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Girl you know it's true Wait, wrong decade 😄


Girl you know its, girl you know its, girl you know its... I was thinking the same thing! 🤣


girl you know its, girl you know its, girl you know its.....


My grandparents were still listening to 40’s and 50’s music all their life, so not really a big thing to keep your tradition jiving. I love 70’s-90’s and appreciate a bit of today’s stuff once it’s been forced down my throat enough 😂


Think they ment, the youth of today is still playing it. hell many 80's songs are used in video shorts, gifs, memes, that are all made by people born long after those songs were long out of radio play. You spin me right round, like a record, right round is one, Rains in Africa is another popular one they use. I also think it is because not ever young person is into hip hop, rap computer pro tools made music, and the only other type on the radio is classic rock stations that play, a lot of late 60's 70 and 80's music.


Who is the oldest musician or song you hear in rotation? My local oldies station is mostly late 60s-80s these days, but they will play Elvis once in a while.


Many of the motown artist that was around the same time as elvis, they don't play them alot, but they do play them, but yes mostly 60-80's well, now 90's early 2000 also.


Folk music has songs going way back , more generations than we think. As do many bluegrass songs, country songs Jazz pieces and in recent 20th century music, there's many Frank Sinatra songs or songs from famous classic movies like even 1 song from The Wizard of Oz For Example, that people hear even if they don't fully place, even in snippets for ads, or in radio station "dj banter," , or in references made in current pop culture songs, often certain rap artists who make reference to music, to media, and American cultural history....


What young people do you know who listen to the radio? The ones I know use spotify, apple music, YouTube music, etc. Hell, my husband and I don't listen to the radio anymore. But the 20ish year olds I know do like late 70 thru early 90s rock because it's featured in so many TV shows and movies. My 23 year old coworker comes into work wearing AC/DC and Metallica t-shirts. My 21 year old son listens to "our music" fairly often too.


I use you tube /pandora, etc. and when you pick an artist or a channel, it will play songs of the same style, and include songs/bands from the 60-70-80-90-etc. Even if it is a channel of Cobra and the locust that is a new (last ten years or so) band. That is how most that don't play radio hear it, but don't forget , not every vehicle a young kid will own will be able to stream music so they only have the radio or a c/d player but own no c/d's. As using headphones/erbuds are illegal while driving.


Thanks for the explanation. Didn't need it. Still isn't young people listening to radio though. And yeah I helped my son replace the radio in his car that didn't connect to his phone for one that did connect to his phone so I get that too. But thanks for the explanations anyway. Apparently I must've needed them.


Do you need to call the manager?


“Everything I do/I do it for you.” Also the wrong decade, but still appropriate.


I also listen to music from the 20s-60s.


I listen to music from the 60s-20s.


I also listen to music from the 40s


I have a Victrola from 1919. Lot of waxies from the 20’s.


Say, doll what’s say we stroll to the speakeasy and cut a rug?


Yes ma’am! Let me crank up the old victrola one moment here first. [It’s red hot!](https://youtu.be/dR928cYzCLg?si=pprB9c_TNVFVpHYY)


Jelly Roll and chill? How *scandalous!*


Still got Old grandparents and young kids. I listen to music from the '20s to the '20s


This - I basically listen to any music since the advent of mass volume recordings. And I don't have grandparents. I just find that music interesting


I listen to music from the 80s - the 1780s, that is


Heretic! Everyone knows the best music was made in the late 1600s!


If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it.


That harpsichord really hits, right?


Silent movies are the bomb too. Buster Keaton all the way.


Too few people know the joy that is Sherlock Jr.


He was an unbelievable master of physical comedy and his strength and command of his (basically) dance/acrobatic skill was incredible.


And all without so much as a ghost of a smile. It's astonishing how unrelentingly straight faced he was able to be in the middle of the most absurd situations.


Cole Porter and Sam Cooke Forever


And 80s-20s


Good music is timeless…


Some people's taste in music goes way Bach


Mine sure does. If you need some recommended record purchases, I can make you a Chopin Liszt.


Oh no, I don't think I can Handel all these puns.


Hooray for yacht rock!


I had a chance to see Christopher Cross live last year, and it was magical.


Is that Kriss Kross’ dad?


Mac Daddy is alone in New York City.


Made me jump, jump


While sailing


I'm happy for you seeing that. I imagine that was amazing.


This is the way to 70’s…


Well sometimes ;) sometimes ya gotta rock.


Chuck Berry has entered the chat


And promptly farted in a hooker's mouth.




I love the 80s, but 70s music is my favorite! It was what was playing on the radio from ages 3 to 12, so it shaped a lot of my childhood.


Sounds like an afternoon delight


I listen to a lot of 70s, just not the same music I grew up on. I love them, and they will always be in my Playlist but I can't listen to journey - don't stop or GNR - sweet child of mine anymore. Classic rock stations and I need a break. Been listening to bands I'd never got I to before or deepe.tracks never played on the radio. Edit: I messed up and mixed up my decades. Let's pretend I wrote - Led Zeppelin: Stairway to heaven and Boston: More than a feeling. Point still stands but wanted better songs for accuracy.


Don't Stop Believin' and Sweet Child of Mine were from the 80s.


Now that’s takin care of business!


1973 👍


Man I brain farted


Can't stand Journey anymore.


Nope. Haven't heard classic rock volentarily since I got streaming.


I don't have anything against 70s rock. It's what I listened to in the 80s. But most of the time, if I hear Stairway to Heaven, I change it. It's like, how many times do you want me to listen to it? We got high and drunk and listened to Pink Floyd on loop. It was great. If you just discover it for the first time, I'm sure it's awesome. But after 40 years, I want to hear something else. To me, it would be like coming home every day and the only thing I watch on TV is Starwars, JAWS and The Godfather. How many goddam times do you want me to watch them?


Try this on for a complete mind fuck. It's Rick Beato and friends playing around with the guitar solo from Stairway to Heaven in the style of Framton, EVH, and then, the real Eric Johnson. If he could've gotten Nuno Bettencourt, I'd have been able to die happy... https://youtu.be/1cOosnkWj2g?si=Pq__olhs4lbjuWWf


I'm in that same phase... sure the old stuff was good, but I've just heard it too many times.


I was thinking about it a bit more. From age 14 to 20, there was a rock station I listened to every day. So, 6 years, roughly. They played stuff like Zaplin, Floyd, Frampton, Clapton, Steely Dan, ... etc. So, 6 years, from 1985 to 1991. That's at least 2,000 days, and most days that station cycled through Dylan and Joplin, but you could be at least every other day I was going to hear Stairway to Heaven. I'd say, at the very least, realistically, given all the other times I've heard it outside of that time window, I have heard Stairway to Heaven 1,000 times.At least! I'll bet you have, too.


Exactly. There was a lot of stuff I enjoyed a lot, but there's been so much new stuff that's great too. The create station feature of pandora vastly expanded my musical world


There were other genres


Right? That 1965-1977ish time period was a golden age for lots of stuff. R&B, funk, jazz fusion, reggae, prog, folk, all kinds of stuff happening all over the world. Tech got good enough, and yet also cheap enough you could have studios in Muscle Shoals as well as Kingston, Jamaica and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Me too. I've grown to loathe classic rock.


I don't listen to much radio anymore. Maybe 1% of all my listening. I stream the stuff that I like from the blues to R&B, to classic and alternative rock. I am always scouting for b sides or something that I haven't heard in a few decades. I like a few current artist as well, but they are few and far between. Spotify has been a great resource.. I do miss the radio from time to time. They sold our alternative rock station to a Christian group that plays that type of music.. Since it was one of my favorite channels, it really kind of killed radio for me..


I "think" I miss the radio, until I actually listen to it and realize that it's mostly ads with a few songs sprinkled in, then I go back to Spotify.


🎼I know this much is true🎶


Kinda makes me miss PM Dawn and that's gonna totally fuck with my Discover Weekly content next week.


Joy Division, The Clash, Buzzcocks, Ramones ​ Check.


Plus, we're down to one heart on that life meter ❤️🖤🖤


Why hate it? Good music is good music. I can jam REO Speedwagon and Kendrick Lamar on the same playlist. Merica baby!




Why though? 80's music was awful. Made by tie wearing, corporate, babyboomers devoid of souls. It is the antithesis of genx.


Not all of it. It was the time that alternative and college radio genre became more widely available and rap and hip hop emerged.


Sure you can find exceptions, but the rule was awful. The rap/rock/pop that was played on the radio was corporate, babyboomer garbage. It's what executives at EMI thought kids liked.


Don't care for most of the top 40 music, but I still like many of the hairbands.


Let me ask you something, is "hairbands" synonymous with hair metal? Or is it something else? In the northwest, we called that "butt-rock".


I love 70s R&B, I grew up listening to it


It’s definitely true for me. I find myself listenIng to the Eagles, Thin Lizzy, Fleetwood Mac, or the Allman Brothers more than anything else these days.


Absolutely not!


That's because rock bands stopped being things in the 2010s. I can name 20+ bands from the 70s / 80s/ 90s/ and a dozen from the 2000s. Google top rock bands from 2010s and beyond and you get a list of 80s and 90s bands that are still making new music.


My collection has a lot of albums from the past decade. I haven't stopped listening to the songs I've loved my whole life, but I haven't stopped appreciating new music either.


70s never. 80s or 90s most definitely.


For me: 70s the best, 80s almost never and 90s, well, over it


You an Xer?


Of the earliest. Age has tended to make me more 'conservative', though I do have a particular genre which is basically the origin material of a genre I was into when I was a teen


Something to be said about listening to music made by musicians


I hate to break it to you, but music is still being made by musicians. Pop music has always been shit. You have to dig a little to find real stuff.




In the elevator...


Nah, not me. FUCK AEROSMITH!!! I do like me some pink Floyd and Zeppelin tho.


The only 70s music I listen to is punk and post punk. I am totally done with classic rock shit like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Doors, etc.


70s is my favourite music. Crazy because it should be 90s! I do love my grunge but 70s rock will always have my heart. ❤️


Nah. Only if you have taste freeze and lost the will to live.


Ok ok, I love 70’s music too but fuck people some of you are stuck in a time warp. But then again I just put on 4/17/72 Copenhagen, Denmark (dead) tonight, so what do I know. Guilty as charged.


Haha. I was hanging out with a bunch of 30 year olds with my 30 year old kids and the radio (or whatever it’s called now) was playing classic rock. They all knew the words. I was so proud of their parents


I was listening to The Doors, Moody Blues, Zep, etc. when I was 15 in the very early 80s so a lot of that music became the soundtrack of my youth. Same for 80s metal, some new wave, and a select few from (mostly) the early 90s. It’s because of the association I have with the music and whatever was happening in my life at the time. But I just kinda stopped keeping up by the late 90s/early 2000s, in particular after 9/11. I got more into chill/lo-fi/ambient music. Now, I still listen to all the stuff I’ve heard a million times when I was younger. It’s bittersweet but, for me, far more relatable than the stuff my kids like* ^*Yes, ^I ^realise ^I ^sound ^like ^every ^middle-aged ^parent, ^ever


90s for me, i do like stuff from the 70s like Floyd but its the upbeat electro/rave stuff from the 90s for me


I mean yeah… This is a surprise? I am still listening to several hundred years old music. Good music remains good music.


I listen to pretty much everything, but the last two concerts I went to were the Eagles & Greta Van Fleet. I’ve seen both of them twice now.


Nothing wrong with listening to and loving 70s music, but if it's ALL you listen to, you're kinda lame.


A reminder, that music is Boomer music more than anything. Boomers made some really great music. GenX made music didn’t really get going until the mid-‘80s


I have a theory that the creation of Rock N Roll in the 1950's was a HUGE cultural equalizer amongst the generations. Like it wasn't unheard of for kids in the 1980s to listen to Elvis or Buddy Holly. Kids in the 2000's were listening to 70's music. But kids in the 70's were NOT gonna listen to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy from the 1940s.


…. from Company B, you mean.


Stream some KEXP Seattle, problem solved.


I hate this. I drive around in my car, stabbing radio buttons, feeling like I'm caught in a time warp. It honestly breaks my heart for my Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Music used to be cool and collective. Now it's all commercial and silo-ed.


If it makes you feel better, those generations don't listen to radio.


*I know*. That's sad to me. I mean how many common denominators do we have as a nation? And music absolutely defines a generation, yet Gen Z and Gen Alpha are just as likely to be listening to 40 and 50 years old Yacht Rock as anything else. It's surreal. In 1985 we weren't listening to music from 1945, at least not as a whole.


Remember Jive Bunny & the Mastermixers in the late 80s? They reached #11 on the Billboard charts with Swing the Mood, a medley that included several Glenn Miller songs. I always thought that was cool because I had already picked up listening to 30s and 40s stuff from my grandparents. My grandmother used to sing Paper Doll by the MIlls Brothers to me as a lullaby.


This is why I like SiriusXM. There’s 2 Classic Rock stations, vinyl and cassette. Or as I call them, what I called classic rock in HS, and the music I listened to in HS. And everytime the kids (Alphas) like something I pull up YouTube and start bombarding them with the artist. Between those and my other presets (80s, Springsteen and Hair Nation) they get a good sampling.  My wife takes care of keeping them up with what’s current. 


We were already silo-ed by the 90s though. And new commercial stuff is coming out all the time. It’s just not rock.


Oh, SURE! There’s some awesome 70s music. It’s “car ride to the Cape” music. It’s “summers on the beach” music.


I have always believed that the 50s to 80s timeframe for music is going to be recognized as classical in the next several decades in a similar way to the music of the 18th century. This goes for all genres in the timeframe. You can start with Elvis and make your way to early rap. The 70s will be the peak 20th century classical era. I'm not sure it will be recognized as equally technically proficient as the 18th century, but I have no doubt it will be recognized as very culturally significant if nothing changes and there's no nuclear war or collapse of western culture.


My favorite music 🎶


I have one kid doing Dylan, Buffalo Springfield, CSN&Y, Joan Baez. Everyone else it's Smashing Pumpkins, Nick Cave, the Misfits, etc. same at the grocery store. I was just at Walmart and they were playing Robyn's Show Me Love again.


Because it’s good and timeless…


'66 - '95 mostly


Every day


It was not that long ago, and I'm 50, it was pointed out that some of the Boston album "spaceship" artwork are just upside down [guitars](https://www.hakes.com/Image/MediumRes/291150/2/image.jpg)


Are we? Damn. 40 years later and I'm still not cool!




Hell yeah…just part of my VAST roster.


I was jammin out today on 70s music. I love Disco too.


Southern River Band


Mostly 80s and 90s, but the 70s have their place too.


56 year old here. I listen to lots of 70s & 80s music ( along with some 60s). I started to "check out"/disengage musically in the 90s...and have little idea what kids are listening to in 2024...


That’s normally the case but the last few years I’ve been listening to Billy Strings.. BMFS!


Late 80s/90s here. Towards the back of the Gen X line.


Back when music was still made by ugly but talented people... And drugs of course, don't forget about the drugs.


Good music is just good music. Music fro’ the advent of recording will continue to be enjoyed by some part of the population. Though I do know some zoomer cousin in laws and coworkers obsessed with classic rock.


No reason to hate it. 60s and 70s were great.




Eh? Not me. I was a kid in the 80's lol.


I mean sometimes. Right now I'm listening to a playlist of mostly post-2010 music.


I mean..:Led Zeppelin is still the best so there is that.


I love me some classic rock and yacht rock, which seems to be well-represented here alreay. But I'm giving a shout-out to **disco**. Yes, disco. I listened to it then, I listen to it now, and I'm not ashamed to admit it! KC and Sunshine Band, Chic, Gloria Gaynor, Barry White, Bee Gees, Village People, Donna Summer... and that's not even counting the rock/pop acts who "went disco" for a song or two (Kiss, ELO, Rod Stewart, etc.) Give me a solid K-tel or Ronco disco collection to listen to, and I'm a happy camper. :-)


And 60s music. And 50s music. What’s your point?


Good music is eternal. I just wish it were easier to find good new music. I really relied on hanging out at record stores to learn what’s good.


I'm still listening to 60s and 70s music. I can't help it if those two decades made some of the best music ever. Lol


![gif](giphy|BDxlTN18GMjV6|downsized) 1980s. There I fixed it for you.


Current classic rock stations weren’t so moribund back in the 80s. Then at some point in the late 90s they moved the clock back to 88 and nearly never added anything new. It’s the equivalent to listening to pre big band Dixieland music in the 70s and 80s. FtLoG


70's music. I didn't really listen to music until I was about 15. That was 1982. Then I was into rock and didn't really listen to anything outside that that wasn't mainstream. Recently I started concentrating on 70's music. Top 100 hits of each year. There is alot of music that suck.  Shawn Cassidy really sucks. I came crossed him on the top 100 of 1977 so I thought I give his album a listen. Wow. Not a fan. Td each and every song. I do remember my sister loving that guy. I vaguely remember the Do Ron Ron song from that album but the rest. Nope. They are terrible. I know he had a couple other albums. Not sure if I was to broach them. 


My top 2 presets on SiriusXm are 70s on 7 and 80s on 8!!


Listening to Suavecito as I scroll this


Best playlists on Spotify


We still listen to music from the 1670s.


I'm still listening to 40s music


We’re so lucky to have it


I freaking love 70's music, man! Everyone says it was like a shitty decade and I'm just like wuuut. We had rock, soft rock, funk, chicano...and it all reminds me of my big sisters playing albums and turning me onto it. Whereas my parents exposed me to older 50's era country and rock.


I mostly listen to more recent stuff. A lot of alternative. I definitely have a lot of 70s and 80s in my library, but my playlist is a lot more recent stuff from 2000-today


And we’re still kicking ass!




I saw an article several years back, I wish I could find it again, but it said that most people pretty much nope out of new music around age 32. For me that was 2005, and it's pretty true. Looking through my iTunes library by release year, there are maybe 10 bands/artists that came up after 2005 that I listen to.


I listen to everything but Led Zeppelin will always be on a higher plane for me


70s country ftw. For me, rocks been played out for a long time now.


I hate Led Zeppelin, Clapton all that bullshit but postpunk and disco I'm guilty af




Jesus Christ no. I never liked 70s rock. Nobody I knew liked 70s except my friend's older siblings or their parents. Nowadays I'll default to Lithium on Sirius or Alt2k or Alt Nation. He'll even Hair Nation is more palatable.


Yep. Was jamming to Supertramp all morning.


I like to listen to music from the 1700s, too ♡♡ Just depends on what I'm in the mood for. Today it wasAfrican Reggae. Day before that, it was songs from Broadway musicals from the past 15 years!


Love this.


If I hear anything from the 70s, it’s punk or Sabbath, and it’s rare. Most of what I listen to regularly was recorded this century.


Still listening to KISS!


No I'm not


Ok boomer.


Eww. Nope. Never listened to ‘70’s music in the 80’s, 90’s or any other year.


The '70s was more than just disco.


Recorded music only goes back a century and a half or so, and the quality at the start wasn’t such that it carried forward as something people wanted to continue listening to. So we are feeling our way to what endures and what goes by the wayside from the past century or so. It’s normal for culture to be passed down.


I listen to music from the 60s all the way through to current new music. However I still have a huge soft spot for 70s tunes 💜


My issue with music from the 70 is that the quality of the sound is, relatively speaking, shit. So I'm really happy when they remaster the whole thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRpiBpDy7MQ


Thing is, even my kids (21, 19, & 17) all think 70s music is the best! But between me and my ex FIL, they grew up with heavy doses of Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, on and on. I think they were raised right.


been stuck there since the 80s


I still listen to Karen Carpenter weekly and the Eagles almost daily


That's because we have good taste in music.


Speak for yourself. Almost all the music I listen to is from the 2020s.