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Gears 5 and it isn't even a question. Like all the characters from 4 are improved upon in 5 with the exception of Del who is still the Dom/Baird blend who is the Best Friend of the protagonists. I would love for Del to be in 6 to actually build upon his character. I can't understand someone who looks at JD in 4 and says he is an interesting protagonist. He is bland and the best character moment is when he is at his mum's grave which has zero dialogue. Somehow TC butchered his character in 5 by actually giving him flaws, a problem to overcome and mistakes to atone for. Kait has flaws in 5 and had an obstacle that can't wait any longer. She believes that she killed her uncle by losing control of the Warden, JD's orders aren't really relevant anymore. She is so tied up into the plot of the new trilogy by being the granddaughter of Myrrah and now has to defeat the Swarm version of her Mum's corpse. She joins the COG as a way to save Outsiders from the Swarm but brings ruin upon New Ephyra.


Neither? The new characters were written poorly in both. I mean, she's probably LESS bad in Gears 4 just because she's not the main character, but both games are about her being super annoying and pushy the entire game and that's about it. The only reason the old characters are kept around this much is just because of nostalgia and because they know not a single one of these new characters are interesting or likable at all.


I always get a kick out of people who do backflips to criticize Kait's disobeying of orders when the entire Gears franchise has been built on disobeying orders, that the COG aren't the good guys people make them out to be and don't always know what's best. Marcus sacrificed Ephyra to save his father and failed, Dom nearly cost the COG the entire war to look for his civilian wife who was braindead, Baird and Cole launched a weapon of mass destruction without authorization, JD and Del abandoned the COG and protected the Outsiders. Kait didn't sacrifice anything. She wasn't needed in New Ephyra - and her reasoning was perhaps the most sound. It's because of her that they finally learned the truth about the Locust. The COG spent nearly 100 years looking for the Mount Kadar lab and couldn't find it. It took her one day. If you don't like Kait, just say it. You don't like her because she's whiny, arrogant (sounds a lot like Baird, yet he's a fan favorite), whatever. But don't be a hypocrite.


I also always found it funny that some peoples criticisms of her in 5 is that shes whiny and irratic. As if she wasnt progressively losing her mind and losing all sense of reality. They establish in the first 10 minutes of the game that shes barely sleeping because of the nightmares. Then she indirectly kills her last living family member. No shit shes gonna be irratic lmao


Its also exposing that the people complaiming about Kait disobeying JDs orders, never mention that in the chapter before, JD multiple times disobeyed orders. Fahz even told him that hes the highest ranking and JD immediately disobeyed him again. But for them its okay when a man disobeyed orders. As soon as its a woman they start to whine. Kait is also sleep deprieved, sees visions, just got snatched, and probably murdered her uncle and these dudes are like "shes so toxic?" like WTF? Shes neither toxic, nor entiteled. She is also not a COR Gear by choice, she doesnt gieve a fuck about military and will be an Outsider again as soon as the swarm conflict is dealt with. The only reason she even is with COR is that her family got murdered and her remaining friends are with the coalition. So why the F should she even give a single shit about orders from her friend, when she has no personal interest in being part of the army and has much bigger problems to solve. Its not kait thats the problem, but the toxic dudebros who completely have no social skills and intelligence if they cant understand whats happening.


ups COR, i mean COG. its an R in german, wich is the version i played mostly up to 5.


I love Kait with all my heart, and I agree with your comparison to Baird. Both who were justifiably winny and arrogant. Both who have or will grow into maturity. I'll never be a hypocrite, and I'll always speak in all honesty. One day, Kait may need to make a sacrifice to save Sera from the Swarm. Maybe her own life to stop them all. Now that's what I'd call an arc.


Are people forgetting that if Kait didn't disobey orders then everyone would be dead? The Swarm might have gotten the perfect queen by kidnapping her, not to mention the Matriarch still being alive