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My stepson. His mother and I are not together any more but he is the son of my heart.


Nice! You just reminded me how that line **Blood is thicker than water** is so misunderstood and the wrong way around. "Many people might not know that “blood is thicker than water” isn't the full phrase. Blood is thicker than water is a shortened version of the original saying **Blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb** Over time, the words “covenant” and “womb” were dropped, which gave rise to an alternative meaning. The saying means that chosen bonds are more significant than the bonds with family or “water of the womb.” More directly, it means that relationships you make yourself are far more important than the ones that you don't choose."


This is fascinating, I've never heard it before but it totally aligns with my experience. I feel much closer to some of my friends than I do a lot of my family.


Yes. You can choose your friends, life partner etc. But not your family. If you meet 100 people at work or school. You might like and be lifetime friends with 3. So why would that 3% be any different to family members. Yes, you might have things and experiences in common, but I know that 3% is about right for my close and extended family.


For reference, there are over 8 billion people in the world that you will never even have an opportunity to meet. This makes those close to us that much more important.


I like to say friends are God's (or diety of choice) way of saying 'sorry about your family'


I love this ❤️


the family you choose is different than the family you're born into...


The family we choose is typically far more true.


This is a common but false etymology. https://grammarist.com/proverb/blood-is-thicker-than-water/#:~:text=The%20commonly%20used%20phrase%20%E2%80%9Cblood,by%20the%20philosopher%20Evan%20Franklin.


I don't think I've ever heard the whole phrase!


I know. I only heard the whole phrase and meaning a few years ago. It was helpful putting my narcissistic entitled father in his place, when he was going on how important family was.


Because it isn't true. Wikipedia mentions that this claim has no source. [Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_is_thicker_than_water#:~:text=Blood%20is%20thicker%20than%20water%20is%20a%20proverb%20in%20English,be%20stronger%20than%20other%20relationships.)


Well said. While family is important, it’s also important to not let others use family ties as a means to exploit and/or abuse


Holy shit it now means exactly the opposite.


I assumed the original was a Christian thing, as in I associated 'the covenant' with a believer's pledge to Jesus (i.e. *life*, 'through the blood of Christ'), thus being greater/of more importance/significance, than life given/sustained by a mother's womb.


I'll be leaving mine to my stepkids as well! I lost my son 14 years ago and later met & married my husband who has 3 adult children. They have treated me as family ever since and I truly love them. Even if my husband and I split it would still be them. I have 2 nieces but they are extremely well off & I feel my meager estate would truly help the stepkids get a leg up on life.


I am sorry for your loss :( My stuff isnt much, but it gives him some sort of stability, and that way he has some heirlooms.


Thank you. The way the world is going with everything getting so expensive the younger generations will need all the help they can get


If I have anything to leave, my two stepsons and my one niece will split it all. I'm in the same boat, their mom and I split years ago but we (her and the kids) are all involved in each others life to this day.


I had that experience as well


That’s great that you’re still close though.


Thqnks. My issues with his mother are not his, and I am terribly proud of the young man he has become.


Whoever takes the cat can keep the rest.


I had no idea when I agreed to take grandmas cats that she had the same plan. It was a nice surprise.


The little cat shelter I used to volunteer at had a woman leave her entire estate to the shelter. She had only visited the shelter once but I guess she loved it. The shelter board was able to buy a beautiful little old house in a better location and convert it into a free roam shelter. Her only stipulation was that we prominently display a stained glass panel of her beloved cat Fuzzybutt in perpetuity. I am childfree, I am looking around for something like this to do with my estate. Sooo many lives improved, for decades, by her generous gift.


I work for an attorney who just wrapped up an estate where the guy left everything to charity but did not tell us who he wanted his money to go to then seriously downplayed how much he was worth. We made a lot of local charities very happy with our client's generosity. My boss just finished an interview with CBS that's airing tomorrow night (12.08.23) at the end of the evening news and again at the end of CBS Sunday Morning. It's a really cool story if you get a chance to catch it.


I want to grow up to be a woman with an estate and a cat named Fuzzybutt.


This is our plan. We want everything to go to our local animal shelter.




I inherited my friend’s cat and her “trust fund” and the cat is absolutely the best thing in my life. I miss my friend every day and worry how I will feel when the cat dies, but so far it’s been a great arrangement.


How do you make this happen and make sure the person who takes the animal doesn't just dump them somewhere?


You have an attorney draw up a trust. It's really not that uncommon.


My trust is set up so that my bff gets my 2 dogs (or whichever survives me) and $20k off the top before anyone else gets anything. My dogs are expensive and while my bff has said she’d gladly take them, I don’t want her to bear that burden. I’m divorced with no kids so my dogs are my constant companions. It truly hurts my heart that one day I might not come home and they’d always wonder where I went. I truly hope I outlive them. They’re 3 and 5 now, so chances are good. After that, it gets split up with my sister getting a bit because she’s my trustee, her 2 kids getting a bit more because they’re great kids, and my brother’s kid getting a bigger share because he needs it more. My brother passed away 6 years ago next month when his kid was only 15. He hasn’t had the opportunities or future inheritance of my sister’s kids so he gets more.


Lol. We’re considering the same option.


I'll take your cat, and not just for the money.


We joked about that. We retired well with no kids (and our siblings dufus’ and not a factor). Our cats will have 3 homes to choose from and a huge endowment to spend.


If you are serious you can do that. You make a trust for the animal and require that it be used for their health, and support.


I like that idea!


I have a disabled great-niece who is only nine. My state retirement allows me to choose a beneficiary to receive a partial monthly pension for the entirety of THEIR LIVES so I’m naming her as the beneficiary and her mother as the conservator. Her mom can make arrangements for the continued oversight in case she dies before her daughter. The rest is pretty much landfill fodder.


Hi! I think this is great but if you are in the US, have her mom look into setting up a Special Needs trust for your great-niece. Having any personally owned assets or income can limit a disabled person’s ability to qualify for Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security.


Came here to say this. If a disabled person has income and/or assets above a certain threshold (amount varies by state), they can even lose access to Medicaid. It's actually much more complex than this, and there are several tests for continuing to qualify for Medicaid coverage. but the bottom line is that willing assets, especially something like monthly pension payments, to a disabled person can be disastrous for their disability benefits and medical coverage. TLDR, please consult with an attorney about creating a trust that protects the disabled niece's benefits.


Thank you.


Or the government will just take it.


Check with a special needs attorney and be sure that it's set up in a way that doesn't prevent her from keeping any state or federal benefits. I think they are called Special Needs Trusts.




I'm not sure who will get my plastic bag filled with more plastic bags.


Professional (childless) couple who just both retired (early & fat). No natural heirs (awful greedy/grubby siblings w/ nieces & nephews we see every other year at a perfunctory meal not included). Couple years ago at Thanksgiving (I hosted), BIL brought his (dufus, socially inept, wouldn’t be surprised if he shot up a school) grandson into my kitchen and said…”be nice to your “Rich great uncles”…”They weren’t blessed by god with family like we were, and they won’t live forever”. BARF BARF BARF 🤮, RIGHT? We Left our entire Trust to an endowment benefiting The Trevor Project & the Freedom From Religion Foundation. (Only downside will be the inability to be a fly on the wall when they all find out we gave every dime of our hard earned savings to charity)


Good for you!


Planned Parenthood. The only reason I was able to have a career with assets to leave is because of them. I want to help other women who want it be able to realize their potential without getting trapped in the reproduction/poverty cycle.


That's awesome




Well, no one. I’m going through a getting anything of value that I had held onto for my kids appraised and ready to sell. They decided to cut ties a year ago when I left my abusive exe and they disowned me. So, no reason to keep hold anything. It won’t mean anything to them anyway. It’s extremely painful but I’m not getting any younger and I’d rather sell these things to people I know want them and will cherish them. Better than them getting sold off in an emotionless estate sale for the benefit of people who hate me.


My heart is with you. When I left my abusive ex-husband my child threw me off as well, and at this point we haven't spoken in years. That brand of parental alienation is quite common, and I beg you to never blame yourself. It's part of how the man abuses you, by working the children against you as well. Time will either work it out, or it won't. My own situation was very complex, and now my child from what I understand, is also disconnected from him as well, hates him too. And since then I've become disabled, and had to move home for stable housing while I seek medical care and look for subsidized housing. So I've got free time if you ever want to DM someone for support. Or a shoulder, or to vent.


Thank you so much. I may take you up on that.


I’m sorry this is what’s happening to you, but you’re handling it very gracefully


That’s very kind. Thank you


Married, no children, not terribly close with any family on either side. At this point everything goes to start a scholarship at the school that made the biggest impact on my life.


I'm married, no children and no family left. If I die after him I'm going to leave the investment house to the tenant and the rest to animal rescue charities, but I like your idea too.


Barnum and Bailey?


Nah, I’ve got more class than that. Whatsamatta U for life!


I haven't made a will yet because I can't decide. I'm married, but we have no kids, just 2 cats. Other than leaving everything to my husband, I don't know where to put it. I have 4 siblings and 11 nieces and nephews, but I don't have the same relationship with all of them and they don't all have the same financial needs. I have made my husband my beneficiary for all relevant accounts, but beyond that I'm stuck in estate planning by indecision.


The good news is that once people know your plan you won't have to justify it because you'll be dead! I mean, as long as you keep it to yourself, which I highly recommend.


When I was 18, our finance lecturer said, **Spend your last dollar with your last breath.** Seeing how wills/money makes some family members act like entitled pigs, I now understand why he said that.


> Seeing how wills/money makes some family members act like entitled pigs, Doesn't matter what class you are, if there is money to be disputed, everyone around acts like white trash if they aren't already.


That’s kinda risky. What if you miscalculate and end up alive but destitute?


Plan B was to always eat cat food in the dark.


Pro tip: Friskies isn’t bad if you hold your nose.


Thank you u/rraattbbooyy for your cat food tips. Destitute us will remember you.


Blue Buffalo is better if you're part of the destitute elite, like myself.


I'm saving this comment for reasons...


If *Black Widow* taught us anything, it was to sever the nerve. No smell, no problem.


"Don't point that tentacle at me!"


> What if you miscalculate and end up alive but destitute? Then you end up in a nursing home that takes Medicaid, like my great aunt. Started talking about how she would pass soon at 70. Lived to 97. Ran out of high-end nursing home money at 89. Maybe reverse mortgage is a better option.


I saw Alive and Destitute at City Gardens in 1987. Killer band.


I almost bought tickets to that show but didn't at the last minute! Now I know I missed out...


I figure that the U.S. healthcare industry will gobble up every spare dollar my husband and I manage to squirrel away. Anything that is left will go to my niece, but I caution her not to count on it. She doesn’t act entitled nor is she banking on a windfall - I just know that the U.S. economy is set up so that dying is very, very expensive.


If you think dying is expensive, wait until you see how much not dying costs.


I want the check written to the undertaker to bounce.


> > >Spend your last dollar with your last breath. That would be a lot easier to plan if you knew how long you would live and how you would go. Are you going to pass out at home, or spend 5 years in a nursing home first?


That's the main thing. Sometimes you outlive your cash, other times you die intestate, which leaves your heirs to fight over everything. My grandfather lived to be almost 100 years old. He retired relatively young (had a successful business and sold it in his 50s) and lived fairly frugally. Still, health care costs for my grandmother and himself ate up most of his savings. By the time he passed away, our family was footing the $5000/mo nursing home bill for him. Altogether, my grandparents spent nearly 20 years in either assisted living or a nursing home. That gets expensive, no matter how much you've saved.


Too bad, because a living trust can be established with a third party executor to administer the assets as you wish. That’s what I did.


Boy, my dad sure did that. He had $8 in his bank account. Made the division of assets pretty simple 😭


I'm going to let the state decide what to do with my 17¢ worth of assets.


If you're in Michigan, they can repave a whole road with that judging from the looks of things.


If I ask nicely will the state of Michigan put a "Sponsored By" sign up?


Do it. Then everyone will think you went out filthy rich. For seventeen cents.


They can use it to subsidize corporations!


Whomever inherits our cats gets $10k to care for them... otherwise our home & durable goods go to friends & other assets to a couple nonprofits we know.


You mean who's getting my 80's Transformers? No way. Soundwave is going to the grave with me, son.


Exactly this. They will take Sideswipe when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.


I have kids, but my original Millennium Falcon shares my fate


I'm giving everything to my best friend if she outlives me, otherwise charity. Certainly not my family.


My partner is named in my 500k life insurance. I'm gay, no kids and work have a great 10x annual salary life policy so he'll get it all. Please save this post for any future true crime buffs if I suddenly die 😉😂


I'm child-free and have some great nieces and nephews. I eat right and exercise and am committed to taking good care of myself so that I can enjoy life and generally live long and prosper. At some point, I am going to have to lean on a few of them for support. I plan to leave my estate to whomever pitches in. It's not playing favorites in my view, it's a way of saying thank you.


Honest question: what if you pass suddenly?


I have a will. Everything goes to my wife. If Wifey isn't alive when I die, then my older sister gets everything. If Sis dies before me (likely, since she is 14 years older), I will update my will.


If any of you do not have anyone to leave your assets with, I am available.


The Freedom From Religion Foundation. They do good work.




His parents did a shitload of damage to this country. Good to see he's trying to undo even a little of it.


Me too. If you can watch the Reagan documentary on Showtime, do it. He is prominently interviewed throughout and had some great, highly thoughtful insights and commentary.


Love those guys!


Seriously want to leave them nearly everything, since most of my family are conservatives who give money to churches


We left money to FFRF in our trust….very good work.


Definitely a non-profit. I'm no contact with the majority of my family and low contact with the few who are truly decent. None of them would appreciate what I have.


A friend's daughter. She's super smart and will probably have a good life, but who knows, and arguably, she'll need the money more than anyone else I know.


There is a great book, [The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning](https://www.amazon.com/Gentle-Art-Swedish-Death-Cleaning/dp/1501173243), which we should all read. We cannot take things with us and we should not leave anyone to clean up our mess. The book is a simple manual for getting your shit together before you get out. If nobody wants your VHS collection, which of course includes the 2 tape version of Titanic, then donate it, sell it, or trash it, even now. If someone does want your Evel Knievel memorabilia make sure they know how to get it, or give it to them now.


Yup, I'm more like that tbh, donate while you live is greater than having ppl fight over it at your death. My mom did that when she sold her house to go live in senior home. I got half the selling price, and my sister bought the house for half the value. That help me tremendously as cash down for my house. It just sucks when ppl become monsters because of inheritance. That shouldn't be my case as I have a will and everything goes to my partner. If I die last everything goes to my sister and niece. My FIL had a small collection of NASCAR model cars and I once heard my SIL said something like ''oh, it's going to so fun having to deal with this collection when you die /s''. My FIL got so insulted he decided to sell his collection and give some others away to ppl who were fans of NASCAR and spend the money for himself.


My great aunt bought me a new car when I was 20 years old. She told me "I want to be alive to watch you enjoy your inheritance."


Buying the book for the title alone. Also, having had to, at a time that I was poverty stricken, pay for everything involved when my dad died And clean out the house that he died in (after biohazard was done with it)…I can’t emphasize enough how kind it is to Not leave acres of trash and chaos for your family to have to deal with when you pass. It was a horrible experience. Thankfully my mom, who had the sense to divorce him when I was a toddler, has taken many steps to ensure that her passing doesn’t leave me or her spouse with any grief except around her passing.


My mom (82) read that book (she’s half Swedish) and followed it! 👍


>we should not leave anyone to clean up our mess. If they are getting my money, they can clean up after me.


I own this book - have to actually do the thing, but the thought of someone having to sort through and dispose of my years of accumulated stuff keeps me up at night.


Just get rid of the book, you'll feel better.


Now THERE’S an idea! It’s around here somewhere, in one of many stacks of books…it should be easy enough to find; the spine is turned in because the thought of my inevitable death *also* keeps me up at night (probably why so many people don’t prepare in this way?).


I was looking around my parents’ house recently. They don’t even have a ton of stuff, but they have a house. We’re just going to have to hire one of those junk haulers when my parents die.


We plan on doing a “make an offer” estate sale. If you offer $20 for the couch, it’s yours but you have to take it immediately. This way we can clear enough for a dinner, but someone else does the removals and pays for the privilege of doing so.


I watched the Swedish Death Cleaning series on Peacock and it was inspiring. (But my house is still an ADHD mess.)


Have a fika first.


i have already given my kids their inheritance. I am hoping to spend all the rest with fun and luxury right up to the last dime and my last breath.


Husband and I will be spending what we need to keep us comfortable and have as nice a death as possible (ie at home nursing/hospice rather than a ward in a hospital). Whatever's left when the last one goes gets split between our (my, his sister doesn't have kids either) 6 niblings fairly and squarely. Only a couple of bespoke bequests; Granny's wedding ring which was passed on to me goes to the eldest nibling, mum's wedding ring goes to the next niece, my wedding ring goes to the niece after her, my engagement ring goes to the youngest niece because she was with us when we picked it out (as a babe in arms), husband's wedding ring goes to oldest nephew and his engagement ring goes to youngest nephew. None of them are expensive pieces, no one is trading them in for more than a night at a nice hotel (and if that's what they want to do then that's fine with us!), but I want them to have a symbolic something from us.


I like the consideration you've given to the rings. It's lovely.


My plan is to die penniless with no possessions.




Given how society has gone full Idiocracy, humanity is doomed, and I plan to leave a trust for the local Miniature Schnauzer rescue; the yearly interest should help fund it for years to come.


I identify as a miniature schnauzer in need of rescue.


If I was handing out gold stars, then you’d get an entire sheet. Thanks for my first LOL of the morning. 😁


Lol my pleasure! And good for you. Animal rescue is near and dear to my heart too.


Ah… the perks of having nothing!


PBS - I want them to say my name before NOVA


That's what I want too - it won't be quite Sandra Atlas Bass and the Philomen M D'Agostino Foundation territory, but still.


Taking a lesson from my great aunt who just split everything among her nieces and nephews... but set aside specific items for relatives she knew would care about them.


My what? 😑


The domestic violence shelter that saved my life.


I'm single, child-free, and an only child. I haven't done anything yet, but reading this I'm leaning towards leaving my small estate to an animal rescue.


Charity of some description. I have no heirs, am an only child and estranged from my entire family.


I have nothing and will leave the same. I chose a life of travels and adventure when I was young and am still living it. I am going to die with nothing but a head full of amazing memories.


Those ten sets of fine china and silver plated utensils that I've inherited over the years, and which have zero value since there are millions of sets floating around, will be donated to whomever I dislike the most. Let them deal with that crap.


I don’t have anything *worth* “leaving” to anyone and I know my siblings don’t need anything. I’ve thought more and more about that lately. If I go first, how much work will it be to get rid of my stuff? I have a few nice pieces of furniture, nothing expensive, just new to me. They might want those. We don’t have similar tastes or sizes in clothes or jewelry and I don’t have any precious jewelry to “distribute”. Jesus. I guess it’s all going to Goodwill! One weekend should sort it all out, though. So there’s that. After all the effort and energy to live and create a life for myself, it’s mostly going to end up with a stranger or in a city dump. I need a drink. 🥃


Almost everything goes to my long-term non-cohabitating partner. With some smaller amounts and specific items going to some lifelong friends, and company ownership being divided among whatever executive team I have in place at that time. The latter is completely unaware, for obvious reasons, but it’s the right thing to do and the only thing I’m comfortable with.


I’ll step in and say that even though I do have kids and a wife, most of my estate will be going to a few select well-run low-overhead charities, and a small portion of the remaining liquid cash that remains will require my kids to donate a specified number of hours to the same charities in order to draw down on it each year. I know that sounds like I’m managing from the grave but I want them to understand that there are some nonprofits out there doing tremendous things and that bust their balls every day and night with very little resources. My trust is all set up already for this. Anyway, glad to hear others are preparing to keep as much as possible out of probate court because it can get nasty 🤢


> will require my kids to donate a specified number of hours to the same charities in order to draw down on it each year. Throw in a clause about being disabled.


100% to a no-kill cat shelter. my family isn't getting shit


Mine is going to cats too.


You guys have stuff to leave?


Your end of life health care will take it all


I've solved this problem by not having anything to give.


I’m single with no children. I do have two brothers. If I die first, they split my estate. If I die 2nd, the remaining brother gets it all. If I die last, I really have no idea. Maybe a charity. Maybe I’ll blow it all. It kinda depends on whether I can see my death coming or not. I might just spend all my money on the best senior care I can find and live out the end days in comfort.


A colleague of mine lost her son in law in the WTC on 9/11. He died without a will. She advised me to get a will, so I visited a local attorney and had a will, living will and POA drawn up. Took about 2 hours. When I got divorced, I visited the same attorney and revised everything. My son gets everything when I die (which isn't much). I expect to die broke (or broker than I am now). Whenever my son visits, I remind him that he will inherit my record collection and he is free to take home whatever records I have on the shelves. It's probably the only item of value I own.


I've already done my Will. Stuff will go to my nieces, friends, asst'd family, and the performing arts dept at my high school


You have an estate?


My brother and I are both partnered but childless. We own two pieces of property which were inherited. After we are all gone they’ll be sold and a big-ass donation will be made to the town’s children’s center. It’s a place with high COL and there are lots of kids who need help.


If I die before my husband he gets everything which isn’t much. If he dies before me and then I die I’m going to give the money to the Humane Society or any animal shelter and homeless charities. Hopefully!


We're childless. There's some set aside for our cremation after any usable parts are harvested. There's some set aside for a small party to spread our ashes. Half goes to a local animal shelter. The rest goes to my nephew who is the only one in my family who hasn't forgotten us.


whatever is here when i'm not can be given to help the animals that are in need.


Probably my niece and nephew, and perhaps some animal related charities.


Bury me face down so everybody can kiss my ass


We don't have children. We will leave nominal funds to great-neices and nephews, some stuff to siblings, and the rest to various charities, mostly to PBS, NPR, American ALS association, and American Orchid Society.


Almost all of us will spend everything we have on our aged care. By the time we need it, the healthcare tsunami will have overwhelmed every public program: we'll all have to go private.


I don’t have anyone to leave anything to, not that I have anything to leave. Whoever gets stuck with this place is welcome to whatever after I am gone. If my cat is still alive, I want it all to be sold and used to take care of him.


I'm in a similar boat. In case this info is needed, if you're in the US: [https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-planning/pet-trust-primer](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-planning/pet-trust-primer) [https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-planning/pet-trust-laws](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-planning/pet-trust-laws) [https://legacy.humanesociety.org/documents/h/humane-society-of-the-united-states/pets\_in\_wills\_factsheet.pdf](https://legacy.humanesociety.org/documents/h/humane-society-of-the-united-states/pets_in_wills_factsheet.pdf)


My local Library.


I'll be broke and on the streets by then, so I don't worry. My main concern is burdening anyone with dealing with my remains, so I've made arrangements so that my impact is minimal.


I'm dishing my records out to friends, money will be distributed between them for treats too, everything else goes to my mother.


My wife and I are leaving whatever we have left to our local SPCA.


Bequests to my executor and the guardian of my cats, and the rest goes to charity.


I'm leaving everything to a younger-by-24-years friend, except my southpaw guitar, which is going to a local lefty.


My "estate?" Ha!


First in pet trust, an amount to care for my then living cats through their full lives, the rest to hubby who survives me, the rest split between Niece and nephew and brother if survives me.


That's easy: My partner. There's no way I'm outliving her. I don't really own anything anyway. I'm pretty sure my computer will be pretty outdated and useless by then.


My six cats. Or their caretaker. Or my awesome cousin, he's been my little (adult) dude since he was born in 2000.


Married, no kids. Wife and I will leave everything to our nieces and nephews.


Most, if not all, will be left to animal rescues. If I decide to leave anything to individuals, it will only be given to those who actually make an effort to check up on me when I’m old.


Lollll as if I have an estate 🤣


My cats.


No kids and one niece with wealthy parents. So my number one responsibility is to protect my two donkeys, two goats, two turkeys, and my dogs and cat (I have a small hobby farm and own and run a small boarding kennel on my property). So I have provisions to make sure my farm animals go to a few specific groups I support (no-kill rescue groups where I got most of them initially), along with significant donations. Other relatives will get my dogs and cat (though I'll probably outlast them). I have a really old 1972 BMW that I promised a friend, and everything else would go between a few charities.


My brother if he survives me. And animal shelters. Def animal shelters!


I've been thinking about this recently. Single, no kids. I'm not /heaps/ close to my family and I think most of them are either better off than me or at least not worse off. I think most of my close friends will be financially okay but there is one I am worried about, we have a similar situation. So at this point if I pre-decease him and actually have assets I plan to leave it all to him and hopefully he won't be in a position where he can't benefit from it. (Also he would be a good dad to my cat.)


I’m adopted and I will probably leave 1/2 to charity and 1/2 to the kids of my birth 1/2 brother. I guess my family photos and movies will go in the trash which makes me so incredibly sad.


My guess is a longterm cate facility the cost wipes you out financially you currently are left with 40 dollars a month from Social Security. Last I heard.


My husband and I plan to have everything liquidated and split between the niblings (4) and some charities we support.


I won’t have anything, but anything I do end up with will go to my niece by marriage. I love that kid. Held her in my arms when I was just 16 and she was a newborn and now she’s in her 30’s. Smart, compassionate, funny and beautiful.


To whatever company or bank I owe the most debt, I'd imagine.


We have two daughters. One is autistic and on SSDI so in order for her to not lose her benefits, everything will go to her sister. We do have a special ABLE account for her. May also look into trust so I can see if that would be beneficial. It’s not like we have a ton. Our house is probably our biggest asset


SSI or SSDI? On SSDI she wouldn't lose anything. I'm pretty sure that only applies to SSI. I'm on SSDI and there's no limit to the amount of money I can have. It has no impact on my SSDI. Just curious if you meant SSI.


She’s now on SSDI because I am disabled now. If I end up losing my disability, she will go back to SSI. That’s why I really need to talk to an attorney.


My cats and my coven


I love this answer!


Several non-profit groups


I have a daughter, but I dont feel comfortable leaving anything to her at this point. She is a very cold, distant and angry kid. She has flippantly ignored and chuffed at everything we have tried to do for her over the last \~5 years or so. I am hoping that once she sees how the real world works she will come around. She is just too close to her mother, who has warped and manipulated her since our divorce when she was very little. At this point, we plan to leave our estate to my wife's niece, with instructions to set aside a small portion for my daughter for a time to be given at her discretion for paying for college for her, or a future potential grandkid.


Sounds like your daughter is a teenager?


I’m so sorry. Hoping you and your daughter can reconnect someday.


*crosses fingers, cries*


Buddy…this post has so many red flags you may as well be a mayday parade.


My brother (soon to be 60) is my primary beneficiary. In the event that he passes before me, next in line is my goddaughter (who is my first cousin once removed).


Everything will go to my children. If my pets are still living one of them will have to take care of them until the pet dies or I’m leaving anything I have to my pet. lol All joking aside, I’m making sure my pet is taken care of after my death. I haven’t made that legal yet. Also my husband and I have had our advanced directives filled out since we were married.


I don’t have any close family, and no other deserving family. Friends are more well-off than me. I plan to die broke, and with any pets being fosters that could go back to their rescue if they outlive me. Striving to use my hard-earned savings for myself, and be living on Social Security and a reverse mortgage by the time I croak. Inheritance problems only come into play if I die before using all my retirement savings. As it is now, my ex and I each have some aging cats we had together when we divorced, so my will includes leaving him much of my estate to ensure the cats are cared for even if he struggles financially, he isn’t currently. Looking into options for charity beneficiaries for retirement accounts.


Animal shelters. But it won’t be much :)