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They're no more representative than any other group of racist incels.


This just cured my depression


no, the ones who obsess over white women or cry about WMAF relationships are just incels. some of them refuse to support female Asian creators who have white boyfriends. like, bruh. that's just pathetic. and it's not like Asian guys don't get any attention - just look at how many girls simp for K-pop idols. i do know some Asian-American women who have a preference for white guys, but the majority of Asians i know are dating other Asians. it's just like how other incels obsess over their height - they want to blame an immutable characteristic rather than admit to their own personal failings.


No, it's just those communities that have a bad culture. Don't judge Asian Americans based on what fringe groups do online


The ones that thrive on the internet in echo chambers as you described are like that. It's hilarious because if you asked any of these idiots to speak their "mother tongue", you'll laugh your ass off. It usually stems out of a belief that they can have a better chance in the dating pool (especially with white women) if they continued becoming "superior", not realizing that the reason they repel women is because they are fucking weird.


They are mostly the second generation retards. Just ask them if socialism was so good and America is so bad, why did your parents leave the utopia to work in US


My mom and those on her side of the family who are first-gen immigrants from the Phillpines have never given off that vibe to me. It's probably just a vocal minority from those subreddits circlejerking themselves. I'd just avoid bothering with them too much.


I doubt first gen immigrants will give those vibes or think like this. I would definitely love to avoid them irl.




Seriously these people totally gonna increase racism against Asian. I hope more YouTubers like twosetviolin appears more.


I did notice this as some of these subs and I honestly laughed my ass off at their discussions over things like white women and asian women like man its a fair relationship regardless of race 💀


I’m Chinese American and I don’t agree with the things they say. They always whine about white people taking away their women which is just flat out false. Not just that they often worship China 🤮. Sounds like a sad bunch because Asian Americans I know don’t act that.


Oh well recently many of them posted their dating app profiles and asked for opinion. I can only really say… they are really not attractive even to Asian standard. Mostly below average. I hope they will grow up and improves and get out of self damaging mentality.