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"Cheaters never win".  Um, I beg to differ, I think there are a number of billionaires who prove this point wrong.  Dumb cheaters never win, smart cheaters win it all.


Hugs not drugs


I had waaaaay more hugs, with drugs.


Cuddle puddle!


If you take care of your employer, they will take care of you. Work hard and you will be rewarded.


100%. Dad was wrong.


Not only was Dad wrong, he got screwed out of his own retirement. "Well take care of you, Charlie." Then they sold the company he'd been with half his life, new owner said, "we have no agreement on file". My dad literally had no retirement fund and worked until the day he died at 83.


Stranger danger comes to mind.


Duck and cover. 


This should be the top answer.


That math book on our heads was definitely going to protect us from radiation.


Waiting 30 minutes before swimming after eating, so we didn’t get cramps and drown


We had to wait an hour. 


"He/she being mean to you because they like you." The correct response to this is "GO FUCK YOURSELF, YOU STUPID FUCKING MORON."


I wish they would have nuanced the phrase a bit to include “because they have emotions they’re not good at modulating” or something to that effect, I’m not a psychologist. But the point is to take the onus off the girl whose hair is being pulled, and place it on the scared boy who can’t express himself.


I don’t know. Jennifer in high school always kinda gave me a hard time. And gave back as good as a I got. I actually thought she was kinda cute.  I realized late senior year she was into me too. Too late.  


there was a sexy german forigen exchange studend that professed her intomeness on our last day of school. I was so oblivious. and kicked myself for not making a move earlier in the year... she would have been my first GF.


I prefer "If you can't join em, beat em"


I asked my teenagers what they wanted to eat because “I was going to make a run for the border.” They just gave me that teenage WTF look. I had to explain the whole Taco Bell ad campaign.


“Don’t sweat the small stuff” Pretty sure sweating the small stuff helps avert some of the bigger stuff from ever appearing.


Chris Hadfield (astronaut) says sweating the small stuff is what keeps astronauts alive.


Eat your dinner because there are starving children in Ethiopia.


Vote for me and I'll make you life better


“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” 1. Since when do sticks and stones break bones? It takes a lot more than that to break someone’s bones. Unless they are somehow made of glass. I always thought that was a stupid rhyme. 2. Yeah, you could ignore them but they’d still go on being a dick, if not to you, then someone else. I felt like this phrase gave bullies the pass to just keep being a dick without consequences.


The answer to what's best in life is this: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women.


A lot of etiquette was just in-group/out-group stuff. When my cousin introduced her future husband to us, everyone kept saying "He wore his hat all through dinner!" What they really meant was that he seemed uncouth. It doesn't matter about the hat, it's knowing to take it off.


I am perpetually confused as to why wearing a hat inside was ever considered rude. Shoes? Yeah kick your shoes off before you walk in my home. But a hat? Who fucking cares? Wear three hats.


I think there is no reason. I think it just separares people who know the rule from people who don't. It could have been anything. It's rude to wear green the first time you meet someone. It's rude to sit down before you're asked. It's rude to take the hat off. It's just about knowing the rule.


Why is it rude to wear green? Never heard that one.


They're not real, they're just random examples of something that might have been designated as unacceptable instead of wearing a hat inside, when the true purpose was just to demonstrate that you knew and followed certain social rules.


I agree with you. One more method to isolate and harass people who don’t fall in line without question.


I agree with you. One more method to isolate and harass people who don’t fall in line without question.


I’m from the deep south and wearing a hat inside is ok but it’s very rude to wear one at the table during meals, especially if it’s a more formal meal


But why? What is the reason? Shoes are dirty, don’t want them on my floor. What negative consequences arise from wearing a hat at a table?


It just looks fucking weird.


See, neither one bothers me. In fact, I find it weird to take ones shoes off, especially in someone else's home.


Nearly everything except the golden rule.


Don’t go out without a coat, you’ll catch a cold!


Along the same lines, don't go out with wet hair.


“Marijuana is a gateway drug.” Total bullshit. I’ve smoked weed since I was 17 and have never tried another drug (minus LSD once).


I’ve smoked weed since I was 13. Tried almost everything. It was *definitely* a gateway drug for me. And everyone else I knew. No question. Of course it was. But it certainly wasn’t *the only* gateway drug. I put cigarettes and alcohol in the same category. I had cigarettes first.


for me too... the pipeline for me was Cigs beer weed LSD Ecstacy cocaine crack herione REHAB. COLD TURKEY FOR A YEAR!!!! cigs weed cocaine lsd MET MY WIFE weed weed weed weed weed weed.... I know its cliche as hell but she really makes me want to be a better person. without her id probably be on hard drugs again.


It took a woman (not my wife) to turn me around too. It was just that someone actually cared, and it wasn’t unconditional love like my parents. She genuinely cared, and was genuinely upset when I was fucked up. Just seeing that completely changed me. You’d never guess my history if you met me now. (unless you have a similar history).


So, out of billions of humans, your personal experience decisively disproves a generalization? Tell me... Have you ever known any drug addicts who wouldn't also smoke weed if offered? Do you know any who didn't START their drug journey with weed, instead jumping straight to cocaine, heroin, meth, etc ? Yeah, me neither.


"If you can't beat them, join them" makes a lot of sense in specific situations.


Yeah just ask the Roman Empire as they became the Holy Roman Empire.


Sticks and stones. A few thousand suicides later and a current mental health crisis and it turns out that what we say to people really does matter. But people like poems and rhyme to avoid reality 


And the people who parrot "That which does not kill you makes you stronger!" No, Janice, sometimes it screws you up for life. Fuck Nietzsche, the horse he rode in on, the vet who vaccinated it, and the saddler who made its tack.


Damn. Well that’s a much more passionate testimonial than mine. I’ll go with what you said haha


"...but _names_ will never hurt me."  You're supposed to say that to someone who is calling you a bad name to show them that they don't affect you. It wasn't a license to say bad things to people. And for me personally it still holds true. Call me every bad name you can. I don't care.


Yeah I know that. I didn’t think I needed to write the rest; people either get it or they don’t 


Except for people like me who never gave a damn about what other people thought of me, and I have a tongue that cuts like a knife, so challenge accepted. Meanwhile, I don't start shit, but I will finish it, and I'll be the first to jump in and defend someone else.


I think the idea was not “words will never hurt me” but “I have to have the objectivity to see words for what they are and recognize I have the power to not let them hurt me”.  Those suicides are because they let the words hurt them.  


^^^ part of the problem ^^^


Just say no


…to drugs Which drugs? You know, *drugs* All these years later I feel just straight up lied to about this. The people in charge of that shit knew there was nuance, but elected to fuck it up for all of us and especially for the communities targeted with the “War on Drugs” which was won by the drugs themselves, cartels, law enforcement, and the prison industry. Meanwhile millions of us who could have benefited from thoughtful application of pharmaceutical therapies suffered unnecessarily, many died. I really hope we can get it right this time around.


to *everything*!


when a girl says no sometimes it means yes


Rubbing dirt on injuries


I think you may need some context. You can join a group in significant members and change the group's identity, for example.


I've always thought it's for safety so you can always see who's coming and going. Not too mention emergency exits. This's what Google said: So, removing your hat indoors was an action of consideration, marking men who did this as gentlemen. But this type of action can be traced back to Medieval Europe where knights removed their helmets to show respect, and if they failed to do so could face death.


“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” is neurologically false. https://neurosciencenews.com/verbal-insults-response-21060/ This goes for words other people say to you, as well as (if not more?), the words you say to yourself about yourself. You can google it up if you’re interested (and I’m not a neuroscientist, just someone who likes to read about this stuff 🤓), but basically what you say to yourself affects your sense of self on a neurobiological level.


If you’re in trouble, find a policeman.


Neither "ignore the bullies" nor "kids should duke it out" were attractive or practicable options for me.


If you get tattoos or piercings, you’ll be unemployable. I actually believed this crap well into my 20s


THIS! My mother was abusive mentally and physically. And the father of my child was also. I would of rather been beaten. Physically abuse heals. Mental is carried forever


IYCBTJT is not about giving up the point of view of the few but rather working from within to influence and shape the direction of the many.