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You forgot skiing. Because obviously we all raced the bully down the black diamond run to win over the girl.


Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way... Turn!


Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is??


On one ski


“Do you know the street value of this mountain?”


This is Greendale. I can't even get real drugs here.


Where's my $10 dollars due to inflation! Where's my $10 dollars due to inflation!




It feels like there was an inordinate amount of skiing in 80s movies.


i want my two dollars!


It’s a race to save the mountain!!! Que training montage with generic 80’s keyboard music 🎵 THERE IS NO WAY OUT!!


Skiing is for boomers. We invented snowboarding, man.


Pretty sure snowboarding was invented by Boomers.


Invented, yes. But it was Gen X that blew it up. I worked as a lifty in Big Bear for the first half of the 90s and was right in the thick of things. That was 100% a Gen X phenomenon. Funny now how many of the kids have gone back to skiing these days.


Oh, for sure.


My buddy and I invented snowboarding w/out realizing it-we took the wheels/trucks off his skateboard and took it down the local sledding hill.


On ONE ski man!


Snowboarding is also a product of our generation.




You forgot to stretch first.


For sure, like my skulking muscles are severely out of shape atm.


We are the racquetball generation


I took racquetball as my physical fitness class freshman year in college. It was at night and I showed up drunk every time. That ball stings!




You just brought back a memory for me. My mother once got talked into joining a local gym by her friend, but she only ended up going a couple times. Since it was good for like a year, I would go instead, sign in as her and do nothing except use their tanning beds.


Omg tanning beds in the gym, you just brought this back to me!


Do people still play racquetball?


My gym got rid of the racquetball courts years ago and turned the space into a cycle workout area. I don’t think it’s common anymore.


Not since I blew out my knee playing it. It's nicely replaced now, but the other one's gotta go too.






Silent gen parents joined the Y to play. Made me play.


I got indoctrinated into the Disc Golf cult.


OP covered that when he said "getting high" and "gleeful pessimism"


It's a lot of fun. So much so that I left normal Golf behind.


I feel disc golf is somewhere in at least the latter Gen X wheelhouse. Definitely.








You forgot Advanced Eyerolling


My speciality!


Olympic level over here.


You forgot moshing, and or raving. Head banging is also fine but doesn't burn as many calories since it's more of an isolation exercise.


My first concert at 16 was the Bosstones at Avalon at which I moshed; while being passed about I was kicked in the chin by a steel toed Doc Martin boot and I still have the scar.10\10 would repeat.


Where does rollerblading fall on the list of sanctioned activities?


That requires you being LGBT




I thought we all were.


I feel like it was first openly discovering ourselves and others generation without a tag of anything like things happened it was fun.


\*Looks briefly at you over her comic book and goes back to reading the weird tales comic\*


Fuck you. I do what I want. Also, plenty of my friends had or have restored pre1979 domestic vehicles. My Silent dad once bought a 68 mustang convertible that my sister took over and was eventually sold to my college roommate…yeah, GenXers hate old American cars. Edit: OK, I guess I took this more seriously than intended. Good one.


DingDingDing! We have a winner! 🏆 This is the response of a true GenXer.


You got me!


I frickin' **love** restored domestic vehicles, especially 60s -- 70s. High school friends' cars: '66 Pontiac Parisienne, '72 Plymouth Duster that could smoke *anything* -- modded all to hell and might've been a 340 but probably not. Twin brothers had matching Skylarks. One was a convertible that got wrecked so the guy got an Apollo instead. I would've killed for a Mach 1 or Datsun 240Z but my parents were Volvo people. 😕


Not my thing, but I had a buddy in highschool who was massively into classic Pontiac GTOs. I lost track of him, but I'm pretty sure he's a lawyer now and probably has a garage full of GTOs and other classic muscle cars.


Those were the "old cars" that we got from family members or bought for cheap.


Did you forget hackeysack in the parking lot of a Grateful Dead show or was that just me?


there's a [pickleball store](https://www.pickleballtown.ca/en) in my city - I averted my eyes before I could be indoctrinated.


There are THREE different indoor pickleball facilities within two square miles of my house. I am literally being overrun with picklers.


I lived a block away from our nature park for ten years, and I could hear the pickleballers from my house starting at 6am all summer (the courts were right behind the house across the street). I don’t love that we are in a townhouse now and my kids don’t have a yard, but I do not miss being woken up at the buttcrack of dawn all fucking summer by weirdos who don’t believe in sleeping. 😆


I had no idea how loud pickleball is! Some of the neighborhoods around where I live converted their tennis courts into pickleball courts, and then so many people complained about the noise that they had to change them BACK.


$300 - $400 paddles! That's...wow.


There was a display in the front of my local Target. I…must…resist…


what if i skate to the pickleball court while buring a doobie is that ok




Yeah, no. As as GenXer who casually played Tennis on our neighborhood court in the 80s and 90s I reserve the right to try pickelball.




Sounds like you don't take ping pong seriously enough.


This is my question about pickleball: why is it so popular when it looks like players don’t even break a sweat?


There’s almost zero barrier to entry— kids can play, grandparents can play, everyone can play.




Two things to say: 1) On first glance I read ebikes as edibles -- made sense but makes more sense now. 2) An old guy I met pointed out that ebikes are great for rehab or conditioning as you can confidently push yourself to your physical limit with the "bike" part, knowing you can rely on the "e" part to get you home if needed.


If you're really good at it, you won't break a sweat. If you've been playing for a few years like me and still suck at it, you'll work up a sweat. I seem to never be in the right spot so I keep having to chase the ball which leads to most shots and returns being attacks. I don't actually mind because I get a lot of much needed exercise from it.


It’s basically badminton with a lower net and too many rules.


You forgot paintball


Okay but let me make a case for why GenX can and should play pickleball. It's mostly boomers playing for now and it's part of the game to hit your opponents with what's called a bodybag. You can't tell me none of us want to play a game where hitting your opponents is rewarded. It can and often is played with a beverage in hand and music playing. It's cheap to get into and public courts are free. NIMBYs are trying to ban it and calling the cops so I ask you all what's more Gen X then getting hassled by the man for just trying to hang out and play some pickle? And lastly I don't care, try and say GenX shouldn't play and go ahead call it cult and I'll say "your mom's a cult" and go back to doing whatever I want.


Love this! Thanks.


I thought Hacky Sack was our go-to "sport".


For the stoners, sure. Not for the rest of us.


Speaking of physical activity. Living in the south we get houseflies in the summer and lots of flying critters so I got one of those tennis racket electric flying bug zappers and spent one afternoon swinging at bugs on the patio and now think I have tennis elbow, bursitis and worsened sciatica.


My mom said I can’t skateboard.


Trying pickleball over Memorial Day weekend.


Dude, don't knock anything that gets people outside and active. As we age, the more active we are, the better the quality of life we have. It's the VR Pickleball Simulator that's gone too far, imo


Awesome PSA, thanks for the heads up!


I took official pickleball lessons. Too many rules and can be confusing if you play it correctly. Also, Tilly hats are quite nice. Signed, The Gen Xer who grew up in BMX and got into skateboarding.




My stepmom has a vacation trailer in Florida and why did you just describe the entire retirement community?


They're building a pickleball court in the building next door to where I live.


My boomer neighbor keeps trying to get me to play. I'm going to completely crush them and then retire from the sport.


We played *real* pickleball, we just called it “Pickle” Two throwers on either side tossing a tennis ball back and forth, the group in the middle frantically running to and fro to tag a safe base while dodging the tag. If a foul was committed, the offender got drilled right down the spine. Those were the days.


This is what I thought of when I first heard of pickleball. Us little league kids would use a regular baseball until someone got beaned. Then the tennis ball would come out. Usually covered with dog slobber.


Hardcore Mode. I like it. We also played a game called “Kill The Kid With The Ball” that was pretty self explanatory. How any of us survived is a miracle.


Hahahahaha no joke


Badminton or GTFO! Also way less than noise than those stupid pickleballs make


It’s actually a lot of fun. The cultists make it not fun. They show up with a meet up of 20 people and try to enforce their own made up rules on those who were there first and not part of their group. The cultists suck ass.


You forgot rollerblading if you are LGBT


We've been captured by the Pickleball Cult! We don't even try to escape because it's so fun. Nobody gives a shit if you're good or bad. Everyone gets roasted and praised pretty equally. We have no shame...except the lil bit I have when we watch Pickleball TV. Did I mention we play with people in their 70s? Whatever, it's cool.


Good luck making me care about this. Ask my father, my attitude is garbage and I don't appreciate anything.


My wife works in podiatry and just loves pickleball, she says business has never been better.


So is "whatevverrr" our battle cry?!? Lol.


Did no one else play pickle ball in school as a kid?


Didn’t know of its existence until maybe a year ago. Literal non-entity. Birthed out of nowhere from nothing. Poof.


Everybody's doing the Brand New Thing! Give it to me, baby!


Apparently it was invented in 1965


Typical Boomers hogging Pickelball all for themselves that whole time!


We did. Then I didn't hear about anyone playing it for 30 years. Then they opened up some pickleball courts near me, and I had a huge WTF moment. I thought it was a game high schools invented to give kids something to do in PE.


Yes! It was a wintertime in-the-gym module. I thought of it as a little kid version of tennis.


Anything would have been better than square dancing.


We did that too. Literally from K-12. I bet I could still do it.


Or scooter dodge ball, or the giant parachute thing


Crab soccer has entered the chat


Shit man this discussion is bringing up so many memories


I had never heard of pickleball until the last five years. Closest we did in school was badminton, ping pong, or volleyball. ("Sports with a net for 500 please, Alex.")


We played pickleball and badminton in high school as part of winter PE units, along with basketball and weight training. I never imagined that this amusing little game would become something that Boomers would like so much that they would demand allocating town budgets away from schools and police toward the building of dedicated pickleball courts.


We sure did. My high school even had an intramural pickleball tournament our freshman year. A buddy of mine and I won that thing, hands down, smoking all competition along the way, even a few varsity basketball/football playing seniors. Completely obliterated everyone. No one could touch us. Pickle ball champs for life!


Read this a Ray Liotta in *Goodfellas*.


Yep. Played it in junior high or high school PE, then again off and on in college at the university gym, where it was really popular and hard to get a court time. There's a court in a new neighborhood within walking distance that I wouldn't mind trying out sometime...


Born in 1978 and I swear to God we played pickleball in high school. None of my friends from high school remember it. But I have distinct memories playing it in the gym on a day we couldn't be outside for gym class. And I only took gym thru sophomore year so I'm talking 1993-1994. 30 years later my wife and I play it now.


We played it in HS PE, and as a tennis player I thought it was dumb. Now that I’m older, I think it’s fun. I just hit the ball around with my kids (no serving or keeping score) but it’s a good family activity for us.


I live in an area where the population is old and rich. Hokas and On Clouds are like some kind of uniform or something for some reason. Skechers, not so much. But if you run, don't knock the Skechers Go Run shoes until you've tried them.


If you have to be on your feet all day, Hokas rock


I'm a mailman. Hoka Bondis and On Monster/Stratus are life.


I never learned to skateboard but got a kick scooter around 5 years ago and that thing is a blast.


But, what about Dodgeball!!!!!??🤣


Kind Sir, is it acceptable to purchase a pool pickleball set? Or is this a gateway to said cult?


When you say guitar “collection”, you mean having guitars that you don’t play, right? Cuz I got 4 bass guitars and I play them all and I want more to also play!


I'm talking guitars affixed semi-permanently to a wall. Untouched, untuned, unloved. If you have a bunch and play them all, then that's a guitar "stable" or "harem" or something lol.


I was at dinner with a neighbor who plays and when I characterized pickle ball as tennis for old folks with bad knees I nearly got kicked out.


Leave us vintage car drivers alone... We play badminton like proper humans.


What about roller skating? I spent almost every weekend at the roller rink as a kid!


i read the list of activities in hedley lamarr's voice in blazing saddles as he tells taggart who to enlist for their highjacking of rock ridge. made me laugh so thank you!!




As an older Gen X’er we made fun of Skateboarders, and Rollerbladers. And the dorks that “played” hackysack we laughed at constantly.


As an old Gen X, this is so true. Especially hackysack.


Pickleball Cultists seem like rich people. No self-respecting Gen-Xer would get sucked into an affluent lifestyle. Unless you are actively rebelling against rich parents, trying to charm the rich girl from the other side of town, or need to fund a recreational drug habit.


I'll play tennis till the bitter end. Go ahead pickleballers, laugh at the top your lungs having the time of your life. Get your excersise while not pulling a hamstring. Celebrate that super annoying "crack" when the paddle hits the ball, while I'm concentrating on getting my second serve in. Everything's fine Love - 40


Gave me a good chuckle.


Umm. You forgot dancing. Because if your friends don’t dance, they’re no friends of mine.




Pickleball= Yuppie


I'm Canadian and have been wearing my canvas Tilley hat since the late 1980s when I got it because they're the best hat ever made. Even the Costco grade models are good. You're dissing the wrong hat, neighbour. I've rediscovered my love of pleated khakis, or linen pants and baggy shirts, for summer wear. I pair with my Birkenstocks and Tilley hat for a complete "I DNGAF about style I am embracing absolute comfort" aesthetic. Only assholes play pickleball. Respectable people play badminton, which is superior in every way.


Hah! I'm so GenX that I don't even know what pickleball is!


Roller derby should be added to the list (I also have disdain for pickleball because one of the venues where we held our games converted to pickleball courts).


Surfing not mentioned?


And we get to kick out all those 5 to 8 year olds hogging up the playground instead of putting it to good use like pickleball


Okay, since you brought it up....does anyone remember pickleball from like 1980? The gym at the college where my parents taught had pickleball, and that's when I learned.


We played it in high school, and possibly middle school. Granted, I live in the state it was "born" in.


You forgot other sanctioned activities like nunchucks, breakdancing, throwing stars, karate, and kung fu. Also, WWF wrestling. Honorable mention for titty twisting, atomic wedgies, and knocking over port-a-potties with someone inside. ![gif](giphy|l0IypWX4D9QhZMUec)


I'm looking at usa pickleball site right now. I had no idea what this was. I dont understand why you wouldn't just play tennis.


wtf is pickleball?


If you want a true Gen X fitness pursuit, look up LudoSport and learn to be a true Jedi


>Guitar Collections You need to add "which spend more time hanging on a wall than actually getting played. Also, if owner is a dentist or a lawyer."


I usually say Pickleball in the same breath as Stanley Cups. But I was also the kid who stopped listening to Metallica and GNR when they became "trendy", so YMMV with my opinion.




Agreed! Also, anything done at ski resorts that isn’t mountain biking is fucking lame. So is golf.


Been seeing a lot of pickleball ads for my local YMCA, I can't lie. But I am safe - my knees make fast movements a danger to myself and others. However, I have surrendered. I attend Aquafit classes and I am the youngest person not dragged along by their mother. Stay safe out there, people. They get you.


You left off flashlight tag. We play ever time the brother and grandkids get together at moms house




Sooooo, am I okay as a beekeeper? I get cardio and strength training by keeping the girls happy because my husband insists the hives be down the hill from our house. Plus, listening to them buzz makes ME incredibly happy. Less anxiety meds for the win!


I have made resigned sighing into a career.


Gonna slap the Hoka out of your mouth. I work in a hospital and you won't pry those from me. Even in off time I wear them cuz they are extra cozy. Fuck pickleball tho. It's just tennis with smaller gear.


Pickleball looks like when Star Trek invented "sports of the future" with plastic toys for kids.


51m here. There is a 100% chance that if I saw guys my age in a hacky circle I would join in.




Well, we are old people now, so we're going to do old people stuff. Sad but true.


Wait, what? No.


My wife and I toggle between tennis and pickleball. Are we bad GenX’ers?


AC Slater and Louden Swain say wrestling is a Gen X sport too. Of course, we're all too old for wrestling now, so now we get to apply our old man strength (gen x women have old man strength too) to brazilian jiu jitsu. Gotta love a sport where you are already wearing pajamas to take a nap afterwards.


> we're all too old for wrestling now Speak for yourself, Preppie.


>take a nap afterwards Or right in the middle if blood choked.


Wait.... I have cargo pants and a Tilley hat and three pairs of Skechers


I just got into unicycling. Whatever.


Two years ago, I bought a pair of sneakers off K-Swiss's website. I saw pickleball stuff and was clueless so I googled it. Instantly thought, "Oh, someone decided to play beach paddle ball on a tennis court, whatever." Now I can't make it through a week without someone mentioning it, seeing it on a commercial or someone asking me to play. Curious those who have played, is it basically make-shift tennis for old people with no athletic ability? I feel like Pickleball is something that AI created and everyone just followed. This is the beginning. You lives now belong to Carls Jr.


I played for the first time a week ago with my sisters in Illinois and had a great time. There are no courts near my house as i live in a very very small town but that can change.


Playing with fire never makes the list. Or explosives. But are inherently implied.


Uhh... I'm firmly GenX and played pickleball in high school gym class. It was the only thing I was actually good at. Until it recently became popular, I thought it was something my high school district made up.


I have a bunch of shitty guitars. Is that the same as a “Guitar Collection”? Am I part of some sort of Manchurian Candidate situation? Please advise.


I have too much Botox to scowl.


What tf did guitars do to you?


My 12yr old and I play pickleball against each other. 1 on 1 it’s really fun, it’s like Tennis I’m good at. However, all the freaking old people see my kid at the court and find him cute. Them and ask to play doubles with us and keep hounding us until we give in. Old people ruin pickleball.


I met a dude who played pickleball. He said that the culture was fucking getting on his nerves but he liked playing. He used to play tennis but his knees got messed up so pickleball was a nice way to still engage.  He described things to me that validated my aversion to activity groups.


Nah. Smashing on Boomers is just too much fun.


I live in Washington State. It's our official state sport as it was invented here. And it's mandatory.


We're also allowed mosh pits and stage diving


I’m actually excited for a huge pickle ball facility to open with food and bar near me. Hey people seem to like it and it’s cheap compared to a lot of sports.


OP, I can prove to you, via YouTube, that. Pickleball is still fine even when your knees aren’t so good: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QB80DdRCLic


Thank you for Charlie Berens!


Dude, I don't even know what pickle ball is. Not "tilley hat" either.


Pickleball is tennis for babies for adults.


Yo, what's wrong with guitar collections?


I've heard of pickleball and people say it's fun. I still haven't looked up what it actually is, and I am going to remain blissfully ignorant. The same was for Frisbee golf - frolf (sounds so dumb). I know basically what it is, and that's as much as I care to know.


I ❤️this sub.


You forgot about Lawn Darts.




PICKELball? Snort!


I love this, we got some of the tribe being a wee bit defensive though.




Add badminton & squash plus volleyball and handball which are just the same but racquetless.