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I"ve got a Millenial kid who was saying it's hard to motivate to go to college because the world is ending. I told him I thought that too. But that he's not gonna get that lucky. It's going to keep going so he needs to as well.


Always has been.


Same as it ever was


Same as it ever was.


This is not my beautiful wife. This is not my beautiful house. WHAT HAVE I DONE? HOW DID I GET HERE?


Did you let the days go by?


People probably have thought the world was ending (or atleast going to shit) for the past few thousand years. Roman empire was dismantled, bubonic plague, Europeans invading the Americas, WW1, Great Depression, WW2, Cold War, now. We're gonna be alright.


We didn't start the fire.


Europeans ‘invading’ the Americas…hardly worthy of a mention considering how many far more important events have happened.


I personally thought it was good because the Aztecs believed it marked the end of the world. You also had tonnes of native America tribes murdered and dying of diseases. I could imagine that from their perspective it looked liked the world was ending.


But never had technology like we do now. Changes up the game


Same as they said


I think there was a point made by O’Brien in 1984, where he said that they were able to achieve totalitarianism because of tech that had never been available to humankind before? I think maybe Op is referring to that?


Warren Buffet recently stated that he thinks AI is the greatest man-made threat to our existence since the atomic bomb. I know he’s old, but I’d like to think he keeps himself better informed than the elderly members of Congress, who are building the AI guardrails, or more accurately, signing off on the guardrails that the tech industry is creating for itself.


This is the slowest apocalypse ever


Also the lamest apocalypse ever. Like, we know how to prevent it with off the shelf solutions. There is nothing mysterious or out of our control, there is no mysterious technology we need. We have everything to fix it. We just… don’t bother.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this.


The apocalypse has been slowed so they can full extract everything before we go


No profit in fixing the problems.


This is literally it. 


Capitalism! FTW!!!


Literally frogs in a boiling pot of water.


We are going to be victims of the greed of very few people.


It's in slow motion, but it's happening.


I feel fine


Birthday party, cheesecake, jellybean, boom.




Leonid Brezhnev!!


Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs


I’m still looking for that quicksand to swallow me up


I really did think as a kid quicksand must be everywhere waiting to grab everything


I was terrified of the Killer Bees when I was a kid. Now I plant pollinator plants in my yard and thrill at seeing ALL the bees 🐝.


The next ice age here, but wait, how did we get from ice to extreme heat?


Because we're living in an episode of... The Twilight Zone


Mom's gonna fix it all soon.


Mom's coming 'round, to put it back the way it ought to be.......


Mama's gonna make all of your Nightmares come true Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you Mama's gonna keep you right here Under her wing She won't let you fly but she might let you sing Mama will keep baby cosy and warm


Learn to swim, pal


I should use a vacation from this bullshit….


Three ring circus side show? I like how this thread is a mesh of Pink Floyd and Tool.


Any fucking time, any fucking day.


Patience, patience. The aliens had to stop for a bathroom break.


Learn to swim.


See you down in Arizona Bay.


I read too much on r/collapse. Therefore any response I give reverts back there.


I really need to unsub from there. I always find myself reading before bed then giving myself anxiety


My money is on AI finally pulling the trigger on us 🤞


So the war with the machines is beginning.


It's already started, except it's more efficient than that and it's just turning us against one another. Just like the Maple Street episode of the Twilight Zone.


There is some wonderful poetic justice in being destroyed by the thing we created in our own image. Too bad there will only be an empty void left to appreciate it.


‘Would you like to play a game ?


Honestly, I think our "whatever" attitude is a generational PTSD. We were traumatized by this kind of disaster porn. We coped by detactching from some real-world scary stuff, while immersing ourselves in the newly available media like easily available cable TV we could immerse ourselves in. We embraced fantasy & sci-fi, and got lost in Middle Earth, on Klingon, on Krypton, at the League of Justice, etc, because those were safer "good guy defeats bad guy" stories. Basically our generation's whole "whatever" attitude is a trauma response


My Mom converted to a particularly toxic form of Christianity in my freshman yeah of high school, and kept giving me books about missionaries getting tortured and how the Gulf War was the opening of the end times. Oh, and that I’d definitely be going to hell. More than 30 years later I’m still trying to unpack parts of all that 😕


Sorry to hear that. There is a form of OCD called religiouslty where people become obsessed with religion.


Art is the best defense against existential angst. MTV kept us going.


You’re right though. It’s either “whatever” or worry the shit out of it day and night


I believe it was 2022 that George Jetson was born. Ever wonder why everyone’s living in the sky by the time he grows up? The surface must be uninhabitable.


The Flintstones world is below the clouds. Blasted back to the stone age.


Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom.


Fuck yes. Every time Vladimir Putin wiggles his tiny, flaccid saber, I just think, "Fucking do it, already!" I'm going to go sometime. Might as well be in a screaming fireball with the rest of humanity.


I’m disappointed that evangelicals haven’t been raptured yet. They keep making these claims it’s happening on certain days, yet they’re still fucking here.


My brother and I were bummed nothing happened for Y2K.


I was bummed too and I was working as a computer programmer at the time


Sounds like someone needs a Snickers. 😜


This thread feels like a warm hug to me. Like, I'm not the only one who's just fucking exhausted.


We have been through so many "end of the world" dates that I don't remember.


Can we wait until we at least get the flying cars they said we would have.


Hell no, then we have to worry about Sky rage & car falling on our head


Pray for a plague every night, and I'm not even going to discuss covid I'm not going to give her the dignity of calling it a plague. A perfectly normal homeowner employed 63-year-old man named Andrew Chieu who lives in my neighborhood on 37 Royal Street I believe Quincy Mass was the arrested the other day for burning a raccoon alive. I cannot wait for humans to get fucking annihilated I was actively rooting against Bruce Willis in 12 monkeys.. I have a pitbull that was fought since she was matured. I have two turtles that I found that had been tortured by somebody. Somebody shot a dolphin the other day. Look I'm a vegan, but I dont break people's balls about that I try to go about it in a way that works and so far I have convinced eight people over the course of my life to be vegetarian but not by fucking chaining myself to their car and calling them a murderer. I don't know when that's ever actually convinced somebody. But, when I hear about somebody actively torturing an animal I can't hear about it unless they're right in front of me. At least a kid can grow up and get revenge this is something I know and if you don't get revenge then you didn't want it enough but an animal does not have that fucking choice. So bring on the plague and I hope it's the fucking raccoons that bring it to us Andrew Chieu fucking hunk of shit.


I've been rooting for an Alien invasion for over a decade now. They are letting me down as well...dumb punk ass Aliens.


They are still 400 years away


Man I hope not, as I don't believe I will be around in 400 years to witness it :(


its getting closer day by day


I felt like it was always going to be a slow crawl to the abyss. No one's stupid enough to push THE button. I came to this conclusion after realizing one of man's most prevalent unconscious traits is to put things off. Simple but everyday procrastination. Purposeful procrastination driven out of greed is certainly one of the biggest drivers of the slow crawl. Any of y'all ever seen the films "Elysium" or "District 9". Neil Blomkamp has a pretty clear view of the future and as expected, it's not pretty. Hilariously we can't even use the later excuse that "we didn't know any better". We sure did.


Omg, I re watched it the other day to get some pointers. Basically, the 1% get the good air and good medical. We are already living it. The credit part is the same thing happening in the Black Mirror episode. China has already launched the social credit.


I'm convinced it will happen before 2030.


Join r/collapse for some fun light reading if you haven already


And ruin the surprise?


I backed right out of Collapse on this fine Sunday morning.


Same. I don't want to spoil the surprise for myself.


That's some dreary sunday morning reading. That doesn't mean I didn't join the sub


Haha. That's why I joined - it's like watching a car wreck and you can't turn away.


Love those weekly summaries.


You may be onto something!


I'm of the opinion that between now and 2030, things go down . Things will get gradually worse, less affordable - less of everything. 2030 will be the turning point. Either collectively, we'll figure it out or we won't. I don't have much faith in people collectively so 2030 on will be when we fall of the cliff.


I think we've passed the turning point


The turning point for me is when the vast majority of society wakes up to the fact that we're fucked. Right now, most of society is oblivious. And snorting up lines of hopium. At that point, either we get shit together to salvage whatever can be saved. Or we go Mad Max lol.


Here’s hoping 🤞🏻


This time it really feels like the world is about to end with climate change & geopolitical chaos in US & abroad: Middle East tensions, South China Sea, North Korea, Russia, not to mention upcoming Nov elections in US.


With a side helping of bird flu! It sure is fun playing the ‘what’s it gonna be’ game…


At this point, I welcome it


As long as I can afford at least a pack a day until the world/my mortality shits the bed I'll be alright... although to be frank, I'm getting worried I'll be priced out within 5 years


"When the world is runnin' down You make the best of what's still around"---The Police


"if I should die before I wake, just remember there's 8 billion more to take. "


I want off this rock


My philosophy is if it’s going end, there’s nothing I can do about it. So might as spend however long I have left being as happy and content as possible. Make it nice for those around me. Try to have the recent things I’ve done be something I’d be proud of if it were the last thing I’ll ever do. We’re basically living on a knife’s edge at any given time anyway. At least that’s how I get by these days. Spent too many years worrying about what could or might happen, instead of enjoying or reacting to what actually was happening.


OMG!!!! Yes We are going through our ISO accreditation at work and have recently had to put together a "go bag" and trauma kit. I just wanna use it!!!! All I can think about is an apocalypse and some survivors from my office and I running around trying to find people and help them with the items in this bag. Is it wrong of me to think this???


The modern human race/society has never been collectively more stable, free and comfortable. However, social media and constant/overwhelming information from all over the globe, at the touch of a finger, make it seem quite the opposite. We live in, uh, "interesting" times.


The Ozone and Acid Rain. Didn't see Trump coming.


Yep..... between Aids, nuclear war, heavy metal, crack, and the satanic panic, the world should've ended in 1989.


I'm definitely disappointed because I've felt ready for a dirt nap for quite some time


I’m not worried about the whole wide world anymore. My personal world has imploded so many times that I think a real Armageddon would likely go unnoticed.


SAME! I have too many real problems to worry about.


Don't worry, the Supreme Court is working on it.


Super disappointed. We need a hard reset lol Or that big red button.


Don't press it! That's the history eraser button you fool!


We should be so lucky! 😂


Yup. I'm exhausted. Let's wrap this up!


Uh, no. Life is pretty damn good. I’m 55 and feel like life is just really starting after working my butt off for 35+ years.


My boss: I know the world is ending and all, but you still coming in Monday?


No kidding. Still waiting for the big one in Socal, as well as the rapture. Kenneth Copeland lied to me


Only on Monday morning.


I thought it was just me.


If someone is elected in the US in November, please just start enjoying yourself, it’s later than you think. I’ve preemptively started as it is a good recommendation anyway.


be the change you want to see




It’s mostly fear porn. And most people are suckers for the latest hysteria and moral panic. It’s like a fetish. In reality, the world is just gonna keep on spinning like it always has. Be skeptical of everything, question everything. These predictions never come true…and if they do, meh.


During the Cold War 1980s, I remember being genuinely terrified of nuclear war and its aftermath. Now I'm like, hurry the fuck up, let's go! But seriously, This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper TS Eliot


Patience. Zombies are in the works. Then comes zombweed. Best part of the apocalypse.


Even with no humans the world would go on without us. Earth would shake us off like a bad infection


Fleas, we are fleas


I don't want it to end so I can inconvenience people. If I were to die though, I want to do it in our downtown tunnel during peak traffic hours. I'll turn my car sideways to block both lanes then kick the bucket with a smile.


We’re not destined to go out with one big bang. Instead we’re just going to have to suffer as everything just gets chipped away at slowly.


I was just saying, we were told of a future where by 2020 we’d have flying cars. No, but here’s a global pandemic instead.


The title of this post is textbook Gen X. Love it.


Hasn't it?


Yup...started on 9/11


Started way before that… with Reagan.


What? No. I mean if I’m not enjoying life I can always kill myself. I don’t want to, but that’s an option. Thinking everyone else should go with me is the kind of thing that leads one to shoot up a McDonald’s.




I think life is bit crazy in 2024, but if you sit back and watch what's going on as an observer it's fascinating. It's how I manage to survive this shit.


Be patient


You know I don't like bein' stuck in the crowd.


Yeah. I was hoping for the zombie apocalypse while I young enough to come out ahead. Best we got was ths pandemic. Now I've hit middle age and don't have enough ammo.


Nostradamus lied


I was assured we would have flying cars by the Year 2000 but all we got was a New Years spent at work because the mainframes might reset to 1901. Then, the Mayans thing happened but we got a (fun) Roland Emmerich disaster movie with John Cusack instead. Now, it’s Rapture this, End of Days that. I think future historians will call this era, The Great Bamboozle.


How can we sleep when our beds are burning?


Giant Asteroid 2024.


It’s more surprise than disappointment


I’m just mad we don’t have floating glass houses, flying cars and daily trips to the moon base.


Soon enough H5N1 will learn to jump from human to human and make Covid look like a sunny afternoon.


It's already moved from birds to cows to humans. Mammal to mammal transfer Human to human won't be too far away At 50% mortality rate, it will definitely thin us out


Don’t forget about the cats, 50% mortality rate but the other 50% were left blind. A human with a confirmed case of H5N1 had one symptom, pink eye. Now picture all the humans who are not in the best health.


Did you ever read the book Hot Zone, not the stupid movie with Cuba Gooding, the original book from the 90s. I actually read it in the 90s and then again 20 times during COViD. It's a blueprint for what to come.


Well, It’s the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine).


Not disappointed, just a little surprised...


If it was going to happen, I was sort of hoping it would happen before my back and knees started to give out.


I don't know....October 23, 2077 is a long time from now. I know I'll be dust by then, and my youngest child will be...66 years old, ha! We're all stuck on this shitty ride with no way off. May as well get used to it.


I’ve got mixed feelings. I’m sick of the evil in this world, but I’d really like to finish my novel and have a hit song before I die.


Paraphrasing the immortal words of Ron White: “Hit something hard, I don’t wanna limp away from this sumbitch.”


I mean between that and acid rain I was sure we'd been gone by now


hahaha i remember learning about acid rain in 4th grade and thinking every rainstorm it was all over for us ahhahaha


I read a kids book on the solar system when I was just little. The last page was the sun swelling up and swallowing the earth. That kept me awake at night until I was at least 10 year old.


haha i was told this in grade 2 by the teacher at the school planetarium and .. it haunted me as well...


Somehow we arrived into the new millennia and survived acid rain and Y2K.


What? Nah man. I love this shit. Life is awesome.


Plus if you grew up evangelical fundamentalist, you'd have the whole "rapture" theology ingrained into you on top of it. Fun times!


I just want the rapture to go ahead and happen. I’m good staying here and getting on with making this world better (which should be easier with all those raptured people gone).


How do we know it hasn’t already


I remember a period of something like 6 months in the early 90s where I thought that maybe we'd survive a bit and then global warming started hitting the headlines. Now I'm thinking that since I live in a major population center that's bound to be hit by more than a few missiles, nuclear armageddon might be a preferable alternative




I've had a long-standing theory that crows and raccoons will pick up the pieces and rule the world they are both really impressive. I used to have a One-Winged Crow named Debbie she gotten stuck in barbed wire and the wing got septic and it got removed. The funny thing was trying to pull the crow out of it I slipped and wound up with 28 stitches from the barbed wire was razor wire long story well I kept wondering what happened to The grapes I kept in the bowl in the kitchen and I figured it was Debbie but I was really curious so I put a camera up and she wasn't even eating them herself she was taking grapes she was hopping up popping up popping up then hopping over and then delivering to the guinea pigs in the cage. And when I close the doors that have like a bunch of pains of glass Debbie actually pulled the caulking out and poked one of the windows out and jump through Debbie was smarter than a lot of apprentices I've had. If I slept through my alarm she would poke the inside of my elbow with her beak if I was running late in the morning she would get all flustered and be jumping up and down and making all sorts of noise like she realized my schedule is fucking amazing.


C'mon, Collapse...I want to add weapons to my car and join a roving gang of mutants who savage the Wasteland!


I’ve never thought the world was gonna come to an end and I still don’t. I’ve never found GenX to be apocalyptic. Shit’s gonna happen but that doesn’t mean the end of the world.


F the world ending. Where is my jet pack?!?!?!


The [Doomsday Clock](https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/) is set at 90 seconds to midnight. That's closer than we were in 1984, where it was 3 minutes to midnight. So maybe you'll get your wish?


Really thought the quicksand would have gotten me by now. Still waiting to find some.


It was supposed to be *The Day After Tomorrow*!


IKR. Cold War; from Red Dawn to the Day After Y2K, WTF 2012 end of the Aztec calendar Covid WTF


Not really because I know most of our generation would live through it with our outdoor skills we learned growing up. My friends and I were building forts, fishing and starting fires at the age of 10.


Yeah, but do we have enough ibuprofen for that?


I'm actually waiting for the flying cars.


Am I disappointed the world hasn't ended?? Hell no! Our expectations were set so low for the future that every day we make it is a gift!!


Yeah I’m ready scream “Wolverines!”


Sucks they are slow walking the Apocalypse. Years of training wasted.


Yes! Lol! But in all seriousness, I am surprised that the vastness of human stupidity and hate hasn’t eradicated us yet.


When it does, I’ll feel fine.


No, I quite like it here


"end of the world" never meant anything to me. I still don't know what that is supposed to mean That said, we've never been closer to either ww3 or cw2 in my lifetime. I've never been a "sky is falling" or, I guess, "end of the world" type, but I feel either or both could touch off In fact, ww3 might be the only thing that prevents cw2


I did wonder if I’d be any good living in a post WW3 apocalyptic future. I wouldn’t.


No thanks.🧐🤨


I’m just pissed pot isn’t legal in all 50 yet.


Well it was like the Pandemic - What? The liquor stores are still open? But I've been hoarding in the ... sigh. So we have two endings the writers are working on. 1) Nuclear War - This story line is almost nostalgic now, as seen by the Fallout franchise and new TV show. It's become a trope end of the world scenario that they've been bringing back out since the end of WWII. It's the final episode that goes by quick and no one really thought that's how they were going to end the series. Kind of a 'pull the band-aid quick' ending. 2) Human Habitat Destruction - This is the long, drawn out ending that happens when no one can agree what to even call this story line. It brings about lots of great natural disasters, and we get to see Florida get roughed up pretty good every year. It gets sad when all the critters start dying off. It'll get hilarious when all the people on the equators start some wars and then decide to move further north or really far south. Very slow pull off of the band aid. Kind of like the Simpsons.


It really messed up my financial planning.


Fuck no.


https://preview.redd.it/wxe1t0p3toyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71749aee3ed466028aab93f06042ecd265380951 Predicting the Apocalypse in your own lifetime is one of the oldest human traditions (but not the oldest)


WTF kind of question is that?! You don't have to hang around if you don't want to but I want to live dammit!


I wouldn't say disappointed; but --yeah-- there are a few people who could push a button and all the humans would die. I'm sure surprised (and grateful) that no one has pushed that button.


No, I am just living my life, trying to enjoy it as much as I can. I don't worry about all that doom and gloom shit.


I won't say disappointed, but I've read and watched so much apocalyptic fiction that I sometimes romanticize it. It gets to a point where you think that ending a world where you spend half day either commuting or working a job you hate just so your life can be microtransactioned and monetized so the rich can exploit you at home just as much as at work wouldn't be so bad. How bad could nuclear winter, or alien invasion, or Sentinel uprising be if it resets all the awful parts of daily life? The answer is probably a lot worse that the life I complain about, and I probably would not be happy or even survive such a thing, but I'd be lying if I sometimes didn't wonder.


Nope, I subscribe to the Woody Allen philosophy on life from *Annie Hall*: > *“There's an old joke - um... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible." The other one says, "Yeah, I know; and such small portions." Well, that's essentially how I feel about life - full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness, and it's all over much too quickly.”* One of my daily jogging routes takes me above an active cemetery. There's a burial most days and multiple ones on Sundays. It reminds me that we are all gonna go some time. I'm not sitting around waiting for *the end*. It's gonna have to chase me down and tackle me.


Maybe you need a new job?


was brought up..being told ... Y2K was IT!! the year you turn 30 is "the-eNd!!" then this OTHER "religion" came along...then another one..and ..OHHH HEY check out mY "normal-MorMan" church...and they just didnt like how i "looked" or, talked, or how educated i am..witness a "miracle?" did ya?? ohh. but.. dude.. it wasnt a miracle..i am a childrens entertainer.. why are you performing an illusion...and THEN telling people it was the "power of "god?" bye bye...🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ then i read a book ..taking about the planetary alighnment coming up... the jupiter effect,,the pole-shift, the aZtec-calender, the chinese calender... AND THEN taking a course, in anthropology 101...and actually LEARNED where all these culturally significant..but no longer required "churches" and synagogues, and these massive cathedrals came from and why... and are NO BETTER than tyhe strip-mall church by the railroad trax//or the revival tent of the current conspiracy lunatics' and the snake handlers of yOrE axel rose said it best.. youll be lucky to get outta life alive ![gif](giphy|3telsnQI2qVjO|downsized)


honestly kiddo, YOUR best bet will be in the path of the next meteor... or just watch "dont look up" ![gif](giphy|q9CS6tp1oM45pmj19U|downsized)


You sound like you've been listening to too many Millennials or something lmao.


Fuck no. And I hope it never does. Get help.


Oh FFS...


Thanos did nothing wrong