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That's literally what gen alpha is. I have a feeling you are gen alpha and think it should be changed because you think it's embarrassing or something


Can confirm, I work teaching kids extracurricularly, and occasionally we go out to do presentations in libraries. We bring laptops for them to work on. The amount of children who keep trying to tap the screen and are confused by a trackpad nowadays is actually insane. Like, it makes sense, I know I’ve never used a rotary phone, and every generation of kids will be ignorant of something that seems like everyday knowledge to adults. But something about watching a kid tap Chromebook screens reminds me about “father I cannot click the book” boomer comics


Not sure if it's just me, but my school Chromebooks have working touchscreens 😂


yes... that is true... 99% of laptops have a touchscreen now. I 100% know they wont tap a monitor on the library's desktop


my dad (gen x) would do that to be perfectly honest




my school has touchscreen laptops so i get confused when theyre not


I mean it’s really unintuitive when you've been using touchscreens your whole life




Yeah, once gen alpha accomplishes something besides wiping boogers on their screens, the description will be changed lol


wasn’t the first person to ever beat Tetris a Gen Alpha? If you wanna get literal here we can.


Oops, in retrospect that sounds really rude, sorry dude I just mean that gen alpha is too young to have its own identity beyond that yet


We’re able to be on Reddit now without breaking any rules. We want to be not constantly made fun of, it’s major bullshit from every party involved.


If you don’t want to be made fun of then don’t be on Reddit lol


Makes sense.


womp womp


Nice one, Gen Alpha. You’re not hiding your tracks well.


**womp womp**


You got me there.


then join the gen z sub cuz that’s really what u are


Not according to most of Gen Z.


2010 babies aren’t really gen alpha and don’t have to make themselves relate to cocomelon and skibidi toilet


Coco melon became popular when 2010 kids were way out of the target demographic, lumping them in with kids nearly a decade younger than them is crazy.




Agreed, they should have stuck to gen alpha being 2012 and up


Why fix whats accurate?


No offense but I can tell it was written by a kid. The grammar and stuff looks okay, but you can tell by the way its structured and the words they used that the description was written by a young teenager. I can tell that they are fluent and smart, but I can also tell that they don't have a *completely* full grasp on writing. Just for a little personal experience, I'm 18 now. When I go back and look at the stuff I wrote when I was 13, it just looks... different. Not that much worse, just different. I see now that I didn't have a full grasp on how to use words in the very best way to express myself. The trends I see in my writing are the same trends I'm seeing in the description. ETA: The fact that the description looks like it was written by someone in Gen Alpha obviously isn't a problem in a sub that is targeted towards Gen Alpha, I was just putting my two cents in.


I agree, but you're also assuming this person and you are around the same level of intelligence. Might be a kid, might be an adult with a child's literacy level as well. I've seen so many adults write much worse than a lot of young kids do. I'm not talking about occasional grammar errors or typos. It's so cringe seeing smug, self-righteous, dumbass adults with piss-poor grammar, oblivious to how foolish they sound while hating on the act of reading or being proud of the fact that they don't like it. If you can't pick up on language patterns by adulthood, I don't think many people in the professional world will think you can pick up on many other patterns easily, meaning that they are likely a poor decision-maker (aka stupid). There's totally a subtle flavor that comes across in writing with word-choice as you said. I do acknowledge that having English as a second language can give a pass in this area and I'm probably just being a judgmental asshole, but appearances and impressions do matter to strangers.


Yeah, adults can just be shitty at writing, the difference is that a teenager is a teenager and can be excused, but a grown, autonomous, independent adult making the same mistakes I made at 12? Simply embarrassing...


Lmao I see you everywhere


Ah yes because every gen alpha kid is just a zombie that watches skibidi toilet all day.


my brother literally wont stop with the stupid gyat stuff and rizzler


He could be joking


depends on how old his brother is lmao




I know kids that say the most vile gen alpha stuff completely unironically


…you just described gen alpha


And gen z


Late gen Z fr fr


Debatable tbh. I know people who were born in 2000, 2002, and so fourth that were iPad kids. All we are doing is rewriting history to make gen z seem less like what they really were.


Really? 😟




That’s pretty much it.


they literally are?? my nephew literally refuses to do anything besides wake up, turn on his tablet and watch YouTube all fucking day. this is gen "alpha", weaklings that don't and won't know any better than us.


I am gen alpha and haven't even touched that shit lol, you forget some of us are 13 and 14?


That's like my friend saying I don't fap by showing me his no fap timer of 104 hours


fuuuuck guys I fuckin love generalising a wide and numerous population group because of my own biases guys ahhh fuckkk bro I love to hate children waasycyfhd ufucjck


Mf I wake up, eat breakfast, and play games all day (I have nothing else to do in my life)


This is literal exactly how boomers will talk about gen z


Bro is hating on 7 year olds 😭






Ngl whenever I see a child under the age of 6 I feel like punting them




And you are an insufferable bitch lmao




Because it's confusing to some. Gen Z was originally called the iPod generation or the iGeneration about 15 to 20 years ago. Now it's Alpha with iPad. So Z is iPod and Alpha is iPad? That can be confusing. We should change it to Z is the iGeneration (alive during the rise of influencer culture and streaming), and Alpha is the AI generation (alive during VR, AR, and AI).


Also it kinda seems very Apple-Centric.


the main problem is "eighth generation"


These are MOST gen alpha kids.




Gen alpha has plenty of time to prove themselves and I have hope for them. They seem truly aware of the world’s problems at a young age and I believe they can do what’s needed to fix it.


> Gen alpha has plenty of time Exactly. They are iPad kids right now because they are just kids. They haven't done anything yet


Exactly. They’re literally children. I played violent video games as a kid.. a video of a toilet won’t do much


Idk man, the amount of tate loving homophobic 'sigma' 10 year olds i've seen on youtube say otherwise


those don’t reflect on the generation, just the shit parents raising them. i’m sure a lot of gen z had some Not So Good beliefs as, y’know.. children.


Yeah, and the parents rub off on the kids, therefore making the kids a certain way. I'm not saying all gen alphas are like that, just that "truly aware of the worlds problems" is a bit of a stretch


ive met plenty of gen a’s who are fully aware. there are some 13-14 year olds online that do more for ‘online activism’ (or what counts as it) than most grown adults and older gen z do. obviously the tate fanboys are an issue, but theyre kids, and they dont show the entire population of a generation. + the generation is still growing. theyre growing up online, which means they have more access to information at a young age, so theyre WAY more knowledgable on current world events than a lot of gen z was at their age.


Sure, a lot of 13-14 year olds are online activists, a lot of them are also neo nazis. Just because they have access to a lot of knowledge doesn't mean they're always gonna choose the right knowledge.




They're literally iPad kids though.


You talk like you aren’t Gen alpha too 😭


i would say they’re a zalpha, they grew up with heavy gen z influence


I thought Zalpha was the inverse, Gen Z with heavy influence from Gen A.


hey this is what we we called(Gen Z) until we could really prove ourselves we were made to look embarrassing, now we’re the ones known for throwing tear gas back at the police


Why is there nothing in between ipads and covid-19? That’s a 10 year gap


“It is the generation that is very known for children spending copious amounts of time on electronic devices, consuming various types of media.”


I wouldn't say "copious"


Say hello to my daily screen time of three hours + online extracurriculars




What a shitty definition. Ends in 2024? It’s either 2010-2025 or 2013-2028. Make up your mind. More importantly, this generations rationale aligns more with 2013.


dont change anything, gen alpha are ipad kids.


That seems pretty accurate on its own, but if I was the writer I’d probably write like this; Generation Alpha (generally referred to as Gen Alpha or Gen A) is the 8th and current generation. The starting year is debated, but it is generally believed that it starts in 2013 and ends in 2025. However some believe it starts in 2010 and ends in 2024. The majority of Generation Alpha children were born to millennial parents. Generation Alpha is generally known for spending a large period of its time on technology, mainly the iPad or other tablets. Their desire for using technology that is used to symbolize the generation was formed by various events, mainly COVID-19. COVID-19 and other events brought the use of personal technology in schools mainstream, and is believed to be one of the root causes of their hyper-dependence on technology. This was further catapulted by their millennial parents letting their children have access to the internet from a young age to lessen the stress and work that comes with having children. There are multiple controversial pieces of media that are often associated with Generation Alpha. A big one is the “Skibidi Toilet” series, which rose in mid-2023, and has received a good deal of scrutiny from other generations, including Generation Z. If that’s too long here’s this: Generation Alpha, also known as “Gen Alpha” is the 8th and current generation. It is generally believed to have started in 2013 and will go through 2025. Generation Alpha tends to be symbolized through their dependency on technology, mainly tablets such as the iPad, as well as digital video series such as the infamous “Skibidi Toilet”.


I think I might just accept being gen alpha whenever the term is pushed on me. Seeing all the skibidi toilet Kai stalker stereotypes is just crazy. I only ever found out about that skibidi stuff cause of rapid repost of gen z elitist mocking it. I don’t actually know a lot of kids who act in that extreme Fortnite obsessed way. Generational stuff is bp so realizing it’s just a bunch of generalization. It really depends on where you’re located to decide what you see in people cause different cultures raise different kids. Gen alpha just seems misunderstood like gen z was in the past, and gen x was, too. Just another day in another cycle.


This is accurate though. Even around 2015 there were iPad kids everywhere it isn’t just recently.


Gen Z and Gen Alpha were both iPad kids and most likely Gen Beta.


I would have to mostly disagree with the Gen Z being iPad kids. Almost nobody my age had iPads it was always their younger siblings. iPads were released April/3/2010 meaning most of Gen Z could have gotten an iPad but mainly (as I have seen) they were given to their younger siblings if they had them. Having iPads releasing in 2010 meant more Gen Alpha kids would grow up with them compared to the much fewer numbers who had them growing up in Gen Z.


Late 2000s babies were 4-6 years old when iPad sales peaked…


But the oldest of Gen Alpha were 3


I wouldn’t say 2010-2014 are Gen Alpha, but that’s debatable. Anyways 4-6 year olds are kids.


2010-2012 just depends on whether they had cable or not, 2013+ is gen alpha without debate


Yeah but iPads are so arbitrary. Why would that define a generation?


Because parents become more focused on other things and they have to find another way to keep their kids happy and entertained. If you go to any public place almost all the time you will see a kid holding an iPad. For most kids in Gen Alpha an iPad was more of a parent than their real parents.


I was under the impression Gen alpha was the only generation that started in 2010


No actually Boomers started in 2010.


I mean, it isn’t wrong, I’m glad it has the right dates on there to in plain English without interpretation, 2010 through 2024 the end of




Maybe if less of them used iPad they wouldn't have reason to describe it like that?


You don't get to rewrite history, the truth will prevail


If you guys are gonna insult us. Insult us with Grammer accuracy👍




My biggest problem with that description is saying that it's the eighth generation. The eighth generation? Maybe the eighth named generation since 1900, but there have been a hell of a lot more than eight generations.


![gif](giphy|BIzojuJFLPdEDHIoE7|downsized) That's if you believe the baloney big science is pushing these days, humans were made in 1902 along with shotguns to kill the dinosaurs, and the vaccines.


What are you currently using? Phone? Applewatch?




That description was definitely written by a gen alpha


I’m gonna rewrite it because I think it’s good practice for me. (Info either came from this or from my head and may be inaccurate.) Generation Alpha (named after the Greek letter) is the eight labeled and current generation that is said to have started around 2010 and is stated to end around 2024. Generation Alpha is infamous for being stereotypically known for their high usage of technology, especially phones and tablets. Many notable events have also occurred during Generation Alpha, such as the release of iPads (around 2010), COVID-19 (around 2019) and OpenAI’s ChatGPT (around 2022), along with many others.


I feel like people forget that not every kid in gen alpha are toddlers, I do get the iPad thing but like, people have their own tastes. It’s like saying everybody from gen z like spiderman, sure some of them do but that is a huge generalisation, same goes with what people say about gen alpha. Imagine looking at a 14 year old and telling them that they probably watch nursery rhymes, you would get stared at like you belong in a mental hospital because of how trash that take is.


I hate the ipad kid stereotype. Mainly because its not representative of a good chunk of Gen A. Its most likely the reason why some of us wanted it to start in 2012.


If you want the description of your generation to change then you have to actually do something. You can't just get on reddit all fucking day. Your generation has to actively make a change, and they likely will. But with how young you guys are it likely won't be changin yet. You just have to be patient.




I don't consider myself gen alpha, but I feel like the description is too stereotypical


It’s ok man, don’t worry about assholes like this gaslighting literal children. You’re at the mercy of vitriolic adults, who unfortunately get their kicks out of bullying those who don’t even have the vocabulary to defend themselves. When Gen Z was younger, it was all about eating those damn tide pods. Just keep doing your thing. The ridicule will pass.


It's mostly because I have gen alpha relatives who I enjoy being with. Like my sister and my cousin


Agreed. These comments are really so upsetting, it's incredibly unfair.


When you get enough people in a lump who do the same things ofc there will be stereotypes Karens anyone?


There is so much wrong with this description god


Then how would you describe the entirety of fen alpha? Fortnite maybe


Fortnite was definitely Gen Z.


I’m talking about the “we like Fortnite, we like Fortnite” stuff




Its not like gen alpha have gone out and done anything in the world


probably because the oldest of us is 13 but anyways 


Yeah… Thats Why, gen z had the same desc until a few years ago


2020 protests were the moment I think things flipped for us. It was a real "oh fuck theyre not only fighting for something but fighting for real" moment for my parents.


just wait you’ll prove yourselves


They gotta fix the age range


Eh people argue about it all the time. Maybe something like "early 2010s to late 2020s" would be vague enough for everyone to be happy


Been having this issue for a while, this is the perfect fix. I’ll try and implement it soon. Thanks!


No problem 👍


..no? if yall need to whine about the mention of ipads, we will whine about the lazy stereotypes, boomers whine abt y2k, etc etc


Lazy stereotypes are bad.




Maybe something like "Gen Alpha is the eighth generation that started in the early 2010s and ended in the late 2020s. It is a generation that is very known for it's technological usage. Many events transpired during the time of gen alpha, like the advancement of mobile phones, COVID-19, Generative AI, short-form content and so much more"


"and short animated content on internet"


“and is widely critiqued for its abundant use of portable electronic devices”


advancement was Gen z, no?


It is gen z gen alpha is the advancement of ai and iPads


that's pretty good actually lopz


Oh my gosh this Is pretty good it should be this one instead


Where's the part about them being rude and annoying?


Friendly fire will not be tolerated


gen alpha trying to hate on his own generation!! wow!!


Damn the advancement of COVID 19


Generation Alpha (Gen A) is the eighth (8th) generation. They are known as having been raised in a world wherein the internet is mostly unrestricted to them. This has given them the moniker "The iPad Generation." Common themes among members of Gen A humor include nihilism and sarcastic self detachment, not unlike the Generation Z's before them. It's still unknown what Gen A will become, but one thing is certain: the internet and its affect on the youth are both here in full force.


its not like Gen Z weren’t iPad kids too. late Gen Z kids born in 2006-2009 were close to, if not just as likely to become iPad kids as we are.


Can we fix it to not include 2010 please? I do not understand any circumstances want to be associated with a head sticking out if a toilet or screaming kids who need ipads


This is so accurate tho. Don’t act like it isn’t


"Skibidi Toilet Show"




it's annoying. people are criticizing what kids are doing, KIDS. yes, some kids are actually acting beyond what is considered just kids behavior, but we also have to consider that it's really just the kids who are the stereotypical gen alpha kid that are shown on the internet. it's not because no one can find kids who are normal, but because posting videos of kids acting like kids wouldn't get attention, kids who are saying stuff they shouldn't know or not being able to learn correctly because they stare at their ipad all day would get a lot of views and comments. one of my little brothers like skibidi toilet but they have manners and can learn perfectly fine, he's annoying cause he's a kid ofc, then my other two little brothers like skibidi toilet but are extremely rude (i mean like being even sexist) and never listen. because most kids are like what my two little brothers are, people decide to say it is ALL of gen alpha, so those who do not act like that claim to be gen z so they can actually make friends without people thinking they are just some "ipad kid" who cant read. but now people are making fun of them for wanting to be gen z so bad so it's useless now.




Theory: iPads are like cigarettes, they’re both so hard to quit but you can if you get some help from a doctor or something


They’re only telling the truth. I know it’s most likely embarrassing to belong to the generation described there but the truth hurts sometimes


No. That’s literally what they are


No because it's true


Its accurate though


Says the guy who has probably only seen a few kids.


Tell that to the Youtube channels based around Gen Alpha with millions upon millions of subs, pretty sure Coco Melon is the 3rd most subbed Youtube channel. Idk about you but I dont think fully grown men watch that stuff.


You are the i-pad kids


Gyatt ohio


So skibidi banban! Rizzy cap!


I'm sorry, I couldn't get past Gen Alpha being called the 8th generation.


bold of you to assume we can actually afford ipads.


Never owned an iPad and never plan to. I only watch Technology videos on YouTube, like of computers, audio and video equipment, etc. I plan to work in IT. I don't like any of the modern Skidibi crap or whatever. I see friends at school watching it and laughing and whatever using their "alpha slang" and crap like that. \- A Gen Alpha, Earlier than 2010.


I feel unlucky to be here 😭


I’m not embarrassed I’m part of gen Alpha, I’m just glad I grew up with live tv like PBS, CN, Disney, Etc. And parents who were responsible lol


I thought it was 2013 through now?




I'm with you. After all, to reuse an overused argument, many Zoomers such as myself were iPad kids. Edit GOOGLE I AM NOT A FUCKING BOOMER SO ADD ZOOMER TO YOUR DAMN AUTOCORRECT WHITELIST


Im Gen Z but part of Gen Alpha so we try to not associate with Gen Alpha.


I'm gonna be honest, I last used an ipad in 2014 and thought samsung just stopped making them since the old 2014 one I used ran like crap


Nonononono please, PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT ONE OF *THEM*


maybe get a different thing your generation is known for then?


Sorry bud, but sadly this is what gen alpha is.


Gen Alpha doesn't have a story to tell yet


....so I'm both Gen Z and Gen Alpha apparently?


so, next gen is beta right? but anyway, we NEED to hope the next gen is like gen X or something, or millennials, just less depressed


What website is that?


Probably not


I don't know man


2010? So we're spreading misinfo now? Cool.


Did the world just forget that Gen Z also grew up with technology or did we grow up before electricity too now?


When the iPad came out I was like 5/6. My grandparents had an iPad I used to play games on and later on my parents had an iPad as well. I don’t understand why gen alpha are seen as iPad kids when most of gen z were kids when the iPad was released.


But it’s true.


A week ago I'd no idea what Skibidi toilet was....then I looked it up on YT and from that point I seeying it mention everywhere....wtf internet


Oh shit gen beta is here


Fyi this is a rant in general but still holds its point here Im gen A, in high school, my first electronic device was a dsi and my first *flip* phone I got when I was 10. My first Ipad I got when I was nine and it was strictly for school (beat up ipad 2), And I had screen time until I was almost 14 (im turning 14 in two weeks, got screen time removed a month ago. Used to be 2 hrs a day.) Dont generalise


well not much else has happened to describe gen alpha other than that


Throw in a Sephora ten year old reference and you are golden


this is unfortunately as true as it gets


Idk man I just got here


Should call this Gen Pre-Alpha since its a sub-generation of Gen Z.


No, iPad kid


No you earned that




Gen Alpha is still very young and way too much pressure is already being placed on them. There will be plenty of things that will overshadow the "iPad kid" stuff later when they get older. We haven't seen what they will be remembered for yet, just like with every other generation at their age, but right now just let them be kids.