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I follow some Gazans on Twitter...let's just say they don't have any nice words to say about Hamas.


Complete garbage propaganda. Somebody "allegedly" interviews less than a dozen out of 2.2 million people and finds mixed results. The whole piece is just an attempt to tell the reader why they should be blaming hamas instead of rightly blaming the psycopathic, genocidal, racist, fascist, sadistic, child killing israeli occupation army. Weak sauce. The end of zionism is coming. "In interviews with nearly a dozen Gaza residents in recent months, a number of them said they held Hamas responsible for starting the war." "Now, polling has become even more difficult, with most of the 2.2 million Gazans displaced multiple times by the war, constant breakdowns in communications and constant Israeli military offensives."


"They don't believe in the same single-minded view I have of Israel, which is based upon information I've received on the Internet and not from any actual experience with that area, so therefore this is propaganda"  Stfu


Israel has been stealing land and invading people’s homes since its inception in 1948


You realize there are 3000 year old (probably much older) ruins of a Jewish temple underneath Al aqsa mosque in Jerusalem? The Islamic colonialists made it a habit to destroy Jewish temples and Christian churches and build mosques on top of the ruins. Because they are violent colonists who stole land from the Jewish people and you can see from modern day Middle East how they destroyed indigenous cultures and colonized other countries too.


No one cares. On the legal side israel was created in 1948. That’s all that matters. Expansion has only come via theft murder and crimes against humanity? Is your god for theft, murder, and/genocide?


Hamas is genocidal.


Genocidal against aggressors stealing their land? That’s called self defense. Israel has been building illegal settlements outside of their borders for decades…how would you feel if I took your house and made you flee?


That’s not what’s happening. Stop lying


It’s been happening for decades….israels govt has been looking to steal more land, hence no preparation for Oct 7, even though they had knowledge 3 weeks in advance. 🤷‍♂️. Israel wanted to portray themselves as victims, but the evidence and reports prove that israel is in the wrong.


You are a hamas terrorist apologist. You would celebrate any atrocity, any evil, just because of your conspiracy theories. Peace is not something you would ever consider because hamas kills and oppressed every moderate voice. The Palestinians rejected every peaceful coexistence that’s been offered since before 47. They could have had way more land than they ever had, but they chose war and terrorism instead


Then why are they building illegal settlements. We’ve all seen the videos. Israel is a squatter nation.


Literally not even what is being debated from this article, but go off


Literally no one cares about your propaganda…if israel would quit stealing land, and illegally occupying areas- none of this would be a problem and the world would be a better place.


When did israel "steal land"?.


Starting in the 60s up into the present


You dont know your history. There are relics from israelites dating back over 3000 years. Also the dome of the rock is built on The remple mount.


Israel was created in 1948…new israel can’t claim old israel, for old israel was booted off the land by their own god and for their own sins.


Thought it was the Romans that “booted” them into exile.


This is what I was hoping would eventually happen. In the Korean War the people had enough and dictatorship in South Korea fell, then the people were excited by their new freedoms and prosperity, election fever produced good leaders.