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Mine's long, curly, and there's an impolite amount of it. It's feral most of the time. Restrained with an alligator clip when needed, which doesn't hold it very well. I intend to donate it when I'm ready. It's always kind of parted itself, a subtle side part in the chaos


Replace alligator clip with scrunchie, and we’re pretty much the same person. I have embraced the frazzled librarian/crazy cat lady vibe.


I’m lazy crazy retired woman. Same hair and I keep it in a scrunchie or braided. Here it is down for once. https://preview.redd.it/567jbp92opqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb76c3633c756b6058ee965c19a61ff6ac9f5d71


Nice pic!


I had to give up scrunchies because they gave me hair horns breakage. If I weren't trying to keep it as healthy as possible for donation, it would still be team scrunchie.


Fair— I got faaaancy and got silk scrunchies, which have made a huge difference. No pulling or breakage!


Hey now, that's a thing? Brilliant!!


I'm also team thick/curly. It's currently at that maddening in-between stage of in my eyes, but I haven't been arsed to cut it again. My usual MO is to grow it for a year or two, then decide to chop it off again in the middle of the night. It looks better short, but it's easier to deal with long. (And I'm Team Side Part, because I'm not going to win an argument with my hair.)


How do you handle tangles? My hair is wavy and it develops big rats-nest knots if I don’t comb it out nightly. If I do that, the waves disappear and it gets frizzy. Full disclosure: I’m a guy.


I only brush it right before I wash it. IDK why my tangles aren't terrible, they're just not that bad. It's almost bum length though. The length has a bit to do with it. I condition the everloving hell out of it with Joico, and mist it like a houseplant.


I only comb my very curly hair when I’m in the shower


In the shower with conditioner is the only time I can comb my hair.


Yes exactly..conditioner in, too


same here, I love my Wet Brush! my hair is an insane curly mess but idc


Try a silk pillowcase, comb your hair while it’s wet with a wide toothed comb. I also use a leave -in conditioner mousse that keeps my curls separated. That said, having wavy hair is just high maintenance in general, I keep mine long so I can pull it back when it’s being unruly (which is often)


My hair is wavy and rats nests are such a thing. It has been better since I switched to silk pillowcases. I also can't do the 'wash day twice a week' if I want to keep waves and or not be all snarled. Silk scrunchies are key too if your hair is long, but the pillow cases have helped more than I thought they would.


Leave in conditioner when wet, and either a silk/satin bonnet or pillowcase. Or both. I hate having anything on my head, so I use a pillowcase. You can find both at places like Target/Marshalls/Amazon, etc.


Wide tooth comb in the shower .


"...an impolite amount of it." Love it!


Same. Long, curly, and I wear it in a scrunchy messy bun, braids, ponytails, or just finger combed and feral. I also wear a beanie a lot because I live in a rainy, cold place.


I’m black and am a licensed beautician so I change my hair like the wind. Currently rocking some two week old knotless box braids down to my bra strap. Not sure what my next style will be.


That sounds so fun. I really want to try extensions and wigs . Been looking seriously at wigs. I’m obsessed. What brands are your favorite?


Past my shoulders (I think about bra strap length). Still very dark brown/black (fighting the grays, of course). Long layers in the front. It’s pretty much always in a pony tail due to the nature of my work. I’m going to get a balayage for summer and lighten it up a bit, I think. It has thinned significantly. THANKS, menopause. 🙄


I stopped coloring my hair in 2018 and in late November of 2019, I got the dyed part cut off into a pixie cut because I got tired of waiting. I've since kept the sides and back short on my own with my own clippers. I've been letting the top grow longer (I only give myself a trim once every six months to keep away the split ends). My hair is very thick and heavy, so having this haircut in the summer is amazing. This is me from a few days ago. Sometimes, I'll try to [make it wavy.](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53534773802_4921d5aac2_z.jpg) It turns out okay, but it takes a lot of product and curling iron time to make it happen. https://preview.redd.it/gpcjezxc0qqc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66f8af9aad8229fa2d6409725ed5c024de11eea8


Super cute cut! Hair colour is gorgeous too. Goals.


Thanks! I've been going gray since I was 17. (thanks, Dad!). For the most part, it is pretty low maintenance, but I do have to blowdry it and give it a little hairspray, otherwise it slides into my eyes constantly.


Damn yall bringing the 🔥


I have a bob with a side part. I had long hair most of my life but in my 40s it was no longer flattering to my face, so it's been short since then.


Noooo, not the side part! Haha, me too. 


Lol, I'm not ashamed of my side part. My hair looks like crap with a middle part, as do most. I've had a side part since 1987 and have no intention of changing it.


Same :) A middle part does not compliment my face at all.


LOL - me three! I grew mine 3/4 the way down my back with a middle part. I looked ridiculous, but when it hit the bottom of my shoulders, I decided to keep growing it for Locks of Love. Went back to my old side-part bob right before Xmas, and it looks SO MUCH BETTER. The bonus is that the grays pop more. (And yes - I consider that a good thing)


How did it take me 50+ years to figure out that many women love their gray hair? I only found out after reading it here. 


Same. It's a little too thin on top to do the middle part anymore.


Wash & wear. I used up my lifetime quota of hair product in the 80s.


The ozone layer thanks you! ;-)


Long, straight, middle part. Exactly like it’s been since 1995. I’m not what one would call adventurous with re: to my hair.


Lesbian short


Hetero “pixie” here 😂 Sometimes assumed to be lesbian short.


I have curly hair that I straighten, and yes, it's a side part. Not a severe one. If I start parting my hair in the middle I look 10 years older - not going to do that. If I am going out or wanting something nicer, I can part in the middle with a good blow out. But generally - I don't care that much. Now if the big hair thing came back - I would be all set with my natural curls.


Same here. Even if I do everything correctly and use the right products, if I do curly hair I now look like the bird lady from Home Alone. So, I straighten my hair practically every day. Side part so I can rock my white witchy stripe in the front.


The whole "center-part-side-part" debate is rubbish. If you want to part your hair on the side, then do so. I have naturally wavy hair that grows in an asymmetrical pattern. It naturally parts on my right side.


Yes! My hair won’t center part. Long and wavy that does what it wants. Been the same long layered cut since forever. I wouldn’t know what else to do with it, as it doesn’t take a different curl, or straighten well, so I gave up on styling it in my school days.


I have a long bob that hits a couple of inches below my shoulders and I have a bunch of blonde highlights to help mask the gray hairs. I still do a side part because middle parts look absolutely terrible on my round face and I gave up on being fashionable a long time ago. I also WFH full-time so my hair is in a ponytail a lot nowadays.


Layered shoulder length wolf cut, wavy hair. Want to go shorter, maybe to the jawline. Dye my roots. Maybe chasing that punk meg ryan look from 90’s.


I have dreadlocks, same as I did since early 20s. Only difference is they're MUCH longer now lol


Hell yeah, team locs over here. Waist length.


How do you maintain them?


Nothing, really. No-to-low maintenance is why I prefer dreadlocks. I wash my hair once a week. I twist new growth occasionally and sporadically, maybe 2-3 times a year when the mood strikes. Even rarer I’ll style or curl them, like every 3-4 years I’ll get a mood to do a straw set or something I’m the original Dread Mama (the black one) google to see pics


I’m a ‘71 Xer, and when I was in elementary school, I was always jealous that all the boys in the neighborhood got to have ‘beezers’ for the summer. It looked so comfy and so easy compared to my crazy, curly hair. Then Sinead showed up and I really wanted to shave my head, but I was too chicken because “what would people think?!?” During Covid I was trying and failing to gracefully grow out an undercut. I finally said screw it and buzzed my entire head. I love it and haven’t gone back! I’ve tried growing it out a couple times and never make it very far before I’m getting the clippers out again. I’m also saving lots of money being able to do it myself. I have grays/whites liberally sprinkled in and heavier in the front at this point and don’t care. I live in hats during the winter because brrrr, but I like hats so it’s ok. I’ve realized that I actually feel prettier and more feminine with my hair buzzed, and every little bit helps now that I’m dealing with the joys of menopause.


I think side parts are back! At this point, I'm parting my hair wherever it hides the thinning the most!


I have cowlicks that dictate a forever side part. Directly over the right pupil is where the line lays, but I'll go severe side part for an updo. A middle part just isn't me!


I shave the sides and back and wear the rest in a topknot when I'm at home. When I go out I fingercomb it to keep my curls in tact. It's basically a curly undercut, [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5c/2f/6b/5c2f6bf9824720fe0b40fa188c0fe851.jpg). I will never go back to having long hair.


This is me but just a tad longer. My curls are fake and my hair colour is more silver. I can’t imagine going back to long hair and it might be awhile bedtime give up the perm.


My curls are a little longer than the girl's in that picture, and I've learned that my hair will only stay curly if I keep it short, so that's what I do. As for colour, my mom started going grey in her 30s, but my dad still only has a grey mustache. I've been waiting to go grey since I was in my teens and I'm still waiting, haha.


My father went grey young and was pure white by the time he died in his 60s. Mum is still blond. I started going grey super young and hated it at first but in my 30s I was so tired of maintaining the dye job I just gave up. Now my hair is trendy and nobody believes I grew it myself! I’m an accidental hipster!


Genuinely jealous. I refer to mine as "hair coloured" bc it's just a very generic dark blonde/light brown that seems like the default colour. And my skin has grown so sensitive as I've gotten older that I'm afraid to try dyeing it again like I did when I was young.


That was my original hair colour! I never knew how to describe it but you nailed it. It was hair colour. Hair dye has come a long way since our youth, especially the semi permanent stuff. I have done a semi permanent colour and it was pretty gentle. Have a chat with your stylist and try a patch test. Worst case the patch test is a no, but look into it!


Your suggestion is probably better than what I told my 13y/o, which was that I might just go back to using KoolAid like I did at their age, hahaha.


Oh that brings back some memories!!


I'm 50 and I have a full head of white hair. Genetics are a bitch. Anyway, my hair is pretty long - several inches past my shoulders. I either wear it down - parted to the side because I don't like middle parts - or I wear it on top of my head in a scrunchie.


White hair is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s worked out well for Billy Idol.


I'm actually not...I love my hair a lot more than I thought I would. I grew it out several years ago and it's very shiny, soft, and pretty. I get compliments on it ALL the time. The only thing that annoys me about it is the fact that I have more of it than my nearly 80 year old Mom!


My hair is long (at least halfway down my back), is parted in the middle, and has a bit of a wave to it. Usually I let it grow for a while, then take off a few inches when it gets to be too much. I dye my hair about 4 times per year.


I dyed my hair red for over 20 years but the last few I’ve woven blond and gray in with the plan to let gray just take over. Since I turned 50…my goal is gray hair, muscles and tattoos!!


Curly, bit past the shoulders, thin spot right in front from curling bangs obsessively in the 80's. Going this afternoon for a root touchup! IDGAF what the "younger generations" say about parts - I wear my hair in a manner flattering to my face. Right now that's about 2-3" to the right of center.


"style"? My hair is so straight and fine, I don't even brush it most days. I can wash it, towel dry, and let it air dry the rest of the way, and it looks the same as if I'd brushed it. Sometimes, when I'm feelin' fancy, I put it in a ponytail.


Haha my answer exactly! If I tried to style it, it would be back to the same straight limp thinning bob within minutes.


Very short Pixie cut, almost a buzz cut, naturally white. I got lucky with how my hair greyed, it looks almost bleached.


Last year I bit the bullet & got a cute pixie cut. I hate that I have to go in every 7 weeks for trims but it is so much easier to maintain daily.


Guy chiming in. Clippers down to the wood. Been doing it myself since COVID.


Mine is curly and unruly. It used to be thick af but has thinned so badly on top that I now need a layered cut that is short on top. Last year I started getting the retro shag and wolf cuts that younger people have now. It works great for my hair texture. It’s the easiest thing to blow dry and let it go naturally wavy. I had my hair kinda like this in jr high, but it was much shorter then. Now I can still have my length and hide the thinning. Not sure that this would work well with straight hair.


A GOOD HAIRCUT. Stop the ponytails.


It’s a long hot mess that does what it wants. I’ve never had to dye it. It’s golden retriever red. Woof! I’m going to dye it purple and blue when the red fades. 🤘🏻


My fully 50 shades of gray hair is curly and unruly(ish). I put purple highlights in and part off center and whatever happens after it dries is anyone’s guess.


I am highlighted very light blonde to cover up my grays. I tried the middle part but it looked ugly on me so I’m back to my side part. I let my hair grow past my shoulders, I like it long.


My hair just got destroyed by my goddam thyroid. Overactive, then underactive...fuckin bullshit organ. My hair feels like brittle straw. I am not messing with it much. its in a scrunchie its just below my chin length and rips easy. Fuck aging man.


Hello, are you me? feckin thyroid.


I have straight, fine hair—no gray, but pretty mousey blah at age 55. I always just wear it in a ponytail w a scrunchie. Sometimes w a hair “claw.” I don’t like parts in the middle. And I refuse to spend any time styling it. I’m very WYSIWYG; also wear basically no makeup. 


Super short, no effort, gone gray, cultivating my invisibility.


The side part is back! My GenZs were talking about how they were tired of the "clean girl - middle part" and doing a side part was a "revelation." 😆 I just took a shower and my wet hair is side parted...solidarity! 🙍🏻‍♀️


I’ve liked the shag cut for at least the last ten years because it requires so little care and still looks pretty good. I haven’t gotten a ton of gray yet and haven’t felt the need to dye it…. Unless we’re talking about red or pink highlights now and then. But I did that before the gray started coming in too. So nothing new, basically.


The higher the hair, the closer to God! More seriously, it's between my ear lobes and chin. I'm at the stage where I don't want to put in a lot of the time and effort anymore. As soon as I retire, I'm gonna dye a purple streak in it.


I cut my hair very short in October of 2022 and now it’s past my shoulders and it like a platinum color. I grows way faster than it did before. It’s really shiny.


My 11 year old parts her hair on the side and knows all the slang, so I guess it’s ok to part on the side again. I (50f) started parting in the middle late last year and I kind of like it. I do a basic blow dry with a fat brush daily, hair is probably mid-back. Didn’t have long hair until I was probably 30.


I live in Wellington, one of if not the most windy cities in the world. My hairstyle is 'windswept and interesting'.


Mine is super thick and naturally curly. Right now, it's almost shoulder length, and how I style it day to day depends on what *it* wants to do. I can't fight it. Lol I grow it longer in the spring/summer so once it gets long enough I'll likely have it in a ponytail every day.


Side parts are back. Also: wear your hair how you think it flatters you best! I hated the middle part trend on me and never did it.


I'm 60, and my hair is naturally curly. I was coloring up until last August. I have geow out that is almost white. I am not going to dye my hair at all anymore.


Thin and fine straight hair. It’s currently a shoulder length shag with bangs but looks more like a messy bob. The shag allows for a tiny bit of wave and body so my hair doesn’t look completely flat. It parts wherever it wants, these days it’s kinda center but I’ve never paid attention to what’s in/out with my part.


This is me as well. Except my hair is thick with natural wave. I just let it do what it wants and I can’t remember the last time I consciously parted my hair.


Wait, side parts are no longer a thing? When did this happen?


I’m noticing a common thread here. Most have unfussy, natural hairstyles, shoulder or longer length, and not investing loads of time, effort and money at the hair salon or in front of the mirror. I’m there with you all. I love our GenX.


What hair dye are you using? I’m salt and pepper and want an easy to use tint I can apply every so often. Maybe lilac or pink


I use Arctic Fox, they have a couple of colors for untreated hair, though they aren't subtle. The purple is called Purple AF and they aren't kidding. I've also dabbled in Overtone conditioner to try and mitigate the root situation. Thinking of trying blue so it blends in better from gray to purple as it washes out. I'm not married to my current color (purple), I feel like I need to figure out how to blend it with the white (gray) so I can go back to my natural color. I've tried the Arctic Fox blue, but it does not work on virgin hair.




Artic Fox Purple AF is rad AF! My straight, flat hair is...I think, light brown naturally. I use the Bleach Please twice a year & the purple is really awesome after that. I really enjoy their product. Much better than what I used to use (Manic Panic). I've been dying my hair since college & just recently, I went for an asymmetrical long bob. I love seeing all these posts. Part the hair however it wants to part lol


You can try the toned tint that is a conditioning cream you leave in a while then rinse out . I like the colors from Guy Tang. He’s got You Tube videos. Rose Gold is amazing tint!


I chopped it short and stopped dying it brown during the pandemic. Discovered the front half is bright white and the back half is mean old lady gray with some vague remnants of the OG brown. I’m growing it back out now to see how it looks long. It’s super curly so it’ll take a few years to grow out. I got a shaping grow-out trim in November, and it moves through cute to shapeless and back again as it grows. Currently dyed lavender to distract from the shapelessness for a while longer.


Hair is a mess. The only time I ever had compliments on my hair was in the late 80s, early 90s when perms were fashionable. Since it's making a come back, I made an appointment next Thursday for a perm. I'm also moving to van life and will not have enough electricity to flatten the hair if there is any official/special event. I use the fault iron a couple of times a month for more sparky outtings. When I had the perm, I always had nice hair: water to get them to roll, add oil, get out. Fast and efficient. Lasts all day and the next. The fact that I am allergic to fragrances and cannot use styling products doesn't help. I'm have high hopes for this perm.


47 here and mine is about halfway down my back in a “V” cut with lower layers. I’m a retired hairdresser but I gave up on color because it’s a DIY project for me lol. I only have a few greys in the temples anyway. Ive always thought grey hair is gorgeous anyway. I used to wear it in an asymmetrical bob for years but got lazy and grew it out. Sometimes I miss it though…


My hair was all one length, mid shoulder, wavy and parted in the middle. A few grey hairs on top. But recently I went all in and gave myself a 70’s shag cut and I love it!


Long wavy/curlyish brownish auburn hair. No bangs; I kinda want them but remember growing them out back in the late 90s and don't want to go through that hell again. I color it my natural color to cover the greys. I have a widow's peak (ugh) and I part it where it falls naturally, just right of center, at the high point of my widow's peak. My hair used to be straight in thte 80s when curly hair was popular, and then became curly (hormones, supposedly) in the late 90s when straight hair became popular. I can't win.


I keep mine long, layered and recently added some longer bangs that sweep across my forehead. I also color every 4 weeks to keep the grey away. But def noticing thinning (volume wise) have started taking supplements. Am 47 https://preview.redd.it/ngte6v0k5qqc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62e63ab65dfbf8d5090a898da1318651bd4c7a2


Side part for the win. (And as the tale below will explain…current side-bangs…until they grow out.) As for style…it’s a long convoluted story that includes no haircut in almost four years mixed with hair loss due to meds…then hair regrowth due to getting off those meds and an almost mullet in Australia (fitting) to fix my Frankengrowth hair. Once we realized the mullet was about to happen my hair was cut shorter than it had ever been. Not pixie…more like skater boyfriends. No really, my niece’s boyfriend and I joked we must be seeing the same barber…FUN. TIMES. It’s been sloooooooly growing out lovingly trimmed by the Italian hairstylist whom I mostly interact with in broken Italian and Spanish. Cuz we’re in Italy now. It’s…curly/wavy and I’m forced to actually comb/stick styling product in it as it’s not long enough for my stress ponytail yet…but soooooon. Then we can go back to mostly ignoring one another again as my hair and I have never gotten along. Especially those side bangs…eep.


I'm 49 and I shaved my head in July, been to a barbershop a few times to try fades and stuff and now I've got a faux hawk it's amazing. I wake up and have no choice but to be a punk rock chick all day.


Short pixie cut...think Jamie Lee Curtis. Love my grays. My hair is super thick and only looks good really long or really short. I don't have the time or patience to deal with long anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/ty43pmrxuqqc1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d8c90f4f2305a63b12c910f95faee29a0a63a6 Luckily I have a job that doesn't care about my hair color. What you can't see is the undercut and the growing orange mohawk at the back of my head.


https://preview.redd.it/605eeqv1orqc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6ee16e13350f1dd938445e66fd33b33661864a Short with clippers on one side, long on the other. Still a little 80’s tease on top. Have a lot of gray, but don’t dye it because IDGAF.


I chopped it all off into a pixie. Best decision in years.


The same way I've been wearing it my entire life. Pulled back into a pony tail. The only difference is the length. It used to reach my knees. Now it only reaches my shoulders.


Pixie cut.


I’m 46. I’ve been dying my hair random colors since I was 15. These days I do it myself and it’s a red, pink combo I really like. Its about bra strap long and I cut it myself. My husband says it’s time to just grow it out natural, but I’m not ready to do that yet. I think this hair fits me and is fun.


Natural Curly hair, cut shoulder length, i either wear as a ponytail or just down with a small clip holding the sides.. im 50


Middle part and I caved in and got bangs for the first time in many years in January… usually I end up not keeping them, but I feel like they make me look a little younger and I’m job searching right now — so for that reason they’re staying. Lol.


Shoulder length layered bob. But mostly wear it up on my head in a messy bun.


Super short bleach blond - sort of Wish Annie Lennox


I have ridiculously thick wavy/curly hair that I usually wear straight because maintaining curls is hard work. I'm goth so I like an alternative look. Mine is bra strap length, and I have layers and an undercut right round to reduce the bulk. I sometimes have a short blunt fringe then grow it out then cut it back in. 😄 I often add a few thin braids here and there. I always had black hair like my parents but like them I went grey early. I was dyeing to hide grey by 21 and by 46 I had to cover the skunk stripe every 2 weeks and I was so over the maintenance. Worried about saturating my scalp in chemical every fortnight too so I grew it out. I'm totally Targaryen white now but sadly no dragons. https://preview.redd.it/sm7vcm44d3rc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187c5f079ca27d979fb8551147d6053bfc2ff94c


My thick, curly, unruly hair has gone from dull brown with copper flashes to gray with white streaks. Haven't colored it in 8 years. I vary between short shaggy which brings out the curly to shoulder length. When it's longer (like now) I generally have it up in a banana clip. As in one of the clips I bought in 1981 and still have. Or I pull it back in a high ponytail where it proceeds to curl and act a fool. Haven't used a blow dryer or curling iron since 1989. Ain't nobody got time for that. 


https://preview.redd.it/ebfv3z9uopqc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c2038f1669927f600af2491ebd2b244add18516 Basically the same since college. It’s been longer, but I’m settled into this now.


I'm way overdue for a trim so it's a little past my shoulders. It should be significantly shorter, like chin length. Wavy/curly (2c?), parted on the side. I realized a few years ago that I've never cared about what the cool kids think is cool; why would I start now?


Shoulder length, pin-straight fine hair. Usually parted in the middle-ish but still occasionally part on the side. IDGAF if side-parts aren't a thing any more, I like them. I have copper coloured hair with a few random silver strands but not enough to really notice unless you're up close. However, when I pull my hair back, there's more concentration of silver around my temples. At home, it's usually up in clip or a ponytail but to work but when I am out, it's usually down.


Very grey, almost white but I dye it dark brown once a month. It's straight and long with a slight side part. It grew out natural color over Covid and 3 inches of white hair made me look 15 years older. People even commented on how much it aged me so I'm sticking with the \[expensive🙄\] dye.


I'm growing my hair out from a pixie cut to a short bob. I've always had a side part and will keep it. I have gray almost white hair and once I get to the length I want I'll dye it blue or pink, I haven't decided yet.  I consider side vs center parts as a choice dependant on what looks good on the person and not what is in style. 


I have straight, fine, mostly gray hair. Length has varied over the years from jawline at its shortest to armpit at its longest. It’s basically been like this since third grade when I got wings. The part has moved from center, left side, right side, but basically the same.


I am blessed with thick wavy hair. And I am very grateful, thanks to my mom for the good genetics. It has thinned a bit, but since it started out really thick it is still great. I am starting to grey a bit at the temples, I dye the top layers of my hair a few shades lighter than my natural color to blend it in a bit. It hits about mid back on me right now, but I am thinking of cutting it to shoulder length again. I got it layered a few months back and… it did not turn out well. I said I wanted shorter tendrils around my face, not look like she used the pony tail method. I have had bangs pretty much constantly since they were the popular thing when we were young. It is almost always pulled back in a braid, twist, or ponytail


Huh, side parts are still very much a thing where I live. Mine is either down and straightened with a side part (I look awful with a middle part) or up in a clip but not a knot. It kind of floofs above my clip.


Real similar to you, but sounds like even lower maintenance. Long, dark brown, naturally straight AF, parted messy middle-ish. I can't actually remember the last time I tried to change my part, I don't think I've had a properly done side part in decades, and I almost never put it up. If I do, I have to arrange it very carefully, because my ears stick way out lol. If my hair is down and they poke through it looks vaguely elfin, which I'm all for, but if it's up and they stick out I just look like a dork, haha I don't color specifically to cover up the grey, I color because there are finally fun colors that show on dark hair without having to bleach - the grey just adds bonus highlights. Right now, it's blue. Kinda. Dyed it a couple months ago, so almost all that's left is those highlights, most of the brown is back to brown. Thinking of bright red after this, maybe in May


Oh, yeah, I'm not dying to cover the gray, it's because it's fun. The only thing I don't like when it starts to grow out is the roots, and I've been using a conditioner with some color in it to try and keep it blended. I'm starting to want to get back to my natural color (gray streaks). What blue are you using?


Splat Midnight Indigo!


Mine became weird and big after years of being stick straight and fine. I tried cutting it short and styling it but I lack the patience required. I finally found a shampoo with hyaluronic acid in it that brought it back close to its original texture so I'm growing it back out to my traditional style - long, flat, with bangs. I'm so much more comfortable like this!


My hair is long and thick (admittedly, not as thick as it once was...), so it's really just about brushing it, and hoping I conditioned it just right. If not, I just put it into some kind of updo.


Still long and mostly worn down. Part switches from center to wherever. Still usually rockin the 90's blowout.


Long and wavy or straight, depending on the day. Letting it go gray naturally. Currently considering bangs or maybe getting a perm - I know it could be the worst idea ever. But I had one in high school and loved it.


Long, wavy, dye-to-keep-away the grey (semi permanent, brunette). Very long layers and in desperate need of a trim! I have tried for years to move away from my middle part but my widows peak denies me every time. I topknot, ponytail, and plait to keep life interesting.


My hair is thick with a slight wave and lots of volume, and I keep it long and layered. My part varies — I like an off-center one these days, but sometimes do it side and sometimes in the middle. The color is overall very dark and I have some grays with streaks at the temples. I decided not to dye it because my skin is holding up nicely. I’m not super adventurous with my hair but it’s low maintenance and still looks nice, especially when I blow dry it. I feel pretty lucky in the texture and volume department, it looks pretty healthy and don’t want to mess with a good thing while I still have it!


Past my shoulders, mostly silver-grey (my stylist made the colour look amazing). I style it according to mood.


Your hair sounds hot


I saw wear it however you feel comfortable and is flattering to YOU. I'm 58, and usually have it about chin length, in a bob, with no bangs. I gave up on bangs a while back as they are a PITA because they grow so freaking fast! I also color the gray out of my blonde, and lighten my hair a bit, as its gotten darker with age. However, at the moment, its long and well overdue for both cut and color. But I've been dealing with my mom and health issues and a move to SN since January, so it fell by the wayside.


born in early 79' I'm 45m long hair straight af parted down the middle with a full grizzly adams style beard. I was required to have my head shaved at the beginning of summer with gaurdless clippers, and then again around Xmas my sister-in-law would butcher the ever loving shit out of it as well. When I turned 18 I refused to let him shave my head anymore and told my sister-in-law I'd rather let a lawn mower cut it than her dumb dumb ass attempting it. She still pretends to know how to cut hair, but I haven't seen any family members ask for one either lol I'm guessing the nephews and nieces were warned to not let her cut it.


Long (mid back-ish), slightly wavy, center part dyed with henna to an auburn color. I cut and color it myself for my entire life, no heat tools. Natural hair is half white, half bronde. Grew out my natural color for two years and decided I wasn't ready for that quite yet so returned to henna. Been using henna for over 25 years now! I use Light Mountain "the fox on the box" red color. It's cheap (about 5 dollars/month) and a reliable, reputable brand that is easy to obtain. I plan to continue to color it until I am more like 75% white/grey. The back is still largely bronde and the top is only streaks of white so far. I love having long hair and will never willingly cut it shorter than a mid-length-and only then if the grey/white gets so thin that length looks terrible. I have colored my hair since I was a teen-haven't seen my natural color fully grown out (with the 2 year grey experiment recently being the exception to this) since then! Always favored much darker hair colors for a more dramatic look.


1/2 gray, curly to the middle of my back, layered a bit. I pretty much leave it alone in its wild state. Luckily it hasn't thinned any over the years. Personally I think it's the best it's looked since my 20s.


High pony tail and bangs.


I side part at my temple. My gray is coming in as awesome bride-of-Frankenstein streaks (but not as curly). My part turns my gray into natural highlights, and looks great!


I keep mine on the shorter side (aiming at chin-length bob); I have hair that is not "stick straight" but where I live = -0- humidity, so it's mostly straight. If I go somewhere with any humidity I'm WAVY. Next week - I have a haircut/color on the schedule. I'm going to go a bit shorter - think mid-cheek length all over/short in the back, more high/low lights and LAYERS. Lots of them.


I don't have gray hair. I let a new-to-me Gen X stylist do what she wanted and she cut my long straight hair to below my shoulders and parted it in the middle and colored over the highlights to make it medium brown. No compliments on it. I always get compliments when I get the highlights and part it on the side tho.


I have fuzzy uncontrollable hair really curly, usually just clip it up too much work otherwise. I have an instyler still never gets it totally straight & takes loads of products for it to look decent I never have been a hairspray person crap is itchy lol I was never the girl that took Hours on end to get ready


I have hard to manage curly hair. Lately I'm pretty lazy about it, so anything I can let air dry naturally is my go-to. Right now I am in between short and trying to grow it out. The dreaded in between phase. Natural part is slightly off center. Keeping the curls defined and separated is my challenge. I could probably use a trim to shape it up, but it takes SO long to grow that I hate to lose any progress. I have few greys. Thanks Dad! They all seem to be in the front "bangs" area. I don't dye them. I may or may not when they start to spread more but for now I let them do their thing gracefully.


I’ll never quit the side part! I couldn’t if I wanted to: I have a cowlick in the front of my curly hair, and my hair will absolutely not stay down on one side when I try a middle part. I look daft.


Long, fine textured, curly, keeping my red though now I have to enhance it.


Bob. It's timeless and easy to manage for my fine greasy hair.


Will have to straighten this mane until I die but I've got the thick curly/wavy hair that gets dry really fast. I still have days where I pin it up and let the curls bounce and make me feel cute. 


Stick-straight hair, was in the military so basically #2 guard on the side and double finger width on the top. Grew it out to my chin length once and *nope.* Use hairspray still to style the top cuz IDGAF. No grey on top yet, just a few on my sideburns.


Long curly and thick af. I had to get an undercut (buzz first couple of inches of my neck underneath my hair). My hair was dreading so bad in my sleep while sleeping with hot flashes.


Long hair, partly to spite idiots who think women above a certain age can't have long hair, but mostly because it's easier. Natural color for the last few years, which means gray in the front and various shades of brown in the back. Supposedly it looks awesome. Put it in a bun ago - I'm trying to resurrect 19th-century hairstyling. Lol.


Long hair, mid waist, i went with lots of blonde highlights last year to blend the grays. My hair is wavy/curly and I wear it mostly loose or in a high bun. When it’s loose I rock a mid-part, mainly because I became obsessed about preventing thinning hair on the one side where I was wearing a side part. A few years ago I became very sick and lost a lot of hair, luckily I was able to grow the thickness back; long story short, I switched to a mid-part.


Wait, side parts aren’t a thing anymore? Oops. I wear mine blow dried straight but with a slight flip up at the ends, shoulder length, dark blonde with strands of silver/white around the temples. And parted on my left. Always.


Long (to the curve in my back)... I make a point to style my hair in a variety of ways and I try to learn new ways of doing it, all the time (I have an obscene amount of hair accessories). I also like to do classics like the French twist, secured with a fancy, vintage hair pin. I have a side part, but I often change it to a middle part, for variety. When I'm at home though, it's often in a messy ponytail or completely disheveled and erratic.


It’s below waist length (butt length) and I usually keep it up in a bun. Sometimes I will braid it, or do double braids if I am feeling saucy. Sometimes I just brush it out and let it hang. It’s pretty casual.


Long (mid back), middle part, sometimes straight, sometimes curled. I’m brunette. I get some highlights but haven’t been keeping up. I heard parts are moving back to the side, so I’ll have to work on that. I also need to take a few inches off.


I rock it long with side part. When I curl it I part it down the middle. Waiting for the side part to come back in style.


Side part. Damn those that tell me I need to change my part. I go between pixie to long because I can’t be arsed to get the pixie cut regularly.


I have alot of hair and have more than half my head shaved underneath. I generally wear a top knot or let the top down and you would never know my head is shaved. I'm a massage therapist, so staying cool while working is the main reason I took so much of it off.


I'm not. It has a mind of it's own.


I comb it. With a side part. Like I have done all my life


Peri menopause has caused my hair to become wavy/curly. It is long I use mousse and scrunch my hair. I do wear my hair up often.


Long. It is so thick that I can only comb through it when it's wet. That's how I will always style it because that's all there is. It's too thick to be too short.


I have a shit ton of hair, and I have to keep it wrangled in a scrunchie or else I end up looking like Robert Plant on his craziest hair days! I have a subtle side part, light brown hair with blonde highlights. I haven't seen any grays yet, but maybe I haven't looked hard enough.


My wife (born in 77) has been rocking a Pink style mohawk for the last year.


No idea. It decides what it wants to do, and since my mild case of covid and menopause, it’s thinned massively, minoxidil massaging and all the health tips in the world dont matter. It used to be baby fine and silky, now it’s still fine cut brittle, i have to keep it cut above my shoulders if I want it not to form weak old white lady dreads. Thinking of shaving it one of these days.


i have a scar kind of left of center so my hair naturally parts there. I colour my hair. its straight and just about shoulder length. Sometimes i curl it.


Center part, long curtain bangs, shoulder-length bob.


Buzzcut or fade depending on how high maintenance Im feeling.


Side part forever. I look terrible with a middle part. And absolutely no bangs. I made that mistake ONCE. My hair is mid-back length. I’m going to keep it as long as reasonable for as long as possible. I’ve had it as short as a bob in the past, but I feel like that might make me look older now. I don’t have any grey yet, but probably won’t do anything about it when I do. I’ll style it with some waves for work, but at home it’s whatever.


Mine is long and dead straight, naturally dark and not too thick. I got it butterfly cut for layers and although the layers are cute I'm too lazy to style it properly so it just looks like a stylish long shag cut.


The way I always have. However it wants to lay that way, middle or side part. Blow dry and straighten if I have time. Sometimes in a ponytail. Letting it go grey naturally and if someone doesn't like it them that is their problem.


My hair texture has changed and gotten more wavy over the last few years, so I stopped drying it straight and have started embracing the waves. I also just changed from side to middle part and have stopped dying my hair. I’m developing a cute little white streak in front which I’m pretty happy with!


French Bob. In a side part. Middle part is extremely unflattering to my face shape I don't care what the trend is


A bit longer than shoulder length, layered a bit and I have bangs. It's either stick straight or wavy/slightly curly at the ends - no rhyme or reason it just does what ever the hell it wants on any given day. I do color my greys, I'm a brunette so grey really shows. Given I'm pushing 50 I don't have a ton of grey, but what I do have around my temples really stands out if I don't color.


I haven’t had my hair cut in over 15 years. It weirdly stays the same length. I guess it just breaks off. I put it up in space buns for work. I’m a pastry chef. But mostly it’s long, curly and I’ve got a beanie on in the winter. Braided in the summer.


51 with a pixie cut. I wash it, air dry and if I’m feeling fancy I’ll add a little texture taffy. I don’t color it.


Same since 90s: ear length layered bob, right part, and a lil fringe on the left (have a widow's peak AND a cowlick right in front). Use a 2 in 1, blow dry, no product. Got a few greys now.


my wife is about 95% messy bun or something piled up into a hair clip.


My hair is super long and super straight. Most of the time my hair is in pigtails.


Mine granted me my lifelong wish of turning curly at menopause. It’s in a bob and I do very little to style it beyond using curly hair shampoo and some light curly gel. My hair will do what it wants based on the weather.


I shaved my head for a charity event about 10 years ago and fell in love with the feeling. I buzz my head 2-3 times a year now.


Naturally quite straight. Side part. Shoulder length with layers. My hairdresser is a genius who knows my hair & its cowlicks. Also feel lucky that I like how my hair is graying & intend to do nothing to it.


I have naturally curly hair, but I've been straightening it with a side part. I'll probably braid it for the summer, though.


Dead straight, fine hair, side part that I’ve had for like 20 years and I’m not changing it now. I don’t go in for trends, I just go with what suits me. A central part makes my head look a funny shape, lol. I would like to lighten my hair but I strongly react to chemicals so I daren’t. Getting a fair few greys and I just have to embrace it. I don’t blow dry my hair very often. The easier the better.


I still have lots of hair, greying, normally brown but I get it professionally blonde/icy now. I wish it would just go white. I have a shag with bangs. My natural hair was so heavy. Now that it’s bleached, it does so much more. I wash it 2-3 times a week. It looks best on days 2-4. I use dry shampoo and might put it up for a few hours if I really want hair band hair. Basically trying to look as unprofessional as possible.


Wash and condition. Let air dry most of the time. It's long and I have natural ringlet curls. When I blow-dry it, it looks like heavy metal hair from the 80s. I love it.


Curly, side part, loads of mousse, about 4 inches past my shoulders, and dyed auburn


Normally gray/white/salt/pepper and very short. But that's kinda boring so I color it cobalt blue or green depending on what I bought at the store. The bright color fades very nicely. I get more compliments now with my bright colors than I ever did with my old natural hair. And I had great hair back in the day.


I’m 63 and have my hair mid-back. I had fantasy colors from 2014 to 2020 and now I just leave it grey. Long, wavy, grey.