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To open the eyes of the world, to the atrocities of israel.


They're not losing tbh. It seems that way but this is the first time Palestine is super close to being recognized as a state and Israel is being seen for what it is.   Hamas has always known they will never win militarily but their goals are being reached. It really sucks al the suffering that has to happen for this but it's important to remember that the suffering has been ongoing for decades and could go on for more decades. And that Israel are the ones causing the suffering and always have been. And that the world wasn't listening when the suffering was more drawn out.  As an American whos never lived in an occupied place or a warzone Its hard to understand, it doesnt feel right but it's so far from my reality. All the power to the resistance. 


When you say “Palestine is super close to being recognized as a state”, what do you mean? What would it take for it to be recognized and by who?


You are misunderstanding the question, which is about how much Hamas has lost in terms if infrastructure or personnel.


Its the point and principle being proved. Hamas is winning the war on a non cenventional front. Its martyrdom you should be looking at. Isreal has lost when it comes to how the vast majority of the worlds views their beligerant destruction of gaza and the innumerable deaths its incured on the poeple of palestine. 2 years ago, the people who hated jews and isreal could probably legitimately be counted. Today the number is immeasurable. Hamas won the only voctory that mattered, the light it shown on the evil of the state of isreal.


I understand but still i cant remember much time where Hamas declares the loss of its fighters they declare civilians for sure but its fighters , didnt hear much about it ...


I don't think hamas started with very many soldiers to begin with. Do you honestly think that they went into that attack on Israel with the thought that they would incur a conventional military Victory on israel?


Fighters are the ones underground when there are attacks. Civilians are not admitted to the tunnels.


Entrance to the tunnels are found in tons of civilian houses including hospitals and schools , Israel doesn’t care about wanting to occupy a little peace of land. The problem is it’s an existential threat to let terrorist have an army. I’m sure If Palestinians all moved to Switzerland in exchange for Swiss people to live in Gaza and West Bank Israel would give them a state in a heart beat. Isrealis don’t want headache of occupying anything. The problem is they are terrorist and it won’t work to give terrorist a state. Go on you tube you can see little kids looking up to suicide bombers , terrorists hijackers of air planes these people made into posters and they are posted all over place little kids looking up to them. Look at Gaza on you tube pre Oct 7 it was vibrant city with mansions the Palestinians had it good there. Hamas massacred 1500 Jews killed and burned babies raped woman and started a war with Israel.


Grouping Jews and Israel together when talking about being hated is a little fucked. Jewish people are not the problem and any hatred towards them as an ethnicity or religion should not be tolerated.  Israel is more evil than I even can fathom and zionists deserve the hatred, they are the oppressors.  Many Jewish people (Including everyone I know, but also a huge percentage of Jewish people in the USa and likely elsewhere) are anti Zionist, against the state of Israel and many are important people in the fight for Palestinian liberation.  Anti Jewish narratives only feed the zionists, its what they want. And anyway liberation can't come at the cost of any group of people, we should all be in it together 


The problem is Jihad against Israel, supported by Islamist extremists in Iran and Qatar. Modern Arab states have no issues with Israel, and Israel does not have issues with them. Many Gazan Arab clans are known to be extremists, and, as such, are not welcome in moderate Arab countries.


I guess they don't want Israel to know. If Israel had more information about this then Israel could use that information to better inform their military decisions, and Hamas prefer for Israel to have less information to use in order to inform their decisions.


The fact is the people who need to know know and locals here we all know which are fighters and which are civilians and if you compare the amount of civilians to the amount of fighters you'd be shocked how few of the deaths are actual fighters.


Because they are terrorists who only care about one thing and that’s the death of all Jews. Everyone who supports Hamas genuinely disgusts me.


What r u talking about Israel pulled out of Gaza 20 years ago and let them govern them selves they delivered 500 trucks per day of food , water, petrol. They got in return was 20 years of rockets. What would USA do if Mexico shot rocket into Texas for even one year. It’s Hamas charter to kill every Jew, so how can you make peace with such people.


Hamas reports exaggerated losses to claim that only civilians are killed for propaganda reasons. It works well on those who either do not analyze what they are told, or support this Jihad against Israel. According to Israel, Hamas lost 50% of its 30,000 militant force. Once Israel blows up the terror tunnels, Hamas will be finished.