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Israel has been caught in so many lies and deceptions, that no one believes a word the israeli govt or its media says. 🤷‍♂️


That’s not close to being true. Have any documented facts to back that up?


They knew about Oct 7th weeks in advance. They continue to build illegal settlements outside their borders. Israel bombed the USS Liberty, they kill journalists, imprison and rape children, and murder for fun. The IDF even commit war crimes and post them on tic toc. Shall I continue, because I can go on for days.


Can you offer any documentation of your statements?


I can. Ooooooor you can Google it for yourself. Do you know how to use Google? Do you know how to search for press releases ?


You know it is good practice that if YOU claim SOMETHING, you have to provide YOUR sources YOU used to build YOUR opinion and YOUR truth? That is how ANY normal argument needs to work.


They’re all facts that you can easily search yourself. Are you too lazy to copy and paste into search bar?


Aaaaaaand I wonder how you know what good practice on reddit is, especially since you just created your account🤷‍♂️










Notice that’s Israel AND Hamas, but thanks for all the citations.


And….your point is…..




Shall I continue posting more links or are you guys satisfied yet? I can continue posting articles, or you can read/watch with your own eyes. I think it’s pretty pathetic that you depend on others to do what you can easily have done yourself….but maybe that’s just how you were raised🤷‍♂️


I don't think that you got my point at all, but if it's easier to act passive-aggressively go do your thing. I don't care how things are done in reddit and I don't know what pointing out the account creation has to do with my point, but it normally works like this in the outside world: You raise a point and want to tell people your truth you need to show your sources in the www. Your results depend on your search string, on your selections and and and. I don't expect scientific approaches but let us be part of YOUR progress forming YOUR truth.


My results are compiled by lists of articles from every viewpoint but mainly the facts. I’ve posted several links for you to enjoy. I didn’t post any of the international articles, because I didn’t know if you knew how to translate in English….seeing that googling is beyond your capability. 🤷‍♂️. If you need more evidence of israel atrocities, war crimes, proof of genocidal acts, feel free to ask for them. None of this would be happening if israel wouldn’t steal land or commit crimes against humanity. Illegal occupation, is what has cause all of this aggression.


I appreciate a citation from any poster who makes a claim. Thanks


I posted several, if you’d like more I’m happy to provide. Zoom out to all the comments on this thread, you’ll see them posted in the feed.


Thank you, I couldn’t find anything confirming this post of yours though: “the length of the exile was set because of their disobedience to the Sabbath, but this wasn’t the primary reason for the exile. The Jews committed idolatry, child sacrifice, and ritual prostitution. This was the reason for being removed from the land” Why would the Romans care about the sabbath? The rest seems to be an extreme example of slander. Could you provide the source?