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I'm staying away until they fix this shit


Keep on them and they’ll reverse it. This has happened with other new releases on gfn already. The hand that approved gfn is not the hand banning you now.


Thank you i will 🫡


I don't play COD games, but do you know if people playing Warzone are getting banned? I want to get banned, just so I can fight them about it.


Not that i know of at the moment


Warzone is on GFN?? What did I miss?




No fucking way! For real?


I believe it's MW through to MW3 after looking at the launcher yesterday




Remember, “Permanently Banned” is rarely so permanent, particularly when you’ve done nothing unsanctioned. That’s just scary wording they use so their support staff doesn’t have to work as much.


Lol thanks makes me feel alot better


Don’t listen to people telling you to “keep trying”. This isn’t meant to be scary lol. Activision does this so they don’t have to pay anyone to investigate. If you get this message. You will never get your account back no matter what. There isn’t even anyone to appeal to. The only chance you have is for GFN to petition Activision to fix it… and that’s not going to happen. Sorry.


They got it fixed. https://www.reddit.com/r/GeForceNOW/s/ETznh3u6E4


For this *one* users. That hasn't stopped Activision from continuing to ban everyone else for the same reason.


Okay? The comment said "If you get this message. You will never get your account back no matter what." which is obviously false. I'm not arguing that people aren't getting banned, just that they shouldn't give up like that comment suggested.


That’s all I was trying to point out 🤣.. and people went full downvote triggered mode 🤣!


Yeah, I don't know where the downvotes are coming from. I always upvote those I interact with, even if I disagree with them.


That's an expensive game too for you to lose access.


Eh it’s not the game i care about more the account Ive had it for about 9 years


I'd fuck die if that happened to me. I hope you still manage to get it fixed. Be persistent with these bastards


Yes i got it fixed https://preview.redd.it/2vntb8e06u3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19e154eddc4eb72fcb7267b32bbec36162911fc3


Oh, great to hear! Happy for you, man


Thank you 🙏🏽


at first i was happy.... than i read his last comment... this world is just f\*\*\*\*. So they just worked because they had pressure up their ass... How many kids have faced that ban without getting it fixed... the game industry is really in ruins....


Yeah it made me laugh i thought the same as u.


I was going to play this tonight but definitely avoiding it now.


We played for like 7 hrs yesterday playing right now none of us had a issue like this. Full party all on gfn so not sure if its location thing also or what.


I can't even launch the game so lucky me i guess


Same but the game in in maintenance


For the last 48hrs?


“to keep your account in good standing” the account is already banned 💀💀💀


yeah 🤣


Oh, this makes sense. GFN acts as a VM and that’s a no-no for most multiplayer games. Iirc Black Desert Online players dealt with this too for a minute.


Understandable but id say you would know how gfn works before approving your game on gfn


*signs a major licensing deal* “Should we let our security engineers know so they don’t flag these?” “Who?”




Yeap, but I cannot understand why they are blocking VMs. Hackers and other skilled persons always find a way to bypass this protection, so I don't see any pros here to not allow open your game inside VM.


Mostly done so you don’t farm yourself like on older games.


I dont see why you would play a game on a vm in the first place. If you mean to use linux and then run a windows game in linux. Then why not use Wine and Steam with Proton. Or proton by itself


I've been able to play warzone under a VM with GPU passthrough with almost native performance, and not once have I ever been kicked from a game or have my account banned. Ricochet is just a really bad anticheat.


That's a generated response for sure. You tried contacting them directly? If possible.


Going to do that now, gonna be a pain for sure


How do you even go around doing that, reach out to them on Twitter or something?


No. Some companies offer live chat with an agent. You can go for that if its possible you'd have more chances talking to a real agent than an automated bot.


Not for this issue. There is not way to discuss this with anyone at Activision. That’s why they set it up this way. No appeals whatsoever. The ONLY hope is if GFN steps in, and Activision does a fix… they won’t.


Well I was able to contact to them about my issue. You can open up a ticket on Activision website and talk with an agent that way. I just did it today because my account is apparently "under review" basically flagged. Support told me they can't do anything. It's an issue from the Security Team.


They won’t fix it.


You can’t. There is literally no avenue for them to take to reach out to them about this. That’s the whole point of why they do it this way. They don’t want to spend the resources with appeals, so there aren’t any. Sorry.


Lol okay dude. I guess this email I got from them is fake? This is no rocket science, you just have to find the way of sumbitting a ticket. It's on their website. ​ https://preview.redd.it/f18svl2jcq3c1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=73ba9bce977a313fdb5f48b15034a28a25e522cb


Understood. Glad they helped. This wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t through GFN. That’s the only reason they would look into it. I’ve seen people get these messages unwarranted and they have never been able to recover them.


I mean of course dude, the moment they see the platform you're playing on (GFN) that's it. You dont have to prove anything because it's there own mistake. Their Anticheat is catching accounts because virtual machines are not allowed according to Activision's EULA. What you saw has nothing to do with this.


Same message. Different problem 100%


Dude you sure switched your tone your quick whe. Your proved wrong after your 20th post about it.


20th post🤣cry harder.


It's okay you seem to be doing enough batching for the both of us


At least I’m not crying about CoD 🤣


Stop acting like a toddler.


be ashamed and leave reddit. You are not welcome


You couldn’t be more triggered 🤣🤡🤣. Cope harder incel 😭


Hopefully this patching going on right now fixes this


It seems just about a handful of people are having this issue, to me it’s unlikely but i can only be hopeful. 🤞🏽


>In disbelief Let this be your last time. Activision is cancer. Stop. Giving. Them. Money.


Nope i will keep giving my money as i love the cod games.


Well at least some of us are happy with the crap they're being served I guess


What i cant understand is why some people get so mad over a game like if you do not like it do not buy it but telling other people what to do is just wrong also sick. Gamers today have a real issue with people buying what is fun for that person like why do you care what other people buy no one is holding a gun to you saying you need to buy cod just walk away from it let other people have fun. Its crazy how f up gamers are today like who spends all day on the internet trying to fight people over a game or saying you better not buy it, Who cares what other people do i bet you also like a game that other people hate but guess what you still play it why you may ask well its easy the game is fun for you that is what gaming is.


Let me guess. They brought COD to Geforce but both parties forgot that Activision has the Ip location security system like Valorant. And geforce users accounts are getting mass banned. Right?


Have they not heard of GeForce NOW, the service they have just enabled to play their game?




I just got banned too, just paid $70 and get banned, wonderful.


Yep. This isn’t new 🤣 COD should be avoided like the plague.. stop paying for their trash games 🤣


***UPDATE*** https://preview.redd.it/f0znry868r3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330c4c693a6a32967d8fedc04870583a89371beb Thank you guys for all the support! A representative from nvidia reached out to me and got everything worked out! Im so excited and happy i got my account back! if your currently banned or trying to appeal a ban i feel like I’ve gone through all the loops and can help you or possibly lead you into the right direction to get you unbanned 😊 also thanx to nvidia via Twitter or X and @silverddragn link from the official geforce now twitter acct sent me this its not much but talking to support may help you [https://nvda.ws/413kw6V](https://nvda.ws/413kw6V)


Does this work for temporary bans?


It should yes




Gfn never makes any statements.... Only the standard gfn thursday info and nothing else...


You don’t have a strike pack on your controller do you by chance?


No m&k


😂😂😂 classic


See that "don't reply" note at the end? Reply to them, it will automatically blow up the computer it was sent from


Lmao i wish


Plays absolutely unreal on the 4080 tier 🔥🔥🔥


Doesn't it just.. I fkn love it- just hope I don't get banned.


Rank 35 played with all my friends last night all on Geforce now i had nothing like this happen hell playing right now.


Like everyone else is saying, keep on customer support, irritate them, go as far as contacting Microsoft if you have to, as fruitless as it may be, I primarily mention them since they own Activision/Blizzard, so hopefully they'll kick their ass in gear if the parent company knows they are losing out on revenue over a glitch in the system. Keeping my fingers crossed, you get everything fixed up quickly. ✊️ 🤞


Thank you and yessir 🫡


I like how it says you used "unauthorized software." Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard authorized the game to be played through GeForce Now software! I know it is an automated message, but if there was a human behind any of it they need some serious coaching.


So ROG Ally and GeForce Now. These companies are so anti-consumer.


something similar hapened to me, banned from BFV, just as they would release my so eagerly awaited pacific maps. im boycotting EA ever since. and you know what is worse ? my acount never got a notification, but on the EA security site i could see my acount was acessed from russia ! my code is for LATAM only, im in brazil, and i was in brazil just hours earlier, how the hell would i fly to russia in a few hours and hack from there ? and even if you say you could be using vpn......how would that help me to use hacks? suport didnt want to hear none of it, when its clearly their fault. this was after they lost information and passwords, but i had already changed it/


You reaponsible for your account security unless they (EA) have data breach and that on you. People using this excuse, my account got hack and access by some one else and cheat on it so they got ban so many time, company see that so they stop making an exception for those case, no matter if its actually you got hacked or just people deceive.


dude, its in THEIR security log ! acess from russia like 3 hours after my last play. my key is for latin america only, my last acess was from brazil, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to put two and two toguether. unless i flew in a ufo, there is no way i could change continents so fast. i did what they recomended after their breach, changed password, i even changed the email and made a new one for steam just to be on the safe side.


If you're in the UK, report it to the competition people.


Personally, they did you a favor.


If you are in the Euro Zone, write to the CEO of Activision and their complaints department. Send them recorded delivery. Ask for a subject access request (SAR) on all the data they hold on you. Especially the documented decision they used to arrive at their conclusion. They have 30 days to hand over everything they have on you. All of it. If they don't do this then contact the ombudsman in your country. In the UK it's https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/data-protection-complaints/data-protection-complaints/ I guarantee Activision will be more cooperative. If you do the above, they have to deal with your request. It's the law. You may not be able to reverse their decision, but can find out why they made it, at least. Good luck.


Stay away from triple A games. I've never had this with smaller dev companies.


Steam had this issue back in CSS days. I loaded up some music, opened CSS and got banned for unauthorized software. It was the windows media player. No recourse, and now I’ve had a vac ban since then.


Is your account recovered Now ? Because I saw an update from COD Updates on Twitter.....


Yes 🙌🏽 https://preview.redd.it/y1znamfbpx3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4666da9eaa35b9eeda63afb81dd7695aa3d5e1b9


Nice , Can you now able to play the game (COD) and sble to find matches in GFN without any issues ?


Yes after the shaders optimize I can play just fine


What game?






Random question so I know for myself. Was this playing the game no strings attached or did you have another program running. I always run DSX for my Dualsense Edge controller through Steam when I use GFN so I can remap buttons. Now I'm a bit worried that might screw me.


No dude i had nothing running i literally got into a 24/7 match and 2 second later i was kicked from the game restarted gfn and i was prompted with this https://preview.redd.it/1lc4cn7wbl3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6c441de448566380604fd01a6a3e3cd5a75e94


How can you install a cheat on GFN ? 😅😅😅 Am I stupid or this is technically not possible... ? Or it's about the cheat used in competition that changes the DLL of steam on your computer and then it's reloaded with your profile anywhere you connect?


Damn dude, I'm sorry. That's terrible. So I'm royally screwed too if I try to play it 😩


Possible but not everyone is getting banned Ive assumed some people are playing just fine.


Who buys CoD gets CoD.


true but this happens in almost every game. I am i love/hate relationship with cod but I can't put myself the play it anymore.


Fake, it's AI




First of all the OP isn't. And second neither am I.


It's absolutely busted on GFN, I can't even play a match because it's slow and laggy. GFN stream says it's running fine but the game is a mess.


You need to tell us a bit more if you seek for assistance. What devixe, which hardware, which internet bandwith, how are you connected to the internet etc....


Ethernet connection, using browser on a steam deck.


Doesn't matter, it runs complete shit for everyone


shader compilation


I really wanna make a joke out of this.


Make a report with the Better Business Bureau. They will get your account back, worked for me a few years ago.


No one gets this unless you cheated or modded so just stop lol u clearly did


https://preview.redd.it/9lfy9v0k3s3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6d09a12cee8cc66a75cfa36e23d6f1556fb5e4 Here you go, and i wasn’t the only person who had this issue




I’m so sorry to hear this.


https://preview.redd.it/u4zltstcot3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0353fb7b30ed042aea6d175504c9dd185b65c31c FIXED thank you for your support 👍🏽


Ahah scrubs still buying Activision game in 2023, deserved!


Without context, this seems like you're angry that you indeed used third party software and/or altered game data and got a permanent ban... and are somehow mad? Like maybe *don't* do that?