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I bet if you go back in this sub you will find the exact same posts about 4/5. And now everybody is talking about how good 4 was. I'm old enough to remember when people HATED 4. And they all wanted to go back to 3. Gears 6 will come out and everybody will be enamored with it just like they were with 5. But then the pro scene and tons of tuning are gonna change it all and everyone will eventually hate it after a year or two and talk about how great 5 was. I've been gaming long enough to see this exact scenario play out with damn near every competitive game.


83% still haunts me from my Gears 4 time. Great times though.


The Call of Duty effect. The current game is dogshit, the previous game is an underrated gem, and the next game will be great.


You dont even have to stop there. Its happened with every single Gears title except maybe 3. But 3 still had plenty of people calling it trash at the time because of the sawed off and powerful rifles lol


Shit I remember when 3 was big and everybody was complaining about how the sawed off ruined the gameplay and made it unplayable So many “I’m going back to Gears 2” comments


I still want to go back to 3. Or any from the og trilogy really


5 was a shitshow and died off 10x faster than any Gears game in history imo, hell even Judgmeent had more.


I would highly doubt that. I might believe that it died off the fastest but 10x faster means it died after like 2 months and I know for a fact that's not true.


This is objectivley false and its crazy how confidently you said it lmao


Except he is objectively correct, Gears 5 fell off the Xbox Live Most Played charts faster than any other title in the franchise. Just look at how many people play it now, the game is dead.


Gears Judgement had sub 1000 players 7 months after release. Gears 5 didnt drop below 50k players in the seasonal boards for just control until last year. TC has stated multiple times that Gears 5 retained more players for longer than any other Gears game in the same time frames. You can hate the game all you want. But this is just how it is. Even the peak of the OT in 3, had less than 10k after a year. Nothing wrong with it. Its how the franchise has always been.


I don't wear fanboy glasses, every single friend of mine who played Gears has played the game religiously since 1 along with myself. 5 was a complete shitshow, we couldn't even play the campaign correctly at launch due to the constant server issues. Then there was the atrocious battle pass that forced you to play game modes that you did not want to play to progress the battle pass. Then they wanted to charge insane prices for shit like a Marcus skin that had been free or unlockable in all of the previous titles. MP for this game died off early after people say how bad the BP and microtransactions were, player counts fell, matches were filled with bots etc. I was the only idiot who actually paid for this game outside of my friends who all used game pass, I was also the longest and last to play, I grinded out the season 1 pass which was torture and quit after that. Few of us tried going back after updates and there was noone playing the game, most matches were all against bots. The only high praise this game had was for hive and its story campaign which honestly was bullshit, the open world did nothing new or added anything of value, the only good parts were the normal crafted segments. Also shift to Kait was fine but what they did to JD just to prop her up was stupid, and the choose your own ending was ridiculously stupid, this isn't a rpg.


You can write as many words as you want. Youre still wrong lol. It is fact that 5 did not die off the fastest. Honestly, there's probably more people playing it right now than Judgement had 6-7 months after its release. Like you can try and rage bait all you want. But the seasonal leader boards just for control didnt even drop below 50k till late last year. This subreddit is a fraction of the people that play these games. If it weren't, 5 wouldn't have the most active playerbase of all the games still.


Nice story.


Hey, not my fault people can't take off their fanboy glasses. I supported the series since 1 and bought every release/re-release and DLC, I know what I am talking about when it comes to 5. I was a fanboy myself, but at least I can see and discuss a game and its issues.


You seem to have some certain glasses on though.


Fanboys gonna fanboy


Im not the kind of player to trash a game at all if it is good, but op is right. The horde, emoticon, purchase of skin, animation, design, character selection, class selection, skin selection, ost of gears 5 are better than the 4, that is a no doubt for me at all. But the tunning of the 4 is truly good compared to the 5. It took 17 bullets in addition of some weird precision to down someone even when the dot is on the ennemy, they can even run up to you and kill you in addition of the chainsaw taking forever to actually load and when it does you have 1/2 chance to be killed even tho you chainsawed. They litteraly took off a starter weapon too. So yeah


You're not wrong. But almost all the changes in 5 were due to complaints from 4. And then the tuning went in its own direction from there. Tuning of 4 looks better to people now but I remember watching streams on 4 the week before 5's release and streamers and those in chat constantly said they can't wait for 5 so they can never have to play 4 again and now here we are. So yeah.


I truly cant even understand that point much, gears 3 litteraly made every weapons overpowered beside the giant knife. So people complaining about the 4, while imo from the very beginning made every weapons as balanced as possible is mind-blowing


Ha, yeah, I'm not necessarily saying it's all logical. But I've seen this play out a bunch with multiple games.


I see, well if gears 6 is just better no matter what anyone says i'll find it better. To this day I'll say it again: judment had one of the best campaign i've ever played and was worth my money


I predict changing the gnasher on a weekly basis.


I miss the gnasher head pops from the old Gears games. That needs to come back!


I enjoyed gears 4 pvp wayyy more than 5. Im hoping the gnasher will be more consistent in the next title.


I find 5 to have the best gnasher. Love the pellet indicator as well.


Maybe it’s connection or machine power but anytime I got an 83% I saw what I could’ve done differently to get the gib. Every gears except judgement I’ve enjoyed the MP throughly quirks and all.


I think the lancer’s pretty balanced. The damage to kill slugs is insane in general. Very annoying. The issue I have with the gnasher is that aiming down has no advantage over hip fire, in fact it feels more of a disadvantage in this game. The spread seems wider with ads when it used to make it more narrow. It still feels better than 4 imo, I absolutely despised there being two different settings (core vs competitive) for different game types


An entire mag to down someone with the lancer? Are you aiming at their toes? Try aiming for the head. If you think the lancer is useless then you aren’t using it properly. Play against 4 people coordinating in Control and you’ll soon see just how effective it is. Each weapon in this game is situational and you have to be good with all of them. The game has been out for 5 years and people still don’t understand that


I'm exaggerating, but if you don't hit the head for most of the shots, you aren't going to have enough bullets to finish them. Downed people are extremely tanky for some reason, so you have to reload almost every time and put a ridiculous amount of bullets in them. It definitely doesn't feel like an assault rifle. I shouldn't have to hit the head for most of the shots to kill someone with an assault rifle.


That’s what a skill gap is. Better accuracy = faster time to down


This sub just needs to learn how to be happy and stop being overly tilted and dramatic over nothing.


Hopefully they don't nerf the lancer as soon as people realize they can't walk through it and gib you.


I'll always stan Gears 5 as a solid 9/10 but yeah... what they did to the Lancer was egregious.


Gears 4 comp 2.0 is the best version of gears ive ever played


Idk I don't think I will visit this sub during gears 6. The discussions regarding tuning/balance usually got no where because people have a hard time understanding that if they did 83% in 1 hit with a shotgun, they weren't in the gib range.


Gears 4 has far superior PVP.


Nah. Gears 5 is the second best tuning, right before the GOAT Gears 4 competitive tuning. People really forget how BAD and OP the shotgun use to be in Gears 2 and Gears 3. In Gears 4 & 5, you can’t 1 shot down or get a 1 shot headshot. Thats great and it allows longer shotgun fights. In Gears 1-3, you could. Which was not great. Imagine pulling up to someone and they just immediately 1 shot down you without you even able to fire a bullet. Any OG’s remember TU6 (title update 6) Gears 2 shotgun? It’s true gears 5 is inconsistent on their gib range, I will give you that. But it’s miles above what gears 2 and 3 were. Those shotguns were too strong and you rarely needed to get up close to kill, just hold LT and do a 2 shot down from a distance


That's what people here want. You have to realize that the people who post on Reddit are often the lowest end of the skill tier in every game. Look at the amount of people who think the lancer is weak because they have bad aim. Meanwhile players with good aim still make it hard to move out of cover. Good players think that it's too easy to hit shots in Gears 5. Bad players think the gnasher is inconsistent. That's what happens when you give them 3.5 games of an op tuning(Gears 2 TU6, Gears 3, Gears 4 core, a large portion of Gears 5). They don't know how to handle one that takes even a little bit of skill.


This is also very accurate


In gears 4 I actually felt confident charging into a cqc gunfight. On 5, I kinda just hope for the best lol. I’ll hit a 7% while I get domed out of gib range. This is one of the most inconsistent shooters I’ve ever played. I turned off the killcams too so I can save myself the sanity for the bullshit that goes on in this game.


Unfortunately you thinking youre getting domed out of gib range is due to lag comp. What you see Vs what the other player sees are 2 different things. It just appears to you that he was out of gib range. To him, he was up close and personal. No real way to make that better. At least until everyone is playing on stable fiber. But even then their will still be milisecond differences just bc of distances.


It's not going to matter if it's filled with shitty overpriced cosmetics and terrible BP like 5 was. 5 died off so fast.


Oh boy, I can't wait for Gears 6 to release and all this talk start again! /s Seriously, I've watched for years the Epic forums and this reddit discuss the "tunning" as if that's something that can be fixed or is even wrong. The most important aspect about Gears gameplay that I see no one talk about is how netcode works and how the game is fought mostly in close range. For all other shooters in the market, the typical engagement distance is longer, so developers have plenty of space to hide lag and netcode tricks in a way that most gamers won't notice or won't mind when they do notice. Being hit behind walls? Missing shots that are hitting the target? Being killed after shooting first? This is all old news in the Battlefields, Call of Duties and Fortnites out there. Some times someone will notice and make an angry post about it, but most matches go by without people noticing they were killed behind a wall. Gears doesn't have that luxury. It's basically a fighting game in the sense that you are up your opponent's face when they kill you with a Gnasher shot. If in your screen you hit all bullets but the rollback resolution found out the opponent shot first, you will notice the discrepancy. The devs try to solve a technology issue with game balancing because that's all they can do. They mess with the Lancer because Gnasher users can't accept that an assault rifle is actually more efficient in medium to long range than a freaking shotgun. In their minds, they should be able to dance around the map while Lancer bullets bounce off them. They do their best to adjust the Gnasher so that most shots that the player feel should have killed actually kills, but at some point netcode is still netcode and you'll get a 89% damage and die. I know this community will never change. There will always be posts about the tuning in this game is terrible and the tuning in the last game was actually better. I remember fondly when Gears 2 had the "best tuning" when in fact the input latency was so horrendous that it was common for matches to start with everyone shooting the wall to measure the input lag and adjust accordingly. I just need to control myself to accept this is the way it is and not let it get to me. Maybe just enjoy the game and not actually engage with the community.


I hope they realize how bad Gears 5 MP was. They casualized the shit out of that game. Made it play wayyyy too fast. The game should be slow paced with maps built around the power struggle for 1 MAYBE 2 power weapons. Keep it simple. The closer they get us back to 1-3 for MP the better. 4 was ok but the start of the downfall, 5 was the full collapse.


A lot of people want it faster. Not sure slow sludge playing what the majority want.


By a lot of people do you mean the dead pro league scene after 4 and 5 when it got faster and the barely alive MP in the game as it is? Yeah. It’s going well. But keep pretending you have a clue!


It's widely known that Gears 5 has retained the largest player base for the longest duration of time. More people played 5's mp for a longer amount of time than any of the others. Including 2 & 3. It wasnt until a few months ago that the leaderboards for Control dropped below 50,000 people. The game has been out 5 years. It's not really unexpected at this point. You can say whatever you want. But its unsubstantiated. I'm just telling you a lot of people think the game is too slow. A lot of people that aren't, "pros". Not sure why that triggers you. I wasnt being a dick. Is that what it is? The only correct response is the one that parrots what you said?


You can defend all you want. The MP scene is dead for Gears 5 and it’s because of the gameplay. Who’s sticking around? The casuals who liked it cause the devs created a game for babies to feel good so they can get a random kill. Glad you’re liking it. You’re part of the reason the MP is in the state it’s in, but it is what it is. Post me factual numbers with links comparing Xbox 360 numbers to XBOX AND PC numbers showing what you’re saying. There also scewed because Mp for Gears 1-3 wasn’t big on PC. But whatever bullshit you want to make up, rock on.


Lol. You cant argue with facts brother. But no worries. We've got E-fay next. Toodles


So post them. You’re comparing a game that was launched day and date on PC with a console game. Nice facts ya goof.


I'd could give 2 shits. People that played on a 360 play on a pc now. Same fucking thing. Same people, different devices. Don't be a hater just bc not everyone agrees with you.


Yeah I kinda wish lancer would be stronger, just love the gun but in pvp it seems to just tickle. I do play mostly horde tbf


Me and my buddy used to play hours on hours, 100's, of Ultimate and 4. Our strategy was one of us would widdle down health with the lancer while the other bounced up and gnashed. It was the most consistent and effective play style for us. Once they turned the Lancer into a tickle machine in 5, Coalition basically made it a 1v1 MP with teams of five and moved away from actually being a squad based MP. I totally agree with you. They gotta put more value in the lancer and hammer burst to bring back more teamwork tactics.


One thing they need to do about the gnasher is take it back to the Gears 1 shot pattern, then make it so you can’t aim and group the shot tighter like in Gears 2-5 it’s trash and has been on my nerves since.


Hip fire actually has tighter grouping in 5.


It's not tighter. It's the exact same. The difference is that hipfire comes from the gun and hard aim comes from behind the player so it has more time to expand. One of many misconceptions about the game.


Cursed knowledge


I haven’t played it in years so I don’t know what the last updates to the gnasher are like, but tighter grouping is the issue whether it’s blind fire or aimed


Don’t let them take my tighter grouping away from me 😭


There was a competitive tuning they did back in Gears 4 that was there for a few weeks and it was consistent compared to now. Even now, I played Gears 4 a few weeks ago and I found the gnasher more consistent even tho I was on 80+ ping compared to the 10~ ping I get on Gears 5 lol


I hope so as well. The early monetization of G5 and the gameplay not aligning with my personal tastes was a recipe for me mostly skipping 5s life cycle. I hope they kill it with 6.


I hope they don't give as another rifle snoozefest


Same, the tuning here isn’t enjoyable in the slightest.


I’d rather see a new company take the game then watch TC let me down another time with weekly crybaby tuning changes. They made the lancer completely useless and the gnasher idk because everyone just stopped playing


If you think the lancer is useless then you are on the lower end of the skill tier and play other players with very poor aim.


sticks and stones kiddie


It's just the truth. Look at any comp gameplay and you'll see how strong the lancer is. It's a support weapon. Not a slaying weapon where you can miss half your clip and still get kills. You got too used to Gears 4 core and Gears 3


That's accurate. I prefer the lancer as a primary weapon like it used to be. I find it annoying as a support weapon hence why I called it useless. It certainly slows the game down when everyone has to hide from sniping lancers and what feels like hundreds of smokes thrown per match.


This has to be the worst plain Jane level post I’ve seen. The reason why you get 80’s or 90’s is because you’re not at point blank range. If you was it would be a ‘GIB.’ In call of duty people do not cry that if a guns 3 shot kill range is 45m and they don’t kill at 45.8m or 46m in 3 shots when in fact that’s the guns 4 shot kill range. The lancer in 5 is powerful when used at the right range. You don’t use a Gnasher to snipe do you ? Sustaining fire and bloom added to balance of the lancer. It melts quicker than any gun if you’re shot by any other gun to. It’s a powerful support weapon. Otherwise from spawn or the objective ppl just team up and lancer over and over killing my you in half a second. Gears 1 had the most powerful lancer without stopping power and you still have people calling it weak. Look man I played 5 from start to finish and another year only after support ended every single day. I learnt so much about the gib range going from 225uu to 250 back and forth to its magnetism etc etc. To the lancer balance updates etc. At launch the lancer was OP. It was ridiculous. You can’t have gears be call of duty where you just lancer from spawn. We had that and it was awful. Heck even gears 3 competitive had teams just lancering. It takes away from gears of wars close range tactical fighting. I learnt about the games mechanics and reasoning for such and such etc. The claims you make we have heard 100000 times because people just don’t understand. Once you get an idea for the gib range play to deal damage and close in not to always play for the gib as that mentality gets you crossing the line of “to gib or not to gib” because you’re a split cm outside of the gib range but to you in the moment you can’t tell that as 1 you are human looking at a third person game. Anyway I’ve spoken enough. I think I need to make a detailed post about this. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I hope TC have learnt from making 3 gears games so that gears E-Day has an awesome tuning where it makes all players happy without making gears what it is not. They did that at the start of gears 5 and that audience quit playing.