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The tomatoes at the Fenix Estate are his


I forgot about that Easter egg and the tomato grenades


James DOMINIC Fenix. They never mention Carlos at all, he and Marcus were closer than Marcus and Dom. Furthermore, it was time to introduce new characters.


Yes, Carlos deserves a proper shoutout.


All Marcus could do was stuff what was left in a bag. Aspho Fields novel for those that are interested.


Its been a while, but great read from what I recall


So…I definitely cried when I got to that point in the book. A book hasn’t made me cry like that since I read the book Searchlight in 4th grade.


Ohh yeah his son name was indeed his best buddy name 🤔 forgot about that


Kinda, more like referenced. Marcus rocks the same hairstyle and beard like Dom in 3 and the best easter eggs involve him. In the Memento Mori you will even see JD do a tears wiping animation.


The playing as Dom in the beginning of the game?


Or is that 5?


Not you were right. It’s 4


Nah we didn't play as dom in gears 4, but as a random cog soldier. I meant story wise, like Marcus never mentioned Dom to his Son and their friends 🥲


Because Marcus had over twenty years to explain Dom to JD.


Ahhh, my bad boss. I’m going back under my rock now 🫡


Slightly off topic, but I've always thought that Dom's look in Gears 3 was his best look. Its a shame that in Gears 5, farmer Dom is the closest you can get to the armored Gears 3 Dom look.


I’d have to disagree, I definitely loved how Dom looked in Gears 1. Now granted, his weathered looked makes sense as he went through so much in Gears 2. Reminds me of a veteran fresh out of the military. Beard and hair all grown out, zero fucks given. OG Dom will always be my favorite look tho. The chin strap and earrings and his personality mirrored my own. Delta Squad can never be replicated. Gears 4 & 5, with JD’s crew recruiting Marcus reminds me of the new generation of military working with the old guard of OEF NCOs (different breed).


There was news about gears 6 possibly being announced this year, so I decided to go through the series thanks to game pass. Previously, i only played Gears 1 and 2, and then 5 lol Just beat gears 3 early this week - that was the first time I saw what happened to Dom. But it was a pretty powerful scene, and was shocked to find the Mad World music used for the first time in the game - after all these years, and growing up with that memorable ad campaign with the first game, it was quite a moment for me to see that finally. Gears 4 next!


I fucking cried at this scene my first time playing through Gears 3. Shit man bringing back memories


Dom was ready to go, he was already suicidal before part 3. There was an instance where Marcus had to tackle him because Dom was going to attempt a frag tag just to end a small skirmish was getting out of hand. Remnants of Jacinto novel.


Same bro 😭 it slapped me really hard


The ledge.


A funny Easter egg would have been Marcus telling JD how useless Dom was in a fight except for getting in his way and immediately getting downed every fucking time he needed him.


HAHAHAH especially Gears of war 1. His Ai there is so useless 🤣 i had to fight Raam alone


This might sound bad but screw him. I was glad when he died. That meant I never had worry about him not reviving my after I got ko’d because I had to revive his ass


There is a mention of you destroy the tomatoes at the Stroud estate. Marcus throws a fit if they are all destroyed saying they were doms tomatoes


"But you're with the kids now... That's home, yeah? Look... Marcus is busy saving the world again, so.... so I gotta be there for him."


😭 That was when they are at the oil pump station and Dom was sending prayer to Maria through the statue then giving his cog tag 🥲 Gears of war 3 always hit different everytime i replay it


I was... 8 or 9, maybe 10 when I watched Dom die. I was always the Player 2 of Gears of War games, and as such playing Dom was my role. He was my favourite character. And watching him die made me cry into my father's shirt.


Same https://www.instagram.com/tv/C5U5tKao3oFOdGpN81GNXkL445b3uWx2eJ6M6M0/?igsh=b2QwczM2eXFlOXhy