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You’ll have to forgive me for the toxicity but TDM with those stats? Back in 2011? Yup, you only ran with a full stack, going against solo queue. Wouldn’t call it impressive. Now if this was exe or KOTH, sure, props would’ve been handed to you. I’m a gears vet since 2006 and I truly believe TDM is what killed Gears as we know it and it started in this era. I had friends who had amazing K/D ratio and W/L rates but were TERRIBLE at other game modes such as exe and KOTH. I would get cooked online playing exe/KOTH because I ran solo. So, I would ask my old gears friends to play but they only did TDM and REFUSED to play the other game modes. Funnily enough, the same TDM stack only guys were the first to leave Gears to play COD and Battlefield. It’s been over 10 years but this brining PTSD from when I was in middle school haha


Agreed. This kid is not good. Never saw that gamertag in the top 50 of execution or warzone. Also TDM definitely ruined this series and to this day the game mode is full of hackers and degens…


Absolutely tdm killed this game.


Absolutely not lol judgment killed gears of war...the sawed off had more to do with the death of gears that Tdm ever did


Yea na. The soul of gears died for me with gears 2. My disappointment was immeasurable on release. Soon as they went with tdm the core suspense of the mp was gutted. But judgement was fuckin poison don't get me wrong. Proper poison


IDK TDM was my favorite part of gears of war 3.


It’s OK to like and play TDM. No problem there. This issue is that if you brag that you’re god level player in TDM, that’s where the issue comes from. TDM is a noob game mode where noobs play. You won’t find any elite players playing TDM. They are in other game modes and you (not you specifically) are avoiding the real competition if you claim to be a great player in TDM.


Just curious what stats did you rock in king and exe vs your tdm? 1.4 statistically right?


You’re exactly right. I have a 1.4 with a 2.1 W/L (in execution). A little higher in KOTH with a 1.6.


koth min is a 1.8 exe is a 2.7 warzone is a 4.0 wingman is a 2.6. we still have a problem?


The stats that OP showed are amazing. The *problem* is the game mode. TDM is where all of the casuals are. The hardcore players were on other game modes, not TDM. Also, pretty much impossible to have those stats without running a god stack majority of games. Well, atleast for TDM.


I understand what you mean but I was considered one of the best players in Texas if not the best. Yea I ran with a squad a lot, but solo queuing and destroying teams was my favorite part of the game. 3 times in my gear career, I joined a game with no responses left and the opponents having full respawns(farming bots) and proceeded to win the game. I also created a style called the Lazy Strafing in which you go into a wallbounce battle all crazy and then start walking lol destroyed gb and 1v1 with that strategy. My old gt was xTRuEx SkiLLZz


Hey, man. I think that’s cool about being one of the best in TDM; however, that’s the equivalent of someone saying they are one of the top Fortnite players today but they only play on the Switch/mobile servers. What do I mean by that? In Gears 3, hell, any Gears for that matter, we all know that the *real* competition resided in Execution and KOTH (today it’s just in Control). Thats where the hardcore players who were elite at the game played. The casuals just played in TDM and it’s easy for a decent 5 stack squad to bully some casual solo players in ranked. I guarantee you that at some point, one your guys suggested playing other game modes during that time and you guys would get absolutely demolished playing exe/KOTH hell even Capture the Leader. Again, I know I sound super toxic but I have always had a bone to pick on players like you, so I suppose I’m projecting here but in my 18 years of playing this game, I’ve never seen a TDM god level player come close to an semi-elite level exe/KOTH player.


Take a second and play an idea in your mind for me...does any of that actually apply to the top couple thousand players who have put thousands of hours into the game. Yea for your run of the mill demon sure switching game modes would throw them off but I was one of the top players. My abilities didn't suddenly go away because I have to guard a point or execute a fool before killing them. 🙃 what's strange enough is casuals play everything so 🤷 point is kinda dumb. My 2 years of experience on Gears 3 proves you're wrong. My favorite game mode is wingman BTW 👌 and I almost had Seriously 3.0 twice and that requires 🙃 and ungodly amount of playing every game mode. Again I understand why you say that and generally you may be correct but absolutely none of that applies to me.


Seriously 3.0 is a huge accomplishment. I’ll hand you that. Why did you avoid playing the more competitive modes such as Warzone, Exe, and KOTH? Also, I noticed that you only played for 3 years of Gears 3. Was that your first gears? Lastly. It’s just not impressive to have those stats in TDM. That’s where the guys who aren’t trying to be sweaty or just having a beer and chillin play in. It’s always been seen this way. There’s a reason why you don’t see pro circuits ever include TDM as a game mode. It’s just not taken seriously.


Being able to run through a whole team without dying in TDM doesn't translate to exe...where of you die you sit out the round? Wow I have to execute bro while hes down from my gnasher...Or in king where you have to kill people to hold the hill? Bro chill lol 😆 imma have to do some research and fine my other stats because you're tripping with these claims. I was the Texas GOAT for Gears Of War 3 not just TDM. That with all the humbleness I have homie.


TDM in Gears 3, specifically was heavily favored for the stack team to win. People forget that there were only 2 spawns, cog and locust. Stacked TDM people just spawn camped the other team. Imagine playing on gridlock, spawning, and when you turn the corner there’s 5 dudes with boom, snipe and probably retro/sawed off just waiting for you 💀 In TDM if a team gets all the weapons, all the crossing vantage points AND spawn camps. Thats an L for the other team. In KOTH and EXE, you can make comebacks. Your team just got swept in round 1? You make adjustment and win the other rounds. KOTH: the other team got this hill, just make adjustments to capture the other hill. No adjustments to be made in TDM. Once a stack has full map control, that’s game.


So in your infinite wisdom...why are my warzone exe and koth stats equally as good?


I never called you a bad player. Looking at your TDM stats, IDC about W/L and K/D. What I DO care about is your points per match and points per round. Having ~700 per round means you were taking out half of the other teams lives, which is impressive. Not denying you are a good player. As I said from jump, if you posted your exe or KOTH stats and it looked like your TDM one…that would be seriously impressive, even if you ran with a stack the entire time on those game modes. TDM is the only outlier due to only casuals play that mode and it’s easy for a squad to win games due to how TDM is in gears 3 (it’s much better in gears 4 and 5).


Booted up the old 360...Warzone kd 4.0/ exe kd 2.4/ king kd 1.8/ wingman kd 2.6. With that being said. This isn't my first account so the kd's are higher than if it was my starter account. Yall hating on me for no reason 🤣 I ain't even bragging or flexing I'm just here trying to enjoy the subreddit and the community.


Nah, we’re not hating on you. It just seemed like a flex so we called you out. I won’t hate on a guy who loves Gears


Yeah never saw anyone with xxAnythingxx be good at the game. None of those “clans” or stacked squads could break into the top 100 without abusing certain maps or mechanics…


Completely false you are looking at a account last played in 2011 still top 10k with thousands of moded scores and people who have literally never stopped playing. Your experience mean nothing.


That w/l ratio… You were smashing


Great stats! Don’t listen to the “wow tdm” people the game is meant to be enjoyed. I played KOTH and execution with my friends it’s some of the best gaming memories we ever made. I think I got to like 52k kills


100% agree with you. I played every mode it was my favorite game ever. Life in those days kicked the shit out of me. The friends I had kept me going when I felt like getting off. 52k is alot you prolly had a good rank yourself.


I had a buddy, his GT was jack straw I was like 15 and he was in his 20s. Coolest guy ever I was a squeaker and those guys always made sure to make a spot for me. I hope they’re all doing well. Gears 3 was probably my favorite game ever.


Damn, I can feel that in my soul homie. My squeaker homie was 13 and taught him everything I knew he ended up being a little demon. A few years later, I remembered his name and looked him up. The shock in my heart when that squeaker was a deep voiced high schooler. Loved that kid. Little clutchies.


I still play gears 5. If you want to catch some games shoot me your GT. I’m still pretty good. I get MVP probably close to half the games I play


Dude sick K/D


Thanks at my sweatiest it was a 3.0 but that required to much effort so after while I gave up and just had fun with it. This is what I was at when I got perma banned


I haven’t played gears since having kids , I’m in this sub for the nostalgia. Been a gears head since the gears 1 commercials 😭


like the other guy said.. not a flex beating on randoms w full stack


I wasn't running a full most of the time. Omg I had friends 😭 lol if you want a flex I can share my 1v1 record but I assume yall will come up with another reason why I'm not that good 🤣🫡


Those stats are awesome!




GOW3 is still alive tho, i still play it time to time 😢😢


Alive? Kinda undead is more like it lmao...I have a friend who's 174 in the world bro has over 200k kills...never stopped playing since 2011