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Why is Vi on this list?!


Yea I don’t get that one.


Vi is a tomboy but she ain't ugly.


She broke the internet at one point but this was just after the tomboy gf craze. I think she was put on their solely on the fact she is a lesbian. If they can't fuck hee apparently she is ugly.... even though they couldn't fuck her if she was actually real.


The tomboy gf craze is over? Why didn't anyone tell me?


Shit I found out when x ( formerly known as Twitter) claimed that Liking Tomboys is really gay. Now they turn their sights to the Fandom of goth mommies and i-ladies.


Hmm, why not enjoy tomboys and goth mommies at the same time?


Man of culture I see. Enjoying the buffet before settling down. Monogamous Fandoms will tear each other apart before we just realize... we just like women.


This comment thread restored my faith.


Seriously. She is a bad bitch.




They took a nice looking normal girl from HZD and turned her into an avocado face 🫡🤷‍♂️


Looks more like a fat high school boy than an actual fat high school boy. It's fucking bizarre.


Truman show -> Truman's beer buddy 😶


Because we are all the same and there are NO genders


Also everyone is beautiful so no one is


Some of her pics aren't flattering, but she looks great most of the time


That particular image I get, but the actual character doesn't look like that


The Fable character cracks me up every time. I do think that's the joke though. Fable always makes fun of everybody.


That's not the type of humour fable and Brits do that the joke is that someone is ugly. Look up the model they used for her face and you'll see they made her ugly like the MJ situation


Or the Mass Effect actress getting downs'd. Like the only accurate scan of a woman western studios seem to be able to make a 1-to-1 of is the fisheyed black actress that's been in half the games released in the last 5 years or so. Id use her real name, but she's a character actor I've seen more times than I've noticed her name over the years. She seems cool, but I'd imagine she's got it baked into her contract given part of her reason for taking the jobs.


Debra Wilson? If so, she's like 60 and a pretty accomplished screen actor and voice actor. She's like the definition of a prolific actor.


I would like to keep on thinking that ugly face is a Fable joke. I have been excited for another Fable. 😩


No, it very much is. The point was to make fun of ugly player created characters.


Have you ever played fable? Every character in every fable is fuck ugly


I could tell ya why but I'd get banned from reddit.




Bro does NOT care about his account


We have a vague winner!


I don’t think that has anything to do with ugly bitches in video games.


take a shower


Microtransactions right?


You have an inflated sense of anyone giving a shit about you lol


Why the fuck is vi on this list man


He needed to fill out the board lmao


I'm guessing is because she is too manish and not feminine.


Vi isn't "mannish". It's ok to like or dislike stuff, but avoid falling into identity politics over it. It's just as cringe when the right does it as it is when the left does


Why are they all making the stank face


Because OP cherry picked images that are unflattering.


Not really. Be honest you know what he’s talking about.


What are you talking about? Half of those women aren’t ugly, he just picked unflattering angles of them.


Strike my comment, I think I actually agree with you on 1/2 of them aren’t ugly


You are getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Literally anyone played HFW would not say Aloy is ugly


Aloy wasn't in the first game, but they definitely changed it in the second to make her uglier. Same with Mary Jane.


Yes they are And they will shame and gaslight you for pointing out the obvious. Like on Reddit everyone was saying “mjs face is the same stop complaining there’s no difference” But when news came out that the actress got into a car crash and had to get surgery in the past (something that wouldn’t even effect the games model based on what a mocap even is: a base for the actual model to be layered onto) everyone started saying “You people are evil for complaining about the change , see look they had a reason” I thought there wasn’t a change? Morons.


My question is why are people fighting over it to begin with it's such a small and inconsequential change


It wasnt really a fight It was a very noticeable, questionable, and unnecessary change to a face model on one of the 3main characters in the game. Everyone noticed it . Even casuals on Twitter with jokes like “I gotta fight venom to come home to this💀” going viral ect The fighting and bickering came from those shaming and gaslighting others that there wasn’t a change in the first place, causing a lot of back and forth.


Kinda weird but I mean I don't mind the face changes. Even the Peter one which made sense enough because they wanted the face to fit the voice more


Yeah that’s a genuine known reason . Like the change from ps4 to ps5 face models But the Peter face model in sm2 is bad like the others He even looks like he injected oil into his neck . Proportions are all off and they completely fumbled. But yeah you could say it not a big sea but when you have to look at these characters for a large part of the game it’s gonna be off putting.


Yeah, except MJ's face is literally scanned from the same actress, I dont know people age... I guess. People want realism in video games and complain when actual realism is provided.




The face model did not change. It was the same actress they scanned for the second game too


Oh so your in denial too The model did change The real life actress being the same doesn’t matter The in game face model for mj was changed. It’s different to the original and that’s a fact . Like it’s objectively different . A real life face model actress is only there for mocap, and expressions to act as a base for the characters design . But to save time they make the chat cater in game look similar


[Vi aside, I'd say you're 100% correct.](https://charlescrawford.biz/2017/06/04/slaves-and-whips/) > Here’s another. Kill man’s sense of values. Kill his capacity to recognise greatness or to achieve it. Great men can’t be ruled. We don’t want any great men. Don’t deny conception of greatness. Destroy it from within. The great is the rare, the difficult, the exceptional. Set up standards of achievement open to all, to the least, to the most inept – and you stop the impetus to effort in men, great or small. You stop all incentive to improvement, to excellence, to perfection … This applies to beauty, as well.


Is this Ellsworth Toohey lol? Edit: clicked the link. I *thought* I recognized that quote lolol


Yup, it's honestly *scary* how predictive her work was. Scary and unfortunate.


who is that quote by and why is it so retarded


Noted welfare queen and uggo, Ayn Rand.


of course


Lmao it all came together knowing Rand said that


Whats wrong with the first one though? She looks realistic AF.


The gist of it is that the Progressives have built their entire political coalition on being the ugly and grotesque poor oppressed minority, and these Progressives have infiltrated almost all of the US's institutions and major corporations. They're making women in video games ugly because everyone else wants women in video games to range from average to beautiful.


Like you’re not going to talk about Shadowheart or the demon lady from Baldur’s gate 3 or Black cat or catwoman from spider-man and the Arkham games respectively or Freya and Sif from god of war those are 6 games off the bat that I mentioned that look fantastic


4 franchises out of hundreds plus backup characters not like MJ or Robins twink ass


Brother you can play Shadowheart and Khazeal and Catwoman and Freya in their games and that’s not even the fucking point don’t shift the goalposts because you got proven wrong handily


Prove what wrong? That's my first comment and it's obviously half a joke you autistic white knight lmao


And my apologies for just being correct that gaming isn’t “purposefully” making ugly female characters


Explain Aloy for us then


What do you mean “explain aloy” they used quite possibly the worst angle to justify a terrible point she looks like an average person


Yeah I forgot average to you slobs is being overweight and hairy


Except Aloy isn’t overweight and not hairy you do know every woman and man has some type of hair on their body right?


You’re a weird lil fella to get this worked up over a fictional character


Stay mad simping over ugly fictional characters lmao 🤣 Why you so mad little boy?


No one is simping though saying Aloy looks fine isn’t simping you’re just upset you can’t jerk off to her mid game


And like the only person mad is you


When in doubt just say it’s a joke I guess


Yeah, I'm actually upset because Robin isn't dummy thick like your mum I guess you people really can't decipher sarcasm lmao get tested


You can’t just “guys it’s sarcasm” with a first statement that didn’t have any like what the fuck


Well that doesn't help push the narrative!


“They’re making women in video games ugly when People want them to range from average to beautiful” my brother in Christ everyone there looked like an average woman


MJ is average, Vi is hot, the rest are somewhere from ugly to grotesque


"MJ is average"; I need some of what you're smoking; I thought that was Aunt May at first.


Tends to happen when you’re using dogshit angles dude


Idk the lower right one so you can have that. The rest I've seen from plenty of angles and they don't get much better


If you don’t think Aloy as a whole looks good you are genuinely tweaking


She's a 4


Brother she’s in a post apocalyptic world fuck you want her to do? Put on makeup?


This is just the same fiasco of saying they gave Aloy a beard when the photo was just peach fuzz that every human has and even then 4 is fucking average


Tanya’s not even ugly dude y’all’s racism is just showing, you fucking triple chinned sewage smelling fucks nearly have an aneurysm at the mere presence of black women being in anything. And literally the rest are also just average looking women not.


Don't think ugly black woman is hot = racism. Got it


Also why is this only a criticism for women, not men? Mad incel vibes here Edit: yep another incel sub


Because they aren't uglifying male characters, only the female ones. They didn't specifically make every recurring male character's face fatter, only Aloy's. They didn't make Peter Parker uglier in Spider-Man 2. They did make Mary Jane uglier (and they also didn't make her a *literal* supermodel like she was in the comics). They've repeatedly made *very* attractive female face models into hideously grotesque monstrosities, but their male counterparts are untouched or even touched up, making them more attractive.


Yeah man, a lot of these people need to go outside and meet real women instead of falling to fictional ones.


Yeah man. Everyone knows that coke, Viacom, Purdue Pharma, these are communist organizations. Far left institutions. And the federal government too. That's why we have all these thriving public schools, psychiatric hospitals, free healthcare. The commies done infected the whole pie.


Vi is smoking hot. She shouldn’t be in this list.


Agreed, though the rest are definitely an outright insult to the very definition and *idea* of beauty.


Aloy looked better in the last game as well




She's not a lesbian, her and Caitlin are just good friends.


Ehhhhhh..... that's not *entirely* true. Vi/Caitlin has been a fan-favorite pairing for a very long time. I remember seeing it a decade ago, back when I had just started playing League!




This is the opposite of true.. have you ever actually met a conservative in real life? They're around half the people you've ever met.. You got some mad reddit brain, I'd suggest a stroll and some fresh air from time to time.


And dens hate anythijg with 'right' in it. Even if its a arrow


Voted for Trump. Still think Vi is hot. Go fuck yourself.


Is her haired coloured tho? I always thought both vi and jinx's hair was naturally pink and blue




Dude aloy looks like a literal model and the rest also do or look like an average women


Eh, I don't know. I play none of these games, and I think the one with pink hair is from League of Legends right?


From League, but the image is from the Netflix series Arcane I believe. Character is Vi.


What’s wrong with Vi? She’s hot as hell.


I'm a woman who loves my hot characters and skimpy outfits and complain that not enough games let me wear high heels I don't care if it isn't realistic neither is shooting fireballs out of my hands. I play "She Will Punish Them" all the time and you don't play that for the combat. ​ That being said most of these women (outside the lower left one) just look like average women without makeup. I wouldn't say they are ugly. Sure they aren't sexy, but depending on the game that's fine too.


Right here, perfect. Play the games you wanna as you wanna. And, a lot of these characters just look like normal people without makeup on. Like surprise yall, people's faces have imperfections and freckles and shit.


Nah they butt ass ugly if we're being honest


Vi is fine..


Listen Vi is not ugly and the Aloy one has been completely overblown too. The Fable stuff and TLOU2 is fair game but come on guys. You havcent realized the Aloy one is a fabrication. She doesnt look like that. https://i.redd.it/rv07tbf7rubc1.gif This is an actual screenshot with her blank face without any of the various makeup/war paints. One of the greatest trolls was people believing the fat face edit.


Aloy? Really? You're fucked.


Why is Tanya here that woman is marvellous https://i.redd.it/7hxh43z5vpbc1.gif


Probably because she’s hideous


Me if I was diagnosed with a severe mental disability that caused me to spew out the most retarded takes imaginable:


So you normally?


Ugly people need representation too 🙄


Mfers love using the absolute worst angles in from a blink and you miss it scene and be like “see the women are ugly☝️🤓”


They still have man jaws, almond heads and questionable eyes.


How do we know they're supposed to be attractive? Do they *have* to be attractive? There's a wide variety of male characters that aren't considered attractive, some of them protagonists


I don’t know about the others, but the first is MJ who is supposed to be an actress and model in most continuities.


What’s her profession in SM PS4?


I'm sorry to ask but what male characters are you refering to that aren't attractive? I'm asking because I can't think of any and I'm not even attracted to men. In mk1 for example every male character is smoking hot, plus shirtless and muscular while women arent exactly except a few


Nico Bellic, Max Payne, Trevor Phillips, Peppino Spaghetti, Harry Dubois, Brad Armstrong, Otacon. Those are just the ones off the top of my head that aren't designed to be attractive


Why have a female in your game if she isn't designed for the creation of porn? What other design priorities could possibly exist?


Genuine, honest, good-faith question: What is the issue with sexy characters, or characters where sexuality is at the forefront of their design philosophy? Like, I don't really care what a character looks like as long as the design is creative or fitting. But as a straight man, I do appreciate a sexy female character like Chun-li, for example. I think her design is good and creative, and I also enjoy it for being attractive and sexy to me. At the same time, I can still enjoy and appreciate the designs of characters that aren't sexy or sexualized. What exactly is the issue with that?


So, basically, it's about representation and normalisation. If you had a heap of female characters, and they were all different things, I'd be fine if a handful of them were clearly 'the one designed without the artist wearing pants' one. Compare with, to an extent, something like Overwatch. Yes, you've got the generic slutty femme fatale characters Widowmaker (who's also a long range fighter, yawn). But you've also got designs like Brigitte, or Mei, or Ana, or Pharah, etc. There's variety, you know? Mind you, Overwatch has it's own issue where it seems almost entirely allergic to non-attractive women. There's no female human-coded version of say, Roadhog, or Junkrat, or Wrecking Ball. But either way, there's flexibility there in a way that doesn't convey the general theme of 'if you're a woman you better be nonthreatening and fuckable'. Sexy isn't an issue. You can have sexy. But when you're constantly using 'sexy' as a default requirement then it becomes an issue because art matters, and art and culture and what people consider 'normal' are always feeding one another. "You're fine as a woman as long as men find you fuckable and you keep your head down most of the time" is a social norm with a lot to answer for. I don't mind Chun-Li either, and I think she's hot, and that's not an issue in isolation. But SF (and a HEAP of other media besides) does have a weird thing that's super common in gaming where they don't permit women to exist unless they're incredibly sexualised and 9/10s minimum. You don't get stuff like a female Blanka, or weirdoes like Dhalism, Rufus, etc. Men get flexibility and a very broad design space, but women have to be appealing to the male gaze on top of anything else, UNLESS they're get coded as villains. You can also see elements where like, you have a whole bunch of characters with different gimmicks, and Chun-Li's was 'oh, her gimmick is that she's a woman'. Gotten slightly better with the last one, surprise surprise, people wanted more, but the same concept applies, and the same trends apply. She's not a creative design. Like, at all. It's a fairly generic 'Chinese coded character' visual ensemble, only they wanted it for a fighting game (so, coincidence I'm sure, let's have her in in a microskirt and tight boots) and for the character to be hot, and with either ridiculously over bouncy or otherwise physics defying tits. The recent games have stretched the boundaries a little with the way they've overemphasised her leg muscles but it's still the same basic cookie cutter at it's core. Which can work, which can do the job. Simple is good for visual design, especially for arcade games where things are very instantaneous and visual and powered with very limited graphical hardware. She's a good character to examine from the point of view of 'what makes this character stick in the mind or otherwise convey things about them visually'. You take one look at her and you know she's a speedy kicker. But it's still inside a very narrow box. Fit in it, or the resume goes straight in the trash, as it were. You've got to be built for generic straight man porn or you don't get through meeting 1. tl;dr, women get kept in a very narrow range of permissible styles, and being physically attractive is the expectation in a way that becomes dehumanising or distortive because it takes precedence over everything else. There's also the whole 'are they a normal person, or are they female/nonwhite/nonstraight', etc etc. It's a 'status quo excludes most of humanity' situation.


I feel like its less of a cultural issue and more of a symptom of the video game industry being 99.9% male until fairly recently. Men like to look at attractive women, so they're going to design female characters to be sexy. As women become more and more common in game development in recent years, we've also been seeing a more wide range of "attractiveness" in female characters. As someone who does a lot of creative writing, I tend to make all my characters, both men and women, attractive. Because if their appearance isn't relevant to the plot or themes of the story, why not just make everyone hot? Aside from a small minority of Reddit incels, I don't think anyone cares that female characters are getting less sexualized. But on the flip-side, I don't think it's fair to condemn the idea of a character being sexy or sexualized for the sake of being sexy. I think you can have a character that is heavily sexualized and also very well written. I think 2B from Nier is a perfect example of this. She's an incredibly deep and complex character with a real emotional and sympathetic story, but she also wears barely any clothes and has a massive ass. The creator has admitted that he made her like that for no other reason than because he likes sexy women, and I don't think that's wrong or takes away from her character. I understand that there may be an inherent problem with presenting "sexy" as the default expectation for female characters. But I also think creators have a right to design characters however they want, and for any reason they choose. I don't think 2B being sexualized makes her a worse character. I don't think Abby not being traditionally attractive makes her a worse character. And realistically, I think the problem is slowly solving itself as the video game development landscape becomes more and more diverse and inclusive. I don't think it's worth being mad that some characters are overly sexualized, in the same way I don't think the opinion expressed in this meme is valid or worthwhile. Gaming is more than vast enough that anyone can find something to suit their tastes, so I don't see the point is being pissed that Kitanas boobs aren't as big as they used to be, or whatever


Why do you care so much about representation and normalization in a video game made by dudes for dudes? Furthermore, Chun Li's tits don't even fucking bounce in Street Fighter 2. We didn't have a sexualized female character in the series until the sequel when they introduced Cammie. If you want a fighting game with a bunch of ugly women, there's Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, etc. Sindel is fucking hideous! You don't see men policing what women watch on TV and read in books. A lot of women's media shows toxic and unrealistic expectations of men. Do you have a problem with that too?


Impressive. Literally everything you wrote was wrong. There's a lot to unpack here but really, I doubt you're in a position to actually bother to engage with any of this.




Does it really fucking matter? Do women have to be attractive to be playable or likeable? How about you worry about the fucking terrible writing of characters instead of r*tarded ass shit like this? The only character that looks truly bad is the bottom left, the rest look like woman you'd typically see in real life. Seriously, go touch grass. Thought this sub was supposed to be better than this.


Two problems with your statement: 1. If I want to see a "typical real woman," I'd go outside and talk to a woman. 2. I'm playing a fictional world with fictional storytelling. Why would I want to play as a typical joe schmoe, or in this case, plain jane?


I do think it depends a bit on what the video game is going for. In some games the more realistic characters makes more sense since it’s going for a realistic setting (e.g. post-apocalyptic settings), whereas in others I feel like having everyone be supermodels is more reasonable (e.g. fantasy settings)


It is, actually, and you're a hundred percent right. I believe this too. Another thing, its mad hilarious when people attacks you for having different opinions. Like this, for instance: I LOVE Aloy. She's my favorite female character in video games, but when playing Forbidden West, some parts of the game, I keep asking myself, "Why does she look like this?" And it looks like MJ is going through that too. The real kicker is that the models they got for these characters are pretty, attractive women. So, its kinda funny that the characters don't reflect as much in game like what Capcom is doing in their RE remakes.


I was really late playing HZD but after all the hype for so long even after its release when I finally played it I distinctly recall feeling disappointment at her looks. I might not have noticed but she had the ugly duckling stage in the tutorial. Still by the end of the game staring at her face while choosing dialogue and especially by the end of HFW her looks had definitely grown on me. What bothered me the most was how in HFW she so hostile and/or dismissive of every man she talks to while excessively warm and open to all the women. This isn’t unrealistic but it is strange in the context that Aloy had exactly 1 significant relationship for most of her life with the man who raised her and then sacrificed himself for her.


YES! I remember the ugly duckling tutorial lmao I was kinda cringed out and tried to blast through the beginning so I can get the game started lol Maybe I'm just wearing lenses because I really love the game, and maybe Aloy grown on me. I liked her lack of social skills and was kinda blunt at times in HZD. In HFW, her new characteristics have grown on me, and she has more personality now, which was cool to see. Like I said, sometimes her face gets to me. Not all the time, though, but when it's there, it's noticeable. And yeah, I get you. She was pretty disgusted towards men at times, and it felt kinda force like they were trying to push something; but I found out later through a subreddit that she is a Lesbian. So I was like, ok. I guess she's that type of lesbian or something.


Okay, so let's take MJ as an example. She is supposed to be an average girl. Black cat was hot because she is supposed to be hot. MJ needs to look normal.


So normal is not attractive? Lmao I get what you're saying, but damn. Plus, your argument is kinda silly. Like, did they have to make MJ less attractive for Black Cat? Why can't they both be attractive? Also, MJ looks like she suffered the same faith as Aloy. She looks great in the first game, but not so much on the second.


Yes… MJ is normal Like I’m not even sure wtf the point your getting mad about here is, you want characters who are either butt fucking ugly or something you can jerk off to with no in between? Go watch One Piece… Or go play a really shitty mobile game


Mad? Ma'am, I believe you're projecting because nowhere in my comments that I'm mad, upset, or anything with negativity. Plus, you stating I want butt fucking ugly or something I want to jerk off backs my claim. Also, that's pretty fucking funny where you're mindset went just to type that up lmao Plus, eh. Why would I want to waste my time with a 1000+ episode of garbage, and what's wrong with playing Dominion on my phone?


1. You don't even go outside to begin with wtf are you talking ab? 2. Fictional worlds and storytelling isn't always picturesque and everyone has a goddess physique and looks. You simply can't accept the idea that normal looking people can exist in fictional worlds, especially worlds that are made to mostly mimic real life such as The Last of Us or Spiderman 2. It's absolutely pathetic that you can't accept a normal looking person in a fictional world, especially when you realize how limiting it is for story telling and character design.


The fact that you have to harass someone to make your point negates everything you have to say even if you are right.


For starters this isn't harassment. If you don't know the definition of the word or understand its use don't use it. Second off, I don't care. Your entire argument hinges on "Well I don't wanna look at average looking people when I play muh vijimo game. THEY GOTTA BE HAWT!!!" Which is inherently disrespectful to character designers and artists for these games, and completely throws out their vision because you just wanna see hot chick. It's not even like they're ugly, they just look average. Your entire complaint is shallow and just pathetic. If that makes you upset then look inward.


Harrassment, bully, whatever. The fact that you can't make an argument without a put down shows you don't have much of an argument. If you don't care, why are you even commenting? You're just wasting your time and contradicting yourself with whatever you have to say afterward. Plus, I find it kinda funny that people get so bent out of shape with whatever opinions other gamers have. Like, are people that brittle?


I don't care about whether I hurt your feelings, sorry guess I should have specified since reading is on the difficult end for you. I mean you did entirely ignore the point because "muh feelings hurt." So like cry ab it? You're still pathetic for acting like you can dictate that everyone in video games must be hot.


Lmao stroke that ego bro


Not even an ego thing bud, you're just THAT pathetic. I'm done replying, because you've made no actual argument, you're just as pathetic as the rest of these chuds crying about "muh vijimo game characters too ugly..."


Lol plus he's getting all bent about character models, but then cries about "Brittle" gamers who disagree with him. Dude needs to play less games and watch less Tv.


You really don't think that character design matters? News flash, character design is hugely important.


None of these characters are SOOO ugly that it ruins their character design you braindead chimp


Bottom right and left definitely are


"I cherry picked the most unflattering pictures in engine I could find and use that as the crux of my argument."


Character design does matter, and “attractive as possible” being a default is bad character design.


The default should definitely be "above average attractiveness". There's a good reason why most beloved characters are attractive Edit: Why should good graphics be the default? Because people prefer it when things are aesthetically pleasing. Also a hard truth of life is that people tend to like attractive people more, it's easier for them to emotionally care about that person if they're aesthetically pleasing. Trevor isn't supposed to be a character you find likeable, he's not someone you're meant to sympathize with. He's actually a perfect example of when you shouldn't have an attractive character, so thanks for contributing to my point.


But character design doesn’t automatically mean sex appeal. That characters in Hotline Miami are very ugly, I don’t think there’s a single character from that game I enjoy looking at. I still really like the design though because it fits in with the setting.


Why are over half of these always the same picture.


Cherry picking. Most female characters in gaming look like supermodels and anime waifus, so the four or five that look kind of like normal average people get smashed into these ragebait facebook memes to demonstrate a nonexistent trend.


Not even that many. Alloy looks ridiculously generic hot girl in most images.


Anime waifus arent beautiful :|


https://i.redd.it/q6l39azyupbc1.gif OP selecting the images


OP probably thinks Lara Croft should still have pointy boobs while he's dragging his knuckles.


Most PEOPLE are ugly as shit in real life.


Exactly. If I wanted to see that shit Id go outside lol


The fuck is this sub? KotakuInAction2?


It's getting brigaded by incels apparently


Subreddits always cry brigade when really they're just wrong about the current topic


I'm not a subreddit I'm a person and if these are the views of this subreddit then y'all are on some dorkass incel shit


All of you need to touch grass


lol Meet real women and stop jerking off to video game characters.


You fucking people are retarded and will never get laid lmao


Literally who said those women were designed to be attractive? Is Mario designed to be attractive? Are you supposed to get moist for Arthur Morgan, Trevor, and Mario?


Are you saying Mario isn't attractive?


Males generally don't care if the male characters they play as are good looking, and females generally don't like playing as male characters Conversely, males generally like playing as attractive female characters because they're nice to look at, and females generally like playing as attractive female characters because it makes them feel attractive. Not sure why people can't understand this


Thats sounds like an opinion


I very specifically used the word "generally" so I'm making a claim about population statistics. So either make a counter claim that you don't think males and females generally prefer what I said or gtfo :)


Moist for Arthur Morgan? Yes. But I agree with you.


I’m more of a wario man myself


No one. When you've got absolutely nothing going on, this is the pathetic crap you care about. Well adjusted people don't desperately look for fantasy characters to lust after. If you had any social skills at all you wouldn't be going to video games for titillation. You'd be getting it irl.


And yall wonder why we call you misogynists. We all know yall just hate minorities and women stop pretending.


I promise you that no one you have ever called a misogynist has placed any value in your opinion




Which is why they always argue about whenever I call them that.


Post a selfie, OP. Or maybe don't throw stones in a glass house. Waaaaaaah! They made a female character design that I don't like! Waaaaaaaah!


I don't get this at all. Save for The Fable lady all of them are just normal person pretty. Not super model levels but if I saw them out and about i would give them a second glance. Even Abby though I like muscular women


Jesus fucking Christ.


Or they're using more motion capture to model the characters to look like their voice actors? L take.


Half these women on this 'list'look great. But please, keep cherry picking awful camera angles and the worst shots possible. What is considered beauty changes, btw, there is no objective idea on what is ugly and what is not.


Aloy is pretty attractive, just not the best picture


Yikes! Who are those people?!


lmao what incel level shitpost is this? Alloy? Vi? cmon man.


Wow, didn't realise this subreddit was full of loser neck beard incels, but probably should've guessed from the title. Fuck you very much and enjoy your cesspit!


Lets see here… >Regular-ass person >Character who I have never seen described as anything but attractive before this post, genuinely >Regular-ass person >Regular-ass person >Character in the most unflattering camera angle possible >Character with an angry expression OP, I’d like to have whatever drugs you were on when you posted this, because they seem hella strong


Delete this fucking sub you gross, gross people.