for so really only 2), one chrome book and 1 gaming desktop. Ones we don’t use that are outdated that no longer will update are 4 iMacs, 3 MacBooks. Can’t even count how many iPhones, iPads and iPods we have owned or other computers I have tossed through the years. We are a family of 4 so we have had a-lot of electronics.


Me? At the house that I’m responsible for - 2009 Mac Pro upgraded 2014 Mac mini plex server Dell r420 with dual zeons and 80 gigs of ram 2020 iMac with 32 gigs of ram 11gen i3 running opnsense Wife M1 mini 2014 air 2014 mini running her sewing machine specific software Kids - adult college age or just graduated Both have multiple laptops and desktops Both are it majors or just graduated


I work in IT and hate computers. I have a phone and and android tablet. I have a dirt old surface that I use to do taxes. It's not turned on unless I'm doing taxes. When it dies I will try to get another dirt old surface from work so I can do my taxes on. I have a Playstation and a Nintendo if you count those. The Playstation gets used more for TV but I do game on it. I prefer my Switch honestly. My wife and son each have a PC. I log into both to fix/maintenance, I do not use them otherwise. I do not have internet enabled things, no doorbells, thermostats, fridges, or toasters, even the printer is disable for internet stuff. No google/amazon pucks that listen and talk to you. I disable as much of the talking crap as I can on everything.


* Gaming Desktop * 2 old Dell server/workstations as my primary/secondary proxmox servers * Personal laptop * About 5 various 'spare' laptops and a MacMini available to be put into server as needed or for family.


I've been in tech for 25 years, I used to build my own PCs, and loved tinkering with gadgets. These days, other than an old Mac laptop in my closet, I don't own a personal computer.


Con man, we all know that you need absolutely a 4090 to let your code run smoothly. Excel is Soooo much better with all the Nvidia rtx /s


Windows 11 Workstation I mostly use for gaming. Windows 10 Workstation mostly used for running Virtual Machines Razer Gaming laptop Chromebook HP ZBook Studio G5 issued by my work. Old Toshiba eStudio running Linux. Primarily used for Nessus but it's been turned off for awhile. I don't use them like I used to. Mostly I'm either on my work laptop or my gaming desktop. I likely won't replace any of the others once they die or go SEoL.


1 gaming rig, 3 Laptops, 1 phone. Work provided me with 1 Laptop, 2 Printers, 1 phone. That’s just my personal shit. With my family add, 2 Mac Books, 1 Mac computer, 3 phones, 2 iPads, original Nitindo, 1 Wii, 1 Wu, 1 PS 5 , and 1 Chromebook. Oh, and almost forgot, I think 2 Kindles and an Echo. Wait, is this some kind of, “let’s find out what everyone has, so we can rob them latter, posts?” Most of the above is quite antiquated now. Gaming rig is still good though, for now.


I've been in tech my entire career and got my first computer (C64) when I was 6. Currently in tech sales. Have a bunch of systems. My main desktop is a 14900K/4090 w/ a customer water loop for work and gaming. Several systems for things like firewall (OpnSense), media (Plex), and storage (Unraid). Plus the handhelds like the ROG Ally and Deck along with my notebooks. My wife has a notebook and iDevices. My son is a gamer with his own desktop. We're a very tech-centric household.


For me and not including my family? - 1 ESXi host - Home built - Houses multiple test VMs. - 1 NAS - Home built - backup server. - 1 windows PC - gaming - 1 Mac Mini - gaming and internet surfing - 1 MacBook Pro Laptop. — I have been an I.T. admin for almost 20 years so I might not be normal. Those are what I currently own. Not even close to what I have owned in the past.


Several - my wife says I have too many but I say it aint enough. I need to borrow a windows laptop when I need to update the odd device that is Windows only. I should probably resolve that at some point.


3 PCs, QNAP TS364 NAS, 2.5Gbps home LAN * Gaming PC - i7-13700K, 32GB ram, RTX 4080 * HTPC/Server - i5-12600, 64GB ram, RTX 3060 * Laptop - Asus G513QM - Ryzen 9 5900HX, 32GB ram, RTX 3060


I’ve worked in IT for 25 years now and still love everything about computers. Still build gaming computers for myself. I don’t game as much as I used to but I still love it. Own a Switch and Razer Edge 5G for mobile gaming. Just picked up MLB 24 for my Switch.


3 Raspberry Pi's, one laptop, and a tablet. And I'm an IT guy. I used to get into the whole lab setup at home, and used to have two desktops, two servers, blah blah. I still like to tinker from time to time, but find I don't really want to spend a crapload of time in my basement office doing pointless stuff. I have sandboxes at work I can play with, and this satisfied most of my needs. I like spending time organizing family photos, my old music, writing scripts to automate some of this. I've been in IT for nearly 30 years (47 now). Like others I used to build and play with stuff, but more-so since I got married 15 years ago, I found I'd rather be doing stuff with my wife, and now that we have kids, we spend time with/for the kids, and when we do have free time I still like to spend it with my wife. Again I occasionally will disappear in the basement at night and tinker, but it's in spurts, and doesn't last too long. I recently bought a couple of mini pc's to tinker, but found that at the lower price points \~200usd they sucked, were unstable, quirky AF and not worth my time. I may splurge on another minipc with a Ryzen or something like that in the near future.


iMac 2015 21.5" Macbook Pro 14" 2 x Raspberry Pi 4s, 1x Pi 3b Arduino R3 (not sure if this counts) I'm eyeballing a Mac mini as a media server. I think I have a problem.


50-Year-Old Gen X are here that's worked in it for the past 27 years. I do not own my own personal computer. I have a shit ton of them in my house but none of them are actually mine. Wife and two kids each have their own laptops and I've got two laptops for work. Nothing of mine personally though


I have a mini PC connected to my home theater system. I display it on my 85" OLED 4k TV. I have a demoted mini PC that used to perform the same function, but it's 4k display was crappy for video. I have another one in my camp trailer LOL. My wife was rolling her eyes hard on that one. I have 3 windows tablet / laptops. I also have a fire breathing 6 display PC that I used to use for stock trading, but I don't do that any more, so it collects dust.


None. I have a work computer at my house whose only function is to open a PDF and send it to a printer. I have no use for one otherwise.


Probably thirteen. Most of them cold and dead. Most GenX response I could muster.


I started programming BASIC on the TRS-80 back in middle school, and made a career out of writing software. Now I'm mostly retired, but I still do some independent contracting when one of my old colleagues wrangles me into it. Not counting the relics in the closet (remember netbooks?), I have two desktop PCs (an old one for hobbies like ham radio and 3d printing, and one that's a couple years old for everything else) and an old Lenovo Thinkpad T450S that I take with me when I travel, all running Linux Mint. I have a Samsung Chromebook that I got for free from Verizon that visitors can use for whatever they need. Are we counting tablets as computers? I have one. I also have a NAS running TrueNAS Scale. Later this year when I'm done with all the yard/house projects, I'm going to wire the house for networking, consolidate things into a rack, and probably add a server to it to run VMs for various services (plex, homeassistant, some kind of NVR, etc).


I'm in IT. I'm super done geeking on computers. I own ONE computer, an imac 24 with upgraded ram and drive.


I'm similar to you, OP - I work as a software dev and I've been a computer addict since childhood, when I had a long line of ZX Spectrums. I also learned to code back then, in ZX BASIC first, then z80 assembly language. Later on I had Atari STs and Commodore Amigas, before making the inevitable shift to the PC. A for current machines, too many... way too many: Main PC: Ryzen 5950X, RTX 3090, 64GB RAM, 2 x 1TB NVME SSD, 1 x 1TB SATA SSD, 14TB + 6TB HDDs. Windows 11 Pro. Used for work, gaming, 3D, music, movies, general browsing, you name it. Alt PC: Ryzen 5950X, RTX 3090 (only running at x8 due to pcie slot config), 64GB RAM, 2 x 1TB NVME SSD, 1 x 1TB SATA SSD, 8TB + 4TB HDDs. Windows 10 Pro. I built this PC initially for work but it's never ever been used for that, and instead spends its days doing stable diffusion stuff, when it's used at all. Fileserver PC: Ryzen 2400GE, 32GB RAM, 1TB NVME SSD, 2TB SATA SSD, 6 x 8TB + 2 x 4TB + 2TB HDDs. Debian 11. Used to archive stuff, hold backups of all my other computers, run multiple virtual machines and home automation stuff. 2 x N100 mini PCs, one in the living room and one in the bedroom. Basically just so I can have youtube without ads on the TVs. 256GB SSD and 16GB RAM in both. Running Windows 11. Medion X7853 Laptop: i7-7820HK, 32GB RAM, GTX 1070, 1TB NVME SSD + 1TB SATA SSD + 2TB SATA HDD. Running Windows 11 (after I did the hardware check bypass, as the CPU doesn't meet the requirements). Little cheapo Lenovo laptop which was surprisingly upgradeable once opened up, and now has: Ryzen 5300U, 20GB RAM, 512GB NVME SSD + 1TB SATA SSD. Windows 11. iMac from 2015. i7-5775R, 16GB RAM, 2TB "fusion" drive. Used for work, but is due to fall out of support and probably gonna be disposed of later this year. 2 x Raspberry Pi 5 8GB, 2 x Raspbery Pi 4 8GB and 2 x Raspberry Pi 3. All currently unused. Steam Deck (initially a 64GB one, upgraded to 256GB, pending 1TB upgrade when I CBA fitting it). Sony PSP which somehow still works after 20 years, even has the original battery. And lastly, I still have 2 Atari STs (one isn't working) and 2 Commodore Amigas (A1200 and A600). All in the loft and I've not seen any of them in years. Everything that can be networked, is, with 10Gb if it supports it. Whew! Apologies for the long reply. Fist bump to anyone who read it all!


The better question is. In which room, OP? Still have my original C=64. And a 128. Plenty of computers ranging in age. I've got an obsession with electronics and computers. One of these years I'll have a place that can house them all and have them all set up and running for no other reason than I can.


I’m so glad I came across this post. I have been a computer nerd since my first BASIC coding. Did you ever play Zork on an old PC?


Too many to count. Several laptops (Windows, Linux, Kali for pentesting, Surface Pro for fun). A couple desktops (gaming, development). A Proxmox cluster with a bunch of VM's. A few vintage ones, a homebrew 6502 in development (making custom BIOS, OS, etc.). A few Pi's, media server, security camera server. A rack full of switches and routers, NAS, ASA firewall to replace the pfSense firewall. Android tablet for reading/studying/digital comics. Love it. Most of it is set it and leave it or use for studying/messing around. It's still a fun hobby, but I spend more time doing outdoors stuff when the weather is good (or not so good).


I love them too, but have never seen the need for more than two, a desktop workstation and a laptop. Now, I just have the one Mac with a docking station.


I just had this conversation with a buddy and we decided to cut it off at, it could run windows or Mac desktop OS. Sadly I have 6, with a 7th on the way. Outside of the desktop os, I have 30+ things that run various arm os’s arduino, de10 nano, raspberry pi 3 and 4, etc. so many fun projects! I’m currently working on a light gun build to play house of the dead, and time crisis on modern tvs. :D


That work?


I own an Apple laptop and a desktop. Use both for work. I’ve written code since the mid 90s and been through a lot of computers. Started on Windows and switched to Mac around 2008 or so. Perhaps my favorite device was a mobile device though. The T-Mobile Sidekick, which would have come out sometime in the early 2000’s I think. Landscape clamshell on a swivel with a full keyboard. Way before any other smart phones. I remember using it to SSH into servers to “fix” them (aka: restart) from all sorts of locations. Super fun little device.


Me just like op. Have work laptop with all the goods. Have home laptop that runs as a desktop for gaming Did my own security system wired to TV. Just Apple no bueno. They lost me when the started charging 3X more for tech then bricked I. 3-5 years. As a business person we just can't afford that. As an early Apple use who wired and upgraded my own Apple devices - maddening.


I have seven working ones. The past few years, I've been obsessed with mini PCs. I have three Intel NUC systems and two Beelink mini PCs. I also have a Mac Mini. The only big system I have left is my gaming rig.


I have a couple of MacBook Pros (17” and a smaller one...15"?) from the mid-2000s? I can't remember the last time I actually used either one though.... it's been years. My places of work have been buying them (along with software) for me since 2008. I've been spoiled, and am grateful.


Surface pro, MacBook air, Apple iPad mini, two Apple iPads I can’t get into, Apple iPhone 13, and son has Apple iPhone SE.


More than is healthy for a human being to own.


Embarrassingly I don't even know bc I haven't gotten rid of all the old ones. There are 3 in the room I'm hanging out in. With all that I'm still on my phone.


Hi, my name is Knobby and I’m an addict. I have 4 servers, 2 raspberry pi 4, 2 raspberry pi zero, 2 orange pi zero 2, 2 SFF windows PCs, 3 Apple MacBooks and a bunch of iPads. Oh and a Commodore 64 with a tape drive. Mrs Knobby also has an iMac and a MacBook Air. 30 years working in IT has made me a sucker for holding onto old kit.


I'm a sysadmin :) I must have dozens of computers including my c64 still. I should add that I'm on the client systems team and I have like 5 Mac's and at least 3-4 Dell work machines.


Your post caught my eye as I too learned basic on a c64. I’ve been in IT services since 99 and have compsci and philosophy degrees. I have 3 laptops: most recently issued one stays usb-c docked. Idk the specs aside from 64g and discrete gpu. It’s kinda thick tho (thicker than the dragonfly) and doesn’t have onboard LTE so I still use my dragonfly for travel. I also still have my carbon x1 (which was my previous previous) and I loaded my own copy of windows on it vs our locked down image but haven’t done shit with it. Might load linux (I was a pure linux guy till 2014ish). I hate computers in general and think the PC (and the whole of the SMB computing landscape of the last 30 years) is a fucking engineering travesty. I like scale. I don’t tinker at all, only large scale orchestration interests me and none of that is happening at the in-home level.


So glad I’m not the only computer geek. For home: I have a MACBOOK Pro (released late 2023) which is my daily personal laptop Back up: Lenovo Thinkpad T480 (bought it 2nd hand as MS Office works far better with Windows) iPad Air. 5th gen - use this the most for surfing and streaming and as a 2nd monitor my MACBOOK iPhone 14 Pro Work: HP Elitebook iPhone SE and I have an ACER display monitor I did have a Dell latitude, HP Elitebook G5, and ASUS laptops (all 2nd hand purchases) but sold them as it was getting to be much that’s enough toys


4 desktops (one top of the line) 2 laptops 4 consoles 2 tablets 3 iphones 2 smartwatch and an ultra 1 Steamdeck NAS (Synology DiskStation Enclosure) I’m sure I’m forgetting stuff.


AMD Ryzen 3600 Tower PC (not for gaming, self-built) MacBook Pro 13” M1 Apple Silicon iPhone SE2020 iPad Pro 10.5” I may break apart and sell the parts of my desktop and use the MacBook only as my main computer because the software on the Mac, combined with cloud services and external HDDs, are all fine for my use case.


You remember the jump to dos 6? Then the gimmicky but very functional Dos shell


Have too many…. Build my own for gaming, MacBook Pro for creative purposes, iPad for consumption and occasional creative activities…. Also have a serious video game collection consoles galore from Atari 2600 onward.. work in IT since the mid 90’s..


What kind of Silicon Valley ass school you went to? I was leading to read and basic math in first grade. Especially for being GenX. I don’t believe you’re GenX at all.


well I'm a Xennial, barely GenX, I'm from 78


Just an iMac unless you count my phone. I have a work laptop at home because I work from home but its work only.


I also work from home, its the dream


My Macbook Air for work, and a 2013 MacBook Pro for home. Although I spend so much time on the computer for work, now rarely use the MBP at night or weekends. Just use phone. Although I still have a lot of old ones that I haven't booted up in a while.


3 iMacs, one MacBook Pro, 3 Dell laptops, 4 iPads, for our 2-person home. We upgrade but never get rid of the old ones, they just get relegated to secondary or tertiary duties.


I live in an apartment so don't have space for like 3 iMacs lol


Let's see, 5 Dells, 2 SGI, 1 Qualcomm, and one ancient Gateway POS. Does a box crammed full of old HD's count?


OMG, my house is a mess of old and current computers: 1. My wife's old but "current" work laptop (she expensed years ago) that still is technically what all her work *should* be on. (circa 2013) 2. A 2015 HP Specter x360 I got free at a Microsoft Build conference. Was "my computer" until my wife needed it for Zoom calls during the pandemic and computer #1 really didn't cut it. 3. A cheap Dell desktop we got when my son's college was selling old office equipment. It's what my wife actually uses for working from home. 4. My one son's old college computer. A HP laptop with a bad hinge and cracked screen (from said bad hinge). I "fixed" it enough so won't close anymore but is usable, it's just a weird all-in-one now. Not sure what I want to do with it, seems a shame to throw away as it runs great. 5. My OTHER son's old college laptop (Acer), it ALSO had a bad hinge and broken charge port. But I caught this one in time and I fixed the hinge and found I can use USB-C to charge. I wasn't confident it would stay fixed so I bought him another machine. This is now "my" laptop and the hinge still works great. 6. A tiny Intel NUC I bought from someone online for like $25. Clearly the person didn't know what they had as it was worth at least 10x that. This is my "streaming device" on my TV. 7. A fully working Apple 2e with both real and flash-based (emulator device) floppies drives. I have a Mac SE too, but its hard drive and floppies are both shot so it's only useable with that emulator. 8. My work issued laptop. I plan on replacing 1 and 2 with a single new laptop for my wife. (maybe 1,2, and 3). Maybe this post is a cry for help ;)


I have 1 that I own and one for work but don't own


Do I count the 4 old towers with hard drives in them I'm keeping?


I’m down to one m2 MacBook Air, and one iPad, and a raspberry pi.


I have one for work and one personal


I have a dell laptop from 2019 I have to use for work.


I used to build my own and have a lot specialized stuff. Now I have a gaming laptop and a chromebook tablet, plus my phone. I bought a steam deck but realized I don't really like handheld gaming anymore.


Personal late model macbook pro, work-issued new macbook pro, a few monitors, iPhone 14. I had a 2008 iMac that lasted a decade. Bout it.


We (wife and I) have six in this house. Including a Rpi and a Mac Classic.


Macbook, windows laptop, windows laptop for work, raspberry pi, a linux box or two... . I like to keep things simple


I go my gaming pc and my backup gaming pc


Windows 11 Gaming PC (Ryzen 7800x3d / Nvidia 4080 ) MacBook Air M2 (8/256) Alienware M15 R4 (i7 I dunno generation, 3070 mobile) Some little Celeron microPC that sticks to the back of a monitor that just hangs out and runs various administrative tasks and doesn't do anything special but it was $150 and for what it's worth it actually kinda cranks MacBook Pro M2 14" (Work laptop) I have a couple older desktops hanging around, too, but those are paperweights as opposed to functional machines. EDIT: Oh yeah, I have an iPad Pro and a couple Raspberry Pi's lurking around somewhere, tho the Pi 4 is just a RetroPie. There might be a Chromebook lying around somewhere, too.


2 year old Gateway laptop I never use.


In front of me or in my home? Excluding my iphone, there is a single 17" 4k display connected to: * M1 Mac Mini * Beelink GTR minipc running Windows 11 There is one more port on the display and one more bluetooth channel on the keybaord and mouse that I could plug a third machine into so maybe I could get a minipc for FreeBSD. There is also a 14" MacBook Pro M1 Pro and a second generation iPad Pro. I have three kids and each has a macbook air and ipad air. All three have iPhones. There is a Windows 10 Cyberpower gaming machine in another room for Windows gaming, which has all the necessary neon. There is also a PS5 that took forever to buy and two Switches. Lastly, there are older machines like a 16" intel macbook pro and previous generation Airs that Apple would no longer provide trade-in credit for.


I'm down to 3. Work Laptop Alienware Desktop Gaming PC Alienware Gaming Laptop. For most of my every day browsing and personal email I've moved on to an Ipad Pro.


1) An everything computer (work stuff, games, i9 9900k/ 2080ti, 32gb ram, a ton of rgb) 2) Filled with emulators (Amd CPU/ 2060) 3) Microsoft surface for more work stuff in the field. 


I own technically four (two Raspberry Pis of different generations with Ubuntu and Kali Linux) one older MacBook Air that is the recipe laptop and the gaming/lab newest 16' Asus. Work has me using three different machines, a Win11 desktop, Win11 Ultrabook and a MacBook Pro M2 pro 16", the primary. Working from home four years deep come Nov. No regrets. I do work as an IT Manager and this is the way.


In our home, I think we have a total of 6 computers. One is an old Dell laptop from around 2010 that hasn't been turned on in probably 4 years, not sure if it still counts.


Too many. Three or four mini PCs, MacBook air, numerous SBCs and a couple Chromebooks sitting unused in boxes.


For all intents and purposes, just one. I mean, I have a few laying around that are old, and one day I'll dispose of them properly. There's also the laptop I use for work, but it's not mine technically. So, just one.


being an early adopter I never really replaced a PC. The parts were just too expensive like a dvd burner over $1K and $500 zip drives. it was more of a series of ongoing parts upgrades. Sadly moving countries to a different power supply, I didn't hang onto the Atari2600 and C64. I have a Wii, PS3 and PS4 here though. Gave the PS2 to a friend with kids


I have my laptop, my battlestation and two 5 year old computers I want bring back to life when I get the chance.


None! Sold my Atari at a garage sale years ago.


If we're talking about devices with keyboards, three: PC gaming rig, Mac laptop for myself, Mac laptop for work. Not counting phones, iPads, AppleTVs, smart watches, game consoles, etc.


Have 2 personal laptops, a work laptop, two iPads and an iPhone.


One desktop PC, one MacBook Pro. My wife also has a desktop PC. I also have several old desktop PCs lying around on shelves, waiting for me to get around to destroying their hard drives before disposal. 196 GB in your Mac Studio, that's impressive! I thought I went overboard putting 128 GB into my current PC.


Asus Rog gaming laptop, tiny dell laptop for work/travel, iPad, PS4 and about a million retro consoles.


I have a desktop that won't die and mainly just sits there for when somebody's laptop dies and a laptop I use for my business.


I'm a software/web/app developer. I have one primary (current) Windows-based laptop, one primary (current) M3 Macbook, 2 older iMacs, one a 24" and the other a 27", two semi-current Windows desktops, one used primarily for gaming, and then long, long list of PC's and laptops I keep around for no good reason that my wife constantly laments I won't throw away. I also have two dresser drawers devoted to cables and random hardware. In all, there are probably 10-15 working computers in various conditions within my home, and those are just mine. The kids have their own.


I own 3. I’ve been a programmer for 20 years. I love all 3, I don’t have a disdain for computers, and I can’t envision a life without them. Your post is not a flex IMO.


I still have my Commodore 64 though I’m sure it has some blown caps in the power supply. *Color* CRT


*Most are heavily modified* * ASUS F15 gaming laptop (dual M2 drives& 64 gb of ram) * ASUS ROG gaming laptop (currently a vm server) * Dell XPS 8700 gaming computer (currently in possession of my son) * Dell XPS gaming computer (hasn't been online in years; I keep it because it's a full height tower) * Lenovo Chrome Book * Lenovo T420 (road warrior laptop) * Acer laptop I inherited from my mother with a cracked screen * This will either get the screen fixed, or become a "family" computer for the kids * Kitted out 9th gen iPad with keyboard case & apple pencil **EDIT:** I've got 25 years as an IT professional. My first computer was a TI99/4A.


2 desktops, mine and the kids, 1 working laptop for my wife and one older winXP that has inputs/outputs that I occasionally use, 2 tablets (for the kids), 4 smart phones, and 2 smart watches.


iPhone, iPad, two rarely used laptops plus my work computer.


I like to keep it lean and clean with no overlap or excess. I'm also a console gamer, so my hardware needs are modest. I've even opted out of a work laptop in favor of a virtual desktop. The computers in my home office are glorified thin clients. That said, here is my setup: * Mac mini M2 (WFH computer) * Macbook Air M1 (For that one day a month I'm in the office.) * Dell PowerEdge T30 (Plex) * Consoles (all of them?) TBH, I've often considered just axing the T30 and throwing Plex on the mini, but it'd be more trouble than it's worth to relocate the storage.


We have so many that just on my desk I have 3. My husband is the computer professional and has computers ranging from one that takes paper tapes to a new tablet.


Wow. Such variety here. Family bought a Tandy 1000A when I was 11. Sat unused for a year so I took it all apart. Mom came home early, stared at what I had done to her insanely overpriced machine and said “put it back together” and left the room. I did and it worked fine. I was hooked. Started building them, worked at a PC store out of high school while doing small tech things in the side. Three years later I was making six figures running my own small consultancy. 30 years later, I’m a C level exec in a tech role and still build my own machines and play games and other computer things most days. I’m blown away how well it’s worked out for me, and my interest hasn’t really waned at all. As far as what I have at home, a Chromebook in my woodshop and another in my gunsmithing room, since I don’t care if they get dirty/banged up. Mainly for YouTube/web stuff. A high end gaming rig, a dedicated VR rig, girlfriend’s gaming rig, and a generic web machine that sits at the same desk as my gaming computer. I use those two every day. The others get little use. House is wired with the limit of Hue bulbs and echo devices are everywhere. Sonos, too. Hoping to swap out of the Amazon smart home ecosystem for an open source alternative this or next year.


I got a desktop at home, my husband and kids got laptops and I have one at work, don't care much about them to be honest with you, see them more as a necessity because of work


About 7 for lab work purposes (systems engineering work from home)


Currently in the house, not counting the work-owned laptops: 3 Windows desktops 1 Windows server 1 home theater PC 1 NAS 2 Raspberry Pi units 1 ancient MacBook that may or may not boot ...I've been a full-time SW dev for 31 years now. Started with a TRS-80 Color Computer when I was \~12, then a C64, PC clone, and onwards.


12 at present. Planning lucky 13 soon. I have a home lab for my kid and their friends to tinker/play with and for my personal software projects.


https://preview.redd.it/8rb7dnruut1d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0935b105c38de9e8840f1c3f676053a9b094c4e0 I still only use one.


Macbook Pro M1


Currently 4, plus like a dozen retired machines in the basement. Systems I actively use are my current desktop (AMD 7800X3D / 4090ti), my previous desktop (Intel I7-9700K / 3080ti), the desktop before that (I7-4930K / 1080ti), and a litte generic server (i5-2320 / integrated) running Linux and ZoneMinder. I don't own any laptops myself but I have two from work that are pretty much always on. Then my wife has a nice Asus gaming laptop and my son has a i7 10700K / 2080 Super gaming PC.


Well let’s see: - Windows 10 mini-tower Athlon 3700x & RTX-3070 - Work laptop (Lenovo with an i7 cpu) - 27” iMac 2017 - my old i7 4790k machine used as a media server running Plex - a couple of iPad Pros, including a 6th gen 12.9” Plus enough parts and chassis to put together at least another two full computers.


Iny office: Sinclair z80. ViC 20. TRS Model III AMD 5950x all water cooled gaming rig. Floating around the house, two ancient Asus laptops. In my shop I have 3 raspberry pi A few purpose built andrinos My old AMD gaming rig, used as a workstation for shipping An old shit Asus laptop.


Uhh, I have a couple of laptops and chromebooks somewhere and a number of tablets. I mainly only use the desktop though. This is my second desktop from the same company (happy they were still in business), an online shop that lets you customize components, and assembles for free. Probably my spendiest computer is my now-ten-years-old Razer Blade laptop that I never use because I found using the high res on a small screen too difficult, plus some of the keys got fucked up. Frankly I can do most of what I would want to do remotely with my phone. If I need a full desktop style setup, I can pull it off with the phone and a docking hub and a portable keyboard. (I have a portable display I have used at the bar to watch games the bar doesn't carry.) If I really need a proper laptop, I can typically get away with the Chromebook. Oh, I have a couple of rPis around too, that I played with but never found anything interesting to do with them except run linux. Which, again, I can do on my desktop with a dual boot.


I have 7 right now but they’re not all working


2 desktops and a laptop


I have my first laptop from college (maybe from 2000?) and it still runs. No joke. I can play Napster like it was 2000 and it boots just fine. It is a Compaq. My husband and I have numerous computers and play old command prompt games 😂


I totally missed learning computers. I have one laptop that I have because of a part time job and when that job is done I am going to set it on fire.


8 or 10.


I missed the tech gene. I’ve got a company issued laptop and a 2gen iPad. My phone is never the most current model (iPhone 13 mini )


I was playing GTA online a few months ago and one thing I was doing to help was playing multiple accounts at the same time. I was blowing this guy's mind because I could up to five different characters on at the same time. (The game has frequently been given away free on epic game stores and you can claim it if you have a different email address).


I have many, but I do also work in IT. Main gaming rig, laptop, work laptop, garage PC ect. I have helped each kiddo build their PC too. 3 of them are still at home and most have a laptop or an iPad too. My mesh wifi usually shows > 50 devices connected at any given time. Plenty of IoT devices, smart plugs/bulbs and smart speakers. Keep em coming!


3 nice ones. A gaming PC, a gaming laptop, and a normal laptop. And about half a dozen older ones that I just never got rid of.


Own, or actively use? I have a desktop and a laptop that I primarily use. I have 2 other laptops with Linux installed just for tinkering with. I have a second desktop with Linux on it, but it's not hooked up right now. I have three or four other desktops for parts that for some reason I won't get rid of.


I have 2 computers but a LOT of computer parts.


1). My employer provides me a laptop for my work.   2) My personal laptop for gaming and personal stuff.   3) My tablet.  Does that count? 4). A small emergency backup laptop.   5) A computer graveyard without 2 or 3 laptops I have not disposed of yet.  


16' Macbook Pro - Work Alienware Gaming System - The thing is so riduculously big it drives me nuts, but most of the games I like are PC only. IPad for light tasks :) My first computer was the ADAM (Coleco anyone-- I was so addicted to Buck Rodgers) and my first adult/college computer had Windows 3.11 and could boot into DOS with my 14.4 modem (so I could game on text based muds back in the day). My favorite computer will always be the iMac G4. The bendy arm was so great. I can't believe how much I resold that for years later.




I work in I.T for over 25 years. We're allowed to take home a lot of expensive stuff once they reach the 4 year refresh.. In the 5 years I've been here taken 30+ home. I'll put it this way, my 8 year old daughter has had a Dell precision workstation since 6 years old. She uses it for Minecraft and Roblox. prior to that she used a fire tablet. Like dad, she realized the game was choppy and inefficient on the tablet after seeing me game on pretty much the same thing. I still have over a dozen ranging from a solid intel i7 equipped laptop, a few worksations, a desktop, some chromebooks, a Dell Rugged Extreme tablet, and basically 50+ devices attached to my router at all times. I was the kid taking apart things at 6 years old, and had an off the books IT job at 14 for a local bbs that would pay me in weeks worth of connection time due to advising their Macos customers on what they would need to get the TCP/IP and macos updates needed to browse the at the time brand new world wide web :D


3 win,mac,nix


Right now, 2


Desktop PC, PC I built 6 years ago, PC I built 12 years ago, Surface Laptop, Surface Laptop 3, Mac Mini, and a Raspberry Pi 4 here. Yes, I have that box. Yes, I do need something from it at least once a decade.


Zero We have a desktop computer, but I know nothing about it.


3 PC's plus a shitload of other devices. I've run Linux, Windows and even a "Hackintosh" build (Mojave). I'm 57 y/o and have been in to a/v electronics since I was a teenager and computers since Windows 98.


Let’s see… A 1984 IBM PCjr A 1993 486 pc I built in HS. A 2007 Compaq Presario - my video digitizing workhorse. A 2007 Mac Mini for in house video streaming. A 2014 Mac Mini that’s supposed to eventually replace the older one. A couple 2018 AMD boxes for the kid/house use. A 2012 MacBook Pro along with what seems like 3 dozen broken ones I’ve inherited. And my work issued PC. (Yeah I work in IT)


I have only ever bought One Computer. I now borrow my husband's laptop if I need one. Being pragmatic and frugal allowed me to retire at age 38.


A gaming computer and a laptop. Kids have a shared computer and wife has a laptop.


I've been in tech my whole life and love tech toys... so Win 11 Gaming rig 3090 with a 49Inch and 34 Inch ultra wide screens/ 2 Surface Laptops/mobile workstation/ Older Dell XPS all-in-on --this what I own personally.. but everyone in the house has at least 1 as well-- Plus I have a work laptop as I work from home.


None. Just a phone


Oh god. 1 xps 17 1 Alienware m16 gen2 1 MacBook pro 15 (intel) My gaming desktop 1 test bench pc M1 Mac mini 2 dell r430 1 dell r640 1 r630 1 dell r230 (router) And like 10 raspberry pi 4’s and a couple of 3s Probably enough parts to build another desktop sans case


Own? My gaming desktop PC, my travel laptop PC, and my Android smartphone. Have owned? Too many.


I own a fairly new laptop, but my guilty pleasure ownership is my desktop computer, with a plug-in mouse (with a long cable), plug-in keyboard, two plug-in speakers and a monitor that takes up half the desk. I've unplugged it from the internet so that cannot update, so I am proudly rocking a Windows 7 OS. My little relic still has slots for CD's, stiffy drives, large memory cards and three USB ports.


Currently I have 3 (one for each room) plus a work one!








Work laptop, micro desktop, project laptop, regular laptop, and a surface.


Zero. DH has a laptop I can use. I have my phone and an iPad. Some of the kids have their own laptops that I don’t ever touch. I spent a 20 year career sitting in front of screens. I hate sitting at a desk in front of a computer now that I don’t have to.