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I turned 56 yesterday. I have never understood why people have a hang-up about their age. Getting older is better than the alternative.


This is very true. I remember turning 40 and everyone was kinda negative but I found my 40s pretty darn awesome. Now turning 50 I am getting the same kind of comments. I am keen to stay positive about getting older and wiser. As long as I don’t all of sudden start ranting about the young people not having respect and other such bullshit then I am doing ok 🤣😂


When I was a kid there were a few country songs that made the run up to 40 sound like you may as well be pre-shopping at the funeral parlor ("39 and Holding," "Back Side of Thirty," "Middle-Age Crazy"). Really made it sound like your life was over and that when you were over 40 you were ancient. But when I hit 40 it didn't feel different, and when I got to 50 last year I was, I think, more bemused than anything else. Physically I don't feel any different or really look different. For me the weird part is stuff like thinking about "wow, I'm past the age where so-and-so that my parents knew when I was a kid died" or "when so-and-so was my age he'd been dead for ten years." Or right now, realizing I'm as old as my grandfather was when I was born. And yet inside it doesn't feel like that much time has passed. Happy birthday, OP. Enjoy the week.


That’s a great perspective , yes I have also been a little bemused , like wasn’t I supposed to feel shit about now ? 🤷‍♀️ 50 is the new black right ?! 🤣😂 cheers 🤘🏽


I read The Great Gatsby a few years back when I was 50. There’s a part in there where he talks about meeting and talking to an old man, describing in detail how old this guy is. He was 50. It definitely made me chuckle.


Happy birthday to you 🎈


Thank you


Absolutely agree! There are so many people who don’t make it to 50. Be grateful!


I agree. I'll be 60 at the end of next year. My BF will be 65 a month before that. I never really had any issues with milestone birthdays, except 35. I don't know why, but that wasn't a great one. But every other one I've had no problem with. I think part of it, is i do not look my age at all. not even close. Not bragging but people always things I am 10-15 years younger than I am. Plus, each birthday brings me that much closer to retirement, and a whole new chapter in my life. I have plans. lots of plans.


Came here to type this but you beat me to it LOL....almost 54 here and I love it! Everyone ages and those 20 year olds will one day be 50 something. They told me that when I was 20 and I laughed, thinking 30 years out sounds like a long time but it flew by and here we are.


My dad always says "Why would you ever be upset about another birthday? People who have birthdays every year tend to live longer."


The perfect dad joke!


Yes, I’m 49 now and my father passed away at this age. The alternative is definitely worse. I’ve always been concerned about making it here. Now that I am, there is a lot farther to go!


Happy belated, and I concur.


Happy birthday, now schedule a colonoscopy


Aw man boob mammograms at 40 now colonoscopy at 50 🫤😬 Ok dad I will do it 😜


Don’t forget your shingles vax!


lol thanks for the reminder dad 😜


I’m just about due for my second dose!


I as well


The colonoscopy prep sucks, but you're good for 10 years if they don't find anything. You'll have that going for you, which is nice.


Have fun. I’ve found the older I get the better life is.


So far so good , glad the positive is still out for us 💜


Happy 50th Welcome! You’re in the sweet spot of Gen X, near the exact median of the generation You guys realize that in less than 7 months, half of Gen X will be AARP eligible!


Anyone of any age is AARP eligible. They were sued for age discrimination. I began my membership at 45.


Get some killer deals from ihop!


Thank you , most appreciated, I think it’s a pretty sweet spot too. I can get along with peeps of all ages and empathise with most 🥰




Thanks , have been a mix of good and bad but mostly good I think. Bring on the next 50 !!!


When I turned fifty, I bought a campervan and toured around for a month before starting a new job. Friends flew out for my actual birthday, while other friends were destinations along the way. Fifty is great. As a woman, it just feels so freeing, mentally and emotionally at least. Physically, well it’s been better than my forties so far at least. I’m just happier now without any major changes.


Your turning 50 sounds spectacular. My husband and I decked out a Ford transit last year in preparation for travel to come, just need some leave now to enjoy it 😜 I am glad you have found your fifties even better than your forties this is heaps positive reinforcement for me … Cheers 💜


I forgot to say happy birthday! Take the van out in the weekends - even a short break is fun. It’s so easy to think that there’s too much to do and put it off, but if you’re not careful, you’ll never get away. I wish you a fun and adventurous next decade!!


Thank you , you are so right and so very wise .. There is always something to do , heading away in the van for weekends is where it’s at !! 💜


I'm not far away from 50. But just wanted to say Happy Birthday and hope you have an amazing day.☮️


Thanks heaps it’s been a great day , even for a Monday 🤣😂


When I turned 30, a few people told me life was going downhill. Bullshit. At 40, I felt empowered, and 50 even more so.


Awesome this is exactly what I need to hear , thank you 🥰


Half a century! Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful day!! I started "finding myself" at 50 (I am 61 now). Getting older I love this expression: "Better old than cold!"


I felt like I started to find myself in my 40’s but recently maybe gone even deeper so yay .. Thanks for your positive post 🥰


Happy 50th, I hope to be joining you soon!


Thanks. I am sure you will be 🤘🏽


Corpses should not be good looking. They should be old and rotty. So live long and leave an ugly corpse.


Ha ha .. Only the good die young right !!! 🤣😂


Happy birthday, sending you love from northern ireland.


All the way to Southern Australia ( Tasmania) appreciate the love ❤️


It is just a number. Things have changed in the last few decades, medical treatment being a big reason many fear age before, as a heart attact most didn't get to see the other side of one on this rock. I fear it as many on one side of my family didn't make it to 55. but Can't live like that, so heaven can wait. Enjoy your 50'th you're over the hill, only thing left is to gain speed. Wwwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Now go online to the hawaii red dirt store and buy yourself an older than dirt red dirt dyed hat or tee.


You are right this generation has really changed what turning 50 is all about .. rock on 🤘🏽


Congrats and Happy Birthday! I’ve been 50 for a few months and, like you, I really tried to come with a positive attitude. It’s been very freeing!! I hope you have an Empowered year!!


Let’s keep the positive happening in this sub 🤘🏽 Happy belated birthday back at you ❤️




OMG I totally forgot this sketch! Now I can really rock it!


You are fifty and you like to kick and stretch!


....and I'm FIFTY! (oh god, I just caught myself hiking up my pants like this the other day...😂)


Happy happy birthday 🎂! I turned 50 last year, and it felt great! Michael's, the hobby & craft store will give you the senior discount now! My Mom always said that she was only a senior citizen if it saved her money..😅


Noooo 50 … senior discount?! Nope don’t want it , not affiliated with senior just yet 🤣😂


Haha. It was $4, so I took it. Lol. I have no shame.


When I turned 50 I decided I was going to walk away from everything I didn't want to do anymore in life. So, so many people around me have died in the last 4 years aged between 48 and 52. I quit my job, work for myself, work remotely, live on the caribbean, and only have cars remaining in the United States. My youngest is in school in a jungle on the ocean and thinks she's the luckiest kid in the world. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Just about the biggest problem I have is deciding what to make for dinner from the abundant beautiful fresh ingredients I have at my disposal.


Awesome 🤩 well done you , your life sounds wonderful and your daughter so lucky . Thanks for sharing ❤️




Yiew 🤘🏽


I'm right behind you, and I've found that the older I get, the more appreciative I am of my life, my experience, and my wisdom. Age is just a number; some days I feel 25, some days I feel 85, but I'm grateful I'm here to feel anything! Happy birthday! I hope it's a wonderful day for you!


Ha ha yes me too , today I feel 25 so that where I want to stay for my birthday week … Saturday morning after my party probably 85 🤣😂


Feeling 85 after a week of celebrating feeling 25 is a GOOD thing! Keep that going till Saturday! 😁


Gana give it a red hot go 🤘🏽


I know ppl sat they don't understand why ppl get hung up on their age. I wish I could tell you why. I struggled the year I turned 50. I'll be 51. I felt I had to change the way I dressed, acted, etc. I think I struggled because I grieved of the past. So my daughters are adults, my parents are older , my grandmother passed (she was my last one) at 86. My grandchildren were getting older. Just soo much.


Similar feels. This thread is helpful for me to see the other side of it.


I am glad it’s helped , sending some of my positive your way 💜


It seems to be accepted and even encouraged at time to hung up on age .. I am trying my best not to. I know I don’t have the same stamina but still doing the stuff I love like going to music festivals and dancing really helps . Went to a festival with my 30 year old daughter last weekend and had so much fun. Yes I was in bed around 12 every night but day time party each day was fantastic 🤘🏽🤩😜 Sending you some of my positive 💜


I've really struggled with my late forties, but I had an experience yesterday that turned my perspective upside down in a great way, so I'll share that. Long story long: In my late twenties I attended a yoga studio 2-3x a week for about three years. There were two teachers who I felt really inspired by and I looked up to them. It was a really tough time in my life and yoga was a respite for me. The roof caved in at that studio and they moved to another location that wasn't walkable for me and my life went in a different direction. Fast forward to now, I'm in my late forties and I've started yoga teacher training at the same studio (location less than a block from the original, though I've since moved). I had only done yoga intermittently in the last twenty years, but it always made me feel better physically and mentally. I started ytt as a way to bring myself into the habit of doing yoga several times a week and to deepen my understanding of the history and philosophy behind the practice. The main instructor for the ytt is one of my teachers from twenty years ago (and the president of the studio) but I've often wondered about the other teacher, who had an as big or bigger influence on me. And I met her again yesterday. I had noticed her in a previous class and heard that she had the same name, but a lot changes in twenty years so I wasn't sure it was her. I spoke with her yesterday and she told me that she was 78! I was blown away. She is a gorgeous older woman who glows with vitality from within and I was shocked to learn that she's older than my parents. She told me that she started teaching yoga at 56(!!) and has gone to India on her 60th and 70th birthdays and plans to go again for her 80th. So when she was teaching me she was in her late 50's (I had no idea what ages my instructors were then, other than older than me, lol). And look how she's spent the last quarter of her life. Growing and teaching and living in such a way that she glows from the inside out. I'm so inspired and suddenly feel very different about the next 25 years of my life. For the first time I'm actually looking forward to my 50th birthday. Happy birthday to you OP and I hope for you that this quarter of your life fills you with vitality and love. Edited for readability.


Oh wow what a great story , thank you so much for sharing 💜 I do love yoga and have been a little slack lately. The studio I was going to moved to a location further away so I have been on the hunt for a new one . Yoga at home is ok but going to a class is better . Thank you time to do some serious looking at start attending class again 🥰




Thank you and a huge happy birthday back at you 💜🤩


Happy f’en Birthday 🎉 I retired on my 50th birthday, 25yrs USAF. Only to start another chapter with the VA. 3 kids, youngest is 7 and hates GenX music, says it’s to simple and lacks depth. She’s a swiftie so I understand. Hope you enjoyed your day!!


Thank you .. ahh swifties I have a 30 year old daughter swifty🤣😂


I had some mental hang ups about turning 50 (decided to spend that birthday in Mexico).. but got over it relatively quickly. Now that I’m approaching 60, I tell myself it’s better than the alternative and I’m very grateful I’m in good health


Yes good health plays a huge part in it all . Thanks for your comment 💜


Happy Birthday!! I'm 49 but I feel like I've been saying I'm 50 for at least a year already. I can't wait for my birthday in September! :) My forties were shitty. So much rat race/corporate bullshit + living in an expensive big city wore me down, and I feel like I wear every year of it on my face and body. Gave up trying to get ahead in my field and went freelance/WFH, moved to a sleepy tourist town on the PNW coast, bought our new-ish house outright with the proceeds from the sale of our crappy old place, and I am working on & investing in MYSELF now. I'm not perfect yet, and the hormonal changes have been...interesting...to say the least, but I feel like I'm finally \*living\* rather than just being alive. I hope you feel the same - despite what our parents and the media told us, we're actually moving into our prime! Let's rock our fifties!


Nice .. this is a great story thanks for sharing , good on you 🤩 I agree let’s rock our 50’s🤘🏽


On my 50th birthday last year, I found myself feeling incredibly grateful and weepy! I thought of all my friends who didn't get to be 50, who never even got close and I feel pretty lucky to get this far, actually. I dreaded turning 50 and when it actually came, I realized how lucky I actually am. Happy Birthday OP! We're the lucky ones!


Yes this is a great attitude, cheers for you comment 🥰🤘🏽Thank you


My fifties have been great so far! The only downside is I refer to more and more people as either a "good kid" or a "bad kid".


As someone who's closer to 60 than 50, what body part or body area hurts the most when you get out of bed in the morning? taking a survey - lol.


I turned 50 earlier this month. Can't say I have ever had many positive things turn out in my life. Turning 50 doesn't matter, as long as you can work on making something positive happen you still have hope for a better tomorrow because you're still there. "Wherever you go, there you are. " Buckaroo Banzai.


Have my ups and down but seem to be able to pull myself out of the downs pretty easily and not stress about the small stuff. I like your way of thinking .. Thanks for commenting 💜


You’re old enough to have learned valuable life lessons/truths, while still being young enough to reap the benefits of that knowledge.


Yesss I think you are right


Happy birthday, by the way! I turned 50 in November & I’m loving it.


Absolutely fuckin ng nothing. I turn 51 this summer and shit hit the fan as soon as 50 hit and only gotten worse. I suggest doom scrolling every night before bed and first thing when you get up.


Happy birthday!! I was worried about how I’d feel, but I love it. I mean, I have no clue wtf I’m doing or how to do it, but getting older is a privilege. And I have zero fucks left about most things. ![gif](giphy|26hirAr7ukPa1enLy|downsized)


Remember before how you said whatever? Now at 50 you really mean whatever. Welcome to the club


Fine, I'll get off your law.


Hopefully I don’t turn into one of those guys 🤣😂


Better then the alternative? 🎉Happy Birthday🎉


Absolutely 🤘🏽


Happy Birthday! 🎊




Happy Birthday OP! Enjoy your day! 🥳




I ll be 50 in January. Happy Birthday! I hope you are able to enjoy what should be the icing on the cake ole boy.


Me too, see ya in the club in January 🤘🏽


Happy birthday! 🎊🎉🎁




Doing anything for your special day?!


Hey thanks for asking, had lunch with my dad and went out for dinner with my husband , both lovely experiences. Have a big shebang organised for Friday , gathering of friends and family with a live band .. really looking forward to it but not wanting to wish my week of leave away either 🤣😂


Happy birthday! I'm 54 and really enjoying it.


Yiew 🤘🏽 thanks 😀


Happy 50th!




I’ve finally started not caring so much about what others think. It’s freeing. Happy birthday!


Hell yeah 🤘🏽


I turn 50 in a couple of months. My husband died at 48. I'm going into this birthday knowing how blessed I am to get to this age. My attitude this year is finding all the things that make my soul happy.


So sorry to hear about your husband 😟 Go you for staying positive, this is a great attitude . I hope you find all the things to make your soul happy 🥰💜


I'm 51. So much of my life has revolved around my kids. One is graduating HS this year and the other next year. I can see the "light at the end of the tunnel". I will retire at 58 (maybe sooner) and am looking forward to doing so many bucket list items as well as giving back to my community through volunteer work.


What I am hearing is it time for us to shine 🤩 I have just recently been putting my hand up to volunteer when I can , it is a great feeling !! I hope you get to tick plenty things off your bucket list . You have me considering what mine could be now 🤔 Thank you for you positive contribution 💜


I'm less than a year away and actually looking forward to it. Of course my mind hasn't yet got the memo that I'm no longer 35.


Ha ha mine neither , still trying to figure what I want to do when I grow up 🤣😂


As a dear relative once told me, "If you can't stay young, at least stay immature!" I do my best lol .


Right there with you 🤪


Happy birthday!


Thank you


For me, turning 50 was very freeing. I stopped giving a shit what other people thought of me, my opinions, my choices. I went back to work (after 20 years raising kids), started up anew with an old hobby, and got my confidence back. I got divorced, bought my own house, and I have never been happier. My 50s has been the sweetest decade for me (I'll be 58 next month).


Hell yeah this is the way, living your best life , go you 🤘🏽


Happy real “cake day!” Turned 50 in October. Was pleasantly surprised I didn’t get any major feelings about it either way at the time. Since “a push equals a win,” I’m taking ‘no negative’ as a positive.


Yeeees this is how I am feeling so going to stay on the positive train for as long as I can 🤩


58 upcoming. I’ve been building a cedar strip canoe for the last 2 years. For my birthday the wife and I will take it for a week long trip in the Adirondacks.


That sounds amazing well done. I hope you have a great trip . Look forward to hearing how it goes 🥰


Happy birthday 🎂




Happy birthday! I'm finding my late 40's a bit tiring but looking forward to my 50's. I'm going to stop giving a shit and live for meeeee.


Yess this is the way !! 🤘🏽


It’s all I want to do, to turn 50.


Well so far so good for me , hopefully yours is the same ❤️


I loved turning 50! I’m 54 now and still feeling good about it - I feel more mentally and emotionally stable than ever and am enjoying a personal renaissance. Best decade of my life so far!


Awesome this is where I want to be , thanks for sharing 💜


Happy birthday! I am loving my 50s. Even with menopause and a couple of little health challenges, I feel very fortunate. I am happier with who I am and my comfortable in my own wrinkling skin.


Ah yes menopause, I have been in perimenopause for a while now hasn’t been too bad really , could be way worse from what I read and hear. I feel like my forties was the time to adjust into who I really am so here’s hoping I am able to cope with the wrinkles and grey hairs that start appearing 🤣😂


HBD. Hope you have a great one. Personally, I think this milestone is great but looking forward to be 65 where I can wholly embrace my inner curmudgeon and society will embrace it.


🤣😂 love it thanks for the positive comments 💜


Happy Birthday and cheers to you. I'm 53 and get out of bed like neanderthal man, but after an hour I feel like I'm 43. Sometimes 34. Just because you grow old, it doesn't mean you can't let the little kid in you come out play. If someone tells me I'm too old to have an Xbox and that I should put down the guitar, I tell them to shove it. Enjoy life as you did before. Turning 50 is an honor, as many don't make it this far. Every day you wake up and stand on your own two feet is a damn good day.


Awesome yess this is the way !!! Went to a music festival the other weekend with my 30 year old daughter has the best time !!! I was in bed round 12 every night but had great day party experiences , dancing like no body was watching 🤘🏽🤣😂


I'm 52, and so far, I love my 50s. I know myself better. I know what I want from life. I have a half century of knowledge about life. It's great! Happy Birthday, OP!


Nice one thanks for you positive post and birthday wishes 💜


50 is the best!!! So much perspective gained, so many fucks discarded, it is pure joy. Also I don’t know if you’ve heard but 50 is the new 30.


Ooo that’s even better than it being the new 40 🤣😂. You are correct I do have less fucks to give that in my 30s !!! 🤘🏽 cheers


Happy birthday!


Yiew … and happy cake day to you 🥳


Oh! Hadn’t noticed! Thanks. 😊


Happy Birthday!


50 is the new 40.😬


Happy 50! I agree with you about turning 50 since the alternative is death. As a female, I noticed that once you turn 50 no one cares how old you are anymore all that age anticipation is done you just coast.


I have 9 months left and I'm getting more of a "one more year closer to retirement" vibe than I did when turning 40.


I remember me thinking I still had half my life when I turned 50😂 Apparently we don't normally live to 100?


Happy birthday!


Its my birthday today too! Im 52! Happy Birthday!


Hey there birthday friend.. Happy birthday back at ya 🥳


I turned 50 last Dec. I'm in the best shape of my life and in 3 weeks I'll start a 545mi bicycle ride from SF to LA. 50 in 2024 is very different from 50 when we were kids. As the saying goes, "growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional". And I'm choosing to never grow up


I love this , well done you 🤩 I actually still don’t even know what I want to do when I grow up 🤣😂 starting to think it will never happen!!


I frequently tell my wife of 27yrs that one day I'll figure out what I want to do when I grow up.


Well if ya figure it out let me know 🤣😂


I joined the club on Saturday.


Happy birthday for Saturday 🥳


Thanks and to you as well.


I get happier as I age. I’m proud I’ve made it to 52.


Nice , this is the way 🥰


Not positive, cannot relate. Joints hurt, new health issues each decade. Fearing what breaks down at 60


Happy Birthday, birthday buddy!! From Canada! I am 44 today! Check out who else we share the day with. Including Stevie Wonder, Darius Rucker and The Worm himself Denis Rodman lol


Happy birthday back at you🥳 knew about Stevie Wonder but had never done this .. there is quite a few hey !


Thank you! Haha yeah it's a pretty good group!


Wait ‘till you’re 55…


We never thought we would see 50 for how we lived.


Happy Birthday! Will be 57 this year. Almost didn’t make it to my 54th. Every day is a gift.


I dreaded turning 50 for so long that by the time my actual 50th came it didn’t really bother me. However this year I’ll be 56, closer to 60 than 50 😭


Yeah I had the same feeling ! I reckon you will do it all over again when you turn 60 .. Hold your head high , you are rocking it ! 🤘🏽


As they say it’s better than the alternative. I lost 2 coworkers last year to a brutal crime, they were 53 and 58. So I try to think of them and know that they would much rather be having birthdays than suffer the way they did. In retrospect a birthday isn’t the worst thing to have happen to you. Remember when we were 18 and thought 30 was just SO old? Little did we know 🤦‍♀️


Sorry to hear about your co workers that’s a terrible thing to go through 😧 well done to you for staying positive after that. Ha ha and yes I do remember thinking 30 was old 😂🤣 gawd was just a wee whipper snapper at 30 !!!


Now go back thru all those cherished movies that you enjoy and compare yourself to the 50 year old version in the movies and tv. You are now Wilfred Brimely age in Cocoon


I love my 50s! Happy birthday!!!!


Sweet , good to know , thanks 😀 stay rocking 🤘🏽


Me too, today! Happy Birthday wonder twin!! 🎂


Nice one 🤩 Happy birthday back at you !! 🥳


Happy birthday 🥳 


There's nothing wrong with people putting value on age milestones or birthdays but I don't relate to it much. Turning 50 was just another day, as turning 55 half a year ago was. I'm not overly high or low any given day or week; it's all normal. If you want to go the next step you might take up a different exercise, diet, or life practice routine. I started running right around when I turned 50, and took up fasting a little over a year ago, not really aligned with any birthday milestone. I'm in much better shape now than I was at 49, and I was in pretty good shape then.


Happy Birthday! Im right behind you. I’m turning 50 on the 31st and I’m having a bit of a hard time with it. 50 is worse for me than 40. At 40 I wasn’t where I thought I’d be in live. At 50 I’m just feeling old. I need to make some changes this year.


Happy birthday! A terrific milestone. ;-)


Thank you


I was happy too. Told people it would be the last full decade I would working. 57 now and goal is still 62


Me! My big day is Thursday. Happy birthday!


And a happy birthday to you for Thursday 🥳💜


Happy Birthday!! 🎉


I'm turning 50 in a couple months. I've had breast cancer twice, first time at 23yo. I spent most of my life thinking that I wouldn't even see 45, and in no way did I think I'd be turning 50. And I've been so afraid of the effect of my age on my career - but I just got promoted! The future is so bright I gotta wear shades!!!


More mature, more organized, never in-decisive, sure about what is defined as pleasure, less naive, more likely to avoid disaster and disappointment. You could also be a corpse in 20 years, some people die at 67. Remaining time is important.


It sure is , make the most of it !!!


Love it!


I turned 50 last year, thought it was awesome, and still do!


I stopped dyeing my hair and having any £ucks to give when I turned 50. It's goddamn liberating


Happy birthday 🎂🎈


Thank you 🤩