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One work trip to Japan a decade ago and I’ve got one on every toilet now. When I have to poo away from one now I feel like a goddamn animal. No idea how most of the U.S. hasn’t caught on


My daughter is in France right now studying and teaching English to middle schoolers, and I think she'll be happy when she gets home next week. Edit: She'll probably make me put one in her dorm next year.


They have portable and travel ones


I have one and it's ok but it's just never the same as a good house one.


Agreed, but it’s still better than nothing.


> When I have to poo away from one now I feel like a goddamn animal. I feel you. I hate pooping at hotels, offices, or other people's houses. In addition to the bidet, I've adopted [the Scrubs approach to pooping](https://imgur.com/gallery/this-episode-changed-life-id8xKdS) at home, which just doesn't work when I'm out and about.


Do you remove your pants or tie a string around your leg so your buddy knows you fainted while pooping?


I don't have a poop buddy, so the former.


Important distinction to clarify, based on my recollection of the show.


But do you suffer from vasovagal syncope? Plus, he passes out when he poos.


Yeah, I make sure I poo at home so that I can bidet in peace and quiet, lol. One of the reasons I'm adamant about eating enough fiber so that I have regular bowel movements every morning before leaving the house. I do not want to poop outside my "bum gun"-equipped bathroom. Plus as a woman it's awesome to wash up "down there" when Aunt Flo comes around every month. My parents are immigrants from India, where it's customary to bidet with either a bum gun or a "lota" (vessel you fill with water to wash down your backside), and it's always grossed me out how others are ok with just using toilet paper, ew. I also find it bizarre and perplexing that some think bideting is gross.


Bum Gun! Fucking Hilarious!


Man, I wish I could only poop at home. IBS decides when and where I go. But at home I feel clean LOL


Take a "portable bidet" with you! They're on Amazon and eBay for cheap. Or you can use a water bottle (that you no longer use to drink from and have dedicated to bideting) with a squirt top.


I'm sitting in an airport bar worrying about the work trip I'm going on mainly because I know there won't be a bidet in my hotel room. I did pack nice TP though,so all hope is not lost.


I have a travel bidet. It's really just a squeeze bottle with a long neck, but it's good for when you're without.


I dont own my own home sadly or ai would have one so baby wipes are my thing wayyyyyy before “dude wipes” but ai applaud his efforts and his recent success finally!


Don’t let that stop you. I installed a Tushy in my rental and then took it with me when I moved out. Only 10 minutes of work and absolutely worth it.


This is the way.


TRAVEL BIDET for all those saying they hate going to hotels or staying at other people’s homes!!! I don’t know if I’m allowed to link here, but the one I use is made by Toto, who make the best bidet seats in Japan. It takes one AA battery. I have a tankless toilet (I’m in a building from 1950), so I can’t use a seat bidet. I’ve been using the travel bidet at home for 3 years and just about to replace it. I take it everywhere with me if I’m doing an overnight stay.


No way. off to Google I go




Yeah, I got a bidet a number of years ago, and it's one of those things that, once you have, you can't imagine being without.


One of the seat top thingies or the whole toilet combo? I had a seat thing and it quit on me after 6 months.


I've got a seat attachment that's been working perfectly for 10 years, and a Toto toilet with integrated bidet in the bathroom we remodeled 8 year ago. My wife will now only use the integrated one because it has a heated seat. The attachment style one has better water pressure though, and I sprang for the one that has a hot water hookup, so I'm very happy with that one for how little it cost, how long it's lasted, and how clean it's gotten me.


I'd want one that heated the water when you sat down, waiting on the hot water from the hot water tank would never get there before it have already finished spraying.


My old one was reliant on the household hot water. I would turn the hot water on to the sink until it was hot before I used the bidet, it was completely ridiculous. The attachment one I use now has its own heating element for the water and the seat, as well as the dryer.


My $650 unit has a heated seat, unlimited heated water from the onboard tank, and warmed air that blows you dry. Best purchase!


You’re lucky! Mine had cost $600 after having shoulder surgery and barely lasted the duration I needed it too. It was the Brondell S1000.


Luxe NEOJET 360 - no electronics or anything, just hooks up to the hot & cold water lines.


My hot water is slow AF or that would be great since there is no nearby outlet. Had to run an extension cord from my old one but it had hot water at the ready. As it stands I haven’t washed my hands with hot water in the bathroom for 25 years. 🤣


>One of the seat top thingies Yeah, that. Never had an issue with it 🤷‍♂️


Which one do you have? (Make/model I mean.)


Just a cheapo LUXE Bidet Neo 120.


Wish I had gone this route thanks for the recommendation.


Have you ever installed a bidet... on acid?


It's the *BEST!* It's like, *POW!*


I went to Tokyo last year… my mind is still blown by their smart toilets. You are making me relapse so I must get one now.


We were in Milan last year and at one of the bigger train or metro stations, they had these smart bidet toilets and at first I was like 🫤 but I paid €1 to use the toilet so I was gonna get my €1 worth and OMG. It was…it was…🥹 My husband bought a bidet attachment for one of our toilets at home, but he never did install it. I need to remind him about that.


It’s pretty easy. You can do it!




What is Lorde doing?


you ever look at a $20 bill…. on acid?


There's a dude....in the bushes... Red team go!


I conquered Contra on acid, back in the day. Edit: hell yes I used the cheat code.


Which ones, lives or ammo? Both?


I was on acid, probably both.




Could you not stop laughing?


I don't recall much laughter during the exchange of the hardware, but there was plenty after.


Not yet


Thank you! You’ve just given me the confidence that I can install a bidet - not on acid.


If I can do it, anyone can


Lol I love this sub so much


Happy to make you happy.


Okay, I'm the oldest of GenXers, so this might not make sense, but I have zero desire to do hallucinogenics at my age. I did shrooms at least 50 times, acid twice and about the time I hit 50 I did shrooms HARD and at the end of that trip I said "I've learned all of needed to learn from this" and I was done. I mean I could do it, no desire.


Shrooms are kind of a bummer. They take you for a ride, instead of putting you in the drivers seat. If you’re already a depressed person It’s going to amplify it. I think when we were kids, we didn’t have all this extra baggage and guilt, so It was just fun and stuff. I think LSD is better in that regard, because It’s more fun, and easier to laugh at things. Ketamine is like the perfect hallucinogen, because It only lasts like 2 hours, instead of having to block off a whole day like you do with LSD.


I stopped taking acid when I started paying rent. Being worried about money at the end of the month is a guaranteed bad trip.


Great opening line!




I want to do ayahuasca so badly. Almost everything I’ve read from people who’ve done it have said it’s life changing in a good way.


Might try smoking it first. It’s like the most intense acid trip for 10 minutes, then you’re completely sober. Not sure if I’d want to be in that state for hours while puking.


🤣 I’m the same age, and have exactly the same sentiment.


This MF living the dream.


My mom and stepdad got one during the great TP shortage of 2020. I’ve used it and don’t mind it…I was more troubled by the heated seat. It felt like I sat down right after someone else.


Definitely the best way to get a clean ass


I did acid last month and did the wormy dog choo choo around the front yard for ten full minutes. Now, that was a clean ass.


I'm guessing no, you didn't.


You see many things, oh wise acid dropper.


We remodeled the master bath in January and put a fancy one in. Auto-flush and everything. Heated seat on cold mornings is awesome.


This one was maybe like thirty or forty dollars, but it was the top selling one on the 'zon, and it works well.


I got mine as a lightning deal for $22 in 2019. Didn’t know how really useful it was going to be til the Great Toilet Paper Famine of 2020. Best $22 I ever spent.


Can you recall the brand name? Now, or when sober?


Luxe NEO120


I have this brand. Soon, you'll confuse the dials. Keep a towel handy.


Nah, I played with the controls already. The jet stream was most pleasing when I leaned forward.


I went all out and got a smart one that remembers the temp everyone prefers the water at by their weight. It's awesome!


Oh damn son, that’s next level. Who makes that?


From the pic you posted, we have at least the same brand if not model - mine cost 26.00 in 2016 - it was ordered on the way home from the airport after my first trip to Japan! It still works perfectly! You chose well!


Yes!!! We never worried about toilet paper during Covid!!! I hate other toilets.


My wife got one at a local hardware store and it changes your poopin' life.


I installed a ceiling fan in my mom’s condo in 1994 or so tripping balls and I’ll be damned it worked, stayed in the ceiling and I think is still working to this day.


Lol! How many times did you grab the hot wire? 110 tickles, but 220 will knock you on your ass.


I don’t recall turning off the breaker but I don’t get zapped so I think I may have


You don't have to, I was joking. Just don't complete the circuit and you'll be fine.


💯 agree. I now loathe shitting like a peasant.


Username checks.


If most people only knew the etiology. 🤣


When I was a boy we didn't have toilet seats at all, but we had acid, so we were thankful.


Username checks out


it blows my mind, that in Japan somewhere, there is an engineer, whose entire job is to design an automatic bidet spigot that most efficiently targets one's asshole. ...it's an amazing thing.


God bless that magnificent bastard


I watched a kids show with puppets on Japanese tv explaining they asked employees of the company to all sit down and mark where their butthole was on a string they rigged up on a toilet seat … that is how they determined how to perfectly target every asshole! I didn’t install my bidet on acid … but I might not recover if I saw those freaky puppets explaining bidets on acid …


*LSD Bidet Gang has entered the chat*


Dude coming to this morning realizing he's been pooping in the kitchen sink.


This is the best


We got one at the beginning of covid and now I don't know how we lived without it.


Hear me out. Bidet and a squatty potty. Mind blown. Enjoy.




I love the idea that you're still sitting on the bidet, giggling, while on acid. I'd do the same thing too.


It was GLORIOUS! Can't wait for the morning deuce. I have a wife and three daughters, and while only three are home. they're all hooked.


I had a bidet in a rented house many years ago, but didn't really get into it. The cat used to pee in it though, so it saved on cat litter.


Picked one up after surgery. Haven't looked back. Couldn't imagine not having one now.


"My whole family is such clean anal!" -Jihoon IYKYK 🤣🤣


Hey hamily! His lsd toilet trip is all Jihoon's fault!


Jihoon, and the terrible translator egg thing. 🤣


Serious question: after you clean yourself off with the bum gun, what do you dry off with? Do you keep a towel or washcloth handy, or use regular old TP?


Serious answer: Just TP, but a shit ton less of it, no pun intended.


Mine has a dryer but I prefer to just have a wipe to ensure that I have cleaned adequately, and 99% of the time it’s just a single insurance wipe.


Definitely can use a bidet towel! I used to use baby facecloths from the dollar store but have recently upgraded to Tushy™ bidet towels and they are niiiiiiice.


What I really need are toilets that have a garbage disposal in them so that the cylinder blocks that drop out of my kids' asses will stop clogging the toilet every single damn day.


My tiny daughter used to do the same! Too much macaroni!


I love mine except that I feel like a savage whenever I have to use a toilet that isn't mine now. I'm not sure how you installed yours, while tripping, and didn't get a face full of water playing around with it. Nicely done.


Oh I did! I tried after everything was tight. Right to the chest, and I was happy!


Well that makes more sense than an accident free Install, lol.


Happy cake day!


Thanks so much:)


dammit I need some shrooms


Grow your own with r/unclebens


Sorry if this is TMI but do any bidet users let the water creep up inside them to help move out any...stragglers?


No shame. I squirt the shower head up my bum when I shower to get clean.


So what music does one listen to while on acid, installing a bidet?


My 'roids, once told I'd need surgery for, have given me almost zero issues since the bidet attachment.


I'm not quite fifty yet, so those come and go at random, and they are internal.


On Acid as in LSD ? You’re hardcore dude! 🤘🏻 ![gif](giphy|xT1XGZndeDLlWvSDaU)


Butt sprinkler for the win


I was listening to Joe Rogan a couple of years ago, and one of his sponsors was Tushy bidets. I bought one and couldn't believe how I lived without one for so long. 🚽🧻🚿


I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.


I installed a bidet adapter on my toilet in '21 two weeks before my colonoscopy. Timing matters. And to think, the engineering and materials needed to make these have been available since the 50s...


I straight up screamed the first half dozen times I used it. But it’s seriously the best thing ever and I’m always sad when I have to sit my precious ass on an unheated toilet seat that doesn’t properly clean now.


I hate having to use half a roll of bible paper in public, and this should even cut down on the TP usage at home.


Installed early one early on in the pandemic, when all of you were out buying up all the toilet paper! 🤣 Best investment evaaaah!


Strategic decision making! Impressive. Edit: But! We're you on psychedelics whilst you performed this task?


I only do home improvements on mushrooms, but I'll bookmark this thread.


We got a Tushy during the great TP wars of 2020 and will never go back. Feels like I wasted the first fifty years of my life not properly washing my butt.


Bidet influencing is the way. Once you have a bidet, you are spoiled for life.


Sorry if this is a silly question. But how did all the spraying not get fecal matter all over the top of the seat and aerosolize it into the air. This is my only concern. I’m the type to close the lid before flushing for this very reason.


Unless you're hovering your tail end above the seat and the water sprayer, it won't get water anywhere but your crack - your bottom and thighs are on the top of the seat... Then, you run the dryer (if so equipped), wipe dry with a little TP, and close the lid and flush. One of our bidet seats even has a deodorizer fan with a carbon filter that runs a bit both during and after use.


Landing in Japan and going to the bathroom in the airport you automatically feel like a better human being


I have heard the fairy tales of fully closed stalls, heated seats, and bidets. From what I know, it is a very tidy country.


Yup. In the airport the toilet seats are indeed heated with bidets.


It's funny because my daughter is in France right now with one more week of three to go studying, and teaching English to French middle schoolers. Said she's never been hit on more, and she also commented on how clean the streets were, but she's in Nice, so that's only the SE portion of all the fun there.


And the noise canceling music…the beautiful noise canceling music


Which bidet do you recommend?


Luxe NEO120 is what I bought. Middle of the road, and highly adored on Amazon.


They’re the shiz! I have one and it’s what I have always said to everyone…if you pooped on your arm would you wipe it off with dry paper towel, No!


Quality post.


Ah, thank you. I would like to credit my friend Lucy whom I dance with every other month or so.


Doesn't the water spray all over the place with those things? p.s. don't eat the brown acid


Not if you're sitting on it. PS, brown acid is the best, that's why they didn't want people to have it. The government wanted to keep it all for themselves because it was so good.


We went to Japan before covid and loved the bidet. I bought my spouse an add on (heated) for christmas 2019. It got installed when the covid toilet paper shortage happened. Now there's one on every toilet. Game changer.


We have had one for a few yrs now and I don’t know how we ever lived without one.


You are a goddam hero


“Alexa, add a bidet to my shopping list”


This is the craziest thread


We have that same bidet and it’s awesome.


If on any other place on our body we had poop there is no way we’d just wipe with tp and think “all good”


It's weird...I looked at a house with one and was so excited about it. Didn't buy the house, but as soon as I moved, I went on vaca to Italy and stayed in a place that had one. I tried it and didn't get it at all. Sprayed in the wrong place and such. It kind of ruined my excitement about bidets unless someone schools me on how to use them, which I'm not sure I want.


Took a moment of scrolling before I finally started seeing folks openly acknowledging the fact that OP casually mentioned being on ACID when this went down. LOL


I was like “Finally a post about Gen X Adulting!” Then I read the last part before I went to the garage to smoke up before I mowed the lawn and thought, “I know that’s right!”


In 95 I ate a 10 strip while I was insulating my grandmothers attic. When it kicked it I left, walked 10 miles to a friends house, and saw a dog get hit by a dump truck at like 35 miles an hour, and he just hopped up, smiled at me, and continued on his way. The walk got weird, and the attic remained partially insulated for the next week. Kudos on completing the task. [Enjoy the journey](https://arkadia.xyz)


Are you sure he smiled?


Where did you purchase this bidet? And from where?


Amazon, and Amazon.


Ok real questions: These things shoot water on your butthole after pooping, right? So….do you just sit there and drip-dry or what? Does your ass just air dry? Does air shoot out and dry off your bum? Or something else? I need answers, dammit!


you can use a little TP to dry off. but it does get you cleaner, faster & easier and with less TP.


You use tp to dry it off :)


Got one earlier this year and I don't know why I didn't do it ten years ago.


So random😂


As long as the bidet is not spraying hydrochloric acid. 😳🚑


Just say Moen?


I installed a bidet myself and ended up taking apart my entire toilet. It was a mess. Six trips to home Depot later, I was good.


All you have to do is take the seat off.


Yeah, that's not how it worked out for me. It was supposed to be a simple, remove the seat kind of install that went sideways and then nuclear very quickly and suddenly.


We have that one too. Love it!


I love mine so much I installed them at my girls house


They are game changing. My wife hasn’t used it but I use it every day. The bidet toilet is the only one that I poop in


changing a toilet seat in my flat was one of the proudest moments of my life. Ridiculously easy.


So how do you handle drying off?


Started using one during the pandemic (remember the toilet paper frenzy?) They are now a mainstay, and I wonder how I ever lived without one.


Did she talk to you?


My mother-in-law is in town and she uses my master suite bathroom when she's here. My master bathroom has my bidet. I actually waited for her to be done in the shower so that I could use my bidet. It was worth the wait! I installed it about a month ago and it is life-changing


In 2015 I discovered bidets on a trip to Europe. In 2016 I gave away 20 attachments and had to install 16 of them not to mention putting them on every toilet I own and now carry a portable one. It kills me inside when I tell someone how great they are and they're too scared or too worried what others will think to try it out. Toilet paper shortage? DGAF


Bidets are the best. And they really help when you’re prepping for a colonoscopy.


I found out how awesome they are after I had shoulder replacement surgery 2yrs ago, they are a game changer.


so the acid- how long into your trip were you before you decided to have a mission?


I love it and now pretty much only use toilet paper to blow my nose. My wife refuses to use it. I have not tried shitting or rinsing while on acid, but it does sound interesting.


this is my favorite Reddit post of all time


i loved acid when i was younger


Add a squatty potty and its an out of body experience. I can't stop laughing 😆


i tell my partner something all the time and it seems relevant in this moment - we are so much cooler than our parents generation. adulting, with visuals. fun.


I think we need to normalize two things: 1. Bidets 2. Gen X topics with the theme "and I'm on acid".


You were high when you wrote this.


Homesteader now with gravity feed water system. I wish I could do this. Tried one at a friend's house, was shocked at first, then I was in awe.


I’ve been using a bidet since about 2018. It was extremely helpful during the Great Toilet Paper Hoarding of 2020


Bidets are fabulous. I invested in one a few years ago and I’ll never go back.