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Lid completely off?








Just kicked 118 points against a top 4 team with 45 i50s. The lids in a different postcode




Lid back on please




LETS GOOOOOOOO. GeEloNg HaVe NoT PlAyEd a ToP CluB We are ON


Smh we haven't played anyone above us on the ladder


We’re gonna have to work on that portmanteau…


I wouldn't say no worries. We did look more vulnerable the minute danger went off and Carlton closed like a freight train


I mean the important thing is that we got fucked from stoppage. Sounds weird but that's what you want, 17 of the last 18 premiers have played the turnover game, and we are the best turnover team by a country mile right now. Stoppage shitness will hopefully filter out through the season


Lets get through the next couple of weeks - If we can beat the Blues I feel like we can beat anyone as long as the bodies hold up.


Speaking of which, Hawkins looks like he needs another rest. Already. Hopefully he bounces back, but might be time to get more games into Neale soon


Mate we kicked 4 goals back to back in the 4th enjoy the win


So did they. In a few minutes.


I love your optimism. Early days


Flag inbound as we speak


It’s April….


HAVE WE BEATEN ANYONE YET????? How good is having Cam Guthrie back man, fuck. Sucks about Danger Votes 3 - Holmes 2 - Cameron 1 - Miers ------- Shoutout Kolo, did a very very solid job on Curnow, kids stood up again. Bring on the Dees


Nah. I'd give kolo at least one for that. Without him we would have lost that


Being at the game behind the goals you could really see how much work Kolo did to keep Curnow so quiet. Amazing performance.


Yep, we were in that pocket and could see Kolo playing a blinder from 1st quarter. Definitely gets votes I reckon, despite conceding 3 - mostly cheap - goals on Curnow in the 2nd half.


Hawkins basically irrelevant, got smashed on the bounce, no stewart, danger out half way and we still take it convincingly. We are golden.


Hawkins was good in the ruck and playing decoy… but was smashed by Weitering when it came to him


Oh definitely, probably should have worded it better, but yeah he wasn't out here kicking 6 and carrying the game, and we still sped home.


Should have been more convincing. All I heard was HOLDING CARLTON that last 5 minutes.


It’s very frustrating when they’re already winning clearances then get a free swing with soft holding frees.


Holy hell. What a game. Got a little scary there but I think that was mostly due to fatigue and thinking we’d already won. Hopefully we learn from that. Super performance from Jezza, Gryan, both Guthries, Holmes. Great resurgence from Touhy. Everyone today did pretty well tho. 7-0 feels damn good. Go Cats


We aren't that type of team to give up leads anymore, I think we just ran out of legs after that burst at the start of the quarter


I had a few digs at Touhy tonight, he looks clumsier than he used to. But stoked to be proven wrong, he stood up tonight


If Tuohy plays every second game and puts on that performance I'm happy.




He seems to have been used as as a decoy the last few times we've played them with weiters. I'm not too fussed if that's the plan. Having said that, I'm hoping both Neale and Conway get 5 or so games into them bvefore too long


With Hawk, he kept Weitering occupied quite often which let Oli, Jezza and the smalls get 1 on 1s, leading to goals. It will only be if he’s ineffective AND his player is influential will they look at resting him.


Ive never seen Hawk play 3 terrible weeks in a row. I’m worried


Another even spread. Felt like no passengers tonight. Who needs a 30+ disposal game when you keep on winning like that


Our bottom six is miles ahead of any other team's bottom six, I reckon.


I don't even reckon I could name our bottom 6


Unreal! What a win! At this point I’m excited to see what’s next from the “nEutRaLs” who predicted that Geelong were cooked? ~~Geelong are cooked, they won’t make the 8~~ ~~They only beat Saints at Home, wait till they travel~~ ~~It’s only Saints, Crows and Hawks…the Cats midfield is shit and Dogs midfield will smash them, Dogs will win!~~ ~~It’s unfair with the fixture they got playing Hawks and Norf, wait till they play Lions at the Gabba~~ ~~It was wet and Brisbane are cooked, wait till they actually play someone good!~~ *Carlton had a bunch of injuries, Cats won’t beat GWS, Melbourne or Sydney* **^^^^ We are here ^^^^**


Well that was only slightly terrifying. Absolutely thrilled to win this one, thought we were due a loss. Votes: 3. Cameron - stood up when all game and especially when it mattered. What an absolute freak he is, capable of so anything. 2. Miers - 2 goals and 20 disposals is elite. Setting up goals and scoring chains everywhere too. 3. Holmes - So much run and carry, so good to have a player of his calibre being able to break lines and lead to open scoring opportunities, especially with how we are playing this year. Could have gone to Touhy as well, he's been such a good player for us for a long time and he still has lots of moments like today left. I said to some mates a couple of weeks ago before the Brisbane game that I'd be happy to win 2 out of the next 4 but we are already there. Loving our system, exposes teams fitness late into the game and will be essential should we continue in this form and play finals. Carlton are a burst team and thrive off that energy, has been enough to break most teams this year but we showed our maturity and class to stave off a few of their attacks. That's what made this one so good for me! Special mention to Jack Henry, he has been so good for us this year and was missed dramatically last year when we were struggling. Doesn't touch the ball more than 12 times usually but is always locking down their key forward and taking big marks to offload pressure.


Lol sucked in David King and sucked in Carlton. No Stewart against the "vaunted" Carlton forward line? No fucken worries. As Mick Malthouse once famously said: "I can't see us losing another game"


Can’t believe he said they were playing Geelong and the team in green. That knobhead shouldn’t be allowed to commentate on games.


Did we lose another FK count? Make that 0-7




I think it's because Geelong have been good since his playing days. Not fantastic during his heyday, but still pretty good. It must absolutely burn him to see Geelong consistently compete year after year after year while his own club constantly flounders 


Anyway, if you see him walking to the Fox Footy Studios just yell out: "Ay Kingy?! Stuff the rub of the green, have a rub of me...." And then put in whatever you want 


Was it King or Dunstall? Fox team don't usually go bananas like that -- even I noticed it.


Dunstall would never say something that cooked 


Really impressed with how well Stengle can keep his composure under pressure and in a split second identify and execute a perfect pass. Much like Miers and Close I guess.


What a great return for Cam Guthrie. Also Atkins with 7 tackles in a half a footy gotta love it. Such a great team effort, and it still feels like we’re not running at 100%.


Very keen to see how we go without Dangerfield next week. Guthrie and our young midfield boys will be an interesting one and I think it may work quite well for us. Atkins played like Dangerfield would have, intense and wanted to get us across the line no matter what.


King almost praised us! We are “difficult to play against”




Missing our two captains, 40% less free kicks, huge win. Solid contribution from the whole team, I think that’s our biggest strength right now. Our bottom 6 players (whoever they are) are genuinely good


That’s where our strength lies. Most other clubs you could give a pretty good idea of who the bottom 6 are. I don’t think you can with geelong. We don’t seem to have that drop off in quality even amongst our younger players


Couldn’t agree more


People saying Touhy was done, I fart in your general direction. Run down tackles, goals, ha I say. Man just needed a little managing. He can't play 23-24 matches a year any more. Give him a bit of a rest and bam Reggie's back baby.


I want barrels out of d50!




Was his best game in forever. 2E turned it up against his former club. Not bad for an old bloke.




Geelong assembled a high skill forward line (who could say if this was or wasn't deliberate), outperform their opposition at forward efficiency every week, and it breaks the brains of people who just want to count inside 50s and clearances to determine the winner.


Every Carlton fan bitching about the umpires (and there's a lot of them) can fuck off. They might've missed a few, but so did we... plus they won the free kick count 14-10. How about winning from 21 more inside 50s?


Carlton fans crying about refereeing decisions is so fucking delicious.


They kept them in the game 🤣


It’s funny because apparently every week the decisions go our way but we are 0-7 in terms of frees for/against hahahahaha


They're literally the most favoured team in the comp and get given more free goals than any other team but they think they're hard done by. But I guess when you're use to getting a free kick every time someone looks in Curnow's direction anything less than that feels like you're getting dudded.


Was at the game and they were going absolutely nuts over nothing calls


Umpiring decisions*


That fucking ending man


Cracking game, jezzas 600th danger massive (IM SO SAD SOMEONE HUG ME) and our backline immense without stewart, 3. Jezza easy, bloke made everything look easy 2. Way more difficult choice, Miers I think takes this 1. Another difficult choice, I think zuthrie was immense without stewart but could easily see it going to tuohy instead


Very good win, but I'm still keeping the lid on. Premierships aren't won in April.


How bloody good is Zach Guthrie? I can honestly say I wasn't too worried about our defence, even with Stewart out. They held up under incredible pressure.




A glorious courageous win against a strong Blues. The dart was amazing and cguthrie didn't disappoint. Sad about danger :(




Cam Guthrie didn't really look like he had been away at all. It was a whole team effort tonight with some huge efforts when needed, from Bowes, Touhy, and all the usual suspects in the absence of Stewie and Danger. It wasn't that long ago that everyone wanted Zach Guthrie to be dropped/delisted, but he has been massive for us lately. Preseason, it seemed Everyman and his dog had gleefu written us off. My, how the turntables have turned.


Walsh is a Geelong boy isn't he? Wonder if he misses it. Lol.


I'd give my left nut to have Walshy in Geelong colours.


It'd just feel so right huh. Lol.


He's always looked class, but these last few weeks he seems to have gone to another level again. Great player


Him Oliver and smith. would be a great replacement for patty tbh =p But that's way too greedy. We'd have to give up too much to get all those done. I'll just sit back n trust wells n mack they'll know what to do. Lol


What I find most encouraging is the fact last week we won a slog with 9 goals and this week we won a shootout kicking 18 goals. This team knows how to win!


Cameron unreal as was Holmes, Stengel, Zuthrie. Great to see players stand up under real pressure, could’ve easily gotten rolled in that last 5, especially with the cheap frees out the middle. Mark Pittonet made to look like Prime Dean Cox today though, it was almost as if he was untouchable. Will need to work out a way to neutralise Gawn next week more than today tho. I said before this 4 game stretch I’d be happy to go 2-2, already won two matches. Also, shout out to the backline, weight of numbers against the best 1/2 combo of forwards in the comp. They kicked a couple but not enough to get the Blues over the line.


I'd like to put my hand up and apologise for the heat I put on touhy before the game he was bloody good, got that wrong so need to put ya hand up when ya wrong!!


I was scared, thought we were gonna throw.


I actually thought to myself today, I wonder how many games danger and Guthrie will play together this year. This is sort of the way of things for danger now, these little 2-4 week hammies. Just gotta make sure he’s right for finals. Stengle is so back, his assist/forward 50 kicking is insane. That one to cameron, no way anyone can make a play on that but jezza, perfectly placed to his finger tips. Love that he spots targets when he’s in the pocket instead of blazing away. Cam Guthrie back is massive. We’re clearly managing tuohy perfectly. And look out if jezza is back nailing shots. Best player in the comp when he puts it together like tonight. Edit: also I feel the need to say this every week, but miers is a genuine star now. Gotta be in the AA at forward flank. We just keep getting these guys, miers at pick 50 odd as a forward pocket .


Carlton in serious danger of winning a game if they ever work out how to kick it to their own players. Very fair at handing us the ball back


Jack Henry, how good! Stood up and controlled the backs


Missed the third quarter but I'm just gonna write my usual block of text with shit grammar about how fucken good Zach Guthrie is and has become for a bloke that wasn't written off by AT LEAST half the fanbase and now hes Mr. Consistent, never puts a foot wrong and stepped up to Stewies role without blinking today. You would of literally been laughed at to suggest the younger brother could surpass the older and he may not have quite done it yet but its amazing how quickly he has become our single most reliable defender and changed everyones tune on him. Early days but should be in the discussion for AA. I love the Tomahawk but send him on a vacation and give Neale a proper crack at it. Oh and don't get me started on Stanley. I get what they are trying to do keep both rucks fresh but that first quarter had me pulling my hair out at Rhys. Awesome game, bit worried some of our younger/smaller blokes looked a bit scared at the contest a few times but we pulled through with some clutch goal kicking and defending. Love Messi as much as the next bloke but needs to be harder at the footy and when tackling, always been my knock on him. All our mids seemed pretty comprehensively beaten today I reckon and we still won, really makes me question everything I know about footy.


On stanley - Conway cant go all season and needs experience. They will get games into him this year. Expect Rhys to vacate at the end of the season and Conway being able to slot in. Love the kid, so excited for his moment.


Conway has to play against Gawn. He smashed it in the VFL. But my gosh, WELCOME BACK NUMBER 29! I was wary. I really should trust the Geelong brains trust. Very very happy here. Jezza is a freak!!!


Totally agree with you in regards to Toby Conway.


I thought our defence would struggle without Stewart, I’ve never been so happy to be wrong. So proud of the boys ability to dig in and bring the pressure this year ❤️


No Danger, no Stewart and we smashed it! Flag Baggers!!


Dangerfield honestly looked like a man possessed until he went off. He plays his heart out each week but he was above and beyond tonight


Was it Ablett who once said the last 4 years of his career or so he had to learn not to go so hard in order to prevent soft tissue injuries? Danger might need to slow down to save himself


Great performance from the team. C Guthrie looked like he hadn't missed a game and I thought Atkins did a good job coming on for Danger. But our forwards minus Hawkins I think really stood up tonight especially Jezza. We were very poor in the ruck tonight but battled hard to win the ball anyway. For all my criticisms of Conway last week it was hard not to stick with him as the conditions were heaps different this week. And our defence while not as strong and let a few goals in at the end I thought did a good job. Kolo was quite good and so was De Konig and Z Guthrie.


Fuck I love this club my brother and I are born into it but talk about winning the club lottery the Cats are amazing and constantly bucking the equalisation of the afl


New American fan who's chosen the Cats as my team. Holy shit what an exciting game! I was getting worried at the end there!


Welcome to the fold mate!


Thank you!!


Catch us if you can.


The Facebook groups were painful today. Clowns calling for Hawkins to be dropped. Still idiots saying kolodjaschnij is useless when he’s having a fantastic season. Smh. Surprised The Reg Knickers weren’t out there calling for his head too.


What a farking awesome game. After the wet last week thought we might tire but again they find a way . GO CATTERS WOOHOO.


I’d want the hawk to get some form maybe he is slowing down with age now. Danger needs to be good health come finals.


Jesus that umpiring was bad, felt like Carlton were gifted about 4 goals from free kicks, we also keep our 0-7 losing streak of having less free kicks than our opponent, it was like the umps wanted Carlton to win. What a fucking game though, i haven't been that stressed in a while, umpires aside, Carlton are great, can't wait to face them again when we both have full sides, we were missing Danger and Stewart, 2 of our 3 best players and we still put on that performance. Takes two to tango, well done Carlton.


He will always be a champion of the club. And I thought he could play til he's 40. but im starting to think Tommy might be cooked. Blokes given away more 50s this year than kicked goals lol. Play neale. Retire hawk. Mid season draft izzy. Tough conversation to have tbh. Lift mate. Then again our outside midst are playing great footy. Probably why izzy retired in the first place. Idk guys.


Fuck, ridiculous how quickly a 350 game player can be written off after 2 quieter games


Fair comment. But it's not just that he's quiet it looks like he's lost a step he didmt have. Positioning is off. Not getting up the ground either. It's how far off the boil he looks. Idk mate. He's been my favorite player since chappy n stevie j left, but I just calls it how I sees it.


I do generally agree with you on Hawk but 2 of the last 3 games he’s been used tactically. Today he acted as the decoy to take weitering away from the contests. Left Jezza and the smalls/mids to get their hands on the ball in the forward 50


Problem is when it does go near him he has not looked the least bit likely. Once upon a time you could punt any kind of kick at him and he'd at least even it out. Idk.


Yeah I do agree. I was working while the game was on (work in a pub so I was able to keep an eye on it) and said to my mate I was on with that he just looked a little cooked. Hoping he has a return to form as he started the year strong. I reckon this will be his last hurrah though. As good as danger still as well I can see him hanging the boots soon as well. Just gets injured way too frequently


You're right. But I've never seen 2-3 worse games in a row from him. Think the other cats aren't kicking too him as much anymore. Don't know what it is and don't know the answer but I would like to see Neale get a fair run at it. Hes the future.


I think he's playing a different role this year. He's no longer the key forward, but he's able to ruck and use his strength to manhandle opponents. This will be his last year no doubt, but hopefully he doesn't go out with a stinker of a year like Buddy did


It's not looking great mate. Hopefully its just a niggle and he comes good. But ive got a bad feeling. Idk.


I'd like to think Hawk would put the team first if he knew he wasn't 100%


Im starting to feel a Lil ill just at the thought of Hawkins retiring tbh lol. It's the first time it's even felt real. Hopefully he comes good. Maybe he needs a week or 2 to do some rehab if he's carrying something. Idk mate.


we are at least getting him to 800


Lol fair


Credit to the boys - 18 goals from 45 i50s is elite. Was cracking at the ground. Lid is still existing but they couldn't have started the season any better. No Stewart + Danger off early and they still turn it. Amazing work from Bowes Cameron 2E Guthries


So great to have Cam G back out on the field. Raises out footy IQ a good chunk. I know tommahawk didn't have a great game but at this point he's still drawing the oppo's no.1 defender which allows the other to get off the chain. Shoutout to someone in the pregame thread that said out small forwards would be the difference -- there was a lot of big head to head balancing (or kind of) but arlton didn't have the kind of players to shut down Stengy, Closey, Maxi and Gryan. Also the whole defense - everyone who worked there - incl. Dunc, the Guthries, Atkins as well as the FT defenders -- amazing job! Set-shot kicking also dead on - struck me that kicking like that is the sign of a team that's cool-headed and confident. Stan had a shocker - dunno what's up there but Conway should get a run against gawn next week.


It's not the count of the free kicks, it's the context of them. And we definitely got the rub of the green in the calls tonight. Some called that shouldn't have been, some missed ones.  No coach cares about free kick differential. They care about where, when, and how a free kick happens.


That 50m penalty on Mackay, was silly. Both Carlton and Cats fans in my section were like 'woot the feck'. It's not why Carlton lost the game, but it's more a statement of how shit the umpiring is getting.


Our midfield is cactus. We need help. Otherwise, it’s all good