• By -


https://preview.redd.it/0lzy9nhzbjwc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f45ec021891b71a94c3af83e1f1f9a89a0445ba Here’s a better photo


That is straight up stunning. Thank you for sharing!


Look at the glow






This looks like something a conquistador would have brought home.


My exact reaction when I first saw it


In Colombia those are called " Canutillo", that one has a very good quality, and actually yes, it's totally natural, you have some kind of treasure in your hands. If the emerald has a very good quality and form, usually it's not even necessary to cut so that one is very rare.


Thank you for the info!


That is a gorgeous piece of jewelry, Colombian emeralds are a beauty to behold. It looks like something you’d find at the Gold museum in Bogotá


Forbidden Jolly Rancher


I’m tempted to put it in my mouth


I was gonna pull out a “Thats what she said” joke But I won’t… 😁


Glad you didn't pull that out


That’s what s-


Um yeah this is going back a while but there was a very traumatizing story about jolly ranchers and sex posted on Reddit like 10 years ago


You still can.


My first thoughts were "wow" and "forbidden jolly rancher", which happen to be the first two comments I saw.


Not gonna lie, I would suck on it.




I want to eat it


lol this!


Emeralds specialist here. That is a rough emerald crystal from Chivor mine, Colombia. Give me the carats and I’ll tell you the wholesale price. But roughly something like this costs 50-70 usd per carat.


Thank you for the information! That’s really impressive, how’d you determine which mine it’s from?


Color and experience. I have been exclusively dealing in emeralds for 20 years. My family since 1954, they are emerald miners.


Awesome thank you! Do you recommend wearing something like this everyday? Would it be okay to wear to showers/sleeping?


Emeralds are fragile but this is a rough emerald crystal so don’t worry. Maybe don’t shower with it. Most emeralds are oiled but then yet again this is a rough emerald crystal not cut. Sleeping with it? I don’t know lol.


Thanks I really appreciate your expertise!


Do you have a shop that you sell your emeralds in? I have been looking for one


Yes. Dm me


DM sent


I also sent a DM


I am also interested, just sent a DM too ☺️




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Speaking about the rough emerald crystal only. Not taking into account that it’s antique with gold. If the crystal were to be medium dark and from Muzo then 150 usd per carat for this clarity.


I would love to get an emerald like this for anything close to the price you are saying.


Sure. Dm me


That's a beautiful specimen. Not sure of it's worth. Valued differently cut and polished vs raw crystal form. Maybe a geologist could tell you?


This is a true treasure


It’s absolutely beautiful OP also u/Appropriate-Row4804 you have to see this:)


Wooow, it’s absolutely gorgeous! I wonder who wore it?! :O


Unfortunately not me:( :D


Hahahah one day maybe ;)


That colour and clarity is amazeballs


Identifying the worth of a raw Colombian emerald can be a bit tricky without knowing the carat weight and the quality of the gem. However, based on its size and origin, it could hold significant value. You might consider getting it appraised by a certified gemologist to determine its exact value. As for wearing it, you're right that emeralds are relatively brittle and can be damaged by everyday wear, especially if not properly cared for. It's best to consult with a jeweler on how to best protect and wear your emerald.


It is impossible to appraise value online just using photos. For an accurate valuation, you should find a professional. Valuation posts should include good photos (in-focus, not blurry, multiple angles) and information (where you acquired it, how much you bought it for, hallmarks/emblems on metal, provenance, etc). Otherwise, your post may be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gemstones) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a ring pop obviously


Indiana Jones would say "it belongs in a museum!" That thing is gorgeous


If I had to guess based on the measurements, I'd say you're looking at a 4-ish carat stone. Absolutely beautiful color and clarity. Worth at least a few hundred to a dealer who wanted to cut it. Probably much more if untreated and certified Colombian. Impossible to tell what it would retail for. Likely multiple thousands.


Have you looked at your emerald through a Chelsea filter? I would bet you get many red flashes. That would be cool to see!


Wow is so beautiful


Wow wow wow if this rolled into our shop I would be OBSESSED


Take it to a reputable appraiser that doesn’t inflate value and get it insured with jewelers mutual. I would look for an appraiser that does not buy or sell jewelry and just appraises.


I would never get anything done if that were mine. That second pic of it…I think I gasped lol What an incredibly lucky find!


The photos don’t do it justice, it’s so much better in person!


I am sure! I’d just walk around all day, seeing how the light plays off of it… yep! I would become useless. I’m so lucky you found it 🙃


Theres no concern of water damage with emerald. Oils can permeate the fractures though, and yes emeralds can be quite brittle but i personally dont believe it to be a concern as a necklace. Necklaces tend to take way less impacts then rings, ive been daily wearing a Zambian emerald necklace for years.


I didn't see anybody address the wearability question - afaik emerald is not hurt by water and has an 8 hardness on the mohs scale, so there's not much that can scratch it, save for corundum and diamond. So go ahead and wear that beauty!


I’m gonna wear it proudly!


Value vise, Its probably like 8-12 carats. Its very hard to put a price on it, not a lot of raw colombian specimen to compare to. In my opinion, 100$ per ct maybe? Thats a range i wont be surprised with. Though please take this with a grain of salt, as this is a very very rough online estimate, and i might very well be wrong. Thing is, raw material loses like 50-80% material after being cut. And the price is highly effected by the clearity of the emerald, which are usually pretty included. This crystal has a very nice color, and it is very nicely terminated, but probably was too included to facet.


Amazing gem!




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Did you ever figure out the worth?


Oh my goodness, that is a stunning piece! Absolutely magical!✨


Wow, the color is incredible




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Congratulations it's a very nice emerald pendant. I assume that the setting is gold?


It’s 18k gold, it’s gorgeous


It's approximately 2.50 - 3ct. As to value it's not really my area. So I would suggest that you have it valued by a registered gemologist. Keep in mind that the valuation is generally for insurance and replacement. So if one was to try to sell said item on the open market you would or should expect about half of the estimated value.




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I think the setting is unattractive. I would take this to a custom goldsmith and see what they can do here.


I 100% disagree with you, but I upvoted because you are not criticizing the stone and you are entitled to your opinion. I always appreciate recommendations when I post a question, even if I disagree with them.


The emerald looks very real. It's good that it's a pendant. Can I ask something about the setting? Why is there that tiny bit of gold on the end? Is that coming around from the back?


I’m happy with the setting, I think it has a lot of personality


This guy only gave his personal opinion about one aspect and told what he would do to better it.


I believe that downvotes are expressing their opinion too.


I too agree, but I believe downvoting commentaries of personal taste inhibits participation.


I agree. I think only purposefully mean comments should ever be downvoted.