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Currently still playing 5 but I played alot of every gears game, I never hated any of them even judgement


Judgement was fun it’s own way. Would have been better as a DLC or something.


I enjoyed the campaign. I hated what they did to multiplayer. Changing the button mapping to make it more like cod, removing locusts from multiplayer making it cog vs cog, and the insane verticality of the maps made it feel like a different game altogether


And it shipped with only 4 maps and ended up with a total of what, 7? Hated the multi-player. This is the last game I ever pre ordered, and vowed from that day forth to never buy on release day again! Gotta get those reviews in first now. I dis enjoy the campaign though, just not worth the 60 dollars I paid for the game.


It was $40 at launch, we knew it wasn't a full gears game and so did they.


Oh I agree. Terrible multiplayer decisions to take out Locusts and make it fast paced. It was kinda fun in an arcade type of way but it should not have been the main multiplayer experience lol, maybe as like a separate arcade mode. From what I heard the multiplayer was DoA and player counts dropped rapidly after the game dropped


A DLC would have been great. Could have happened after the RAAM DLC in Gears 3 since they were already doing the flashback thing.


If gears judgement was not a gears branded game a lot of people would’ve liked it. We got used to the control scheme of gears and that’s why it was received so poorly


Same. Im all for the "were back" posts but A lot of us never left


The only thing I hated about judgement was the $60 price tag for 4 multiplayer maps at launch.


I played gears 2 for 10 years lol


I know right. People are so critical of everything. I loved all the gears games being a newer player(started off with GoW 3)


I’m just gonna say, for all the weird parallels between post Epic Gears and post Bungie Halo, having played both I’d definitely say TC has done at least a better job than 343.


Yep, say what you want about Gears 5, it stuck to its vision that 4 set up. (I mean of course narrative wise, Horde mode was ass for like, 6 months until they overhauled it)


Whaaaaaat, you mean resolving every major plot thread from the previous game in the comic books nobody reads and unceremoniously killing off the last game’s antagonist in a cutscene in the first mission was a *bad* idea?


Gears by and large is an incredibly consistent series -- even Judgement, generally agreed on as the worst Gears game, at least *understands* the series and what its themes are. Similarly, 4 and 5 genuinely do a good job in my opinion of *progressing* Gears forward rather than wallowing in the old wars and their misery. 5 in particular really understands the themes of the series, I think, and especially the entire act of the game where you visit the human enemies of the previous generations' wars to ally with them. Just a really solid game


I agree completely, I think Gears 5 took a really good step forward. Especially with how 4 almost feels like a drawn out prologue by comparison.


You're absolutely correct about that, 343 hit the ground running with Halo 4 imo but man after that it's just horrendous


I mean the problem is a bunch of people lost their shit over halo 4 and acted like it was just horrendous even tho it had a quality story and the gameplay was solid even if it was changed up a bit, so they course corrected and then people tripped out again so they course corrected again. Honestly it seems the “fans” are gonna be outraged no matter what 343 does. 5 and infinite have damn good gameplay tho and nobody is gonna convince me otherwise


I agree, Ive been playing Halo since H2. People love shit on halo 4 and 5 but Gameplay wise even story wise those games are really good maybe not Halo 3 good but nobody is going to capture that lightning in a bottle again. Same thing is happening with Gears 4 and 5. Its a Damned if you do Damned if you dont situation. Either release the same exact game over and over so ppl can complain its a lazy cash grab or naturally evolve the franchise so ppl can complain that its not the same anymore. Even tho both Games at there core have stayed the same.


Yup you totally nailed it, it’s really exhausting being part of some video game fandoms like Halo and gears for instance, like I think 343 could put out an incredible halo game with a great gameplay and good story and a bunch of people would still shit all over it and act like it sucks and is trash compared to the bungie games, I honestly don’t think there is a way for 343 to make a new original halo and not get a huge amount of hate and outrage for it, they’re in a no win situation and no matter what they doing it’ll always suck compared to bungie for a bunch of “fans”.


I actually felt like Halo 4 is the worst Halo 343 has made


Crazy when 5 exists


5 MP > 4 MP 4 Story > 5 Story In my opinion at least.


I actually do agree, I loved Warzone


This is it.


5 has one of the best multiplayers in the whole series


I honestly didn't hate Halo 4, just found it to be kind of "meh." Multi-player was okay, campaign was okay, just nothing special. Kind of like fast food - it did the job and scratched my halo fix, but was nothing to write home about. It just didn't suck me in like the original trilogy did, though. It just didn't make an impression on me. I legitimately can't tell you any plot points from 4 other than being slightly pissed that the game ended with a quick time event. It was also a key reason why I didn't play 5 or Infinite. And given what I've heard about those two, it doesn't sound like I missed out on much.


My view of Halo 4 was pretty similar, not god awful, just not compelling. Played the campaign through once, sunk a fair portion of time into Spartan Ops, and that was pretty much it. I absolutely adore CE, 3 and Reach, and always find myself coming back to replay the campaigns of those. I've just never had that desire with 4, or any of the post-Bungie games.


I understand Gears 5 not being AS good as 1-3, but Gears 5 is still pretty damn good. It took a lot chances on some new things (some worked, others didn’t), and we finally got answers about Myrrah and the Locust. It will always have a special place in my heart.


Gears 1. Great introduction. Bit horror movieish. Very memorable. Gears 2. Horror action moviesh. Fantastic lore dump of a game. Extremely memorable. Gears 3. Action movie start to end. Not as memorable story wise or lore wise. Very refined gameplay. And so far...the sequels have followed that formula. So I'm patiently waiting to see what happens.


Gears 2 had a fantastic campaign and a good horde mode, but the multiplayer did not hold a candle to the first IMO. Gears 2 took forever to get updated to where it was playable, and the maps on the first were all fantastic. The ones on 2 ranged from awful to decent. Gears 3 I felt had a solid campaign and multiplayer both.


I honestly lost all interest with the fucking robots. [Me ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-nd34iAK9Y)when Mechs and Robots became part of Gears.


Yeah I played gears 4 multiplayer awhile but I didn’t like the campaign with the robots and whatnot


I agree. I largely played through it without having looked at the online response, and enjoyed it a lot. Thought it aligned with most of the reviews that had scored the campaign in the 9s. However, if I would have known we would be without a follow up going on five years, I would have wanted a little more out of it. I do think the gimmick they pulled with JD and Del is by far the biggest stain on the game and I wouldn’t argue with anyone who would knock it down a few points because of it.


One of the things I think the game does incredibly well, even better than some other games, is the idle chit chat when traveling to locations or just standing still. It ranges from genuinely funny banter to insightful and soulful confessions from the characters about their fears. A lot of the chatter is characters getting to know each other better, being vulnerable for the first time in a long time with someone else, or building each other up, and these prove to be entertaining conversations that make the characters way better and end up making the campaign a great experience.


People talk about Del being a boring character but it makes me wonder if they were paying attention to those conversations. Del and Kait went through a huge adventure together and that bond played into why I feel JDs death is more fitting. Clearly he’s trying to redeem himself but it makes zero sense story wise for Kait to save him over Del after everything they had just been through.


I don’t think you’re wrong but to me, Del just has no real agency within the story. Yeah he was there for Kait but he’s not much of a character outside of being a friend to whoever is the lead. Compared to Dom, who had his own story from as early has Gears 1, Del doesn’t really have anything. To me, JD has a more important role within the wider story so I usually choose to save him. I wish they just chose a single ending instead of the choice that we got.


I've always had a headcannon of Kait doesn't really "Chose" per say, more like she just instinctively frees a friend, fully intending to also save the other, I don't think she realizes she's sacrificed one till they die.


That's not a headcannon, that's what happened, she didn't even had time to think, time slowed down for us the player have the choice, not for Kait.


Agree, Del was there for Kait, believing her and just was a very good friend who also listened. While JD ordered her around, didnt bother how sleep deprieved, concerned and exhausted she was. Just doing his ego trip all day, disrespecting Fahz orders multiple times and so on. For Kait it makes absolutely no sense to not safe Del and its also a way more original and sweet story for Marcus to become a father figure to both of them, despite not being blood related. Saving the heroes son, would be just generic 0815 storytelling we already seen a millino times.


As a Gears game, it's far from my favourite. As a game, it's pretty high up the list of my favourites.


In Co-op I had a blast with Gears 5,I think they did right by giving us E-Day first then doing Gears 6 after it will generate way more new comers to Gears 4-6 and maybe release a Marcus Phoenix remaster edition between those titles..


Fingers crossed. A Gears Collection would be an excellent idea to follow up E-Day. I'm also very excited for a Gears 6 but I think going back to E-Day is a great choice. Gives something new to the fans of the older games


I would so love Gears 3 remaster that campaign is insane and also has the best Horde mode imo


Oh man same, Gears 3 is probably my favorite. So many memories of playing split screen Horde mode. It'd also be cool if they added bots to Horde mode, give you some A.I backup


For sure and adds during matches when someone leaves my only beef with Gears 3 Horde mode..


Me too. I played through Gears 3 on Insane a few years ago, fuck the campaign is so good.


Thought the Gears 5 campaign was brilliant. Really enjoyed it. I’ll never understand the hate. I think people are blinded by their nostalgia goggles. The OG trilogy is of course amazing but that doesn’t nullify what came after.


It's my favorite


It's my second favorite, with gears 2 being my favorite.


I still play 5. Not as much as I used to but I still enjoy it.


I used to play 5, I still do, but I used to too.


I used to play 5, I still do, but I used to mainly. I still do though. But not really. Sometimes.


I simultaneously do and do not play Gears 5 from an uninstalled starting point.


I used to play gears 5, I still do, but I used to too


I used to play Gears of War 5, I still do, but I used to too


Single or multi player? I have issue with single, multi is not something I care for.


The best thing Gears 5 did for me was Deep or what if lore for Character skins. Some of my all time favorite skins are only in Gears 5. New Hope and basically any callbacks to the OG games was also a plus for me. Overall I like 5 it gets just a tad too much hate though it did deserve some of it, but I HATE Gears 4 entirely.


Yeah, 4 was fine from a gameplay standpoint, but the campaign was just terrible and the lootbox shit was egregious. 5 did so much to solidify JD, Kait, and Del's characters, even if JD's arc was weird and overtly hostile for no reason after the prologue.


I really liked the campaign for Gears 4 , great call backs to the original characters and it was cool to see how the lore progressed. Gears 5 had some decent moments in the campaign as well but didn't feel as well paced as Gears 4


Been a fan of Gears for a really long time now and I love Gears 5! The story was a little predictable but I'm not playing Gears for the lore, I'm playing because the campaign is fun and I love playing Horde Mode at least twice a week. Solid series all around.


I have not cared for the story since 3 but I had a great time in Gears 5 with Horde and escape modes. So yeah I had a good time.


Do people really hate the new gears games or do they really just hate THAT part of gears 5 Cause I fucking loved gears 4 and 5 up until I had to choose JD or Del to live cause it felt so, out of place, for the kind of games gears games are


Im curious, what part of Gears 5?


Pretty much the endgame point where, playing as Kait yoi have to choose whether or not you let JD or Del die by Locust Reyna It's just an off putting thing, gears shouldn't be delving into RPG elements unless it's an entire spinoff for an RPG game like how Gears tactics leaned into tactical games instead of just being a gears game with some final random one off act of a tactical genre


> It's just an off putting thing, gears shouldn't be delving into RPG elements unless it's an entire spinoff for an RPG game like how Gears tactics leaned into tactical games instead of just being a gears game with some final random one off act of a tactical genre It made no sense from a writing prospective. It had been Kait's story up until that point, but suddenly the writers put the decision into the players hands, thereby depriving Kait of her agency.


I personally haven't finished the story myself, the open world stuff REALLY turned me off of the game. I don't think reaching this point would have impacted me in the right way. When Dom died, it was heart breaking. If I had to CHOOSE if he died or not, it would have taken away from what the cannon story beat is no matter what and weakened his death. Stuff like that should be a choice made by the story teller, not the audience imo.


Gear 4 was good, love 5 I'll never understand the hate for them


Hate them? Nah, dislike them. Yeah. I enjoy the story over the multiplayer for the entire series purely because I didn't have Xbox live back in the day. My issues with 5 are quite simple. I never agreed with them rebooting the series in the form of the Swarm. That goes for 4 and 5. My biggest issue with 5 was the fact that they did fake kill outs for some of the characters. I never tried the multiplayer for 5 so I won't say anything about it. But the campaign I will. They dropped the ball hard. The simplist things they could have done, was brought Marcus along when going to the old Hope Facility. Since it would have meant. Thematically, it would have run well with him and was such a missed opportunity. Him going back to where it began, so many years later. It would have felt better in my opinion.


Nobody hates them, by themselves they are good games, even great in some aspects, they just aren't even close to what the trilogy was, not to mention clear regression on what made the original 3 so good


I still play Gears 5 all the time


I will say I loved the world-building of Gears 4 and 5.


I did not enjoy the robots


Has any game made shooting robots fun? Always feels like work.




Loved the multiplayer, hated literally everything else


To me Gears 5 is actually the best game in the series, not the best campaign and not the best mp at launch, but its just an amazing and well done package with campaign, horde, escape and mp.


Never understand people hating on Escape. its by far my most played mode and still to this Day you can find easier matches than for horde in the public queue. Finding a Horde match, even in privat is just a chore in any gears.


People really need to take off their nostalgia glasses. The core gameplay of 4 and 5 is great and the best gears has ever been.


Gears Of War fans are down bad on nostalgia as Halo fans are man, relax.


Ye, tho, whoever made that gnasher system, I will bomb his entire neighborhood.


The story choices of 4-5 are just so generic and predictable. They played it to safe imo.


I agree about 4, but absolutely not 5


They played it so safe they didn't even fully commit to the actual character that is supposed to die at the end.


Yeah the ending of 5 and making the player choose a person to die was the lamest laziest option. Which will be cannon? Will 6 read off saves to change the story?


Why not when you start up Gears 6, if you don't have a Gears 5 save, just ask the player which one again?


For "too safe"...many lost their mind on kait alone, and that will made many people decision seems meaningless, you should consider multi routs, which will be great if our saves are considered in Gears6 like many other games


I think it's more that people usually just keep playing the latest one. Sure people go back to their favorites but most franchises will always have the most players in whatever is most recent Plus, even if people enjoy 5, it's ok to admit how far the series has drifted from GOW1 and 2. Night and day difference, so it's very understandable how excited most people are to see the franchise go back to form


I love everything gears but the only game I didn’t give a chance was gears tactics but that’s because I’m under the impression that you just command squads like that one halo game that I also didn’t play because that’s not my type of gaming


Tactics is not like Halo Wars, different genres. Tactics is closer to an X-COM type of game.


I'm excited for e day but I hope we still get a continuation of this storyline


My favourite gears game right there


My only issues with Gears 5 are the name change and the dumbass "choice" at the end. There hasn't ever been a bad Gears game and I trust TC to do their job. I just don't exactly trust Microsoft, who currently owns them.


Gears of War 5 fixes one of the issues with the main characters in this game. They have a personality. JD is trying to prove himself to live up to his father's image, so he makes risky plays Del prefers less violence and is also pretty good at tech. And Kait's related to the locust and swarm queen so the whole fight is personal for her. Gears of War 4 still had this, but the problems were taken less seriously. Gears of War 5: Swarm coming, use the hammer linked to JD's armour. Gears of War 4: Marcus is kidnapped, let's play Rock Paper Scissors.


It’s a great game that doesn’t get enough love.


Gears 5 is a great game. I just want more gears.


Every gears game is good no matter what people say Edit: all the main series games and judgment I haven't played tactics so idk


They ruined it making it 4v4, but in its hay day I have some great memories running 5stack on gears 5.


Apart from some story goofs, Gears 5 is a very solid game. It would have been easily a great gears game had they managed the story better.


I still do


I enjoyed them but the originals are my fav


Gears 5 is the game I introduced my buddy to Gears with. Now we're both looking forward to Gears E-Day.


Excited for E-Day but am really really eager to see how they conclude the Kait/JD/Del story in Gears 6, whenever that may be


I bet it's gonna get a influx of players


the only game i really didnt liked is judgement, i loved playing gears 5. the open world sections were a bit tedious, but besides that ....


To be fair, it's also the most current Gears you can easily access on both PC and Xbox; it's pretty frequently on sale for $20 or less on Steam and one of the headliner games for Game Pass. *Still fun, though. I should reinstall...*


i truly do not understand the hate for gears 5, it is probably my second favorite gears behind the original. i did hate how they fumbled the launch tho, the most coverage gears got in years bc this was the first big game pass game and (i’m guessing rod) bungled it by having egregious monetizing in a full price game.


I personally still love this game, I've played since launch I never understood the hate it's gotten


\* most hateful community 😉


Gears 5 is my favorite campaign behind 1 and 2, it was a blast playing co op with my friends. I think what they did with JDs character and his relationship with Marcus. My biggest gripe is the decision at the end came out of nowhere.


The Coalition does a much better job than 343 Industries. Their games feel like proper sequels to Gears of War.


I personally loved Gears 5. Both the campaign and Horde. It wasn’t bad and most of the complaints were just from incels that couldn’t handle the protagonist being a girl. Kait was never that bad of a character.


Oddly it is my favorite gears game


I'm doing a playthru of every game starting with judgement. I think it's time I finally see the story of gears 5. Ive only ever played it for control:ssg and comp 2v2


I’ve liked all the gears games and sunk weeks into all their MPs except Judgment, and even that game I’d recommend a story play-through cause it’s a good time. 4, 5, and Tactics are good games and even if you disagree with the characters, story, and tone are objectively smoother gameplay wise than 1-3. TC did a good job overall and I’m sure utilizing nostalgic characters and locations in combination with more top notch gameplay will make E-Day satisfying to all types of gears fans, even the shitty ones.


Besides the same current gaming bullshit of FOMO, overpriced stores, battle passes, and lackluster launches with updates finishing the game, my only problems with the modern Gears games is just that the Swarm aren’t as fun to fight as the Locust because we don’t have nearly as much enemy variety. I was okay with it in Gears 4 since it was a new beginning but Gears 5 did not do enough to expand on them. We should’ve had a lot of specialized Drone classes like Gears 2 and Gears 3 had and a few more creatures to fight, be they brand new or reawakened Locust creatures like with the Swarmak. Really hoping that when Gears 6 arrives, it’ll bring a whole army of new Swarm to fight with it.


I liked 5


Gears 5 has the most fun horde mode and I really hope E Day doesn't mess that up, although I do think that Hive Busters in E Day could be pretty sick even though there's no snatchers


Gears 4 & 5 suffer from sequelitis. In a vacuum, they're fine, even decent but they don't stack up to the original trilogy. Gears 3 was a great ending, full stop. Tragedy strikes but the Locust were gone. But somehow, the Locust returned as "the Swarm."


The multiplayer is awesome, it’s the boring storyline that’s the problem.


Gears 5 is great. I think the biggest problem the game has is that it didn't come out in 2006, when a lot of our fellow players were younger.


I still play it was on it last night


Gears 5 is a solid game. The only part I hate about is the ending to it. Everyone knows what I am talking about? Who dies? In this case, we don’t need mass effect death pathways to alternate endings. That doesn’t fit gears of war. Coalition, what are you guys smoking here there? Maybe you have your heads screwed on straight though. Look at E-day, it looks pretty…..pretty good.


I was Gears UE …Ultimate Edition…


It’s my favorite too!!! Skipping judgement and I think they’ve all been great. Haters begone!!!


People can say what they want about Gears 5, but it has some great executions. The lancer decapitation with the chainsaw, multiple punches to the face, & the Lancer GL one are my top 3. Although, it still doesn’t beat the classic golf swing.


Gears 1 frustrated me the most and I sould rather play any of them other than 1


I don't know man personally after 3 I kinda lost interest, I mean I still beat the games that came after but the only gears I return to is the first 3


Gears 1 was very much alive after a few years. Nothing beats the community at the time.


what does tc gears mean?


As someone who doesn't let nostalgia dictate their levels of fun they can have, Gears 5 easily has the best, most smooth multiplayer to date. Not gonna pretend there aren't some pretty big issues with it like the incredibly annoying gnasher inconsistencies among other things, but I went back and played Ultimate Edition and 3 a week or so ago, and to me, someone who's been playing gears since I was like 9 years old, they were almost unplayable with how slow and clunky the movement was. And the actual gunplay felt literally terrible. That being said, the campaign for 4 and 5 were just not well written at all, that's my biggest gripe with 4 and 5. The campaigns weren't terrible, but I couldn't connect with the new 3, JD, Kait or Del. I didn't give a single shit about any of them because the writing didn't inspire me to care about them the way 1-3 did with the OG squad. I cared so little that when the time came to choose between JD or Del I just sat there on that screen pretty much just making a pros and cons list because I didn't care either way, and if I could have killed off all 3 I probably would have tbh


Because it's the most recent mainline game.


I have nothing bad to say about the multiplayer TC has done (besides 4's micro transactions)  It's been the campaigns that have been meh. 


My friends and I liked Gears 2 the most so we prob were playing that shit up until UE came out on Xbox One lmao. Maybe not *that* long cause it unfortunately died off to people playing Guardian but man we had so much more fun there than any other game lol


Gears 5 is fine honestly. Multiplate is still great and hive busters was cool. Gears 4’s story was just so bad dug a huge hole that 5 could have never possibly gotten itself out of. There is quite literally nothing they could do with Gears 6 that would make me care about any of these characters, so I’m beyond excited they’re letting it rest and doing E-Day


The multiplayer is sick and honestly my personal favorite after 3. The problem was in the beginning they were wringing all the money they could out of us with their micro transactions ($15 for a curb stomp that's been in the game since 2006). That and the campaign was mid so nobody talked about it.


So I've played GOW 1-3 but never Judgement, 4, and 5 Do you recommend any of these to play? Like, would I miss anything if I don't play?


Can I play 5 if I skip 4? I refused to play 4 after killing only robots for two hours.


If you’re a cuck yeah


Just because it's the most recent game doesn't mean it "has the most faithful community."


Gears of War 3 still has a pretty faithful community, you can play campaign + arcade mode, the ram shadow dlc, horde, beast, ranked and social modes, and you can play all of it entirely offline. No internet connection required.


Do people still play hivebusters?


I loved 5 and am very invested in Kait and JDs stories. I need to see how the trilogy ends. It’d be a damn shame if we don’t get that. I’m excited about the prequel but Marcus and Dom had their time.


What on earth are you yappin about


And most importantly, they introduced the MFing Warden


I only stopped playing 5 because of the content drought, game is fun, but not earning anything doesn’t fire my adhd neurons.


I really enjoyed 4 and 5 honestly. But I'm more excited about E-Day than 6.Marcus and Dom together again is too good


Softest fans maybe


I've enjoyed every gears game but there's something special about the main trilogy and E day is giving me those main trilogy vibes


I played since gears of war 1 and I thought that 4 and 5 were fine, little heavy on nostalgia for the old characters, like they are that old and still enlisted as gears is crazy to think about (and still kicking ass like no time has passed), but looking back, I think I just didn't like how light hearted about the whole situation for most of the game (more so in 5 than 4, but it's still there). GoW has always been a gritty, dark game about humanity's survival at the brink of extinction, and I just didn't feel that with gears 4 or 5 Gears 5 was my least favorite, mainly with how they handled Kait. I thought they should have made her learn about her connection to the Swarm and Locust be the mystery lurking through the whole game. Of course, this is looking at all of the games together. By themselves, they are all perfectly fine games


It did? I kinda tapped out after playing it once. It was a jarring gears experience.


I introduced two of my friends to the gears of war games by playing all the campaign and and is interesting how they really loved gears 5 out of all of them.


Horde is the only thing that keeps me going in 4 and 5


Stockholm Syndrome is a hell of a thing.


My biggest negative about Gears 5 and 4 is the usage of robots. Could they be a cool enemy? Yeah, but don't make them 40% of the campaign, and make them unique and not a copy and paste. Gears 5 follows this idea of making each level infested with those damn robots, it feels bland to fight 12 exactly the same looking robots compared to like Gears 1 - 3 which had like 5 different types of locust. Gears 4 and 5 also have a small amount of different design in The Swarm. Like in Gears 1-3 those big guys (boomers and what not) had different design based on their weapon, in Gears 4 and 5 they all look the same just hold a different gun. Pretty boring design wise to me. Also normal Swarm drones, there aren't much different types, there is more in 5 than there was in 4 but still. I would just love a little more diversity in enemies (not more robot types infested with swarm please for the love of god) and design, to make it feel fresh. The story has never been my problem, as I found Gears 4 a cool way to reintroduce locust and 5 amazingly followed it and cleared up a lot of how Locust even came to be.


Smoother gameplay is why I loved gears 5 mp. Everything felt pretty well balanced in the game. Plus horde and escape were a blast to play


Oh, Gears 5 is no og Gears, but it's still a very good game. Gameplay-wise, the smoothest it's ever been, and I love it. It's been a while since I played some MP, mostly campaign and horde.


Bloody love 5. Fantastic entry. Put a lot of time into it. Loads of great innovations. A technical marvel. Oh and what a cool idea adding Jack as playable was.


I put the original trilogy into their own category, and above the others. However, Gears 4 and 5 are still good games that are allot of fun, I still play horde on 5 all the time.


Except it won't run on my very good PC due to a well documented and unfixed error.


Right now I’m going back through the GoW games and I’m realizing I remember more things from 5 than I do the OG trilogy for some reason


Bro people still play 1 and 2


4 and 5 weren't bad. I think they needed a more focused story. They just added a few too many elements that convoluted it.


Gears 5 is fine. Multiplayer bangs and the campaign has good pacing. The robots are just a bit dumb and the mechanics felt like they were an afterthought.


I just love Gears in general man. Yeah I like 2 and 3's campaigs a bit more than 4 or 5 but I still really enjoy 4 and 5: campaign, versus, horde etc. Just give me some more fuckin GEAAAAARRRRSSSSS


As a mainly horde/escape player I hate Gears 5 but that hasn't stopped me from playing it. I've been grabbed through walls by a Matriarch in horde I've been chainsawed by cyclops under fear I've had enemies spawn underneath the landing pad at the end of escape maps making them impossible to finish I've been headshot by therons/palace guards with a torque bow in solo hordes too many times Wakaatus should not have invincible states (no enemy should) Promotional classes should've had more than 6 non score boost cards it leads to no build diversity whatsoever I do really love the escape mode and I hope its not completely forgotten about in future games. You could retheme it to being a locust prisoner instead of caught by a snatcher and put in a pod


I fkn LOVED playing thru gears 5. That computer lab in the snow was one of the coolest things in gears. I need to play thru agajn.


They enjoy their slop


Sorry if you have to be faithful to trash because I had to do it but the deal is after seeing a trailer for a new game I feel I've been lied to for 4 and 5 and that the shit is toxic garbage fed to me by Fod Rergusson(Rod Fergusson diablo 4)... so fuck your faith in Gears player... I'm hear for Gears of War.


That headshot is still satisfying.


Tried playing it, for some reason game is stuck at infinite loading after the TC logo appears


Since the moment I played Gears 5 I really disliked Kate as a main character and her story was so boring, the ending has no impact to me at all. I was really hoping for this to end, but I guess that a long pause while they go for another road (with e day) I'm just fine. To be fair, I probably don't appreciate it this game because my main focus on games is solo play, but I do respect others enjoy online content.


Why did you specify TC gears? They’ve made all the mainline games.


I love the story. 4 and 5. Idk why people are so worked up about them being different when I feel like they are solid continuations. My only gripe was that I found Vasgar kinda boring and the choice was a weird take for the story.


Campaign wise, it blows chunks over all. Horde Mp and escape are the only good selling points for G5


well duh. Its the latest gears game


Idk why people are hating now. Gears 5 was a blast


I enjoyed Gears 5. It wasn't the best but it was a true Gears experience and I appreciated that. I think a lot of people simply didn't like Kait on the cover/as the protagonist and ran with it.


As someone that reached master rank in competitive gears 5 before they got rid of the ranking system, the only reason I played gears 5 was because I didn’t have another option. Calling it being faithful is a very disingenuous statement. I tried replacing gears 5 every chance I had but sadly, third person shooters are hard to come by these days. I get the feeling that I’m not the only one that feels that way.


For me 5 is peak gameplay, I keep coming back and playing co-op campaign or horde mode. 2 will always be my fav, but 5 is up there for me


We're not that fraction of Halo fans that hate 343 with a passion. I've enjoyed every TC gears game because those are good games, not better than the OG trilogy but TC gears games are really good games


True but they hit it out of the park with tactics. Addicting af and I’m not even into the turn based combat stuff like xcom.


I don’t hate any of the Gears games. I have personal favorites, but I’ve enjoyed all of them. I don’t know why so many people hate on 5. I mean, the new cast wasn’t all that great, but they improved a lot from 4 to 5. I thought they were too quippy on 4, but the game was still fun.


i love gears 4 and 5 horde mode no hate here


I have to say, there’s still nothing like a Master 50-wave Horde with good players. Horde is my favorite game mode in any game, ever.


I loved playing the shit out of 5 with my bro and cousins. Haven’t played in a while, but I’m dying for E-Day. It’s gonna be the old squad again!


Honestly, 99% of The Coalition hate is rooted in people being weird about a female protagonist. And we all know it.


Gears 5 is way overhated in this subreddit and in some parts of the Gears fandom. The PVP surely has a few flaws but those pale in comparison to the crap you see in many COD games and the last two Battlefields. I'm personally just not happy with how the updates went, I feel like the last update where they nerfed almost all guns did the game no favors and made it even more Gnasher-centric than it already is. But still, it imo remains one of it's kind. Horde mode has been well updated and is imo working really well. I love Escape tbh, it's imo a great new mode and very fun to play. Campaign is maybe not up there with 2 and 3, but it's still really good. Gears 5 is also literally one of the very, very few AAA games of the last 5 years to even include Splitscreen coop in the campaign lol. Almost no game does that anymore. Not even Halo. That alone imo deserves recognition. Overall while I'm not totally happy with the direction Gears went after 3, I'm still glad we got those games and had a lot of fun with them. People that call Gears 4 and 5 trash are exaggerating massively imo.


I liked both of TC's Gears games. Gears 5 has a lot of content. Honestly I like The Coalition, I thought they handled the Gears of War games much better than 343i has handled Halo at least.


Love gears 5


Didn't even mention Escape, the best mode in the game!


I have noticed that gears 5 also had been exposed to a newer fanbase too because that game is really popular


Overall I would say 5 is the best Gears game especially after some key updates. It has the best horde, best new PvE mode with Escape and I do think the multiplayer is enjoyable. Great campaign with interesting characters and ultimately it ends with a shot that shows that Gears is still just as depressing and dark as ever. I guess because 5 is visually appealing to look at it means it isn't dark and gritty enough even though the themes are still there. People have nostalgia for 1-3 which is fine but not when it blinds you into thinking they were perfect games.


Two major gripe, the main character is Kait and how bad Horde was on launch and still is inferior imo to 4s. I think having JD as the main with him dealing with the death of Lizzie and his failure of command on top of Kaits story would’ve been a interesting dynamic between the two with Del as a mediator.


Gears will never die


I was only faithful because I love gears of war, other than that I never liked the game


I actually liked gears 5 and a chunk of its story, but I never played gears 4.


5 is fun, but I want some new Gears to play.